4 - -~ ~ CAAD~A wr ak~w. mdwitmuvuia. CUTAmID THURSDAY, JULY Bth. Uoe ~- .* . Kirh1 'tylO !eloe M * P1M.IpC, I Arfm4.qIp S... ..... Lia&Lal BUTTERY-Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buttery are happy to announce the arrivai o! their daughter,l born July 7th. 1959, at Maniai- ial Hospital, Bowmanviile. Sister for David. .81 1 wish to express sincere thanks te friends 'and relatives for their kindness, gifts and cards during my stay in Oak- ville Hospital. 6 Lionel Tennant. 1 imL .L.AVsir m>w HAY for sale. MA 3-2648. 28- FEED oats, Phone Blackstoc] 87 r 12. 28-1 FIELD of standing hay. Phort CLAi'K.s-raroia and Norma'1 - 4 (nee Henning) are happy toi 1 wouid like to thank àii my INEW teathen piiiows. Phont annaunce the arrivai o! their friands that wene se kind to niae MA 3-23.67.2- son. Duane Harold, br June 'whilq I was in hospital by send- 1 28th, at Memorial Hospital. A ing cards, fiowars and gîfts and FEED wheat, aise cacdar fenc( brother for Anina-Manie. 28-1 a special thanks ta Dr. Storey. Posts. MA 3-2126. 28-19 Mrs. Bill Knox.-____ COWLE-Don and Cindy Cowle 28-1 CREAM separator, Gurney wooc are happy ta announce the birth steve. Phone MA 3-2052. 28-1 o! their baby brother, Doal T would like ta sincenely thank WATER fo sale. Deliverec, Gardon James, July 8th, at Me- the doctons, nurses and staff o! Phono Cliff Pethick. MA 3-2736. mariai Hospital, Bowmanville. Community Memorial Hospitali5t Protid parents, Don and Ruth. and friends for cards, fruit and.I 5- 28-1 kînd wishes sent me during my THREE-piece chesterfield suite' __________________ ecent iliness. Phont afler 6 p.m., MA 3-3206 Lloyd Trewin. 28-lf8- Engagements Wews aetn u in-WOOD cook stove, green bed- Mn. and Mis. William Axiord cenest thanks ta relatives, sefed.Poeý2- o! Hampton announce the en- fiends and neighbours for thein-_____ gagement o! their daughter Iris kind expressions o! sympathy, GOOD Garry oats, no mustard, Evelyn, ta William Dean Nash, Lards and floral tibutes shown 1 2%'c lb. Don Metealfe, MAnket son o! Mn. and Mrs. Russell D. i'us in aur recent bereavement of 3-2469. 2. Nash of Meaford, Ontario. The 'a 1ovng wife and mother. - - - wedding ta take place in Hlampl:- Ruseli ekn agrt COFFEE table and end table, tan United Church on AugustJ 28-1* good condition, cheap. Phone 8th, 1959, a t 2 p.m. 28-1* '____ MA 3-3090. 28-1 *The farnily o! the late Mr.BR 6'x10t ila Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Beth o! Reginald O. Jones wish ta ex-ILycett,68'Que100.,BWiimaL. Whitby, Ontario, announce the ten sincere thanks ta their ville. MA 3-2382. 28-1 engagement of their pcl-A ., daughter Theresia Agnes n Henry Yurko, son o! Mr. and Mrs. John Yurko of Enniskillen, Ontario. Marniaga vows will bel solemnnized at St. John the uiuuy iriends and neignoours for their kindness and sympathy during the sudden- loss o! a loy- ing husband and father. Mrs. R. O. Jones and family. 28-1' 400 BUSHELS o! !feed oats. Apply Francis Jase, R.R. 3, Newcastle 3266. 28-1 1,000 BALES of hay, claver and LvangilSLAb n Ut WVY IIU, UOn Timothy. MA 3-2668 betweeni July 25, 1959. 28-1* 1 wish ta express my thanks 12 and 1 or after 6 p.m. 281 ta fiends, neighbours and fam-IGARA.