PAGEEIGTEE !!I CAADIN STT~MN, OWMIWILE, NTAUO quT1qnAv L YlLY M. 19Wu Faces Splattered with, Delicious Pie One yeung mnai was fined $100 and costs for baving li- quor in a place other than a resienoe. The evidence was tiat two young nmen and two young girls were picked up by Plcatter a tbree hour search. They had 18 pints .of beer. One young man was remand- ed to Juiy i4th to produce wit- nesses. Hie was charged with uBeimg under the age of 21 years, did unlawfully obtain liquor.» lHe laimed that he had been drinking at home. His un- cle had supplied hirm with the beer. In imposing the $100 fine the magistrate commented, I arn determined to stamp out this sort of thing. The fine will b. $100 and costs or three months ini gaol. The convicted m=n was given two weeks to pay the fine. At the resuit of a complaint of a passing motorist, Police picked up a man -and aharged him with drunk driving. Hel was convicted and sentenced to seven days in gaal. An addi- tional charge of driving wth- out a driver's lioense for the current year drew an addi- tional $10 and cost or three more days in gaol. One persan was fined a total of $15.20 for failure ta yield the rlght of way when leaving a private driveway. No owner- ship in the truck, cost a truck operator $10 and costs.No light on the rear of a motorcycle cost $7.00. Failure ta leave ane hait of the road free for on- corming traffic, cast a local man $25 and costs or five days in gaol. For speeding at 55 m.p.h. ln a 50) r.p.h. zone i a vehicle that was considered unsafe, cost a yeung man $10 andi costs. Another person failed ta re-1 his parents thought was the right thing to do. Tihis case was adjourned until Sept. lSth, 1959, lu onder that the court, would kcep jurisdictiou sud ta sec if ha stili likes gaol so wcýll at that time. lic was returued ta Whitby Couuty Gaol. SALEM Salem W.A. held their June meeting at the home of MtVIs. E. Twist. Presideut Mrs. Gcrald Shackleton opcned the meeting with the theme hymn. Mrs. S. r Alldred, 13; Paul ,Durham Hîgh School Board issues Resignation Threat Two young men changed with attempted theft o! a tire sud wheel and with wilful dàmage ta a mator vehicle, wee r- manded an bail at $500cach uutil Juiy l4th. A young man, just released fromn the Ontario Refarmatony a fcw wceks ago was up far sentence on a charge of breaking, cntcning sud thcft of t.he Onano Refneshmeut Booth. Hie claimed that he had been hungny. He was nemaudcd eut o! custody until July 2lst ta sec if lic could get a job, a place ta live, sud a stant on re- habilitation. If he is work ingi ou July 21st aud docsn't want ta take time off in case At might cast hlm his job, he is ta cam- municate with the Chie! of' Police at Bowmanvillc sud other arrangements wihl be made. Another local youth w'ho is semviug thince months in the county gaol at Whitby was brought inta court on s charge o! housebreaking. Hie nearly talked himself into the penit- cutiary. He admitted that lie bation officer cvery mouth; didn't like bcing in at 11.00 at night didu't like doing what IThe motion followcd discus- 1sion o! a report submittcd to f Unitcd Counties Council at Co- bourg last wcek by a consulta- tive committce appointed ta in- vestigate dissolution o! the hîgh school board, sud formation o! 1new, smallcr boards. The action pointed up frustra- ftion of the baard which had seen memben municipalities block two diffament building programs in two yeans. Tcxt of Motion The wording o! the motion' rwas: "THAT in view of the ungency of pnoviding accommodation for secandary school students lu this district, wc (the board) shouldi wnite the eight municipalities lu' Buttery and her group were in this district infonînîng them charge of meeting. Devotional that we are adhering to our and Bible reading by Mrs. Bob building programn as proposcc iCraig. Reading, Mrs. J. Hall. . . . and ask ail municipalities Mrs. Ivison Munday was aur to reaffinm their tentative