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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1959, p. 2

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qw ,lA A V T *' A 'u!IAi W fnwÎANVIT..U L NT1ARTO TUSA.JL t,15 PAGE TWO -aa r. Sl af.f. .y Blackburn m Hardy Picnic HeId ut Solina School The BB1.ckburn-Hardy Annual Plcni wa held Wednesday, July lot, 1959 at Solina Com- munity Hall and school greunda, with attendance of 65 for dinner and 110 for supper. Several of the farmers were hlome haying. The sports events were as follows: Girls 7 years and under, Sha- non Pearce, Mary Pearce; Boys 7 years and under, Ken Allun, Billy Blackburn. Girls 10 years and under, Kathy Black- burn, Lâois Down; Boys 10 years and under, Jimmie Allun, Brian Earle; Girls 14 years and under, School Resuits CARSCADDEN'S SCHOOL S. S. No. 14 MANVERS Grade 8 to Grade 9-Leona.rd Bradimore. Grade 6 to Grade 7-Allan Bowins (Hon.), Albert Van Beek. Grade 5 to Grade 6-Brad1 Benford, Allan Horner, Linda Porter (Hon.), Linda Young- 2nan. Grade 4 to Grade 5-Henry Van Beek <Hon.). Grade 3 to Grade 4-David Horner (Hon.). Grade 2 to Grade 3-Cheryl Burley (Hon.), Carold Horner (Hon.). Grade 1-Olive Bu.ley. 0&rs. G. Wood, Teacher. Jean Colc, Anne Blackburn; Boys 14 years and under, Dean Werden, David Mander; Sin- gle Men's Race, Robert Allin, Harold Yellowlees; Ladies' Spot Race, Mrs. Water Blackburn; Men's Throwing the Ball Race, Farewell Blackburn; tos game (couples), Grace Black- burn and John AllUn, Anne and David Mander; Relay Race, Anne Manders team; Couples Shoe Mix Race, Grace Black- burn and Norman Blackburn, Nan AlUin and Harold Yellow- lees; Ladies' Shoe Klcking Race, Marjorie Worden; Horseshoe Pitching, Farewell Blackburmn, Fred Hardy. Three special prizes were donated fer the following: A pnize for thc oldest person at- tending the picnic, Wesley Al- lin; A prize for the, youngest person at thec pîcnic, Glen Pearce; A pnize for tie person coming the longest distance, Frank Blackburn, Denver, Col- orado. One minute silence was ob- servcd for the following who have passed away since July 1, 1958: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Knight, Stouffville; Mrs. Mary Rincli (Allun), Newcastle; Mr. William Potter, Bowmanvil]e; Mr. Isaac Knight, Fenelon Fa-Is; Mr. Geo. Fallen, Whitby; Mrs. W. G. Hardy, Edmnonton, Al- berta. Special speeches were given by Harry Earie, Grimsby; Nor- LOOK AND' LEARN NOW YOU CAN CET SO MUCH MORE FOI MURH LESS IN a.. OUR PRICES ON NEW LARK $25 8 MODELS START AS LOW AS.# nn Down, Oshawa; Fred Han- dy, e Toronto-, Frank and W lrd Blackburn, Denver, Colorado. It was decided by relatives present that Uic 1960 Picnie be helM on July ist at Solina Com- munity Hall and School Grounds. Officers for 1960: Past Presi- dent, ?&. Jo. Snowden; Presi- dent, Mr. Wesley Yellowlces; lst Vice President, Mr. Walter Blackburn-, 2nd Vice President, Mr. Ken Brown, 3rd Vice Pre- sident, Mr. Carl Down;, Secre- tary, Mrs. Arthur Thompson; Asât. Secretary, Mri. Jack Pearce; Treasurer, Miss Grace Blackbu.rn. After 'enjoying two delicious meala and a very eventful day among relatives, we all depart- cd :for home, somnewhat pleased that we came. Relatives were present from Bowrnanville, Newcastle, Hampton, killen, Lindsay, Peterborough, Oshawa, Toronto, Port Credit, New Toronto, Grlisby and Denver, Colorado. Abernetby Familles Hold Annual Picnic The annuai Abernethy picnic was beld in Bowmanville on June 27, 1959. Although the thundcrstorm dampcned plans for an outsidc meal, the weath- er cleared in time for sports outside, following a buffet pic- nic at Uic home of J. H. Aber- nethy. There were 58 present from 15 familles. The following of- ficials were elected te plan thel picnic for 1960: Pres.-A. E~. De- Nure; Vice-Pres.