- - -- - ..-~- TBESDMAY, JULY GUi. 1939 THE CANADIAI STATESMAN, BOWMANVLE. ,ONTARIO Mm. Ralph Rea, Portage La Pra- irie, Man. On the return trip1 they travelled by boat from To n Co n Fort William to Port McNicoIl. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart seil July 101h. froin Montreai vvith Variec aboard the S.S. Carinthia ta ____________________________ il___ 1Vverpooi. . n art44b aia uns 1 *** andMr. rcieMaser D. ndMrs BllRudi ~trip will combine bath business U u ij i ) d. adMs.Acie.ser r adMs.BlIRnl and and pleasure and ftbey expect to, am eacationngat Balsom Lake.' son Charles, Ann Arbor, Mich., be visiting relatives and friends Miu orohy DleToronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. in England, Ireland and Scot- 'Me repiort of the Bownian- s-.was a weekcnd guest of Miss Walter Rurbdie, Wellington St., land. ville Police Departmnent for the ~' Harriet Bartlett. last weekend. month of June was submittcd Mr. nd rs. heser Jry, Mr. and Mrs. George Young Mr. Charles M. Cawker, pres- 'ta Uthe Town Counicil at the Tmiear iiigMsj.adMr. and Mrs. C.hester eur- ident of the Seaboard Finance meeting field ini the Council H. H. Jury, Silver Street. joyed a moton trip ta, Penetang,j Corporation, was elected a dir- Chamben of the Bowmanv'ille Panry Sound and on through thc ector of thc Canadian Consu- Town Hall on Monday evening. Mrs. J. W. Willis, Port Ar- mer Loan Association at its an- There werc 133 investiga- thur, has been vîsiting hen sis- Haliburton Highlands. nual meeting hcid reccntly at lions and occurrences during ter ,Mns. M. J. Hutchinson. Mn. and Mrs. Sydney Cas- Mont Gabriel, Que. Mr. Caw- June, Police Chic! Bernard R. Mrs. T. A. Garton and Mrs. boumn and family, Toronto, spent ker is sonl of Mn. and Mrs. T. Kitney's report stated. There W. J. Bagneil have returned a few days tis week wîth the, Wesley Cawker, Bowmanviiie. were five arrests, and thc ta- frmvacationing in Atlantic former's fathen, Mr. Harry Cas- tal mileage of the police cruiser frin boumn, King St. East. 1Mns. Frank Sobil, Clearwaten, was 3.513 miles. CSY.Recent visitons wit'b Mrs. C. Fionida, is visiting hen mothen, Councillor Ivan H.obbs, se- Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berry J. Smale were Miss Ida Peebles, Mrs. F. M. Penfound and her1 conded by Deputy-Recve Jack hn akrted assahabo catof Coiborne; Mrs. A. W. Balson, brother, Mn. and Mrs. Ray CO- i Brough, moved that accounits on Lke Kssaabog eas ofKingston; Mn. and Mrs. Hugh R. chrane, Enniskillen. Mrs. Sobil paid prior amounting ta, $57,- Lakefield. Smalc and family, Ottawa. will also visit hier sisters, Mrs. 733.51 be approvcd. This total .Miss Joyce Bragg R.N., Pem- r n r.Atu er- S. Harding. Mrs. Wm. Richards included $30,000 for thc new broke, spent last week with her Mn and Mrs. rhnMjnn-adMs Vince Cnaddock, Osh- odEgnShocut e L>rns Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. son visited for a week in SouthLodEgnShloutde aet, Poncupine. Thcy were celebra- awa, and Mns. Cecii Lloyd, Tor- bentures, and payroils. The B~gg S'hw's.ting the 501h annivcnsany of the 'no motion was carnied unaninious- Mirs. D. M. Palmer, Oshawa, dîscovery of gold in that area. Mn. GajyBgei RC 1F Y > tu icwekn it e Sunday gucsts with Mr. andj Station, Aymer, spent îastAcotsPse au ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. E. V. Hoar wcne Mn. andi weekend with his parents, Mr. Other account.s were appnov- Aines and Jill. Mns. J. B. Farneil, Mr. and Mrs.' and Mns. W. W. Bagneli. Gary, ed for payment as follows: Pub- Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Hamer Herb Farneli and family, Ton-- who is a memben of anc of thei lic Property on motion o! Coun- and family, Pittsburgh, Penn., onto, and Mr. Harry Kerr, Osh-! R.C.A.F. bands, was veny for- cillor 0. J. Presson, seconded ire visiting her parents, Mn. and awa.; tunate in that Hen Majesty by Councilion A. H. Sturrock, Mrs. Tom Buttery. Sparky Osborne is visiting Qucen Elizabeth, when in Lon- $1,766.3l: Industrial moved by Mns. S. L. Hanlon has neturn- IMn. and Mns. H. C. Osborne this. don, passcd within three feet, Reev*e W.