TZ1U1MDLY, JULIX PMI UDUU but vou were Iiîcky. It isn't a ,as ta sinple. Ganglion ik a fairly comînon condition in ivhich cyst-fike growths for- within the capsule of joints and ini tendon sheaths. Surgical re.- nioval is olten advised aIthouigh iere arc cases ini which thit might flot bc so. Many ganglion' vanish following injection of a cortisone.Iike dpilg. A4rswers do flot necessarity rejiect the opinion o al doctors. The diag- nasy. and treatncnt o! dise use is thte function o>' the patient'$ per- sonal physician. Questions di reced to Science Editors. iP.O. Box 396, iMadLçon Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. *Wii Se incorporaird in h.erm FIMng FremtWiom. r Proes- dm.- «ý.wi ym g 7 Ou cr bWnesm cn exm!hs TOUI Dêo WmUAl tt Married in. Oshawa Ail Pupils of iMrs. Workman , ;j. lAre Successful VW Ail the- pupils of Mrs. W. E .. i*.. . . C. Workman, A.L.C.M., R.M.T., M.adMsKnehAnl ok eewdi who took the recent Music Ex. r n r.KnehAnl ok eewdi amninations of the Royal Con-j St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, Oshawa, on servatory of Music of Toronto: Saturday, June 2th, 1959. The bride, former Colleen were successful. The candidates who made Hester Barton, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas this fine record are: Grade VIII 1 Barton, Oshawa, formerly of Bowmanville, and the groom? Piano - Honours, Ba rb a ra is the son of Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Locke, Bowmanville. Brown-, Pass, Berta 'Higgon.1 -Photo by Sneyd Grade VI Piano - Honours, Brian Hancock; Pass, Margaret Shackleton, William E. Watson. Grade IV Piano - Honouîrs, Jeffery. Grade III Piano- Pass. Elizabeth Braden. Grade II Theory-First Class Honours, Karen McArthur; Sharon Ann eddî g Anderson, and Richard Lander. Grade I Theory, Pess, Sandra Gibson. WE CAN HELP vouue WITH YOUR Geineral Insurance Needs rire *Burglary - Sickness Accident - Liabilily CONTACT \Vm. M. ""B~il" Morrison REPRESENTING Canada Securities British Norihwesiern Western Insurance PHONE TORONTO EM 3-3618 MA 3-3048 26 CONCESSION ST. W. BOWMANVILLE HARPER - HOUSLANDER' Before a setting of canel-, hra and standards of white' 'muis ndcarnations in Trin- ity United Churoit, Bowinan- ville, on Saturday, Jiuly 4th,' 1959, ai 4:00 p.m., Grace Lois Houslander, daugitier of Rev- erend and Mrs. W. K. Hous- lander,' Bowmanviile, was un- ited in marriage with James Donald Harper. 1\r. Harper is the son of Mvr. and Mrs. JameS, P. Harper, Port Credit. The bride's fa'bher, Rev. W. K. Houslander, off iciaied and dueis were sung by Miss Olive Poulion and Mra. lana Darraîl, Hamilton. Mr. Arthur Collison, Bowmanville, was organisi. The bride wore an empire gown of pearl-toned peau de soie styled along princess lines with the skirt-extending into a sweeping train. A large cres- cent of appliqued lace hclld in place an overskirt of silk or- ganza ta, create a petticoat ef- feci. The bodice was designed wiih a heart-shaped neckline and short sleeves enriched by ire-embroideired band-dlipped lace. A pearl coronet held the bride's finger-tip veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of white orchids, deep pink roses Open Friday Till 9 P. OX'S Store Wide JuIy F 0 X SClearance Sale Starts Thursday 9:30 a.m. COTTON DRESSES COTTON SKIRTS CAR COATS Reg. te Reg. te Reg. 16.95 99 12.95 99 16.95 9 TO CLEAR,649 TO CLEAR3 J TO CLEAR79 COTTON DRESSES C O A T S DATIIING SUITS Reg. MSPRING AND FALL 25.00 Reg. "t. 99E TO