'InuRSDfAy. JULY etb, lin&a COuSSiid Coming Events Contact 1Mr. P..W1imalj,4MA 34659 for use of rooma in the Lion8Club Centre. 28-1 TheRundie Clan are invited *to flcAnulFicnic, July lSth, t Hamnpton Park. 28-1 Woodview Comnimty Centre -Monater Bingo. Twenty gaines entr dollars; five games- dollars; $150 jackpot, and t*e jackpots at $250. Door pze.Next Monday, & pin., Ped arn Oshwa. 46-tf A trp to Stratford'a Shakes- gr.rean Festival planned by hihp Comnittee of Uni- versity Women's Club, Augt 4th. Play - "As You Like IV'. Anyone nterested please con- tact .Mns. Prower, MA 3-5907, or Mns. Gibson, Newcastle 3861. 28-1* 'Plan to attend the Lions Carn- itral on Central Public School Grounds, Saturday, July 18th. »becal ...Druin Majorette Ybntest, three classes, entries from surrounding district, will b. led by Bowmanville Pipe Band. Winner will be named "Miss Lions Camnival" and make the draw for 1959 Oldsmobile "88" also special draw for movie camera, projector and screen. liumerous booths for your en- tertainment and rides for the kiddies. 28-1 Durham County Holstein Club arc holding their twilîght meet- ing at the farm of Mr. Russel Best, Hampton, one mile west of Scugog Rd., on the Taunton Road, on Thursday, July 16, at 7 p.m. Programme consists of Judging competition, with priz- es for ladies, juniors and men. special speaker will be Mr. J. M.Fraser of Streetsville, noted Holstein breeder, who will show his pictures of his trip around the world. Refreshments. Every- on. welcome. 28-1 To The Taxpayers ai Darlinglon .. THERE WILL BE A MEETING IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL AT HAMPTON ON Sai.,. July 11, ai 8 p.m. Purpose of the meeting la te dlscuas the Zoning By-law (No. 2111) *nd other mattera relative to >.,Township Affaira. A guiest speaker willi address the githerlng on the Zonlng By-iaw topie. XVERYONE 18 WELCOME! PLÉASE PLAN TO ATTEND! Darlington Ratepayers' Association 27-2 Wanted >3»LOT in Bowmanville, good~ ,afaon. Cail MArket 3-7127. 28-1* DEAD and crippled tarin stock, giceduppropty.Phone MA _-2679. MUPJil YFur Farin, Tyrone. 13-ti 100-200 ACRES land, preferably no buildlings, light soil for treqp.- Write Advertiser 952, e/o Canadian Statesman, P. 0.1 Box 190,- Bowmanville. 26-9 WESLEY VILLE Busy happy holidays are here &gain, and hours of every day are full for everyone. Hay- lng, Ï& in full swing, and the produce of the garden is being put in freezers for another teaSon. Strawberriea are over and peas are ready. Several trom here attended the strawberry festival at Mor- zish last week and enjoyed thel good supper and social tmes wîth the neighbours at that place. Mn.- and MTs. Carroll Nichelsi and tamily were in Toronto last Truesday and Gloria's visit to the Sick Children's hôspital showed her to be in excellent Camril Nichols. Rev. A. W. Harding is on holiday but a speclal service was conduNed by Lorne Harding-Cook of To- ronto in the evening. Mr. Cook Was represefltiftg Toc Alpha, a jüni.r organizatien of the Tem- perance Federation and gave a -very clear explanation of the purpoees and need for their or- ganisation. Beautiful purpie, blue, mauve and wtiite deiphini- iuina trom the gardens of Wes- )ayvMle nursenies made a love- %#f:floral arrangement. There wil be no churoh service until Mr. Harding's return the first of August, but Sunday School will be held.as usual. >-Min Kellar of Toronto, fer- ý.j 'nierly of Kxnmiount W"as w.ekend guest of the Toppins. Calvin Brown of Port Hope, bad dinner with Bill Barrow- etoeigh on Sunday. january sales of chain storesi in Canada rose 12.6 per cent to. abM,.th $238,400,000. B. Brown-Eng. 2; Hisf. 2; Georn. 