ap- guest speaker and gave a very proval or grant their tentative 1 interesting paper an "Educa- approval for issue of deben. tion." Mrs. S. Buttery gave a turcs by counties council for missionarIY reading. Plans were this complete building program. diseussed for catering to a diii- "THAT wc set a deadline ai ner. Our next meeting will be August 1, 1959, for them tc held ini September. A social mcply., Failing approval by ai] time was enjoyed after the eight inunicipalities, many mcm- meeting, bers of the present Durhami Several fnom this caînmunity County District High School attended Junior Farmers' Ficld Board will feel no other alterna- Day and wicner roast at Orona tive but to resigu. on Saturday eveniug. "THAT the date for the next Menibers of the Young pco- board meeting should be set for ple's Union held a swimming August 5, 1959, to deal with Party and wicner roast -at Ce- regulan business sud cousider dar Park on Mouday night. the building program." Mr. aud Mrs. L. Welsh, Mr. Schools Crowded and Mrs. M. Marchant wenc The members had prcviously Suuday visitors with Mr. aud dsusdtegoigue o Mrs Heb Prsos, renon.additional school accommoda- Miss Susan Marchant returncd tion. By September, 1960, ane home after spendîng s wcek's member said, there will be 380 'holiday with her grandparents. more studeuts at Bowmanville Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Twist, High School than the school can Whitby, werc Sunday visitons handie. with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Since accommodation at Donc- Mr. Frank Blackburn, Mr. van Collegiate, Oshawa. will and Mrs. Wilfrcd Blackburn then no longer be available, and family, Denver, Colorado, classes at Bowmanville Hîgh 1 wcrc visitors last wcek with will have to be arrauged lu Mr. aud Mrs. F. Blackburn, shifts, he said. Mr. aud Mrs. Gerald Shackle- Another memben pointed out ton and Mrs. M. Blackburn. that at the egular board-teach-1 Mn. -aud Mrs. Gerald Shack- ers conference canlier this ycar, leton and family, Mrs. M. Black- the first concern of teachers had burn, were Sunday visitars with not been about salary, but about Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black- the possibility of shifts. burn, Don Milis. Mrs. Black- "We're going to lose teachens burn remaiued for a longer if we put thcm ou shifts," said visit. anc memben. Mr. sud Mrs. Herb Craig, Oshawa, Mn. and Mxs. Bob Responslbllity Craig, Misses Bca and Gerda Frank Devereaux, separate Cnaig, attcndcd the Stratford schools representatîve, said, "We Shakespearean festival on Sat- may have a rcspousibility to! urday. Ipublic school studeuts to sec Mn. and Wilbert Craig they have high school space, but speut last Wcdnesday with Mn. I wc îay be more obligcd ta and Mxs. Jacobson at their cot- themn to esign sud bning the tage ucar Haliburtan. matten ta an issue now." Don't fonget our community Mr. McGnegon then suggested and Sunday School picnic at a motion to notify ail munici- Hampton this Friday, july 10. palities "if you don't give us unanîImous approval, we resigu." Chaimman A. A. H. Strike con- curcd. "It might be a damued good ides. We're ail fed up ta the hilt." He cautioncd: "I don't think it would salve the issue." "ThergOs no doubt about it," hc addcd. "Wc have to turu sod in the south-west ares by September." obtain approval from three fmunicipalities, who had hcld approval in abeyaucc, ta author- ize a stant on a two-schooi pro- One cxchange betwcen two membens, Mn. Nicholis and Clan- ence Allun, United Counties ne- presentative, illustrated the frustrations built up in the board by repeated blockage of building pnogrsms. Opposition Mn. Allun voiced opposition to the motion. " won't support the motion. Thene have been lots of times I was in favor of rcsignîng fnomn this board," he said. "This is flot one a! them," "Mouths ago I, made a motion that the Clarke, school site issue be rcferrcd ta a board of arbi- tration. I couldn't even get a seconder far the motion. "The statement has been f made that the municipalities have been stubborn, sud that we have doue everything vight. I *thiuk it's Whe other way around *-we were stubborn, sud they are in the nlght." Mr. Nichoils asked him. if he thought an outside, disinterested 1liy equipped with twîn air body could have donc better. 