-Gordon Ab- ernethy; Sec'y-Joyce Taylor (Mrs. Don.); Food Commttee- Mrs. Harold Abernethy, Mrs. Alex Abenethy; Sports Com-. mittee-Marion and Gordon Jr. Aberncthy, Mr. and Mri. John Steele. MANVERS STATION Mr. and Mns. Alex Sinclair visitcd frienda in Tomante on Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Frank Derusha and Murray spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, Toronto, wene weekend guesis with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston. Mr. Paul Agnew, Toronte, was speaker for Uic Temper- ance Federation at the churcli service here Sunday mnorning. During Uic summier months service wiil b held et 9.30. Next Sunday thc new student assistant on the Manvers charge will take thc service. Mr. and Mrs. Kcnneth Sin- clair were in Detroit on a week'a vacation. Mr. Jas. Tyrell drew a laad o! hay m tacth barn on Uic trailer and tractor. They were just going i for supper when one cf the helpers noticed sinoke coining froin one of the bales and called Jlmi. WiIh some difficulty they extinguished Uic fire caused from an over-heat- ed wheel on the trailer. For-, tunately they were able to, savc the hay and th.e barn. 1&x. and Mrs. Win. Stiner and family, Tarante, spent Uic holiday with Iffi. and Mrs. Frank, Denusha. Several from hem. attended Uic horse races in Peterborough on Wednesday a! ternoon and took In Uic garden party aI Centreville Presbytcnian Church in thc evening. 14 Grad'uates Take Part at Knox School Graduation exercises o! Knox Christian School were held ini the Rehoboth Christian Reform- cd Church on Scugog Street last Friday evening, June 26th. Fourteen boys and girls receiv- d their Diplomas te ccrtify that they had compietedth prescribed course cf study and had passed a satisfactory ex- ammnation. Nine of thc fourteen grad- uates expect ta atart grade 9 in the local High School, one will go to Lindsay High School, one to Oshawa Collegiate, two to Blackstock High Scheol, and one has moved with liii tam- ily to Burlington. The naines o! the graduates are: Dicki Brinkman, Teresa De Jong, and Alice De Gooycr, Adrian Van-1 der Meer, Newcastle; Louis Bruinsma, Hamipton; Benny Hofstede, Maple GSove, Frank Glasbergen, Yelverton;, Alex Wiersma, and Idso Wiersma, Blackstock; Andrew Schaafsma, Burlington; Gertrude Hogeterp, Florence Van Dyk, Fred Wit- voet, Bowmanville; and Helen Malda of Orono. The graduates, assisted by their friends of grade seven, gave a program cf choral singing and a play, which was mucli appreciated by the audience. The Commnencement Address was given by the Rev. Jacob Uitvlugt, B.A., B.D., pastor o! the Batier, Mich., Christian Re- formed Church. The Rev. Uitv- lugt, who is a son of the school's 'principal, Jacob Uitvlugt Sr., reminded the graduates that the education they have received at Knox Chri stian has tramned them. to "trust in the Lord with ail their heart, and not te lean on their own understanding."1 Doing that, they will experience that 'God will direct their paths. ' The Board's President, Mr. S. Feddema, congratulated the graduates and presented the Di- plainas. Dick Brinkman, vale- dictorian, expressed the feelings cf his classmates thaning par- ents and ail those who have a part in maintaining Knox Christian School and in the edu- cation given there. At the con- clusion cf his address he pre- sentedj the principal, Mr. Uitv- lugt, with a complete barbecue outfît, including a chicken. The evening's activities end- cd with the school choir's ren- dition of The Qucen, followed by the Doxology, after which the Rev. Nfr. Uitvlugt led in closing prayer. Memoriat Hospital Weekly Report For Uic week o! June 29-i July 5: Admissions - 46 Births-3 maie, 2 female-5 Major aperations --6 Miner operations 16 Emergency treatments ---21 Visiting heurs 