~&GE, 12 x 24 ft.. shiplap Deaiths ily for their cards and rnanylcovered, metal roof, dlilveredi DOWNEY-At Memoria] Hos-_ in Western Hospital, Toronto 282"l piaBwavle nWde-adsince returning home t __- pial Bow 1959l, onWeds- nvalesce, also my thanks ta '4,000 FALL cabbage plants, also dayJul 8, 959 W. redthe nurses and staff and Dr. Brusseil sprauts for sale. Hertz- Downey, aged 83 yoars. Hus- Ha-,, inin band of the late Caroline Dow- Mrs. Emnly ain. berg, Salem. Phono MA 3-2200. nyand dean father a! Mildned *r.EiyMis 28-1 ney 28-1 and George. Resting at tho Mon-____ MASSEY-Harnis combine, 6' ris Funenal Chapel, Bawman-g e.wt ao n cu en ville. Funeral arrangements, W wish ta express aur grati- ihmtran Srcen laton. Intorment Bowmanvîlle tude ta the neighbours and Good condition. Phone MArket Cemetery. 28-1 doctors and nurses o! Memonial 3-3098. 28-1* _______ i'Hospital and ail our friends for ___o unbr irc rn MORISReuen 4L..Ath~kindness shown the faniily dur- miii ta you. Phillips Lumber MORS ebnJLA is, flg the beneavement o! a dean aKronOtma hn hom n de,1usîdt at, Lind-1 husband and father. Speciai 17 r 11. 131! say onWedesdy, u1y st thanks ta Rev. R. C. White, 1959, R. J. <Reuben) Morrs Newtonville. KEYS eut automnatlcafly, whie native of Bowmianville, and b- Mns. Priestley and family. you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- *loved husband of Maisie Cheos- 1- ..81wae36KnStEB ni- mian, dean brother o! Olivel2-'iao 6Kn t . omn (Mrs. Doîbent Clamons), and1 ville. 46-tf uncle of Douglas Clemens ad We wish ta express aur sn- Lloyd Young, ail o! Oshawa, in:cene appreciatian ta the Civic WATER,, bard and soft, deliver- his 701h year. Funenal -service' Officiais and thein wives for the ed. Prompt service. Robent H. was held Friday at the Mackey party and prosentation givon ta Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA fefment at Rivenside Cametery, er Wedding Anniversary. Also, H TRIL sutwe LiAndsay. 28- if ta the many fiend-s who re- with walnut trii, excellent con- membered the occasion with dition; van>' reasonable. MA NEADS-At 90 Wellington Stj (iairdg, 3-5434. 28-1 Bowmanville, on Saturda>', Eva and Fred Coucb. -1 ___ ____ July 4th, 1959, Bertha H. Neads,1 ____ 28-1)MIXED had Godf creBqar doughter o! the laIe Mr. andi ales, soed. GdrY Bw- sister o! Lela and Nîna Neads. friands and neigbbours especial- 3-2839. 28.1! Service.was held at the Morris 1>' Mn. and Mis. Bort Siobarthi Fun al Chapel, Bowmanville and Mn. and Mrs. Max Brown 'GLADIOLUS, cut flowens for on Monday, July th at 3:30 for ail the lovely cards and ail occasions. Dail>' hospital P.m. Intenient Bawnianville floral a!!enings and expressions deliver>'. Mrs. Ernest 27-10nt Cemetery. 28-1 o! sympathy during aur nocent Phono MA 3-3527. 2-0 r breaemat i th los a aALSCO - Canada's autstanding .ilRUNDLE--Suddeniy at Rock Ioving father and gnandfather. convertible stonm-scneen win- Springs, Wyoming, an Tuesday. Doga1Mr n dows and doors, railings. Loe Jue 0t, 95, rak 'Bannie Curl. 28-1 Allin, 1 Prince St. 28-1* Rundie, aged 71 yeans. Bob8eh mlo! h lI M.FRNI-not aaicle ed husband o! Edra Taylor. 8 h aiyo h aeM.FACSBretmtrcce ArgleSt. Bwnanill, ndand Mrs. Walter Oke wish ta 200 ce, electric llghts and horn; ArgleSt, oa! Leile n 1eiend their sincere thanks te tires like new, $125; cost $375. dear fatharo eHln the inany relatives, friends and W. H. Brown, MA 3-2610. 28-1' (Mrs. Sûas Trewin), Rae and 1neighbours, Rev. W. A. Logan flan. Service was held at the' and Rev. M. Sanderson for the ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt Morris Funerai Chapel, Bow- man>' acte o! kindness and sy J service ta electnical appliances, manville, on Monday, July 6th th during the sad bs fa! large and small. -Lander H aid at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmian-oigmt and father. Also wr.PoeM -74 43-tf ville Ceniaten'. 28-.1j % ivngrnotber - . .