THURSDAY, .TULY lUi, 195 TEE CANAD~&N STATESMAN, EOWMANVULE, ONTA~D ?AG~ TEREN COLLINS - CHANT On Saturday, June 27th, be- fore a background of white 'mums in Wesley United Church. London, Ont., Rev. John W. Stmnson united in marriage Yvonne Sylvia Chant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Chant, London, Ont., and Mr. George Brock Collins. The groom is the son o! Mr. and Specials j in SPERMANENT WAVES. Waved by. MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE miss VIOLET ZACHANOWICII forxnerly of Miller's Beauty Salon is now a member et our staff. FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 . 9 For - -- __- - $ 7.5_ Reg. 312.50 9.95 1 For ---- ___ Reg. S15.001.5 For 11.95 Il SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. Hluyck willI be here on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. te do the steam and regular waves Phiofle A 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huycks Hairsiyhing Siudio 67 King St. W., Bowmanvfllc IAnniversq I DRES sîzes ta 6 Ref. t. $3.98 on sale - --- $1-98 Reg On SHORT SHORTS T - SHBRBT S t John & Juc: 75 King St. E. Refr eî Mrs. James E. Collins, Fergus, Ontario. Mr. Wickett was organist and also accompanied thc soloist, Mrs. Ruth Casier. The bride, wearing a ful- length gown o! candle white faille and Alencon lace, was given in marniage by her fathen. The short-sleeved Empire line bodice had a scoop neckline sprinkled with leafy motifs of Alencon lace and the skint was designed with bouffant princcss panels. Her finger-tip veil feUl fnom a crown o! peari leaves and she carried a cascade bouquet o! white sweetheart roses and English ivy centred with a white orchid. The bnide's attendant, Mrs. Donald R. Stutt. Bowmanvillc, wore a gown o! cotillion blue organza. The back of the frock, which had a draped bodice, was accented with a large sot bow at the waistline. She wore a small !lowered hat and carried white and blue flowers. The duties o! best mari werc performed by Mn. W. W. Cum- mmns. Ushens were Mr. Paul Rutherford and Dr. Noci Chant. Following a reception hcld at the Iroquois Hotel,, Uic bridel changed to a beige and white suit, white and brown acces- sanies, and wbite orchid corsage for a wedding trip ta the easterri United States. They will ne- side in Bowmanville. The bride, who teaches at1 Ontario Street School, Bow- manville, is a graduate o! Lon- don Teachers' College. The groom, also a teachen, is a gnad- uate o! Hamilton Teachers' Col- lege. They are attending Sum- mer Schooi at University of Western Ontario. DICKS - HAINES ineald Haines, Caesarea, Ontario, and thce eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dicks, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mrs. E. W. Brooks played the wedding mnusic. The bride was I given ini marriage by Cpi. Ray Hingley. Miss Lynne Liscombe sang "~The Lond's Prayer"an "O Perfect Love" during theJ signing o! the register. The bride's gown was a floor lcngth model of nylon net and lace over satin with rhinestones and pearl sequins frosting thc stra'pless bodice. The lace bol-. ero was styled with lily pointI siceves and peter pan collar.1 Rhinestones sparkled £rom the folds o! ber fingertip veil of net, beld in place by a tiana encrusted with sequins and nhinestone. Red roses and ferri tied with a white satin bow and streamers formed thse bride's bouquet. Mrs. Valenie Leonard was matron of honour. She wore ai ballenina lerigth frock o! deep turquoise nylon chiffon over taffeta cut on Empire lines with off -the-shoulder neckline, and cap siceves. Necklace and earrings of rhinestones, white hat and white accessonies com- pleted her costume. She carried a bouquet of pink and white' carnations with delicate sprays of ferri.1 Best man was LAC Steve1 Monk. LAC J. MacDougall and, LAC C. Atkin acted as ushers. Ail wene !rom RCAF