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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1959, p. 10

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TEE ANADAN SATL~AT~JCflfWjYIAMj'!TT.TU' f'INTmAR The Ontario Department of Health has recently announced that chiorination kits are now available for free issue to the public. Dr. C. M. Horner, Me- dical Officer of Health, North- umberland-Durham Health Un- it, explained that these are kits for the manual chiorination of diinking water in small quan- tities and they are intended for the use of householders, schools, surnmer cottagers, tourists and campers. They are simple to use and instructions are enclosed in the kit. Dr. Hoîner waîned that there may be dangers associated with dîinking water from a source that is flot known to be gafe by previous laboratory testing. These fiee chiorination kits mnay be obtained from any of the Health Unit offices. Report For June 1959 Communicable Disease - There were 51 cases of german mneasles reported out of a to- tal of 94 cases of communicable disease. There were ten cases of whooping cough and four cases of infectious hepatitis. Rabid animais included one dog and one skunk in Hope Township and a bovine in Clarke and Hamilton Town- ships. Tubercuhosis - Two patients weîe admitted to sanatorium, one as a result of a laboratory report 0f positive sputum and the other as the resuit of inves- tigation while receiving treat- mient in an Ontario Hospital. Immunization-The series of clinies to give the third dose of poliomyelitis vaccine to aduits was completed at the beginning of June. A total of 4,585 aduits completeci. the three dloses at these clinics. Maternity, Infant and Pie- ochool-During fine weeks ending in June, weekly classes for prenatal patients were taught by Health Unit nuises at Bowm.anville, Port Hope, Brighton and Cobourg. Thrty-eight young women, inost of them expecting the first child, attended the series of hine lessonsl and demonstra- SOLINA Mri. and Mis. E. Crydeiman and family attended the Cry- deiman picnic at Gîeenwood Park on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. R~oss Cr-yder- man and childien visited Mis. S. Rundle and Jean, Bowman- ville. Mis. Ralph Ormaiston, Mur- ray ansi Robert, Mis. Keith Rowe, Kenny and Lynda, Bow- manville, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Knox, Brougham, visited at George Knox's, Mr. and Mis. Wes Yellow- lees, Harold and Murray were diniier guests on Sunday with Mi. and Mis. H. Jones, Scar- boiough. Mr. and Mis. Ralph Davis and Pat, were Sunday tea guests of 1%&. and Mis. Gordon Davis, Oshawa. Messrs. Wilbert and Oliver Glaspell, Mis. George Wilson, Roseann and George, Peterbor- ough, visited Mi. and Mis. I. Hardy and Stanley. Miss Helen Baker and Miss Isobel Murray, Toronto, spent the. weekend with Mi. and Mis. Tom Baker and family and Mi. J. Baker. Mis. Tom Baker, Jean and James, spent several days at Ealsam Lake, at a cottage. Karen and Brenda Yellow- lees are holidaying with their cousin Sharon Larmer, Black- stock. Douglas Dewell, Hampton, had holidays with his cousin, Neil Tînk. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Tink and family visited Mis. W. Orrais- ton, Brookhin. Dianne remain- ed for holidays. Miss Marilyn McCaîrell, Mr. Tom Westlake, Peterborough, visited Mi. and Mrs. Wes His and famihy. M!r. and Mis. Hamry Knox and sons spent the weekend at South Lake. Mi. and Mis. Harold Tîivett, Weston, Mis. Heîb Cameron, visited Mr. J. Kiveil and Pearl Leach. Mr. J. Kivehl and Pearl Leach ,visited on Snnday with Mr. and Mirs. N. Leach, Taunton. Mr. and Mis. E. Hockaday and Mis. F. Wright, Bowman- ville; paid their last respects to their cousin, Henry Benham, at the McClure Funeral Home, Braimpton. Mr. W. B. Hoar, Orono, visit- .d Mi. and Mis. Don Taylor and William. Mr. and Mis. E. Spires, Ken- ny and Sharon, are visiting Mi. and Mis. Ken James at Sanit Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mis. A. Beevor and sons; Mi. and Mis. J. Dyer and Elizabeth, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mia. Rae Pascoe and chil- dren. Mi. and Mis. Elmer Hunter, Mt. Forest, visited Mr. and Mis. Bruce Montgomery. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Taylor and sons, Mi. and Mis. Bruce Montgomery, attended a fam- ily picpic at Pine Ridge Park. Mr. and Mis. Allan Marshall (forrnerly Audrey Shortridge) of Victoria, B.C., were guests for several days with Mr. and Mim. N. C. Wotten and visited many friends of the days when the lived with her uncles, Char- les and Frank Shortîidge. She also visited the former unce who is convalescing at Strat- haven Rest Home ini Bowman- ville. Mrs. Wes Weiry attended the Baiowden picnic on Satuîday. Mr. and Mis. S. E. Weriy, Anne, John and Ewart Weiry, Mr. and Mis. H. Yellowiees and iblden attended the. Werry e"w at un-ton. f tions to prepare for motherhood1 Slaughterhouses and Meat Pro- 1 and the care of childien. i cessing plants. Twelve slaugh- 1 Maternity patients now u-' terhouse inspections were made ually stay in hospital for a veryin ue .short period. and often need 0Of the 144 inspections of .some visiting nursing care and plumbing installations, 113 .supervision for themselves and were for dwellings, 20 commer- >the baby during the first days 1 cial buildings, and il institu- after return fîom hospital. In! tions such as schools. the Bowmanville, Campbelford General Remarica and Cobourg hospitals, Health Dr. Jean Moore, wTio îeceîv- Unit nurses visit the mateînity ed her Diploma in Public wings îegularly in order to keep Health fîom the University of in touch with the obstetrical Toronto, spent one week of ob- 1supervisors and the patients in servation at the Health Unit regard to which patients should before going on the staff of the be visited without delay afterl Ontario Department of Health discharge fîom hospital, and in the Division of Maternal and Lwhere they live. Child Hygiene. In June, 112 miaternity pa- Miss Mary Baîîett, an ex- tients were interviewed in hos- perienced public health nurse pital. There were 188 home vi- on the staff of the Montreal sits by nurses to mothers of ba- Health Department, who had bies under one month of age. just completed a yeai's course Sebool-There were 228 home in supervision and administra- visits duîing June by public tion at McGill University, spent health nurses to consult with two weeks in fieldý woîk with parents about the health of, Miss Steehe, Nursing Supervisor. school children. In school heahth1 Miss G. Gihlis, who had re- inspection new vision defects, ceived her Certificate in Pnb-f were fonnd in 42 childien. lic Health with specialization1 Genera Saniation in nutrition from the Univer-1 Generl Saitaton Isity of Toronto, spent two weeks Municipalities are passing by- at the Health Unit, obseîvingt laws to license nursing homes, varions phases of public health.E and before a home can be li- She îetnrned to Nova Scotia as- censed a certificate of approv- antiioitoshesafo al must be obtained from the the Nova Scotia Departmnent oft medical officer of health. This Health. is given if on inspection by ai _________ sanitary inspector, it is found! that there is reasonable cm pinewith the by-law. Scm- TYRONE matters as the number gf pa- tients to be accommodatedj, and Senior Citizens' Outing 3 the sanitary facilities are con- Several senior citizens, ha- sideîed. A report is also given dies and gentlemen, attended 1 to the medical officer of health the open W.A. meeting at the1 by the public health nurse in home of Mi. and Mis. John the aiea. Two inspections were Broome last Wednesday even- f made during the month. îng with a splendid attendance.F Inspections of sewage dispo- President Mis. A. Hamilton sal systems totalled 203, and opened the meeting by telling i there were 20 lot approvals. a story of grandpaîents. Newa A total of 7g inspections of music is to be puîchased for L eating establishments and 41 choir. Mis. Norman Wobdley i milk producer faims weîe 'gave the devotional on lst, Then made.1 