THu ESDAY, JULY 9tb, 1! Religion for Today What is T rue Wealth? A Weekly Talk By Rev. R. R. Nicholson Most o! us have wished at is ail that you are worth." some time or other that we King Midas, in the ancient had the wealth of Croesus. In legend, asked that everything our amazing egotism we believe he touched might be turned that we can use money to bet- into gold, for then, he thought, ter advantage than other peo- he would be perfectly happy. 'pie. Therefore it would be of Ris request was granted, but great blessing to the world. as when bis clothes, his food, his well as ta ourselves, if we were1 drink, the flowers he plucked mnillionaires. There is nothing' and even bis littie daughter, in the Bible as far as we can whom he kissed, were al find out, that condemans the changeil into the yellow métal. possession of money or encour- he begged that the golden ages us ta look upon it as some- touoh might be taken from birn. thing unworthy of aur thought He had learned that rnany or seeking. It warns us, how- other things are intrinsically ever, that "the love of money far more valuable than ail the Âa the root o! ail evils." <R.S. gold that was ever dug fromn 5.. Sir Bulwer Lytton said: the earth. n.ever treat money affairs with Thousands of people today .levity, for maney is charactex."' think that money is the su- l{ow a man uses money-howv preme good. They say that ,he rnakes it, saves it, spends money is power and that it can it-is one of the very best tests supply tbem with everytbing of his wisdomn and judgment he need or desire. It is the Mony i on o!Gods good tgreatest tbing in the worid.j g- s. You may neyer have very Therefore, get rnoney! This is much o! it, but be assured that! the ideal held before aur youth y¶su c e rich wthout it. The' tod:ay, and as a resuit many iran w.o has nothing but drift into evil ways, and some' nr- ney is the pourest man in become bandits and criminals. the world. "Do you know, sir," Jesus gave Ris disciples a said a devotee of Mammnon to stern warning in "The Parable John Brigbt, "that I arn worth of the Rich Foal." The rich a million pounds sterling?" man's wealth was steadily in- .es", said the annoyed states- creasing and was becorning a *man, "I do, and I know that tA gr'eat blirden ta him. He did PAINT SPECIAL.S 4-SEASON BOUSE PAINT SPECIAL - Gallon --- -$4.45 THIX HOUSE PAINT Quart Gallon $2.10 $6.95 FULL LINE 0F KEN PRODUCTS and LUXOR ENANELS Canada Paint Co. House Paint' AT REGULAR PRICES Je H. ABERNETHIY'4S 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 trou ffhm.l~SoM MarkU .ai ... whth lia~t cio. fae. U.uu a for chu. eofdt, lm fuli itMSd trMbl-frn ufoumc. WIt thlm ItuFireman CUSTIOM M4ark Il furnace you use a super. sensitive thermostat which oppontes the fiumas. with the. slightest varia- tdon of roomn teniperature. This fives you remarkably uniform Indoor teauperature. No matter how often thxe funa. starts thoa la no mmoke no soot, no fouled eombustion cabo. non wastdol With thxe instant clean flam there ue no flecks of soot blowing froua & our chimney or escaping into your orne. Hundrcds of tests made with imoke-detecting instruments show a flame thats absoluteiy cdean frorn 60. vssymoment ira wtuned on. ata. 10 o o.Fan hmbaffiiem D.wn 0o fuel b/ile Operofes wihovt Oweurepoýrt remarkable fuel 18V chlmn.y drofi Ings Ter is no amoky warm-up The CUSTOM Mark Ilftrmao period to foui fthe furnaco and provides lis own poitiva badued wanteo il. Service cafla are cilÉ ta draft with precisioncontrol. No 0-. vanishil2g point. natural chimney dra r equin&d MRON FIREMANEtçM«mwd Hum»,%» ANS ~ L. A. Parker & Sons PHONE MA 3-5651 New location: 152 King St. E. GLEN RAE DIRY 98 King St. W. Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWM'BANVILLE,- ONTARIO Married in Owen Sôund Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baptist Church, «Owen Soun beth Marie McFaul, daughtE and the bridegroomn is the sc not know what ta do with it, but decided, at any rate, he would live a life of ease, lux- ury and self -indulgence. But God said ta him; 'You fool, this very night you will be asked for your soul. Then who is go- ing ta possess ail that you have prepared?' That is what hap- pens ta a man who hoards things for bimself and is not rich where God is concerned". (Luke 12:20,21. J. B. Phillips' Trans.). Material wealth, i any forn', is not t.he supreme good. There are rnany things which money cannot purchase, but which maybe acquired -and passessed by those who are poor. Mioney cannot buy health, bappiness, oharacter, usefulness and peace o!fnind. There are wealthy men who are destitute o! al these, and many poar who pas- sess them al. They alone are rich in the sight o! God. Money is o! value anly as it cantributes Wo the abundance of life. A man may be a multi- millionaire and yet be a spir- itual pauper. Years ago Dr. W. H. P. Faunce, President o! Brown University, spoke ta 1,600 boys at the Stuyvesant, High School, in New York City. He warned thern against con- sidering the accumulation o! wealth as the main abject in life. He said, arnong other things, that a rich man. benevolent and religiaus, once said to hixn cancerning his intirnate friend, who was a multi-millionaire. *'He is the poorest man in this city. He has bis mind on money sa muoh that he cannot see, talk about, or enjay any- thing else. I pity him." Dr. Faunce also said in this ad- dress: "In a New York Club 1 met a man known frorn one end o! the country ta the other, and he said to me gloomily: I consider my life a faîlure." 1 replied that every one consid- ered bis career an astaunding success. This man explamned ta me that he had been giving bis tirne so exclusively ta business that he had lost appreciation for the better things o! life. He could not read a book with interest. He could not listen ta music with patience. He could not get re!reshment out o! tra- vel, nor receive pleasure from a picture." The gaining o!frnaney is not the bîghest ideal, for maney alone is not true wealth. It is *An external and temporal pos- session, which cannot be car- ried beyond the grave. It s not te Maxwell Venton whose marriage took place in First d, and who w iii reside in Toronto. The bride was Eliza- er of Mrs. William John McFaul and the late Mr. McFaul onl of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Venton of Bowmanville. -Photo by Fraser Studios, Owen Sound Announce Engagement Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher of Newcastle announce the engagement of their daughter Melveen Joy, to Mr. Barry Emmett Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, St. Catharines. The marriage wiIl take place on Satur- day, July 25, 1959, at 3 p.m., in Newcastle United Church, Newcastle, Ont. re, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Ron. E gg Mor the holiday with Mr.and Mrs. M. Bertrim. A good crowd attended the Sunday Sebool Annivers a r y Supper and Concert on Domin- o' ion Day, July lst. Mrs. K. Hardy and Mrs. Earl 1 Prescott, Tyrone, called on Mrs. Richard MeNeil. Mr .and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Dougie and Dale, visited Mrs. Nettie Cale and Miss Estella ~' BackbrnBowmanville, on Sunday and metMrFan Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blackburn, Norman and Darlene o! Denver, Colorado. o.. Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Riekie and Billie, Orona, were Sundayvivsitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fontaine aiad Neil, Mr-~.Fontaine Sr., Toronto, vi-ilted M~rs. A. McNeil. Mrs. W. Thompson and Gail à accompanied Mr. Eari Thomp- son, Bowmanville, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beth Patsy Thompson at Camp Pet- o! Whitby announce the en-' aria. gagernent o! their eider daught-. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowlinrg er Theresia Agnes, ta Mr. Henry and famîly, Salem, visited Mr. Yurko, son o! Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. George Ta'bb. Miss Lily John Yurko o! Enniskillen. The Tabb reburned home with theni marriage vows will be solemniz-' folt a holiday. ed at St. John the EvrangelistI TomyadDbi ot 1959. satb, n ul 2 ent a !ew days with Eddie Ashton, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon wbat a man bas, but wbat he visited Mr. and Mrs. Sandy is that makes hlm rich. Jesus Moore, Shirley, on Sunday. said: "A man's life consistethl Mrs. N. Collacutt, Bowrman- not in the abundance o! the ville, was a holiday visitor with things which he possessetb. r Mr, andl Mrs. George Tabb. True opulence cansists not i Mr. Milton Slemon visited Mr. the possession o! silver and Elmer Slemon, Toronta, Mon- gold, and stocks and bonds, but day. in the possession of that wealthr Mrs.Richard MeNeil and Mrs. wbich no incarne tax can dim- H. Crossman vsited Mr. and' inusb, nor bandits can steal-1 Mrs. Fred Cowling, Blackstock, wealth o! mind, beart, charac- aind atten'ded the Orange Parade ter and soul. Sunday evening. July W.A. meeting will be held at the home o! Mrs. Alf- HAYDON red Ga~rrard, Thursday (tonight) Church Service Sunday at Mrs. Muriel Brownlee, Toron- 7.30 o'clock. to, spent the holiday wýith Mr. 'Congratulations ta the teacher, andMrs. Lloyd Ashton. Miss E. Knight, and pupils o! Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Havdon School on successfully G. Trevail, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- passing their examinations. ter Kilburn, Mr. and Mrs. T. Temple, Je!! and Jan, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ormiston. O I Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and O IUARY Linda, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and f amily were Mrs. ZwaantJe Semplonlu.s Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Mr.ZaneSepous Lloy Ashon's wife of Jan Semplonius, died at Dougie and Ruthie Morrison, the family residence, 16 Silver, Oshawa, spent the weeken'd Street, Bowrnanville, Thursday,i with their grandparen.ts, Mr.r June 25, !ollowing a short inI- and Mrs. Mel Bertrirn. iness. Mi-. George Bertrim and Gea- Bor-n iHoiland, she was the. A&P Choie. Quality PEACHES Choie Quality MENLEY BLACK CHERRMES Fancy Quality (New Pack) A&P ASPARAGUS TIPS Reg. tUn Slo--SAVE 14e 3 28-oz tins 79c Reg. fUn 21c-SAVE 7o 2 i 5-oz tins 35c Reg. Uin 35o-4SAVE 4c 12-oz tin 31c Super-R ight Qguality Meat Specials BEEF ROASTS B LADE BAEBN EOE SHOULDER J.39c FULL CUT Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials! Native Grown, Niagara, Excellent Eating, No. 1 Grade, Uarge, Lusoieu Block Cherries 6q bask$ 10 6Ç New Crop, Native Grown, No. 1 Grade, Table Whit.e POTATOES 49 Large, No. 1 Grade, Native Grown, Snow White Heade CAU LUFLOWER Ail Pricee ln This Ad Quaranteed Through Saturay, July 111h, lmS I I c 1c,9c OU~ BIRTHDAY ;6S/R"W"M -The entire family will reaily go for fresh trawberries and delicious Glen Rae Whipped Cream Order some of this extra fine whipping cream from your rnilkman today. Glen lae Whipping Cream makes any dessert taste better 959 PAGE »IVU daughter of the late Mr.and Mm L Kommaeran as 1 indu ct New~ Minister ini her 5Oth year. She camne with her family to Bowman- .1M illb roo vil rom Holland seven years U nited Church, M lbol The deceased was married inf The Rev. Stanley E. Snowden, clerk of the session at St. An- Holland ini 1931. Since corng B.A., B.D., formeriy of Ban-,drew's, with William Robinson. to Bomanville she bas 1,ecI croft, was inducted as minister Clerk of Session of Cavan, say- a memnber of Rehoboth Chris- of St. Andrew's United Church.iing a special welcome from that tian Reformed Church. Millbrook, and Cavan United! congregation. The Rev. Dr. H.L Besides her husband, she is Church, in St. Andrew's on, B. Neal acted as chairman. survived by two sons, Henry Tuesday evening, June 3th. The:ý Men of the congregation and Edward, and two daugh- induction service was conducted assisted in serving refreshments ters, Mrs. J. Strikwerda (Le- by the Rev. Gordon S. Max- prepared by the W.A. under ana) and Trixie, ail of Bow- well