~-*-*.-~--w- V TM CAIiADIN TÂM . ROWiLNVILLE. ONTARIO with Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- ton. Sharon Dudley, who has Counçil Approves Debenfures tn o atwieekt n M&. and Mrs. Stan Brown For OnIy 2 New High Schools spen the weekend in Port El- gin vislting with Mr. and Mrs. Toj are.M .TmLaurie NEWCASTL-At its July debentures by the Counties final reading to a new building Sr. returned home with thein. ieeting on Monday evening the Council for this copete build- by-lav for the village and extra Mr. Bob Brown mpent the tewcast1e Village Council auth- ing programi on corbefoe Aug- weekend in Toronto visiting crized the Durham District High ust lst or the board would feel copies will be printed and made with bis aurit and uncle Mr. ind School Board to issue deben- forced to resign. available to builders. The res- Mrs. Gordon Batchelor. tures for high schools at Mill- Genera] feeling amnong memn- ignation of Mr. Perey Tamblyn. brook- and Darlington Township bers of the village counicil was as Weed Inspector for the vil-_______________ but refu.sed permission to issue that the board should get on lage was announced. Counciflor debentures for a third proposed with the building of the need- Fred Couch. chairman of the I B k .achool in Clarke Township near cd schools which had been ap- property committee, was auth- L tsL o Orono. proved and leave the Clarke orized to have the beach lev- B c . letter from the board was school until such time as agree- elled and cleaned Up. . Md informing the counicil that ment could be reached. It was Members of the counicil were thc board Is adhering to its felt the two new schools could scheduled to meet with officiais 10 Years Ago lI Newcastle building programn of three handie the overflow for the of the Departmnent of Municipal Juiy 14, 1949 schools as proposed and asking present and should be coin- Affairs on Wednesday regarding Members of the Newcastle the counicil to grant its tentative menced immediately. the propsed waterworks systcmlCub and Scout Pack enjoyed a approval for the issuance of. The Council gave third andfor the village,. ordyotn tCm aa ______________________________________ - under the supervision of their Sniversary on Tuesday. Mr. and leaders Frank MeMullen and .-~ - ~ jMrs. Brown, who were resi- Brenton Riekard. Boys attend- 5 ldents of Rochester, N.Y., cross- ing were: Douglas Dewdney, If4gr1QIled Lake Ontario that day on the Paul McCullough, LyleHars î e WLa <'1' .' Ontario Car Ferry No. 1 to Co- Billy Lake, Ronald Dickinson, bourg, Ont.. where they were Gordon Garrod, Biliy Brunt, (1>Imarried in St. Peter's Anglican Jimmie and Cecil Miller, Don- cS7o iu/ nciChurcli on July l4th, 1909, and nie Couch, Ronnie Poilard, Ron- S C)c àl a d 9 erso ial returned to Rochester. Mr. and nie Tomldnson, Danny and Mms. Brown came to Newcastle Teddy Sallows. Mr. nd rs. orn Paeen ome f hr daghito live some 27 years ago and John M. James, M.P., was thc Mi, an Mi. LrnePaeen om ofberdauhte Mr. Frdhave resided in their present gucst speaker at a meeting of and Mrs. George Smith visited Kelsey in Whitby on Sunday. home on Beaver street sînce the Lake Ratepayers' Association with Mrs. J. G. Jackson at the Recent visitors with Mr. and that time. held at the home of Mr. and _______________ Mrs. George Allun were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. îrwin Colwiîî MArs. George Walton. Proposed _______________- Mis. W. R. Magili and Mr. and and boys and Wayne Megit improvements to the Newcastle FOR THE BEST IN Mrs. Passmore and Ted Of have returned home foliowing harbour were discussed. Dr. H Woodstock. an enjoyable week's holiday nt G. Walton-Ball was the presx-I i AMERICAN Mr. and Mis. Graeme Moffat Umpah on Palmerston lake' dent of the association. and family of Asquith, Sask., They spent last Wednesday The obituary of Frederick W. STANDARD visited with Mr. and