1; Chem. 1; Lot. 1; Fr. 1. K. Brown-Eng. C; G:og. C; Hist XI C; Geoin. C; :rt 2.. Rotairians View Film R. Capp-Eng. 2; Hist. 1; Geom. 1; Chem. 1; Lot. 1; Fr. 1; Mus. 1. D.Ctra-n. ;Hst ;2 m ; Cliem. 1;Lot.2r3. Exemplifying Golden Rule R. Chat-Eng 2; Mt. 2;Geom. 1; Chcm. 2; cIn. Arts 1.-1 K. Clarke-Eng. C; Hist. C; Geom. C; Chein. C; Lot. C; Fr. C. George Vice, the naw Presi- occurrences that con ensue. G. Cae-Eng. C; Hist. 2; Geog. C. dent cf tic Bowmanville Rotary If was assartaci thaf cvenyona G. Coopr-Erie 1; Hist. 2; Geom. 2; Cliam. 2; Lat. C. Club for 1959-60, presideci af la the world la engaged inl senci- S. Covely-Eng. 3; Hist. C; Geeg. 2; Chenu. C; Fn. C. tfhe luncheon meeting lielci by ing, receiving ad intenpreting G. Conway-Eag. C; Geag. C; Ahg. XI C; Phys. C. the club af the Flying Dutch- signals. A large ad tain vlew- B. ax-ag.3: 11s. ; Gog.2; eem C;Phs. ; Lt. ; ld.mari on Fniday.1 The birthdays peint is essential te real under- ArCxEg.3 t C cg ;Gem ;Pys ;Lt C n.lf two members,- Marty Morfia, standing flic picture proveci. Arts C. ýorono, and Garnet Riekard, The President, Mn. Vice, J. Cryderman-Eng. C; Hist. C; Geoin. 3; Cliem. C; Fr. 3. Warden etffthe Unitedi Couaties, thankaci Tom Palmer, clirman J. Davey-Eng. 3; Geag. C; Mlg. XI 3; Geom. C. wera observed. etffthc prograin comlttee, for' G. Dudley-Eng. 2; Hist. 3; Gang. 2; Geom. 3; Chem C. Guasts preseat af the luncheon obtaining flic unusual acdinl-I E. Dwn-ng.3; 11sf C;Geo. C Geo. C Hoe B. i meeting were Ted Batedo ad teresfing motion picture calleci E. Esbookan 3 Hist.o. C; Geom. C; Hoafting.1. Ray Wildblood, both et Osha- "Production 5118" for the I D. Etabook-Hit. ; Gem. ; Daftng.wa; H. Hooper, Kemptville, aci luncliaon-mcetiag of flic club. J. Fîsher-Eng. 2; Hist. 1; Geoin. 1; Chem. 2; Lot. 1; Fr. î1. Bob Reynolds, St. Helena, Calit. He also fliaakad Mr. StevensI K. Fowler-Eng. C; H ist. C; Geeg. 3; Geoin. C; Chem. C. Mr. Vice colleci on Bob Stev- for lis introduction, aci James R. olien-ng.2; iat C;Gem. : Cani 3;Lot 2;Fr.3. ens, Chairman et the Vocation- Stuft, wlio non the proector.l R. ohen-Ee 2 Hit. ; Gom.2; hem 3;Lat 2;Fr.3. al Service Committce, te, infro- MrE. Vice sanifliat Pe f llm's R. Hanaah-Eng. 3; Hi1sf. 2; Geog. 2; Geom. C; Chem. 3; lad. duce a special motion pictura. principal message "Do Unte 6,j~~f~ 2. i ~Mn. Stevens epanc ta lcOfhens As You Would Have J. Hasiuk-Eag. C; Hist. 2; Alge XI C; Phys. XI C. film exemplifies the GoldenThmD Uto oulao n C. astr-Eg. : Hat.2; ong 2;Geon. ; Ciem 2;Art i.Rule, aci was preduceci special- portance te everyoae. C. Hste-En. 2 Hit. ; Gog. ; Gom.2; hem 2;Art 1.ly te convcy a worthwhilc mas- B. Higgon-Eag. C. sage. Ha ungeci fli Rotanions M., Houslandr-Eng. 1; Hist. 1; Alg. MI 1; Chein. 