-- - - ______- -- - - -. 1flU1~UAY, J ULZ 101k, 191 - *IIADMN STAT~AM.. flflWMAXUWI~ ftUO'A LII U1 WEST-Mr. and Mn. Keith West are happy to announce the birth of a girl Janice Marie, on Ju.ly 6, 1959, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. A aister for Judy. 29-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor, Tyrone, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Barbara Ruth to Gordon Alfred Millson, son of Mr. Alfred Mlllson and the late Mrs. Milîson, Tyrone. The marriage will take place the end of July. 29-1 Marriage BAIN - WARDER - At the United Church, St. Marys, Ontario, on Tuesday, July 14, 1959, by the Rev. R. D. Crosby, Marion Gertrude Berenice, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder of Bowman- ville, Ont., to William Alexand- er Bain of St. Marys. 29-1* Deaths JACKSON, Frederick-At Bow- manville on Monday, July 13, 1959, Frederick Jackson, hus- band o! the late Susan Webb and father o! May (Mrs. James Gable). Uxbridge, and Elva (Mixs. John Vautt), Newcastle, in bis 85th year. Rested at the funeral homne o! McGuire and Low, Uxbridge. Service was held in the chapel on Wednes- day, July 1Sth at 2 o'olock. Interment at Uxbridge Cerne- tory. 29-1 McDOUGALL - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, on Tues- day, July 14, 1959, Em.ma Jane McDougall, in ber 89th year. youngest and hast surviving daugbter of Alexander and An McDougall, aunt o! Apha I. Hodgins. Resting at 10 Duke St., Bowmanville, for servic* o Thursday at 12:30. Intermont Granton Presbyterian Cemetery on arrivai of motors about I à O'clock (Daylight Saving Time). 29-1 WINTERBURN-At the rosi- dence of ber brother Eugenej Martin.. Clarke, on Tuesday,l July 14, 1959, Elizabeth Jane Winterburn in ber 74th year, wife o! the late Kneedunx Wint- erburri. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvîlle. Service in the chapel on Thurs- day at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemnetery. 29-1 Coming Events Citizens' Reunion, Hampton, Park, Saturday, Jury 25. Sports,, 3 pin.; supper, 5 p.m. sharp due to football game in park. 29-1 The Werry family picnic will lbe held in Hampton Park, July 18th. The main meal will be et 12:30 wîth supper for thosel wtho wisb to stay. 29-11 Caesarea Firemen's BaUl, Wednesday, July *22, 1959, at Reg's Marina. Proceedii to ho used for firehail and equip- mnent, Tickets $1 .00 per person. _______________29-1 Woodview Community Centre m-Monster Bingo. Twenty game ..twenty dollars; five ganes- f.hirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door * ies. Next Monday, 8 p.m., ed Barni, Oshawa. 46-tfI Notices - Dr. G. E. Mann will be on holidays from July 1l to July 26. 28-3 The office of Dr. W. M. Ru- dell will ho closed from Mon- day, Juiy 20 te Monday, August 17, inclusively. 29-1 LU L.LLes Lor bSeL RASPBERRIES. Elner Cox. MArket 3-7189. 29-2 BALED hay and standing hay. MArket 3-2403. 29-1 MASSEY-HARRIS grain binder, 7' cut. MA 3-2124. 29-l* RANGETTE, good elements. Phone MA 3-3219 after 6. 29-1 GAS range, excellent condition MLA 3-5702. 29-1 HAY for sale, 20c bale. Ernie IKnapp, MA 3-5756. 29-1 PLAY-PEN, practically new. Phone MA 3-5394. 29-1* SEVEN acres of standing hay. Leo Green, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville. 29-1 100', threshing beit, used one season, haif price. MA 3-3090. 