Towlii ioeews ora.nge Peurcudê Befrethe bared uss fr hebig thir wnpaadefo..the benefit of towils- ed the parade which passed along the main play of baton twirling, followed by the he bas done foi ayyas.Telde Beor Orng hWlkinborg Sabusfraterig peoie here ur h onnstreet. led by former Bowmanvilleite Jack Bowmanville L.O.L. Fire and DrtýmBand marched behind h euiulrePn roon, members of Fine Ridge Lodge and A large crowd of early morning shop- Reader, now of Wrhitbyv. Barbara Brown in their white and orange uniformns witli Ridge banner. the Purple Guards of Bowmanville staged pers and merchants watched and applaud- and her majorettes put on a colourful dis- Baden Pingie wielding the huge baton as ÇL31t and £Pieces THIS 15 SUNRISE - Durham Soil and Crop Improve- ment Assn. and the Extension Branch of Ontario's Dept. of Agriculture join forces Friday morning, July l7th, for a "SUNRISE" Tour of Durham County. They will visit four f arms, starting at Lloyd Kelloggs, Wel- corne. Do you know when this "SUNRISE" tour will start - 9:05 a.m. What is farming coming to? I.t t t t i START PRACT1SING NOW - Word -was received this week that the Annual Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival for 1960 will be held May 9th to May 17th. There wil] be three British adjudicators instead of two. HELPFUL OPERATOR- A most appreciative Wii- fred Cox of !Newtonvii1e tells us that Mrs. Melville Jones, operating the night telephone switchboard there, helped to save his wife Beatrice's life early Dominion ]Day. Mrs. Cox suffered a severe heart attack shortfy after midnight and Mr. Cox couidn't contact a doctor or an ambulance. Mrs. Jones under- took the task for him and located both Dr. Mackenzie 1 of Orone and a Morris Company of Bowmanville ambulance. Latest information is that Mrs. Cox i recovering siowly in i Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 'tt RESTORES HUM - While riding his bicyckel on the overhead railway bridge, Odeil St.. on 1\Ionday, Julv 6th. young Warren Aider spotted a bird and stopped ta investigate. He found a ruby-throated maie hum- rning bird with its beak so encrusted mith gum or some other sticky substance that it couidnt open it to eat and was slowly starving to death. Warren took it home to bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Aider. Centre St. They cieaned the beak and fed the bird honey and \vater through .an eve dropper. Eaiy this week, the newv boarder was acting like a homing pigeon instead of a humming bird. He had taken over ,Y the househoid and wouidn't be enticed outside by an ôpezi, window. If vou hear a huningel when y.ou pass by the Aiders this winter. you'l1 know the tiny bird is sti11 content in his new urndgs + .t t LOCAL WINNER - Resuits of the first Elmer Lîmn- erick Contest are now availabie. Miss Linda Maher of Ottawa won the bicycle, but we also had a winner in Bowmanviiie, Miss Biaine Biggs. R. R. 3, won a miniature Racket Radio. The contesi is stili on and we are hoping that someone from this district wil send i the winning iimerick and xin one of those fine bicycles. The Kinsmen Club and The Canadian Statesman are sponsoring these advertisemnents in the interests of safety. Huge Lions Carnival VOLUME 105 18_Pages Durhami County's Great Farniiy Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1959 Consultant Replies to Ratepayers Qui At Hampton Mi Thl~e Officiai Plan for Darlington is in the