Mis. W. touring the St. Lawrence Sea- Bowen, afre ebro BAHOO SF. Rickard and Mr. and Mis. way. Parliament for Durham appear-1 George Aflin iast week. The many friends of M3scd. Mr. Bowen had represent- DUBO Miss Helen Aflin is spending Hattie Mason will be sorry to ed Durham in the House of W TRthis week visiting with ber learn tuiat she is ifl again and Commons for a total of 16 years. WATERsister and brother-in-law, Mr. bas been confined to her bcd Funeral service was conducted SYSTEMS and Mrs. R. W. Magill in Wood- for the ps he ek. b i Rev. W. W. Patterson in SSE Sstock.foth athe wks Newcastle United Church on FAIRANK-MOSE ongatultios t Mi an o!Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhams Conorontltioent laMt.waed July llth with interment in HETIGMrs. Percy Brown who celebra- holidaying with Mrs. Fred Bowmanville Cemctery. CEATI olec ted their Golden Wedding An-AlnH MP N Call collect Mr. H. C. Agnew of Havelock! A P O Air, Rail or Steamship and Mis. H. Hunter and grand-' 1WT 1 C K E T S daughter Sandra Simpson, o! Mis. Geo. Davîdson. Dunbart-i C LBTO EVERYWHERE Peterborough_ visited witb Mr. on, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Consult and Mis. Gordon Agnew on James Smales. JURY & LO ELL bursay.Mr. Jim Hewson Ig with Newcastle 4331 15 ini St. W. MA 3-5778 Mr. and Mis. Lynn Dudley 1 relatives in Oshawa for a couple ___________________Bowmanville and Miss Rose M4ary Dudley of lof weeks. -Toronto, spent the wcekend 1 .. . Miss HeC len Bu osand.t.ÂlL bis family in sunshine 'Ib father can aflord to relax. He'8 inade sure bis wife and children I«awffl bom the.coeniot and uecurity they now enjoy. He has besed fmerity cemor than hlm 0wn ability and ambition. He has built it ce the-aure and certain protection of hf e insuranoe IMm to can afford to iciax, by getting this same protection for your family. 7%e Mutual Life of Canada, the company vMt the ouiad- dividend record, can give you - at low net cost - oemplete protection for your family's future and financial security fwymSn own otrement. So that whatever happens, there will always beambin k t1m youi )ove. Ta1k it over with your Pihtud lâU. ofCanada nma on. - X"at<4 cà xàwatip an muttual liteb'rtzne- rlm MearasAve. REPRESENTATIVE FLOYD B. McKINLEY Bowmanviile, Ontario Phone MA 3-5372 Ralph Buriows, Toronto, wcrc iat the home of their parents, iMr. and Mis. J. A. Burrows over the wcekcnd. Master Jimiie Kersey, Scar- borough, was a visitor last weck with his aunt and uncie, Mr. and Mis. Jack Lyoni and fain- ily. Mis. Samah Allin is visiting Mi. and Mis. Oliver Hubbard, Osbawa. Mr. and Mis. Will Wilbuî1 wcre recent visitais with Mi. and Mis. W. Bulmer, 0ehawa. Misa Louise Goodman bas re- turned from a visit with Mr.1 and Mis. Allen Parker, Toronta. Mis. Albert McMahon, Bow-~ manville, spent a day or two with Mis. J. W. Balson and other friends here Iast week. Mr. and Mis. Jackson Wîay,f IMaxine and Debora and Mr.' and Mis. Samn Keane and Doug- las, Oshawa, werc Saturday ev- ening supper guests cf Mr. and: Mr adMr.Gardon Shackle- ton and baby son, and Freddie Shackleton, Salem, were Sn day visitais with Mi. and Mis. R. Shackleton. Mi. and Mis. W. Harrison and daugbter, Coîborne, at G. Ad- cock 's. Mis. Percy Dewcell visited; friends in Peterborough on Sun- day. SALEM A large crowd from the corn- munity îecently gathered at the schoo] to enjoy a social, evening. Everyone enjoved the. bail game between the married men and single men. After the ball game Mr. Bob Craig called the gatheîing ta aider and expiessed the regrets of all present that oui teach- ers, Mr. McMahan and Mrs. Hornick, were ieaving. Sevemai of the ladies also expressed' their regrets and then p-esent- ed Mr. Mc"Mahoii with ýan en..b gîaved pocket-book and Mrs.!, MeMahon a cup and saucer, and to Mirs. Hornick a breach and earring set. Mr. McMlahon prescnted a prîze te Kathy Twist for theij best all-round