* David Higgon, secon- ed ta hier home in Hamilton af- wcek while Mr. and Mns. Alani of him. ded b"y Deputy-Reeve Brough. ter a visit witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Osbonne are visiting Dr. and MnadMr.Aln.Moft $28879: Weifare on motion of H. Davis, King St. East. Mrs. Keith Siemon, Stungeon !ndMiss and r.AllePurdy atte Councillor Lloyd Preston, sec- M.adMsA.DulsBi Lake.anMisLa udtedd onded by Councillor Hobbs. $1,- Mn.andMr. A Dogls Bu-the Rcview of the Regiment and -979.55 ?a substanti il part of linger and son John, London, 1Mnr.and Mrs. Rupert Byens Presentation of ncw colours ta this arnounit is recoverable); Ont., were necent guests of Mn. recently rcturncd from a plane h s n r atlosb h ie oe vCuclo e an Ms.ChresDeto. trip ta Saskatoon, Sask., whenei Colonel - in - Chief, Ris Royal Nicks. seconded bv- Councillor Mrs. Wright has rcturned they visited thein cousins, Mr.: Highness, The Prince PhiiliP,' Preston, $43.73, Police Depart- from Ottawa aften spending six and Mrs. Melville Bradbumn and when the ceremony took placer ment, n v d by' Councillor W.cA.sDwih berdauhe Ms family. at Woiseley Barnacks, London,' Keth Lathargue. seconded by W.A.Daisan fmiy.Miss Barbara Vermeulen and Ont., July -2. Councillor Presson, $1,353.7.5, Mn. and Mns. W. R. Edger, Mn. John Aluin spcnt four en- i Road., and Streets on motion of -Dcbbie -and Randy, Peterbor-1 joyable days at thec Quecn's I Miss Lydia Bates and Miss Eil]- Dpt-e ro h eod ough, visited bis mothen, Mrs. UJniversity United Nations Sem-, cen Spicer arc racationing in cdeputyReeve Broghon.second-, W. A. Edigen, on Wednesday. inar in Kingston, June 22 ta, Calgary and other Westerr. this - ncluded thec new truck r Miss Madlyn Wilcox and Mrs. June 26.i points. In Calgary they are and roller. also some of tlie Li- W. A. Edger ,vere in Detnoit Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wi visiting Miss Bates' osi'n, '- bert. Strecl work): Cemetery, last wcek visiting the latter's' liams, Niagara Falls, N.*Y., a; and Mrs. Jack Somner. and i wll oed by Cotircillor Sturrock, brother, Mn. and Mrs. Wes Da-r bride and groom of last month, attend th e Stampede. They leit seoned yCuclo r vey. werc recent guests of, bis unce e paels Fia vnn ton, $99.1 8. Miss, Jean Bragg, North Bay, and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Frank. and xii returnn y the railway ApoeNwSdwl sei"route.i is taking the speccalist's course Williams. "o1îc AAppttr oe owniwlk in Auxiliary Education at Non- Mr. and Mns. H. S. Wight an- Capt. and Mrs. Jin, Knox, fron the F. F. Mo:rris Company thcmn Secondary School, Ton- ivcd Tuesday night from Al- I.Kingston, stopped in Bowman- read: "Wouid you kindly adf- onto. berta. While hene they wili vis- ville Tuesday nlght, June 3th, vise Council that we have now Mrs. N. S. B. James and Mrs. it Mrs. C. A. Wight, Mn. and Mrs.1 to visit bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. conpieted aur off street park- M. Cunningham have returncd O. K. Osborne and other rela- W. Knox. On Wedncsday they ing area an Division Street and from a week's holiday at the tives lu the