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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 17

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...-s- flV~.I~ A W ~ I AA. t~ ~MAt J.~ - -- = &~ta~ w- be formed and to undèrtae7 zoning to correct condit 1is CIssfed;ude 2dbestutinsrÎin.Orange W a 1k Here[- SCardis of Thanks LanMemorioen lng. owranlle and Osha B e I wish te thank friends and BURGESS-In loving memory'A number of people in Oshaw~afre5 ga rae nieighbours for the cards, gfts of my dear husband Norman who did not like the zomùng me- Bfr 1gPrd' Igmy stay in the hospital. To some you may be forgotten. and moved into Darlington! A!2o thanks te the nurses and To others a part of the past. where a certain number of of Memorial Hospital. But te me «you will always be bouses were built that were not! Jim Smales. 29-1 remembered 'up to par. Mr. Little said. He i' hogC 1 wish to thank ail my friends -Lovingly remembered by *his: do flot carry their share of tax- "nd neighboms for the lovely wife Kay. 29-1 es foi- education yet have az Martial1 airs by the Bowmari- blue and white coloure brought iChester No .50. Peter .borough. carda, flowers and treats. inanv crn:ldren to educate. More' ville Fife and Drum Band led thie honours to Oshawa foi. the! Boys' trunipet band of Osh- Special thanks to Dr. McKenzie McKAY-In loving memrory of' than haif the township taxes ~Sadr errJc e-bs ueielde nscn'aa apeLa o uxr and Dr Am nd ao mt he nursenydS ea oh ad cl.Wila g frpuj ,hol.dem, Whltby, provided the mu- place was Peterborough No. 100 Lodge: Victoria LTB No. 55,' whowee o kndtemewhie re S.Mcaywh pase aay ilaphazard Development aie for the excellent parade of Juvenile Lodge.1 Oshawa: Jubilee JOL No. 17. in hospital. July 6, 1954. - Darlington bas had a fast in- telais fPm'ideL 1g Prize for the best Ladies Oshaw-a: Vimy Ridge LOBA No. Mrs. BemtT 9ompson- ndIail. c easiîîg p olin teelstNo. 1291 and Purple Guards No.Lodge was won by Omeme. ,639, Whitby, Victory Lodge, No. con1i 29- se lln y and tshose r be- 2384, on Satumday momning. Týhe I with Tyrone in second place. 583. LOBA Oshawa with the _____cornng iledan th pobemparade marched throug the, Tyrone took the trophy for the Caledoni Pip Band of Oshawa; wish te thank Doctors Slemn- Lostj arose of financing new ones,.utw uingheton o etlteaddupbu.TeLL o 8e shw.Etr on,~~~~~~~~~~~ MlsadRni.ad______- ___ oîutn odtemeig Bowmanville, and large crowdis Bowmanville Fife and Drain. prise LOL No, 2167, Oshawa; nurses and staff of MemoriaA ONE GREEN key case. Cal Resident1al deveiopment was, enjoyed the spectacle. Later, Band received warmn applause Bo-wmiiau-viile L eg ion Pipe Hospital for their came and kind-i MArket 3-3127î. 29-11-'pedn in a haphazard mwayte participants left for Ce- as it rarched along, as did al"o Band. Vin Lodge LOL 2697, nesa during my stay in hospital. I S le over the township. Thebugt aeprthetea-te G adboiPtebr htv evtsLLN.4o Ais myfrend ad nigbous Lvetoc fr qe~iontva soui oe romnual District Orange Walk, ough. Cartwrighnt: Tyrone Juvenile lor card., flowers and gifts. sc hools bx- buit ini a number of I a aaocso nC. Floigmeetelde nbn n yoeUiyLde IrneCaso. j 