CEARTO CLEAR TO CLEAR 2-PC. DRESSES REVERSIBLE S U 1 T S SURLINS <~ SPRING AND AL 9ss.9g 95 DEDUCED » CLEOLBAP699TO CLEAR FOX"S LADIES' WEAR 2 Locations 7 Simcoe St. S. -Oshawa. Shopping Centre and baby's breath.1 Miss Marilyn Houslander as ý maid of honour for her sister,î and Miss Kathryn Vokes, Miss PhylIlis McMillan and-Ms.Nr man Cameron bridesmaids, were aiiired in identical street lengili gowns of pink and white polished satin, fashioned along, princessa unes, with a gathered panel of pink chiffon failing from the back of the scoop neckline. They wore bandeaux ceired with white velvet bow-s surrounded by white flowers and carried cascade bouquets of white carnations ahd deep pink roses. Mr. Harold F. Barker was best man and the ushers were Mr. J. Peter Gardner, M.r., J.I David Tucker and Mir. Bruce Evenden, cousin of the bride. For the reception held ini Trinity United Churcit Hall, te bride's mother chose a re-em- broidered Dior blue lace sheatit. A silk organza panel, caught wiih a rhinestone pin, fell in soft, folds to the hemline Mirs Houslander wore a matching picture hat, and a pale pink rose corsage. The bride changed to a pea-( cock blue polished satin em-j pire slheath, maching duster! of silk organza, eggs-hell shade! bat and accessories, and an or- chid corsage from ber bridai bouquet, for their wedding tri-p to Lake Chautauqua, N.Y. and New York City. On their reiurn Mr. and Mrs. Harper wili reside ai 16 The Donýway East, Apt. 207, Don MilîsOn tarie. The bride, a teacher by pro- fession, is a graduate of Mc- Master University and Hamil- ton Teachers' Cbilege. Mur. Har- per, a graduate of University af Toranta, Faculty of Phar- macy, is a pharmaceutical chemist. Grandmas Honoured by Solina W.I. 1 The Solina W. I. met'in tb Cominunity hall for the June meeting. President Mars. Tom Baker was ini the chair: Secre- tary Mrs. Wes Yellowlees read the minutes and correspon- dence. Mrs. H. Mlison gave the ireasurers report. During the business session it was decided ta give more financial assistance to thse Girl's Club work. Mrs. Roy Lang- maid reported ihat the bus itrip ta thie Straiford Festival would be on July 15. Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and Airs. B. Hoa- ey were appointed ta arrange a short bus trip or picnic for the July meeting. Nirs. Vance, Mrs. Heal and Murs. Langmaid were ap-1 pointed to purchase a gifi for Mrs. Gorr, who recently lefe our commnuniiy. Mrs. E. Leask reported that the sewing cam- rnittee for tihe bazaair would be pleased to receive remnants of material to, be used bv their grOup. Mrs. Ralph Davis rend te !Eiglish leiter and Mrs. Rodo- vie agreed ta answer it. The rall call was well responded ta by namning "Sometbing my Grandmother nussed". MIrs. R. Cryderman, leader of Bradley's group then iook charge of the programme which as under the heading of His torical Reearch. Mrs. B. Ash-J +tM rond~ a noomno e nattO. of Misa Houslander'a fiance. Bride - to - be Teroswr trciev dininrtom thresea ale was Honou eu at ium, and sweet william. In the! centred with a béautiful bou-j quet of pink carnations andl Trou sea Te white chrysanthemuns in a* Mrs. W. K. Housiander en- tali white tapers in silver can- tertained on Tuesday afternoon dlesticks. one evening last week in hion- Mrs. W. Ross Strike, Mrs. our of her daughter, Miss Lois Stanley MeMurter, Mrs. Claude1 Housiander, at a trousseau tea Ives_ and Mrs. Aubrey Smith I at her residence, Division St.! presided