PAGE TWICLVE s s::.. ----_-_--- SSPORTOPICS: By Frank Mohua MA i«72"! GO0L F As thîs reporter has been playing golf thîs week, whlle on holidays, a couple of points came up regarding rules which affect Bowmanviile's Southview Golf Club. We looked up a rule book, and for the benefit of the local golfers, bere are some golfing laws, in which they will be interested: Bal l Hazard-If a ball lie or b. lost in a water hazard., the player may drop a bail. under penalty of one stroke, either (a) Behind the water hazard. keeping the spot et which the bal last crossed the margin of the water hazard betwcen himself and the hole. or (b)> As near as possible te the spot from which the original bail was played. (Note) When this ruling is applied te the third hole at the Bowmanvillc course, it would be better to use section (b) and tee off again. A person hitting a bail into the water, would have to keep hitting balls until he cleared the water. The only> other possibility would be to wadc in and play the original bail. Provisional Bal-If a bail be lost. out of bounds, uriplay- able, or in a water hazard, te save time, the player may at once play another bail provisionally. as nearly as possible from the spot at wbich the original bail was played. The player may play a provisional bail until be reaches the place where the original bail is likely te be. He shahl then eleet to play either (a) the provisional bail, in whicb case therel is no penalty, or (b) the provisional bal. under penalty provided for in the rule governing the particular case,. If tbe bail is out of bounds, the player must play bis ncxt stroke as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original bail was played, adding a penalty stroke. However. a player may stand out of bounds to play a bail lying within bounds. (Note) If a bail was bit into the woods off the tee on Bowmanville's number two hole, the provisional drive would belI counted as the third shot. If the original bail is found, it may be played with no penalty, but if it is in the woods and unable to be played, the usual practice amongst duffers is to put the bal on the fairway and count TWO strokes, altbougb this isn't actually correct.9 If a bal Was bit out of bounds off the tee on the number six hole. the player must tee off again and count his second drive as three. This reporter cbecked these rules over with former pro, Bob Watt, so if anyone disagrees. the rule book rnay be found at the Southview Golf Course, where said reporter finally broke a bundred. (However, it must be admitted that as I didn't know the penalty on number two hole, I only counted one penalty stroke, te register a 99). THE ENDf - On with the vacation. -80%WO 0 aAA 000 Acea qo ,.Wr: NEW LOW PRICED teOYSTEWI' KOLEX GENEVA e MMf WeRLD'S FINEST WATEBJIOO1? WRISTWALTUI sa a n2ew low prce. Eolex presents an exclu" iw ce~ i TUDOR 'OYSEW modèe. Not juet waterproof, the patented Tudct «OYSTER" is guaranteed SWI MPRUFS See this new series and other Rolez or Tudor «OYSTERV" iodels now. See for yourself that there is a difference . .- that the world's finest waterproof watc is sa the "GYSTER" by Rblz cf Geneva. HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. Bowrnanvllle ~ TheNext Kinsmen Club SUPER CAR BINGO ithe PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE en Fr*iday, JuIy 24 8:30 p.m. sharp $6,000 IN PRIZES $1,750 Total Snowball Prizes -The Big Snowball Bingo for $1,000.00 if won in first 53 numbers. New Snowball Bingo for $750.00 if won i first 52 numbers including 12 gaines for~ $50 cash each gaine 3 games for $150 cash each game 15 Tendersweet Hams as Free Door Prizes The Big Garne - A Full Hous. for the BRAND NEW 2-TONE 1959 FORD with white walls Doors open at 7 pn. Corne early anid assure yourself of a good seat. PHONE RIverside 3-3561 N g Local Winners in Westernr 's raure Chest Draw1 