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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 2

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PAGE TWO. TEE CANADIAK STATESMAN. BoWMAWVfl..LE. ONTKR!O THURSDA'Y. JIJLY l6th, IUOS Iworks out ta four customers hr omria eeo-m Hydro En ds 10 - Year ad3 ppine sadrizelIndustria I Commission imei ene~ ~1es o every five minutes over thel thà Conmùnssion participated length af the program. Janth fica oeig ofth:i 'nejb ane rm a l' I4ew Canadian Tire Associate irnd trnsore 50 ee p 1nj S5tore. and the Industrial Coin-,an Windsor's Ambassador Bridge missioner acted ini behaif of e Onaro ydo ody om1 nyhee n hewldet a puimp motor 80 feet down f ~ * the Real Estate Manager of pOnedteiggydetodelecoren-'taniv rno the rloj Ct fth in a farmer's wefl. J f 1~ 5 7 ~Grand Union (now Steinberg's wei peeth ggs lcriaena tura s i n tev eradch m-f Amog th odîtie u ne R ep rtsLtd.) .rn a public hearing before wei gineering job of its kind ini thenauehslvrhdsc m mn th diis teteow'Comte fA-pr historv of the world. pact upori the lives of se many change-over men encountered ji h onsCmiteo d e Five years and three mnths people in the - province." were a snall door in a base- Te reports o! the Industrial w're pursued, with particular justment. lUSr ahead of schedue. ceremonies Mr. Duncan called the pro- ment window run by an elec- KomisinN. Moretis. tiai o te aueofes en in Leaside ended the f requen- gram of frequency standardi- tric motor to let a cat in and fare Department were given tablishing a local N. nd Mia ornris.issi erN ry standardization program1 zation a first-rate investmeni. out: a 6-4-year-old juke box for the month of June at the finance and construct indus- Idsra ouisinr u whic ha chnge wel ovr i prgres."that plaved steel rcds more meeting of Bowmanville Town, trial buildings on demand for Wefr1epr u on mlloncutoer fom25 11,;than two feet in diameter: an Councîl held in the Council credit-approved Clients, The Ju rprt of the WeL for onemilioncusomes fom 3- During the next two de- electrically-operated rnodel cc I Chamber on Moniday. July 6th.' On 'May 30th Bowrnanville ~ n eo o e e te60ccl pwr.cae,"table. te avns Deputv Reeve Jack Bogs-wa iietv h e ok are Department showed there $54 to 6-cyle owe. cdes' li sad. thesavngsand an electrica] bridge cotebbleounilo K ei- L a- resin.t eprtsetative Yorthewere 21 persans in receipt ofî ExI Metropolitan oroto r Tmadorontbeob re-sandrd-tade dapoanssibled crby ,theed ystandard-KithLa-thaden deaitnttianoftdeshuffleding thécards.ot representatives of Leaside and ization of electrical frequenc-vthanguWelfare durthingort the monthf.laninglote Eat or jind ydo ndl Otaiowii ppoxmae It was also a massive job in, umvdta terpr eaten fPann e while there were 31 during les East Yrk joied Hydo and in Onario wll appoximai 1 of he Inesofiathemmisdustriali Commir. sgernHve MoymOnetw applcatgerwaHawG muniipa utiit oficiis ii te etir coI o th *jb." huian relations. t was a tp be received and filed. A similar. kins. who wished te gain first-Ma. neew ppctin asG mcl tion i the om ff ilsithe eCare ot doifgthe ob.*' of situation where niany coin- mto vsmd argr hand knowledge of the c made for Welfare in June but t323 ]ast customer. Mr'. and Mrs. A. dnac period in the histor- linswre1 e xet 1d the Welfare Departmnent report. munities lie is seeking te pro-itwsntactd.Epy-m A.