- .rv .---- - - ~ - 'K r-skMA1WAI- 1'ATIL«, 807;?IAXVff.LEONTAIO TRVESDAY, JVLY th19 PAGE Fr* Manvers Will License Trailers after 30 Days A. By-Iaw to license trailers accounts amounting to $3,568.- ,withi.n the Township of Man- 38. The treasurer presented a vers in excess of 30 days was financial report of the state of passed at the regular monthly the tax arrears as of June 18th, Ë .eeting of Manvers Municipal 1959. There was then $26,778. ~ouneil held in Bethany last 96 outstandin.g of principal and ~week. interest. Payment was authorized for It was decided that accounts SPECIALS UN USED CARS 1953 METEOR 2-DR. Customline, with air conditioning -$ 795 1950 CHEV. COUPE 5-Passenger. Very good mechanically 1950 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN One owner, 53,000 original mileage $350 $350 1957 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP$29 30,000 original mileage ----$2295___ 1952 DODGE 2-DR. Very Good Car __-_____ $495 USED GARDER ECIUIPNENT ROTO-TILLER, Jari, reg. $325.00 Special -- - $175.00 MAXWELL POWER MOWER, Deluxe, 18" eut, stand-up start, Practically new_______ $ 75.00 GRAHAM'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE FHAYDON MA 3-2730 (2 miles east of Enniskillen) e/o Ontario Safety Leatue 1170 Bay Street Toronto of W. C. Becker Equipment Company and the Dominion Road Machinery Company be returned unpaid and a letter be attached advising that the grader was under warranty at the tirne the accounts were con-? tracted. i Arrangements were made for' the Township Hall and admin- istration office to be cleaned. The report of the Northuznber- J land-Durham Health Unit for June was received. The De- partment of Public Welfare grant of $77 1.54 for the Child- ren's Aid Society was also re- ceived. Ajax Workers During War HoId Reunion The first Re-union Picnic in 14 years of Defense Industries Limiteil, Ajax, C Shift, Line 1, and thein famnilies was held at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on Saturday. It was an outstand- ing success and 86 people en- joyed the outing. Scott Leslie, Oshawa, was in charge of ar- rangements. There were races and games for the children, and amusing events for the aduits. Everyone had a delightful time. and it was decided to niake the affain an annual event. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leslie wene elected joint presidents of the organization for the coming year. It was explained that i, had been impossible to get in touch with ail the former C Shift, Line 1 workers because the present addresses of some werel not known, and a number of1 the girls have married and the, committee do not know their mnarried naines. It is hoped that everyone eligible, who reads ro Iheans of the ne-union will con- tact Mn. anid Mrs. Leslie and corne to the next annual ne- union. From tis district, Mr. and M.rs. Tom Masterson, Linda, Gerry, and baby Randy, Bow- manville, and Mn. and Mrs. Al- bert St. Pierre, and their chul- dren, Maple Grove, attended the enjoyable event. C K OI- I FORTH NTRY- DEDLIN JULn22' New Raleigh Bicycle and 50 Roket Radios Evury Wek. kamd Prlz-A Trip to Oanada's W.st U4O#SORED BTY RALEIGH CYCLE INDUSTRIES (CANAOA' LTD. qt TH£ INTEBET OFCHILD SAPETY BOYS AND IRLS-TIS 15 YOUR CONTEST New$ tihe fourtir port cf aMy Limrick Coffleet. Mmd heres My fourti, "te"ytuw.: -PLAY YOUR SAMUIN À4 SAPE PLACE AWAY FROM THEi STREET' Now hero'a tii. conteef and h.,..s what you con wint Ivery we.k, in n aanouicmt 1&0.ti, t 'il Vive you the. fi* four Unes of àa hm.rick about ont of mY sfetY rule . . . and 'N i uve you the. a.4ery rni. e y.u maoitep tfitslin. of the limerick f0 suitMefscei.. se Ivre ift hyme, with the. firaf Une. Affer you've mode op the lest lin., 4111 in the entry blank and mail ift t me. Get mother and dad fo help you if you like. Maybe you'IllWn oe of the prixes for the week. When we've gont. through ail the miles, we'll have aàs$"ciel limi.rick covering ail siules. Thse grand prise for flua one. s a trip Wfou yend o'.e parent. a4iardi4m, t.acher