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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1959, p. 7

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VEUUSDAT, JUL? ltb, luS TEE CANAX~IA1I STATWLAN. BOWMANVILIA. Oi~TA~O PA~ SEVEI .Mr. and Mrs. Murray Larmer have returned after visiting in Brampton. Urn. Walter MacGregor, Col- borne, is a guest of Mrs. Charles Carruthers. Mr. and Mis. William Barrett anid Peggy are visiting relatives at Arden, Ontario. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rudeli and fainily leave for their cot- tage this weekend. Mr. E. H. Brown is visiting his sister, Mis. Richard Berry, Wolfe Island, Ontario. Mr. and Mis. Harry Saunders and* family have returned from vacationing at Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Seward Colla- cutt, Florida, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Saund- ers were recent visitors at his parents', Ar. and Mis. A. Saun- ders. Dr. and Mis. J. C. Bryce and * amily, London, are visiting Mrs. Bryce's father, Mr. F. W. Bower. Mis. Jesse VanNest an-d Mrs. Harry Saunders attended the St.rford Festival last Tuesday evening. Also vacation guests at Bay- view Lodge, Port Stanton, Ont., are Mr. an-d Mrs. George White and family. Mi. and is. Saem Black and Janioe spent a few days this week with the former's f ather in Roseneath. Mr. and Mis. Bert Syer an-d famxly are enjoying a camping motor tour of Northern Ontario and Michigan. Mif. and Mis. Neil Brillinger, Marilyn and Donald, Windsor, ,were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Denton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Morris, Paul, John, Anne and Jane are holidaying at Bayview Lodge, Port Stanton, Ontario. Mi. and Mis. Jack Cully, Marilyn, Billy and Marsha, To- ronto, are holidaying at West Beach for two weeks. Mr. and is. Ronald Hall, Nancy and Jimmy, Chatham, apent last week with his par- ents, Mi. and Mrs. James Hall. Mi. and Mrs. C. H. Nesbitt and Gary were guests on Sun- day of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ewers and« family, Minden. Mr. and Mis. Byron Cryder- mon, Margaret and Michael have returned after spending 'their vacation at Beaver Lake. Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Ellis and Bobby are on an extended trip to the Maritimes where they will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mis. R. McKelvie, ¶immins, have been spending a tew days with Mr. and Mis. Harold Hammond and famlly. Mi. and Mis. M. L. Roenigk mttended the wedding of Miss Carol Long and Mr Edward Bchofield i Stratford last Sat- urdcay. Lorne and Mickey Doreen, Deep River, accompanixed by theïr daughter Lyn visited friends in Bowmianville during their bolldays. .St. Pa ul's United Church e.Minister Re.H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist Mrfs. Rets Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 1100 S.M. - TPRITY and ST. PAIS CONGREGATIONS WORSHIP IN ST. PAULI8 A Cordial Invitation to Al Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mur- doch, Liberty- St. North, and Mr. and Mntr. Walter Park Jr., Ty- rone, spent the weekcmi ai Sibbald's Park. Mi. F. E. (Ted) Petbick. Grosse Poinvt, Mich., is visiting bis father, Mi. F. C. Pethick, and bis sister, Mis. Ina Mc- Naughton, Queen St. Major C. H. and Mis. Spen- cen and family, Camp Gage- bown, N.B., are visiting Mis. Spencer's parents, Mi. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Centre St. Mn. and Mrs. Morley Etcher and Ron have returned home after spending holiday-s ini Tweed and Deer Lake with Mi. and Mis. John Welsh and f ar- lly. Mis. J. Milton Rowe is visit- .ing ber daughtcr, Mrs. R. E. Brandreth, at Calgary-, Alberta, and had the excitîng expenience of attending the Calgary Stain- pede. Mi. and Mrs. E. R. Hanna and Patricia, Scarborougb, and Mrs. Fred Hughes, Jim and Don- ald, Toronto, are bolidaying at Clear-view cottage, Cedar Creat Beach. Mis. W. Ross Stnike bas re- turned from Morisburg wberc she atîended the wedding o! ber nephew, Mr. Richard Casselman, Morisburg, ai Miss Gai] Hess, Ottawa. Mr. H. B. Mortlock, Boy Scouts Headquartcrs, Ottawa, called on Dr. and Mis. Geo. W. James on Tuesday- while ne-. turning from a business trip ta Toronto. Mi. and M1rs. Cecil Mutton, Mi. and Mis. Percy- Luxton, Mrs. Clarence Edmondson and Mrs. Morley Etcher were recent visitons with Mi. and Mis. John Wclsh, Tweed. Mi. ami Mrs. Ward R. Hoff- man, Andrea, Jimmny and Ward Jr. have returned to Ellwood City-, Pa., a! ter visiting Mis. Hoffman's parents, Dr. and Mns. Gco. W. James. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Maguine are leaving for vacation in Florida with Mrs. Maguire's parents where Miss Donna Ma- guire bas been enjoying ber scbool vacation. Mi. and Mrs. Ray- Dudley, Bloomington, Injdiana, are spend- ing the month o! July- in Ontario visiting relatives ami friends. Ray- is playing a concert ini Ottawa Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrell, New Toronto, necently- visited with Mr. and Mis. Howard Masters, Mr. ami Mis. Peter Bathgate, Mn. and Mifs. Clar- ence Bradley ami Mr. J. Bird. Mis. George E. Hall, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Donald Dum- ontelle, Falconbnidge, were weekend guests with PL K. and is. Squair. Mn. Grant Moffat, Oakville, also vi.sited bis aunt and unele, R. K. and Mrs. Squair during the weekenc& Guests witb Mr. and Mis. Clarence Hockin are i. ami Mrs. J. E. Hopps, Sacramento, Calif., and Mr. and Mis. Edwin DeGra!!, Stephanie snd Jimm-ie, Chico, Calif. Last Saturday they- attended the Hopps -Cooper wedding in St. Joseph's Church. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gill, Itu- na, Sask., are visiting their son, Mn. and Mis. R. I. Gill and fsuîily-. Mr. and Mis. Gill made the trip east by plane. They- reccntly attended the 'Old Boy-s" reunion at Mount Pîca-, sant Public School near St. Marys. Mis. Don Bishop wss hosess on Tuesday-, July 141h, o! a baby shower for MIrs. Bob (Heloise) Cook, wbeu about 20 relatives and friends prcsented Mis. Cook with a gift. Follow- ing the presentation a delicious lunch was served and a social tirue enjoy-ed. Mis. Wm. Pnowen, Mrs. S. G. Chartran, Mrs. Gladys Bartlett, Mis. E. V. Hoar, is. T. W. Cawker snd Mis. Geo. W. James wene guests o! Mi. and Mis. George Young on Tucsday at T rinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. H-ousiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M UNION SERVICES Si. Paul's United Church unfil Augusi 2 A FRIENLY WELCOME TO MLL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHLJRCH Seugog Street, Bowmanviil, MORNING SERVICE - 10:00. a.m. Englh EVENING SERVICE - '7:30 p.. Duteh SUNI»,Y SCHOOL AF1TER MORNING SERVICE 'Back To God Hour" Broadcaut C BOshawa, at 3 p.m. ver Sunday I 8:30 a.m. very Sunday, CFB - 1 IJL>± U of MiVIIcIL. o Mr. and Mis. V. Je!fery sud *Penny ami their elden ciaugh- bi er, Mr. and Nis. R. Stainton and Debby returned last Sunday iafter a holidiay aI Birch Point 1Bobcaygeon. On Tuesday Mr. suad Mis. Je!fery lefItet visit rMi. and Mis. Norman Allison at their cottage, Pigeon