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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 14

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PAGE ~URTEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAIIV!LLE. ONT*~XO ~TT~nAV ITiTT.V 1*41. ______ - -- - .-~s, .q~ju The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor ?&s. Chas. Best. Mns. Roy Best and Port Hope, AU. John Enfield, visited Mrs. Hall. Mr'. and Mrs. Robi cock, Helen, Peggy a. are hoidaying at Lake. Mr'. and Mrs. W. spent the weekend vi, latives in Minden. Bob Steele. Quyon. Mr'. and Mrs. Cecil She san and Peter, Lanca and Mrs. Don Long. Mr'. and Mrs. Wanj Cee Hill, visited Rev.i Basi.l E. Long and fan Mr. and Mrs. Sany Chathamn, were overnig' of Mr'. and Mrs. D. Ha Ted Wilson cf R.C visited his wife and and his parents, Mr.< C. V. Wilson, has neti his ship. Mr'. and Mrs. Sid1 and family at their Caesarea. Mrs. D. N. Myles is i. and Mrs. Henry Sr Mr'. and sons, Gravenhurst. Heather, Mr. C. Tuaze, Oshawa, father Tamblyn, cf Mrs. Herbert Duvail was the Madisonj guest soloist recently at Orono United Church. )ert Han- Mr'. Philip Long is taking a id Johp, course at Summer School in Cameron Tononto. Mr. Neil Moffat is a patient L. King in Memorial Hospital, Bownian- ýsiting re- ville. Recent visitors with Mr'. and Quebec'. Mrs. Wni. Miller were Mrs. L. enett, Su- Halfyard and daughter Audrey, ster Mr. Barrie. Mr. Suttle Pritchard Toronto; and daughter Velma, Millbrook. inamaker, Mr'. and Mrs. Frank Wenny, and Mrs. Tyrone; Mr'. and Mi's. D. G. nily. Hooper, spent a few days at n Keats, a cottage at Glennverdean, ht guests Hall's Lake.. rness. Mrs. John Morris and Mrs. X.N. who Robt. Pattenson, were weekend daughter guests cf Mr'. and Mrs. B. and Mrs. Bowen, Oakville. ýurned te Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparling and sons Douglas, Brian and Rarrabali Fred, cf Pice Rivera, Califor- cottage, nia, who is visiting hei' sister, Mrs. E. W. Harding, (the for- visiting mer Catherine Ebers cf Orono) nith and and Mr'. Harding and sons, Min- DEST NEW CAR DEALS 0F THE SEASON! NOW 1S THE TIME TO BUY AS WE NEED USED CARS 1957 DODGE REGENT 4-Dr., V-8 Power Flite, radio. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., 6 cyl. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN, V-8 with Power Flite, radio, Sports tone. 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., 6 cyl. Automatic, windshield washers, directionai signais, Very clean. 1953 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. Automatic, radio. 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-Dr. 1952 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UP 1950 CHEV. 2-Dr., radio FARGO TRUCK, 3-ton Stake Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5487 s a n Lt L- d gift frorn our oywn club. Mrs. Vice then gave a list of the information which the req cord books should contain. The subi ect matter included "Vegetables Around the Year" and "Food Storage of Vege- tables". A tasty lunch was served by the girls in charge. The seventh meeting of "Dressing Up Homne Vegetables"' project was held at the home of Dianne Tink on July 9. This meeting concluded the subject matter for this club. Fifteen girls were present. The roll cali was answered with '«A vegetable I could take to school". The subject matter lncluded 'Vegetables f o r Children", "Vegetables Go To School", "Rules for Making Sandwiches", "The Lunch Box" and "'Vege- tables for Ail the Family". Mrs. Cryderman gave helpful kitchen hints on "The Prepara- tion of a good lunch box" and also the preparation of different fillings for sandwiches which were made and sampled. Lunch was then enjoyed. The next meeting will be on July 20 at the home of Marie Flett when plans for Achieve- ment Day will be made. Mrs. Reed conducted the re- affiliation service for the C.G. I.T. group at the church service Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat entertained at a family gathering on Sunday in honor of their aunt, Mrs. Mabel West- ley and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Adams and June of Balmertown who are visiting relatives here. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reyn- olds, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Harold and * 24H0W * * *.ua17e2 # Il den, Mr'. Chas. Wauchope, Mrs. rLewis Hawkins, Mrs. Tom eBeatty and son Kenneth, al of DNiagara Falls, Ontario, visited oId school chums and neighbors ini Orono and Newcastle last jWednesday. Miss Marilyn King is at Tal tPines and Miss Nancy King is at Hospitality Inn near Mindeni for the suminer. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tennant and family, Mrs. James Ginn, Blackstock, are spending the summer in The Harvey Ginn residence,' Orone, Mr'. and Mrs. H. Ginn who are at Windere- mere Lodge, spent last week- end at their home in Orono. .Mr. Win. Jerdon, Ajax, vis- sited Mi'. and Mi',. Wm. Mit- chell. Mr'. Everett Stapleton and son Howard spent the weekend with Mr'. and Mrs. Jim Ronson, Simcoe. Congratulations te Catherine Wilson, Kirby, on winning the' Branscambe Trophy for obtain- ing the highest standing in Kir- by Public Sehool, Grade 8 exams. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Young, Bridgenorth, Mr'. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanville, vis- ited Mr'. and 1%&s. Chas. Wood. Mrs. J. E. Richards spent a few days at Laurdic Ledge, Minden, last week. Congratulations to Mr'. and Mrs.Jams Wodtheifrmar- Bernice Lunn, on theifr mr riage Saturday, July 11th at Orono United Church. Rev. Basil E. Long, officiated. Mrs. M. Sherwin vîsited her sister Mrs. Chas. Reesor, Mr. Reesor and family, Markhani, last weekend. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen and son Olan, Niagara Falls, were guests cf Mr'. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph and Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Carman. 1 Mrs. Arthur Lloyd, sons Pe- ter, Michael and Vaughan, Stoney Creek, spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Earl Grady. Mrs. John Wannon, - Almonte, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Tomnlinson, Mr'. Tomlin- son and family. Mrs. Everett Porter, Sher- brooke, Quebec, visited her father, Mr'. Wmn. Davey. r Mrs. G. Roper, Toronto,' is visiting Mr. and M%&s. J. C. Gamey.r Mrs. Gertrude Austin, for-1 merly of Toronto, and sistere cf Mrs. Ed. Dean, passed awayu suddenly îast week in Orone.f Next Sunday, Juhy l9th. theL combined congregations cf New-s castle and Orono will meet for0 a special service i Newcastle,u at Waltona Park, at 7:30 p.m.e The Orono Band will b. in at- tendance. I[ t tc t( di M.adMrs. Harvey Yeilow- [New FactoryMurpr.~ar0' e ry ees, e, Brenda, Janice and Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- W iIIM akelees, Miss Gladys Yellowlees, WiII ake fMr. Walter Shortt, Courtice, and Tubular Chair- rs . .V oro omn ORONO -W H. Carman, Solina, entertained a group of chairman of the Industrial coin- girlhood friends at. a. very mittee of the Oreno Chamber pleasant gathering at her home of Commerce reported on on Thursday afternoon and for Thursday night that Kel-Rit!tea. Friends were present from F'urniture Manufacturing had 1Oshawa, Maple Grove, Harnp- purch.ased land in Orono andion, owmanviile and Solina. that a factory was now under IThose from Solina were* Mrs. construction. Kel-Rit, it was 'Gordon Leask, Mrs. Frank Gil- pointed out, will hire around'bert, Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Mrs. ten employees and that the Roy Langmaid and Mrs. J. building is to be cempleted 'Yellowlees. around the middle of August. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellow- The industry is now located lees entertâined ini honor of in Toronto and manufacturesitheir aunt, Mrs. Mabel Westley upholstered tubular steel chairsfand cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Man- along with other lines. The'ley Adams and June of Balm- new plant will be located on ertown, Northern Ontario. Pres- the fifth line just east of High- ent te, enjoy a visit*with them way 115.. were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- The treasurer, Gordon Wat- lees and Gladys, MIr. and Mrs. son, outlined the Chamber's fi-I Ralph Davis and Pat and Ross nancial standing which showed Kossatz. $171.45 in the race account but Mrs. L. Kellett, Mrs. Ralph aIso stated that some chequeslJDavis and Pat are spending had yet to be taken out. Theà severa ' days at a cottage at Lake general account, he said, had Dairymple. a balance of $27.24. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and R. . orrstr ake ifth 1family attended a family re- R. . Frrste asedif heunion at the home of Mr. and Chamber of Commerce would Mrs. Bruce Ormisten, Colum- assist in purchasing a Resusci-lJbus, on Sunday. tator which could be used i nI Mrs. H. E. Tink attended the case of drowning and other church service at Peterborough mishaps in the area. After some on Sunday when her great- discussion the Chamber voted grandson John Dadson. son of $100 for the purchase of a re-1 Mr. and Mrs. Bull Ûadson, was suscitator with the hope that:christened. other organizations would help 1Mr. and Mrs. * Charles Lang- financiafly. A resuscitator costs maid, Tommy and Faye; Kenny anywhere from $600 to $ 1,000- Ashton, Murray Flett and Mr. -Times. and Mrs. Joe Snowden visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lunn and children, Peterborough. Sally S OLINA Langmaid returned home after a week's holidays with her About 80 members of the cousins Karen and Teddy Lunn. Sunay chol ttede thir Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoar, anual eno aepcnc super Orono, visited Sunday evening in the Community Hall on July wiha. adMr.ECye- 7th. Some were prevented from Mrs. S. Rundile, Miss Jean being present through illriess Rundie and Mrs. H. M. Bell cf and others were busy with hay- Bowmanville were g.uests cf ing. The delicious supperin- Mr and Mrs. Ross Cryderman cluded an added treat cf ice and children. cream. Following supper a The Westlake family picnic lively program cf sports was was held at Geneva Park. held on the hall grounds. Sports Sao amr lcsok wr rande ootynoDnrits Fev- enjoyed holidays with her cous- and orohy nowdn wth ev-ins, Karen and Brenda Yellow- eral men assisting. Results lees. were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hills and Boys and girls under 6 years children were Sunday guests of -Ail received prizes. Girls Mr. and Mrs. David Craig, under 10 years-Sharon Larm- yoe er; boys under 10 years-Neil Tyr. ougane.soHno rink; girls under 14 years- is spending the summer with his Arline Westlake; boys under uncle and aunt, Mr. and'Mrs. L4 years-Ronnie Broome; ladies' Wes Hilîs and family. race-Gail Baker; men's race- M.adMs .R any Robert Osborne; shoe scramble- r. aviieSndas.E.R.ineyMr .,oraine Knox; men's wheelbar- adOronsited R.naywt Mr rwrace-Don Taylor and Larry M and Mrs. . hao.Jhs Broome. Several others, trav- Bowmanville, visited on Sun- elling at a high rate cf speed dywt r n r.L upset, and 50 failed te reach the Bday Mr.L inshing-line. The children, asBRome nd ouns.n yrn, usual, enjoyed te pentholidaying at Deug. Flett's. cramble. While some visited, Mr. J. Thompson, Mrs. Ray )thers enjoyed a game cf bail rwDbaanJneTo- mntil darkness intervened. o andndws, Debraad aeTron- veryone departed for their re-Zteo; M. andr. rdCaErwin, ;pective homes. Wood, Mrs. Jean Wood, Mrs. The sixth meeting of the Keith Wood and Charles, Bow- Dressing Up Home - grown mnil;M.adMs a s egetables" project was held at bmanevisie;M.d Mrs. RvUanOd he home of Laura Bowman Pearl Leach. Aith 14 girls present. M.adMs .Hcaa The roll caîl was answered aMr. agtd s Mrs. E. Hockaa uith"A egeabl lael romday visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank .ommercially c a n n e d vege- Lycett at their cottage at Sea- ables". Barbara H-ooey read a jet- rave. ;erregrdng issLapma's David Ormiston, Bowman- eparture from Durham County. vle n ai mls sa 'hegrop dcidd t cotriutewa, hoidayed last week at Tom