~~~~~ *ciha of15 a na ntio,.rqu1c and ain e customers did comn- The regular month]y meet- mote. He was accompanîed hy Road. ardization was completed at an panbttlroHdoas n o h omsinwshi h Manager of the Lake On- ,Yoining the Mcvn{iaels, as estimated cost o! 300000 received thousands of congra-i on June l5th and a special tarlo Development Association $300009tulatorv telephone calis andietn onJn 4han wsmtbyheM orte guests of honor were Mr. and, An estimated $40.000,000 vWas letters for the special care tak - metn onJe2thadwamtbyteM orth Mrs. R. E. Taylor and their' savedi by new change-over en te saîisfv each cutiier. The Commission lias supplied Reeve and the Industrial Com- daughter Valerie. w-ho was onlvftehiusadmhos eelci o . statistical data on the town ta Ttissiofler. treyears old when cee o edhnbqesHadmodnes dure-' Officiais still are arnused by the, Ontario Departîment of Personial contacts and phone............... three ceremoneniner ur the H" dro man's report on an -1 Economics which is undertak- conversations at the first of the tes launched the prelimnary ing the programn. These includ- seigaGdrc oa' n neooi uvyo h erla norgdu ohp test program at their East York!I ed encouraging manufacturerssern aGoech oansignecnnisrevote a adecrgdusb op home on Mav 18. 1949. The! te rdc placs wi complaint abolit a bad smell 1bake Ontario Region. We have that construction of the John- mainprogrm bgnth o-w uld'ce alies 'hnge after lier ref rigeralor was, also extended an offer of fur- son & Johnson factory ih main g Octobegnth ol.oldit ae a changed oxage aer. ther assistance if it. is needed. begin dux'îng 1959. We are noxv lowing Octobgr.over because they operated onI.,.> James S. Dùncani. Ontario cither cycle. and prox'iding 60- "Dead fish. placed utiuier re- The Indlustrial Comnmissioner informed that this is not toafie Hydro Cliairman, and Bertrain! cycle i>ailities to new resideii-1 frigeratoî' bv cal. Removed.' attended an Industrial Devel- and t'n'at a starting date cannotý Merson. Chairman of the To-' liai subdivisions and new or Odor ge. opment Senîiinar sponsored bv yet bc announced. We area- -ronte Hvdro-Electrie Svsten i expanding industries, ta offis'mtl Problenis wýere s~edon that the Trade & Industry Branch sured! lîowever. as %ve have and President of tlie Ontario I heavy grom-th of 25i-cycle con-! 4imple. but conîplimients pouir- of the Deparmt o lniîgbe from tile outset. that theý Municipal Electrie Association,ý sumrption in areas awaiiilg' ed in for Hydro's miaxinmum; and Developrnent ai Scai'boc- ]and was not bOuight as a spe- jciti pressed a button on a' change-oveî'. speed andi eî1îcîencv in dealingig ouPli on Jiiue th anîd -Pi culation anid tliat the com-, naelin10 MMihal om Te ntri Hdr Caininwitli vital services. f Mdci usetul infornmation %výs panv'., tîrst Ontario factor' Dane in he eMicael orn TheOntaio ydraChHospni obtained and contacts estab- tvill be built in Bowmanville. tturn off a buLb using 2,5-cy- told his audience that hie va- In London's Victoria Hsp î isîîed oi' renewed wilh num- During June. four new ini- cie frequencv and illumunate a~ convinced the Job hiad been- tai. crews found a .\a.v ofcaitfaecisdsralpopcs eedv! second with 60-cycle current. done at the lowest possible cost, chatug"-over an iron lung wit 'a- merous fial ofaecsduta psetswrd-vý Mr.Dunan otd tat Ihecosisent wit 1e creuu-'ou dirupingtie fow f lfeconcerned wutith 1e province's opcd <one tii -ougi the tlîouglt- beats thirmtI n a big Mta ndadiaion of Souitthe! cosistntces. te10 a ýou dsrplit -heo, o'lie inclustrial growt.h. fulress of a local citizen) anc1i stadariztio o Soth.