Lake. Mis .Frank Sobil ami, Diane, Cleanwaîer, Fîs., fonmenly o! Bowmanville, have been spend- >ing a week's vacation with ber sister, Mi. a.nd Mis. Clair Allin and Wayne, Centre St. They will go to Toronto on Fniday bo visit ber sister, Mi. and Mrs. Cecil Lloyd, before retunning by plane on~ Sunday 10 Florida., iMn. and Mrs. H. T. Humby, Bunlington, were necent visitons with the lattcr's brother, Mn. ami Mrs. M. L. Roenigk. Mi. and Mis. W. S. Maxwell, the former Lella Lewis, grand- daughter o! the late Markus Mayer, snd their !niends, Mi. and Mis. William. Wilson4 al o! Vancouver, wene aLo receut visitons with Mi. aud, Mis. Roenigk. Mr. and Mis. H. Dadson have returned aboard the "Empress o! Britain" baving spent a very pleasaut holiday iu England,4 Scotlsnd aud Ineland visiting relatives ami sight-seeing. Their son Ted Dadson also spent a wondicn!ul turne visiting these countnies andi also a wcekend 1in Paris, France. Ted was on bhc Goodyear Recreation Club Flight to England. Ail enjoyed. a wonderful bime in these beautiful countries, the weabber ,being favorable. The Virtue Clan reunIon was hcld at Springhill Park on Set- urday, June 27th with an. aI- tendance o! 80. A well planncd pnograrn o! lucky diraws and races was enjoyed by ail ages and were conductcd by Edna Mercen and Howard Ormiston. At five o'clock a pot luck supper was enjoy-edi by all. Officers for 1958 ami 1959 are: Pres.-Mrs. Edna Mercer; Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Grace Cochrane; Sec'y.-Treas.- MXs. Ruby Spicer; Sports Com- mitbee-Howard Ormiston; Re- ception Couirnittee-Mis. Elva Becket. Mi. Ernest Tuschen o! Kail- nach (Ben), Switzerland, wbo visiteci Canada six y-cars ago as guest of bis nephew, Mn. Fritz Marti, was so impresscd with the oppontunities in Can- ada, bas reccntly returned 10 ,Bowmanvillc. Wxih the remark- able expanding business Mr. Marti las enjoyed in tbc nur- sery stock business sud more recently in inconpoating bis in- terests as Canadian importer o! the inbernationally famous Solo Sprayen, manufacluncd in Ger- many, Mi. Tuscher bas become a memben o! the local firin as business manager. Out o! tewn guests at the Hopps-Cooper wedding in St. Josepb's Churcb last Saturday, July 1lth, were: Mr. and Mns. Albert Love, Mn. sud Mrs. Dave Smitb, Mrs. Reginald Smith, Mis. Harold Grant, Mi. and Mis. C. Denby, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Marshall, .Mn. William Hopps, Mn. sud Mis. Douglas Bopps, Mr. and Mis. Roy Hopps, Mr. J. Varga, Mr. James Con- nisb, ail o! Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. C. Nicholis, Barmony, Oshawa; Mi. and Mrs. Vernon Hopps, Gait. Ont.; Mn. and Mrs. Edward DeGraff and !amily, Chico, Calif.; Mr. and Mns. John Bopps, Sacramento, Calif.; Mi. sud Mis. Reginal Smith, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mis. Stan- ley Beckford, Miss Elsie Coop- er snd Mrs. Elma Francis, al o! Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Collin, Coboconk: Mrs. X. Pc- kar and Margaret, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cooper aind daughters, Ottawa snd Mns. Rose Ilockin. NeweasJa uis shouws a large ilicrease in seven yeans as in 1951 there were 2,376. Beecxpla.incd that on August 3tb, 1959, the Bow- COMPETITIVE PRIC manville Exchange wil be cul iu bal! whcn the new Hampton Exchange comes int effect. Tihis will give Bowmanville about 750 new belephones, lie stated.I In 1958 the construction 'bud-I get o! the Bell Telephone Com- pany which included buildings, cunîed bo $183,000,000, Mn. Lowry assentcd. Be pointed