district. journeyed bo London ta sec the will appreciate the carliest pas- Stuart James cottage, Gooden-. Last week there was an om- presentation of the nexv colours; sible co-operation fnom the ham. ission in thc music examination ta thc lst and 3rd Battalions Town in iaying aof sidewalk Mn. and Mrs. Keith Smith and resuits. In Grade 1 piano, Uic o! The Royal Canadian Regi- pavement fromn No. 2 Division Kimiberley Anne, Gaît, spcn'c item should bave rcad: Finst ment by His Royal Higbness, Street north. Also we would the weckcnd with hem parents, class honous- Bian Peters the Duke o! Edinbungh who is request tbc removal of parking. Mn. and Mns. Wilfrid Carru-, andl Lorraine White (equal). Colonel-in-Chie! o! the Regi- meters in front o! our funeral thers.r Ms. Joe Chapman, Hampton; ment. premises. Whilc we do not ab- Mns. John M. (Bemnice) Knight Mn. and Mrs. Will Monison, Mr., On Tuesday evening, June - jectitasicn St sut, e tens Jr.on Division StreetRoges, D.wan, le. CIbiso Jr, Posec Sret, was the Hr oes r n n.C 301h., Miss Apha Hodgins at- i s a vcny dangerous corner with winner of an RCA portable TV W. Siemon have returncd from tended. the opening performance sehool children in large num- set in the Kool-Aid "Smilîng vacationng at Dr. Harold Sic-, a! "Otheilo" at the Stratford bers using il. The restrictions Juge9 contest. înon's cottage, Camelot Beach, festival. Miss Hodgins motoredofprigaun bscne Mr, and Mrs. George Mccks, Lk Ei.toTront and boarded a spec- - Jane, Kathryn and Peter bhave Mns. Annie Bradley, Bond 'l C.N.R. train there. Each pas- returncd fromn a visit with ne- Head, is spending a week with senger on the train was given latives in Montague, Prince Ed- b er sister Mrs. Mina Colwell. a rose and on reachlng Strat- z'IIF aMEU wand Island.i The sisters, wîth Mns. Bert Col- fard they were taken by bu s Mr. nd Ms. Jm Bwell and Irwin, spent a few ta aonc o! thc chunches for dn-' and Manie, ha e llved ten days with Mrs. A. J. Lymer and nen. After dinner they were dri- anottageonhTve moito a rk nfamily, Oshawa. yen ta Uthctheatre and followng 8 j 4~1husand Islands for Uihe m- Mn. *and Mrs. A. G. (Jim) Wil- the performance taken ta the i'Continued fron, page one), Calif., aire visiting Mrs. Wiî- wenc offercd cups of coffee be- cil told tbe representatives of Mn. and Mrs. Norman Paget,r liams' mother, Mrs. C. A. Wight, fore lcaving for Toronto. Mis the Ratepayens' Association that Ainslcy and Kendal, San Bern-: Qucen St. Mn. and Mrs. Williams, Hodgins 'reports Ibis ta, be a they~ wiil be presenit at the ardimo, Calif., anc visiting ber and Dane will ibe in thein old woncleit. service and anc wortb meeting. Il was also pomnted mother, Mrs. Norman Smith, home town for several weeks. cansidenlng if you arecocntem- out that the membenýs of Uic Jackman Rd. Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa; i plating altending anc o! the per- Planning Board, andi Derek Mr.S.C.OtonanMr. . t.formances. Little, the Planning consultant, Mn. . C Oton ndlMs. . 0- j _____________ had also been asked ta attend ton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shupak, Ibis meeting. Gary and Karen, Toronto; Mn. AeTwsi Cuclds t. Pa UlIS ville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. CC93es - e heo question of ae lad M s. len Spo son, Avt e .ts- A or fie fghters with U nited Church Dr. an rs.