or any duit of.4 our choie., te Coaai's irait! S.e read MIi« , put e ayouue tsuukigcap Md jet busy. 4»d lucir ýLE No.. HOW TO WIN 1 T.e ener, moa.Up thie lait oi.e offth. Umllmn uown. Enriles wcll b. Iudeed cm thir r' hythm end thym., end ho* tiiei idea fit i wlh the first four limes. tact lhi,. hould niyme wth f fi i se. 1. Amy atudent whe .fttnded e. Otr. public. porochicl, or prlvote lment.., ohool durng 1959 mey enter. S. Cldrem etf..nploymaeff uie mcwPooe,. iii. Onario Sofety Legu. mud Raleighi Cycle industriei (Canada) LUd. eannof enter. Y" hé ontmusi b po.tmutied net lu. thon mldnght Wednesday, July 22. 1959, end maled te t"se ddreua entii. .ntv blenk. S. toch vese must b. moiled wclian ou nt"y bmmii er reesonoble foaimile. AUl eniie, iiecomm tise pfopertyetflmer thse Sefel-, Elepheut, end ceuinot be refvumed. A. juliem eft lâ. mouttffclii b.eeple vs. w techcrs. ctitesma" ftef fi. efeti muiés. The lme..' dcehi..me final. Pl Y.ur Gain à- asa" mm ccAWa&, frm The . ni-. ADomsa........... ............... POl.............SCt40L............... - Am .., .... GRADE -- LIMERICK NUMBER FOUR The payground or parlc s the place To plry gam and haeplnty of q»« - S. b. sure that yow tay Off ti, street Wb.so you play Sponsored by Bowmanville Kinsmen Club and The Canadian Statesman In Magistrc I (Written by July l4th, 1959-- Magistrate R. B. Baxter hand- ed down judgment in a case of impaired drivîng. Evidence was heard two weeks ago. The ac- cused in his defence stated that he had had a small quantity of liquor and had taken some plls a doctor had prescribed for mi- graine headaches and he thought he combination of the drug and the alcohol had caused him to appear as împaired. The mag- istrate. quoting the case of "Re- gina vs. Finn", stated that a higher court had ruled that it was not necessary to show that only alcohol was the cause of impairment. The combination of drug and alcohol has the same effect. The fine was $50.00 and costs, licence suspended for six months. Another impaired driver was fined $50.00 and costs. Re had been followed by an off-duty policeman. Was noted weaving fnom the east side of the road to the west side. Driving Up a bill on the wrong side. The constable took the licence num- ber. On the other side of the grade, he noticed the car in the ditch. The driver couldn't get out. After evidence uvas beard, counsel for accused advised toc court that his client wanted bo change bis plea. A plea of guilty was accepted. As tiiere [was no accident in wbîch pers- onal injury or pnoperty damnage had occurred, the licence was suspended for a thnee-month period. One miat charged with having liquor in a place other than a residence did not appean. The court wvas told that he had been turned over to the Toronto Police to face a charge of being involved in a "bit and run acci- dent". He was pnesently serv- Ing 30 days for this offence. Constable concerned was in- structed to serve the man witb a summons to appear bere. The first charge of baving liquor in a place ether than a residence was heard. Penalty was $20.00 and costs. The magistrate wann- Meicaifs Hold Eighlh Annual Family Picnic The Metcalf fa.mily held their eWghth annual pienicon Sun- day, July 12th at the Cream of Banley Park, Bowmanvîlle. About 71 people enjoyed aif picnic dinnen, with abundance, of food for ail. Following the! meal, the president, Mn. Blake I Short, conducted the businessI meeting, at wbich Mrs. Gordon' Metcalf read the minutes, and acted as secretary in place of Mrs. Harold St. John who was unable to attend. It was decided to hold the' -next annual picnic at the samne' place next year on the âecond: Sunday in July. The following officers wenel elected: President, Mn. Roy 1 Metcaîf; Vice-President. Mrs.1 Helen Werry; Secretary-Treas-j urer, Mxs. Ruth St. John; Table Comnittee. MnI. and Mrs. Gor-~ don Metcalf and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metcaîf; Sports Corn- mittee, Mn. and Mrs. Don Met-î caîf and Mr. and Mis. Alex Mluir. The afternoon was spenti races and