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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JtILY lOth, 195D TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ORITABIO PAGE PIVE a I ~ ->. . 'G ray (., al rton (H) -fCanolyn Porter (H.), Douglas %A A c mWA ALET ESIC DE GibnLvreClark, Ralph 1 PORT or FOAM SOL Were $2.98 to $4.45 _____$9 SUMMER ~Hoy, Alan Armstrong.CLAIGT Grade 1 te Grade 2-.Irma- eua$95Rglr$75 della Porter (H.), Kathryri Mit-.Rglr$.5Rglr$.5 LA IG A ________ CLEARANCE cel() on o H) SE AMLE SS Doald (H, DonarrHeArm-(H.), .5NOW 45.9 C LEARANCE TBE NYLONS 9 Teecher. Mrs. Yvonne Fallis. ET IN SH SFO SPECIAL - PR. -9 MEN'S SANDALSFETRNSREFOWME PtlBrtNylon FAST RELIEF FORI REDUCED TO $39 AND CRILDIEN1 Reig. $3.50 *EIII 9cý$.49ý$1. ON SALE - U A.ICAIVAS XO D LogiePets! Burst lE utli Were $3.95 A XOD We invite you to corne in and loo0aoud1 DRASSIERES PI CLEARING AT _______$ 2.98 We have many more bargis ON SALE$ 35 0LL YELISHS 1A1J Ladies' vvludemafl S WerL ODEI' H 48 KING ST. EAST_____ 49 King Street West BOwN vi .4 1959 TRURSDAY, JMY 16th, 1 5Ofted their mite boxes, then VD Vadfmle teddteprd Wiris New Vauxhali Victor Personality Sketches etosi wr hyhaKIB ___________________________________Hopgams candurctes thie W.MS. Kirby W.A. and W.M.S. were mnadCar aertre Hopins mndee t hngM.. entertained by Mrs. Wm. Reid hm rm avr noal W lo e A m n s r t rat her cottage, Clear Lake, on tnin nln, oln n W elfare A d m inistrator busies yMeein. H. F. Osborne Tuesday of last week. othrErpancutis (Bu ' W elsh ~ ~~nd seconded by Mrs. E. Snow- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Henderson Onofurlclbse- School for Leaders a O.L.C., Wmn. Wannan and family spentpoiefre bnsttne Rcyod(u)WlhAug. 17-21. Supply Secretary Sunday at Serpent Mounds Pro- tKnoa nt &d uk Wel pope rcors re ep ~ Mrs. K. Muir read 'correspond- vincial Park.G Raymond (Buin) Welsh, Wl rprrcrsaekp n11 ence from Nelson House saying Many of Kirby Orangemen Mses aree nd Ja fare adninist*tor for Bow- creased subsidy is received they needed children's clothes, manville is a son of Mirs. James fromn the provincial govern- ages one to five, also layettes. Rnbryhv eundhm WeLsh and the late Mr. Welsh. ment. 1Atrsm icsini a f clothing suitable for children fio ap He was born in Bowmanville Formerly the town recejved decided to buy flannelette and one to five years old to the Mse aiy unrf n and educated here. During a 50 per cent subsidy for people make nigte to be sent to September meeting. ElzbtMatnsaeatn- ondWar II ho served over- who were welfare cases in nr- Nelson House. Each member is Mrs. Hopkins closemetn ih TahrsSumrCrs seas with the Canadian Army. ing homes. Now sa 80 percent also asked to bring one article with prayer.inToto He served with the Perth subsidy is receivtbd for each Regiment and fought in Italy, case from the province. The - Hoiland, and Germany. He wB.5 provincial welfare examiner, wounded twice in Italy. Mr~. who has headquarters ini the Welsh was mentioned in Dis- Regionail Welfare Office in Pe- and was awarded the Oak proves ail monthly claims for Leaves. subsidies. He alsoexeamines' WPhile i England on leave in monthly weif are reports from 1945 ho married Miss Barbara municipalities and inspecta the Mundy i London. After the books and recordIs. W HEN YOU CAN E war- Mr. Welsh obtained, his dis- During the month of June, charge from the Armny in Eng- 12 Welfare recipients were ini land and remained there for Nursing Homes. Their cane and son-e years. Ho played hockey oe-all maintenance cest $1,- the ice maintenance staff of 12elfu ar e iistatrappled PLAC atWembley, aend sa is e 24 but asrtBowanvliePLA Wembey Aena.for the propen provincial sub- ÇAIn 1955 Mr. Welsh returned sidies the cost to this munie!