The Bowmanville Western Tire Associate Store has been fortunate ln having six winners in the past two rnonths in the Treasure Chest Draw being held within the Western Tire Chain across Canada. They are pictured above with their prizes. Left to right: Dave Porter, ice chest; Jim Houck. rifle; Mrs. Clarence Turner, electric coffee percolator; Ted Bate, electric kettle; Harold Stevens, electric kettie; Jini Kelly, electrie coffee percolator. In the background are Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyd, proprietors of the local store. A draw is made every month from the Treasure Chest entries. You receivie a free draw coupon with every $1.00 worth of merch- andise purchased. So, corne i today and enter your name for this month's prizes. Purchases may be made on our easy .paymnent Budget Plan. 25 Leading Hitters Town Softball League (10 times at bat or more, up te and including Thurs., July 9) Marne Team AR Dan Girardi-Surp lus _____18 Harry Snowden-Stephen's 20 Max Yourth-Surplus 21 John Mason-Ken 's 29 Don Gilhooly-Stephen's 27 Ted Bagnell-Stephen's 12 Laurie Garbe-Stephen's 25 Bruce Coie-Ken's ________ 22 Archie Crossy--Surplus '2 0 Everett King-Surplus 1 John Ford-McNulty's ln Lloyd Hamnilton-Ken's _________ 27 Doug Jackman-McNulty's 26 Ace Richards-Kcn's 15 Howic Mashintr-Ken's _________ 19 Bob Marjerrison-Ken's 23 Pet Cornell-McNulty's 12 Mel Burgess-McNùulty's 24 Don Masters--Stepbcn's 21 Russ Lane-McNulty's 23 Paul Cbant-Stephen's- 23 Ron Polard-Surplus 23 Ted Dadson-Stephen's 14 Ken KeIiy-Ken's- -- 33 Ted Bird-McNulty's ___________ 19 PITCHING RECORDS [.P. R. H. S.O. B.B. W Bob Wilhems-Ken's --- Il 13 9 0 9 i Harry Snowden-Stepben's - 42 23 35 21 18 4 "'Ace" Richiards-Ken's ~ 37 11 21 53 23 3 Ted Hoar-Surplus - 48 32 39 33 34 4 Jim Clarke Ken's --- -_ 12 16 Il 3 19 2 Pat Corneil-McNuity's 25 20 25 18 '15 1 George Stephen-Stephen's - 16 19 18 1l 12 1 Mel Burgess-McNulty's -.- 27 36 27 20 31 0 Avge. .500 .400 .381 .344 .333 .320 .318 .300 .300 .300 .296 .270 .266 .263 .261 .250 .250 .238 .217 .217 .217 .214 .212 .211 Pet. 1.000 .800 .750 .571 .500 .333 ,333 .000 Midget* Girls Drop Close 17 -16 Game To Newcastle Team Trailing by ten runs, Bow- manville girls spiurged for nine big markers la the lest inning, te fail one rua short, in a high- scoring 17-16 Midget girls'i softball battle against Newcas- tle, et Franklin Park, last Wed- nesday night. The visiters hcld a slim 3-2 edge after two innings, but1 broke loose for f ive la the1 third. four la the fourth and apparently had thc game ail wrapped Up with five in the final frame. The locals scored ail nine runs ia the seventh inning uprising after two were eut, and had runners of first and second, when Carol Smith hoisted to the outfield to end the ganie. Clean-up siugger. Bowen, wes Newcastle's best with four bits, whiie Elaine Biggs biasted fiveý safeties, including a triple and a double, in a losing cause. Surplus Sales- Hait Stephen Winning Streak Ted Hoar's one-hitter com- pletely muffled the Stephen Fuels' bats, lest Thursciay night, while bis team-mates banged out eight safeties off George Stephen, te give Surplus Sales a 5-1 win. 1he defeat halted the Fuels' win streak at three, which had carried tbem to within a game of the front - zunnIkg Ken's Men's Wear Club. Now the Sales are dead- locked for second spot with the IlGet Cash To-day For Old Appliaucos through ST ATE SMA N Phone MAxket 3-3303 losers, aithougb Stephen's have one game ln hand. A line single by Paul Chant, leading off the second was the only hit giveni up by Hoar, who faced only 25 batters over'the seven-inrnng distance. The Ion. walk te Frank Mohun, leading off the third, resulted in Ste- phen Fuels' run. Don Gilbool- ey's sacrifice fiy plated the marker, after Mobun had rcached third on a pair of pesa balla. That gave the losers a brief lead, but