00HYCarusot.16wen.j lce. r ete fveo sx t a aoaarccsoninCo olowngwt- te ode ie aorndTvon niy ode 29*old. George Bowers, MA 3512.rooit schools in a place where bourg. The -population of the 1h aaeadbus OAN.24 yoefl n :)_ lre aiea could be served. town more than doubled wheni Highland Creek Legion Pipeï drum band ai-d Long Sault àrould like to thank ail rnY Roid Mileage Problem Orangaemea and their familics Band of Westhill Star of Rope, 1 Lod.9e No. 64, reMves and kind friends who 24 STARTED pigs. Appîr Fred. AnioLier problenm that laced gathered there. There were 60' JOL, No. 248. Sunbeam JOL, Orono file anid drum boys' sent me flowers, fruit and Tabb, Burketon. MA 3-238 ctecouncil. lie said, was ni le- de ih3 ad i VeN.2,Okig;Aeade adwt rn O.Bw cards, aise staff of Memoriai _________ ___29- ga rd Ie ronds. The rondi mile-ihuge parade with about 4.000 Mof fat %leinorial. Highland n-,anville fife and drain band Hospital, during my stay there lag4e 1-1 the township is :326 <ai takin.g part. In addition te the Cre O o 04 itrialwith îeRde og o aftem my accident. and a special JER.SEY and Holstein heifers. distance equal to that £rom! large numbers in the parade County LOL No. 41 Queen' 1291, Bownanviile and Bow- thanks toi Helen who is on lier registered and vaccinated, duel neef otel.Ti salta siae 000cm ec-Owul LOL No. 294. Enuily: Orne- manville LOL; Fallic, Line flute holiday. August. Also 50 pigs.'ustii to mni n tpopewr ougt inesfx olufl nee Legion Band and Corona- band and Cavan Senior bOL Mrs. Fred Partner. Wood, MA 3-2388. 29-1* uoncenlkrated in certai n area- spectacle of thé DisýtrictI Orang-e tien LOBA No. 1030 and Orne-. No. -15: Fraserville LOL No. 46 29-1 h wou[d bc possible toabri. mee LOb: Kinsmen Bovse» Band with f ite and druni band. Hasty 29-I - Walk of Lindsay. Victoria Lodlge P'S reserve arrny trumpet band The famîly of the late Mr. ~~the rodds to higher standards Frorn the balco'îy of lthe, LB fLnsy u ahl tMlbokxihPica Frank B. Rundie wish to extend H com *p itrttonf eienil ee-'Tw Hl.Mao Jo1O LOL No. 32 of Lindsay. -zabt'îh No. 253. JOL ai-d Car- thirsicee ppecaton tojopinent were sprawledi ail ovpr'Bumnet. Hon. W. A. Gooclrellow.' Pride of Toronto. JOL, No. rnel LOL. No. 421, Miilbrook; their many relaivecienatind M e lu the :o. Fer Chiîdminister of agriculture. and: neihbur, ls tet The av'erage residential as- fie procession. 'lîey were Vie c hlaiso Toronto. Reaboro bOL No. 820 i8.53. Bailieboro; Pride of Hope the W.I.. on our recent sad . sessmieî't ;nthie township is $1.- judges, wbo selccted the win- wt the Kiwanis Kavaliers» Locige. Port Hope bereavement of a loving bus- .(Contiuxued frein page one) ..ndwih6misaVenngoge and bands. 4band of Lindsay; North Emily. Anat Little Memoria.i No. 516, 70. and fah62mll sther. g odg, 1bOL 952 with pipe band: Pc- LTB. Port Hope and LOL No. b ran d man and fa ily. Planning Board. average this equals $105 in, Arthur Holden. Peterbor- terborough County pipe band, 309 Port Hope. with Unity Mrs Eda Rndl an f 9-Iy Board Appointed n '55 taxes which goes to provide ougli, Grand Master of Britîsh Duke of Wellington LOL and flute band of Toronto-, Bethani ______ Due te concern regaarding 