TKLTRSDAY. JULY l6th. 1950 9JJ and teught the children new m i . TA l.ý niversities? Or, that he bas; Cleln n oet ix~ I aS And so our first weef Local i-ee vvees Dr4t ewcastle six children and - travels fromviteMr nMr.O eMi- I lI.»~.aiv4aahj J $ed L/i. 1000 to 5,000 miles a week? lerdrnte I IIJVLI~JLFranklin ParlIi Happy Farmer Humphrey is h unr ooti P i y ro n R ep rt I arianlan ark«.: another deceptive type. He: îaigwt e rnpr i B7 Marilyn Houalander ~~~~~weigh.s 750 poundsanEer tsM.adMs.resHr- Memorial Piayground Wednes>day afternaon we hadi odt ehaergseed 1 from Macom. Georgia. vre By Barbara Brown our first parade and it was a about 100 children. On Tuesdaydahepedabu$2jut rsSoi KasadM. Dumgteeryor ftegreat success. The winners of1 July 7 the children paraded da Ised aot$0js wek hlrii'csuep-the decorated bicycles were: along a few streets neighbour- He actuailv'weighed 23 pounds leveigget !M.adM weka hlden csum o-first, Tac Osmond, second,1 mg the park to advertise ,. when he was born and tipped Patnr ýde was held to stimu1ate 1o- Graham Burgess; third, Johnioeig oto h 0cid the scales at 150 lbs. whenOflTwft"iCoor onSatur Pelinterest and to publicize theVac.Wnesath try-onngMstfte80hi- tatthat the playgroundwas Vae. Wiee:irsothorricyMe- ren that took part wore CPa it Mls s kn oe-cngauaiost yrn r no pn h ot etdws eod on ite.cycles aBand onçclwinningoi-Pairst prizeorki alog Dke JhoîAne n seo D3laVtetunes rde.,corown ft Ure a peeg rying to brii-g dyadr1redaga aae Hut ndPnestetsbak t ird, Bob Mcoao. Winners lowing aider children helped. that nws i wrestler, Rie-Tisaniiacrdttth Hunt pand. The paraeLs ack e of the wagons were Larrv Hod, keep the vounger ones in line:!k tr.t obti nOh oruiy by three majorettes followed gsna1Fe aa.Wner al MMle.Du c awa. Rickv is the fellow who M.SalyFeceTrn of the best buggies were first: Knight, Doug Parkin. Diane hstknble acn n a copne yfins ai byv costumed children with JudaQates:secodaolaeat dauncniAudryaHnesPat noise makers. The decorated Jd atssc'd oaR-MMleAde aePt uso ut hwfrte1 chlrn'bcee olwdbv. Best cotumes were: Bea- tie Fair, Marilyn Prant, Carol' custom-ers. Before the summneridayronn not nata cldre end hbicces fostumed trice Orrniston, Tim Brooks, Sheehan. We did some crat ts is over. Pat hopes he wvill be we oldyt teEstCat cls ose b BodisThe es cstum Linda Bedford, Danny Cowal, last week which consisted of,,__________n_________m or ski who was dressed as a fat- addah Tgtheoa arig, T1er ted <js' bout. man. Susan Cook won second Ontario Street Playground 1adohr.Te undot This article is ta let vou Cnd' rs ainlpo prize dressed as a beautiful vr el nwtetp ffn.vrl utavne . e eti woman. Rodnev Langley hadj By Audrey Spicer ' Lions Centre Pla.yground entertainrnent that is available,198-attofiaicml. the best decorated bicycle done Orpagon pndO By Merrldy Mutton every week at the Stadium ion-t3221,0,01Bl in pink. blue. green. and Yei- Mondav. Julv 6 at 9:00 arn. The beginning of the weEî Tickets may be obtained ahead of he nceerpeete lo. enedy orig.aAfter ail ehldren present were wa n~l aenU yrg~ of tirne at the Casino restaurant hge rcs bean bag tournamnent wvas hield registered, we played garnes: tration and a few gainies. G,.t- in Oshawa or on the spot. We1l for the boy s, Larr% Luxtoni and sang a few songs that thie ting acquainted with the child- trv ta keep you posted on next placed first and Greg Cordon youngsters knew fromn previaus ren was an im~portan~t part ofJe week's attractions. 