Staton Coinox. Following Uic service in theý chapel, a reception was held in! the Comox Legion hall. Tuipsý and iris were used in attractive arrangements with pînk stream- ers on the linen covered bridc's table. The beautifully decorat-, c d thnee-tien wedding cake was~ topped by a dainty bouquet en-; cincled b y a heart desigî. LAC Monk read tele.grams, from the parents o! the groom and other relatives and friends and relatives o! the couple in Ontario and Nova Scotia. The bride's parents telephoned their daughter and new son-în-law fromr their home in Caesarea. For her honeymnoon spent down-island, Mrs. Dicks chang- cd ntoa rown linen tweed ensemble with white accessor- ies and a white carnation cor- sage. On thein return, Mr. and M ýrs. .D:icks. will- reside o n Before an altanr graced by Campbell River Raad,, Court- bouquets o! narcissi and white enav, B.C. SIris, LAW Marion Lydia Haines &nd LAC James Thomas Dicks, both o! thse RCAY Station Com-1 VENTON - McFAUL ox, British Columbia, exchang- 17he manriage wvas solemnîzed ed marniage vows on May 23 hi First Baptist Church, Owen at 7:00 pi. Sound, on Saturday, June 27th In Uic double-ring ceremony at 3.30 pan, o! Elizabeth Marie held in tise Protestant Chapel, McFaui, daughter o! Mns. Wil- Wallace Gardens, F/L the Rev. liain John McFaul and the late J. K. Goldie nead the saiired1 3&r. MéFaul ta Donald Maxwell lines -that united Uic youngcn Ventori, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Sydney Venton of Bowmkan- te i wo candelabra against a floral arrangement of white 'ary ale hasta chrysanthemums and pink snapdragon wlth emeraid S E 5 j oiagein tw> standards. thc marniage vows, Mrs. Eugene SiZCs 7- 14 Dillon played the wedding mu- Reg. t $5.9 sic and Miss Dolores Ender- OegSate $3.98 wick sang, O Perfect Love and On SaleSuch Lovely Things. Mr. Fred J. McFaul gave his g. $1.49 sister in marniage. Her wedding Sale 79e___ gown was o! white pure silk organza with full skirt wonn Reg. $1.69 aven a hoop, the fitted bodice OnSae 8 accented with Swiss lace ap- Sale pliques around the portrait neckline anid on the skirt. She wone mittens o! matching ma- iyia Shoppesor leve, ly S h pp e white satin slippers and a f in- Bowmauvile sien caught in a circular cap o! pearîs ai-d sequinned leaves. Her crescent cascade bouquet was o! pink Seventeen sweet- heurt roses and stephanotis with accents o! !ern and tufted white net. Mrs. Everett W. Joharin at- tended the bride and wore a sh street length dress o! bine silk the neckline and tise full skirt oven net and taffeta. Hen head- 4thoutdress was o! matchîng rosesi bowed with rose taffeta and filling frilled with lace. Mn?. Larry W. Murdock o! Hamilton was gnoomsman. Mn.1 D. L. Fuller o! Weston and Mn. Duncan McLellan were ushers: 5epsî.Cola 'g the ml-fl;4 The bnîde's mother wore a îe light refreshment. DryI dress o! pale blue brocaded faille, white accessonies and a net toa sweet), reduced in corsage o! rose pink sweetheart alories, it refreshes with. roses and blue cornflower. The bridegroom's mother wore olive ut fing. fiate a Peps. green crepe with white acces- sanies and corsage o! golden sceptre roses with gold bow. The reception was held at the Paterson House, whene summer flowers adorncd the rooms and' the bride's table had the wed- ding cake misted in tulle, dot- ted with carnations. white can- d lies in silver candelabra and the bridai bouquets. .........Mn. and Mrs. Venton will ne- side in Toronto following a hon- cymoon in the Haliburton dis- trict. The bride travelled in a pure silk sheath in turquoise and white print, white acces- sores anda club-ter of white Buy the famlly carton of 6 big boi es ,Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanvulle AUTROIZEDDISTIBMUTOR HOPPS - COOPER f White, pink and rose carna- tions, with white.shasta chrys- anthemumas decorated