- to Bowmanville with his falm- pality was reduced te $224.80 ily. Ho was first employed at and the province paid $889.20. thse Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Ltd., and later with Other welfare recipients in BRA MudcI n dbr15n Welsh 21. While the over-ali cost was ES- -E-- jc'rned the Bowmanvllle Roads $542.98 the cost te, the muni- *-i - -- and Streets Department. He cipality was only $108.59. These LIK ET HI Ilt 0 e I I * I g wras appointed Welfare Admiin- People plus the 12 cases in ixtrator for the town on Jan Nursing Homes gave a total of KELVINATOR KEVNA R .u ary, 1959. 33 persons maintained by Wel- ..........Welfare as it is known today fare during June at the small Am takes in a much larger fieldcost te the municipality ofW A S n ER E D This week, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingram and their son, Scarboro, took delivery than it did in the past when $333.39. AHRD RI of this beautiful Vauxhaîl Victor sedan, the prize they won recently in a contest it was termed Relief. As of A full report is made by Mr. 12-Year Warranty at Robson Motors, Bowmanville. This is the second Vauxhali that has been award- January lst, 1959 the tenm Re- Welsh on each individual case, lief was stricken fnomn provin- investigations are made an*d a Pump - Timer - FilterAumai senting ownership papers to Mr. Ingram. eral Welfare Assistance is now is submitted by hlm. %nu~ i in use. Mn. Welsh also looks after O Sale .$ 4, 0 O1Sl She aise thanked parents and Welfare now must be strictly the sorting, couniting, wnap- members of the community for Park; the lift locks and the pmngs, and depositing of the Teacne's 22L Y eur a thein fine support and co-epera- in lino with the rules and Re- parking meter money in Bow-GEREPHL S 5.5 N o 4 D ar ing onan instance when a vîsiton had Relief Act in order te be eli- S.S. N o. 4 D a lin toncalled at schoel and on loaving gible, for government grants had emaked,"Wel, tis s aand subsidies. Provincial stan-E E E E l c rc S o eT l On Saturday, July 11, an Arnold's shoulder. nishadreake"Wel.hsi dards of scrutinizing applicants unique testimonial dinnor was Mn. Coverly said: "We parents Mn. Walter Rundie, a member and investigating themn are Tecmie 390 RN given te a public school toacher. at No. 4 had taken a lot for of the Board of Tnustees who much more compicated than The andombind W.M.S. eet- Ebenezer Church shed, and the We are taking this oppetunity the feeling of al when ho said able of the municipal Welfare atnddbaaot10dhlde RTednnnd pci speli rntdoontelet2 yasMhrdMisAnod.xpesdW.te atan ae osde-îg n ab ad inc a al l toacher, Miss Alice Arnnold who of showing, in a small way, our much of the credit for the "nice Administnator's time but have BbBand aduits. n W.enrye- 2 has augt fo th pat 22yeas aprecatin ofthefinr wa ofschol" houd g to issArn-reslte in mpBabyO Banda teSupenintendentl.She n ex- at S.S. No. 4 Darlington. life Miss Arnold exemplifies, as old. Mn. Henb Mackie, a par-. jtien and