1; Lot. 1; te always remember the "Four ZMON Fr. 1; Gem. 1. Way Test" aci te keep voco- M. Hedls--Eng. C; Hist. 1; Geog. 3; Ale. XI C; Georn. C; fional servie la minci. The atrawbenny- supper spon- Cliem. C; Iad. Arts C. The interesting celouneci film sreib yfi egbul o was well produceci aci pre- les Club was veny well affendeci P. Howells-Eng. 2; 11sf. 2; Geom. 2; Chemn 2; Lot. 3; Fr. 3; senteci. The story was by and quite a sueceus. Gernu. C. iSamnuel Beal. If depictaci o day J. lae.Eg ;Hs.C Py.X ;Ms .i the lite of flic eidnto Mrs. Wes Carneroli was hos- JaaiesEng. 3 Hisf.C; Phy.largCeMus.porpaasdon. tfess ton o miscellanaous shower T. Joyce-Eng. 3; 11sf 2; Geog. C; Gaom. 3; Chem. 3; Fr. XI C.,laThe corporan.efrMs etyN nMn M. Kent-Eng. 2; Hisf. 3; Geog. 3; Gcom. 2; Cliem. C; lI. u;nica ofws m iszci la <lay evcning basf week. Home Be. 2. ~~~~the picture. Nof juat flic means M.oc n.Rs h$ed H. Knox-Eng. 3; mast. C; Geog. C; Geom. 2; Chain. C; Lot. C.o.fe communication through tale- Willowdala, wcre necant visitera' W. Lemon-Eng. C; fiat. 2; Geog. 2; Alge XI C; Geoin. 3; lad. 1 phone, radio, flicpi-cas, signais, at Haroldci Gftord's. Arts2. ad falkmng, but the neeci et Jack Biekie, Oshawa, and Art 2.truc communication without the George Fùsier visifeci Niagara G. McCullough-Eng. 2; Hisf. 2; Geog. 1; Geom. 1; 0cmn. 1; lad. ccteen human beings. If wag Mrs. Leo Nuan, Simca, camne Arts 2. sliewa thîs applies la ordina'y ciowa for lier dauglter's showcn P. MCulougi-Eg. C Gog. ; Gom. : ld. i-f C.daihy lite la homes, as weil as ad waa an ovenniglît guest at; P. MCuloug-Eng C;Geo. 3;Geo. C Ind Ars C fa business, aci that if applies Was Camcrca's. K. McMurer-Eng. 2; mist. 1; Geoin. 1; Chem. 2; Lot. 1; Fr. 1; to ali classes et Society. Art 1. Mutual undanstandiag means Russell Penkins and Margaret1 B. MflobieEng C; iat C;Geo. C:Mus 2tfli ditterance befwaca co-c,- aci Mra. Eva Penkins went te B. MRobie-ng.C; ist C;Geo. C Mu. 2enation aci toiced obedience, Coldsprings on Thursday. Mra. Moore, J.-Eng. 2; Hist. 2; Gaomn. 1; Chein. 1; Lat. 1; Germ. 3. it was explaineci by onaetfte Perkias stayed, for a visit. L. Morrison-Eag. 3; Hist. 2; Geom. 1; Cham. 1; Lot. 2; Fr. 2. leading chai-actera ianflic play. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainfon L. Mutton-Eng. 3; Hist. C; Ale. C: Chein. C; Home Be. 3. The film depicteci fli results aofad Lourie spant the weekend E. Nickerson-Eng. 3. the wrong inferpratation takeil, with Mr. ad Mr. Ray Waltcrs by semae people in ordinary con. t1 ot thain cottage ot Minden. Mmg B. Osborao--Enig. 2; Hist. C; Geom. C; Clici. C; La. *C; Fr. C. versations and fthc untortunate Staintonand Laurie are staying H*igh School Resu tsj (Continued froin page one) W. Gibbon, Dixie GilU, G. Houslander, J. Jeftcry, D. Jose, P. Knox, S.. Leach, E. Liptiy S. Lucas D. MacLean, K. Oritoi, M. Owen:t P. Paacoe, L. Roberfa.i K. Rosevear, F. Rudman, D. Thompson, j. Treibal, J. Twist, A. Werry, N. Witvoct, A. Woodlock (Lot. M. Yurko. Sud Clama Bonour- H. Allun, L. Black, B. Biddle, R. Blackburn, L. Camnerson,, B. Clarke' J. Collacuff (Lat.), C. Courtice, K. Coverly, J. Davey, 1 M. Dura,, P. Gibbs, S. Gray, S. Hancock, A. Hester, D. Imiacli, D. Irwin, J. Knapp, B. Luxton, E. Nimigon, D. Oke, V. Pickering, C. Plazek, S. Rekker, P. Shine, J. Sparrow, J. Thertel, A. Van de Velde (Lot.