over the tea cups dur-¶ Mrs. Housiander and her dati- ing the afiernoon. Those . who ghter were assisted in receiving: assisted in serving were Mrs. by Mrs. J. D. Harper, mnotheri K. N. Morris, Mrs. Clint Bar.; rett, Mrs. T. Turner, Mrs. Allan; Lobb, Mrs. Frank Jamieson,1 Mrs. Jack Emmerson, and Mrs. edicl Miror David .de. edc/bM - In the evening Mrs. Robert o 4i Stevens and Mrs. Earle Os-t borne poured and thaose wha( Note Io readers: Thanks for ail assisted in serving were Mrs.j te nice Icuters. As many ques- Ken Hockin, Mrs. Douglasi lion as possible will be ans wercd W'ight, Mrs. Clare Alln andci ipt this colurnn, but for obvions i Mrs. Stewart Crago. rea.ton., replies musi be brief. In the afternoon Miss1 Mary JeweIl also assisted the hostess,' Q. -For thirieen years 1 hod and Mrs. Forbes Heyland as- I trouble wiîh a ganglion inMymr isted in the evening. Larrane t ee sris. One dortor advised Jamieson was in charge of te Oaurgerys anaî ber was againsi 'Ouest book in the afternoon, operaf ion. Then ail ai <nr, the 1 and Joan Turner during the ganglion wat gone. Wlhoi hap. eveflifg. Miss Marilyn Hous- pene?"-C Nf.lander assisted in showing the wedding gifts. A. It would be hard ta sav whv i ______ "0f ail the thiings you wear,' by M-s. W. Campbell, spent your expresion i- the mosi, Sunday in Toronto with Mr. important."î and Mrs. E. Stewart. Ricky A very fine sklt about work stayed for a holiday with his in Grai-drna's Day and one Of! grandparents. the modern housewife was The Norman Oliver and Ivan given by Mrs. W. Parrinder,1 Rohrer families motored to Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. C. ice Mitchell on July isi to attend Mrs. J. Yeilowices, Mârs. R. the Rohrer famnily reunion .ai Langmnaid and Nirs. E. Cryder. Mitchell. Leona stayed ai ber man. The stage was fully grandmother's and Carol is equipped wiih the crude house-1 camping at Doe Lake with the hold articles of fifttv ears ago' Girl Guides of the towvnship. and across the back of thle 1\r. and Mrs. Noël Sweetman platform were displayed items11 of Beaton, speni the weekend of milady's apparel.1 with Mr. and Mrs..Marvin Nes. Mrs. E. Cryderman and Mrs. bitt. C. Vice sang two vocal duets MIvss Ida Camnpbell of Regina which were much en oed. l is paying an extended visit Mrs. E. Taylor gave a splenid: with hem sister, Mrs. W. E. Bea- report of the District Annual1 cock and family. Convention which was held ai' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock Maple Grave. and family visiîed her mothér, Several prizes were awarded M1ýrs. A. Ritchie and Miss Feru as follaWs: To the oldest grand- Ritchie, Toronto. mother, Mms. H. E- Tink; To The Max Fallas fasnfly of the grandmother with the few- Ganarnoque, are at their sum-1 est gray hairs, Mrs. Bruce mer home for the holidays. IMontgomery; and ta the grand- I Mr and Mirs. Lonnie Chap- mothd with the smalst fooet man, *Paul and Jimmie, of North j an wih te moi rcenBay. spent the weekend with grandchild, Mrs. J. Yellowlees. -her'narç'nts. Mir. and b1rs. Geo. Lnhwa evdb h oes nStra ebr group in charge. o f the Bowers and Dayes fam- ilies iattecnded te lor fm IMr. and Mirs. Roy Ego of To- Nesileton Station ronto, an'd Mir. and Mrs. Albert Abboit, of Ottawa, called re- Recent visitora with Mr. andU cenîly on the Grant Thompsons. Mrs. Bruce Heasýlip were Mr. Misa. E. Herron returned Sun- and Mrs. G. Heaslip, Janeitvile, day from Port Perry Hospital IMi. and Mrs. AI. Bruce, Sea- where