assistance. addressed hon remarks toO Sle $ 19 0 About 175 friends, students, well as hon excellent teaching ent and member of the prosent Welfare for a mnunicipality mothers when she spoko of the î irg r t r femrsufnsadtoirmieror. Lti Ms yaOs on fTnsesfr h nasiotaî orassig h deen ncosrepniiit htis tedd ftnamr bneRcynrw ocd theirhope thet."Litl Miss Arn- Os-ntment of Publics Welfheareano alsfois oun teDe er r ioureschilin. hnef i er t r Reg. $329.00 than ample suppen, Mr. Stan then presentod Miss Arnold with old would romain et No. 4 for administer help te anyone in' shouici be ne roomn for t ho pettyl On Sa1 4 Coverly cabbed the gethering a. pnetty rhinestone maple leaf many more years. Mn. Chas. needy circumstances, aise te annoyances that irritete us. Lot Reg. $329.00 together by ringing the school pin andi earrings and a lovely Osborne and Mn. Ross Mtcelf, work in harmony with. the this thought-be a guide for us, bell.He ased Mss Arold t writ wath suFederalgraeDepartmentervsof citizen-l "Dodralwepawantntourcitzei-'dDene inn ourchilden i take hon place and Mns. Bill In a well-worded reply, Miss mentoci Miss Arnoldi on hon fine1 shipan thim grio au teyast eebruss On Sale Shorey (Donthy Higgins), a Arnold oxpnossod hon sincone record.. thonîties. This entails much in- smiling and loving or scolding$29 0 former pupil, pinnod a beauti- thanks andi recalled several inci- A most pleasant evening was vestigation and a great deal ef and gnimn?" 8.2 CUBIC FEET P r newig ol frindshps.Nursing Homes, which are the scripture and offered pnay- Reg. $319.00 Rg 290 newmgeld fiendsips. icensed under the Bewrnan- er. Two groups ef graduating O ae $ 1g 29O ville Nursing Home By-law Baby Band membens sang. Lyba 0 0Sal On Sale7 9 0 ___ S ho l R suts cane for a number of cases. Osborne, Gordie Roberts andi 0 ____ R sut These and indigent hospitai Ricky Brown favoured with - cases must he deabt with abong "Pîcnic" and "The Carpenter'" r H i - O I A 5ENTERPRISE SCHOOL with investigations that are and Paula Worden, Penny Names in onder of menit: cations. Henry sang "When Mothens of Cwn Eu p To Grade 9-Feye Faulkner The Bownianville Webfare Salem." H. onRansbernv H. Adminstrator, Mr. Websh, takes Mrs. W. Henry told the chfld- SCIENT I F I C ~~To Grade 8-Clifford Francis ail application formns and keeps non a story about a boy who1 igS.E o m nil A 358 FO R SCIENTIFIC H., ~~~George Jonces H., Betty The records. Previeus te his ap- was very selfish and how ho 3 igS. o m nil Alldnead H. Pointaient ne monthly Welfare learnec it was botter te be gen- To Grade 7- Donald Raxis- Reports were given. Now that erous. The Band members pro- berry H. APPETIE CON ROL H Grade 6-Annie Joncas,. To Grade 5-Sharen PerdueUU I S H., Doris Alldread H., Gordoa u. ~ '!....'........' AID IN CNTROL 0 HUNGERAlîdreaci H., Linda Francis IP. .. AI N OTRLOFHNERT Gae -Brc rancis . .. Te Grade 2A-Nancy Fran<fis . . .' WHL RDCIGP., Jim Francis R. 0. eIIII L . Robent Voigt H., Kaye AU- l ead H., Helen Knapp H. Mrs. Doris Wannan, Teacher. 100 Tabs. O 5 GALLOWAY SCHOOL 1 Month's Supply ______ S. S. NO. 4 MANVERS $3 .9 5 Grade 1 to Grade 2 - Peter Beer, Dianne Kerr, Ian Page, Judy Lynne Sissen. Grade 2 te Grade 3 -Gloria Russell. Jury nd L veil Grade 3 te Grade 4-Barbara Your Rexil Dug toreRuse-, THE CANADIAN STATESUM. BOWIXANvnja ONTAIUO PAGE ITMM

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