1od.euain,.nwpoîg, ot rccornplinîented Col. Saunderson LOL No. 2 P'- LOBA No. 12o7. bOL. No. 1022 We wish te thank ever yone conditions in Darliiigton. the; ariesohermurices.aiemPthes !i-srixectOranLge Whost for the, terborough: Lakeficld District' and Pride -of Pontypool LOL who assisted us with labour and Township Council appointed Mr. itee u muniipal hemoesIDsrc rag ak o H gh School band and Lakefield No. 82 with band. gifts, during and since our lire. the Planning Board in rJLtte xpaied Te ,ot organization of the prograrn. JOL, Northern bights LOBA, Coldsprings bOL No. 514 and Special thnnks to the erganiz- 1955. Tile first meeting of the. f et edcation 's $300 a vear per He presented the trophy for the~ Lakefield; Peterborough bOL -the Cobourg lodiges, Helen Na- ercletr n oosboard waý held on Jane 16t«1.(h..Tedifrnes idb best senior 1ode to Fra>erville. with fife and drum band, Ju- vin Meniorjal, juvenile lodge, hrsg coefortsand donrs 9,5 Mr. W.yman said. The' the farmiets anîd the other re- This lodge also won file Port bilec .iuvenile lodge No. 136. IVap1e Leaf LOBA 351, Cobourg rthough h su whosceffrt wewe e ti 9f55.nngBars sidents who were alreadv in; Hope Board of Trade Trophy. Peterborough,. Star of Bethie- jJOL No. 79 and Cobourg LOL h as been used te id in the erec- are laid eut in a specini Provin- Darlingatop befere the sprawl-!1 which has been in annual cern-I hem. LOBA Peterborough. Pe- No. 127. headed by the band o? tien o? a nexv barn. A big cial Act passed iu 195.5, hie a-igdelpnn started,-ht petitien .;ince 1952.j terborough JOL. Pet.erborough the Cobourg Legion, completed "'thank you" te ail. ted. 1stte. aple Leaf Ne. *2 o lu eir GE pipe band: Duke of Mani- the parade.1 Guideq For The Future - - -- ---- - --- ----.-.- -.--. Floyd, Samn and The dut'e.s of Ille Darli(lrîi> Thie Planniing Board receivedý Mariori e Powell. Planning Board werc to sîtûdiy instructions from the province fED t Dflt ously reported jet lasi ,vee1Cý DDflîITI.T' facts regard îng the township, to prepnî'e amaster plan .LYJ..I.MARE5 ULlVI issue. ' I.1VII T would like to take this OP- and to pres;ent and recoinmend' the growth o tea ows forbe The Couple& Club wiltl hold potunity te thank the nurses plans and programs to the î said. The plan mxust be able te The Eventng Auxiary nmet their annual picnic al Ebenezet Miss bindu Cal] with Miss andstaf o Meoril Hsptalcoucil Mr Wyan xp be implemented, legalhy se the ai the home of Mrs. Jack Hor,: on Saturday. Jul), 25, ai 6:30 .1ody Bade. Bowmanville. and thbse who telephoned, sent H-e told of thie Sub-Control Bý -, province bas special lé.gislation rie with 14 meînbers present 1p.Iii. Miss Nancy Simpson bas flire cards and flowers. Specmil aw pnssed iu August 1955 un-; te ena'ole municipalities te pasa! and President M'vrs. Steve Doyle' The Maple Grove 4-HHo- of lier cousins lrom Galt visiting thanks te Dr. E. D. Hubbard der which ail sepamations Of. Zoninig By-laws. This doee net: in charge. Minutes. efthVe pre- mnkîng Club met at the home jwith bier and Tionmy bas Tommy and te Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. land 10 acres or less had tO 10(-' affect anyoee existing uses. vieus meeting were