out that since World War Il the SPECIAL VALUES M budget 'bas totalled over one billion dollars. In this ares nine out o! every 10 people have a telephone the speaker ssid. In 1958 the Bell Telephone Company added 185,000 new belephones in On-YL R EM He explained th'at beforne H EFC extension service can be pro- THEAIR DRISI vided to Oshawa which would I DESO mean free cals between that in, city and Bowmanvillc, an ad- haaz* esr dition wil have to be made to tbc Bowmanville system. More than 75 per cent o! the long - ~ i distance calis from Bowma-n- ville are now dialled direct !romn Oshawa, Mr. Lowry told the Lions Club. Ralpb Meîntyre, the pasI pre- sident o! the club, moved a vote o! thanks bo Mi. Lowry for his am - informative sud iutcresting ad- bey BRYI.CRIW dress. t" MI any f ohair drsssng in the marl A motion picture "Sky-wabch on 55" was shown. S. C. Karr a w Y..I1. Oshawa, was the projectionist. 'iI~ ~> I. Ail Pupils of Mrs. Dudley Pass Exams Ail pupils o! Mrs. Rets t>ud- lcy A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., P.C.C. M., R.M.T., were successful lu the Royal Conservatory o! Mu- sic Examinations and Ibose marked with asterisk* received higbest mark in the Bowrnan- ville Centre. Piano Grade 7- Bonouns*, Dennis Gay-. Grade 6-Honours*, Robent Webnert; Bonours, Carol Ann Ferguson. Grade à - Honours, Donna M. Cole; Pass, Thomas S. Wor- den; Pass, Sandra Hallett. Grade 4 - Honours0, Mary Herbent. Grade 3-Honours, Elizabeth Herbent; Honours. Peter T. So- bil. For Salanced Fitness PLEASANT TASINKO HAMPTON Mis. Gordon Spicer, Kathy and Leslie, flew home from Saskatoon for a visit with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pingle, at Zion. Mr. and Mi&s. Pingle had their famlly ail home on Sunday for a re-union. The gathering was held at the home of O. Pingle, their son. Guùests were Mr. and Mrs. McRobbie and family, Bowmanvîlle, Mr. and Mis. Swenson and famlly, Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pingle and fanuily, Maple Grove, Mi. and Mis. Reg Burr and family, Courtice, Mi. and Mis. Bruce Pingle and Stephen, Woodstock, Mrs. Reta Glanville, Bowman- ville, Mis. Florence Glanville, Bowmanville, Mrs. Gordon Spi- cr, Kathy and Leslie, Mis. and '1&. Bill Duggan and. family, W Oshawa, Mms. and Mr. Bill Mac- W Lellan. O"ha. Issue "Talent" Money OBITUÂRY WILLIAM FRED DOWNEY To Local Rotarians t -rWillieah am nedDw on Wednresday, July 8th, 1959, hewas a patient in Memorial In und Rasingolanptal, Bo-,, avlle. AI- In Fu d Rasing Plan though in failing health since last winter, the late Mi. Downey Every member of the Bow- have had the most unusual had been ini hospital for only manville Rotary Club was giv- methods will be asked to tell about three weeks. The de- en $25 "Talent Mtoney" at the their stories, he promised. ceased was in his 84th year. club luncheon meeting held at Re pointed out that the plan The late Mi. Downey was the Flying Dutchinan Motor is not an original one, but is born in Bowmanville on March Hotel on Friday. Each Rotarian one thitt bas been working for lt 86 o ftelt r was instructed to return this centuries. He referred to the adst,86Gaeonge o te lteMr. amount on or before February Bible for the story of the well aon r s a eorge Down eMi 13th plus at least $25 profit. netdalts Ifvrye sident of Bowmanville, having Other Rotary Clubs have does his best, i. Thieshurger pnhietr lfinheow used this "Talent Money"l predicted the club should end ofen his eire lieor the meitow scheme to raise funds with Up with a profit of ayb $1,- distrct. In bis youtb, Mr. great success, the treasurer, 500. Dwe a tro h is Bill Thiesburger told is fellow "How y-ou invest 3our X ri. Downle asashonytefrt membes ofthe local Rotary imal nest-egg iS UP og-o manv ply illh key team toke Club. "As well as being effec- sure each of YeOu can think of stiays 1894-5.eInlatnhoceyr tive financially, it brings with some way of doubling this seoticks 184-9. ler aprs it some very amusing and un- small amount. However, should ontisnditoe ajors usual stonies, and of course y-ou fail to corne up with a plîanethuoiastckattending tebamajor-e keen competition axnong the consult the members of your pltyedofnhoeyavillaseb lge menibers,'" he said. Special Events Comnittee, who ay i e in Bowmnille, s on Mi. Thiesburger stated that are always full of ideas! Or s hshat pretd an announcement will be made the child next door to you, wio The late Mi. Downey's first every month with -reports on selîs lemonade on a stand. It s place of en-pînyment was with how the race is going. Aften not as bard as y-ou mightint the old Dominon Organ & Piano the deadline of Febnuary 13th, at first glance," the treasurer Company. He then farmed for the three to five members, who told the Rotarians. a time in Darlington Township, and on returning to Bowman- ville worked for Moffat Motor Sales. Later he returned to his Laons13431 M ES trade as a carpenter and bia Lio s ellNu ty a ihMr ila Cornilvel lsc l d Allin.MAter his retirement a few years ago he took great (Continued from page one) (Continued fromi page one) delight in bis hobby of wood- and senior, a Routine Drill for 1953, and is a member o! the working. creating many beauti- ail classes. and a Dance Twîrl Oshawa Rotary Club, Mr. James fui tables, stands and tea wag- for seniors only. said. ons, etc. Fraternally,. lie was The final event in the contest The Bell Telephone Company a member of Jeruslaem Masoniè will be the Solo Twirl for sen- operates in Ontario and Quebec Lodge A. F. & A. M. and of iors. The winner o! the Solo only, Mr. Lowry told the din- the Sons of England. Twirl will be named Miss Lions ner meeting. He said six other The deceasedt's wife. who wvas Carnival, and will select the telephone companies in this Caroline Hamlyn, predeceased wînning tickets for the Draw country are governinent owned hlm on April 28th, 1940. Left for the 1959 Oldsmobile, and in British Columbia, Alberta, to mourn his passing are a for the Movie Camera, Screen Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. daugliter, Mildred. Bowmanville, aind Projector. There are 157,724 shanehold- and a son. George S., of Gait. There will be a merny-go- ers of the Bell Telephone Com- Two grandchildtren, Walter A. round, acroplane ride and small pany and 98 per cent of them Downey and Miss Pat Downey, cars at the Lions Carnival. are Canadians, who own 92 per also survive. Tlhe late Mr. There will also be a fine varie- cent 'of the stock, Mi1. Lown Downey's three brothers pre- ty of bo6ths inciuding one with stated. There are 39,3 21em- dcae l eea -asao barbecued chicken, a folding ploy-ees. Rev. Harold Turner officiated, alumninum garden chair booth, He told of the rapid growth at the service which was held novelty animais stand, and one of the company in recent years. on Friday. July l01h, at 2 p4n. with baskets o! fruit. There In 1945 after 65 years i bsi in the Morris Funeral Chapel, will also be a BaIl Throw and ness there were 1,000,000 tele- Bowmanville. Interment was Fish Pond. There will be espe-. phones. In 1953 there wcre 2.