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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 9

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5mOêTECNDA1 TTMN OMfILE NAU AE~ ?EtUESDAY, JULY 16 FoIIow Up X-Ray Today More Than 4,5 00 Citizens Have Tuberculin Tests During Eight Day- Pro gram More than 4,500 Bowmian- held in Bowrnanville today,, ville residents received tuber- July l6th. He has made arrain-1 cuiosis tests at the cllnic held gements to have it held at the in the Lions Community Cen- Lions Community Centre. tre by the Northumberland- Durin.g the eight day Tuber- Durtham Tuberculosis Society, culosis Survey held in Bowman- JTune 2rd to July 3rd with the ville in Jiane and the first two assistance af the Ontario De- days of July the clinic was partRnent of Heaith. open ln the afternoons and The prellmninary organization evenings. Each day hundreds for this important clinic was of people received tuberculin made by William Allun and tests. In addition, everyone over Claude Kilmer ca-chairman of the age of 40 was advised ta the Health and Welfare Corn- have an X-ray, and practically inlttee of the Bowmanvile everybody in this category Liens Club assisted by the availed thernselves of the op- maihbers of the committee. portunity at the clinic. érU members undertook a Fine Organlzatiun complete canvass of the towfl. Ail wtho attended the tuber- The entire Tuberculosis Survey culosis clinic were impressed and the clinics are financed with the exceptionally fine or- fram the Easter Seals Fund. ganization. Despite the large Mr. Allun announced this week numbers of people to be test- that he bas received word from ed every day there were no the Headquarters of the North- delays. T1he efficient volunteer umnberland - Durham Tubercu- staff operated the well laid losis Society inforxing him that plans smoothly. Two reception a one day follow-up X-ray desks in the entrance hall di- Clinie for c ertain cases is ta be' rected people where ta, go ta Free! Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vior Oil SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville 25 years' service wiih Imperial OÙl uWe Specialize ini Personal Service" CORNER OF MAN VERS ROAD AMD FIFH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Out and Se. Our Display of Gifts- Complet. Lubrication ai a Reasonable Price -SK ABOTORSEIL RC NTRS STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN AN?! QUANTIT! 1 AT THE STATION F PEN ETE14INCS AND SUNAS_ give . necessary information, which was taken by other vol- unteers. Each persan received a card with instructions ta e- turn in two. days ta receive the results of the tuberculin tests. The tests were given in the spaciaus assembly hall, and a!-. terwards thase tested lefi bY a aide doar. When people returned for their results they eithem receiv- ed a card nforming ihem they were free ai tuberculasis, or ihey were told their tuberculin test had been positive and were asked ta have an X-ray, which was done at once. Eaoh persan who had a positive test was told that this did flot necessar- ily mean they had active tuber- culoais, it could be dormant, and their X-ray would tel which was the case. The re- suits ai the X-ray were receiv- ed by each persan by mail. Volunteer Staff The arrangements for thel volunteer staff for the 8-day Tuberculasis Clinic ai the Lions Centre here were made by the Bowmanville Lionettes Club. Mms. Fred Cale and Mira. Rob- ert Kent were in charge. The volunteers wha staffed the clinic each day were: Marg Lu- cas, Betty Lander, Mra. William *Lander, Ivy Rundle, Neil God- dard, Betty Brough, Doris Roughley, Mary Gill, Ede Cale, Gwen Black, Joan Vinish, Dot Bagnel. Freddy Ames, Aileen Osborne, Zetta Dillmng, Bea Vanstane, Elouise Kilmer, Pat Burk, Fran Williams, Irene He- theringion, June McMullen, Marg Carruthers, Helen White, Kitiy Brown, Lena Thomas, Myrtie Marsden, Dot VanDriel, Vera Fleit, Ulva Lathangue, Berta Kelly, Mildred Bell, Wynne Wonnacat, Bannie Mc- Donald, Eva Hockin, Jean Bur- ton, Pat Lucas, Mollie Kent, Lynne Banting, Helen Nelles, Evelyn Dunn, Grace Miller, Thelma Leslie, Greta Brown, Ruth Williams, Laurie Semple, Marian James, Lynn Oke, Jes- aie Marr, Ethna Ewari, Vera Fleit, Edith Allen, Hazel Samn- la, Neli Dilling, Milda Morris, Mabel Bagnell, Reita Habbs, Mary Stout, Mary Syer, Gem- trude Hallinan, Lena Thomas, VI Martin, Mary Vansione, Ruth Mutton, Grace Crambie, Violet McFeeters, Mary Wilcox, Betty Parker, Donna Creasser, Heidi Zillenger, Muriel Shack- leton, Helen Rundie. Grace Oli- ver, Margaret MéGregor, Alice Plummer, Anna Marie Bryson, Mldred Smiith, Mary Jewell, Helen Dunin, Ida Goddard, Lois Cattran, MEldred Bell, Jan Webster, Dorothy Woolsey, Betty Lobb, Anna Strike, Mar- ilyn Coty, Evelyn MéTavîsh,1 * i If YOD are in thie market for a good used car.. here is ;four chance to buy at clearance prices. 