2-A PCA was second. Third place went years. In the afternoon, the our programme. On Wednes- -L W R U DTI Jamie MacDonald. children coloured and painted day July Sth, we had a parade: Vincet Masey la~gound and so aur first dav was aver. consisting of most of the chi-LO G S U TiRI FAE Tueda wa te dy henwedren on the pia\ ground. TIhe Playgrounds are openl. and morning, ail the children j ief the opae ofto pad- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hay. VnetMassev welcomes ailljbruh terdo'round acs and judgihig 1oti pn a few days with ber par-I h A II E the chi]dren af the area. Qn bicycles, wagons. etc.. cad ertithoesn icylof thepa-ospitCrl n id, ate decoatedthe. Ths tok pmacsue aeriads biycesLvinoý1Niirray Bat&s town Pee Wees gave visiting Newvcastle a clobberin on Ion rsFedPr- of the miorning as the children Heilvar7 winning a prize for«t1ie da\ when they met at Mernorial Park here. eatn them 20 to 4. As both em nerOf hom erwayctoiake aC the yeydo it dt o e who co ldesilpa r a bestumeirl. Cale were i-ing foi- a playof f spot, this was a crucial game. Bowmanville's team is Miss Helen Partner is homne Kilpatrik as bforaia fehardav BO Y Secrt bs.Tusa 1tr Cattran best boys costume andsi~n ee byGnRa Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiging- noon beginning at 2:00,D gShrpulrtepa-iet front row: Jeff Gilhooly, Don MclMurter, Rick Lucas. Bob James, Steve andrnns, Torotowrey de1 are. Welne 1h Floyd Horselan won the prize, Veitch and Bill Depew; back row, Keith Banting, Charles Ewert. Irwin Colwell. Ken Saturday ýisitors of Mr. and W A N TEn cadrns toat nd aetemOurfr i el eoaei iyl Miller. Gerald Harness, George Bail, Gary Akey, Murray Bate, the coach, is standing iMrs. G. Fletcher. For Sunmer took a route along Duke Streeti FridaforJulv lOtapic ni I. at rear f Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Burgess;a Holiday '4ork (Steadv) down by Memorial parke. As we hldfrtepagrudnet -and family. Bowmanv ille, were ROO DA E- went alorig the children shout- The children en.joyed watching: nT e risn uday, teallliers of r obet I OO D L - ed. "Playground now open, theanimais and afterwards n, leIOnYukE riyth eadlie rsm. adMrs. James C e everybody welcome!" After re- tNIn lyiggm~v r S i rS ~oY~ atra l~~-< M- Bj~ .bn u-Idvu - KINGSWAYtunn tow Each child broughit their il <~jc îooi i poet OIlxemv oia es i. NUSEIE iseciaou einrin Tue0sdayses .e quiet games.ta end aurl special levents. ~~a~mnts of the week we plaved garnes Central Playgrouiîd found above the advertisement I By Doris. Martin S a i r on page seventeen. AVAILABLE FOE On July 7th. Tuesday afte'-L sl I / Interviewer Bill Ford ad- N RT A E noon, Central playground hadý t O h w t d u vises that most of the wrestlers1M0BT a parade to inaugurate the op- j fssoa wetln an ery onLoJonthnAbehe bas seen in action in Osh- ening af the playground. We' Pl'ESOllweil ~ , o oaann o awa have been quite willing toiSn 5hbS.tmo V coveredtwo bloks, plaing in- in this district have been seeîng Zvonkin, Lard Atnol Layton talk about their background struments and singing. The' sofie superb matches lately at and Farmer Humphrey will I and he will try to suppîy us RALPH S. JONES OCsdI'JE Wi. children were gailv dressed i h Kinsinen Civie Stadium in gv oa iiessreidc-wt lnyo nomto following costumes: Devil, cat, 1 Oshawa, everv Tuesday ntght gv oalctzn m nia outh penty of ink.Foraion Barrister and Solicitor cowboy, blackbird, gypsy, bun- PontrPtMls hsItno h tat itee tne who would believe that 65 Simncoe St.S. Oshawa various others. Bicycles were' saie of the top wrestlcis inl îng each other arolind at the was actually a Bachelor of Arts decorated and a great dcal of the business and the bouts have stadiumn. from Queen's and McMaster OUR SPECIAL GUARANTEE! fun was had by ail. had the fanis teaning their hairi - .- --_________________ Offers you the use of aur fitted hearing instnient for tbue montouk- with "excitemient. In fact, on a wtb a speclal mniey-back sumrntie nbas rthe CTbbTt'IT couple of occasions, spectatons ffarantee works. N IKL E have had to be forcîbly res- h p a d S vutl Alter waring he instument br thre montb accoring < ~trained froin entering the ringSh pnd Se at he B g . After earmg he insrumentfor tto mtake aonrdsomeo ofrthe visiting Intructions, have your own car specialist or phyician sheck iMs onaQiurwns to"big bo s o operatian. If hie i nat completely satiffed with thie resuits you hav% the wcekend with Miss Joan, obtained, and we are mnable ta adjust it ta mecet bus rcquirmaxe, Porter, Bowimanvîlle. Naines like Hard-Boiled Ha we will reimburse you thic full parchase prîmunel 1y the originel Ma. and Mr.s. Gondon Yeo, - =9e of the car inscrt made especially for you. PLinda, Mary and Neill Miss ham. were callers at Mr. and Afl various types of hearing instrments fit<d aes edo Joyce Seliick ai-d childiren, Mn. Mrs,' N. E. Wright's. m îsICtTSL »FREE" audiometric test made by certified bearing ad audiologis. and mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen, Mi. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett 4An appointment may be made without any obligation oS y= rt» Aa1eafaiyateddheW- Trewin, Toronto, attended the brpei tGnv ak tei IS COUJPONWODTnewin family picnic at Creamrn pci tGnv ak 0-* fBarley Camp, Bowrnanville, Mse Robbie Wright. New- on Sunday. mres hoiidaying with Mas- M A . 0OM . "M Very sorry to report Mrs ter Lawrence Wright. Hearing Service«& ur n Leonard Stainton has been in Miss borna Wearn, nurse-îxn- AIl Food Features Now Effective 850 Yonge St., Toronto-WAInut 42317 OMM&mo""' l bcd these past two weeks %vith' training at Grace Hospital, To- 4D~PrWe Plesuorwrdeiwneiaelyoubooleoea dise -out of -place in her bacli. roxitO. was homne Sunday and The Hard of Hearing. . She is imnproving very slol copfidhrprnsad Jl 5 6 7ad1 t4AME---------- Her many friends wisbh ler ai sisten to vîsît her gnandparents, speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn,_______ f M. and Mns. Jim Turnbull, Ciaremnont. Peterborough, were Sunday Mr. and Mi1s. R. Hope and l s ] c callers at Ray McGill's. famnily, Port Penny, werc Sun- Mns. Ross bec, Kedroni, Miss- day visitors with Mn. and Mrs. 1502.c P c 5o. i,.t Toronto, and Miss Cole. Mark remained for holidays. pn afeGeeBgho.WttePucs f61-otn()SL spenta fewdays with Miss hs ePc » Lois Ashton. Page A Ch ice0Pas @ Larg.A.Paee --1lu te "LET GEORGE DO IT" Mr. Artihur Page, Mr. and Mis. 1- ý With th iurchase o 5~tU ~ otE Clara Page, Toronto, were vis- ote itons with Mrs. E. Page. l 1 Mr. and M&s. Adam Shar î i e e. the late Mr. Garnet San-seo4Lag dersoii, Orangeville. on Mon-day. heduch mm. Y. C. DavidsNice, igestiWth tca e P urhs f4LreBtl~<i6ePu eO Mrs. W ii Tonkin, 0.ihawa, wcre Pg Sundav evening visitons ao~fMr.~ and Mrs. W. E. Begley. p lU I f I Mr. and irs. W. H.. Moore F e ln1rS zPk9s O ' were peent viitors ith MrW! je etheth hrchurseseoO Buy n. a ReukurPric F/ andMis vv 11b11onI Ail Colours Sizes S-M-L Recent caliers at Goron Swift's Lean, Mild Cured, Peamealed man Reynard, Oshawa. - -. BabyFo Pe ar 59 i.oo aca ;$1.95 Misses Pat Hoskin and Mary Cottage Rom m i- - L wt Gniffin are on holidays at AtIlsh Prhs f o 6 EXTRA PAIR EXRA ONE I~ . lantie City. Ng MisM. E. Vintue, Toronta, i Devon Brand ha enon hoiidays at Mn. and an Ms W H ooe n ohr1 .Rindless Side Bacon 1 lb. pkg. #59C We olshubl Long Sleeve ~~~Mrs. S. R. Pcthîck, Mns. H.: BESR OPCU YRFEEOYOFVLM Stevens and Mis. T. M. Sic- B UET IKU OR RECP FVLM o W O K P N SSPmon, attcnded the trousseau' THE NEW FAMILY PLAN IGA AilColrs RT HIR S ta of a bride-to-be, Miss Beth Catalo upplemen .izes 30 to 44 Ail Colors Mn. and Mrs. Gondon Yeo at- Caalgue Splm n "Indoor and Outdoo adeig Sizes Small- Medium - Large 'tended a pi'csentation for new- _lyweds Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Bell, CONTAINING MANY FREE GIFTS AND Cah 2.5Mn. and Mis. Fred Toms a - MONEY SAVING VALUES! Now on Sale 9 a EXTRAPAIREA ONE $1.0* companied Mr. and Mns. C o;t ncy Gnaham to Cobourg tote Pair - $4952fr$.95 Orange Panade Satundav and S O N A E A 2 for$3.95calicU on Mrs. Bessie Haw es and Mrs. Ethel Havdan. They e*E AH W NVIL were tea guests ai Mn. and Hop moe. B EiiiiVii's.A Port:W Hor. Ambrose Robinson's. Part Bowmanville Surplus Store Mn. and MrNTHrbrtRriht and famijy. Newmarket, were 42 King St. E.~weken MA -311 om I A Mrk t NwCsTINN., 42 King Si. E. DIA 3-3211Wright's. Mn. and MIs. Edgarý OS I Ajw wcre Sunday tea guest< of their ___________________________________________________________ parents. IRAGE TEMTEM THE CANADIAN STATTaSMAN. BOVMANVI=. ONTARIO 1