Two-fold Life, and 2nd, Need- To date 7 slaughterhouses ing a Holiday or Rest. -Mrs.a have been licensed by the1 Donald Davey played piano 1 Board of Health under the Pro-1 solos. t vincial Regulations îespecting Mis. L. Goodman gave a talk Issues June Report ROY Chevrolet Health Unit to Supply Free Chlorination Kits w. - Oldsmobile Cars .D OWMAN VILLE 1 1 1 on senior and junior citizens, which was very interesting.1 Mr. S. E. White conducted a e.ible Quiz. Mrs. J. Broome gave readings on Growing Old; Satuîday Night and Sunday; Getting Prepared for Sundayl Sehool and Church. DeliciousI lunch was served by the East1 group. Mis. V. E. Milîson, Mis. Leon Moore, Mis. L. Jones, Mis. An-î nie Hatherly, Mrs. H. -Philp,I were guests last week of Ken- dal W. A. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens.1 Mr. Fred Page spent the1 weekend with Mi. and Mis.: Bill Page, Hampton. A miscellaneous shower was held for Barbara Taylor, bride- to-be, last Thursday evening at thie home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Phillip, 25 girl friends were present, Audrey Wood, Lor- raine Rosevear and Betty Phil- lips weîe hostesses. Mis. Walter Stewart and BObbie, St. Lambert, Quebec, is spending a few days with her sister, Mir. and Mis. G. Ail- dread and Mis. A. Gaskin. The Coombes family picnic was held at Cobourg on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Coombes, Shirley and Bruce, Mr.ii. Jin Coombes, Salem; Mi. and Mis. John Coombes and family, Campbellford;, Mr. and Mis. Bob Coombes and boys, Osh- awa; Mi. and Mis. R. Coombesl and boys and Miss Margaret Harvey.1 Mi. -and Mis. R. Glaspeil, Grant and Gwendolyn, were guests of Mr. and Mis. Georgeý Hilts at their cottage on Wil- liams' Point. Miss Aima MadilI, Port Ar-1 thur, spent last wcek with Mr. and Mis. Lorne Annis. Mrs. W. Hu.ghson bas had ber house painted byv the Phare bro- thers. Mr. and MiUs. Kcith Davey and Elaine, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bealon at their cot- tage at Ashburn. Miss Irene Rouse, Toronto, was guest last xvack of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton. Mir. and Mrs. A. Buma of Hol- land visited Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Reyenga Satuîday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reyenga and Lamily visited Mr. and Mrs. P. [?eddema, Nestieton. Mi. and Mrs. A. Hoar and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. G. White, Bayview Lodge, Sparrow Lake, JoAnne returned home and Kathy re- rnained for a holiday. Mr. ai-d Mrs. M. Hamilton and childien visited Mi. and Virs. Douglas Mackie, N4estie-C ton. Mr. and Mis. A. Samelis andti I * -. - I LOSA getý Set a Chevrolet Truck ta work on your toughest job and it stays there, elugging, until the job is fin ished. Rugged, tireless stamina .. . dynamlc, eost-cutting Chevrolet engineering.. bring you a great new high in dependabillty and a new, wlder margin of profit. Every Chevrolet Truck is buit with your profits in mind ... and engineered to keep them coming. Extra-spacious load compart- ments bring you an extra measure of profit. Fleetside pickups, for instance, give you a ful 50% extra cargo space ... and there isn't a bigger panel body made than Chevrolet's model 3805! And Chevrolet's extra-efficient engines mean you save more every trip. Short- stroke, high compression design makes every ..Chevrolet engine an expert at squeezing hearty truck power out ol each drop of gaoie ... more miles from every tankful. Visit your Chevrolet dealer's todlay and look over the truck for your job. Look under it, too! Check the extra strength of Chev- rolet's ail but indestructible frames. Check the tough, flexible multi-leaf springs .. . built to take t e strain of truck-bustinà schedules X fi keep your cargoes saf e from road shock. You'll soon see why more businesses from coast to coast de pend on Chevrolet. Finaily, talk over your special needs. Your Chevrolet dealer can just about customý. equip your truck. You can be sure of exactly the right match of engine, trans-. mission and axie to eut costs for keeps. Yes, a few minutes with your Chevrolet dealer wiil show you why your best insurance against costly downtime isaa Chevrolet Truck. And right now is a good time to pay him a visit. Lose no tinie, do it todayi CT. 1 559t - NICHOLS - Chevrolet Trucks -------- - w m @%don PAGE TEl chlldren, Bowmanville. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell on Sunday. Guests on Monday were Mr. and Mis. V. Kadar, Erindale. Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Mrs. Lorne Henry, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Page, Norwood, were guests of Mr. and Mis. L. Phare. Miss Jacqueline Rosevear at- tended theý wedding of a for- mer college mate, Miss Margar- et Nelson, Campbellford. Darlene and Debbie Grant, Oshawa, spent a few days with their grandparents, Mi. and Mrs. John Hilis. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Kenneth and Esther Anne, ac- companied MVr. and Mrs. M. Yeo and daughter and visited Mr. and M.Irs. Ralph Garbutt, Buckhorn, on Sûnday. Mr. Arthur Page, Toronto; Miss Alberta Page, Honolulu, visited their brother, Mr. Fred Page. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lai- mer, Millbrook, were Monday callers on his sister, Mis. J. A. Rosevear and Mr. Rosevear. Mi. and Mrs. T. Pleasance 'c,"" ARlE YOUR TR~OUBLES LITTLE ONES? Do you ever worry about the future of your young farnily sliould youi suddenhy be ca lied by dcath? Family Incomc e s-r ane wilI replace your ifeorne while the children ire growing up andl take care of yonî widow for life. Protect yonr loved ones wiih a Faniily Incorne policy of the Suin Life Assurance Company of Canada. Bancer Passant Spe Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer Today! Mr. and Mrs. Smith McDou- gaîl and family, were guestsý on Saturday of Rev. and Mis. F. J. Jackson and John, of their former charge, Smnithvîlle. Mr. and iVs. Henry Beckett, Mr. and Mis. Melvin Beckett and Candy, Stratford, spent the weekend xith Miss Arvilla and Mr. 0. Beckett. Sunday a famn- ily gatheîing was held. Mr. and Mis. G. Beclkett, Osh.awa; L.S.E.A. Oliver Holdstock, Hal- ifax, Miss Anne Holdstock, To- ronto; Mi. and Mrs. J. Hold- stock, Miss Carol Plummer, Bowmanville; Mi. and Mrs. D. Beckett and family, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Scugog Island- Mi.. aid Mrs. Floyd Beckett and fam- TOPS in quality TOPS in flavomi TOPS in refreshing 0 GRAPE 0 ORANGE 0CREAM SODA eROOT BEER ' 0 GINGER ALE Mode and Bottled by BEVERAGES Un 50 WMAN VILLE 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanville Enniskillen and Mr. and Urs. Lloyd Alldread and Maxine. Vacation Schooi opened Mon. day afternoon with an attend. ance of 68 boys and girls, un- der the leadership of Rev. P. J. Jackson. There are five classes. Helpers are Misses Jac. queline Rosevear, Lynda Hau. ber, Esther Anne Rosevear. Mrs. Leon Moore, Mrs. I,. Phare, Mrs. A. H-amilton, Mrs. F. Jackson, Mis. H. Philp, Miss Mary Stevens and Rev. Jack- son. Anlyone wishing to give a helping hand would be wel- comed. Sunday caliers of Mr. and Mis. W. Rahm at their cottage weîe Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rahrm and Mi. and Mrs. Leslie Care, MCWý and daughter were supper guests of Mr. &Lad Mis. Herb Nicholas, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mis. Harry Hather- ly and girls visited his mother, Mrs. Annie Hatherly, and they also visited Mi. and Mrs. Jack Hatherly, Newtonville. About 40 young people and maîried couples of the corn- munity enjoyed a weineî roast Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rahm, Ca- rol and Paul, Bhackstock, visit- ed Mi. and Mis. A. Rahm. Paul îemained for a holiday. Mi. and Mrs. Robert Peikins, Mi. and Mrs. A. Charles and Cheryl, Mr. John Wismeî and Mirs. Alice Rouke, Toronto, weîe Sunday visitors of Mi. and Mis. K. Colbary. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIL&NVMT-r- rlmmAlpTr% rd, 1959 1 1- Ch e vrole

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