-wae.Phn M1357 killen ladies who 8enved lunch. Iii Me oriaxnMn. and Mrs. Howard Oke, In_______________ Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Mn. anrd ALLE -In ovin inMrs. Bruce Ashton and familles. a dean husband and father 28- Frank, who passed away July'a± i.Rbn . 12, 957.Weeden axtond their sincene Tume speede on, Iwo 3'ears are thanks for the Ihoughtful gifîs gone,, that we ne given an the occasion2 Since death ils gioomy shadow cast lo! their marriage by the people Upon aur home, whene ail wsleather wallets, handmade byd Andioog rohsa ltnn menibers o! the communit>', and il And ook iro us shiinggi!ts o!fnionoy were gîven ta 1: light. tho couple at a traditionai pro-1p W. miss Ihatliight, and even sentation ceemony an June 9. i aan lac aa e iDuring the sainie prgrani tbe Hrevacat placno 0 ne aillC.G.I.T. gave thernia beautiful- Fr ineae rbnoe win vaeilace tableclobh. Two wall plaquasr Forin eavn w wil metwene prasented ta the bride, f again. Miss Judith Stenger, by neigh-S -Ever rmembered bv wife brsaI a boa at the home o! Mrs.A Sarah and family. 28-1' Diane Werny. Mn. and Mis. CROKET-I.niearyo! 1 Weeden deeply appreciate the CROCKTT-I meinry o a!iendliness and kindness of!st dean husband and faîher Isaac j veryone wha helped ta make Creekett who passed away July.thein wedding and sta>' in En-E 101h, 1958. 'niskillen sa mamorable. 28-1 One year bas passed since taI3 sad day U< Wben ana we lovjed was called imrpiftsn away: .-- ___ C__ God taok bum home, it was His RADIO and television repairs c< wil, Prompt service. Pick-up and D Within our hearts ha livelh delivery. George's, 185 King SIt. r SURl. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29tI -Sadi>' missed by wife and J farnil>. 28-1' GUARANTEED television .an.. 'radia service, ta a] "makolsi. Sainie day service. Televisian Ser-vice Ca. Phono NIA 3-3883. REPAIRS and rewinding, armn- atures turned, toalal makes a!f elactnie noos. Riggon Elec.j 3 -3 305. ____7-tf! REPAIRS talal makes 'bf sew- ing machines. 'Free pickup and deiiveny. Laverty's Bangai Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA START-In ioving memnory of a dear igrandmother, Elizabeth Start, who passed away July 10, 1958. Looking back with memnories WUpon the pat.h you trod, Webless the years we had with you And leave the rest with God. -Sadly missed by Noreen and Donald, Elwyn and Dorothy. 28-1* 3-7231.44-tf PersonalRÉFAIRS to al makes of ne- STOP Feeling Old! Stay young frigerators. domestic andi con- longer. Ostrax Tonir Tablets mercial. milking coalens. Hig- revitalize entre body. Make gon Electric Liniîted. 38 King 3-day test. Ont>' 69c. At ail SiL E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7t dirugglsts. 28-1 _______ ____ HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber Wcmted to Rent goode) mailod poalpad ini plain - -----Iz aeaed onvelope wlth price list. THREE or four beoioem bouse, Six samples 25c, 24 sampies wiiiing te base for ana yeam. $1.00. Mail Order Iept- T-28, IWrite Advertiser 9.55. c/o The *av-SaberCo.. ox 91, Ham-1 Canadien Statesmnai, P.O. Box aaO.,0" 1-52 190, Bowmanvxlle. 27-2* ALLIS-Chalmers tractor, 20-35, good condition, price $325.0o'. Ross G. Disney, Greenwood, Ont. Phone Pickering 357W1. 28-14 INSULATION, biowing mebbod, with rock wooi. Warkmanship guananteed. F reoe estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39.1!i PLANET Junior Imactor wiîth discs and cultivator; hand lawn mowen, two gallon pressure iprayer and garde. bools. Tale- ýphono MA 3-2992. 