rend by of Marion Cooney. Miss Mildred Masters. Markham, wilh hirm for, Bell and ail the inembers of the. referred te the Planning Board., buLt prcîvides guides l-or flie lu- Mrs Morley Flintoff in the ab- Snowde n r.RnBok e a Baptist Church. for their words noih den ai-ido wit.hel tur. seceookthesecrtary Mrs wer li o? kindness and calîs te sec me wcnsent, - Tue norpopulation e? ten ei. Floffe ecan~roîl alrues incharge. Canada's -food1 Mr. ai-d Mrs. Curson visited inth Vu ospitai and since my tddenA«ppltono.te ec lnoî n olClýue were discussed and a in Toronto with their daugliter, tordcd 40Fewmîship is basical loctd ntken. school lunch xvaa prepared ;i~ j atik jreturn home. . nrouceo ta $400 FeeHrtwck Mrs. Lois Hubert. Inl May 1956 aB'a' .s the fringe of Oshawa,.lie stated. Treasumer'.s report wa-, reaci accordauce with tlîem. Tue k Mrs. G. Kozub domîated first paased wbich provided for s il-,hwns logical for this part te by Mrs. W. H-. Brown. Birthday' ueed for a balaîxced lunch wus Ian Thefail oth tta eogedividers te make agreementsu be chosen as the location -for: greetings were exteuded to Mrs. strcsscd and the girls were! a. second prizes in boili the Arthur Short, Courtice. wish te with the counicil. aud introduc- 1 development to take place.1 Harold Stevens. MVrs. Stephen given ideas fer sandwiches Junior adSno orsa h thank their rnany relatives. ed the $400 pnymenî per lot. Courtice was selecled because .efferx- and Mrs. Alvin Mete-aif. Tis was the 4econd-to-last close et school for general pro- ther Ls crek fr a utur ý'ficicncy. Th-ese prizes were won. friçbndq and neighbours ber the This menerv is pnid ilito a îpe- hr sacekfraftr osi evc a eun meeting. actg of kindnesa9, messages ef cia] fund Ie be spent for tbe sewage lath engineering with a Psahn rend by Mrs.ý Mrs. Aylmer Beechxu in coiSnorn-mbyDrel _eotshows Vure are nde-, akHri n il edns pn ihhrsseMs a- Lancaster and Rex Herrington sympathy and beautiful floral welfare ef the township. the reporean ilerains an ih e iseMt.Hr and in the Juniomr Boom byl tributes extended ta theni dur- Planning Boai~d ehairmanre- quate, weLllsfer a good water lvcre given by Mms. Alvin old Ormiston, Eat-ield, and Mr- Tina Koztrb and Deborah Mc-1 ing their mecccii sad bereave- niarked. Supply, and the area drains irto r Meicali and Mr.c. Hurrie. The Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, attend- 1Helin. Congratulations! mient ini the loss ef a dear son Eligaged Consultante, Farewell Crcek watershed.1 last chapter ef the study book ed funeral services for theoe î'.,i rîie adduhe an rthr ls hnln he Teadiailt f euini d evlpaetconsolidat- 1wa.,;rend by Mel Edwards. osiMrs. Johin Gilson ie . stn ii xadM and roter.AIs thakin ~e 'Ple avisailiy n seurin cdthee te aea wjxe il grw a. Harold Stevens.Mrs Har- Lorneville onx Saturday.T y' Bd etlgoling message andi the Mr-'tesrie u e; tncn ilb al eafr cesry rvLocke andi Mrs. Stepixen Jef- caled on Mrs.. Margaret Wriglit 41# MFuneral Co. for their kind imtant was realized and fIle services, he lsaid. Provision has . M er.n e c o it1eia-îMr. and Mrs. George Stephen-i Planning Board screencd aas et id orteepn tda Mre Greadon erih on-iA Litt le i Bcir cleii.hedafmiy hrnga and efficient services. nsoeirhoeld on f ndsatheJriyn-gu. Mr&. A. .1. Short. Luther ubro ppiat.