-Geo. W. James R ds minutes o! a recent meeting a! Minitenin Liunna aya tt!R.J (ue)d e o dsteCnta aeOntario Con- Rev. H. A. Turner. jMarris, a weil known and bigh. (Contintied fnom nage one) evto uhoiywr e B.A.,B.D.ceivcd and filed. Information B.A, .D rly respected native o! Bowman- by him that aftemnoon. It was xvas receîved regarding the Na-. Mn.Reta Die vile, who passed away suddenly then toa late to discuss il at an; lion ai lanigCneec Mr. e Ddly. a t bis home on July lst in bis executive meeting o! the Bow-i be held on September 121h and A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 70th year. manville Ratepayers' Associa- 13th. ____Steven Malley, son o! Mr. and tion. 1 The state o! County Road No. Mrs. Grant Malley, Scugog St., T Twn Clerk, R. B. Rey-! 1, known as the Taunton Road 11:00 aî:- 1a etre breafe p nd- nldsesad that thc. Associationi was citicizeci by members of ing twelve days in Memorial bad asked fon cleven copies of! the council. Cauncil Thonipson!1 TRINITY and ST. PAUL'S HoYspital, Bowmanville, wilh a, answers ta the questions they suggested that the Township! b roken leg. Steven brake bis1 hadi submitted, and that ta pro- Clenk, Walter Rundie, write CONGREGATIONS leg returing home on the last vide them would take toc much, t-o tbe Warden o! the United 1 WORSHIP IN ST. PAUL'S j day o! schoal. lime. Mn. Foran mentioncd the Counties and draw attention to Mr. and Mns. Ted Marris have Mimeograph, -and Mn. Reynoldsl the deplorable Condition o! Ibis A Cordial Invitation te, Al neturned from a visit with the replied that it would take lime road. forners istrs Mr ad Ms.W. t look up information, type it, A letter was rcceived from formSocr sinnipes, Mn.an r.W.nd and cul a stencil. Oshawa Genenal Hospital in-j ____________________________________________ Mn. Foran rcmanked that one forming the council that, Uic 1copy would be satisfactory. hospitai is planning a 200 bcd es I*~ Mayor Carruthens pointed ou t addition. and will have a cani- 9 8 a 9 1942 l !ta lwudcti osdr ag o ud.Telttrsa Mnser-.uev. Wm. K. kiauslander, B.A., B.D. Organist-UVr. Arthur Collisan, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M.. UNION SERVICES Si. Paul's Uniied Church until Augusi 2 A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville SIORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.m. English 4 EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.m. Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour"" Broadcasî CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB as lonLg as 1epirbs11LdLIv'dsof ul Le-" "g:uIiCUJUI]t thc organization h-ad access ta to discuss the substantial sum the information, the president, rcquired. or the secretary, could copy il Menibers of bbc Council sta- and take A tb discuss wibh the ted lb-at Memonial Hospital, eeccutive. If thcy then bad Bowmanville, izs the logical funther questions they could place fan Dalington patients. ask the council. An extension ta Memorial Hos- It had been mcntioned at a 1 pital bas also been planncd, and meeting of the Ratepayens' As- il is expccted that building wil1 sociation that some o! the men bestrtdin Uic nean future. paid tu maitain the aump nad been collecting salvage mater- lal for persanal gain, Mr. For- an stated. He asked if Ibis is truc. Lloyd Quintan, Depant- ment o! Works superintendent tlid hlm that Uic garbage de- lail cmployees are paid a wcck- ly salary. They do not receive 1 overtime, and thc books can be checked.1 He said that at anc lime onc, or two af the men wene allow- e d ta pick up salvage aften hours, but that now thcy are not ailowed ta do sa. He cmn- phasizcd the fact that no anc is coliccting salvage now. T1he earth packer, on rolier, is a must if a road is ta last, Mr. Reynolds tld the Rate- payers' Association delegation. Contractons and thc highway engineer wcre o! the same op- inion he said. The mlien was purcbascd for $5,200. The Mayor pointed out that thc coundil is tnying ta be faim with thc Bowmanvillc Rate- payer,' Association. Nathing is being isuppressed, and be ne- peated t h a t nepresentatives o! Uic association had access to information at reasonable hount. MA&. Foran thankcd His Won- ship, and said -a capv of Uic constitution of Uic Bowman- ville Ratepayers' Association wi.ll be sent to thc Couneli. May Finish Crypt (Continued tram page one) thse Town Cierk be authorizcd- ta give Mr. Ayres a certifaed capy o! By-law No. 1079 wbýich convcys a portion of landi, which thc mausoleum is situat- cd on, ta Mn&. Avncs, and tbat Mr. Ayres submit a report at a laler meeting. Il was decided toa anend By- law 1723 ta exempt the Bow- inanville P.U.C. !nom tbe $25 fce. Il was movcd that George Van Bridger, Uic manager of the P.U.C. be invilcd ta attend all meetings o! the Board o! Works. The meeting was in!onmed that tenders fan plumbing andi heating o! the dog paund wil be called fan. At Uic Board o! Works meeting hcld on June 23rd tenders for Ibis purpase wene opencd fnom W. A. Kil- patrick, A. E. Cole, andi L. A. Parker and Sons. On motion of Councillon A. H. Stunrock, se- conded by Councillon Keith La- thangue, the lowest tender, Ibat o! W. A. Kilpatrick was accepted provided Ibat Cana- dian fixtures be substitutcd for~ bbc English fixtunes Iisted in thc tender, it was reported. csoca/ & Ye rsonal Phone MA 3-3303 - m 69c1 &NDS prices Health Saits "English Style" -________59C ~mIdasorb - for Summer Complaint 75e Idasal Tablets for relief from pain - 39c, 89e Wild Strawberry Compound 50C - Evelyn Howard Hand and Body Lotion -__ 1.001 zbeviffl cil Deals d Business eMeeting should miake il much safer fan' pedestnians and Uic heavy 1traffie wthen school pupils and Goaodyear employees are using il." Council discussed Uic malter and il was feit that the corn- pletion of a sldewalk along the entine block would not Dniy ac- comniadate tbc Funenal Cha- pel, but also be o! service to thc general public and High School pupils. Il was pointed out that thc Morris Company bad completed a large portion o! Uicework, and it wauld only be necessany for a compara- tivcly seai section te be donce by the tawn. Ib was moved by Deputy- Reeve Brough, seconded by Counciflor Presson that thc ne- commendatiens made by the F. F. Morris Company, be ac- cepted. A letten o! tbanks and con- gratulations was rccived by the Town Council !nam Branch 178 o! the Canadian Legion on the veny fine work being done te tkeep the CenotaphIn imma- cuU*tect~ UIiLLUt. lIIere wda dlS'J (Continued frorn page one) a letter from the Salvation Armx- thanking the Town Coun- Darlington township; a 400- cil for the use o!flthc Town pupil school at Orono, in Clarke Hall an Sunday, June 2lst. township, and a 150-pupil schoal The finst installinent o! the at Millbrook. per capita grant for Bowmani- Opposition. ta the plan was ville for 1959 amounting ta $10,- led by Newcastle, on the 612.88 has been receivcd, bbc grounds that thc school plan- Town Council was informed. ned for Orono should be built A communication dated June at Newcastle. 