the al- tans o! St. Joseph's Roman Ca- tholic Church, Bowmanville, for a wedding at 1l o'clock Sat- urday narning, July 1lUi, when Myra Ceceia Cooper was unitcd i narriagc with Stanley Glen Hopps. The bride is the daugh-, ter a!fMNI. and Mrs. Joseph A.! Cooper o! Bowrnanville, for-! menly o! Osh-awa, and thej bridegroom la Uice.son of Mn.. and Mrs. John E. Happs o! Sa- cramenta, California, formcrly o! Bowmanville. The Revererid1 F. K. Malane performed the double-ring oeremony. Mis. AI-' bert Cale of Bowmnanville, play- 1 cd the wedding music. Giver int marriage by ber fa- ther the bride wonc a full length gown o! blossom white Chantilly lace aven net and sa- tin, sweeping into a circular train. The slim bodice was off- set with àa aelkped embrina' Wed at R.C.A.F. Station Mn. and Mrs. James T. R.C.A.F. Station, Comox, Bni leaving the Protestant Chape ingther anniage on May 2' Marion Lydia Haines, is they Mrs. Reginald Haines, Caesai ,the eldest son of Mn. and MScotia. ýncckline and long sheath siceves. A perky peplurn o! silk organza, accented with tiny bows, highlighted the waistline. Pearls entwined in a crown o! silk organza held ber finger tip veil o! tulle illusion, and she carnied a colonial cascade O! white teathered carnations, ste- phanotis and bridai f lowers. Miss Jean Mtisial was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Hockin, both in petal pink taffeta with an overlay of white silk or- ganza and Miss Colleen Hutch- inson, in dusty rose taffeta with an overlay of white silk organ- za. They ail wore identical waltz length sleeveless gowns fashioned with deep oval neck- lines accented with Swiss lace, which also offset the slim bo- dice. They wore open crowned picture hats of white silk or- ganza having sequin trimming end- *waist *Iength back stream- ers, and with silk taffeta ac- cents from their dresses. They each wore a cultured peari in a fine gold chain, short white gloves, and carried a shower cascade of white and tinted pink chrysanthemums. Miss Stephanie DeGraff of Chico. California, small niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl wearing a gown of checked t. of GENERAL IbOUS KUCHENS A friend o! mine naid 'If you can make jefly from one kind o! fruit, jthen jelly made from twa kinds oi fruit wili te twice as good!" Well, that's certain1y truc ai the fol-. lowing recipe: CURRANT AND RASPEERRY JELLY 4;, eups juice (about 1 quart fully ripe red currants an d 1;,5 quarts ripe red raspberries> T cups (3 lb,.) sugar ý5 bottie Certo fruit pectin Fitt prepare the Juiee. Crush 1 quart fully ripe red currants. Add 3/4 cup water and bring ta a bail. Crush about iV2 quarts fully ripe ned raspbernies. Place fruits in jelly bag and squeeze out juice. Measune 4% cups into ,>eru, Larger saucepan. Now make the JeUy. Add sugar ta juice in saucepan. Mix well. Place aven high heat. Brnmg ta a bail, stirning constantly. Stir in Certo at once. Bning ta a fullilng boit. Bail hard 1 minute, stirring con- stantly. Remave from heat, skiai off f oaxn with metal spoon. Pour quickly into glasses. Caver at once with ;4 inch hot panaffin. Makes about 11 medium glasses. Where does pectin corne from? Weil, pectin iu the jelhing su.b- stance 10undi ail fruits in vaiy- 1 ng arnaunts, Certo ta pectiniex- tracted frorn fruits rich ini this natural substanice, theu refirêed, cancentrated and performance- controlled. Your jam and jeliV set exactly right when Vaou use Certo andi follow the tested Certo recipes. ______ Prenerving Pointer- It's vise te buy ncw rubber rings ecd sea- son. A good rubber is elastic and not brittle. Test each ring befone using. It's poor economy ta save a nubber ring at thc expense o! a quart of fruit. Jeux and jelly making cou somne- timen bring probLems . .. if yau have anti, write and tell me. Id be gLad ta help. And pLease visnt with me again