-. WY- jsien o? sînaller villages aud. lunch e eiius .abry! Mxà. L. B. Witims ownîî teing thys ayfair weme antd Walter. 29-1 "mn stated. Tebadmce hamlets, he stated. aiofaie ani-beveira%. W, vle as. hrdy 1gra-mncilrnad1 ______ futher inquirieý and on learn- . For Everyone's svilleGuet o Surddy d u My sincere and gratefuligc h iercr fahe The size of residetitial build-ýGeteo auda n - gmndchildmen ef Mr. and Mms. thanks te Dr. Hubbard, Dr. vement of Municipal Consul- ings for farîners and their em- Maple Greve Boy Scoute en- day, with Mm. and Mms. A. E. J. Hiler. A total of 63 were Sylvester. Dr. Austin. Dr. tants, btd. approachcd fixait irrn'ployees in te agricultural aïiea ]<>yed a weekend camping trip David andi famiiy were Mr. ai present. Mr. andi Mrs. Stephen- i 'Underweod: te rny nurses and r eoti 'ieBiINý ,ls and engaged ii to assist. withl rie etiiUi ylw sîs ear rixe Boy-s'Traininîg Sehool Mrs. Claie Kidd, Oslîawa, M-.son'plan Le niake this anl annun %taff of Memerial Hospital who th omtOfnan Off'iciuli tan 'hose in residential area,' ý i HnHwh nd CciG .Dvt.Covansville. Que- affair. were efficient andi kiudness plan fer Darlingtoîi. lie said, he said. He slîowed tbat if . ýi Burton. in charge. ThOise ai- bec, Mr. andi Mrs. Ken Patte:- (Liîtemîded for last week) personified; t u rces Wo vr nl residential requirements for ii tending wcre Jim, Geddcs, bar-.son, Audrey andi Janice, 1oi3tBowWs*. H.&S. Club lieiti their laniily who stood by wlîeu the 'lie Otficial Plaît was re- those that are itot farîners were r een aiiAlsî.Gm lie ubc tna inco ln 0h going- was rough: te my frientis commendedto te he couicl il,-te be the sante as ini resideitial don Finney, David Mann. Deug- Mr. andi Ms Rax, Iïlowdeigeod -rowd attendeti, sports, and neiglibours who reniember- Juin 1958. hie ;ajd. The Zotius~ areas, pL-OPle would net want lsPglAe Lid ih slugton visiteti their parents., getting underway iby 3 o'clock. ed me with flowers andi cards: B-law.,was discussed by Couli- t eni r0i etfrHllIanM , DBoby Mac- IM. . swen an »r. u-the wraces were rs foff and to the staff of The Bowmanville1 cil in Novcnxibem- 1958 and s.-en-t. fhe propw developîxieuît of the'Donald. Bob Burtona o T-hi.R rs n nim' ll-ua Foundry; te Local 2375; te -mYlback te tîte Planning Board town.,hýip. Thmq lje the primai-v zek andi Ricky Baile3'. 'Mi .Seesu lxts U nr e baysd.oaylowSsa- Sisters of the L.O.B.A. 1291 anti.-for. turther ;tudy,. 8 asap- rea sort for thet' esztriction. Th 1 met ai fixe chumchHaal, were day. L.O.B.A. 1244. Tyrone: Ssters preveci sud passed bv 'he 1-30 feet requirerneni fort taken -by car by Mr. Phul Fn-, Ms.Cîfod alMs .'~Sane:y ers. d ndros .1ney sud Mm, Dick Bailey. aq Alexander and sion Alex. Ohj-ine car al n of Queen Mary Lotige. Oshawa; Township Couaril on D)ece ii. hbouses fer lnon farmers in agr)-,Iw sfx e ioire aa coîaxe isJcu-sheo'els were given te al the ta hos wo payti ortit e ber 3rd, 1958. Mr. Wv-niaii cultur,9l areas is designet t'1eiln a adfiut.Ms Do r- pre-school agt' chiltireri. 