9 sunshine roof panel sud a "'It looks ta me as if ail this Queen's right haud. ShoWn has, been eut aud dried, pud erior of the Royal Cadilîse, thcre's only anc place, the schpol bubble o! optically perfect c5fl go, " said Mn. AIIin. nstalied lu minutes. Lowcr 1Mr. Nîchoils: "What do uSoul a ne o! the RCAF's C-.119 meïn, cut sud dried?" ' '-lfn Allun: "We don't need Ispart it ta mauy Canadian goino ha* ~oyI our 'Mr. Nichoils: 'I think w. I made that original motion on the basis of the facts. I most spccifically and emphatically! indicatcd lu that statemeut thatJ there had been no pressure put! on me." Mn. Allun: III don't mean to imply pressure had been put on anyone." Mr. Nicholis: "You gave me that impression." Program Increased Clarnce Allun sud Inwin Col- will voted against the resigua- tion motion. Sevenal board membens me- mankcd on the fact that the finst program blockcd a yean ago was for one $400,000 school, ta be. locsted near Orono. The present prognam called for the same school, plus anoth- cm $400,000 school at Darling- ton, plus a $100,000 school at Millbrook. These membens remanked that there was neal urgency to get stantcd now. because bath Port Hope sud Bowmanvillc would be equiring additions ta present buildings soon. The Port Hope addition wss mantioned by the board as beiug needed pmobabiy about September 1961.-Tues. SOLINA Mn. sud Mrs. Bruce 1'ink and family sud Mrs. H. E. Tiu'k vis- ited Mr. sud Mrs. O. Jackson sud sons at Lindsay. Congratulations te Dianne Timk an successfully passing ber Grade 8 piano exam. Breuda sud Janice Yeilowlees visited their gnand!pareu'ts, Mr. sud Mrs. E. Larmer, Blackstoclk. Mr. sud Mms. E. R. Taylor, Mn. and Mms. Bruce Taylor sud sons were Suuday visitons with Mn. sud Mrs. Neil Rainey at Sunderland. Teddy sud P¶hilip Broome are hohidayiug with their cousins Donald Muuday at Maple Grove. Miss Pst Damrs hsd ber ton- suls ncmoved in Oshawa lias- pital last wcek. Jimmy AllUn. Bowmanville,' cnjaycd halidays with his cou- sin, Murray Yellowlees. Mns. Mabel Wcstlcy o! Bal- mertown, NonthernuO nt ario, speut sevenal days with hiem.sis- tien Mmi. J. Ycllowlees sud tam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Sami Camm (for- mcnly Mary Cryd4-rman) were hououred 'by fricuds o! the coin- munity at a social gathering on Satunday night at the home o! Mr. sud Mns. E. Cryderman. Stan Milîson was master o! ceme- manies, thc addness was read by Mrs. B. Haoey sud the pre- sentation o! a card table sud chair set was made by Wes pont an accident iu which only eue car was invoived and iu which he was injured and tneated at the hospital, this cost him $15 snd costs. Unnccessany noise cost a driver $7.00 Two speeders ecd $15 snd costs. One truck overloaded cost the driver $22. No signal lights on another truck cost $7. No li- ceuse plates fon the current year ou a car that was bciug taken home ta get fixed up was woth $12. For failune ta have his license illuminated, aftcr dusk sud befone dawn, cost an- other man $7. ,.,IThe Modern Wcs De Traditionally Correct .