interest of the whole township with the intention that it will work ta everyone's advantage, Derek Little, Municipal Con-, sultants, Ltd., Toronto, toid the meeting of the Darling- ton Ratepayers' Association held in the Community Hall, Hampton, on Saturday evening. Mir. Little pointed out that the Zoning By-Law is [o govern the operation of the 1Off iciai Plan. Robert Tremble, presideart the pr,-sident. told the nmee-tn, af the Darlington Ratepayer's He explained that the Darling- Association. was chairmnan of ton Township Council couid the well attended meeting. He stil amnena or rescind it. He introduceel the other meners. explained that the special of the executive as follows: ti speaker.,.\'lr. Littie, liad been vice-president. Karl Colbary; asked ta cone to t-be meeting 2nd vice-president, Syd Butr- lta tell why il is inecessarv to gess: secretary, Mrs. B. B,,dai;, have tis, By- law. le addecl treasuirer. Keith Lamib, dircec- that the niembers of tthe Rate- tors, Walter Perrinder, John payers' Aý1sociaLioî were not Puaccini, Ernest Knapp. Peter convinced that the Zoning By- 1,euniL.ig anld Uev. Fred J. Resd. iaw is lai their best interestai. 'Rêev* Roy W. Nichais and Mr. Treimble ýcal1teî on _âlir. other'rnemnbers of Darlington Wyînan, chairmnan ai the 1Mua- Townshio Counceil had been 'iciple Planining Board, ta intro- speciaily invited by the asýsocia- durce Mr. Little. Mnr. Wyman tian ta attend ai-d were presenit sI'ated Lhat thue Zoning By-lavv at the rmeeting. Thie chairman is the finished part af the lobý of the Planning Board, _Morley It alone does not givte a clezai' D. Wyyman, and other menibers picture, so he explailied the~ of the board were also present. long period of preparation, stu- By-law 2111. the Zoning Bv- dy, and consideratiori by the law is row law, M. Tremnble, (Coîtînuied an page sevecnteen) Two Beds, Wheelchair Cupboard By RedCross B ranch- ntI J The ,Tuly meeting aof the Bow-1 Major vveeftend Eve t j manville and DistrictReCrs Society was heid Wednesday, TheBowanvle ion Clb îy i tie gneri e~aimaî .~Julv 8. in the Council Chain- The owianvlleLios Cub ey i th .-nerl eairnan111bers. the executive were disap- Carnival on Saturday evening,i chargae of ai] commîittees and pinted at the small representa- July l8th. promises to be an' arrangemenits for the Carnival. 1 irn but much was ac complish.- outstanding event. Jack Rougn- There xiii be fine entertain-1 ed bvfthe faithfui few present. nirent by ail ages., The festivities anl WîrSft .1 . wiil start at 6:45 when chairman reported for his con'-« W ill Ply Fi r' there wiil be a Majorettes Pa- mîttee. 558 children are regis-,1 rade led by the Bowmanville tered for the summer swîrn-: Legion Pipe Band from the ming classes being heid -in con- F r il Strs Lions Communiit Centre ta the junctia 1col hrete invCn illeuoysecreation Dept. Ring- Basebali fans wha have mîiss- colwe teLnsCr-1buy have been placed at Van- ed watchitîg an intermetiate \-al will be held. The prize car. stane's pond, the quarry, the team here this year will have a 1959 Oldsmobile ta be drawn1 beach, Jackman's pond and Ty.