pupil and ta l Bruce Richards for the best at- tendance. Mr. McMahan alsol presented certif icates te the pupils of Grade 8 who were successful. These werc, Lanny Cooper, Camolyn Tennaut, Ka- b thryn Prazienka. Bruce Rich- i aids, Fred Shackleton. Michael' Wolnlck. Judy Burgess and1 Donna Mjoon. A wiener roast concluded the evening. A good crowd attcnded the communitv and Sunday Sehool picule at Hampton lait lday. Several from. here attended thc Orange Parade at Cobourg on Sunday. Mis. W. Cralg, Mis. Bob Craig,Mrs. Doug Rcynold.s and Mrs. Lillian Brin., Town, at- tcnded a ahower in honour of Misi Ruth Bragg et the home of Mrs. Bruce Lehman, Brook- lin on Monday evening. Mi. and Mis. Lewis Rundle and Betty Lau, Town, were' Saturdav cvening visitora withi Mr. and Mis. U. Welsh. Mr. V. Philipe; and famlly,i Barrie, were weekend visiterai whMs.BaCaMgmiW.sCndg. wiiMi Band Miis W, Crlg tuila week at Camp Pretoria a a camp counselior. Mmi. Bob Collacott and fam- i ily attcnded annivcrsarv ser- vices at Wrickiaw Baptist Chureb on 1-undAn, 1/nd//4ucadl. 9 .Norih Nesilejon, Mr. and Mis. Laurence Mai- colnm, Gail and Bonnie, attend- cd the wedding ceremony o! Gwen's brother, Grant Brooks, on Saturday. Miss Karen Campbell return- cd frein a few days witb Mis. Steward (Grandina) to Toronto, after latter's few days' stay witb ber daugbter heme. Visitors 'at Sadiers' Lakeview Hackney Farm were Mr. and Mis. Bill Wiidman, Peterbor- ough; Mi. and Mis. Frank Ross, Brooklin, and Mi. Robert Sad- 1er, Bowmanviile. Mi. and Mis. Bruce MacKenzie o! Brantford, wcîc weckcnd guests of Mi. and Mis. Doug- las Churchill. Mi. Wilton Creed, Barrie, is spending a few days witb Mr. and Mis. Malcolmi Emerson. Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Cain and famlly and Mi. and Mis. Harvey Mvacolm and iamuly visited iMrs. Winiida Malcolmn, Saturday ev- ening. Mi. and Mis. V. Malcolm were cailers at home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton during the week. Mr. Leonard Joblin sudderily passed away Saturday morning at bis home here i Nestieton. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. C. Cairns of Viewlake wcre Mr. and Mis. John Tyrrelf of Peterborough, and Dr. and Mis.1 G. Gardiner and Earl o! Whit- by. Mi. Adelbert Beacock bas me- turned home from Oshawa Gen- cral Hospital and is ecuperat- ing frein a broken ankie. OBITUARY J. Leonard Joblil Youngest son of the late Jane Vincent Corbin and John Henry Joblin, and loving busband o! the late Jessie A. Malcolm, in bis 74th yeam, suddenly at bisl home at Nestieton on July 1 lth.1 SPECIAL York - Fancy - Ung. PEAS 2 Rose Brand - Sweet 10 oz. 9 tins 19 MIXED PICKLES 16 oz. 2 9 jar 2 C Richmcllo. Crearny SALAD DRESSING 32 oz. 59 jar 59 Serves four in a jiffy Macaroni & Cheese Kra ft Dinner 7%oz. pkg. 2 for 29c Tides in - Dirts out Giant Size Tide Deter gent lioverleaf ½%'s tin Sockeye Salmon IMason's - Assorted Flaveurs PAGE m1uv Available only at Dominion Domino Fife and Drum Band Parades in Village NEWCASTLE - Citizensvin 4 in with other lodges ln thie Uic norttcrn section cf Uc i- fi>ve county parade comxnenar- lage werc trcatcd ta a previcw ating thc 269th anniversary of of Uic monster Orange Parade1 the Battle cf Uic Bovne. in Cobourg on Satuîday mcmn-!Thie band presented a smart ing wben the Bowmanville Fifei appearance as it paraded and Drum Band, enroute to Co- through local streets and a bourg stopped off to stage a large crowd appeared to enjoy parade for thec benefit cf local. Uic unannounced parade, men cltizens. in their overalls turning froin Leaving their bus at thc cor- their work ta watch, women ner cf King and Baldwin streets leaving their kitchens in their thc band ln full regalia with aprons and klddies springing thc Union Jack flylng high pa- from evcrywherc to hear Uic raded up North St. to George, music o! the Fife and Druni. It te Manvers ta MiU te George, was a real treat for tiiose who ta Beaver te King and back ta were unable te attend thc lar- their bus at Baldwin wherc ger celebration cf the Glorious thcy boarded for Cobourg to Twelfth. Sv .1 UV .1 . -. ..