- in1 Bowmanville Cemetery. cialiy attractive prizes for thie 000,000, and in 1958 more tha Palibearers were Dr. W. E. ]Qingo Game. 3,000,000. Cameron and Mr. Grant Cam- In Bowmanville in 1958 there eron, both o! Toronto; Messrs their summer cottage, Bob Lake, wcre 3,635 telephones. Mr. Herb Goddard. Wm. Allun. Jack i the Highlands o! Haliburton, Lowry said, and added that Broughand Stuart Candler. CES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SIU STiLift I ND RENINDERS FOR TIS WEEK CGLD CREAN SGAP 2 For 27c, 6 Fer 79c [.D.A. Branid - Pink and White - Reg. 2 for 29c, 6/85e KILK 0F NAGNESIA * 29c, 49c lI.D.A. Brand - 16 oz., 32 oz. - Reg. 35c, 60ec STONACH POWDER -m-79c, -1.89 I.D.A. Brand - 4 oz., 16 oz. - Reg. 95c, 2.45 TOILET TISSUE - - - 2 For 25c [.D.A. Brand - Pink - Yellow - White - Reg. 2 for 27e WAX PAPER - - - 28c, 2 For 55c I.D.A. Brand - Heavy Duty- 100 ft. roll - Reg. 31c Terry Cloth WASR CLOTHS m - 2For25c Silvikrin Schick Shampoo Safeiy Razor With the purchase of eacb plus 75e size you get 2 free le SCHICK 15e size Sachets In.ector Blades 75c value _____ 79c Richard Hudnut - 4 oz. - Reg. 75e EGG CREME SHAMPGG O -59c Woodbury - 111z oz. R eg. li25 SHAMPOO - - a a le 79c1 Dr. West's Nylon Toofh Btushes Reg.3 c 29e -_3_Fer_63e 1Special Offeri A dellcately gcented vanishine ereani decdorant. Stays creamy é..harmiesa to skin and rlothing ... Try VITA RAY' DEODORANT CREAM and youllnever use another! REGULARLY $1,25 SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER 35 Listerine y~ Tooi h Paste Reg. 55 _____ 2 l'r79c1 L Ti 0L eea 79c Plus Free Sponge Williams Lather - Reg. 65e SUAVE CREAN - a a 2 For 98C Eau ID.A. ITEMS AT REGULAR PRICES àS1SIMME HEALTH SALTS - 1 pound, English style 59c Iw DASORB -4 oz. ________75c m 1 IDASAL TABLETS__- 39c, 89e SACCHARIN 23e, 65c, 98e WILD STRAWBERRY COMPOUND---50e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 Ulex. McGregor, SDeliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store ......... . ICIODAT, JULT Mth, IM Chief Asks Co-operation DBITUARY For Parkcing ut Carnival GEORGEARHRHOT 9 On Thursday, June1 11h, 1959. George Arthur Shortt died sudb- Polie Chie! Bernard R. Kit- ple who live ln the area. He denly in Hamuliton, Ontario. The ncy bas announccd special Park- pointed out thet if thene are deceased was the youngest son ing arrangements for the Lions complaints the police will have of Bella Sbortt and the late Carnival on Saturday evenlng. no alternative but to issue Arthur John Shortt of Courtice Horsey Street will be closed tickets, and the dear brother o! Lulber at Lowe Street. Entrance to the Parking bas been banned on and Walter. Carnival will be from Elgin the north side of Horsey Street George Shortt was born at Street, and parking will be on from Lowe to Concession Courtice on June 15th, 1916. He the soutb side of the street only. Street. This Is because there received bis education at No. 8 Co-operation from the gen- bas been considerable danmage Public School and Oshawa O.C. eral public is requested by the to shrubs and grass by incon- V.L. He studied wood-worklnig Police Chie!. Please do not drive siderate motorists during past and drafting and later followedt if you can walk. Park two or anvasthcrptetadinHml tbree blocks away from the crîvl.toecn. ne raeh Hm Cannival. Service clubs' mem- As a sasftty measure it wiil be During Wonld War II he bers will assist the police re- necessary to have room for an joined the Canadian Navy and gardin.g parking, ambulance to get tb-rough in served King and, country as a Police