29-1 18' OUTBOARD cruiser, motor and trailer, complete, $995.00. Phone MA 3-2855. 21-1* ONE boy's C.C.M. bicycle, good condition. Phone MA 3-7198. 29-1 WATER for sale. Dellvered. Phone Ciif Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf QUANTITY of good pine lum- ber, one scale, 12,000 lbs. Phone Newcastle 3876 or 4128. 29-1 100 BUSHELS oats and-50 bus. Iwheat, also fence posts. MArket 3-2126. 29-l* RANGETTE. two-burner, in good condition. reasonable. MA 3-7184. 29-1 FRESH raspberries daily, op- posite Cream of Barley Park. Phone MA 3-5026. 29-tf 700 BALES of hay, clover and timothy. Phone MA 3-2897.2- GARAGE, 12 x 24 ft., shiplap covered. metal roof, delivered for $150. Phone Orono 3 r 5. 28-2* SAVE on lumber, direct froni Mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13t1 MASSEY-HARRIS combine, 6' with motor arnd scSur cleaner. Good condition. Phone MArket 3-3098. 29-1 MILKING machine, Farmaster, new condition, double unit, $135.00. Blackstock 87 r 4. 29-1* KEYS eut automnatically, while you walt, a t Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bbwmnan- ville. 46-t! STURDY bed with spring and m.atbress; sofa-sleeper; four- drawer chest in roxatone. MA 3-2817. 29-1" WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf GLADIOLUS, eut flowers for ail occasions. Daily hospital delivery. Mrs. Ernest Passant. Phone MA 3-3527. 27-10 ELECTRICAL Repalrs-Prompt service to electrical apphiances, large and smaîl. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf nrucIes tor baie MASSEY-H-arris self-propelled used combines, one 8' cut, No. 26, complete; one 10' cut, No. 26 complete; one 10' cut No. 80), complete. Also new machines on display. Don't overlook see- ing these combines. Telephone, Little Britain 37, Massey-Fergu- son Dealer. 29-1 FOR THE BEST BUY MW ALUMINUM DOORS - WINDOWS AND AWNINGS PHONE ML HUBBARD MA 3-2415 29-3 JULY Furniture SaIe-Spring- filled mattresses, $19.95; 3-piece chesterfield, nylon covers, $169;1 chrome kitchen suites, $49.50; trade-in refrîgerators, washers, chrome tables and chairs, oul burning cook stove, white enam- el; rangette, like new. Murphy Furniture Co., King St. W., Dial MA 3-3781. 29-1* Save . . Save Save 40 PT. TV Tower Structure with Crowix Rotator. and Ail Wave Antenna. jCompletely Installed Regular Value $150.00 Sale Price $1 19.95 This offer limited teoOUF present stock. Oshawa TV Supply 361 GIBBONS STREET Telephone Oshawa RA 8-8180 Bowmanvllle MA 3-5522 29-4 HOME FREEZERS at Rock Bottom Prices No better buy anywhper than our Coronado Deluxe 17 CU. 7F. CHEST $269.95 wlth 5-year Food Spoilage War- rant3' and 5-year Refrigeration Warranty. ALSO-WE HAVE-. 8 Cu. Ft. GENERAL- $239.95 15 Cu. Pt. Deluxe Model $265.95 20 Cu..Pt. Deluxe Model $349.95 Amana Freezers fr-os $299.95 up Coronado 12 Ca. pt. Automatie Defrost Refrigerator with Insulated Zero Freezer - 60 Mb. capacit>' $299.00 Trade la your 011 refrigeraie Barbecue Chicken.s $ 1.69 Ph.ne i. for Speclal Orders for larger birde INSULATION,' blowIng metbod, If Youde not have a freezer, wibh rock wool. Workmanship come la and guaranteed. Froee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke RENT A LOC E 2420. 39-tf1Epi for those cherries, rjsp err, POLAROID Land camera $75.00,, peas, beans, etc.. large screen $18.00, Fair Isle1 rs' - knitting machine, aimoat new j! 1.00uIo100U per year $65.00. Trailer axle $8.00. MA 1 3-5348. 