28-1 DO your own faonrs and ruge.-- RanI a sander, ilaon polisher or rug cleanen (sbanipoo niebhod) froni Lander Hardware, 7 King SI., E., Bowmnanvilie.. Phono MA 3-5774. 20-tf FIEARING aid service. Testing service and complote stock af batteries and cords aI Higgon Electric Liniited, 38 King St. E., 3ownianville. Telephone MA. 3-3305. 7-tf USED nefrigerator, used Inter- ntional baeo, used Allis- Chalmers combine, ail in good condition. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, 91 King St. W.,' Bow- rnnville. , Phono MA 3-5497. 28-1 j QUANTITY o! good piný ,ium- ber, 2x4's, 2x6's, 1"' flooring,' 2x12 square tumbns. AUl prie- d aI $50 up per thousand foot. Llso ana scale, 12,000 lbu., and ne ucale 4,000 ibu. Phone New- 'asIle 3876 an 4128. 28-1 FOR THE liEST RUY IN ALUMINUM DOORS - WINDOWS AND AWNINGS PHONE M RUEBARD MA 3-2415 11 I e o c i r .. JIeIage5 - One ewner New tir« 1 1952 GMC M-on Siake S9%/-6% Beidy Comp1etely raconitionc'd Idoal tarin trck 1950 Ford Coach Cheap - As 1[ 1948 Plymouthi Coach Cheap - As Is 11948 Chevrolet Coac~h 111, Runs Good CAS -TRADE OR TERM BLACKSTOCK MOTORS fBLACKSTOCK PHONE 70 i Open Evenings Livestock for Sale PULLETS, 8 weeks and Up; aiso ready-to-lay. H. J. Brooks, Bowmnanville. MA 3-3961. EIGHT Holstein heifers, reg- istered and- vaccinated, startlng to freshen the first of August. Also pigs. Austin, Wood, MA 3-2388. 28-1* -Auction Sale, Hector S. Bowen, Lot 33, Con- cession 4, Clarke, -farm imp1e- ments, 24 acres of standingi grain, on July 25. Ted -Jaçk- son, auctioneer. 28-2. 1 have received instructions from Mrs. Richard Gilmore, Lot 9, Con. 1, Cavan Township, two miles south and one mile west of Millbrook, to seil by Public Auction on Monday, July l3thr at 1 p.m., herd of Angus cattie,c 2 matched teams of Perchef~onc horses, farn machinery, baled1 hay, grain, etc. For particularsI see bis. Jack Reid, auctioneer. ç i 28-1* T have received instructions IV from the executors of the estatelJ of the late Mrs. Harvey Curtis c to seil by Public Auction on Wednesday aftezrhoon, July lOth J 1 b£Utztn t tin"lil +hi. riate reiae I i 28-1 Main Stroot, Onono, hem entire - - household affects lncluding alec- Juiy Furnitura Sale: Spring- tric refrigerator, slave, washing !îlled maîtresses, $19.95; 2-piece machine, vacuum cieannr, near- chester!ieilds, n y a n covers, l1> new studio couch, bedrooni, $169.00; 3-piece bedrooni suites, living-room, fumnilure, dishes, $89-50; chrome kitchen suites,! etc. Tennis cash. Jack Réld, $49.50. Trade-in nefrigeratans,J auctioneer. 28-1' washers, chroma tables and chairs, like new; ail burning Rest Home cook slave, white enaniel; rang- elle. Murphy Furnituro Ca., ACCOMMODATION for lady King st. W. Dial MA 3-3781. and gentleman aI ResI Home. 28-1' ]Phone Onono 1771. 0. For Rent Hal TWO bedroom home. Phonoe JPl MA 3-3698. 28-1 B COTTAGE at West Beach, fui.- A160o ished. Phono MA 3-3970. 28-1 Pick HOUSE, wilh 1% î4 aces o! land. Oshawa, RA 8-8044 ifter 7. MO1I FOUR roams, bath, beated; in-1 mediate possession. Phono MA 1 "Our .1 3-7247. 27-tf THREE-roomed apantniont witb h kitchenette. Phone MA 3-2895'1MOEiJ. or RA 5-0815. 28-1* ONE bal! duplex, six roonis, modern convoniences. Phone 15 Newcastle 2376. 28-1 Bol THREE-roonied brighî apart- mont, self -contained. Adults. Phi 205 King E., MA 3-3186. 28-1 IN Newcastle, ioder. apant. ment, $50 nionth>'. Telephone. MA 3-5589, Bowmanvile. 28-1 APARTMENT, heated, threaf roonis, kitchenette and bath,r $60. Apply Apt. 4. 