games, with prizes for tlue lijîle folks, while the older members spent fueý time visiting and chatting. A happy leature of the gatbening was1 the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stephenson and theiîj two sons of Detroit, who arej on their holidays, and wene busy renewing accuaintances. Eve'-yone present pronounced this as one of the most en. oy - able picnici so far, and hope for many more in the future. BETHANY In a freak stonm here on Thursdav afteu'noon the n-oth haîf of the barn roof owned by Clarence Neais was complete- ly torn off. Walter Rowlands' biouse was dam-1aged by an elm tree which split in the wind, witb one haif of it falling or. bis house, teaning down th el television aerial, a chimney andj making a luuge hole in the i roof; as weil as nuany other: trees blown down and stopping traffic on highway 7A and sid e-I noads. Mnr. F. Frazer of Mannmora isý the relieving manager of the -Toronto Dominion Bank wn le, Mr. Glen Wentwonth and bis' family are on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson. Miss Lynda Davidson and Missi Patnicia Davidson are on vaca- tion this week motoring to Par-,- ry Sound and through the A] - gonquin Park anea. MiUs. Thomas Jackson arnd Miss Caroline Smith are in Markdale this week, guests of Mr. and Mns. Norman Neals. 'Mrs. Elizabeth Patton an d Robent Patton, St. Thoma s.; spent the past week with Mn.i and Mx-s. Reg. Edimunds. Mn. and Mis. Creighton Carn, and their children, David and! Lynda, with Mr. and Mns. Tho-:i mas Jenninga are holidaying, this week at a aummer cottage i near Cannai-von. Thomas Curnie, Midland, spent the weekend with n.r and Mis. Orloe Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack-' son and their sons Ronald and John and Mn. and is. James McKinnon motored to Toronto on Sunday visiting with Mn. and Mis. Cecil McGill. Mr. and Mns. Munrav Wilson! and family wene on holidays last week motoring to, North Bay and through Algonquin' Park. Mrs. Margaret White spent the weekend at Five Oaks Camp nean Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Hughes, Toronto, visited with Mis. R1ichard Fias durlng the weekend. SUPER-RIGHT MfEAT SPECLS PORK LOIN SALE a ta 3/2-lb Average RIB END ib37C 1 to 3i/2-fb Average Tenderloin End %47c 1OOth ANNIVERSARY SPECUALS Robin HodReg. pkg 670c-SAVE cm WHiTE ANGEL CAKE MIX 15/ oz pg 5 1 Realemon Reg. tin ifie-SAVE 60 LEMON JUICE 2 8-oz lins 31< White Swan %*ç. pkg 49c SAVE 4@ TOILET TISSUJEé04&4 ic lona (Pectin Added) New Pack moee ier Mo-BSAVE 6c RASPBERRY JAN 24-oz lai39< AyimerR" jar 29o-8-AVE 90 SWEET MIXED PICKLES 21&ozas49e A fn Page Reg. jar 33*-SAVE 40 SALAD DRESSING 16-oz i29e 3 Flavours bueg 4 tins 49o-8SAVE 7@ PEP DOG FOOD 316 o tn29< EMt GRÉAT AlAb<T#C 4 lAciptIC lA O I'AT T Au prie« IThis Ad Guerane.d Through Saturday. Juiy t»0. 1me sonlROAST fev Ese rUand .-..F[ - WIENERS Sâliced Beef BOLOGNA Ail Good. Smoked Rindleac SIDE BACON Banquet Brand - Turkey, Chicken er Bcd PIES 'b79<ý 2-Ibpk*g 7 5 1-ibpkg 5 3c 38oz p4s 69( FRUIT & VEGETA BLE FEA TURfS Calornia, Neow Ci-op, SwOet, Jui", 1 4..1 Or"*e BARTLETT PEARS &zn49C W'ine.sap APPLES Native Grown, Large Suze, Fancy Grade GREEN PEPPERS Native Grawn, New Crop, No. 1 GradW hlfMit b4 POTATOES 3-1b cefo b" 35( 4]-9c '0-lb bag 49Ç Native Grown, Bradford Marah, F-ms, Crimp, ffo. 1 GcW#c HEAD LETTUCE 2 hoad15( Now iun season from t.e famous Niagara Perinsula . . . Eating Cherries. Ra*pb"rues Stake Tomato.m, and m»nY oth*t enw trop fuuite and vegetabs. v KEO COFIE ON A Jffft A&P INSTANT COFFEE '-z e 8 5 c 2-oz jor 3 Sc Avouable Only At A&P Bakery Special Sak.d lIn A&P's Own Bakery By Master Baker* JANEPARKER Raisin Pie Reg. 49c - SAVE 10e Stockc Up Your Freezer AiTlis Low Pricel (irf-a------------------------------------------- OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Elmer the Safety Elephant MAMIE. - Frozen Food SPECL4LS SO4JTILANO FRENCH CUT GREEN BEANS P-0. ne- & -VE 6. FANCY QUALITY A&P PEAS 6 12-ox ks1 .00 Reg. 2 for 37o--8AVE lic tlow another vehicle to