- an opportunity of seeing an' later in the e%7ening will also! rone iiil pond. The resuscita- Ail Star intermediate gaine : be in 1-.e parade. oa rie n sl pr Port Hope on Saturdav at 6:30 t M Irslenîe FHarveCywh o ating order. pm ~~~~~~hlis certificates frorn the NJa- Mr.G oug epte n ,i(piizi Baton Tw,ýirliing, Assoilîa- the Loami cupbourd ini the ah- The Lakeýýhoîe Leaut îît tion wil] adjudicate a M-Najor-, sence.of the chairman Mrs, W.. selected an AU] Star team whiL-h. et-te Contest betxveen 7 and'8 Cawker. The crutches, bed andt wil play the iainous National! o'cioek. IMuchi interest has been Wheelchair are al in use. There- Hockey League Ail Stars. ; aroused iin the district by this have- been several recent calis Bill Osborne- Dia i t' anoI.Sdla large turnout 0 oi- a beel ïo it 'a as Che unani- year for Ne.viII bie. e ii b.îi s ',, predict&d. Tiic"Xn'ots ciec~ision of the meeting oniv Bownanville il, tî ii, i' iul!1 be a Fîmnc.y Drill opun !,')to uias two mnore beds and baftte. He will play firsi base, al classes, junior intermnediateý another wheelchair. This mew for the Lakeshore nine. (Continueà on page seven) equipmient should arrive withimi the ilexi week or two. DIsaster and need f ake no 10c Per Copy NUMBER 29 Fire Interrupts Show Ending estions eeting Additions ta High School Exam Resuits l The following is a list of marks fOr* StLdemsti ot mnluci ed in the Bown ilie H'.i, Sehooi resuits pulLshed Jalit weelç. Grade X [o Graide X son, Peter--3i oi Clas Grade X ' [o Gradie Xli Jordan, Wayne and Rcid ,Jaire.q--2tid C1à.;s: Par.ý, Go"ý. Diane (Fr.). Hughes, Bryain: N.;ivr il, ?hyllis <Geoiîa- Phys.). t 1etn"- ing student in the subjects ed beloxv Janmes, Dot T1aý (music, Geog.) Grade XII--Secondar'v Gra- duation Dipiornas: Colvili, Li da-, Cooper, Gregory. Cox, Ga'v- Dudley, Gordoni: Fowler, K a i i liowells, Phylli s. Atkinson, Rc)\-Geog. C. carieton, Eric-Geon'i c ColwviIl. Linda--Geoni.C Cox. Gary-Geon'. C. CrydemanJames--Fg C H ist. C, Georn. 3, Fr. 3, C'm iiiS. ~ j3. 1Fowler, Karl-Et.g. C Hisi.r 0111 a few minutes before the hilarious ending of The Shaggy Dog show, fire C. Geog. :1, Geom. C, Chein C. jin the ventilating system forced patrons ta tea've The Raya]. Theatre on Tuesdoey. f-looDer. William--Fr. .3. evenino. Firemen were on the scene in short order and, as may be seen in this Ho-lLPhyllis -- En 1- iHist. 2. Geom. 2, Chem, 2, photo, soon had ladders up ta -the roof where the small blaze was brought under 3. Fr 3, German C. L contrai. Noe Dd1~ lrn ~ndpr Thinks Fast Branc'h are continuing their meetings and their worthv.bile Joins t ather D E I projects through'ouît te su nue:2' u d e rnonths. Assist your localnS b d e meetig, Wenesdyt gis ng Business Ca er.'hewii'eacoidabe'12. at 8 p.m. in the Couticil An adxertiseneiit aonag Dur Chambert erelhe insudrace bmi- În g .-.-terest ta district citizens. It an- u î g F nou nees t.hat Noe] C. Dudley Cl~arke Rve ness with lis father, C. H. Duci rjth-iýe xvas aràuîîexpeeted ]evx of Caurtice. eiicîiug Jo Wait Dîsiiey's Shaggy Teiie wCAlst menber oi.ti Dog oljture at thie Royal Thca- (Cone T ro gh well-established firmn-beîieved! i ý night. Trie building iad ta o ta e one af the oldest in th'2' be evacuated because of fire i area--was bot-n in Bowtila.i-tevniato sst. 2n na peraion tevnfainstii x ilie 2vteirs ago. lHé attendel'Se[ptamtiauo~ uei ClarkeTownshp's Rlocal -schools and Albert Col- ed snoke but Iiought àioimCoiie Jares T. Bown of ~eev'e, lege .n Belleville anîdwas a:~ ~ Jae .Brw fNew- personable, skilliui and en- castle, 1% seriously illin iithe thusiasti e niber' 01 sev'eraili Private Patientsi' Pavillon of the comnmunity*s athletic B e i H s I Ile was uperaited it nfor te second Uinie, Mouday, and came through the opera- tion. in fair condition. tri ~ S î-s~he li as tad culý sidera'ie experâice inigoc'2 iirerchandiiing witi) A & P stores Rapid Proqress Made This Week on New Bowling Ailes' 2 Million 1 Since 2nd' Crowd ut. Theatre ire in Ventila for wa~o.