29-1*1*a ONE 5 h.p. Johnson motor, $25; Bowmanville Frîiuid l Residents and visitons in tho James KosAp. , A. lexander Township o! Cartwright, please Apts., or Phono MA 3-5041. LIUcArA JJOLt1I take note - Prom July 2th un- 29-1' rrr tii August 31, 1959, the Town- P oeM 357 ship Office will ho open regular DO your own floors and rugs- PhnoMA-1n boums only, Monday, Wednes- Rent a sander, floor polisher or 2 day and Friday, and Mn. R. J. nug cleaner (sbampoo mebhod) T n e Dilling will ho Acting Clerk froni Lander Hardware, 7 King T n es Wanted during vacation a! pr-sent Clerk. St., E., Bowmanville. Phonoe_____ V. Malcolmi. MA 3-5774.20t FOR SALE BY TENDER 29-1 -- --r-- Tenders wili ho received by -- ONE Massey-Harris grain id1 the undersigned Solicitor up ta or, 8' cut, power take-off!; on 12:00 o'clock noon on Friday, V IS Trubb>er, l lmt fittings, A-i the 31st day o! July 1959 for the THEREA LVIN SATA condition. Chas. Russ, Newton- purchase o! the property of the THE RAL LVING ANTA ville. Phono Clarke 1323 afteri late Mr. Alfred H. Little on the JUNE 19 to THANKSGIVING.6pm9-, east side o! Fun For Ail The Family 1HEARING aid service. Testing i Main Street, Orono service and complote stock o!' This property Is a fraie Cbildren to 14 years - FREE batteries and cords at Higgon house, 8 roonis, with small barn 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 P.m. Electnie Limited, 38 King St. E., and gardon. Bowmanviiie. Teiephone MA 1 Ternis: 10% o! price with Sunday 1:00 I.m. to 6:00 p.nî. 3-3305. 7-tf tender; balance ta ho paid in VILLAGE ;cash on closing; closing date te ANTAS IBATe, wash basin, several 76- hob arranged. SANTAS VIL AGE nch venetian blinds and other' Hîghest or any tender not Bracebrige, Ont. s ontioi ail and elec- 'necessarily accepted. QC. 25-7and couch, oak desk. 20 Brad-j Orono, Ont. j shaw St. Phono MA 3-3485. Solicitor for thie Vendors. j Auction Sale 1-29-1" 9- Hector S. Bowon, Lot 33, Con- cession 4, Clarke, farm imple- monts, 24 acres o! standing, grain, on July 25. Ted Jack- son, auctionoor. 28-2* The undersigned auctioneer will soUl by public auction a quantity o! household funiture and dishes for Harhand Truil at Hamupton, on Friday night, July 24th, 7 o'clock. Ternis cash. Cli!! Pethick, auctioneer. 29-2 Having received instructions from the Executars of the Estate o! bbe late E. A. Gifford o! Taunton, 1 will soUl by pblicl auction on Saburday, July 18 at 1 p.m. sharp tAie entire bouse- hold contents includlng tele- vision, electrie washcr, kitchen, living- room, dlning-room furni- ture, dishes and many other articles. Terma cash. Prank .Stirtevard, auctioneer, Oshawa. NEW EQUIPMENT "'66"' ALLCROP HARVESTERS 8 ft. eut. Prlced at only _ _ -- - ___ THE NEW "90" ALLCROP HARVESTER.. 7% N USED EQUIPMENT 1 FARMALL SUPER "A" TRACTOR with onc-rowi 1 ALLIS-CHALMERS "WVF" TRACTOR 1 MASSEY-HARRIS "22" TRACTOR 1 6-tt. TANDEM DISC 1 COCKSHUTT 3-FURROW PLOW A. J. (AL) HOAR ALLIS -CHALMERS SALES AND> SERVICE R.Z. S, BOWMANVILLE Irr For Rent HOUSE. Mrs. J. W. Knight, telephone MA 3-5448. 29-1 FOUR rooms, bath, heated; im-. mediate possession. Phone MA 3-7247. 27-tf FURNISHED room, central lo- cation, business person. P. O. Box 352, Bowmanville. 29-1 EIGHT-roorni apartment, mc ern conveniences, tiled flo< Miss Harnden, R.R. 3, Bowma ville, No. 2 Highway, 29. COTTAGE, 12 miles forth Havelock, safe beach. Av& able July and August. MArI 3-3801. 