Durham County's Get Vamffy Journal Large Crowds Attend Community Picnic 10o Per Copy NUMBER U811 Ap prov e s h Schools jCouncil Two Rain spoiled what otherwise would have been a perfect day for the huge Cornmunity Picnic on Dominion Day at the Creain of Barley Camp. Large crowds -ýof youngsters and their parents were on hand for the even.t, there were plentyof ~~ttS±nt-for the,'Y7aos and-'otàÈèr, ivnts -and thlê ipptY offre utt-'for the kiddies 'ý-was ample. Unfortunately, the fireworks display had to be cancelled when the storm broke a few. minutes before they were-to be started. These photos show at top, Alex Lyle, Claude Kiliner and Jack Lander preparing to- dispense the soft drinks, and in the lower photo, part of the line-up that filed past the free boôth ail afternoon. tP<eces NURSE WANTED - Mrs. Victoria Frank telephoned Wednesday morning to sec if The Statesman might be able te locate a Registered Nurse for their Girl Guide :Camp at Pigeon Lake, August lst te 7tb. Any quali- ied nurse who would be intcrested in an enjoyable holiday of this type sbould telephone Mrs. Frank MA 3-3231 evenings or contact ber at 72 Scugog St. MANY THANKS - The local executive of the British and Foreign Bible Society wish te tbank ail contribu- tors and canvassers in their recent drive for funds. To date, nlmost $1,100 bas been realized, considerablv higher than last ycar. A special tbank vou is extended te R. P. Rickaby for the use of bis store window for the display. LIMERICK CONTEST - The Kinsmen Club bas join- cd with The Statesman in sponsoring the Elmer Lim- erick Contcst te promote safety among children. Several bicycles wil] be awarded to youingsters w'ho writc the best line te complete the limerick ini the advcrtiseient on page nine. The Ontario Safety League points eut that the last line must rhyme witb the fi-st two, net witb the last two lines. i. t t WINS AWARD - A Bowmanville man, A. W. lIerwill. 6 Mann St., bas been presented with an award for excellent work in marine weatber observing at sea on bebaif et the Meteorological Branch o! the Depart- ment et Transport. At present, about 3,000 merchant ships are observîng thie weather regularly for over 30 different nations. Canada bas 51. Mr. Hou-will is radio officcu' aboard thie T. E. S. Pinnacles. He will reccive a copy of the book "AKU AKU", by Thor }Ieyerdalil. t~ t t + OPEN PARTS DEPOT - Word was received early this wcck that the buildings formerly ewned and operated by Canadian Canners Limitcd and purcbased bv Schwarz Brother s have been leascd to General Motors of Canada. It is understood tbey will be used as a parts depot wbich could develop into a fai-ly extensive operation bere. qGLORIOUS TWELFTH - This wveekend. tAie f ifes and dru.ms will be eut in full foi-ce for the annual Orange celebration. The walk tAis year. on Saturdny, wfll be in Cobourg fer this district and advance information Sindicates that it will be one of the biggest in several years. t. . i. t i. UNIQUE RODEO -- Next Wednesday, at Ce! al Public School, beys and girls will compete in- a big Bicycle Rodeo, starting at 6:30 p.m. There will be two classes, fromn 8 te Il years anid Il te 15, witb three pmzes fer each class. Dowr Rigg bas entry foi-ms. (Continued on page seventeen) Hig anabian Frize for uenerai ProficiencY-Janet Seott. lot 11ao. Reon- J.Allison, L. Ashton, J. Baker, K. Banl, J. Boe, D., Brent, 1 Falla, F. Grahamn, B. Hansen,, L. Hately, J. Hayes, G. Hendry. A motion unanimous1y givmng ansd the other in Millbrook. It C uty High Seéhool district beelynHgeR JcsnF.,er .Lner .LnC approval to the building of two was pointed out that if two nt pproved;, Snew High Sohools