63 King St. West. -22-t! THREE-roomed, heated apant- nient, heavy wired, separate enîrance and bath. Immediate possession. Phane MA 3-2436. We are - * - - -- 7-tf fdeliver APARTMENT, five roonis, lmi.- tw rnediate possession. Apply Ad- P t'enliser 956, c/o The Canadian Ph Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- rnanville. 28-1' SMALL aparîment, living-room, W kitchenette and bedrooni, mod- ern pnivate bath with sbower, NAY, ar one or two pensons anly. Appi>' MA 3-28 at No. 5 Apartient, 23 Tem- perance at Four Cornere, Bow- FARM h nanville. 28-tf accessibi - Henry C "..PARTMENT, large, wit2i bath- Cres., To room and garage, aI 22 King Street West, 5 noanis; tenant to ALL ki operate furnace, fuei suppliad. wanted. Possession August let. Apply ta M. Flatt, L. C. Maso., Barnister, 30 Ring 7 n 13 col Street West. 28-1' - * HIGHES' COTTAGE, garage, gardon, funiture w'ater' inuide. Suitable for aewing n cuple. $50 maonthly. New- and oxci castle. Or would. sai. W ie P o l &dvortiser 950, e/o Tho Canad- [an Statesinnia, POG. Boxr 190, WGIHEMS Ioawranvllle. 28-1'0W>!ilù7, Financial Money Io Loan UnUminted 1(Oaep Lesu Te City sud Paria Folks Mono>' fer aaythlmg aand my- wJýere. Phone or write sow. DULINGINVESTMENTS Ltd. 390-B lber St. Wemt, Toronto WA Z-442! ticks, om and raw Pets for Sle NIEjartGerman Shepherd NMa hn BUMA3-2403. 28-1 ONE purebred Gernian Shep- herd ppy maie, nine weeks old, b9k and tan. MA 3-5058. ýPhiI Finney, Mgaple Grove. 2- rry Lee Laundry t9 TEMPERANCE ST. lone MA 3-7021 E>WMANVILLE, ONT. do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. rUp and Delivery NDAV TO SATURDAY OIJICK SERVICE 16-Il Business in te SATISFY"I Come Now and Try ' s TV & RADIO SERVICE TEMPERANCE ST. WMAN VILLE, ONT. àone M4A 3-5045 28-1 FAST!1 EFFICIENT! PICK-UP AND DELIVERY propared te pick-up and your parcals anywhere iet ver>' reasonable fates. ione MA 3-2342 28- 1 > anmted to Buy j 395 or RA 5-0815. 28-1* house with smaii acreage, de in winter. Write Mr. )'Beirne, 26 Edgewood ronto 5. 28-3 cinds of live poultry Highest pnices p aïd. t Bethany RIt. 1. Phone llect. 9-tf ST prices paid--for used e, a liances, television, Mec s, etc. Also sel] tange. 59 King St. W. WA 3-7231. 42-tf ÎT prIa.. pWi fur live goose laea , feaUier =ap iron, rags, metals furs Phone RA 3-2043 1 reasonabla pnice. $2,000.00 down buys a weil appoinîed 6-room 1 '%-storey De With Real Esiate frame home just west a! town. Owner moving and will sali for 200 Acres, 175 acres workable, onîy $10,000. 5 acres waod, nemainden pasture, $1,700-00 down for new4- springs, L-shaped bank bain, room bungalow in village. Full machine shed, honn bouse, silo, pnice $4,500.00. Mortgage onîy etc.; 9 roomed brick home with $35.78 par month. I 4-piece bath, running bot an&! 100 acre faim near Bethany cold water. Waten bowls in with full lineofo buildings, stable. Has to ho sold te close bydro, two wells. * sIate. Open for offen. 50 acre fam noar Bowpan- 100 Acre faim near Orono ville. Suitable for three families. with 100' x 35' bank barn, i ce a d t rn n a g d double hien houseý la ge stram , 28-1 'drive shýed; 8 noomed brick h ouse with fumnaco, heavy win- T led. AUl buildings in excellant ia e ixo repair. Asking $22,000. Ternis. REALESTAE BRKER 200 Acre farm, 140 acres 5 rom nsu brck oue, ankbar, lehobouse, pig Vps, harwoo an pie foor, clla, al Wthrunning water, drive 1 ace gadenplaned,$1,00 al moerncity- convoniences dowvn. Close ta Bowmanville. Akn $20,000. Tarnis. 