-et-ý a atentwh ha tvedin Stuclies imb x'ariuus atcc:s an carlier pî'sct was written1 Iln Ontario and parts of thec During t1ic.period standarcu.if o-eenva; of local dexelopruient pi'o.ecis off. Nortlieastern section of bhe: izal ion was uncr wavilt, Large newvspapers 's'ere coi- ------- province bas been the largest' nulnber of domnestic custoniers r verted wvithoIul mi:ssing- a dead- ellectrical engineering prograin involved increased by about* une. Special arrangements n! it.s kind lever cai ried Out one-third over the original: were also niade for radio sta- estimate. The average number tion:,. water pumnping ior appliances pet cv oes cus-, heating plants and transpnrta- - ;LF I NTS u jtomrer juniped from an estimi- lion facîlities. l 1 DY___________________ated 2.71t0 almost six, reaching p a r -- fT îa total of .5.069,045, In addition. .'--' & r &ï. ii. lbradmaerial ..... cinb- EN A flceri.g2-cycle liglits was Toronto. were at their summer AI 4 -- ~ .. the most obvious resuit o! the home for the iveekend. program, Mr. Duncan pointed Ni lit.woi o m out that it was probably the Nellio. hoînwe- leasîimporant.ployed in Toronto was home A wold ol nîyfor- the weekend, Customers ol ne olyI Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroeux pay iess for 60-cycle applian- ces. but of equal importance, attended the wedding o! bis were the savings te Hydro, and)nee isSily apel the associated mîunicipa.l utili-i te Gordon Kennedy in Toronto.:i -.I ies in the production and dis- Saturday. The happy coupleé Im-m I Itriutin o elctrcit. 'were leaving for a honeymoon! long-term effeel of helping li Mis. Fred Faits spent Tues- 'te keep oui' rates among the i day atternoon with lier daugh- lowest in the world." Mr'. Dun-!f ter. Mu-s. Albert Stewart and F can said. familv in. Peterborough. i edthe sincere thanks of Ontario te. spent the weekend withi Mrs. 1 i ....: Whoe.cupbord wasbute Hvdro and the municipal util- Neya Litle and visited friends. Sbehadplentyofmilk iies te the electrical customers inl the village. Inthefrigidoire. o! the former 25-cycle areas o! Mrs. Russel Rus4k. Troronto,' D R -U the province "*whose under- was tie guest o! Mrs. George standing and co-Operation have1Mre for the weekend. 1 cess o! the program." ' uv and Mrs. Vance Allen vus- ~R4aL..>L~YAt one lime 3.600 men and ited NMrz. Wm. Mercer. Sunday. C O M 1,300 vehicles were engaged in Mir. and Mis . Venîîîng. To- the program. Altogether, 6,956,- ronta. suent the week a! their MA. 35444 596 pieces of electrical equip- suinmer home. ____________________i -nient were changed over for 1,-, Misses Kathleen Geach and 025,754 customers. Based on an! Margaret Yendrick. wlio are, ______________average working day. thise attendîng suramer school in To- Entries fromr -- __-- -i rente were honme for t.he week- =end, Mr'. F. Stoker wax În Toron-Po t ery 77E ~ ' Flor Best Resuits -te Wednesday te àee Mrs. Sto- 527fhaU VJWV'ATRVOURker in Sunnybrook Hospitali 1 ZÉLWYNfor 011Re and expects she will be there. THEFFERENCE, ETWM u o alc .iSuny skiadede ecei J nj CA R WASH ~irange Iodge and band 'ijyarnaneude ca as ht ie~su they mai'ched around Kendal e san ud r 1rh ca wah tat ivet yn ii with their colour-, and the band! gia ceaming wax fini*h. playing. Thiey cad]ed over to i serenade Blake Alexander who C N A I .<4~~ .~ LUBRICATION Îs flot welI enough te accora-CAD AI *OïL CHANGE panv them this vear. ('WASH f Visiting Mr'. and Mrs. B. AI.