Surplus Sales scored titre. times in the fourth, on a walk te, Ron Pollard and suc- cessive singles by "Archje" Crossey, George Jones ànd "Snuffy" Hunt. The Surplus crew gat te Ste- Phen in the final frame, wben triples by Hoar and pinch- swinger Everett King, aiong wîth Pollard's single, scored a pair of insurance tallieâ. Port' Hope Defeats Local Girls Bownianville Juvenile Girls acceptcd a sound shellacking in Port Hope Monday evening te the tune of 14 to 5. Wall was the winning pitcher whule Johnston and Mutton toiled for Bowman.ville with Mutton taking the loss. The big batter at the plate for Port Hope was the pitcher, W.all, bit- ting four for f ive. Joan Grey was the best local slugger gar- nering four for four. Only borner cf the gae was claimed by Fenton of Port Hope in the fourtb. Bowmanville meets Newcastle at Franklin Park Monday evening, July 20. Peewees Wi n Keep Alive Playoff Hopes Bowmanville Pce Wees bend- ed Newcastle a 20-4 set-beck Monday evening at Memorial Park. Bowmenville went with G. Harness on the mound and «K. Miller bcbind the plate. Akey took over the pitcbing du- tics in the fourtb and gave wey to Mclvurter in the sixth. For Newcastle, Werry accep- ted tbe loss and McCuilough did the receiving. Werry gave a fine account of hirnself at the plate with a four for four effort. Best for Bowmanville was Lucas with five for five. Col- well went four for five and Miller was three for five. Carruthers Trophy Won By Port Perry Bowlers The annual roll-off of the rnen's doubles tournament for the Carruthers Trophy wes held in Bowmanvillc lest Set- urday. There was a complete entry of 16 teamns competing for the honours on the local greens. The trophy was won by Art C-VA and Joseph Allen of Port Perry. They had a score of 54 for three wins. Second place went te V. Highfield and W. Trenouth of Port Hope, who totalled 44 points on threc wins. Prizes for hi'gh score witb two wins went te J. D. Morri- son and F. Lindsay of Oshawa, wîtb a score of 52 points and a plus of two. Frank Williams and, Clarence Oke brougbt Bow- manville into the picture com- piling a score of 47 points ta win top honours for high score with one win. (R crea lion (R eviews By Douglas Rigg Swimming Classes transportation, equipment and Lest Monday a the stert of snilk supply for eacb camper. the 'Children's Learu te Swim The buses will leeve from Classes at the Boys' Treining the Lions Centre every mrnr School Pool. ing et 9:00 e.m. and returu at The largest enroîment is approximately 5:00 p.m. again in the Learn to Swim Tennis Classes and the Red Cross Be- .The. Recreation Departrnt ginners. To hielp clarify the is geing to have classes to teach name usd te Larnto wimtbe fundementals of tennis to class is for those children, who those cbîldren who are inter- have flot attendcd thte lessons ested. The classes will be held before or who were unable to at the tennis courts bebind the swirn at least one length of the Lions Centre, .and iz open te Training School Pool sixty both girls and boys. We will feet). The Beginners' Çîass i attempt to supply some of the 1the start of the Red Cross equipment, but if' you have a swimming aviards. tennis racket pîcase bring it The times for the verious along. c~~~~ ~ ~ lasses inteLao lse terted on Tuesday, clases n te Larnto Swim July 14th for girls and the boys Classes bas been changed te wil start on Tbursday, July the foliowing: lt.Tecasswl ehl Boys-Mb)ndays-9:00 oa.r.- frem 2:00epcmastos4:00 p.m ard Ontario Street and Vincent fla t2:t0tlm w o:0p tead Massey buses; 10:00 a.n-. - venop an tintest in peti.gae Central and Liberty & Conces- vaîopng it rti the oyen te sion St., plus al out of town children will derive from this swimmers: 11:00 a.m. - Red experience. Cross Beginners. I-Girls-Wednesday-9:00 am rhr -OntrloStreet and Vincent On Tuesday, July l4th arch- Massey buses,: 10:00 a.m.