2E THREE-roomn apartment pl kitchenette, heated, separs entrance and bath, heavy wire Aug. lst. 14A 3-5548. 29. THREE-bed-room «bungalow,i heat, recreation roomn. Ava able August first. Phone M' 3-3784. THREE-roomed heated apa: ment, heavy wired, separa entrance and bath. Immedia possession. Phone MA 3-24, 17. TWO-bedroom, heavy wirin, hardwood floors, built-in cul boards, tiled kitchen, wate garage, $45. Newcastle 3771. SMALL apartment, living-roon kitchenette and bedroom, moc ern private bath with showe one or two persons only. Appl at No. 5 Apartment, 23 Terî perance at Four Corners, Bou manville. 28-1 Work Wcinted PLOUGHING, disking and mow ing hay. MA 3-2186. 29-1 CONCRETE and masonry wori Box 1083. L. Turner. Phon 3-5820. 9-1 CULTIVATING, scuffling ar row crop work. Phone MArke 3-3548. 28- PLASTERING repairs. Base ments plastered inside and out side. Reasonable rates. Cal MA 3-5368. 21 - INTERIOR - Entire painting ari paper hanging. Melle Rozerr R.R, 1, Bowmanville, MA 3-2584 29-t P'MJMBING, heating,' eavee troughing; . free e st i mat c: Harvey Partner, Tyrone. m 3-9240 or Orono 1782. 6-1 WHITEWASHING and dlslnfeci ing stables, etc. Free estimatei aIl work guaranteed. Telephor Clarke 1321. Bert Tompkin R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-2 Plastering Repairs QUICIC SERVICE STUCCO AND> NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. EC. MA 3-50b 16-t OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERJAL SALM INSTALLATION and REPAIRI Phone flowmanville Oshawa MA 3-552% RA 8-8181 25-t Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-ti PLUMBING - BEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS MOr-Sunm, Powermatlc, Morrisom Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - oil 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Also do Wet Wash - Dry, £te. Pick Up and Delivery MONDAY TO SATURDAT QUICK SERVICE I 6-tf Wanted to Buy' PARM bouse with small acqreage, accessible in winter. Write Mr. Henry O'Beirne, '26 Edgewood Cres., Toronto 5. 28-31 tLJ..a inas of iive poultry wanted. Highost prices paîd. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r 13 collecb. 9-t! HIGHEST prices paid for used - $1,?75furniture, appliances. television, S ewng machines, etc. A.lso soU PL fat ai-d excbange. 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-7231. 42-tf, TWO-apartment bouse wanted fan client, substantial down pay- ment. Peter Feddema, Real Culivt. jEstate Broken. Phone MArket 3-3644. 29-1 l HIGHEST prices paid for ve poultry, goose feathers, feather' ticks, scrap iran, rags. motals and raw furs. Phono RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-t!f Nursing Homne The Sauthi Haven Resb Homne 22 -Ucensed accommodation avail- a jble for up or bed patiens phonoNewcaatl. 441. -tL Help Wcmted DRIVER-Salesman. ApplFzt Bowmanville Cleaners. 29-1 MAN wanted (temporary) to assist with haying. Alian Mack- lin, MA 3-2202. 0 29-Il SALESLADY, single, 17 te 25 years of age, for steady employ- ment. Apply Stedman 5ic to $1.00 Store, Bowmianville. 28-tf Real Estate for Sale 100 ACRE farmn for sale, good cash crop land, and some apple orchards. Telephone Oshawa RA 8-0194. 29-2 THREE bedroom brick bouse, centrally located. Would con- sider lease. Write Advertise 960, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, BownManville. 