in the dis- schools are bufit there will not <2) That the present ]ig I Lathangue, C. Liptay, D. Masterson,. L. Miller, M. Osborne, J. trcoeat Millbrook and one be any building problem for scho*1 district be divided intoi Owen, D. Rickard, C. Robinson, K. Sampson, J. Scott, Karen inte west end of the area, several years. Dp ttwo districts; Sorenson, M. Stewart, H. Strikwerda, H Smidstra, D Sweete, Bowrnanvîlle Town Council Reeve Brough that Reeve Hig- Sehool district t nld h ils .Smos ~heki on Monday evening in the gon, who wvas a mnember of the 'town of Bownanville, the vil-IWiiD.imos Council Chamber of the Town «United Counties Cou.ncil Con- lage of Newcastle and the 2od Viau. Boueurs- cHall. No mention was made of sultative Committee on the ftownships of Clark. and Dar- S. Anderson, B. Annis, G. Balson, T. Buma (Fr.), R. Burg. ithe proposed third High School. Hieh Sohool question read tihe igton. spMBrdoECaeM.amr .CrW.hskvh . Dputy-Reeve Jack Brough, comniittee's report. (b) The East Durham HighesMBrdnEClM.am r,.CrW.hskvh,. seconded by Reeve W. David1 Reeve Higgon stated that thie School district te inclu m h Coates, D. Colwiil, P. Cook, M. Corden, J. Cully, D. Ellott, ,C.. Higgon, moved that counci eommittee recommended town of Port Hope, the village Elston, C. Floyd, D. Foley, Doug Gibson, R. Hellam, A. Hofstede, give approval for the builditwo (1) The application of Bow- of Miîîbrook, the township of R. Holmes, D. Horban, E. Hughes, P. Hughes, J. Lander, J. Lane, of two High SohooIs, one iu menville and Darlington to Cavan flot included in the Pe- M. Loescher, D. Mann, G. Mirsch, M. Munday, Ja. Mutton, K. Darlngton or Eowananville,' withdraw frein the Durham terborough. suburban district - and thie township cf Hope. Nimigon, J. Pluister, L. Pring, J. Rekker, E. Reyenga, R. Rickard, R at pay rs ~ 4fJf -lav e One meipber of the commit- L. Samnis, B. Shackleton, D. Snider, K. Sorenson, L. Taylor, &. tee, Reeve L. A. Hooton of Ca- Taylor, D. Turansky, W. VanBelle, C. Vermeulen, M. Vetzal, D>. Ratep yersW iliHave van township was of the opin- Werry, C. Wilson. ion that the d&vision of the dis- trict should be postponed until Srd Clams Renours- the Durham High Sehool ds D. Allison (Fr.), L. Bate (Fr.), R. Baker (Fr.), J. Bezubiak, A cesllmRcrd' B. Bradley, L. Brock, J. Brown, P. Contes, J. Cole, J. Cye(r) blmnitspn program. N. Darrach (Fr.), N. Dejong, S. Dilling, 1. Fowler, J. Garrod, U, DeIe g a l'ion lnformed tee auiding re:rad ugPr . arcuP LkM or. .MDnlR D ele atio Inf rm edThe inembers -o! the commit- Gibbs, D. Gibson, W. Hiannan, M. Hodgson, M. Huggins, B. Knapp, At he eetng f Bwma- bt o hlp ,y riningrat-1Hope, chairman; L. A.. Hooton, (Fr.), A. Molloy, L. Niekerson, M. Oliver, R. Pearce, J. Phillips ville Town Council helci in the payers' grievances to you in a vne; DFr),G.r.k W.D.Shne DS.uc, .TuantnL.Wes, Council Chamber o dyondnIdloirn"M~r. FDr . .Tunrscod evening, repre.sentatives cf thi stated. He told the council thoo naetrtadC A as-.. Bowmnvile latpayra'As- he ateayes' ssoiato omes, public sohool inspec- S. Allison (Fr., Alg.), C. Barreil (Fr., Alg.), S. Bruce, 3. sociation weetd hy oud eenttosaiiewihhe lîfrn i Callan (Fr.), J. Chamberlain, S. Cobbledick, C. Cox (Alg.), 3. obtain information they might: information they had received 1 ether or fot the existing Coutts, G. Flintof! (Fr.), M. Foran, J. Hallowell (Fr.