>, J. Westhauser, J. Wlddccombc, S. Wilson, G.1 Wright, B. Yountli. Srd Clan Honours- B. Allison, G. Bell, R. Brown, G. Bruce, D. Carter, P. Crawford, C. Crowthcr, G. Dalby, J. DeCoe (Lat., Fr.), J. Fisher (Fr.), W. Fisher (Lat., Fr.), G. Fortnum, N. Front, B. Gilkes, D. Hotely (Lat), D. Herbert, ]EL Hetlienington, K. Hoffinan <Fr.), J. Hotstede, W. Hogeterp (Geoin.), S. Holinafy, S. Jackson, G. Kennedy, V. MacLean, T. Mason (Geom.), D: Mdflroy, J. Mc- Knight, G. Moon, J. Moorcrait, M. Mutton (Lot.), D.,O'Beurke (Lat., Fr.), L. Pasce, G. Peterson (Lat.), J. Porter (Lat., Fr.), L. Patta, G. Quinnay, S. Rivera (Lot.>, J. Rogers, J. Scott, S. Snowdan, E. Spraguc, J. Thompson, G. Tomlilson (Lot.), M. Trimble (Lot.), K. VanNest, D. Williamns, D. Wright. Pa-. J. Allia (Geoin, Fr.), J. Anderson, C. Austin (Lot., Fr.), S. Barclay (Lat.), D. Banraboil (Geom.>, D. Backim, J. Beach, L. Bradley (Lot.), W. Brooking, J. Brown (Fr.), M. Brudar (Lot.), R. Crombie (Lat., Fr.), B. Crossey, D. Cryderman, A. Deman (Geoni., Germ., Fr.), B. Dickinson (Lit., Comp.), E. Drew,, B., Elis, Jane Foster (Lat., Geog.), J. Foster (Fr.), J. Honcock, P. Hancock (Hist., Fr.), D. Hayword (Gaog., Lot.), D. Keiley (Fr.), G. Leaven, D. Lycett (Sc., Lat., Fr.), D. Mocnab (Lat.), A. Maguire, B. Nemis (Lat., Hist.), V. Molloy (Fr.), B. Ogden <Fr.), H. Panas (Hist.), B. Phillips (Geog.), A. Pickering, J. Quinney, N. Raaphorst, T. Simpson, N. Stephenson (Lat., Fr.), A. Stinson, D. Tenditf (Lat.), G. VanDyke (Fr.), J. VanLacwan (Gem., Fr.),: G. Wickman, W. Wilson (Hist.). GRADE XI TO GRADE XII Pnize for Genaral Proficiency-Verne Chant. lst Clasa Honours- V. Chant, E. DeWifh, G. Hollowell, B. Knucisen, K. Mc- Arthur, D. Milne, Linda Rackhom,4 J. Runcile, D. Stainton, B.' Stevan, M. Vanstone, M. Wriglit. 2nd Class Henours- W. Blackburn, K. Davey, P. Davis, T. Dyksfra (Fr.), P. Gaaning, S. Gimbleft, R. Hagerman, R. Hfctede, G. Hogeterp,, Brenton Hughes, L. Lancier, A. MocLeoci, P. McQueen, B. Stain- ton. L. Thompsen, N. Turner, T. Wraight, Larry Jamieson. 3rd Clans Honour- H. Baker, A. Boyd, J. DeWith, M. Emnierson (Fr.), A. Geboers, G. Gray, A. Green, J. Hallowell (Geem., Phys.), D). IHiggon, A. Hugagins (Fr.), B. Hughes, M. Marr, D. Morfia (Fr.), C. Mason, C. Massie, R. Meaclows, B. Ovans, L. Pearce, J. Row- an, B. Thompson, K. Thompson, D. Trim, M. Walker (Phys.), A. Wiseman (Lt.). Pas- D. Bagneil, D. Bowen, D. Bragg (Hist., Ph-ys.), L. Brooking, J. Dolan (Geoni., Phys.), I. Gill (Lat.), G. Glaspbell (Phys., Fr.), S. Hull (Rist., Fr.), L. Jamieson (Fr.), S. Knapp (Rist.), K. Mackie, R. Marsh (Gcog.), H. McDonald, D. MeGreger, B. Orm- iston (Lat.), J. Ormiston, J. Penny (Geom., Gr. X Fn.), B. Rabb (Gaom., Phys.), L. Rockham, B. Savery (P.H.E.), A. Spicen (Geom., Phys.), L. Tink, A. White (Lit.). Credif is given te the felhowing studeafs la subjects listeci: T. Allison-Pliysics; E. Bartltt-Physics, Gaog.; E. Bennett- Comp., Lit., Rist., Home Econ.; J. Bothwel-Geom., lad. Arts; A. Cole-rInd. Arts; A. Cor-Home Ecen., Camp., Lit.; D. James- Music, Gong.; G. Jeftery-Geom., Geeg., Physies, cIn. Arts; M. Kirkfe-Geom., K Knudsen-Hist., Pliysics; S. Loaja-Art; K. Laird-Geog., cIn. Arts; D. Maguire--Gr. X 11sf.; J. Maral- Riut., cin. Arts; A. Mitchell-Pliysics; R. McLean-Iad. Arts,; B. Row-Cemp., Lit., Art; D. Ruciman-Geog.; K. Welsh-Pliysics; KL