in my sert column. buffet lunch w»au svre. Mrs. Jack Marthail, asalsted by Miss Dorothy Hockin, en- tertained at a kitchen showcr at the home o! Mns. M. E. Leask. The gifts werc contain- cd in a wishing well decorated in pink. A bride .bock was also prcsented which was signed by everyone present, and the bride elect xecived w rcd rose cor- sage. Pat Leddy and Miss Jean Musial wene hostesses at a personal sbower at the for- imer's ýhome. The gif ts were contained in a heart shaped im- provised cake. Mrs. Leo Leddy and Mrs. Dave Foster assisted 1 in serving a buffet lunch which featured twin Pink heart-shaped showcr cakes. Miss Marjorie Couch arrang- ed a picnic shower attended by the teachers o! Ontario Street School, Bowmanville, when a black shaded polished fruit bowl was presented. From the ,staff o! the Ontario Street Scbool, the bride-to-be rcceivcd a hand painted table cloth. Following the rehearsal on Friday evening, July lOth. the bridai Party will be enter- tained at the home of thse bride's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper, King Street, East, Bowmanville, Ontario. NE WTON VILLE Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, IS spending a week with her sister, Miss Ann Nesbitt. IM.r. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ..ence Burley, Clarke, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow. ¶Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited Mrs. Grace Wade, To- roto on Sunday. Miss Karen Brown returned home with themn. 'homs Dcksbot of he ïr. and Mxs. Wm. Thompson, rhoms Dcks bot oftheChicago, who spent the past itish Columbia, are shown week with his aunt, Miss Ber- ý, Wallace Gardens, follow- tha Thompson,- left for home 13rd. Mr.Dcs h omronlSaturday. Mrs.Dick, te fomer The De Smit sisters from younger daughter of Mr. and pontypoî, spent a few days trea, Ont., and the groom is with Miss Dorothy Elliott. Irs. J. Dicks, Halifax, Nova Master Bruce Burley, Port IHope, has been holidaying with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley. white silk muslin baving a pink Mrs. Wm. McComb, Morrish, satin sash and full length back' is spending a few days with streamners. She wore a pink Mirs. Wm. Uglow. flowered headdress, and car- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wait- ried a basket of white shasta taker and family, Toronto,, chrysanthemum.Ls and pink car- were Sunday guests with her nations. mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mr. Kennetb Hockin perforn-1 Mr. Laurie Stapleton under- ed the duties of best man, and, went a tonsil operation at Mem- the ushers were Mr. Kenneth1 orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Kelly and Mr. Gregory Coop-1 Tuesday. er, the bride's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moase. The reception was held at St. jLindsay, and their grand-dau- Joseph's Parish Hall, where thej ghter, Miss Betty-Jo Joneà, Nia- bride's mother received the gara Falls, were Sunday visit- guets earng bege fte-:ors with Mrs. G. W. Jones. guess warig a eig afer- Mrs. Wilfred Cox is stili ser- noon. dress of embroidered silk îously ill at Memorial Hospital. organza over taffeta with side Bowmanville. bow and sash end at the hiplîne, ogauainst r hs pmnk silk picture hbat. matchin ngra tulwaos t MandCMiss accessories and corsage of pink GlrLa Ne w re an risd roses. Assisting was the bride- GlriaNewtniewUnied C.hrche groomns mother who chose ai on Saturday, July 1ith. Rev. sheath dress of aqua Chantillyý. lace over taffeta. a small match- R. C. White officiated. ing hat and corsage of pink; Mr. Wm Lane, Halifax. sur- roses. Also greeting tIeget prised everyone by arrivin wasMr. Fany Bothge. just a few minutes before the was rs. ann Booh, te ýtime of bis sister Gloria's wed- bies grandrnother, wearing ding. a teal blue Honan pure silk Mr. and