29-1 Drs. INCREASE your income. You EIGHT roomn, Colonial style, 51 an- can earn $2 per hour selling bedroonis, 2 bathrooms, bard- .i1* Rawleigh Products, full, part wood floors, fireplace, hot airi - Ure. Write Rawleigh's, et furnace, fully iandscaped. large- Of G-140-AA, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- vegetabie and fruit gardon, ail- real. 29-1 garage. W. R. Douglas. Phone 9-3 CLERK, male or female, forNecte 16atr7pm ýslocal appliance store. Typing 24 uspreferred wlth some bookkeep- aie ing experience. Write, stating J. Van Nesi ~exporienco and salary expected, REAL ESTATE BROKER .to P.O. Box 970, Bowmanville, .o Ont.ario. 29-18KngEMA3o il- PPLIATIOS t fil vacncy Hunt Street-To settie estate: JA o! the m-ban representative o!ro upstair apartment, separ- 9- the United Counties Court of,! ieomtramo e, on wrslour-' rt vso ilb eevdb the 550 $8,500 with $3,100 cash. Rte undersigned until 5 p.m., Fmi- Hampton Village - Six room ate day, July 24, 1959. K. Syýmons, f£rame on 3/ acre lot, bath, low 36. Clerk. Northumberland and taxes. $8,500 with reasonable 1-t Durham. 2-2cash. PART TIME = Five-roorn, plus utility. almost ng, new bungalow, adjoining trout i IL R WO A stream, lot 300'x 160',' $8,500 er, IRL R WO AN iwithhaif cash. with CASH REGISTER andi 176 Acre farm. two barns, -1GROCERY EXPERIENCE. Itwo bouses, rolling dlay loam. Ia good buy. $15,000 with $3.000 i OMnVLEG cash. Quick pse-in >d- B WMA VILL IGA29-1 m- HOW to make it possible to Jme w_~ provide "Extras" that make life lim s Nxof _tj more enjoyable? Become our REAL ESTATE BROKER -representative in your locahity lO -rooni brick bouse, bard-' and suroundings. SelI guaran- wood floors, bath. celiar. oil -jteed products atilîigh commis-'frae aveta.$.0 W-sion. Write for free catalogue down. and sales plan. Familex Dept. -on rmebue ah J. J. 15-1600 Delorimier, Mont- -om taehu.bt, k. Ireal 291furnace, aiuminum doors and .k.rea- 2-1 Windows. $800 down. ne 5-room insul brick bungalow. _ Young. Man Over 20 well, garage. garden, $1,000 id Eastern Ontario Distributor en down. Close to Rowmanville. 4-room frame cottage, not fin- 'et1 larging sales organization rte- ished, large lot, well, in village. -4 quires young mani for perm.an- 50 down. ent position. Opportunity f or, 4-room insul brick dwelling. rapid promotion. Car neefsary. heavy wiring, ail furniture in- it Bterthnaverage aBng ldlo taxes. $1.000 down. 31 Fl training programme. Write Immediate possession. - t Avetîer961, c/o Canadian Approximately 65 acres with id Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow-lag creek, close to Bawman- M' manville. 29-3 villge. -t! WANTED 47 Ques. St. Box 9411 - Applications will ho recelved. gweu~naville MA 2-5682 ýs- by the Council of the Uitd29-4" s. Counties o! Northumberland A and Durham for the position of -t Superintendent of the Home fori fl a n id i -the Aged located ati CMcoQurg.nd Kid Duties will commence onor0 Sabout August 1. Applicants 1Members of Oshawa and District, .te phease state qualificationg and t]lEsae or s, salary expected. 200 acre dairy farta. excellent1 7 Kindly mail ail replies bt K. building,. $28,000 with easy t - Symons, Counties Clerk, Co. ternis. 1i bourg, Ontario, hefor. Friday, 109 acre planted Scotch, red h July 17. and white pife, very srenic, Garnet B. Rickard, Warden Clrk Township. $4,000 ful X. Symons, Counties' Clerk price. C 28-2 5 0 acre gravel ferai, $1.1,000.F OPP-TU1TYTera.9 OPPORUNITY15 acres garden land near tfChalleugint positions amc *vail- Hampton, $4,500. Ternis. . -able if you arc ready for r.