Wels--Gr. X Rist. GRADE XI RESULTS Prize for Genenal Proticiency-Howard Ruade. The falowing students will recaive thain Secoadary School Graduation Diplomos: J. AllUn, H. Bissoneffe, B. Bowman, B. Brown, R. Capp, D. Cattraa, K. Clarke, S. Coverly, B. Cox, J. Cryderman, R. Chant, J. Fishar, R. Golieea, R. anah, C. Hesf- an, M. Houshander, M. Howells, T. Joyce, M. Kent, H. Knox, K. McMurter, G. McCullougli, J. Moore, L. Morrison, B. Osborne, M. Petarson, B. Phillips, E. Pickand, L. Pundy, H. Runcihe, 0. Scott, B. Smith, L. Muttan, G. Taylor, R. Turner, B. Vermeulea, A. Wood, H. Yellewleas. J. Alln-Eng. 1; Rist. 1; Geom. 1; Chein. 1; Lot. 1; Fr. 1. R. Archer-Eng. 3; 1Risf. C; Gaomn. 2; Chemn. C; Fr. C. L. Avery-Eng. C; Clici. C. B. Barfon-Eag. 3; Rist. 1; Geog. 3; Mlg. XI 3; Geem. C; Chem. C. H. Bisonette-Eag. 2; fist. 2; Geomn. 1; Greek 1; Chein. 3; Lot. 2;, Fr. 2; Germ. 3. 1G. Blackburn-Eng. 3; Geog. C; Geoin. C. B. Bowman-Eng. 1; Rist. 1; Gaom. 1; Chein. 1; Lot 2; Fr. 2; M. Peterson-Eng. 1, 1Hist. 8; Geomn 1; Chein. S; Lot. 3; Fr. C. B. Phiflps--Eng. 3; Hist. C; AMg. XI C; Geam. 3; Phyi. XI C; Chein. C; Lot. C. E. Pickard-Eag. 2; Hist. C; Greek C; Chein, C; Lot. 2; Fr. 3; mus. 1. U. Plper-Eng. 1; Hiat. 3; Geom. 1; Chein. C. L. Purdy-Eng. C; Rist. 3; Geog. 2; Chein. C; Pr. C. I. Read-Eng. C; Hist. C; Geog. 2;'Alg. XI 1; Phys. 3; Fr. 3. H. Rundle-Eng. 1; Hist. 1; Geoin. Chein. 1; Lot. 1; Fr. 1; Mus. 1. O. Scot-Eng. 2; Hist. 3; Geoin. Che=n 3; Fr. C. G. Smale-Geog. C; lad. Arts 3. B. Srnith-Eng. 2; Hist. 2; Geog. 9; Geoin. C; Fr. 3; Art 1. G. Taylor-Eng. 1, Mot. 1; Geoin. 1; Chem. 1; Lot. 1; Fr. 1. W. Thertel-Eng. 2; Hist. C; Geom. 2; Chein. C. R. Thiesburger-Eng. 3; Rist. 3; Alg. XI 2; Geoin. 3; Chemn 2; Fr. C. G. Thompson-Eng. C; Hist. C; lad. Arts C. R. Turner-Eng. 2; Hist. 3; Geom .1;* Chem. 2; Lot. C; Fr. C. D. Vanc-Eng. C; Hist. C; Geog. C; Aýlg. XI C; Phys. XI C; Art C. J. Vanflyk-Eng. 3; Hist. 2; Geog. 2; Chein. 3. B. Vermeulen-Eng. 1; Hist. 1; Geoin. 1; Chein. 1; Lot. 1; Fr. 1; Home Ec. 1. J. Webb-Eng. 3; Geog. C; Art 2., D. Welsh-Eng. C; Geom. C; Chein. C; Iad. Arts C. A. Wood-Eng. C; HMot. 3; Geog. 3; Geoin. C; Chein. C; HomeE. 3. H. Yellowlees-Eng. 2; Hist. 2; Geoin. 2; Chein. 3; Lot. 1; Fr. 2.~ M. Lycett-Eng. C; Hist. C; Geog. C. COMIMERCIAL BESULTS GRADE 110 Prize for General ProficiencY-Pauine Labfecque. 1st Clasa Ronour- M. Cooney, E. Dupuis, B. Hughes, P. Labrecque. 2nd Clan Honours- J. Bertrim, K. Park, L. Rosevear. 3rd Clama Hfonour- G. Armstrong, J. Clarke, M. Dean, G. Down, L. Hightleld, B. Lane, M. Moore, C. Osmond, C. Park, E. Reid, D. Staiker. V. Brown, D. Grills, J. Kennett, M. Murphy. GRADE XIIC Prize for Generai Proficiency-DOnald Henning. Bank of Montreal Cup for Speed and Accuracy in Typing i -Pat Bartels. Bank of Commerce Prize in Bookkeeping-Wayne Mavin. Toronto-Dominion Bank Cup for Speed and Accuracy in Shorthand-Barbara Flintoff. The following students will receive their Commercial Diplomas: P. Bartels, L. Beauchamp, B. Cochrane, B. Flintoff, M. Grills, D. Henning, B. Locke, D. Maguire, W. Mavin, J. Milîs, M. Pascoe, L. Spires, B. Alldred, K. Geach, M. Harvey, N. Lunn, J. Allun, M. Buttery. The following students will receive a Commercial