Chief Kitncy hbas ask- case of an urgent sick call. Pctty Officer from 1941 to 1945 ed that drivers leave corners 1 There must also be room left stationed at Cornwallis and free o! motor vehicles, and to for the fire trucks to go through Halifax on the east coast. After park considerately- for the pea- in case of fire. his discharge he returned to Hamilton and continued with bis trade. Funeral services were conduct- 300 Attend Picnic cd !rom the Morris Funeral h Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat- Of S . J seph Pa ish ten, Rev. Harold Stainton. In- terment was in the family plot at Bowmanville Cemetery. There wene many beautiful floral tri. Sunday at Waltona butes. Pallibearers were aIl school mates o! the deceased, Douglas More than 300 people enjoy- BîUly Budai; 2. DannY Jone,; S. and Robent Courtice, Talbert a$ *be annual St. Joseph's Par- Tommy Chard. and Ernie Gearing, Robert and P~ icnic last Sunday in Wai- Boys open race 15 years and Raymond Barber. tona Park, Newcastle. Rev. F. under, 1. Bily Budai; 2. Danny Friends attending the funeral K. Malane. the parish priest, Joncs. Boys open race 15 y-cars were from Hamilton, Toronto, welcorned the crowd in a brief and over, 1. John Zocîman. Lindsay, Ajax and Oshawa. address. Joe Cooper. president Three legged race (mixed), 1. of the l{oly Namie Society, also Doris Joli and Paul Delaney. expressed pleasure aI the num-' Lucky Spot race, cblîdren 5i ber of parents and children y-cars old and under, 1. KatlwAte tnA il present, and extended best Kewning. Three leggcd race wishes for a really enjoyablet (mixed), 6-15 y-cars old, 1. Wal- G ri G de day. Mvembers of the Holy Name te n rnieVresn ilG ie Society were in charge o! an-I Girls 6-7 years oid, 1. Karen rangements. Budai; 2. Wanita Tice; 3. Lise To ail the girls wbo were Father Malane made thej Handcastle; Girls 10-13 years promised a camp holiday "if Grand Prize Draw, and the old; 1. Vicki Chard: 2. Ava Ma- they passed" Ibis is to let y-ou lucky winner of the motion pic- rie Thompson; 3. Doreen Mit- know that there is stili room turc camera was W. Martin, 1 cheil. Girls Open Race 15 y-cars for several girls in Our second Orono. Rev. R. J. Garvey, Pe- old and under, 1. Evelyn Joncs, camp which runs !rom Aug. laI terborough, made the draw for 2. Vickî Chard. Girls open race to Au.g. 7th inclusive. the altendance prize. Theodore 16 y-cars and over, 1. Bernice Tis invitation is also extend- Welten, Bowmanville, was the'Budai, 2. Peggy H-aynes. ed to former Girl Guides or winner. Softbaîl Throwing Conteat, Rangers, who might enjoy this There was enthusiastie com- open to ail the ladies, 1. Doris type o! holiday. If y-ou are petiionin he ace an otierJoil. Egg Thnowing Contest for intcrcsted. please contact Mrs. peciial evntecs. The winnr opes rBrnc BhB-A. J. Fra nk, 72 Scugog Street, speialevets. Thewiner cople, 1 Brnie ad Bll u-Bowmanville, or Phone MArkct were as follows: Boy-s 6-7 dai. Lucky Spot race for grand- 3-3231 in the evenings. y-cars old, 1. Gary Chisholm; mothers, 1. Mis. Quigg. _________ 2. Jimmy Noble; 3. Michael Tug o! war---niarried men vs, Cowan. Boys 8-9 y-cars old, 1. single'men, 1. The single men In some fornm or another, la. Freddic Verîcysen; 2. Allan won two consecutive pulls, bon costs account for about 80 Cowles; 3. Henry Sckoonder- Honseshoe pitching, 1. Pat Led- per cent of the price o! an3- beck. Boys 10-12 y-cars old, 1. dy, 2. Paul Delaney, Newcastle. consumer purchase in Canada. PACM SEM

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