-, 2 sceflir acres with troutC sponslbllity knowlng it Ieads *o. streani, new bungalow, near ti promotional opportunities. !Hampton, $6,600. Terras,. THIS OPPORTUNITY Modern bungalow, large gar- Sf OFFERS YOU J5g0, ini Bowmanviile, $10.500. SA practical training programme Ternis. me $1.500 dowri buys new bunga- A future depending upon your 1 low with attached gar-age, over- abilit>' and how YODu ue ILt looking Lake Ontario. Rewarding management oppor-. $1,000 down buys furnished t tftunities wlth an ever-expandlng cottage at West Beach. p Company. WALTER FRANK Security with Canada'. large" 177 Chureh st. MA 3-3393 Sales Finance Company. nowinanville Applicants should be 22-28,ý 29-1 a enjoy meeting the publie. be d alert, aggreçssve and wllling t.; travel, ed el elcsa ( 1) Banking, credit, insurance, sales'Pd elRelEtl tf or unversity backgrounds are: 200 acres, ail workabie, situat- -assets, but flot a requirement.1ed in Lindsay area on No. 35 al IHighway. 8 room brick bouse b 7- WRIE BOX20.5,O 2HAW with ail conveniences. large7 293 painted bank barn. This is one rt Crs for Scde and is being soid oniy on c l40 GMC TRACTOR with 2'witb $ 10,000 down. balance easy L 7 trailer; '51 Ford pick-up, '53 erms, in-mediate possession. I Mercury pick-up, '54 Ford one- 00acrs good soil, brick W fton pick-up. '56 Dodge Crusad-lbouse, conveniences, bank barn eO er, '55 Ford. MA 3-5756. 29-1 with Beatty equîpment, on good -- J road, $15,000. Ternis. w IALLSTATE Auto Insurance j 100 acres, well fenced witb ac Save 20%. Six months to pay. Iroad on tbree sid.ps. Some good x For personal 'ervice at vour cdr aac okbeo od h hoecalOsaa .A62802,. pasture land. Askng only h collect. 2-tf $3.500 for quick saie. WC 3 rooîn brick lioube. two id FOR NEW FORDS . apartînents. double garage. close and G arated(e Cx to Flying Dutchman Motel. I 1 ai $11,500 for quick sale. Terrasslie JOHN STUTT13/ acres, good bouse, attacb- Tei ed garage, large cbicken bouse, SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 'on No. 2 Hîlghway. between RA 3-4683 Oshawa 'ýOshawa and Bowmanvilie. ail Reed~ne Mr 9e 3-11VA A bad-e -bedrooni ranch Cowan Equipment Co. Wi. À J nDot Phone 12, Broolklin 1 i King St. E. flowmanville Phono MA 3-56U9 M-1i E. Jeffery Phan* SU,. Coiboqi 3.-i1 Real Estate for Sale l34-STOREY brick bouse, six rooms, two baths, hardwood floors, residential district, oil heated. P.O. Box 131, Bow- manville. 29-2* Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, 7 room fully mod-i crn- bungalow, large barn, trout streams. Suitable for pony faim. See us for information. 50 acres, 7 room bouse, large barn, good soil. A hargain at $9,500.00. Easy terms. 30 acres, fully modern bunga- low. Nice barn, never-failing stream. Priced to selU. 14 acres at Maple Grove, soil, suitable for raspberries and strawberries. Price S300.00 per acre. 2%~ acres with barn, someý fruit trees. Price $1,500.00. Building lot 90' x 380. Price $450.00. Two-storey semi - detàched house, central, 3 bedrooms. Price $5,500.00. Terms. 