Cer- tificate: J. Cowle, G. Purdy. Huge Crowd Present For Community Picnic Un fil Storm Breaks IA large crowd was present l cechairman of thec 2ecrea- at the gala Community Picnic 1 tien Department, Jack Lander, held by the Bowmanvil.le Re- I aiso extended a welcome to the creation Departxnent at the many people prescrit. He spoke Creamn of Barley on Wednesday, ef the octivities sponsored by JuIy lst. Perfect weather dur- the Recreation Departinent un- ing the day added to the en- der the capable direction ot joyment ot the fine program Doug Rigg. He urged people te during the atternoon. Unfor- take advantage of the varied tunately it changed and rain program planned for thec suin- disrupted the evening's enter- mer, and et the weil supervis- taiament. cd playgrounds for their child- His Wonabip Mayor W-Ufrid ren. Carruthers and Jack Lancier, M.r. Lancier also tolci of the chairman of the Recreation De- fail prograin which will include partment, officiateci at the op- a wide variety of activities forý ening. A welcome. on . Ihalf et old and young alike. On behait the tewn was extended by ot the Bownianville Recreation Mayer Carruthers. Hie said that Departinent lie expressed bestl ahl should thank Doug Rigg, wishes to everyone for an en- thie dir'ector of reçreation for joyable picnic. Ithe town, Mr. Lancier, the chair- The chilciren had a wonder- m -an, andi ahi the members et fui tâne. They enjoyed frec the Recreation Commidssion for pony rides, ad rides in the planning the Dominion Day miniature cars and aeroplanes celebration eac.h year which given by the Bowmanville Ro- filled a need. tary Club. The Bewmanville He expressed pleasure at the Lions Club was in charge of size ot the large crowd present the Fishpoaid, balloona were te enjoy the festivities. The provideci by the Charnber et Mayor pointed eut that earlier Commerce, and free pop by be had wondered if there miglit Smith's Beverages. be as large a turnout as usual There were races for al ogesi -in the middle et the week. He which were contested enthus- saii lie was glad. te see that the iastically. Spectators aise en- crowd was larger thon ever. joyed the softball game between The event required a lot of Ken's Mensa Wear andi Bow-J planning and work, anid the inanville Surplus Sales. The contribution of the service final score was 5-0 in fovour et clubs, the Chamber of Cern- Ken's Men's Wear. nierce,, and Snîith's Beverages A delightful concert was giv-ý are much appreciated. The well en by the Lindsay Kiwais YKa-1 Iplanneci program ot races and valiers' Bugle Band.. Tie Bingoi other events would provide en- sponsered b1w thecCanadiali Le-j tertainment for every member gion was geing tfull swingi of each farnily present, lie ne- when it was raineci out ai tan marked. three gmes. Mr. and Mrs. William.Snuith, Whitby; George Sonley, Tor- onte; Mr.and Mrs. Herbert Cam- eron, Tyrone, were Sundmy vis- itons at Fred Camneron"s. Alvin Fisher spenittheic hli- day at Wooher. Mir. and Mrs. Tom Samnson, Toronto, were at Russeil Par- kln's on Suaday. Mrs. Wilfred Frank and Da- vid, Toronte, visiteci han parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiflen, last week. Mrs. Bessie.Walkey, Mrs. Gor- don Montgomery and Mrs. Ab- ranis, BowmanviUle, visiteci