-4- jr o z. jar 6 oz. jar instant Coffee33c 85c Freshly Ground Mb. pkg . Richmello Coffee 63c D.S.L. Black t ead Costs-Cryi oeadSv Celle pkg. of 100's, Sliced White 24 ez. loaf Richmellia Bread Kraft or Miracle 8 oz. bottie French Dressing For Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Outboards S.A.E. Grade Ne. 30 - Regular Damnai Matar Qi! 79C 18C 29c Qt. Tin 4 Qt. Tin 25c '95c GARDEN FRESH 75c Fruits & Vegetables 49c1 Soft Drinks- in Cans 3 for 29c Ontario No. 1 - Field - Leamington Tomatoes LOCAL Cau liflower 2IL 2b 9c 2 for 45c California - Vine Ripened Ccntaloupes 2Ifor3 5c1 Values effective in Bowmanville until cloting time Saturday, July 18th, 1959 DOMINION STORES LTD. UNION J i - ~UESflAY, JUL? lSth, 1959 Funeral services were held at McDermott - Panabaker Chapel in Port Perry and interment was in Cadmnus Union Ccmetcry. Leonard Joblin was born at Caesarea on November l3th, 1885, with a lifetime spent in the Nestleton community where he zealously engaged in com- munity activities. Long a mein- ber of the United Church and for many of bis years bis iavely tenor voice led the singing of the choir, as well as rendcring numerous solos and adding baîmony to speciai musical occasions. He held high offices in the Orange and Black Orders and was for many years at the suai- mit of thc C.O.F. No. 1031, Nestleton. The deceased was always a wiiling volunteer for any impromptu greeting or as chairman for somne social func- tion. He was an active member of every community project un- tii the past few years wben rheumatic conditions curtailed bis 'active co-operation. Ris! ability, more taken for grantedI than appreciated until too lateý to be veîbally expîessed, wasi finally shown by the many flor- al tributes. for which bis closest frîends say thanks. WESLEY VILLE In spite of the fact there weîe' several families away for the weekend or for Sunday there were 53 at Sunday School with Truiman Austin acting as su-' perintendent and Bonnie Aus-! tin acting as organist for the' openlng bym-n. Mrs. Harold Austin had charge of the inter- mediate girls' class. Mrs. A. Thorndyke the primary and George Tufford the boys' class. Scripture wasý read by Mrs. Harold Austin. -Bill Barrowelough and Tom Pomeroy of Port Hope, and twe Peterborough boys played with the Betbany band at the Orange W.alk in Cobourg an Saturday, then went on te Pk-ton whère they took part In the mU dar band taltoo there. They returu. cd home on Sunday. Mesdames H. Best and X. Austin attended thc meeting of the County Home Auxiliai, ln Port Hope on Monday night. Tuesday evening, the quar. terly meeting 01 thc Sunday, School officers and teachers was held at the home cf secre- tary-treasurer George Tuffordi. Young peoplc's work was dis- cussed and plans made for the Sunday School picnic te be heldi at Barrowclougb's beach i Au- gust The July picnic meeting ai thec W. A. was held at Wïllow Beach at the home of Mr&. Reeve on Wednesday, July a. There was a good attendance and business included arrange- ments for assisting with visit- ing and treats for Uic folk in the county home. Eveîyon e who met Peter Kukk of Toronto, when he speent last summer at the Thorndyke's is pleased to hear he is back this year. Ruth Briniacombe of Morrish visited last week witb Carol, Sharon and Linda Thoîndyke. Mrs. G. Beecroft, ber great grand-daughter, Connie, Mr. and Mis. B. Parker, Lois and Tomm.y. and Tim Taft a! Osh- awa, called at E. Barrowcloughs' on Saturday. Congratulations to Mrs. I, Holdaway who celebrated her 80th biîtbday recently. While faims are becoming fewer in Canada they are in- crcasing in size, the average in 1956 being 302.5 acres against 279.3 in 1951. " v- PAGE ILIVM 1