301h. was sent ta the munici- At the Apnil meeting o! the Munipal Affahirs. tentofcaunties councîl, Bowmanville MuniipalAffars.and Darlington township asked C1l'rk and Returnlng Officer ta be scparatcd from the dis- The Towvn Clerk. R. B. Rey- trict. and bbc consultative com- nolds, informed flic counc;l mittce was formced ta study tbc that hie had been appointcd Re- probîem. turning Officer for bbce forth- The district is approximatcly coming liquor vote. He request- 27 miles !rom east to wes n cd tlie council bo pass a resolu- an average north-south d1istaane lion autborizing hlm ta apply o! 15 miles with a total anea o! bo the Chie! Election Officer 237,000 acres, a population o! ta use the last revised 'Voters 32 500 and an assessment of list which was uscd for bbc $32.000.000. June 111h election. Reeve Higgçon stated that Use Provincial List having been a mniber o! bbcl Mr. Reynolds pointed out that Consultative Committce, and there would be a langer Court having had the advantagc o! o! Revisian, and that tbc use hearing opinions of the De- of thec last reviscd voter-s' list partment o! Education and o! would save bbc town a sub- members o! bhe Durham Coun- statia amunt o! money. The ty District High School Board- campaign managers for bath sides of the vote h.ad agreed ta this, lie addcd. It was moved by Counciflar Hobls, scconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough that the Town Clenk be authorized to use the revised clection list of the Junc 111h election. This was unaniniously carried. Need New Town Plan Reeve Higgon cxplainedthec need of a town plan ta replace the outdated ane at thc Regis-1 try Office, which has practi- cally disintegrated. The prov- incial government wouid pay 25 per cent of the field costs, and the county and municipal- ity would divide the rcst of the cost, he said. The Reeve sug- gested that two proper street lines a ycan be estabiished as this would give a fair net work after ten years. Il was moved by Reeve Hig- gon, scconded by Councillon Stunnock that the Town Clerk instruct F. J. Donevan, and As- sociates, land surveyons, Osh- awa, to establish proper street lines on Liberty Street fnom the Base Uine ta King Street and for Ontario Street. The mo- tion was carried. Counc*ml A&pproves COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IlDA IRU IIUiSlTtiI Il SPECIAIL VALUES AND REM[NERS F!OR TRIS WEEK FREE styllng comb! FREE with Adorn!t the spray that helps you style your hair yourself. Get tht, tatented comb - plus a new bookiet that shows you how to style, step by step. FREE with Adora. I Reg. size 69e Economy $1.09 g g ýwý 9 E IAL! Calamine Lotion I.D.A. Brand - 4 oz., 8 OZ., reg. 30c, 0C23c, 39C STEONSUR TOO IWNEN WUT OR DRY DUCAUSE irs MELOBONDED! IRSGULAR MAN-SUSE m A 'The *ËUvmoe m"WaY le 1ROI I» R EVES Hectwc pace gettine- you down? Ie'a 8080easto relax' Just take PHOBPHO-PL.EX Relieve that jumpy1 "tired oU Che lUZa feeling. Enjoy 111e Smite ai peUty annoyanme li's 17,4e NEW 1L- ZI ý ;,ý; yÎ 100 PHOSPRO-PuE TABLITS WohMFI-, i» W,., $4 25 50 TAIUIS $2.50 am IL aq aamm LJCe" U"*-F& ub Ois PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs ,We Deliver Your Local ID.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 1and of the other mnembers of 1the conmmltee, he had corne àto belleve that the new High 1School in the west end of the tdistrict should be bufit in Bow- 1 ma .'ille. t He explained tihat sewer and water Provision would be more casily available in an urban ilian in a rural place. He pro- posed that the new school >shouid be a vocational or tech- nical high school, and gave the opinion t.hat such an institu- tion would povide a needed forrn of education. MORRISHR The big event of this coin- munity during the past week was the strawterry supper heid Ion Thursday, July 2nd, in the Sunday Schooi under the aus- pices of the Womans Associa- tion. It was a great success in every way although towards the end a raid was miade on neigh- bour pantries also a hasty trip to Port Hope where an obliging store keeper came ta aur res- eue and supPer catlried on ta the satisfaction of ail especialiy helpers