6 roomn bungalow in New- castle. Wili trade for bouse in Bowmanville or sel] for $8,000. Ternis.a Wanted 1 ~ UI~ Two apartment house wanbed, for client. Substantial down DEAD and crippled farra stock, payment. picked up promptly. Phono MA 189 Sengog St. Bowmanvilll. Trrone. >'m- f Phone MA 2-3644 j 29-1 100-200 ACRES land, preferably no buildings, light soul for Real Estate for Sale Peter Kowal RIE" ESTATE BROKE19 GENERAL KNSIYRANCE U King St. L. Bowmanvlils Telephone MA 3-5868 Bez 817 Salesmau - J. A. flartes MA 3-3098 $1,500 down for this lovelv 5-room bungalow with garage. Very close to school. Pull price only $1,000.00. $2,000.00 down. 6-room 1%. storey with ail modern conven: iences. Oü heating., Aluniinum storms, screenr, and aw .n Bargain price only $ 10,000.0' Retiring? Then you must corne and see this, 5-room bunga- low on No. 2 Highway west of town. Ail conveniences. Beauti. fully kept grounds. Only $8,500. 6 rooms, 2-storey. very cent- rally located. In top condition inside and out. Semi-detached. Full price $8,500. Termes. We have for sale several new bungalows to be bufit to your specifications. Cail at office for particulars. 29-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER 5 acres choice gardon soil, beautiful 3 bedroomn home witb hardwood and bile floors, !urn- ace and bath. Garage. View right across Lake Ontario. Ask- ing $12,000 with good ternis. 9 acres gardon soil, landscap- ed, 3 bedrooni frame home, bathroom, iaundry rooni, base- ment. very attractive. Only $8,500 with $1.500 down or will sell through V.L.A. 10 acres market garden, new modern brick home. Asking $ 14,000 wîth oniy $3,000 down. Income home, 7 rooni brick, well located lu town, bot water heating, oil fired, an exception- aliy well kept home. A very smali down payment will give you possession and tent from portion will carry your pay- monts. An exceptional buy in a bus- iness is this grocery store. as ta ternis, price an-d turnover. Af- filiated witb a well' known chain. turnover is guaranteed over W10,000.00 per year. Brick Sbuilding, witb excellent living quarters, ali modern equipment, ýthe pnîce is only $25,000.00 with, ternis to suit. The owner who is retiring. wiil take suitable house in brade. Hlighway farm. 98 acres, an excellent dairy farm, buik miik cooler, 495 pound contracb.j Price $16,000.00 with good good ternis. The above are only samplesi of sorte o! aur choice buys. Cne in and see usr. We will try to heip you. 52 King St. WV. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-276229l De Wîth Real Estate 90 Acre farm, 5 acres wood, pond, bank barri, hoenbouse, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse, heavy wired. Asking $11,000. Ternis. 112 Acre fanm, 60 acres work- able, 410 foot lakeshore, barn, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed home with bathroom., running hot and cold water. - Price $9.600 with $2,500 down. 100 Acre farm, 65 acres work- able, 10 acres wood, L-shape bank barn, drive shed, garage; 7roomed home with bathrom running bot and cold Naer >rice $12,500. Ternis. 100 Acre fanm, 95 acres work- able, 5 acres hardwood, creek, L-shaped bank barn, drive shed;j 10 roomed frame home, heavy wired. Price and tprnis arrang- ad. 125 Acre farn close bo higb- Tay, 85 acres workable, 18 ices hardwood, 3 springs, 94' i45' bank bai-n. water on tap, lrive shed, etc.; 9 roomed brick ioe, furnace. bath, running 'aber, Price $14,500 with $6.2001j Dowil.1 50 Acre farti, 45 acres work- ïle, spring, bank bain water tr tap; 6 rooamed trame home, ieavy wired. Aiking $9.000. oems. 5 Roomed, almost new, with dI furnace, kcitchen cupboards,' rnning water. Garage. Ask- ng $9,500 with $1,000 down. 6 Roomed, aimost new, bunga- w in Newcastle on double lot, le floors, kitchen cupboards. Lsking $8,000 with easy down aymnent.j 9 Roomed brick homo in New- aste with 2-piece bath, run- ing bot and cold water, hard- rood faons. Nice private spot. îking $7.500. 