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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIA1Y STATESMAPI. HOWMANVXLLE. awra *I*~TTflUT~ A ~ ~YYT ~ t ~h Rotar lar isthe E For Pen Real estate is the best hi against inflation for pe with fixed incomes, Jcss Nest pointcd out in hUir mnative classification talkg at the wcekly luncheon meE of thc Bowmanville Ro Club at the Flying Dutch MoItor Hotel on Friday. The birthday of Ross St was celebrated. Guests pre were K. E. Mai-kie, Ian Mcl aid, Lloyd Haynes, Ge Charlton, Bill Mnett. al] Oshawa, Ai-t Wynn. Brant and Paul Bailiargion, Torm Keith Billett introduced Van Nest. who wvas ta give classification talk. He was1 on a farn vest of Solina, Billett said. He told of Mr. Nest's early yeams thiere, an( the tîme lie spent in farn in his youth. As a young man, aftem a s peiod with Genemal Moi Mr. Van Nest joined thie Sl Hcalth Aluminum Cookm Company as a salesman, and mnained with this f irmn 1936, Mr. Billett said. In, year he changed ta the Cï dian Cookware Company. W there was a nietai shorl during the war. Mm. Van was emnployed by theF Motor Conipany of Canada1 in Windsor. After the wam Mmr. VanD returned ta Canadian Cookýý Company. In 1951 he startec the real estate businessv the Joncs Realty Company Oshawa. He opened bisc business in Bowmanville a tic more than six yeams ago. Billett stated. Mm. Van Nest assumed his dience that he was not gc ta delve into ancient hisf( but he drcw their attention the fact that the fi-st recai transfers of propemty were biblical days. He also reniar that the Babylonianls in the cities of Nineveh and Tyrc bi Vacuum Botties ' 60e SUAVE HAIR CREI 2 For 69c Dristan Tabs 1.25- 2.50 Geritol 3.29 -5.49 Adorn Halr SpraIy Vacal Tangel for Bronztan, Skoi for '1 Skolcx prq 6-12 Repel Noxzema Nivea Crg lnseet Roi Bactine COLGATE TOOTH PAST NYLON HAIR BRUSII Bath far 89c cow PHONE KIA 3-5695 DRU( RDYJ THIS THURS. TO REUNITJNGT ANTAGONISTS 0F i SysRealI a'eInvesfment f BURKIETON 1&. and Mns. Claude Kotcha- pa, Miss Nellie Ackerman, De- morestville, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. ?estHed e A ain i Iflaion Carl Reid and Roxanne, Piton, kst edg Ag ins In laton.were Sunday visitoat het i Roblin. son Lvin o Fied incme Mr ndMrs. John Wto sons Livig on Fixe Inc ie ' attended the Powell and Wot- ecige inth pre-biblical era structure: value each year. This is one of it build good wiil- and better Creamn of Barloy Park, Bow- copie similar to the modern tiered 1 Uic reasons that real estate týsj friendships? And most impor- manville, on SCéay. Those at- Van buildings now being erected in the best investment for people, tant, will it be beneficiai to ail tending numbered about 112. infor-i New York City. wi th fixed incomes as security concerrned? The long terni view Five girls frorn Burketon' given Trust I motn for old age, quite apart from must be considered. Thlat is C.G.I.T. group arc atteMl:ng ýeting ~ the many social benefits that a where satisfaction lies. I hope C.G.I.T. camp at Camp Prietor- otarv A spirit of trust is of impor- home owner adds ta Uic coin- to play a bigger part in the de- ia. The girls are Misses Pat and hmn tance in buying' and sellingt munity. hie asserted. . velopment of this area, along June Turnbull, Margaret Ar- Ireal est ate, Mr. Van Nest sta- 1wt oainKnM tketed. A buyer wants ta find al Publie Is Protected itRtrinK orris In gue, Heather Lavery and Geor- Unil196.