>, C. Hicks, want by looking at the books i i answer to questions the or-'hg h in he dimnisraton ffie o gaizaionhec ased.h sohool district is 'te best T. Hoar, N. Hooey (Fr.), R. Kilmer (Fr., Alg.), A. Leddy, N. thie Tovtn Hall. Mayor Carruthers stated that! posesianeentaea1: Lee (Fr.), G. Macliougal, B. MacLean (Fr.), P. MclntyrE Ed. Foi-an, president o! the! the Town Clerk had been if n de-bidn are <iîMehroC cRoberts, Lloyd Miller (Fr.), B. Milîs (Fr.), C. organization, was the spokes structed to wrrite to the Associa- à rn atya.I aldt upa F.,M etn .Oe(r) .Pumr(rAg) man for th.e delegation. Otihers tion and state the pro r eneelartyeapr t aled of !Mu rhayn (Fr., M. NeteJr (Fr.), . Pune (Fr., Alg. >,Sip present were Tom Masterson,! fthe Ontario Municipal sAct geot eoss uniy apoalte n o n FD.,sso (.), . Seker (Frs.), R. Sctt, F r., gu(F.), p 2nd vice-president; Mms. Nel andi say that members can ob- xnoriyeif5iaiie o F. l.,A Sehn Hs.,J teat .Sige(r) Wilson, Robert Martyn, Bill! tain information from thie books1 A différent plan, worked out L. Thompson, N. Voutt (Fr., Alg.), P. Vowles (Fr., Alg.), T. Wil- TMutton, inembers of the execu- at the Town Hall. this year, involved three new liansou (Pr., Alg.>, Ti Wilson (Fr., AIg.), K. Worden (Fr., Alg.), ltive o! the Bowmanville Rate- It was pointed out by Mr. ischools. If accepted it would payers' Association, and Mrs a. htteTw lr' ivemat-tebidn fa!GAEXTOGAEX Jak ol, mmbr.letter had only been received j 400-pupil schoolI et Courtice in Pri2e for General Proficiency-Mary Yurko. IlWe are not out te do battie, (continueci on vage .seven) (Continued on page se v Rnoes * G. Barnes, M. Bettles, D. Brown, G. Burnhfam, S. Chaskaà .1. ' u flvich, S. Cherneskey, J. DeGooyer, M. Dickens, P. Fisher, D. Foley, fi - 't~AI(Continued on page seveuteen) Ilncluding- MinorChnges lApproved'by-Da'rling ton -Tw.o Bands Accompmy, Large Kiddies, Parade The ainended Zoning By-law- IE E N D#E ~i7 V Iê'D ED was passed at the meeting of a tin g 1the Darlington Township Coun- . m aI The holiday oelebration ef in charge o! the judging and HEampton, on Thursclay atter- - started gaily with a Children's judges were Murray Larmer, noon, July Znd. Ail members M . W u ~ . .a Costume Parade ini the morning. president ef the club, and Mr&. cf the Township Mundcipal In M Jsi g ******cànt The parade startedi at the Lions Larmer, Mr. and Mis. Art Hoop. Council, Reeve Roy W. Nichols,, omnxunity Centre and thrilling er, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sleep, , r euyReeGreB.Rick-'mrh music was provided by Dr. Chai-les Cattran, past presi.. ard, Counciliox- A. E. Thomp-l1. eUVO O th r * IU WO -ite Bowmanville Legion Pipe dent cf the Kinsmen, and Mrs. aExtensive damage was don.2 son, Councillor Earle Truil, and 1iBand andi the Lindsay Kiwanis Cattran, and Mr. and Mr& to a number of apple orchards Councillor Fred G. Snith, were! Many enjoyable miotor trips! front se«t and the car roliedi Kavaliers' Bugle Band. Robert Kent. Sin the district by the sudden present at thie meeting. by two local couples over the, over hirn. Mr-. and Mrs. Clemens The parade offered a colour- The prize-winners i the dif. hall storin on Monday. The dis-1 A letter had been received past several years endedi in tra-1 remained in the vehicle. fM spectacle which delighted ferent categories were: Do. turbance cut a swath fromn the frein the Ontario Municipal gedy, June 30th. One o! the1 The accident victims were thie enlookers ail along the route. minion Day Theme, 1. Neil Goff 5th Concession of Darlington Board suggesting some chan- congetnial foursemne, Frank B. taken to Rock Springs by arn- There wvas a wide and interest- and Charlie Harper, 2. Mar- te a mile east o! Newcastle. ges. and amendnients, and in- Rundle, 71. o! Bowmaanviile, bulanice iwhere thie injured were îng variety o! costumes, beauti- and Doug Parker, 3. Katherine Some farmers sustained serieus!torming the Township Ceun-; was killed and tha lihree other! admîtted te Sweetwater Coun- i fully decorated bicycles, and and Susan Etcher. Foreign, 1. damage to more than 50 percent! cil that wvhen a certified copy, members of the party suffered1 ty Mem.orîal Hospital. Frât1 doîl carniages. Susan Reynolds, 2. Bille Ruit- o! their crop, it is estimated. of thie arnended Zoning By-1,awi injuries. news of thie tragedy hit Bow-1 From the Lions Cornmunity er, 3. Shawn Leddy, 4. Penn.