5 Roomed brick veneer bunga- )w in Bowmanville, with ail tdemn conveniences. Garage. ouble lot. Price $9,000 wibh asy down payment. 5 Roomed bungalow in New- stle with ail modemn con- anionces. Garage. Close ta siness section. Price $10,000. Smail house in Pontypool on ain street, wibh hydro. Ask- jg $4.000. Ternis. Contact John F. De With milter and General Insurance wcaatle Phono 3341 desmen: inald Monatjoy, Bowmanville NIA 3-3950 Roma Davidson, Bethany Phone 21r 6 Lrees. write Advertiser 952, c/o Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 26-9 Tenders Wanted TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until July 23rd for caretaking of schools liste: a.) Courtice North School, 4 classrooms, plus auxiliary space; b.) New School, near Oshawa Wood Products. 2 classrooms, plu-, auxiliary space. M. J. Hobbs, See'y-Treas., Enniskillen, Ont. Phone MArket 3-2984. Wanted to Rent THREE or four roomed modern apartment, self-contained, young couple, no children. Write Adb vertiser 962, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 29-1 Pets for Sale PART German Shepherd pupe. MA 3-2403. 29-2 BEAUTIFUL Shetland shee dog puppies (miniature collies),U sables and tri-colors, registered. Phone Newcastle 3186. 29-1 ONE purebred Gerznan Shep- herd puppy, male, nine weeks old, black and tan. IMA ý-5058. Phil Finney, Maple Grove. ' 28-2 Personal EYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price Mest. Six samples 25c, 24 samplee $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. 1-52 Repairs RADIO and lelevision repairs. Prompt service. Pici<-up and Ideliver.y. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 279-tf GUARANTEED television tnd radio service. to ail makes. Saine day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, to ail makes of electric motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to al makes of seçw- ting mnachines. Free pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS to ahl makes of re- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; mnilking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALI LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FON lENT -HELP WANTEI> CARS FOR SALE LOB? IOUUD ETC. Cash Rate 4c rr w.rd with aminimum a0 sec ont h. paid by date ofi nsertion If charged, an additional 25e wfl h.added. A charge of 35c wili be made ter cWl replies directed to ibis office KOTICES- COMDNG EVENT AND CARDS OF TRANES 4a word with a minimum, et $1.00 for 25 wordn or los. SIRTRS DSGAGMDfl MARRIAGES - DEATUO 01.00 q« In.rtion ENM40ReULNB $1.00 plun lOC a lia, for mr»u Di~aClaaaifild ut $1.50 pet =Uh C ininmu i fon* inch. Addtionsl insrtion. et the cS»n gou. 42 Claffi.d Adn am«t h.j this office riot icter th=n t2 occock naon, Wednesday od cash. etamps or noziey «Zd -nd »ove monsy. clip ibis out for harle relu'ec. Monday throizgh Fnoey 0:30 a.m to à p.m. Satu day 8:30 arn. to 1INo lb. Canadian Statesman Dioal MAarket 3-3303 à Ciannified Ad Ser.. od- 1 ý CAMADUR . Boln&%BvnzaL OxTAý 1