-Cen- cry was started at the beck of tral. Liberty and Concession St. the High School. The boys buses -and ail out of town swim- came from 2 to 4 p.m. on Tues- mers. ad day and Thursday. Ln thîs ac- Boysad Girls-Thursday- tivity wc hope to tcach the cor- Red Cross Juniors-Creem of rect way te shoot and the skill Barley-l0:00 a.m. ln usirg a bow and errow. La- Boys and Girls-Friday-Red ter in the season there will be Cross Intermediate and Senior tournements of different kinds. -Cream of Barley-10:00 a.m. The age minimumr for thîs ac- The Juniors, Intermediates tlvity is 10 yeara. Arcbery can and Seniors are asked to sup- be a very enjoyable sport, come ply their ovin transportation te eut and try it. Creem of Barley Pool. Chldren's Theatre Minor Basebeil This is the second surnmei- of operation for the Recreation The Recreation Depertment's Departmcn't's Children's Thea- Mmnor Basebaîl got underway tre. W. hope that the cbildrea this week with the Atoms wilî b.eable te present skits playîng on Tuesday morning. short plays, and possibiy some AIl Atom League gamea will puppetry. be piayed Tuesday, Wednesday The children will reccive in- and Fridey mornings at Mem- struction ia simple dramatics, orial Park sterting et 1000 scencry making, mekeup, and a.m. staging., We would 11k. te pre- The Pee Wee-Bentam League sent a short play cntitled "Land games will be played on Tues- of the Jestezts". day and Thursdey evenings et Practices are held eacb Wcd- Franklin Park starting time is nesday aftcrnoon at the Lions 6:30 p.m. Centre under the direction cf Day Camp M'urray Welker and Verra Fo- The -Recreation Depertment's ran., starting at 2:00 p.m. If you first Day Camp of this season are interested la this type of will b. held for boys 10-13 in- activity please be sure te corne clusive starting next Moaday, next Wedncsday afternoon. July 2th. The girls' day camp Arts And Craftm will be heid atarting lvtonday, This la a new undertaking by July 27th for girls 7 te, 13 in- the. Depertment. W. hope te clusive, The Junior Boys' Day create more interest for the Camp wil b. held Monday, Au- eider cbuldren by teeehing thcm gust lOth. more advanced arts and crefts. Day camps are a week long Classes are open to botb boys camping experience. The chil- and girls and are held lu the dren will be taken by bus each, Lions Centre evcry Tuesday morning to the camp site, le- I nirning at 10:00 a.ri. cated f jvc miles north of Bow- Golf mianville, and brought back Another rcw undertaklng by each afternoon. This vear thieithc Departanent is thie inclusion theme for the camp wiil b. "Ln- of golf instruction for children. diens". Threugh the co-operation of The program wiil include tiie Southview Golf and Coun- swimming. cookouts. team try Club we pire eble te take games. instruction in woodiore ajbout fifteen of the eider boys end other activities. and girls eut to thc golf course There wili be e fee of $2.501j eecb Tuesday niornmng for in- per camper tg cover the coai 1 atructie. ISoftball Star of WeekI TED «BALDY" HOAR Finally the Surplus Sales Star of the Week goes te a member of the Surplus Sales team. It must give Irwin Taube a good feeling te pass out the award to a member of the team hg, 4 sponsors, alter eight weeks of league play. As far as the choice went, pitcher Ted "Baldy" Hoar was the unanirnous pick right down the. lime. Ted threw a one-hitter to halt the Stephen Fuels' win streak at three, and smashed a tremendous three-bagger on bis own behaîf. "Baldy" twirled a no-bitter for the first five trames, which was spoiled by Paul Chant's lne single, leading off the sixth. Hoar laced only 25 batters, three getting on by errors and a lone walk. Chant was wiped out on a double play. The base on balis to Frank Mobun, two passed balîs and a sacrifice fiy by Don Gilhooly plated the lone Stephens' run. Jack