À Iý Wedding Iitîations Wedding and engagement announcements, hirth announce. ments. confirmation invitation. golden and silver anaiversay announcemeats, etc. Thermo-engraving ÇEAISED LETTERtING>' Looksand JMs like the fineat band engraving. The letton have au elegance aud -iudividuslity odthe lb.Ouet band en. graving cati match. T-hermo-engraving (OAIm) LEUING) Cous about half as much as hond enpaving, becuse it eh"nl. &tes the copper plate that makes handengraving so exp.usive AND IT'S READY VITHN THE WEEK 0f course yon can order matching enclosure carde, reception, response, thank yau and at home carda, etc Select frram our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct, papers. Il distinctive styles of lettering. Weddingm priced as low ai 50 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, cos- plate with double envelopes and tissue&. AVAILABLE AT Zb Canabtan ttma SINCERE THANKS' TO THE CITIZENS 0F DURHAM COU-NTY: Unable Io show my. gratitude Io you ail personally, I take this opporfunity of -expressing My sincere thanks for the mosi generous support accorded me during the receni Provincial Election Campaign.- My sincere appreciation is extended to ihose workers who mosi ably assisied in making the campaign a success, and to the people of Durham County for their many courlesies and kind expressions of good will. Yours Most sincerelyp e Altex. Carruthers These four lads were some of the eager entries in le! t ta night: David Wright, 9; Wayne the Pie Eating Contest at the Community Picnic at Cream Alldred, 9 and David Bridges, 11. of Barley Camp last Wednesday, July lst. They are, from1 YES ln Magistrcate's Court Tuesday, JuIy 7, 1959 (Written by A. Kurb) By a vote o! 12 ta, 2, the.Dur- ham District Hligh School Board decided Thunsday night ta noti- fy cach of eight, member muu- icipalitips that unlcss approval o! the board's three-school build- ing program is forthcoming by August 1, many members will feel forccd ta resign. "It's about time thcy came dowu off their high hanse sud let us go ahead, or get out," said Alex McGregor, the board memben who pnoposcd the res- ignation motion. It was almost midnight whcn the board, having debated the' point for aimost four hours, passcd the motion ncanly unani- mously.1 a aYOU TOO CAN BE A SHREWD CAR BUYER1 HOW a 0 a Corne in and look over our cars on display sud look at the Iow. market value prices, a saving to you that ean buy you the nicest holiday you've ever had, in the cleanest and rnost comfortable car you'vc dreamed of ownmng. Here is something worth rernbering - esclu and every late model used car is purchased by us-flot traded in to us which means that we pick the sharpest and best used car> from a tremendous selection and tesults intremendous satisfactioù.i for '. 'MIy fine custorners. The way we buy cars may amaze some people . . . . .-We ave flot looking to the pvevious owner for any service or expense, which means we are net intevestcd in who the previous owner was, nov do we need the previous ownev's sales ability to, sell us on the car. 2.-We do flot cave whether King Tuck ov Joe Blow,,owned the car bef ove, If the car is veally sharp snd the scarce type, to be iu immaculate condition at a veasonable market value wholesale price, that's for us, sud wc've been buying them for a long time snd- intend te, do so mndefinitely. 3.-Did you ever get stuck with a dud car - aud why? Did the dealer flot tell you exactly the type of car yeu were buying, or did he just risreprcseit lis pvoduct ouly te make a sale sud laughed about it when you'd gene. This rnethod with us is se old it smells. Sec us veal soon for man to man selling or dealing- truthfully, ,you wmnd up with a much better car aud save a whole lot of mouey. You can buy any car for $30,00 down and Iow monthly Arts Car 194-196 Church Si. as littie as payments. Market MA 3-5064 A CAR FOR A QUEÉN LIII). Atm Turnes admifres the vear compartment ef the Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan which has becux adapted sud sp- cially fttedi for the Royal Tour of Qucen Elizabeth sud Prince Philip. Two Indivldually powevcd rear seats, upholstcred in ilver grey 4cLaughlln CArrnage cloth, arc features of the rear compartmtui 0the uca. Matehiug cushiaus sud a lap rug of thue srne matevial - lte latter cavyiug the Royal Cmcst embroidercd ln red gold - as wcll as grey mouton floor cover- ime &M M*dvlml h uoscla, omplet. th. decor of th. vear