at Allan Fisher's. Mr. andi Mns. Robent Killen, Mrs. Wilfred Frank and Davidi Sviuiteci thein daugliter, Mrs. Tom Currie, Hamilton. Misa Marj crie Van Dusen, New York, visiteci af Alan Flsher's. Seaweed Aids Crops It is an ili wind that blows nobody good. This proverb holds true even with gales that buffet Canada's eastern seaboard. These winda sti r ocean cur- renta that rip up seaweed anci thing it ente the shores. Farm- ers in tlic Atlantic Provinces have founci this seaweed com- pares tavorably with barnyard manure as fertilizer. A kelp aci rock wecd mix- ture at the rate of 10 tons per acre was usec inl crop-growing trials at the Nappan, N. S., Ex- perimental Farm and comnpar- ed with an equal quantity of barayard manure as a source et tcrtility in a barley andi hay rotation. Agronomist L. P. Jackson reporta grain yields wcre 62 bushels per acre from the sca- weed plota and 69 bushels from yields ot hay over a two-year period were 2.20 tons per acre for both. Because seaweed la gathered in a fresh or undecayed con- dition, it should be mixed la a manure or compose ple for a few months before spreading on the land. Eel grass. whicis decays slowly, is net recom- mended as a fertilizer inateraL, Get Cash To-day For Gld Appliaucos through1 STATESMAN C L ASS 1FIE DS9 Phone MAnket 3-3303 Iet's decorate e th ?A<-, !Dq qý Tour Recreafl'on Boom Easy upkeep lu the key word whan you pan your recreotion room. Unlike the livng-room -wherc praeticality is fre- quently by-passad for the sake et oppearance-your recreation room shaulci require minimum upkeap. The aie thing is that you needn't sacrifice attractive- ness. 1Cheese ycur wall and ceilîng surface carcfully. Wood panel- ling ia the prime favourite. If you have a fireplace, you might break thec monotoay of wood by faeing the fireplace wall wîth caramie tihe. Ia plan- ning your fila wall, introduce flashes of bight colour by "spotting' tlie wall with a van- iaty of jcwcl-celoured files. Once installeci, there will be no upkaep andi your unusual wall wil ba the focal peint of your rom, Select practical fabrlcs andi sfurdy turniture. An olci deor, supporteci with six short legs, will double as a firephaca seat on coffea tables. Cover large oirfam cushions with briglif, stripeci saileloth or denlim. These con oct as eushions on yeur tireplace seat, or be toss- ed on flic thoor for the amail fry to curl up on. Keep o supply et dishes, o kettle, a double burner cooking unit in your recreation room. fait the jcy et your fun room will be lest if you have te dash upstairs when the family demancis a round of hot choco- lofe andi a lofe cvcniag snack. Rasist fthc tamptafion te move in ahi flic discardaci tunniture frein tlicreat etffthe house. Un- derturnish ro-ther thon over furnish. Leiave lots et roonu. te move arouni, to dance, play gaines. Unpaiated furniture effarsaa splendid opportunity to funnish simply and economieally. A comfortable funiture grouping in front -of the,freplace -la -de- sirable: o pair of eornuortable chairs, fireplace seat, extra cuahions, a pair cf reading lamps ad, pcrhaps, a bri.glt scatter rug. But bawara cf scatter rugs in the neuf ef the z oom. Bright, clean colours are re- commendeci andi use lots ef yellow if your roemn tends ta be