1956 Dodge Coach V-8 with Power Flit. trans- mission, custom radio. On. owner car. Reconditioned and very dlean car. 1955 Plymouth Sedan V-8 automatic with radio. A-i condition. 1953 Ford Consul - Small Car Nice clean car. Cheap transportation. 1953 Pontiac Hardtop Another sharp car in top shape. 1952 Chev. Sedan Clean with no ruai and in A-i shape. 1955 Olds. Super "88" Sedan Black with ivory top, white wall tires. Hydramatic, eus- tom radio. One owner car ini beautiful shape. 1954 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan Two-tone, custoni radk- A real good car. 1953 Chrysler Sedan A good dlean car, au exceptional value.. 1950 Dodge Sedan Customi buiît radio. A very sharp car. Outstanding Va.lue! 1958 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH Low inileage, custom radio. One owner car in beautiful shape. - ALSO.- 1955 CHEV. DELIJIE SEDANS Three from which Ia chaose Ail have been reconditioned and are in A-i shape . .. ready for th. road. Really worth your while to look these over. We invite you to, corne in over the weekend and inquire of our salesmen as to your needs. In our large selection of used cars, we have the one for you. Take the car of your choice for a drive . .. you are under no obligation ta buy . .. but afier a test drive we are sure you will! ALL RECONDITONE» AUl Puivately Owned Cars BEADY FOR THE ROAD - Mostly Ou* Owner ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmois and Chovrolsi Cars DO WNAN VILE Chevrolol Trucks COUITICE Ph... NA 3-3353 Ph... NA 3-3922 BLACKSTOCK The July meeting of the W. M.S. took the form ai a picnic and was held at the Commun- ity Park, Caesa.rea. The Explor- ers, Mission Band, Baby Band and mothers were Invited. AI-1 most 100 attended. The presi- dent canducted a short business peria* before calllnig on Mrs. Romeril, the group leader, for* the programme of sports. Followîng are the prize win- ners in races: 6-8 yrs., Russel Carnaghan, Carol Wotten; 8-10 yrs., Doria Ashton, Bob Kyte; 9-11 yrs., Helen Swain, Terry Collins; 4-5 yrs., Eleanor Wright, MDanne Vanderheul and Lynda McLaughiin> tied; 2-3 years, Marilyn Duf!, Todd Martyn; Mother's Race, Thel- mna Wright, (Muriel Wat-I ten and Jean McLaugh- lin) Tied; Boys' shoe kick, Terry Collins, Randy Collins, Girls' shae kick, Joan Wotten, Doris Ashton, Boys' hopping, Bob Kyte, Ron Martyn; Girls hopping, Helen Swain, Doria Ashton; Forty ways af getting there, Group of Boys; Glrl's Bunny Hop, Doris Ashton, Ca- rol Wotten. Now followed a hurried scramble it bathing suits and down ta the lake for an houri before again assembling in the shade for a bountiful picnic supper. Then off home to get the suppers for the husbands and daddies who were haine working. Don't overlook the notice in Coming Events, of Cartwright Firemen's Bail ai Caesarea, Wednesday evening, July 22nd. This brigade serves the whole township, so let us ail do aur part to help the firemen. The United Church Sunday School picnic is planned for Tuesday, July 2lst., ai Com- munity Park, Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Don Richardson, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Far- der and Mis. Charlotte, Bow- manville, and Mrs. Don Wright and babe, Petawawa, were Sun- day guests. F. Balley spent Iast week with her daughier, Mrs. S. Dawson at the cottage, Pointe au Baril. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brad- bu.rn and Brenda, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janetvylle, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barl Bradburn and boys. Mrs. Robinson, Oakville, la visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Butt, Mr. Buti and famnily. Messrs. Roy and Bill Fergu- son and Mrs. Cecil Hill attend- ed the funeral of a cousin, Miss Edith Brawx4 Orillia, on Thurs- day. Sorry, in last week's lisi of those attending the Van Camp- Nickel wedding we omitted the names of Miss Mable Van Camp and Mr. Gordon Paisley. A large number from here aitended the Orange celebra- tion in Cobourg, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Graham and family; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers and Luchle Sturrock, Marie Moses, Elsie Holdstock, Isabel Davis, Madeline Wiicox, Jean Wil- liams, laleen Van Nesi, Ruth Murphy, Veda Thoxnpson, Vel- ma Gay, Barbara Buttonshaw, Helen Trewin, Barbara Conneil, Lil Hoaper, Helen Brown, Ella Currie, Jean McMurter, Jean Riundle, Dot Dewell, Eleanor Larmer, Peggy Adamns and Lor- raine DewefL. t ENFIELD Mrs. F. Aenty £na spent a day with Mr. and Mra. M. Samnis and Miss Elsie Sami- is. Other visitors with the Samn- l were Mr. and Mas. Stanley Laddie, Pat, Jim, Arihur and Charlotte, Abernel, New Jer- sey. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- cati and children visiied ai Ma. George Harpera, Utica. Mr. and Mira. Perey Peter., Toifonto, were with the F. Grif- fin'a. Mr. Franklin Tamblyn, Hem- ilton, parked his house trailer on W. Bowman's front lawn and the Bowman and Tamblyn fam- ilies exchanged visits. Mas. R. Griffin stayed a week with Mr. and Mas. Ray Cowling ai their cottage on Lake St. Pe- ter. Mr. and Mima. Henry Adams, and family, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mra. HaryMeKeown and family, Whiiby, were with thie L. Cochrane's. Mr. and Mas. E. Lee and Ju- dy, visited at W. White's, Whit- by. Mas. G. Bowers, Mrs. W. Bowman and Mxs. R. 0k. are ieaching ai Vacation Sehool ai Enniskillen, Sevemal children froin here are aitending. The F. Samis and F. Griffin familles aiiended the Powell- Wotten family picnic ai the Creain af Barley Camp, Bow- maenville. Mar. and Mira. F. Samis and Miss Elsie Saxnis attended the Webster-Williams wedding in the Main St. Calvary Baptiat Church, Taronto, and also the reception in Guild Hall. Although saine a! these items are not too recent, they are to interesting ta, omit. Our Public School year ended with a pic- nlic on the achool grounds. The children had races before sup- per with suitable awardls, su- pervised by Miss Hariman and Mas. E. Lee. There weme three long tables af hungry people and an abundance of food. The tables were inx the schoolhouse.1 In the evening the folkc of the community enjayed a special ireat when Ma. Floyd loyd and saine o! his Golden Valley boys entertained with a large variety of itumbers. There waa round and square dancing. Mr. and Mas Lloyd and dau- ghiers own the poperty recent- ly occupied by Ma. and Mrs. Will Gray. We are enjoying aur Sunday morning chu'ch services and bave had a gaod aitendance. Friends of Mrs. J. Stark wil be lnteresied to know that she has gone West via TCA accom- panied by Anne Stinsan, ta vi- ait relative&. Jlm; Mr. and Mas Bruce Mount- 4 oy and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mowtjoy and family, ai- tended a 1!a.xily get-together at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Er- neat Belyea, Bronte, on Sun-- day. Mi sPet Hoskin la holiday- 111< at Atlantic City. Messrs. Jlm Marlow and Ivan Thompson and son Bill, spent Sunday with the leaders and girls at Doe Lake Guide Camp. Mr. and Mas. Bruce Ashton and Larry, attended the wed- ding of his niece, Miss Beth Travail and Mr. David Weldon inx Oshawa Saturday. Larry was one ai the ushers. M.r. and Mas. W. Moffatt,' Roland, Manitoba, are guests of Mrs. Fred Bailey, also visiting several other relatives. Mms. Wesley Bradburn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and famlly; Mrs. Jas. Henry and Misa Gertrude; Mr. Melville Griffin and Miss Doris; Mr. and Mrs. Joln Wotton; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wotton and fain- ily attended the Wotaan picnlc ai Creain of Barley C&Ëap, Baw- manvifle, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Merrii Henry and family, Bowmanville, visit- ed his parents, Mr. and Mas. Lewis Henry, Sunday. Mas. John McKee la visiting Mas. 0. V. Shxaw. Oshawa. Mr. WUI Rutledge and son iGary, Detroit, and Mr. Joe Rutledge, Oakvile, visited their sister, Mvrs. Carl Wright