Phads g ift from h t h ti e Baker's. ;owabs ift om l the Jean Baker holidayed at How- k.s herel The great new SIMCA front Paris. Take one drive and you'Il know the truth. That of ail the world's economy cars, Chrysier of Canada ham brought you the finest. SIMCA outperforms anything in its price clan. For SIMCA i. The Economy King of cars, with front engin. safety and 4-door family-size roomn. The car that holde 14 world's records for performance and endurance. The car that's proven maxrimum mile. per gallon economy. Mhe car you'd expect to coet mnuch more than the low, Iow price on the ta&. Check the SIMCA against its coenpetition? You get Mr. and Mrm Wes. Werry andq sons Donald and James Werry, Oshawa, attended the. Metcalfe family picnic at the Cream of Barley Camp on Sunday. Mr'. and Mrs. N. Wotten, Mr. Francis Wotten, Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Wotten and children at- tended the Wotten-Powel pic- nic at Cream of Barley Camp. Mr'. Wesley Powell, Miss Mabel Pewell, Oshawa; Mr. Ken Caverley, Hampton, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. Bs. Pascoe and children were at Fenelon FPaf& on Sunday with Mr. and Mi',. A. Beevor who are holidaying there. Mr'. and Mrs. Robert Millet, Brougham, visited Saturday ev. ening at John Knox's. Margaret returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller and children, Brougham, were Suni. day visitors ef Mr'. and Mi',. J. Knox and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and William with Mr'. and Mr. Glenn Larmer and Deuglaz Blackstock, enjeyed a plcnlo at Sharon on Sunday. BoWMALN VIILLE Sltuated at Ilighway 401 REST URAN 1 1Cut-off Oinner Fresh Lobster Cocktail Weeien cl Jumbo ShrImp Cocktail Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-8 Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Hall Spring Chicken, Crabapple ieIly Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Broiled N.Y. Cut Sirloin Steak, Fried Mushrooms Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Deep Fried Sea Scallops, Tartar Sauce Broiled Loin Cut Pork Chops, Green Applesau.ce Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Breaded MiIk-fed Veal Cutiet, Mushroom Sauce Sliced CoId Roast Turkey Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart lW Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown - Boiled Roll$ Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea a or Whipped Potatoes M uffins Butter Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream Cheese Tray C of ee A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porturhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served wâ Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions Milk gorgeous, tailored interiors; reclining feamn rubber meats; heater and defroster, extra large brakes for sale, sure stops; a big, roomy trunk; panoramic, distortion-free, safety glass windshields; Quiet- Ton. soundproofing; Unitized construction that's sound, and solid; bail-joint suspension, and many, many other extras. See and drive the fabulous SIMCA, todayf 8pS#î-h- naEquiauent, ow PMise suW sgo*>damne uW o"o~ >.-SIMCA ChrysWf of Canada Is pe..4 to announe the appontment of tluse SDIMCA Daaleem PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 King Street E. Phone MA 3-5487 Now! appointed by Chrysier to bring you SIMCA Bowm anville ard Ormiston', Bowmanville. Bey. and Mrez F. Reed were Sunday dimier guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Tom Baker. Mr. and Mrs Victor Wilson, Peterborough, were visiters at Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy's and with them visited 34r. Russel Hardy at his cottage at Pine Point, Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr'. and Mirs. Wes Werry were guests at the Brooks-Clarke wedding in Northminster Unit- ed Church, Oshawa, Saturday afternoon. E 1 e i ,ý 'ln ibt THE CANADIAN STATESMAiq. BowjL&Nvnjý& ONTAMO PAGE IMOURTEM THURSDAY. JMV lotth- to-« . Boiled menu Oven Brown

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