in kitchen and at tables wha had visions of dining on strawberries and creami only- of which there was plenty. How- ever ail ended well. When the cail came "'Corne and get it" there was an abundance of good things to eat and everyone was happy. The financial report is flot yet to hand, but we feel as- sured the resulting balance wili ibe most satisfactory- about 250 tickets were sold. Two long tables were set in the Sunday School with the new linen table cloths, fiat silver- ware, white and gold china and vases of pink and red roses making an, attractive effect. The kitchen was a hive of industny staffed by the senior members of the W.A. Younger members waited on tables. Mrs. May Bcbee was tea maker, Ma- dames Marvin and Cornish soid tickets, Mrs. Minnie E. McHolm was in charge of a record player dispensing sweet music ta re- lieve the monotony of waiting groups in C'hurch. Mr. Leo Be- van and, Mr. George Harness supplied the bernies. Master John Egas is attending the Reformn Christian Bible School in, Cobourg for two weeks. Miss Agatha Egas was guest' soloist at Coiborne Centennial Celebrations on TuesdayJn 301h. She sang two Dutch slc Saccharin Tablels - 14c, 39cf 59c I.D.A. Brand - 14 gr. - 100's, 500's, 1,000's, reg. 20c, 55c, 79e "Economy" Note Sire - Reg. 20e Wriiing Pad and Envelopes - - 15Ç Powder Puffs - - 3 For 23c "Betty Lou" Velour - Reg. 3 for 29c. ODO.RO-NO I S]ILVIRRINq DEODORANT szeSHAMPOO Crca75ec 75e bottie you get two CReg. 1.5______7 wth the purchase of each Reg._12__- - 9c iuc Sllvlkrln Sachets free Reg. 1.50 98___SC 75c NESTLE ]BABY HAIR TREATNENT plus BABY HAIR BRUSH 2.00 12 value -12 i &J PAL BLADES FIRST AID CREAM ZIPAK 40's 63e 98e plus plu. BOLO BAT and BALL GEM NAIL CLIPPER fatr - 63c vlue _____ 98C Pepsodeni Tooih Pasie - - - 63c Plus Free Paring Knife TIRE D I!Williams Leciric Shave FEELINGOD Off regular price GIN PILLS I ai regular p - 1 tions which were well received.. Mrs. Robert Harness left by plane on Tuesday, June 301h to visit friends in Darlingford, Manitoba and other Western points, we wish her a pleasant holiday. Mr. Neil Anderson is on vaca- tion at the farm with his mother Mrs. Frank Anderson, brother Criss and family. The effect of this holiday sea- son was apparent on Sunday, July 5th,' at Church and Sunday Sehool. Thýe Worship service was in charge of Mr. Ireland Cook a student of Toronto Coi- lege and Field Worker of On- tario Temperance Federation. Mr. Cook spoke ibriefly upon the effect of alcoholic beverages when served to young people. They have the choice of "Fol- lowing the crowd" or standing firm- on their own free and ini- dependent. Our junior choir is on holi- day and are very mucli missed at morning service, Miss Mary Beckett accompanied the organ- ist Mi-s. Helen McHoIm on the piano for the hymns. Sunday Schooi was held at il a.m. There were 31 present, it was conduct- ed by the superintendent Mr. George Harness. A numrber of our young peo- pie are helping out in tobacco fields and berry picking- good for them- a littie extra cash is always welcome. Durham 4-H Sheep Club The second meeting of the Durham 4-H Sheep Club was held on Monday, June 22nd at 7.30 p.m. at the farm of Boyd Ayre, Hamupton. The meeting took the form of instruction and a j udging competition when two classes of sheep were judged. The meeting was acjourney early in the evenîng. The June meeting was held at the farin of our club leader, Glen Larmer, Blackstock. Three classes of swie were judged wit~h reasons given on one. Refreshmenta were served. Gel Your Price For Your livoslack through STATESMAN C LAS SIFI-BDS Phone MArket 3-3303 PA(VE Fecvxw