TRUIEDAT. JVLY S8rd. lmB Co uncil Gives Final, To Test Dri!! for W( NEWCASTLE- Foliawing a o n Friday. They gave thirdd s trip ta Toronto ast Weduesday final neading ta a by-law gîv- ta cousult with afilcials ai the Inig approval te the Waten Re-s Department ai Municipal Af- sources Commission ta stant1 fair# aud Uic Ostania Water Be- jtest dmilliug lu thc village ta sources Commission, a speclal ilnd a suitable water supplyr metiug ai councillars was held for the proposed watenwonks ' I lewcasdie cSocial and1 /eersonaI 1Weekeud visitons with Mr. and Lins. Percy Brown were Mr. snd Lins. Seguin Johnson of Riley, North Carolina; Mm. aud Lins. Frank Camnaford, Mn. ai-d Lins. Alfred DeGroot and Mnr. and Mme. Arthur Haminognd af Rochester, N.Y., Miss Bea- trice Horicks ai Syracuse, N. Y., Mr. and Lins. Fred Worley ai Tarantoansd Mrm. and Mns.. Carmran Cîsyton of Wood-1 bridge. Mn. Keith F. Aiken is i Moncton, N. B.. holidsying with his son Ray and family at their aummer cottage. Lirs. Dan Taylor oi London is holidaying with hem sisten and bnother-in-law, Mr. sud hIrs. H. C. Deunis. Lins. Carl Gould accompany- Ing Lins. Hanry Dalcy af New- market, spent asat week in Buf- fala visitin.g wlth their aunt and uncle the Rev. aud Mmi. A. Wright. Mis msny fricnds will be pleased ta learn that Rev. M. C. Fisher netunned homne Tues- day tram Memoial Hospital, Bownanville. Mns. Keith F. Aigen leit Sat- urday ta visit with ber daugh- ter sud san-in-law, Mn. sud Lmas. Rager Demners la Malton. N. J. Howley oi Newmamket visited on Sunday with Mm. and Lins. Carl Gould and famlhy. M.and Mme. Edwin Connar ai Rachester, N.Y., sud Lira 1 May Bolton ai Toronto, were nweekend visitons with Mn. and Mna. Percy Brown. Newcastle &Playground Report by Sharan Rancock Newcastle's firat playground openedon. July 131hunder the auspices of thc Newcastle Re- creation Association. To date we have.'negistered 37 chldren between the ages of 5 sud 8 years. Geting Uie youugem ehildren used ta the gnoup ac- tivities has been the most grat- ifying expeiience ta date. The progrminconsiste af varied ac- tivities including sing sangs, a variet'y of ganies sud Arts sud Craits. Newcastle parents with child- ren in the age gnaup mentioned- who are not naw eurolled, are invited ta send on bring thein children ta the playground at the community park between 9 sud 12 a.m. Manday thnough Fnitoa'. note- In looking through Miss Msncack's week- ly report ta the Recreation Assu., we note the daily attend- ance ai registened childmen at the playground for the fiiist week ha. been very goad witlî swimmnlng classes in Bowman- ville. also spousorcd by the Re- creatian Association, ibeing the main reasan given for absent- eeism. Bride' Elect Hlonoured Rv Frie~ndI wi* ç NEWCASTLE - The United Church Sunday School auditor- ium was well filled with friends from Newcastle and Brookiin congregations last Tuesday ev- ening. They were gathered to honour a bride-elect of this Sat- urday, Miss Melveen Fisher, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher. The presentation was arranged by miembers of the parsonage committee of the Woman's Association. Wr. Normian Williains the church organist, plaved piano music while the friends were gathering and Mr. Glen Allun led in a sing song of appropri- ate numbers. Mr. Marlow Han- coch acted as chairnian for the evening and welcomed those SSt. George's Church NEWCASTLE July 26, 1959 HOLY COMMUNION 7 P.m. -l EVENSONG AND SERMON Tlere wfill b.a» Il amn servie est St. Gcerge's « JUIF 2oth. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood o! Orono were Sunday visitors with Mrs. George Crowthen and boys. Mrs. Jack Nesitt and Paul have returncd home foliowing a three weeks tnip ta visit re- latives in Regina, Calgary and IB&nff and while away toak in the. Calgary Stampede and vis- lted at beautiful Lake Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McEach- eran and daughter Mary Fran- ces of Markhamn were Saturday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Allin. Mr. and Lins. Frank Wood- hause qnd daughtem Betty and friend of Brampton, visited with f iends lu the village au Sunday. Mrn.ud Lirs. Sidney Buckles, Doothy and Bob of Campbell- fond weme Saturday visitons with Mr. and Lins. John Voutt. Mn. and Mms. John Voutt vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hoy in Kendai. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Buxton and Lir. and Mmi. Bill Buxton aud daughter ai Bawmanviile, were Sunda'v visitons with Mmr. and Lirs. Harold Cauch and family. Mns. Harny Jose and Douglas and Mr. and Lins. Francis Jose attended a family picnic ai Greenwood Park on Satunday. John and Elizabeth Jase, childmen af Mm. and Mms. Don- ald Jase af Brampton, are hall- daying with their grandparents, Mr. and MJs. Harry Jase this w eek. preseut and apoke briefly on the reason for the gteig A brief prograxn included a graup of appropriate readings by Mme. David Gray, instru- mental duet numbens by Glen and Jack Allun and a camic neading'by Lins. Gordon Hunter af Broaklu. The bride-ta-be and hem sis- ter Velda were asked ta take chairs on the platfonma wherel they were negaled with corsages by little Sandra Gould and a short presentation !address was ncad by Lins. Clanence Allin who pesented Melveen with a Duncan-Fyfe walnut cofie table and a nest of walnut ta- bles and two table lamps ta match, on behaif of her New-! castle frieuds. Mrs. A. J. MeBien ai Brook- lin presented the bride-ta-be wvith a pair ai beautiful iamps in turquoise and gold and sev- eral other gifts on behalf of the Brooklil fiends ai hem former home. Lielveen replied very fitting- iy thanking hen marîy iniends for the honaur and glits be- stowed upon hen snd invited aIl ta corne ta the parsouage ta view the gifts. Duning the evening, go wishes in sang were extended ta Lirs. Percy Brown who that day wvas celebrating thc 50th annivensary af hermrrniage and Lins. Brawn respanded with a reading entitled "Rases". A social thx-ie was eujoycd by thosée gathered together aud lunch was served by those lu charge ai the evening aud ai- terward many rctimed ta the parsanage ta sec the gif ts pre-1 sented ta the bmde-elect. It is believeci Melveen will be the f fret bride ta came from the Newcastle United Chunch parsanage. ENNISKILLEN Mesdames H-. LicGll, R. de- GUI1, A. Brunt, L. Ashton, M. Hobbs sud E. M. Shemon en- joyed a bus trip ta Stratiord sud attcnded thc Shakespeare play "As You Like. It', along with Hampton and Salins la- dies. Mviss Linda and Roy Terry, tlîein granduiother sud uncle, spent a iew days? holiday at Ottawa ecently. Sonny Miss Linda Teriy ws taken ta Bawmanville Meniar- il Hospital Monday marning, July 20, where she underwent an appendix opematian. Miss Joan Ponter, Bawinan- ville, la visiting Mise Donnaý Gail Imwiu. Mr. sud Lira. Austin, Brown- ridge, Toronto, MIr. and Lins. Fned Tomis wene tes gucats with Mr. sud Lira. E. Tmewin. Mn. aud Lirs. A. Leadbeatcr Sn., Mr. sud Lmrs. L. Leadbeat- er aud chihdnen, Taranto, were Sunday guests cf Mre. sud Mm.. A. Leadbeater. Mr. Bert Munter. ai Monk, MrLi. and Lins. Ahymer Munter, Mount Forest, wene with Mn. and Mme. C. Ferguson. Mr. and Mme. F. Beckett sud fanully were with Mr. O. Beck- ett, Tvrone. Misses Janice sud Linda Wright, Newmarket, w1th Miss Betty Wright. Mr. and Lins. Ed. Cox aud iamily were witih Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robson. Orilia. Mn. Cliffrd Hebb, Able Sea- 1/t. PULECGdIJ4 1p~ -e Ihw 0' NEWCASTLE - The negulan man f th B-aavenure i1 executive meeting af the On- insu i th Bonventne tArioBasebal Association is crait Carnier, is spendîng 9 anhl dt ehl nNw month's vacation with hie si- csthledortae i*hteldin Ncw- ter, Lmas. Perley Terry eud hiestefrheietieluh- fathen sud mothen, Mm. snd tory. Lins. Max Mebb, Courtice. Mr. Arnold Wsde ai Newton-, Mn. sud Lins. Earl Tewin, ville, executive member af the, Doneen