dark. You will have extra interest lanfthe textunal centrast t the soft glow et yeur wood panelling and the gleaming surface of your fireplace wall of ceramie file. Most of ail, your recreation room shoulci licaocheerful tam- ily tun room wharc Mom n eedn't keep o weathar eya for coke andi crumb spilisl Oshawa Wood Products Ltde B UILDERS'I HEADQ UARTERS Smart builders and the do-it-yourself houdy- mau shop here for building supplies and accessorles, because they ail know we offer them more .. . in selection, quallty and service . -* for less money! Whether it be a new houa. or an addition to Jour present oe.. we con heIp JOUI IBUY ON EASY TERMS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 9 Telephones To Serve You Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-BA 8-1617 COURTCE-RA 8-1611 BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 AJAX-ZEnith 2 M *DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. ÇLits -anail Çieces f Continued rrom page one) FARM SAFETY - In an effort to prevent accidents on the farms of Canada, a special week is bemng set aside this year frorn July 19 to 25 for the purpose of drawing attention to a problern which annually costs large'amounts in property and physical loss. It will be called National Farm Safety Week. Farrn equip- ment firms and dealers are cooperating with farm organizations in publicizing the event. t t . .tt START REPAIRS - Brooks Construction of Oshawa started work this week on the Mernorial Arena. The pilasters will be strengthened with steel, taking sorne of the weight off the cernent blocks, the walls will be patched and resealed and other improvernents made to the interior. The town wilI do sorne tule drainage work around the arena and plans cali for asphalting the parking areas at the front. Total cost is expected to be about $35,000 with the work cornpleted by Sept. lst in tirne for the cet to be lnstalled. t t t t t CARNIVALS STARTING - First big carnival of the year will be staged by the Lions Club on Saturday, July l8th at the Central Public School Grounds. As a new feature, there will be a drurn majorette contest with good prizes for the winners of the three classes. Girls from the surrounding district are invited to compete as well as local steppers. t t t1 t it SWIM SAFEGUARDS - The local branch of the Red Cross bas installed several life preservers at favorite swirnming holes around the town; another fine contri- bution which could save sorneone's life. ir. elm irte new 0111 PAGE SZMINTMM TE£ CANADUN STATZBUM. BOWMANVUJ..& ONTAPM -- . - -- -- -.- ..d.- BEST NEW CAR DEALS 0F TME SEASON! NOW US THE TIME TO BUY AS WE NEED IJSED CARS 1957 DODGE REGENT 4-Dr., V-8 Power Flite, radio. 1 '957 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., 6 cyL 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN, V-8 with Power Flit., radio, Sports toue. 1956 DODGE 2-Dr. Hardtop, 6 cyl., automatic, radio, new tires. 1953 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. Automatic, radio. 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-Dr. 1952 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UP 1952 MERCURY 2-DR., Two-tone, radio. 1950 CHEV. 2-Dr., radio Palmer Mot or Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5487,