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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 18

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T. PAGZE LIGETEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE ONTARIO LL1UflOLJFÂX, .lUL~Z -l6th, rosi 282 Employees with Three Gas Companies Have 25 Years Service More than 32 per cent of the ers' Gas, 19 Toronto Street. The 2.000 employees of The Consum- second will be held in the Blue ers' Gas Company, Provincial Flame Room tonight, with the Gas Company and Ottawa Gas Fort Erie meeting -on July 14th, have been with the affiliated Ottawa on July l5th. Vtilities 10 years or over. Arthun Metivier of 5 Ross- Two hundred and eighty-two more Rd.. wvho retired on June men and women have worked 3th - served in Consumners' for the companies 25 years or collection department for 491 mare, amassing a total of 9,500 years. He joined his father, wvork years in gas distribution Clem Metivier, 91, in retire- in Ontario. Ten of these reach- ment, but didn't equal the lat- ed their 25th anniversaies this ter's service record of 52 ycars year. with Consuiners' one man lias been with Con- Fourteen whose service totals sumiers' Gas 49 years, 14 others 850 years also receive 45-year 45 years or more. 89 for 35 to gold pins inset with two 44 t-cars, 147 for 25 to 35 years. diamonds; those with between Seventy-ane have more than 35 and 44 years employment, y0~ears to their credit., 288 gold pins with a single diamiond moùre than 10 years. and those with betwecn 25 and Nineteen wornen have been 35 years, goid pins. employed more than 25 years, Buttons will be given ta those nine havinIg been with Con- who have been with the com- stiniers' Gas more than 35 years. pany more than 10 years during These employees bing gas the next few weeks. service ta citizens from Bramp- Employees honored this week ton and Streetsville on the west corne from ail over Metropolitan to Bowmanville on the east; Toronto and fnomn Peterborough, north ta Barrie and along Lindsay, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Georgian Bay ta Colingwood: Newmarket, Richmond Hill, to Lindsay and Peterborough Barrie, Brampton, Port Credit and ta a large section of the and Streetsviile. Ni-igara Peninsula. This occasion is to recognize, Oshawa menibers of this vet- and emphasize, the importanceI eran group of gas utility men of a group of people ta our 1 « are Arthur Tison. 33 years o! company aud ta the communi- service; Archie Campbell, 33 tiesý they provide with safe, ye'-rs. and Henry Duffy, 27 dependable gas service. said vears. Oakah L. Joues, vice-president _,itibute ta their record of and general manager of Con- -service, the 282 employees with sumners' Gas. 25 or more work ycars are being H1e reminded the veteran cm- honored this mouth at four ployees that tliey did nat stant award ceremonies - two in in their jobs with ready-made Tomonta and one each in Fort pension pragrams, life insurance, Erie and Ottawa. Ail are to health and surgical care, sick reccive a gold watch or silver pay-that they worked long tea service. hours and worked hard. Pfirst of the award ceremonies "The younger people in ourI was held Monday night in the 1 company need your hclp to Iearn 12 Blue Flame Room of Consum-that there is no substitute for ti Honor Veteran Empig hard work, for loyalty to ideab and principles-that opportun- ity is there for the man whc earns it," Mr. Jones said. "Your importance ta aux company, aur customers and our newer employees is increas- ing with your years of service." Lake Shore, Clarke Mrad Mrs. Avers' and fam- ily itededthe Avery famiiy picnic, Creamn of Barley Park, Bowmanville, on Sunday. Miss Barbara-Anu Aildread was home from Toronto for the weekcnd. Miss Betty Jean Holmes sperit sevemal day s last weck visiting in Bowmanville with hem grand- parents, M-r. and Mms. W. Holmes. Mr. Jack Holmes and Donnie, accompanied by M-r. Louis Clarke, spent the weekend fish- ing at Margaret Lake. Mr. aud M-ns. Lloyd Skiuner aud familY, Tymone, ivere Sun- day evening visitars with Mr. and Mms. Bill Lake. The Lake Shore K. S. and C. Club met at the home of Mms. W. Adams, July 8. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Gardon Martin, Bowman ville. July 22. Mr. aud Mns. W. Adams, Mn. Keith Adams and Miss Melva Myres spent S-unday visiting at Niagara Falls, Grinmsby, and Buffalo. Lois Giibank. Ponty- pool, spent a weck with Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Briati Parkins and family, formerly of Peta- wawa, are living in part of Mrs. Chas. Bedwin's bouse, M-r. and Mns. Stan Hoy and Wendvi, and Misses Dora and Blanche Taylor, Cou rtice, were Sundav visitons with Mm. andj Mms. Art Bcd win. M-r. and Mns. W. Adams ac- campanied M-r, sud Mms. Bob Rutherford and Douglas ta Wa- saga Beach where they visitedi M-r, sud Mms. C. Hilton at i- j- ton Lodge. T Y ONEHalfacre home onSunday, tov loyees TRN we yM.adMs .H i cunn. He recalled aild Quite a large number fram ttmes when he used to spend here attended the Orangemen the sumniers as a boy *ith the' c elebration at Cobourg on Sat- Halfacres, taking niany icturps u rday. The L.O.B.A. United of the oid farrn home. Lodge 1244 were quite proud ta Mr. ai-d Mrs. Meredith Bye,& display their new banner at and farnily, Newmarket, visit- the Orange Walk, coming home ed Mrs. E. Murphy. with the second prize. L.O.L. Lynne Stainton and Shelagh 764 are also proud of their Fife Murphy. left Mondav for ten and Drurn Band which won days at Camp Pretoria. first prize. The Juvenie M-r. and Mrs. K. Lamib, Portý 'Band also paraded. Credit, visited Mr. and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hilis, A!-1 G. AlIdread and N&fs. A.. Gas- 'din, Douglas, Wayne, Bertie and 1kmn. Harold, Hannon, visited his Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alidretid parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. His. and Maxille, M-r. O. Beckett, IMr-. and Mrs. Russell Hay, 9r rdPgMs r- Monte~; r. ad Mr. H.Beckett attended the Beckett Partner and family, were Sat- picflic on Sunday. urday evening visitors of Mr. M-r. and M-ms. W. Rahni at- and Mrs. S. Goble. tended the Rail-i inic at 1Hampton on Saturday. Mrs. S. Hoar and M-r. andi Mr. anc M-ms. W. Park accon. Mrs.Joh HiU wee Sud~vpanied Mr. and Mr. A. Geis- ýran employees of Consurners' visitors 0 f their brother AN j berger and children to theïr ny for servisce totalling 25I bert and Mrs. His. ctaeo aeSrce M-r. and M-s. H., Partner and cotae.n ande SinG.icoed rai manager (lef t) presents f iM-r. and M-ms. S. Gable Mr. ad Ms. G.alled ra tffy (27 vears) and Archie anld boy-s attencled a fainily ga- H F. Murtirav, Orono. (right), Mr.FrdPrteLogSui.o has been xith themiixg on Sunday at Mr. and M-r. and Mms. Wiifred Gilus vit tw dam dsinst. Mr. Fe a M-ms.ngLeach.'nd family, Millbrook. visiied 6vith two diarnonds inset. Mn. and M- Lah-M.adMrs. W. Murphy. Two -Taunton,, visited M-r. and Mrs. of the boys remained for a publishers will hear froni top- A. Yaungrnan. holiday. M-r. Robert Colbarv Jr.. San- M- n r.E .Vr~ fig hseaes ware expvertisg ta Monica, Calif., is visiting M-r. Mrs. Elva Beckett spent Sun. in tse ntvs nd averîg and M-ns. K. Colbamy and da-y with Mm. and Mrs. H. Won- fields.j Frank. nacott, Toronto, with Miss Jean. These include Jack Ellison, M-s. A. Mils, Toronto, spent nette Rowland returning home. Seas Liniedspekin ',the weekend withhesser Larmry Rosevear, Miss Ruth Sear Liiteî. peaingonMils. C. H. MeQuin .M-r,.. d Kaster of Walkerton, spent "Printing a Newspaper by the 1M-ms. James McQuinn and Val- the weekend with his parents, Offset Method" snd W *H, crie, Scugog Island, and visitc-d M-r. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Cranston. Shoe CoiP. of Can- his 'home Sundav. 'Esther Anne returrned honme ad.,, speaking on "Cooperation M-r. andi M-ns. Wý. F. Park. Mrs. Ilkiter spending a few days nt willi the National Advertiser: A. Geisberger and cliildren, Walkerton. at the Local Lev-el." visited M-r. and Mrs. E. Ste-________ A highlight of the conven-1 phens, Suttol vest. tiou will be the presentatian of ,r.T hfiBty Bar-i There isf0wyiwic awards given annually for ex-1 bara, M'idge and Randy, sp)eiit so!ne people can gain fromn gov- celerip n te ariusdivisionsi last week with M-r. and -mrs. ierulment -giving without others ceiecesuth \mi'sDon Lindsay. Selkirk.i sufferà-ng from government- ai weekly newspaper coverage. 1Mrs T. Findlay, Thoruhili, taking. These contests are sponsored visited M-ms. Otto Virtue. By lisle ternis of the GATT2 by the CWNA to encourage M-r. and M-ms. Walter Park, pact <C enera] Agreement on editors to do a better job 'and Cecule, Douglas and Jerry H-ar- Tariffs and Tr.ade>. af which to give recagnitian to thoset dy. spent the weekend at Sib- Canada is one of 34 mespher -0io set and maintain hligti balds, Pro%,. Park. countries. each nmember granis sta~ndards ot printing andt re-1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aikens of toalal other iemnbers most-fa. porting. Toronto, called at the former vored-nation tariff concessaus. RAIN COATS By "Irving Poslun" and Reg to $29.95 SKI R T S The New Pencil U-nes 0 6.Flares "Sun ..Floral Patterns to $4.98 ON SALE-C - - - m - M s3000 Open Friday Evenings Until 9 p..m4 Reg. to $2.98 ON SALE - - - m - e m - m $1.00 ALL SALIES FINAL- NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES Ladies' Wear WHITBY BOWMANVILLE SPORTSWEieA Short Shorts Pedal Pushers Jamaica Shc,.. aa0Slims Assortment of Matching Tops ALL AT REDUCED PRICES Reg. TI Well known in Bowmanville district are these vetei Gas who were among 282 to be honored by the compai years or over. Oakah L. Jones, vice-president and genei gold pins to Arthur Ilson (33 years' service); Henry Du Campbell (33 years). Charles World, District 'Manager( Consumers' for 42 years xvas presented., with a gold pin v Editors Meet in Regina To Discuss New Methods 0f Improvung Weeklies Regina, Sask. - The editors and publishers of Canada's 725 weekly nexvspapers meet here July 14-17 ta confer an ways to better serve their Commnuni- tics. Impraviu.g service foi- hoth readers aud advertisems xvifl be thse dominant cancern of mnen and wvomen from Newfound- land ta Vancouver Island at the 4Oth annual convention of thte Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. The business side of the four- day meeting in thse Hotel Sask- satchiewan will concentrate on isuch problems as better promo- tion of the xveeklies as an imi- sportant medium for local anid national advertisers. the re- cruiting of technical and edit- orial staffs and the roie of the jweekly in tca rapicilv ex- pandiin.g modern communities. "\Ve are keenlv înterested in findin - the answers to these problerns so that we can do a ;better job of serving readers jand advertisers," said W'm. Tel- fer. CWNA manassing elirector. To this end. the editors and

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