pass.1 niece, Mrs. Clayton Brown, to Miss Nancy Johns. Toronto, iThen made a left hand turn with! see the Victor Reicls near Lind- were weekend guests of Mr& nosga i rn fçh eile. say. Will White. A.Kr)Police were in the followin eret to hear of the sudden Mr. Bert Taylor, Alliston. Another motorist charged Nestleton, (our respected un- niece, Mrs. J. A. Burrows and with failure to give a signal cie) eanly Saturday morning. Mr. Burrows. y A. urb)when making a left hand turn Funeral services from Port Per- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wake- 1 edthemantha ths ws awas fined $20.00 and costs. An ry with interment at Cadmus ly, Dorothy. Catherine and ed hemantht hiswa aoperator of a motorcycle with-; Union Cemeter3r. John, Toronto, spent several dangerous practice as seizure oflout licence plates f'or the cur- Heartiest congratulations to days last week with her sister, his car could resuit in a con- rent vear was fined $10.00 andiour good neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Allun and famnily. viction for this offence. 1 cots. He tried to hide in the Mrs. James MeMullin, Lotus, One mani aged 25, another' ditch when he was observed by who are celebrating their 67th aged 24, were fined $Î5.00 and the patrolling officers. A speed- weddig anniversary on July costs. They were in a car withier paid $10.00 and costs and; lSth. Mr. MeMullin will also a young fellow aged 17. Police failure to produce his driver's! be celebrating his blrthday (92) were checking the car for un- licence cost another person ai o Juîy 2th. We extend the necessary noise. They searched total of $7.00. He had a licence! best wishes of the community the car and found three part and he had left it in bis other on these happy occasions and $ç botties of beer. The men had pocket. trust they will be spared for a & ~usa- been drinking and the youth number of years.Arý stated that when one got out of Mrs. Doreen Butler and Mns. tecar, lie took a bottie of beer. YE V R O Butler Sr., Woodstock. had a Magistrate comrnented "There E V R O short visit with Mr. and Mrs. is only one way to stop this sort W. H. Stinson after attending of nonsense. You are only ask- (intended for l8*st w'eek> funeral services of the late ing for trouble when you are On Thursday evening Yelver- Mrs. MýcGahey near Lindsay. drivîng and driniking." ton W.A. met in the White1 On Saturday evening the Another young man with thue Church for their July meeting. Stinson familles called on Mr. story that he didn't steal the Plans were started for thîs faîsFakSisnoMillbok beer, hie just took it from the fowl supper. FRacentisit osatMlonia, house where hie lives, was fin- On Wednesday evening a! the Hank Boons Sr., Hank Jr. ed $100.00 and costs. The mag- number from the cotflflilty and Miss Annie Muir of Cooks- istrate commented :"I don't be- attended the Ballyduff Garder ville an*d Toronto. On Sunday truthful and frank about it excellent service. tiueir nephew Sarnmy. when you get into trouble, I On Tuesday Court Manive:s ________ must impose a penalty that will No. 553 met Court Nestieton at deter you in the future." He Nestleton Coinmunity Park.HA nYI~ had been charged with being Due to a slight mix-up the SAi tL II IIi( ) uncler the age of 21 years, did gaine has to be replaved des-, ATINGREAR ibtaill liquor. Alternative toljpite Ille fact Manvers led 1v a Mvr. and M\rs. John Lyon and the fine wais two mionths in gaol. 121-20 mar.gin when the gaine son Lloyd. Toronto, were Sun- AFIGEAION - LLCTRI( A conviction for "celeswsmsa1nycle i nii a isitons witb their son Jack, MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE driving" drew a penty f orpleted inning. Mrs. Lyon and family. TV-RAI PL ANCES $20.00 and costs. Driver was While vacationîng at Mi-S. Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Mc-. ..RDOAPINE driving down the centre of road, Dalton Brown's. Fleetwood, Mrs. Bride, Peterborough; Mr. and, and woullnt move over to ai-;W. H. Stinson accompanied lier Mrs. Don White, Oakville, and;