-wl lead parade romn Lions Centre ai FISK IRESexandeu' thîs wmeek are thie andThomas sisters.. Mis. irene Car- west on King to Silver to the sc i 1ev and iMr-. Vilda MeTaggart; INTE(Ri of Toronto aiid M'. anQd Mrs.; ae pae ad w ne a e jI Wrn.. James-on (Lillian) o near' ae pae a d wn e a e iaskatoor and Mrs. James Mu- die Millie) of Consort. Alla M Ç I N f ir udean heî gadsn VMISS LIONSC Umk l funaS ou M a sper thewindbut li apreAWte il !emttwhOU eo a P th e xiew of the locks obtained LUCKY TICKE DRA W &w-t= wùth t il I W&there. of r o eIpr jtumAn iîour wao spetil down ID rearab wffem - hppn.thnte as ~doe «neraur. 4o ate~proceeded toth 1e pr tl "Miss Lions Carn'val" w'11 dravw rwok nzosnooW per appeared on well laden ta- e" dauh- n m bles wîth the general1 idea thal one must sanîple al the deli- 1 59O d b M immucîous viands. A visil was also nuhe maf é &mto ade arotind to see the birds, AND ~re no fl.~ka ot sootearo and h nue oru e o he l adisvst ?IUvrdxnoybe lbowwaa n sreo teldesvst inugdmQy wep ediPterborogîsne ipr Ib m I;'n&e& a tu" Mode ad Psaw a pla'snewakiof- Movie Camera - Projectou emioko,-doecfing kwrum o mqudiaw aplane aferngoon. q fla tha'a abolut clm M XMe quie a rdosn Prce nd 0cr IboVMWmonW f DtMwom MzsGor foni u-een, MA tw duhtr, ro retn, M NY NEW A D NUVEL B O H FOR IDA no al oh »60 spent its'~~, week ivith her mo- Oow. 0 ~a b~Nl 10r. Mr-z. Swarbrick. ~werc w 'd@»ai» ritMr n r.Bl anto MERRY-GO-ROUND Se.. CARS 9;M:.P.'Vl .. hMx ooky 'w MM %41, UTM m bm Fort Williamî, are on holidays tg fodo fuil tii.fiunao pvwfa w qow.J with Mrs. Vannatto and Cecil. =00h. - iSm a u u ewuuCMoual. Bowmaniladvst h, the0 mnbn pb.jtw: sister. rs P Bi yad Pe->1FOR THE KIDD lES P um FM» AM acoum The Thomnas famnilv hela aa, reunion in Orono park. Sundav A. ~ Caflernooxi when about 55 o! the L. A. arker & OfSons mmediate families ahrdtDN J m49 PHON MA -565 Mrs. Wîn. Mercer and Mr&. New location: 152 King St.E. Mar- Luxon spent a feu, dave PROCEEDS FOR LIONS COMMUNI' ~abidne ith Mi. and Mrs.j _________ 'Artàhu.rGrant. mit waâ !ound for one per- A.mong the Welfare recipients i June were eight familles I two single persons. Regard- gthe fa-milies il vas report-1 ý tfat four heads o f amiliesi Dre unemployable, and therel ere four dependents. One1 rson was receiving sanator- ~m care, who nhad one depen- mt. There were 10 female pa- eits and two male patient in rsing Homes on Welfare. ['he total indigent days for1 ine was 360. The expenditure, rJune was: Direct Welfare ,2.98. Nursinjg Homes $1,124. ccess and Medicine $59. Thel tal being $1,668.98. Recover- l hrough Ontario Provincial rants and charge bncks $1.- 3.59. The total cost to thel unicipality was only $343.39. fo rWilson's? * '~~fa~murIS. le e* n flpa b ftl OBU.0t't . 0F THE~w ILLE LIONS ATURING M9AJORtETTE 'ETITION i Surroundïng Districts, ,Port Hope, Oshawa CLASSES Intermediate 12 fa 15 years MJ-"3 Senior 16 to 20 years q LEGION PIPE BAND t6:45 p.m. to Balmoral corner, :hool grounds, where juJging wîilJ :ARN UVALI' uly 25) >1 18 i r Grou nds /tickets for Sedan - Screen YOUR ENTERTAINMENT a.AIRPLANE RIDES UT!a i ITY WORK _______ r' -- - 4 MOINUMENTS AND FINIE QIJALITV or V FFORD Stafflord Iros. Monumental Works 319 Dundae St. E.. ÇWhitby Phone Wlitby Mohawk 8-3552 lie TRURSDAT. JULT Idh, 11030 1- PAGE TWO . TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnIJL ONTARIO j ý

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