ý0 Howard Gibson, manager of i.s received thie Municipal Boar-d As had been theïr custoîn for i anville shortly after eight i Centre the chîldren paraded Almen. Comics, 1. Irwin Col- thie Durham Grower's CO-op. wili issue approval. about 10 years, Mr. and Mrs. o'cloclç in the evening when. To- along Beech Avenue, up Lo*& well and Dennis McFeeters, 2. Storage Ltd. drove through the! There are a total o! 25 chan- Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. AI- ronto newspapers atteînpted te Street to Temperance, down Dougie Firthi, 3. Dickie Barreil, district to inspect damiage on ges lu the Amended By-law. bin Çleînens, also o! Bowman- obtain local details and a re- Wellington, along Division St., 4. Ron Hooper. Bicycles, 1. Tuesday morning. He stated They ai-e mostly minor changes, ville, started out over a week port was braadcast oh radio. King Street to Silver Street,. .nd Gail Hobbs, 2. Carl Kent, 3. that there was considerable in wording. Small parts et the ago on their armual jaunt. They Lewis Rundie and Laverîîe.u . vrSretth runsWye Aln. Oiia, 1 dainage centred on New(ýastle Zoning Regulations of the By- intended to tour midwest Unit-, Clemens left by air Wednesday'o Bowînanville Central Sehool. Michael Leddy, 2. Beverly Sleep, extending about three quarters1 law have aiso been amended'in ed States, possibly reaching! and arrived in Rock Spri.ngs on.'Th e jde'ts a if-3 ao utr etr, of a mile west and one mile, accordarice with some of the Califoinia before returnJn~g. Thursday moring hi coin- cult one because there were so Wayne Sheehan and Paul Mart- east o! the village. requests miade at thie Munici- Aot6 ie u !Rc ltdTe many clever costumes. The 1 in, 2. Frances Henning, 3. Johnni, He predicted that the apple pal- Board Heàring held i'Springs, Wyoming, their car, ude- oy e fsn o n. omeil isenCua -thr n oneLnly icrop at harvest tîmne will be Hampton in May and April.. went eut o! contre] when it and his bod3rato bes ent hoee . .. . . .. . . .. . .- adversely affected. and said:- Representatives o! thie Franki came over thie ci-est of a hili on M\1onday. The three injuredé that the orchards hardest hit Cowan Company, R. MeýLellan, and hi a windrow o! oilniix parties were Iound ta be in fair: e c a tD e n C rA cd n sei ebe those belonging te Woodstock, and S. E. White, R. surface inaterial being put condition, although each i sha ..e.n.arAc. d n Rusl Os_ýrnHrldGb R ,Bv.navlltelocal down on thie road. wearing a body cast due te di-s- M ~/~', ~ son. and lrwin ColwîlI. agent, were present andi con-; According te the report i lMaee'reba. Te r .'~~ ~' D locaed verebrae. They ae"ffl Mavor Wilfrid Carrutliers' ferred with. thie Township Coun- 1thie Rock Springs flaily Rocket, also suffering f rom cuts and; Z1., 4 orchaî'ds in Bowiînar ville es- cil regarduîîg its insurance pro- the timie was about 8:30 in thie is. Rundle's arns ere bad- . -"' Y ' caped damage, but the oee!lie grain 'andi renewals. niorning, incicating they hiat ly burned on the i oati whon owlis ftather north, TAie former Council deciici to increaý3e just started their- daily drive. she was thrown out of the ca'. i eri property. su tained its automobile liabilitx irns ur- Reports state thie car swerv- It is expected they inay be ableï .