of Trinity Church, Peter-, the direction of the President, manville. One brother, Jonn borough, Chairman of Peter-, Mrs. Wilfred Elson, to the meete Klompmaker, Stirling, Ont., borough Presbytery. Assisting: ing which filled the hafl-Ex. also survives. ~him were the Rev. A. W. Os- aminer. The remains rested at the borne of Lakefield, who gave family residence and service; the scripture readings, and the wasbel inReoboh Cr~tanRev. L. J. Hardy of Bridgenorth go (a4W VU Reformed Church on Saturday,l hoofeedpayr IIis w w I June 27th at 2 p.m. Interment1 The Rev. J. Fullerton of 8 E .O RT A was in Bowm.anville Cernetery1 Keene preached the sermon and Rev A. W. Schaafsrna con- ' heed therefore unto your- ducted the services, j "Take heed therefore unto your- Pallbearers were Messrs. Ed. selves, and toalal the flock aver Klomprnaker, Geo. Klornprak- which the Holy Ghost hath er, Kees Plantinja, Arie Prange, made you overseers to feed the Jake Vander Heyde and Jake church of God". Steenstra. The steps relating ta the cal ______________ were given by the Rev. A. E. Larke of Springville. O BITUARY M ng the actof induction p his new pulpit frorn which he S. l«. FRANK B. RUNDLE pronounced the benediction. iThere was a cornbined choir Mr. Frank B. Rundie, 71p frorn Cavan and Millbrook, who Bowmanville, was instantly sang the anthern "The Lord is killed when the car he wa in His Holy Temple" under the l . -'~ driving was involved in an ac- direction of Stanley Northrop.I cident in Sublette County, Following the service a social A r. er Wyoming, U.S.A., on Tuesday, hour was spent in the church TriVADYLLIw ~4PTM 51f- June 3th, 1959. hall. The Rev. Walter Patter- 04A de *J/NID 5 The late Mr. Rundie was son, minister emeritus of Grace /WPASV~' born in Ebenezer, the son of Presbyterîan Church, the Rev. the late James and Annie Mar- Gerald Graharn, the present tha Frank Rundie, and in his minister at Grace Church, and _____________ boyhood attended school at S. the Rev. J. Edgar Palfrey of S. No. 3, Base Line. St. Thornas' Anglican Church, In 1910 he married Edra Er- ail spoke, welcorning Mr. and r lSDJP . 1 maine Taylor and they resided Mrs. Snowden to the commun- 1EVICE o. at Ebenezer until 28 years ago ity. The welcorne of the session when they moved to Bowra and the charge as a whole was 8A3383 !OWMAYIIE ville. Twelve years ago the e-expressed by Bruce Ingram, ceased became a businessmani and was a well-known and popular figure on King Street. At the time of his death the late Mr. Rundie was the busi- ness associate of his son-in-law, MrFSood , n tgthr D .....r,, s FodMarket. His church aff il- i ation was with Trinity United, IBowmanvîlle. Besides his wife, he leaves l t i g four children ta mourn his sud- den passing, Lewis, Helen (Mrs. 80 King St. W. Bowrnanville Sulas Trewin), Rae, Napanee, Phone MA 3-5041 adDonald. Temany beautiful floral M tributes were indicative of the MAYBE . .. you don'i know esteern and love held by friends,I neighbours and relatives. Flr- ai pieces were also sent b Co. Ltd.; A. & P. Staff, Nap-1 anee Five Hundred Club; A. &. seleciion of Dresses, Skiris, Blouses P. SoreBowma*nville; Nap-f aneRotary Club; Bowmanville frielw s rcs Tennis Club; Parts and Service, frtelw s rics Sick and Social Club; National Grocers;1 12 O'Hawk Club; DRESSES . . . . Irm $6.95 Ia $1 1.75 Group1, Queen St., Trînity 1United Church; Hayden Mac- BLOUS , lsie Donald, General Motors o! Can- E ,alszs.......$1098 ýîada and General Motors Pro- ducts; and Final Finish Dept. SKIRTS, uaad selection. . . e a $3*98 1 No. 2 Shift, G.M.C. . e . Harold Turner officiat- D AS ER S aisze ... ..9c atteservice which was -9 heid in the Morris Funeral Cha- hv vrtigfrteBb pel on Monday, July 6th. Inter- ehv E ertigfrheBb ment was in Bowmanville Cern- etery. 11Palîbearers were Messrs. Corne ini and look around . .. We are sure :Lloyd Crago, Grant Bennett, SJay Truil, Ross Pearce, Charles you will be satisfied. 1 Osborne and Walter Rundie. ____________________________