10 naom brick bouse, bard- 100 Acre fanm, 75 acres work- wood faonrs, 3-piece bath, cellar, able, 12 acres maple Incas, L- ail funnace, heavy wiring, double jshapod batik barn, waler an garage, starm doors and seneens. tap, drive shed, silo; 8 noomned $3,000 down.j frame home with furnaca, waîer 5-room frame, 3-piece bath, underprsue ic$1,0. sanie hardwoad, tule floors, Ternis pressure. Pie$00 hydro, collar, furnace, alumin- 50 Acre tarin near Millbrook. umi doors and windows, close ICI 45 acres workablo, upringe, bank stores, public and bigh uchools. barn with running waten, drive 4-nooni frame cottage, not fin- shed; 6 noomed frame homhe, Iislhed, and extra cottage on heavy duty wired. Prico and sanie lote, 78 x 243 ft.; weil, in tarins anranged. village. 5 Roomed, airnost new home 4-roani insu] brick dwelhing, i. Newcastle with ail furiiace. large lot, heavy wiring, nofrig. 3-piece bath, handwood andtii. oerator, electrie stove and ai floors, modern kitchen, electric furniture included. Low taxes. water heater. Pniceb $8,000 Iilh Full priqe $2.500, $1.000 down, $1.000 down. Immediaeo possession. 7 Raomed homo in Newcastle 47 Queen St. Box 941 with ail modern canveniences. Bownaanville MA 3-5682 Good location fan business. Aafr- 28.1* ing prico $13,000. Torma. a Roomad ainiost new homne Pefer Feddema - boards unning water. Garffle REAL ESTATE BROKEIR - hinnouse. Asking price $9,500 twith $1.000 down. 200 acres, newv 6 roôm bun-j 6 Roomoed, almoat new, bun- galow, barn 34 x 110, goad bard- galow in Newcastle on double woad bush, never-failing strearn, lat, tule faonrs, kitchen cup.. excellent stock fanm Price boards. Asking $8,000 wlth es.q $21,000.00. Terme&. down payaient. 100 acres with mnodem .bu.- 9 RPomed brick home inNew- galow, ful liUneofo machiner>'. enstle wlth 2-pioce bath, rung WiiI trade or seii for $12,900-00. bot and cold ater, hardwo Trms. faonrs. Asking $7,500. 2%~ acre near Newcastle, fully 5 Romred, brick veneer bun- modern 3 room ibungalow, onl galow in Bowmanville wlth &a good road. Price $ 12,500.00. modern conveniencos. Garage. Easy ternis. Price $9,000 with easy down 2 acres aI Ma ple Grove onl payaient. pavement near school. Give u smSall bouse in Pontypool m an offar. main street, with hydre 20 acres of good garde.t1, iL ng *4,00. Tortue. 1 miles froni Bowmanville. Price cna 3,200.00. Ternis. 6 room bungalow in New- JohniiaF. fDe W;. asti ini good condition. WillH~'tLI ýrada for bouse in Bowm»ffilo Boalter a»ÊGeual Ifsunaao . r soUl for $8,000-00. eam r n a s nooni bouse in Bmiesn- Nwat leeS ille, 3-piece bath, central. Pnice Saleument 5,500. Ternas. Donald Moant».>. Bewmvm We have several Christmas MA 3-U ree farins for sale, priced Vot'> am. DaVid»Ien .Bomw casenable. Phono 21 r 6 89 SaogaSt . ow.manvil.Beatty Tee, Ida PlinsMw A 3-U"rbOUPo n liba'o.& »4 ,w. 9 28-1 3à" 1 ai 4 ci vi $1 t re il - *p-'. 1 ^~# - 4.. - ,q~' ['7Cars for Sale i Help Wcmted Work Wcmted 'Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sal. -4 HV pl 1û BOSt 'ka udr orFR rmtiku n e THREE bdombikhue 1 i St. S. 28-17 Lb~ sunimer holidhays.' Brookdale- liv'ery cl MAP 3-3842. 28-1*lcnta I ocated. Would con- es elEtl c1'46 CHEVROLET Fieetlino, good ---. CONCRETEI and mason'ry work. c/o The Canadian Statesman, 4 ronm bungalow, où furnace, 1condition. MA 3-3420. 28-1* WOMAN to help with house- Box -1083. L. Turner. Phone P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 3-piece bath, 2 bedrooms, heavy ie190 TUEBKE wthovr-work, one or two days a week. 3-5820. 9-f 1 wiring, insulated. Somne furni. iell950-Sture. Fuil priceer.