compartmcut. Theé car la alsar specis couditioning units, pawcmed sliding remote control radio kuob at the Ç top, left, is a rear vicw o!f te exte] which illustrates the detachable b plexiglass. It eau be removcd or à left shows the -car cmemging tram "«Flying Boxcars" which will trans pointsansd to Chicago durimg th. R Yellowleen and Bruce Montgom- and Mmi Stan Milison and 1 ugm ery. Ma!7 and Sam expressed Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yeflowlees appreciation for the gift and sc- and sono were Suflday dinnez' companying good wishes and a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Allin pie- sant eveming was enjoyed. and sons, Bowmanville. .ý and Mrs. D. Flett and Messrs. Wilbert and Oliver famnily attended Columbus an- Glaspell, Mr. and Mrs. George nxversarY service and visited Wilson and family Paetor, Mrs. T. Fleti. ough, visited Mr. ad }n .R' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and dy and Stanley. sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Hil- Sgt. Charles Johnson and Sgt. ton Tink at Ebenezer. O'Reilly, Londou; Mr. andMv ndMrs. Ray Osborne of M. Baker and Mary. Geogr Lakewood, Ohio, visited Mr. J. town, and Miss IL Baker, Tor- Kiveil and Miss Pearl Leach. onto, visited at J. and Tom Bi- Mr. and Mrs.Don Taylor and, William visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Chas. Smith, F. Abernethy, Oakwood. . Oshawa, were Sunday visitaurs at Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe's. children were ýSunday tea guests suMr ad Mrs. J. Dyer's, Osh- ST R VL E Mrs. Rae Pascoe visited her grandmother Mrs. E. H. Peever Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fallsa su lu Oshawa Hospital. Douglas. Toronto, were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGîll, En- Mr. Orme Falls and Douglas niskillen; Mr. and Mrs. O. Lunn remaining for a holiday. î and children, Peterborough; Mr., Mr. Clifford Fonk spuit Sun- and Mns. Roy Langmaid were day at Burk's Falls. Sunday dinner guests of MT. ande Misses Norma and Beulehh Hol- Mns. Charles Lan«maid and' lowell are spending the sum- ch1 de. mer at their home. Sally.Langmaid is holidaying Mr. E. Graham and Miss LucyUL with her cousin Karen aud Ted.. Graham, Third Line and Miss dlt Lunn, Peterborough. Flossie Graham, Newcastle, were Mr. and Mrs. C. Langmaid Sunday guests with Mr. gnd Mr&. and children attended Colum. Clifford Reid. bus anniversary service sud Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coenish were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. and family visitd Mvi. Victor George Gilroy and sons. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and Mr. and Mns. Albert Rogers family visited on Sunday at Mr. and family, Oshawa, at Mr. M. aud Mrs. Ralph Crawford's, Shutka's, Sunday. Whitby. Service at Shiloh was weil at. James Drynan, Oshawa, and tended Sunday morning with Margaret Miller, Brougham, are special music by the choir. For holidaying at John Knox's. this month Rev. White wili con. Miss Judith Drynan, Oshawa, duct the service at 11.15 a.m. spent sevenal days wîth hem Mrs. Wark, Owen Sound-, cousins, Helen and Fat Knox. Misses Norma snd Beulah Hall. A.B.A.C. Eldon Cloan, H.M. oweil, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cas. C.S. Bonaventure, Dartmouth, wel sud family and Miss Gwen N.S., is holidaying with Mr. and Stark, were Sunday supper Mrs. George Knox and fsmily. guests at Mr. Llew HalloweU'is. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson sud A numben of ladies met Mon. sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Ian_ day evening at the home et Mrs, Smith and children, Scarbor- John Stark when she was hos- ough. tess for a Stanley demonstra. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grigg tion by Mns. Linda Scott, Mill. and chuîdren were guests of Mn. brook. l' THE CANADL4N STATZSXM, BOWMANVffl,& ONTAPJO THU MAT. 31 n Lr d 'e L- 0 PACI BMRTEM