îas ovrnn helping to make our town finer gena Gatcheil. esent properl ypriced property th~ratl ete 196,were ver ax i- even than it is now," Mr. Van Qieanme bes suts is eed an hi 1 ealestte erever la, M. Nst aidin losng uiina closing.mher on-e ability to pay, and the broker Van Nest stated. At that time! Ross Gilbert moved a vote attended the Orange Parade1 Iof;c wants to ivethebes serviceOîîtario passcd the Real Estate of thanks to Mr. Van Nest for held in Cobourg on Satunday, :f nd s doing SO to earn as much and Business Brokers' Act to hi interesting talk. He said Julv Il. isfi, r anNs x-poec h ubi ro oi that hie has had the opportun-I Vacation School is going: on plained. of the abuses perpctrated by un- ity of watching hini work pro-! this wcek and will continue tili TMr.ypso Lsig scrupulous land agents. He gave fessionally and was irnpressed. Fiiday 17. Open House will be ehis TreTpsLitns eXamples of unfortunate losses He asked the president of the held 'for the parents of the bori He described the threc types sustained through transactin lb'erg ie osner-cide1ttnig Vc±o Mr. of listings used by real estate' undertaken with inexperienced Ivyaa-id arnilv thank Mi-. Van School on Fridav evening. Thi Van agents, First. the exclusive 1agents. Nest for the gond job hee bad staff are pleased'to have an at- d of which gives thec agent full con-' "What a wonderful world we1 done in giving bis classifica-' tendance of nearly 90 chUlden ring trol of the selling of Uic pro- couîd be living in if the Ro- - tion speech. Mr-. Vice conveved this year. sh ertyfortaegven litigein secnd tarian Four Way Test werc the the vote of thanks to the speak-! Mr. Maurice Mitchell and thot l, te oen istng n wichstandard a]ways. Is it the tmuth? cr, and expressed appreciation' Miss Gloria Willis, Pontypool, tors, the vendor lists with any nuni- Is is fair to ail concerned? Will of his enlightening address. wemc Sund'ay visitors of Mr. iper- ber of brokers, and the first jiadMs eleAge ware one to bring an acceptable offer iadMs éleAge d re- is paid the commission; Third- S n Ms evllIay until 1ly, the co-op metbod used often A w ard Brarr pto n FfirrrM River Drive Park, weme Tues- thCt bv real estate boards or as- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. ana- dations. An agent lists a pro-H '-A I Bone laist week. Vhen perty and a comiplete story is Ighuw av 4 0 1 onLrac Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Avery, rtage given to ahl members of the as- j Little Britain, visited with Mr. Nestsociation. This las, method isPeCosrcinfBam-Hgwv2 totHp. and Mrs. Harold Larmer on Fotd sfe], ledrenarkdin adt ton, have been awarded the Ail cailis foir tender specify Mrnd Ms. .J Ti.] ie an estavke bis1opin- con tract for the second 1that at least one two-lane leg M.adMs .A .Tik Nest 1 ionMr.hanthe mst gaeffectp-ive-f 40 stretch of Highway must be ready before wrinter,i Lindsay, called on several nar th telistgs festihe exclu- eastward from the present so that al lea'st haîf the high-1 friends and relatives on Sun- warethe hreelisingsls te e clu nd of the four-lane road at way wiIl be open as far as Port day ýd in sive one provided the broker Newcastle, a department of Hope next faîl. day. JlnCre a ots Wit is conscientious andacie It hgwy pksa tteds to about 30 members of the y nenables bim toa acvertise more tibiigassesm n ort He sad-e rssSceyonW o onextensivelv, and to reach out inPrHoesi Business Directory SierrosSitynWd.f lit-gret__disancsfoprspets.