$6,000280. -1drive, good motor, tires. MAi4ppIy Mrs. N. J. Scott, MArketCUTATNsufigadF Rro ed ou, east of u4eroomcottage at Caodar Creet 345.28-il 28-1 crop work. Phone MArket Bwavle ie - ___________~ rw Bwmavileon No. 2 High- Beach, sun porch across front, 1 j'47PONIACca ii far cn- ASBERY pckes, a- 33548. 28-4* way; ail canveniences, large fireplace, water in cottage. -dition, wîth motor in good shape. proximately two weeks. Tele- 'SEPTIC tanks, cistorns and gardn.« pl detsrBx$0.0csblnetrio ýe Wesley Hills, Enniskillen. 28-1 phone MA 3-2668 betwoen 12jwells fr eaon * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a n d 1 o r ft e r 6 p . . 2 8 - , o n e r e a s o n a b ly . H e n r y 19 5 8 , c / o C a n a d ia n S ta te s m a n , w i l r n f o s e o n orLSTATE uto Insuanc28-- Shirk, MA 3-2741. 8* .O. Box 100, Bowmanville. 100 acre farr, one acre liard- -LSAE Ato Isýne 28.1* wood bush, large bank barni ,Save 20 %. Six months to pay. SALESLADY, single, 17 te 25 DUTCH girl desires housework,1 with water bowls, implement Fo eroa]srvc a ou easof age,', for steady employ-. live in; references. Te:phon: IGT room, Colonial style, 5' shed, modern 6 room housea home cal] Oshawa RA 5-2802, 'ment. Appiy Stedinan. 5c to Blackstock 64 r 12. 28-1 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hard- miles from Oshawa. Thisa tollect. 2-tf $1.00 Store, Bowmanville. 28-tf - - _____ wood floors, fîreplace, hot air extra good fan. BO$1,dsrsfl rpr furnace, fully Iandscaped, largei We have bungalows, houseu, FRNEW FORDS MARRIED man for mixed fanm, time work, during the hoiidays. vegetable and fruit garden, farms and acreages too nuni. ê and Guaranteed Used Car. four room bungalow od wag- Phone MA 3-3622. 28-1" garage. W. R. Douglas. Phone erous toeit. Inquïre at th!b Cal a,1owme 0Copesatio-- Newcastle 3116 after 7 p.m. office. JO N S U T Ralph Strong, Blackstock 11812 PLASTERING repairs. Base- 28-1* M. E. LEASK JOHN______________ 28- 1 ments plastered inside and out-iVnRa saeBoe 1- EAWA1 NIOTORS LTD. si e. Re-, bonable rates. CAdf I 1e i 6.5 Ontario St. Bowmanvln. R 46 Oshawa EAItN big money. Seil at high; MA 3-N6. Arket 2-.5919 * Residence MArkel 3-3174 Commission.t guaranteed house- 1P-,UlMBING. heating, eaves- REAL ESTATE BROKER 2- __________________9-tf:hold necessities and farm pro-1troughing-. free e s t i n a t- ., 118 King E. M1A 3-3,230 2- ýt B71N OR 1ELN There is an o-;.oninig for U,3~2' or CYrci-io 1782. 6-ti* 8 rcoini franie. on sewers, four- SUw~heraver v ol V Ive. Eree rÇ(Jfl l1:tair apartment,, separ- 100 Acres good sili, brick ed C pnMoos cata7ouo~y n Wuý_st. Falillex \ -ITEVWAS:ll:-G and d*ciAuect- ate meýer, où heat, on lot 66' x:house, conveniences, large bank e e a pnM lr !Dept. 550'er u tals tc reesiae . $8,500 with $3.100 cash. barn with Beatty equipment, on 1RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574: Montreal. 28-1 ail work guaranteed. Telephone i Hampton Village - Six room'good road. $15,000. Ternis. - - t -Clarke 1'21. Bert Toinpkins, i frarne on ¾, acre lot, bath, low; 100 Acres, garden land, school 607 Kng S. Eas WANED RR 3. oil-ope.1 taxes. $8,500 with reasonable'on farm, large brick'h * <.ust East of WilsonR.> Applications will be received - ah eine akbrhuse, con- 1OSHAWA by he Council of the Unite d D ± - n.ive-room, plus utility, alniost1 river, 40' x 1onNo.2 0',h ______10-tf Counities of Northumberland,, iiasiering nepairs 1 new bungalow, adjoining trout1 way wîth 401 Highway at back- an Dnhnifo te ostin f QUICEK SERVICE 'strean, lot 300' x 160', $8,500 A great producîng faim. $28,000. 