M'rs. Harry tarie, dress, champagne beige picture> hat, matching acssre 'adOwen Sound. attended the corsage of carnations in shades Gray-Lane wedding and re- o! pink. mained for the weekend with For he oneyoontriptheMr. and Mrs. C. K. Jones. Forthehonymon tp te FMr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, bride donned a white nylon Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. How- dress, flowered in orange, with ard Moore, Brantford, Mr. and matching taffeta curmmcrbund, MIrs. Chester Hill, Buffalo, and and a duster coat, with which Mrx. and Mrs. Wmi. Weeks, To- she wore an orange picture ha, ronto, ixho attended the Gray- white accessories and a corsage Lane wedding on Saturday, of bronze chrysanthemnums. were weekend guests with Mr. On their return the couple and Cleland Lane. will reside at 88 Scugog Street, Mrs. Margaret Shaw. Picton, Bowmanville. The bride is ai and -Mr. and Mvrs. Bud Joncs teacher at Ontario Street School and son Douglas, Burlington, in Bowmanvillc, and the bride- spent thc weekend with Mr. groom is merchandise manager and Mis. Willis Jones. of ZelIer's at Scarboreugh, On- tario, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Many Showers, HeId For JuIy Bride Miss M13yna Cecelïa Cooper, wbose manniage ta Mr. Stanley, Glen Hopps took place in St. 1 lilos'.eph's Roman CathoLie Church, Bowmanville, on Sat- unday morning, July Ilth, was, feted at sevenal pre-nuptiali events.J Mrs. Joseph Cooper enter- tained recently at a trousseau tea for lier daughter; the partyi was helci at ber home, 136 King Street, East, Bowmanville. To. receive the guests, Mrs. Cooper i Chose a blue and white sheath' dress arnd corsage of pl nk roses.. The future bride was wearing a black andi white organza aven taffeta having large full siceves,' and a corsage o! red roses. As- sisting was the bride's grand- mother, Mrs. Fanny Booth, Bowmnanville, who chose a brown and wbite palished cat- ton an-d corsage a! roses. Mis. Pat Leddy presided aven the guest book. Pouning tea were Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Mrxs. Edna Anderson,' Miss Manjonie Cauch and Miss Myrtle Hall. Serving the gucats were Miss Eien Spicer. Miss Lydia Bates, Miss Manie Leddy. Miss Patricia Hockin, Mrs. F. Harrington, Mrs. Kenneth Hoc- kin. The tea table was laid with an ivory hand made lace cloth and centered with a floral cen- terpiece, and so!tly lighted by candlelight. Presiding hi the trousseau room was Miss Jean Musial;, hope cbest, Miss Dorothy Hoc- kmn, and in the wedding and sbower gift roam, -Miss Calleen Hutchinson. Mlso assisting with the tea were Mrs. Clarence Hockin and Miss R. Hutchin- son. Mrs. Foster Harnington, Miss Colleen Hutchinson and Miss Elleen Spîcer held a miscellan- cous shower at thc home of, Mrs. Hannington, when the fu- ture bride was prcsented with a pink and white container filled with gifts. The gucsts were baskctball assocates. A We are proud to be associated with C. H. DUDLEY &SON INSURANCE RA 5 -4243 Courtice Noimi Dudley G ENERAL 0F AMERICA one of the couutry's largest capital stock companies writing al Unes of General Insurauce selects as its agents, only those men and women who reroguize their great respousibilities te the communities they serve. You, as an insurance buyer cen always look te SAFECO, one of the General of America Companies, writing Preferred' Risk, Automobile Insurance et Preferred Rates. SAVE WITH SAFECO . -SER Ce H. DUDLEY & SON District Representatives for Bowmanville, Courtice and Oshawa No Memberships - No Fees No Parking Meters GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY 0F AMERICA Ontario Office - Toronto, Ontario KEDRON Fniends and* relatives at Kedron mouri thc passing to rest of C. Leslie Brown, a resi- dent o! this community during tic past 25 years. Much of this time his home was with his brother, Howard