and Carl, Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham, Cadmus, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- ham. Mr,. and Mas. Chas. Allin and Donald, Bowmanville, vîsited Mrs. G. Crawford and Mr. and Mas. W. Pearce, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wren, Mr. and Mra. Evereti Cleve- land and boys, al a! Oshawa, were Sunday guest o!fA. and Mas. Fred Dayes and family. Donald Murphy, Bawman- ville, and Dennis McLaughlin, spent last week together. The firsi haîf at MeLaughlins and the latter half et Murphys. WHICH ONE ARE YOD Is that you on the left ... tiltired and worn out after a fitful night's sleep in a hot, muggy bedroom? Or isthat you on the right ... aman who sleeps in air- conditioned comfort... who knows that an electric room air-conditioner is the secret of cool, blissful slumber.- the reason you wake refreshed and amiling? An electric air-conditioner wil blend with any type of decor ... costs only a few cents a week to operate. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. LINVE SETTER BLECTRICALLY HAYDON W.A. July m«in was held Thursday eveg t the home af Mas. Alfred Garrard with a ooattendance. President Ma.2 Loyd Sieman presided. De-1 votional was prqwented by Mas. Arthur Thompson. Mrs. Don1 Cameron had the foflowing pro-1 gramme: Mas. Rosevear, Tyrone, gave a very interestlng talk on 4-H Club -work; readlngs were finby J. Jones and I. sK. Cowlng. Meeting clos- ed and.lunch was served by Mrs. Cameron'a group and hast- eas. Visitars wlth ?&. and Mas. J. Aikenhead at their cottage were Mr. and Mra. O'Dell, Mas. Rita Tennant, Mas. Frank Malcolmn, Toronto. Mr. and Ma.. Jack Hlsted and Brenda, L'Original, were Sun- day visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Patta'. Ma. H. W. McDonald, Ed- monton, vlsited his sister, Mas. W. Thompson. Mas. Thompson and Mr. ILW. McDonald viuit- ed their brother Mr. B. Thomp- son, Bowmanvllle. Mrs. Addle Trewin, Toronto; Ma. and David Morrow and Alexandra, Toronto, vislted Ma. and Mas. Walter Loveridge. Ma. and Mas. Bari Thompsan, Larry, Patsy and Cindy, Bow- manville; Mr. Roland Thomp- son, Hampton; Mr. Roy Thomp-, son, Leskard, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. Thomp- son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and family and Miss Cora DeGeer visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil De- Geer, Ajax, on Sunday. Ma. and Mas. C. Garrard, Sgt. and Mas. Bernard House- man, Wayne and Sandra, were Wednesday evenlng visiiors ai Mr. and Mrs. Zari Stephenson's, Oshawa. Mrs. K. Cowling and Carol Blackburn speni Wednesday with Mas. J. Cowling, Salem. Mr. and Nin. Clem Rahm and Allison, Mrs. Roy Graham and family, Ma. and Mira. Ron Rh and family aitended the Rh day. Mr. Leslie Thompaon, Bow. manvmle, visited Mr. amd NMIL Arthur Thampson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ganrar were Sunday supper guesta nt Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's. Church Service Sunday avis lng ai 7:30. picnic at Hampton Park on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mru. George Tabb, James and Russell, were Sun- day visitors at Mr. Stanley Cowlng's Salem. Lily Tabb returned homne afier spendlng a week with the Cowlng family. Sgt. and Mx.. Bernard House- man, Wayne and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard spent Mon- day evenlng with Mr. and Mrs. F. Denby, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and William attended the Trew- inx picnic ai Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville,__on Sun- Fire Lii. - urglary -Accident * Sicknest *Liability WE CAN HELP '<ou' WITH YOUR General Insurance Needs CONTACT Wvm. M. "Bill" Morrison REPRESENTING Canada Securities British Northwesfern Western Insurance Confederation Life PHONE TORONTO EM 3-3618 MA 3-3048 26 CONCESSION ST. W. BOWMANVILLE To freshen a refrigerator whlch has flot been used for some time, wash out wlth baking soda ln warm water. Polygaxuin xTibet [s dictated by econom,,ca, nat romance. The World Book Encyclopedla nys a Tibetan wornan frequently marries several men, who worit together ta support the f amily. -PAGE Nfflý TJEM CANADIAN STATESMAX. BOWIM[AZfVffJý& OIÇTAIM tth 10-U Phu@ NA 3-M Pk«e MA 34M

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