6 to 8, &Hl who rememberet ii ' n"y Ipeiutetiout that fIle c6uncll ll ork fer everyoiie's ativaitage i Buailias rettrn e ire cn Alexander, Oshawa, te way please accept nîy gratitude. il osdeeihdrfil în lcIn"r b adater a ihreeweek visit with hisi jenKntd, Ms) freuxi everv angle. pro and con. 1Tlîirteen"'questions were pi.e- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Ms.'atn Aipr.wee hî. 19_ <,because it wanted te have th- snLt ( Mr ittle by the! ila oga.u iiRck. bloarieda, plranto-eefor Mianua.A 1 b esi lnpsilefriehm-1chairman of the meeting Mm.'Michigan, U.S.A. Fois o w-eki aa fi apn of srsibte th Offciaielanene , fnîy ni M-s.Robeio r n ti r. J.xCl reiten iteraîi recoiineuxn~ - . £1 .. ii . e- I II "... -.-. b ..- .,-N- ere th intt*' aCecil Cullen anti famihy: Mr, Tenilxorey at b«Amxble. Ont. Kinsmen1 deti certain chxanges. Mr. XV- adM£ rn atodM. 'I.adMs ennF nian continueti. ThIe Zoning By- sad Mrs. Bilnk Haiforl d c.' m.. Cen a A'~~ ('i J law was se amnendeti bx Dar-Iat rîBl Bdi i n cl nifm1, t aleiîs lVCcSiadium 'igoxCuclo u"21 ~ ~~. V ItKaren, Mr. anti Mrs. Bill JeU were weekenti cuests et Mi-. alnt i ws pou eti n .1 îeand son- Mir-. anti Mrs. Jim La- and Mrs. Dawson Beckett. O s h a aaMudîit wa Bponic hs eekb. lie O Wsa erty anti family'; Mrs. Wilf t Mr. anti Mrs. Dawson Beck- 'itateti. He assertetitthé.- IlJMebean and Larry: Mrs. Char- ett andi fanxiiy attended a faut- 't I unicipal Boardi takes the 1 'itî Ic Green, Mr. anti Mrs. John, ily picnic af Geieva Park ounc Tues.,J l 1!- ;W ol.JmnvadJn- udyatron ulyL fixeFiewatprdicîtibet le ~ i. Mr. anti Mrs.imBob Lebrecque jMu-s. Tom Colliss andi Erie,,tf 8:45p.îi. be eope lamumor etth~anti xamîly. were Sunday supper guesis et B:5v- heple leamrwit'ae ofthpIüss Mary Buditcelebrateti'Mm. anti Mrs.Frank Moore, V Baw le, ilai beuîeft un1 lier l4th birtixtay with lhem Oslwa. a'\ ieeopti,, amîly on Tuesdsy. We wish I -~- -- Midget Tag IMatch 'Hplnu themieetuîg thdî heM. ad haprsJi u rni te1l t-Pau x andi family spent ThursdnyMis ouIe s BoTEaEVR weerdt Novtme 157.aniggX evening with Mr. and Mcs. Bert m s o le' and RED FEATHER siuîc tnat time Drek957,bi t1t t.jPay ne, Hampton. Yon sinc tht tme erekLitle f -Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Yug Piano Pupils agaifll that fît-m hadti hrough his' aiegEnanar5pud SKI OW OVi sud k owledig" anti experiece beeux' NOM' i Eg la ee s ii b ra r te r. ' E x a m KIJO TO THd of cousiderable a.isistance I '/gcV OSigtowek hhrbothras 4AJORTOM litý' Uich board and t the townshio. .0M4 ertSo SAY.: Mm. Charles Greenham sud P s x m ________ He atidetithai 'Municipal Co'î PprC&-ip AVW tauxly. i ulans.Iti. reaIeemsu1-T/ESundav visitors with Mi-. anti, PONTYPOOL-The following 0lhrbg US lnsfrWib.tetoWi- Mrs. Bert Butai anti fansiiy, pupils ef Miss Jeanne Coulter, Oigb;' Townshiîps andthie Town o were hem parents, Mm. anti Mms. A..R.C.T., wcre successful inthte Bowmanville. oteve Kiss. Oshawa; Mr. and recent piano cîcanstion£s k iMrs. Jolxp Hodosi Betty and (Lindsay Centre). GemielAdmisn 0 > thcontrobas Dkeln mettuJudy, Hmilfon; Mr. anti Mrs. Grade 3 -- Classalion- ChîrlAdmisn $100 M.r Ltetrold te eometng e Donald Spicher andi famiiy, ours - Marilyn Webb; Pas- R agie$25ta oigha ae paeh-1S I