Brown, al- though for rime years he lived at the Harold Werny home, while he was employcd ati 'Werrycroft". Neyer robust, Uic decçascd will be remembered as a fine Christian gentleman whose liv- ing reflected a beautiful person- ality. Following a severe iii- ness i Oshawa General Hos- pital over an extended period, the deceased passed away at Fairview Lodgc, Whitby, in his 75th year. Surviving members of the !amily o! the late Leslie Brown include his brother, Howard, Kedron; his sister, Mrs. C. Tait. Seagnave, and a stcp- brother Keith Tait, Toronto. Next Sunday. July 19, the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed at Kedron Church at the regular 10 o'clock service. The Sunday School Picnic has been arranged for July 21 at the Mountjoy picnic grounds. Games and races are to begin at five o'clock, with the supper hour at 6:30. Services are to be withdrawn at Kedron during the first two Sundays o! August. Mn. D. At- kinson of Emmanuel College, Toronto, will conduct thc serv- ices duning the remainder o! August while Rev. R. H. Love and family plan to take their holidays. The home o! Mn. and Mrs. Ms. Harold Werry was the setting for a happy family party when children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Love had a get- together. The occasion was in honor o! the lSth weddîng anni- versary o! Mr. anid Mrs. Leland Love, Toronto, who were ac- companied by their daughters, Marilyn and Sharon. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lee enter- tained friends at a barbecue sup- per party on July 9th on the occasion of famnily birthdays. Mrs. Maggie Southcombe, Pont Union, and Miss Patricia Gardon, Toronto, visited Mns. Fletcher Werry and Wilma. Mir. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- man, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre, Stuart and Lou-Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pascoe, Sidney Tre- vail and Douglas Pascoe attend- cd a Crossman reunion picnic at Pine Ridge Park. Misses Irene Bray and Olive Luke, Toronto; Misses Marie and Helen Cole, Markham, were weekend gucsts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Santlerq and. family, Brampton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pittens. Miss Rica Pit- tens accompanied them home for an extended holiday ini Brampton. IMn. and Mrs. I. C. Bail, Ux- bridge, and daughter Elsie; Mr. and Mrs. Har-y Phoenix, Green- bank, were Sunday guests at the Hlarold Werry home. flue to the decline in busi- ness, employment on Canadà'sq two major railways droppèd' to a l0-year low in 1958 as more than 18,000 workens were taken off the payrolls.______ Sedical Mirror 0S Peny TaU IbUlu Q. »? am 14 <use haaveded. opeef a bald spot au msy neek. The spot is quise ,eoticeuble uheu f fax rny hir in a ponv taui. Wheg eOM raa *5,1* A. YoS fpony tau OMayT e ?C>. sponsible. Persistent and pro- fonged traction (poli) on sgcalp hair can produce baldncss. Skin doctors oftcn notice tisi patchyv lose of hair inhi grlswho wear pony tags. Try a différent hair styleud ifteif thie wodt belp.- Aanwes do mm necessarily reflece Phr opinion oaU ,Hdoclors. The diiag- ,zosis and zreatavent al dise e wthp f.aai u im « Me peamoe peirsowaf phpvsk#au. Alwa5, seulj'te gatmy"MPweurp' d., Servom wu *0 ce~o HA EY U HER H S O E A man whose favorite pastime was golf married a woman whose hobby was attendlng auction sales. As it turneli ont bath talked in their sleep. One night the husband hollereli "Fore!" Ms wife Immedtately uhouted. "Four twenty-five!'$ No matter what your "hobby" is you'll feel better ti dean clothes that sparkle with crîsp- ness and that "new" feeling. If we aren't serving you now won't, you try us sioon? X&. L"ee Ontarîo M Lions Club Carnival Salurday, July 181h MM CANADiAff STATESMM.-BOWMANVUI.& ONTAMO PAGE TER= TRUIRSDAT, 31ULT I@tbl lm 6x $1.98