- sqine daînage. as d1«id that own-. ance 'roui S100.000 ta $500,600.; ed three times back and t'orth, to travel hiome u'ithin a coýupie l ed by Doug Ktî erv Tile AU Risk Replacemnent Lia-' acroýs thie heaped up oilrn.ix of weel;s. Lewis Runcile returu-, " Grant Brock's oreýiard ,-vas huIity, Poiicy was aise increasedi piled h e centre e! thie rond.cd on Sunciny. and Laverne damageti. but thie one owned by f ram $100,000) to $500,000. The anLa then ioUed over once into : Clemens remained for a few Forbes Hevland was net affect- previaus ture insurance and tue le !t borrow pit, en.ding up' days. '"'~ eti seiously. boiler insurance policies were on its wheels. Mrn. and Mis. The nar waï at couiplete ~j4 j~ ~ Han-y Jose, Newcastle, had renewed. Council alsc decidedi Rundle were threwn eut of tAie wneck. * , ' ' its north orchards badly dam- on coverage for members of the " aged bv the stormn, but there Town Council wvhile they are " xvas onl- siight damage to bis. engaged in township business,. * southern eues. It hasbeni- Robert Tremble, president o! ported tht1oateso George the Darlingtou Ratepayers' ts- Steryhensons farm east of New- sociation, andi Mrs. Budai, the castle were hit, and Phil Dost's secretarx- of the organization vegetables aIse sustaineti dam- were present. Ani Invitation was 1age. 'given te thie Town.ship Council M The 25 acre farm owned b-y îto attend a meeting o! thie Dan- George Reigger, Newcastle,1 ling-to-î Ratepayers' Associa- , sutferd havydamage bath te tieon aunday evenig, July i the erchard andi vegetable crop. iIt'ai n tAie Com.muuity Hael, The hai] also inflicted consid- Hampton. erable damage on John Rick- Reeve Roy W. Nichols andi ard's !arm. andtiet the farm thie other niembens of thie coun- owned by Deug Cunninghanm. 1 Continuea on cage seven> Representative Wants To Finish Mausoleum' RepOrts of the three meet-, over the presertit ausoleuin eng held by the Board of here, -have it ccsnpleted, 'and Works during June were sub- seli the crypts. All prev.ious mitted by -the chairman Depuy- sales wllA be honoured, lie aid, ty-Reeve Jack Brough at the and if anyone wxished their meeting of Bowmanville Town money refunded this will, be Couneil held in the Town HaU doe The charge for perpetual on Monday evening. cr of the crypta wxll Ibe Mr. Ayres, president of the! $122.50. Ontario ?vausoleumn Company,i It was moved by Couneillor addressed the meeting of the A. H. Sturrock, seconded by Board of Works held on June Councillor 0. J. Presson, that 9th. It was "i desire to take 1 (Continued on pagl en).. Mr. and I Ms.Abin Chusoa inFrank B. Rundle, 71, was kîiled early Tuesday morn- inJune 3th, when the car he was driving went out of control in Wyoming, U.S.A., and rolled over hlm. He shown here with his wife, Edra, who suffered lu0o. Two other passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Aibin Clemeni et Bowmanville are aise hospitalized Bt Rock SpringuN Wyoni- 'r, kf4OLUME 105 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY M.h 19504 A&pples ýTake Be Un Flash* Hall St Ç't31t and' Suspense Overi Bowmanville HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS LOWM a BMDLE SCHOOL oCOMMERCIAL M!r. U. W. Dippeil wil be at the High Sehool frorn 9.») «.m. to 4:0(v p.m., the day after the Upper Sehool Resuits a» published, to, interview students who wish information regarding NOTE: Students with subjects i brackets alter theïr mares must repeat these subjects in a lower grade. Standing: int Class Honours-75% and over; 2nd Clasi Honour,-60% P 74%; .frd Clasg Honours--M% - 65%; Peu- GRADE IX TO GRADE X