4 CARS FO SALE Superintendcnit of the Home for' S'FI(CO AN W %N >ORR wthhifcshReasonable ternis. the Aged located at Cobourg. . L AF 176 Acre farm, two barns, 100Ace well fenced wt Dutis RiiL.o enc on r rtwo houses, rollinga day loam, road on three sîdes, cornerlt 5'196 PONTIAC 4-dr. Stn. Wagon about August 1. Applicants Radi-o, igdhs, iow mie - s alary a u lfcain- n 4 King St. E. N 6 - tf ) cash. Q uick $1possessin. 3,00 s legood cedar, balance work- 19~~~~~~~ Raiwîdhel ahos taeqalfctin cd~~ash.od y poses1in,000eor good pasture land. Ask- aga. A rosi sharp. wagon, inl mail all replies to K., 7 Acres good garden soil, solid 11956 PONTIAC 4-Dr.Syor,Ounti e Cle ra, CoSHAWA TVp-a brick house, smnall barn, close te July 17. TLVSO AERIAL SALES LOS $12,000, $2,000 down. 1956 FORD 2-Dr. Garnet B. Rickard, Warden INSTALLATION and REPAIRS Mnbr fOhaaadDsrc 8 Room brick hause, 2 apart- 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. K. Symons, Counties' Clerk r PhoneOhaaadDitit et, obegaae coet Very dlean, *28-2,j>BwavlePoe Ohw elEtt or Flying Dutchman Motel. $1 1,500 one ower ca. 120Acre stock farm, good for quick sale. Ternis. ~n~~nra. $2 A352 A 2-fbuildings, $50per acre. $,0 racego oue tah Spcial N iotices _________________ down. ed garage, large chiken house, owa E imei C. D. C Moey15 acres choice garden landi, on No. 2 Highway, between, Co a qpm iC.1D.C Austin's office will bo Save oe ai nea'r Hampton, corner property, 0 s h a w a and Bawmanviie. 134Kig S. . Bwmnvibeclosed frein Juiy 10 ta August 1 ' only $4,500 with easy terms. Terms. Pho K nS.E.MA 35689 -______116.___ 26-31__ ave's >uoe Rpi 25 Room apartment house, 2 Acres with 6 rooni insul. Phn M -58 good location in Bowmanville, brick house, garage, chicken 281 Dr. G. E. Mann wiil be on 1 FAST. PROMPT SERVICE $22,900 with $5,000 down.. pens. Taxes only $40; at New- * holidays from July il to July 26* Ontario St., Bowmanvillbo We have severai homes in tonville. $5,000. Good ternis, HOLIDAY SPECIA 26. 28-3'CRERKN sd1NAI Bowmanville with down pay: 10 Acres wîth trout streamn HOLIAY PECIL ;ORNR KIG 24-Otf metso! $1,500. Several ct just îîorth of Bowmanville. Dr. Hubbard's office wil be tages at Bowmanville Beach $5,000. Easy ternis. closed from July Il to August PAINTING and DECORATING with $1,000 down.Gastio wihnckbr 15 Plm uh PC 16 inclusive. 28-1 PPRAGN WALTER FRANK oniy repair business in village, 2-Door - V-8 - Sport-tone Paint) r.Esiae 177 Church St. MA .339S large gallonage. Price and q 1 Fr. EsTmaT terms ta suit. Must soul.1 Ver' ea on one ca jV . i . JPhonoeomnile 2- Thnea beautiful lots on Pigeon t Lake, right on a geod road, 1955 Dodge Sedan THE REAL LIVINQ SANTA MELLE ROZEMA PeerK waal sotfor tan. .Picd j Complotai>' recoýndiUoned .IUNE 19 te THANKSGIVING R.R.. 1 -Bownianville - MA 3-2584 PtrKw lt el Excellnt__________________22-tf1iw Llly EAL ESTATE ]BROKERMoe Excelen bo>' ai tres y~ Fr Al Ti. aini>' _____________ - ENEXAL 9NSUTANCE M. C. PEDWELL, "~0 *' Two-tone paint job Children te 14 years - FREE PLUMBING HfEATiNG 9 King St. E. Bowmianvalic Newcastle Phoe 38U.SW# 1 930a.i, e :00P...Telephone MA 3-5868l Salesmen: 195 Chv. z-In1:00 .m. t 600 p.m T NY BAARS Salema ..A. Bartois Phonie Newcastle 3851 Piku -NwPan Mer-Sun, Powermatlc, Morrisoni MA3-3098 Watt. A. Heron Ready for workSAN S VIL G Webster-Atlas Dealer - Ga; - 0 11 n$1,500 down will moveê yoii Phono 12, Btiookuiu S N AS VL A E 66 King St. W. NU _-7 0m a 2-year-old frame bunga- E. fer 193Dd S.W gn Ba0rde O BOWMANVILLE 2 low with garage, on a nice lot. bn28.Cloe 15 oge Si ao> aerde, ni. 2-fAil modern c9nveniences. VeryPon28,oiou 1