înngpopern. uiu. General Matons. used his headl !y, sparks shat out ofiliht'vu a- and l lngs. Hie shout'id With al tihttor anicl the ci'owd leapî'NI the power lie couid muster "or [a its teet, readv to lice. t-be peopie ta "Hoid It" and "Si.tIjawn". Alex Hendrv of Neisonî Wilson, I R. . :1, . Newacastle joined hlm) and the nunvilie, andi a inmt'îfoi the e'owcl setticed dowui andl pro- top îîegnt iatîng Ieaii nwo lue ceedec in ordcemlv lashion toth Unitedl Ai ilo Workerms Union t exIs. - -' Imi the imîciîm e. oî'opci'Lor, Roo)ert'Gill had clinbed ta the roof and w&aý working on the ýsta IIed1 blaze wheuî firenmen arrived ad sozu nad it uncder contrai. Dtte ta the watei' pou -7o elE~2I1C I1E2 duVîmie Siîuft. pit'on re elep ones 1 nt ah"tu retuin for tlît bu!- W amre oifliCeshow, but (tie [hea- Il re ,vas opýen again for busineý W orid W a n Wediesdlay evenling. Lm'ugthe exciteinent. the 'iu-' . ,i' . - "".' . -'-, ."-.' . ~ ~ ' Canuduan- lead thle woulkId in ',u I I LI l.C '. . ...- . ' ~~~~ ' telephoneoîxemx to.S'c- jpîkiIwihpal vcit~ dciis second, anrd the Umnited Hiflli ltar n th Srates is thirdi. John iLoxvrY, I-i lo u eeatat nana-er of flue Bei! Tele-.iooîîc CaîonOshuawa, stated lat '!w I ~i t<' nWdusa. dimier nmeeting af the Boxvni-tiaîeblixeapr rn - ville Lions Club heid at the j li .f aa d iv ame Lions Carinunity (Centre on - ésirî:ttlafdý a igt Nlonciav 'ri-e birtimdavy uiofJD. Eluioi -i 'Sis4on, George Brown. iNotîrnat AI in and Waily Bi'aieîï wte ie celeratd. I Leslie, Toronto,.f br t e'of E ci and Carl Les- i q lie, vas a giiest tlie Lions Caraival Comit-tee, . ~~T d v t r n 'i ~~~~~~~~~rd the lisi of tiie both ciia;r- 'leo~~.î.'âî iedm mer and ithejrliuelper'st'or tnî 1 4uani'wueecc forti 'o~nin l.ianŽ Cdr fiaiit ou'ù4torth',aLa Saturday. Jii1y i8th, at the Cen- 1tim'ruîAenkee tral Public School %roiunds. Aiteprlnnrywrhs M1r. Low'ry îoined thîe Bellbenonptd.hehlsdm Telepiu3ne Cipn.- IlWixmd-t-ruh-oheotngadth soi, in Jaiuuuam t'928, s'Lia sJohn i4eIV. ow ry othwh îacdt îh ..~. .X'.stL.... '~. s .. s.. ..=.. - -~ ..s..z.~. s 4~t. .aines ,aîèi in introducirug t-beary pe ux th t ai be e- spetzial speaker. He stated: that :hie beuwne Chiet Instruewtýr. aid. re hntebietbsu The huge, new bowling acaderny, Liberty Bowl Lirnited, took swing inta operation early in September. There will be 12 Brunswick MÏr. Lo%«'rv was office manager at.terwarcis was appointed Man- 'sel r rvnit h rwd on a new appearance earîx' this week when the roof trusses were erected alieys of. the iatest type and George Elliott. the manager. is urging al for the company in Windsor in ager af the Bell Telephofne Fncshebenretdt in esl taess'odas.Locteno te as LneRoa. asso.Lb1t9ths3 hopln a ow he.fal t ete- .hiriîmessferr ed ComhepanyrnseredCoupninn arho ornt.he eTorounttoesp.ttosHea Locatedon the ase Lin Ruad. ast of iberty hose wh plan o boTorantofalttubentr tseïrnainesor tbecamet manager orontosh *wa istruram itheeconsmanaertin Ohawa i this magnificent building will be completed in time for leagues ta earliest opportunity. 1 the busines office tkiere. Later <(Continueci on paut .cvefJimiisaeben ae tein %Oana ian lZbt