______________kwhe they enjoyeda li t ' orete ince o r proagetn- Peel Construction was award- -pei nbrlw.Teatr Mr. Not ften sewoul n aen it-d the contract for the first CCOu no c ifon was spent in playing out. urgr netepes on op e iv iest-in eea wes Acc un an Y ___of-doors games. contesta and, auins since ttha er i pawayâ t iveml scin eealwes _________________Ifriendly conversation. The wea-' toy,i a buyer. lbe migbt be advised The aniaunt of tlîe contract CRYiie dI li cNtnt vied pn erct weather for tii e ng o ib]t tharoety after rdinga o waiabera h oa et le J.DILL N thvdeer fean v eryig foy ro- i t tht te popety as lredy.wasnotavalabe a th loal93 Church Street occasion and the ladies enjoyei rded been sold. office. Tenders wr opened i MArket 3-3861 it s0 much that sorne of tbem rked' Best Inv'estment Trno suggested that they make il; aid Thespekerreerrd t th 1Tenders have been called for WM. J. H. COGGINS an annual. affair. Members at- ult hi sekin dollar. Itothe paving on the remainder of Chartered Accountant tended from Toronto, B'rock- buit hrikig dllr. t s osing Highway 401 as far east as Second Floor ville, Oshawa, Bowmanville and New Library Building other points. Cor. King and Temperance Sts. The W.A. met on thc lawn a 79e VETO STICK DEODORANT MANVERS STATION Phone MAi-ket 3-3612 the borne of Mrs. Carter for YALE, RIEDLNDER, their Judy meeting on Thurs-, MIE and LUSTRE CREME Mr. and Mrs. J. Boggs and YALE RE&ANDO. day, Juiy 9, with eight mem- Madeline, Mr-. and Mrs. H. Accountants and Auditors ; bers present. After opening ex-1 "' 'Thonipson and Miss Lyla Dvs icensed Trustee in Bankmuty ercises the devotionals were~ 1.24 Vine for 79c rpc. ae b r. ayDen h spent a few days at Port Dover '64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 iae yMs ayDa.T ___________________ with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Rog- Osbaw'a, Ontario business session in the open air eahl rs. B. L. Yale, C.A, was interrupted by a sudden Bathing Mr. and Mýrs. Alfred John- F. Friedlander, B. Coin..C.P.A. sbower during wbich the ladies' stan were Sunday dinner guests -___ took shelter in the bouse. fion Needs Caps with their daugiiter and son- MOINTEITH - MONTEITH hadedin f the Falmd ineasr in-law,Mr and Mrs. Frank RIEHL & CO. session several aprons wcre rSnr 8e 59e te, 1.59 Clrk Toronto.I Chartered Accounitants hneinorteF bza. ------- 85e n .5. an M . er Aa, 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa At the close of the business -.laol T5oaro.5 i-nto-s. P tercy AdRA 5-3527 JMms. Bone gave a short taik on Pan 60c& 100 olaoîdTomnto spnt he eekndBowmanviile - Cail ZEniith 45750 ChÇristian hospitality, drawing Ia 60&1.0with Mi-. and Mrs. Frank De- Patners: ta the ladies' attention the bos-1 7events burns 1.00 Sun Glasses rusha.i Hon., J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. pitality shawn by several wom- Met_ 9e-8e 2.49 -3.49 Sormy te bear of the sudden A. B. Monteith, B. Coni., C.A. en of the New Testament. Be- liet 6c 89 Ideath af Mr-. Han-y Rogers in G. W. Riehi, C. A.. R. I. A. foi-e lunch was served by Groupi ---98C-1.25 Ross Memorial Hospital, Lind- (Licensed Trustee) 1, Mms. Banc rcad a hurnorous e 3e6c1.5 nie say, on Sunday morning. The G. E. Trethîewey, C.A. stomy, and a mixed-up recipe. L 39-6c-.2 Snrtefuneral. will be beld from Mac- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. The meeting closed wîth Uic' mb _ 89c-1.39 Giasses key's Funeral Home on Tues- - l2¶eme Prayer. ____ 1.9 25 ~ .98 day afternoon. Burial in River- 11ra11c7f. and Mrs. Murrav Abbott sd eeey oeyeams ago and childi-en, Bowmanville, Mm. and Mrs. Rogers lived on weme Sunday visitars with bis the farîn now occupied by Fred G. EDWIN MANN. D.C. parents, Mir. and Mrs. Howard I Z BISKTOTH AST IYouingman. Mrs. Rogers is a Chiropractar IAbbott. TEZrIKOHPSE sister of Mrs. H. Thompson and Office: 1Mr-. and Mrs. RobI. Carter TOOTU BRUSH Mss.