shawa. Arlene Brown. RigsueSi~cause ini 1955 the P'rovincial John McGuirk achieved 15t' Grade 1 - Henours - Vaneta ~~ C~ov.ernuuent establisheci ta'.. IA3383 10W Y Casas Honours in i is piano ex-j McGiU;, Pas& - Vaughxan Mc- te enabi. planning boardu e~ ~t M-GËfL. _____ 1 TEE CAMADIAIÇ STATIMMAN. WMALNVffLE. ONTAPIO USED CAR SALE 0F BARGAUN BUYS OnIy $30-00 down Payment $ 78.00 $ 87.00 $ 57.00 $101.00 $122.00 $ 78.00 87.00 52.00 52.00 47.00 60.00 38.00 34.00 29.00 38.00 29.00 25.00 AND many more ex<'eptioiual hand-picked. slightly xtsed cars en display. W. deal with top-notch clientel, who know prie and the finest quality in a lused rar. We again thank you fine people for the many, mrany orders for autoimobiles. Yoix ean't overdo it. Let's keep them coming. ARTS CAR MARKET 194 and 196 Church St. (958 CHEV. BISCAYNE SEDAN V8, automatir 19i7 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 100 SEDAN Radio, automatic. power steering 1957 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE COACH ----- 1957 MERCURV 2-DR. HARDTOP Radio and automatic 1957 MONARCH CONVERTIBLE Loaded wlth extras 1956 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Loaded with extras 1956 BUICK SPEC. 4-DR. STATION WAGON, radio. automa tic. power steering 1915 METEOR COACH 1955 PLYMOUTH COACH V8, radio and overdrive___ 1955 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN Automatie 1955 BUICK 2-DR. HARDTOP Automatic and radio --ý---- 1954 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1Automatic and radio ____ 1954 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN- _ _ 1954 METEOR COACH __ 1954 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN_____ 1954 HUDSON SUPER JET____ .L953 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION COACH---- Bowin.anvîlle j Telephone MArket 3-5n64J WOOD PRODUCTS X" s si0£,V L<ro u 1«t 100 beI et t£e # 'i OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Limited Nine Telephones to Serve Yoti Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8-1617 80 WMAN VILLE -MA 2-21301 Main Office and Showroom COURTICE - RA 8-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 Downtown Office Open Friday till 9:00 p.m. - , - 1 - - .- - - - - girls--Bonnte frdges: 8 to 8 boys--Leigh Wilson: 9 te Il. girls--Judy Pitt; 9 to 11, boys- Larry'Herrington; 12 te, 16, girlc -Nancy Simpson, 12 to 16. boyýç -Tommy Simpson; girls' skipp. ing race-Nancy Simpson; boys' shoe scramible-Gary Fortnum mixed -pie plate race -- Jud-, Pitt and Nancy Simpson. Mrs. Mdflroy donated a prize for a girls' seramble shoe race whch was won by Nancy Laajs The ladies' blowing up baJllooi prize watt won by Hilda Cali i h PAGM 31CICNTM" , and thie mixed -pin the Pâtdb on" by Peggy and RosBoyI. A Anovelty for the men in which s they consurned a piece of blue- sberry pie (blindfolded andl with their hands behind their bck:) swas won by Alez Martin. 1 - 1Mee was also a peanut and Y candy scramble for the child- ren. Lunch was served at fLve ,e o'clock and everyone enjoYed another good pienic. 1. Mr. and Mr. Ernie Cail and n family and Mr. P. Call, Toronto, LI with Mr. and Mms W. Cafl.

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