Parker, Mel Burgess and Pat Corneil rated honourable mention. Girls Defeat Courtice Ending Regular Season Bowmanville Lakeshore La- home runs and a single to aid dies took the final decision of the locals' cause. Eleanor Pick. the, season's series against ard was two for two with San- Courtice Friday evening to the dra Chaskavich and Helen Pan. tune of14 to 5. as going 2for 4. Marg Pickard went the dis- Bowmanville was beld score. tance for Bowmanville with a less only in the second as they' fine pitching performance. and picked up four runs in the third experienced trouble oniy in the and f ifth and two runs in the fifth when Courtice joined five first, fouirth and sixth. 'bits together to pick up three For Courtice, Jeannette Phil- runfs. lips did the hurling with Nel. Barb Brown swung the bi-g lie Kube on the receiving end. bat at the plate smashing two Offensively, Nellie K'ube, Carol Courtice, Marion Muir and Bey. Burgess each garnered two for I I four. SOCCER Hi - LIGHTS rIn the junior division, the top threc tcams continued te show the way, paced by league- leading ZMon, whe swept to their eighth straight win, trounicing Bowmanviile 10-0. Soline niainteined a one point edge over Courtice, in second spot, as the result of a 3-1 win over Maple Grove. Tyrone dropped a 3-1 encounter to Comflice. Enniskillen cdged Hampton 1-0, to send the los- crs down to their eighth conse- cutive loss. In the senior action, Wednes- day rugit, Hampton downcd the once mighty Maple Grove outfit 4-1, te tic Courtice for the runner-up position.. Bow- menvile Hoopers' Jewellcrs and Enniskilen bettled te a 1-1 tic, with the single point cnebling the diamond mer- chants to move inte a third place tie with Tyrone. .Football Scores Zion 2, Hampton 0. Maple Grove 2, Solina 0. FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMI]LY AT PARK With gomethingnMW sud different, every visit 18 Feature attractions this week are the hundreds of colourful baby budgies now on display. Mac sud Paul the Scarlet Macaws, are at their brilliant best (for Ver- fect pictures> * and "«stumpy" our miniature chlmp is auxious te, make friends with ai comeru VACATION SHOULD BE HAPPY a*NOT HORRID 1 noticed this morning as 1 came into the garage that our supply of maps has been going down very quickly the last few days. Guess people are starting to think about vacations . where they will go, bow, and no doubt the when cornes E . into it. with rnany of us. There are a lot of holiday spots that you cari get te by car and when you get right down te it, going by car lias a lot of advant- Bi,, Steve» ages. You can see a lot more. Go in your own time, and if you want te change your plans as you go along, you cari do that too. Yes, a vacation by car cari be a happy one and give you a lot of fond memories for years te corne. And there's a lot you cari do to make sure that the trip will be a heppy tinie for you. First of ail, you should start out by having al the se! ety equipment checked. Brakes, steer- ing, Iights, tires and don't forget the windshield wipers. Next, to b. sure that you don't run into grief on the way, it will pay you to have your motor tuned up. A good tune up could make the difference between smooth motoring and some uncoinfortable delays. In fact, regular tune-ups on your car are good sense, whether you are going off on a motor- ing trip or not. A car that is regularly tuned runs better, costs less te operate and is worth more when you are ready to trade. And the best place to have that tune-up donc is at Robson Motors Ltd. You can depend on our expert, factory-trained mechanics. DRiaL ESLLUL COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR USED CARS In our large selection of late model cars . .. w. havýethue car for you. And Remember ... Il pays Io buy front a certif led dealer, where ail laie modol cars are gouaaueed, 1 1