-J. Boggs. We extend sm- 15 Elgin St., cor. of Homsey Si and faniily, Whitby. visited pathy te the family. Phone MA 3-5509 with AMU. and Mrs. E. M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monk, Office Hours: By Appaintmcnt on Sunday. JU fr 7c Tront, ae a ther smme -1Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knapp and home for a few months. Den1af axnily, Bownianville, wcre M34r. an>d Mrs. Bruce Stephen-- Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. son were in Toronto an Thurs- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Stan McCullough. dey.Ofie Jury Jubilce Bldg. Sunday evening guests of Mr. Mr.Fre Yongmn hd a40King St. W. Bawmanvillc and Mrs. R. Banc were Mr-. and i raoe with Uic etork on Fiiday Office Hours: Mrs. E. P. White, McLaughlin 'L. N GiIS 1 rd Yougmanhad evening in the rush houi- iraf- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Fi4ris fi.There were cars ta the rigbt Closed Saturday and Sunday Mr-. RuIssell Smith, Toronto, WE FIT' of bum, cars ta the ieft of 'hlm. Office Phione - MA 3-5790 visitcd with. Mr. and Mrs. Jack G ST RE RUSSES Undaunted be di-ove tbrough Hause Phone - Newvcastle 3551; Smith on Suîîday. stoplighs, pssedcarsandMr. Thos. Slute, Scugog Is- itpl gt.pasdcr n DR. E.tý SSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. land, was a Sunday guest of *amuuoouu...uuoegue trucks on the wrong side and - Office ii i s home MrsL. Pearl Avery. jarrived at St. Joscph's Hospital, 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmianville i Mm. and Mrs. George Alison ___________________Peterborough, for the safe ar- Office Hours:à visited relatives in Port Hope - ___ rival of a son to, Mrs. Wilfredj 9 a.n. ta 6 p.m. daiy on Sunday. k O MNVILLI Burley. Mather and baby doingi Phone 'MA 3-5604 1 Mr'. and Mrs. Eric Simpson fine. Fred is a bit shook UP, Closed Wednesdays and Sunidays, and family spent a day or two, Fvu2wMaser NMo&u Pidur ar Complete shows at 7 and 9:15 NEXT MON. - WED. - JULY 20 - 22 "Don't Go Near the Water" lu Color - Starring Glenn Ford lets for opening and ciosing thc meeting. The sciipture reading was read by Mrs. J. Peacock. The chapters wemel taken by Mr&s. Quantrili andl Mj's. Peacock and enjayed by ail. The minutes of the last meeting wcme read and apprav-1 e d. Mss. Trew was asked ta attend the meeting at Gadn Hill ta plan the circuit pcn1 Lunch was served. Plans for the c Institute trip ta Peterborough were discussed. On Thursday cvening the 4-H club girls held a meeting and, ta plan their demonstration, gave out their book covers. Mrs. I MeAllister beld Uic meeting and !semved lunch. Mr. and M'rs. V. Peacock are vlsiting their son and family, IMr. and Mms. A. Pcacock, Kirk- ]and Lake, whilc their other son Jackson and bis wife keep bouse for theni. Tbey are borne on hoiidays for the summer. Misses Joan and Camai Elliott. Oshawa. spent the weekend with Miss Gloria Quantrill. Mrs. H. Thickson is spending the weekend with Mmr. and Mms. Sami Moore, Toronto, and going on ta Guelph for thc Institute hol idays. On Sunday no cbumch ser- vices weme held oniy Sunday School. Ncxt Sunday the young- erc folk are responsible for ser- vices. The faolling Sunday chumcb wiil be held on thc