site underwent minor, grave.,MIvr. and Mms. -NoxIman stýugery. Irviiie and Shirley -and Mir. - and' Friends . are pleaaed to know Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowmrnan'- Adelbert Beacock was able to ville. leave Oshawa Hospital on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cm- day and are wishing hlm ai bell and fan-ily accompanied' speedy recoveoey, following a Buy it in the. handy 6-bottle carton Mr. and Mre. Jas. Harris were celled home £rom a cottage at Severn Bridge due to the sud- den passing of their cousin, Mr. Rupert Morris of Lindsay, and are remaining a few days with Mrs. Morris. Friends are wishing a speedy i reeovery to Mrs. E. E. Wood' who has been confined to bed with circulatory trouble. A week ago they were guests at the Webster-Williams wedding in Toronto. Welsh Family Holds Reunion The Welsh family reunion was held ai Creamn of Barley Park on Sunday, June 21st, with ,an atten-dance of 118. A well pla*nned progranmme of races and contests for ail ages was conducted by Audrey and George Hilson, assisted by Vi- vlan and Neil Britton. The pienie executives for this year was Raymond and Bar- bara Welsh, Pres.; Harry and Eva Souch, Sec.-TIreas.; Sports, Vivian and Neil Britton, Aud- rey and George Hilson. After a supper which was enjoyed by all, the next year exeeutive was elected az Il- lows: Pres., Jack anid Dori Welsh; Sec.-Treas., Peter andi Ruby Kowal; Sports, Vince andi Pat Prout, Murray and Doreeni Vennor. Gel Cash To-day through STATESMAN C L AS SIF 1E 0S Phone MArket 3-3303 came from Tweed, Belleviflle Cobourg, Port Hope, Osl4awa6 Toronto, Orangeville and Wese ton. S5peciols in PERMANENT WAVES Wwled by: MARGARET SMIT1 JOSIE DEMAINE NISS VIOLET ZACHANOWICB formerly of Miler's Beauty Salon la now a member et our staff. FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $75 For $__7.__5 Reg. $12.5095 For -__9.9__ Reg. $15.00 115 For -__ 11.95 SPECIAL COL» WAVE ai $5.95 5fr. Huyck wilI be here on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. to do the steam and regular wavez IPhone MA 3-5703 FOR AFPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairstyling Studio 67 Kig St. W.» Bowmanvlle Patient: u"Doctor, ail n1ght long. every night, 1 dream about.-base- bail." Psychiatrist: l'Weil, that can easily be cured. Who's your favorite actress?" Patient: I'Jayne Mansfield." Psychiatrlst: "'Then ail you have to do is think about her at nght." turn "at bat?" We're not exactly specialists on eiiher basebail or Jayne Mans- field but If "spots" are your trouble (on your clothes, of course) then you've came to the right place. We'll remove them froin your finest garmnents with-. out harm to the mosi delicate fabrics. Please give us a caîll eçkvte~v~ Pepsi-Colare4çCf&u3 fumaTRBVRAC*ES LT»., UM Chuweh St., B.wmmavili.,U" j' A VE Y U EAR ýHISON Carl Ledi. Lions Club- Carnila Saturday, JUly 181k, 1 ý ý ý -, - ý,.f - --l' , ý, 'l PAGE TIUM TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnl..& ONTAMO loti C21%AV TTTTýv afik la-Ne And -loft me Mr. and Mrs. Dale Berry are shown signing the register following their wedding in King Street United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, June 6th, 1959.. The bride, former Gayle E,'lizabeth Chambers, is the daughiter of Mrs. F. E. Traini, Oshawa, and the laie Mr. D. Chambers. The groom is the sonl of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Berry, Ajax. -Photo by Campbell's Studio