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m. ]BLACKSTOCK The W. A. cf Uic United Caiurch met at the home o! Mxs. Lamne Thoznpsen Tuesday even- ing with 26 ladies present. Witli Uic president, lilrs. Ross Duff, prcsiding, meeting opened with a hymn and W.A. prayer. Amongst Uic business it was decided to exhibit aI Orono fair. The rol call, 1my faveur ite flower", was weil answers cd. Mrs. Stanford Van Camp gave the devotional, neading Psalm 27 and a fine paper on "What doth the Lord require and what does man want?" and led in prayer. Mrs. Harold Kyte ini her usual sweet voice sang ",Bless This House". MrX. Doris !valow gave a demonstration on the making of corsages which ail thoroughiy enjoyed. Mrs. B. Ashton, group leader, thanked Mrs. Marlow Uic host- css, and ail wiho assisted on the programme. After the closing exercises a delicious lunch was served by Uic graup and a so- cial haîf heur enjoyed. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mlarlow, Mr. and Mmi. NeiI Bailey went te Doe Lake to, prepare camnp. Wednesday morning seventeen Cartwright Girl Guides, Mrs. Ivan Thomp- son, Elizabeth and Susan, Mrs. Roy Turner, Lorraine and Jan- et, sel off by bus for the camp. There were aiso several Guides from Bowmanville and Scugeg i tic sanie bus. The gentle- men returned home Wednesday cvening and were able 10 re- pont te Uic parents thal thc bus had amived and Guides had tents set up by limie it started te nain. The Guides -and Lead- ers will be two weeks camping. The .Blackstock juvenile hard bal team appear te ho impnov- i m with Viractise. On Wednes- day evening Uic gaine with New-, castie ended i a lie 5-5 and lIhursday evening with Port Hope 11-11. NexI game to be here Thursday playing Cobourg. Dominion Day passcd quiet- ly around here. Severai attend- cd "doings" in vaniaus other places but mosl o! thc farmers wonked with hay utnil the nain i thc evening. Due te Sunday bclng the day for parents and familles te vi.sit thc Guides at Doe Lake, Uiere were several cmpty pews In thc United Church Sunday morm- Ing.M.Rbn Wermof Ke- rowola asgdet !a o mante Univensi gveafine sermon on Christ speaking ta is disciples anid we o! present age on "Be o! Good Cheer". The choir sang thc Anthem "Blcsscd bo thc name o! Uic Lord"p. A goodly nuxuber o! mcem- bers of tac L.O.B.A. and L.O.L. led by Tyrone Band paraded to~ St. John's Anglican Churcli Sunday evening. Canon Chap- erlin delivemcd Uic sermon ta 4.- based his thoughts on "Nat every one shai enter the Kingdom cf Heaven, but h. that doeth the will. of God". After thc service, the band and- mcm- bers of the lodges paraded the four streets of the village. whcre a large crowd cf specta- tors were visitlng. Mnr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys accompanicd by his mother, Mrs. Mollon and Mx.ý ,A. Prentice cf Port Perny, spent Wednesday at Sturgeon Lake. - 1. and Mrs. Roy Taylor spent a few days with MX. and Mrs. Anison Taylor at Rice Lake. Bob Kyte and Ray Suggittý spent last week at Quin-Mo- Lac United Churcli Camp. Mrs. Allan Moore, Shirley, is visiting Mrs. Ed Darcy for a week or two. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron- to, is home for a month's holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Me- Cncady and Billy, Mmi. Frank Dunn, Milton; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruddell, Oshawa; Mrs. Wm. Ruddell, Mr. and Mra. Merlin Shantz and family Mrs. E. E. Shantz, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests cf Mr. and MErs. Harold Martyn and boys. Miss Hyacinth Camipbell, ja- maica, is guest of Bey. and Mrs. P. Roimenil and Dennis. Mi. Webber, Bowmanville, is visiting lier aister, Mrs. W. Bradburn. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock spent a few days in Toronto hast week. Janie Mew returned home with Uicm. for some hoUi- days. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp and Ai- leen; M-Vr. and Mrs. Arthur Bai- ley, Mr. Jack Van Cam-p, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and Doreen; Mr. and Mrs. Mcmrill Van Camp; MT. and Mrs. Keilli Van Camp; Mr. and Richard Van Camp, attended, the wedding o! MT. Swain Van Camp and Miss Thelma Nickel ini Llstowel Sat- end guesta of the Boy Fergu- whoh for, Onat pbla N= Mr. Gordon Paisley is taking a summer course in Frenchi and Miss Jessie McArthur i Ptiysioal lHcalth Education at Kingston. Misn Betty McArthur Commercial, Miss Joan yen- ning Kindergarten, and Nel Bailey, Shop work in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Raipli Larmer and f amily spent Sunday in Hamilton. Brenda and Janice Yellow- lees, Solina, are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mxs. Ernest Larmer. Kara Lee Ferguson, Newcas- tle, is holidaying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Wcir Swain, Toronto, spent the weekend wlth Mn&. and Mrs. Clarence Manlow. Mr. Merlin Bailey, Montreal, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mountjoy, Jack and Jil, Wark- worth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain and fanuily, Wednesday. Mr. and MTs. Grant Ferguson, Ian and Mary and Miss Helen Ferguson, Tomante, werc week- --. d 0 ÀO> VUP m '0......*eeSeg**ee** e.......... ... : 0 0 & a & a a a & a 0 9 a & a 0 & a 9 0 0 0 9 a 0 9 your ftingertips Safeiy ln the. automobile is optional at no etra cost. No mechanical aaIty dovice can replace the, protection of careful driving. Last, traffic accidents claimd the. lives of more Canadians than ever before. Someone wauijured every 8 minutes. A car was da;maged every 48 seconds. Automobile insurance claims roee to more than $150,000,000. One resuit of duis is higher automobile insurance rates - because what is paid out in dlaims must b. brought in bypremiums. But even more important is the, fact that you hold your lie, and the. lives of others, in youz iiands when you get b.bind the. wheel of a car. Safety pays dividends.. saves lives, helpo to Iower your insurance colts. Be Careful. AILL CANADA INSURANCE r]EDERATIONU Pie..Autoabb MWandCoi a@at awua Here's oews for ail our telephone customers à' HAMPTON An extension phonoe au ho a handy Urne- and step-saver iu your homel Rntalled lu kitcen, den, bedroom or hall, these handy phones cost only $1.00 extra per month eaeh. Worth the amail cost for a lot ef conveiçice! en getao teRo eru sons. adMs c iFr guso nd .MiriPallera- Juoe, orn, Paeuestanof Mr.e TontoM,. Ccre gue11, Wof nr.edtMSrday and Hised a number of other fricnds. The Harold Kytes, John Car- naghans, Stan Rahms, Mr. and M.ns. Gilbert Marlow, Ivan Thompson and Bill, Mn. and Mrs. Ed Harris, the Doug Mac- kies, Gordon Metcalfs, Bruce Mountjoys, W. Lawrences, Mur- ray Byers, Ray McLaughiins, M. Suggitts, Ivan Robrers, Lloyd Passants, Jas. McLeods, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blythe, Frank Stanilands and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, visited thc Guides at 1)oe Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahni and Paul end Mr. CeciliHill, visited the Gerald His in North Bay Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Mrs. John Scott and IMx. Camp- bell, spent Sunday and Mon- day at Collingwood and Wasa- MRýrs. Wilbert Archer spent the weekcnd with her daughter, Bert Smith, Toronto. 1 -THLTRSDAY, JULY 9th,-1959- CalI Collect Newcastle 4331 j Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larme; Bownianville, called on Mr. Mfl4 Mns. Mervyn Graham, Sunday. Mr. John Scott and' Mr. Campbdll spent last week la Toronto. FOR THE BEST IN AMERICAN STANDARD BATHROOMS DURO WATER SYSTEMS FAIRBANKS-MORSE HEATING

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