par- sonage lawn aftem Uic Qucen and Prince Pbilip pass. The next,. Aug. 2, to be erran'ged by the W. A. ladies. Several in the canîmunity et-j tended the Twelftli at Cobourg.g Johnny Childr-es, Port Hope, Donna and Tommy Rebec, Hamîiton, ai-e visiting Mr. and Mrs. Woolacott for Utcesuin- Barisers Slictos Canada's oaies Publie o ulto 1 A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bownmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 î 17 422 000 LAWVRENCE C. MASON, .X 1A t Barrister, Solicitor iCanaa's population s-welled Notai-y Publiic by 2.3 percent ta 17,442,000 in Kilig St. W. - Bowm-ian-vîi.le te cnded June 1. the Do- Phones Offie MA 3 i688 nion Bureau af Statistics i-e-' Residence MA 3-5553 poted Monday. miss APHA 1. HODGINP The figure represents an in- Barrister, Solicitor jci-case of 394,000 over the 17,- Notai-y Public 048,000 repomted at June 1 last Temperance St. - Bowmnivle! year. There weme numerical in- E. RCHAD LVEKN -jcreases in ail the provinces. U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointinent only. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronci, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.rn. to 5 p.m.j Mo rig ages SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO' Phonelr 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences -Farmas Business Properties Op 1o m e iry ï KEITH A. BILLETT Dptornetrist 141 King St. E. - Bowrnanville Office Hours: By appointe Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday to Saturday j 9 a.m. ta 5 pin. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 Thursday eveningui Nesilef on Station Mr. and btrs. Ceci Ha.rvey and son Richie, callcd ta sec hem parents, Msà4. and Mns. E. Wood froni their cottage at Fenelon Falls. Mr. Harvey, a Fard expert, bad the intcrest- ing experience of exp]aining ta Qucen Elizabeth and Prince Phiip, at their request, the construction of telephanes in- stailed in the four cars provid- cd by bis conîpany for the Royal visit. Arthur Hyland is pmcsentiy visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr-. and Mms. Beatty, Bob>caygeon. Saturday visitai-s with Mr. and Ms-s. Jas. Hedge, Stewart and David, for a famnily get- together wcre Mrs. Hedgc's parent,, Mr,. and Mrs. J. Brown, also Mr. and Mrs. A. Cowan, Mr-. and Mrs. L. Gleiser, Mm. and Mms. A. Rinehart and Pat- sy, Mr. and Mms Osborne, Mr. and -.'s. J. Gleiser and Mar- garet, ail of Toronto, and Mr-. and Mrs. Wm Leylend Mr. and Mms. T. J. G. immins, Owcn and Anne, Tomonto, were visitort at the Mansea on Sun- day afternoon. Mrs. W. Campbell attendcd tic Blind Picnic at Oshawa on July 8th. Rotarians provided transportation and Mr. and Mrs. R. Cousins, Caesarea, were also participants at Uic pleasant ga- therin.g. MT-. and Mrs. Noel Sweetman, Beeton, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin last week. Mr. Wm. Potter, Pontiac, Michigan, bas been visiting Mr. and MsIs. Jas. Harris. Mrs. R. Morris, returned to her Lindsay home after spending a fcw days with ber cousins thie Harris'. Miss Dorothy Harris, Toronto, was home for the wcekend. Miss Anne Colvifle who lias spent considerable time witlî her aunt, Mrs. B. R. Knight and Mi'. Knight, left with her mother, Mrs. J. Colville. Flor- ida, for their cottage at Pigeon Lake. Mr-. and Mrs. Stan Thomas. Green*bank, visited the Carl El- liots. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Nesbitt were Sunday visitors with the Nesbitt family. Mr. Daniel Smith, Toronto, is visiting the Grant Thompsons. Mr-. and Mrs. Harry Pbilp, Ster- ling, and several other members of the Philp clan had a happy get-together on Sunday after- noon -at t.he Tbompson home. Mr. and Mms. Bruce Heaslip visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, Baillieboro, Sunday evening. Sincere sympathy is extended from hi.s many friends to the relatives of the late Leonard Joblin who passed away sud- denly on Saturday. Mrs. John Dickey has gone to stay at a Millbrook. nursing home where ber friends hope she flnds happy congenial¶ tiful handwork for the bazaar. friendship and good health. 1 Plans were made for a silver Nestieton Ladies' Aid beld tea at Mrs. Lavell's cottage Ir& their July meeting in the Pres- August and the August meet. byterian Chu.rch on Tuesday1 ing will be held at Mrs. McCa1. evening with good attendance. den's Scugog Point cottage. The new curtains make a de Mrs. K. Gilbank read the cided iniprovement in the Sun: 1 "Recipe for Success", Mms day Sehool room. A reply was! Thompson, "Two Golden Days" received from the Scott mis-' and Mrs. Fitze presented an sion, the nmanse fixtures were. oral Old Fashioned Garden con- reported as repaired and a front: test. Cecil Wilson, Gwen door is to be purchased. and Euinice. served a delicicus The Every Day books were lunch and Mrs. McLaughlin ex- received for another vear and tended the thanks of the nicet- a thank you card sent to Mrs. ing to tic hostesses, Mms For. Kirk for her donation of beau-' der and Wilson. SUMMER SPECIALS 4-SEASON BOUSE PAINT W ieOnIy ___ 4 4 SPECIAL - Gallon ___$4.4 FULL LINE 0F KEN PRODUCTS and LUXOR ENAMELS Canada Paint Ca. Hause Paint AT RECULAI PRICES Clearing Remnants ai WALLPAPERS AS 1960 PATTERNS COMING IN SOONI Je He ABERNETHYS 33 King St. W. Phono MA 3-5431 BEST BUYS BEST BUY - SAVE 3c York 15 oz. tin FANCY PEAS - - 4 For 59C BEST BUY - SAVE 2c Libby's 48 oz. tin TROPICAL FRUIT PUNCH 37c BEST BUY - SAVE 2c Picnie Brand 16 oz. jar SWEET MIXED PICKLES 23c BEST BUY - SAVE 19e White Swan - White or Coloured TOILET TISSUE - 8RoUls 89C BEST BUY - SAVE 6c - Giant pkg. CHEER DETERGENT - 79c BEST BUY - SAVE Mec Kotex - Pkg. of 12 SANITARY NAPKINS 2 For 89C Sunheam Baked Gaads "Fresh From The Ovens" RASPBERRY RAINBOW ROLL n.U C "FEATURE" - SAVE 4c French's - 7 oz. pkg. INSTANTf POTATO 29c "FEATURE" - SAVE 3c Betty Crocker - Hi Pro, Cheerios, Caramel Puffs CEREALS 2i'igs. 55C "FEATURE" - SAVE 6e Rcd & White Homogenized - 16 oz. lai PEANUT BUTTER 29c "FEATURE» Wagstaffe's - Assorted JANS and NARMALADES 9 oz. jar 3for 5 9C Quality Produce with California Ontario Mai-ah Grown Sunkist Lemons --3 9c a dozen Elberta Peaches m- 6 for 2.5c Celery Garden FreshGeeBen Birds Eye Frazen Faads CHICKEN, BEEF. TURKEY PIES- i8 oz. packages 2 for 63e exREEN PEAS, 12 oz. package- 22e THERE'S No.I1 stalks 2 for 15C - m 19C a pound Meat Items SWIFT'S PREMIUM RED AND .BLUE BRAND BEEF Round . Stea k or Roast Boneless Swift's - Rindless - 1 lb. pkg. EVERSWEET BACON Lb. 59c Swift's - Casing Sho Pak Breakfast SAUSAGE L.49c Swift's Platter Pack - 12 oz. pk. 4 VARIETY SLICED COOKED MEAT Pks 49c Swift's Braunschweiger - 8 oz. CHURS - - .." 2c A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU Tate Groceteria eria irket BOWMANVILLE- Wm. H. 1 MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LI"E ORONO - Cornish MarketE BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Mai TM C"-,%DIAN STATESM". nowigAIWVML&d& owrama TRU MDAIr- 3MT il TECHNI eLor nm-W PAGZ six

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