sud Donald, were Sunl- association for t4is district in- day cahiers witi Mrn, sud Lins.1 farmi us Uic meeting will be1 Frank Carter, Mapie Grave, hcld ln the Elhlumst Motel an, andTvI. sd Lrs.C. . Hmu Sunday, July 26th, at 1:30 when Oshawa. Dareen spent thegeelbuissath As- weekend at Oshawa with hen cdation will be discussed sudi gadaeuta. Senies Chaimman will be Sp-, gmaup ~ M. ta , polnted ta take charge ai the: Mr. nd Ms. M Stitou OBA. playdowns. were callers at J. D. Bnown's,lS da'metn sob ' sud Lir&. Ada Tsm-blyn's, Or-'Sna' etigI ab oua. full executive meeting with menibens present imom ahi sec- Miss Marguerite Wright, St. lions ai the province. Catheines, spent the weekend ___________ with hem parents, Mr. sud Mmi. I N. E. Wright. Ml stteuded te Lins. D. B. Kay, Mr.I jBill Kay, Tooto, wcre week- L t's Loo Dack î end visitons with the Sharp ri famly. aunaBawnsn pen 10 Veans Ago lui Newcastle the weekeud with Miss Kath- July 21, 1949 nyn Shemon. ~oacdnsa mcswn- Mrnsd Lins. Russell Gilbert, -Igonaccietsf truckai Na. 2 Bowmauvilie, wene Sun day 'go esfaigo o callers at Mr. and Mns. Fred 1 hughway wene neponted. The, first ou Fnlday ai temnoon when: Toms. stukp~eigwa fe Mr. an.d Mins. R. Hope sud! rc rceigws fe reiueling at Newcastle Garage family weme Saturday evening. loadcd wlth asphait wss struck visitons at L. Stainton's. from behiud by anather truck Final Lieutenant and Lins, aud went aut ai contraI sud fi- James Smith sund Kenneth,, naily ended Up, upside down' Salvation Army, Lakeiiehd, i iota nwih~ tr Ricky Tugwomth, Mme. C. Smithdmigtslaofspl n' sud Douglas, Toronto, wee duming ofthead i ahaitOu; Wednesdav dinuen gucsts o ai ur side aineghwav. O nh John Gifiiu sud Mr-s. E. Ben- sapatueayemomi g amtlu ahe nett betone leaving fan the se place the talgate anuan- Mm..W.Bly ing his load ou the highway in is o sinta tnd p ta E Eset front ai the residence aofLins. Cson oo rpt h ast G. Jamiesan holding Up wcst., Miss Canal snd Bruce Bcgley bound tr1efr45mnts are on haidays at Gardon Mn1ii n. ec rw jShuuks, Part Per. . wer. r.asdMpns Peby rsn Mmrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. sad'ion by flpic Wouiapsesoca- Mis. O. C. Ashton, Lois sud , lion bai-theWUnitd ACssuci a Charles, wene Suuday visitons' markofthen ite h eddn an wlth LMr. sud Mrs. S. Radman, nmath. foTieh e ddpnesente , Scugog Island. nv cuay.Theglasntd Mrs. A. Ellison. Miss Clama lovely etgas vase ta Lins. Page, Toronto, weme visitons Brown snd an ash tnay ta uer with Lira. E. Page. hsad Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, vis- 1Therpr apae o on ited Mr. sud Mme. Albert Oke. m iepoatlrt appeed ina chm Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd Ashton iomunit a ll togheld u t sud Ronald, Maydan, were Suni- cStanueyGrhall a hanur day dinnen guests ai Mr. sud Stale rAar sod hos ride Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. wHelen Aange crowd ai ftheuos Sunday tes guests of Mrn.dud warcopleand thnaur e poP- Lins. Perley Terny were Mw'r. enaoue su d mthwnghir- sud Lins. Sid Lemen and baby, sud a tdesk sudlmsthigchi Nestieton. i-ihlmp Satunday Mn. sud Mns. J. Newcastle Intermediate Ball Morgar. Brantford, csled st Club deieated the Trenton team Mr. sud Lins. John Gtnffin's oauin. game that saw veteran pit- way ta Fenelon Falls. Lira. E. che Sandy rhmmk i Bennett accompauied them finstape raeoh maebis there. w appeaohn Rceai Uicessoxi Mmr. Edwin Ormiston, Eben- wt onRcadrciig ezer. spent Sun-day with Mn. Despite 10 errons the locale aut- sud Lins. A. Sharp. hit Trenton 9 ta 2 sud won the Mr. sud Mns. Narval WaVtteu, gai-re by a score of il ta 8. Salins, Mr. and Lins. Allan Marshall, Victoria, B.C., were~ callers at Mr. sud Lins. N. E. BL C ST C Wright's. Master Murray Leadbcster, Wcdnesday thc Blackstock Toronto, is with bis Women's Institute, their nuin- cousina, Boss, Tommy, and Gea. bers augmented by membens ai Leadbeater. Shirley sud Nestîcton Institutes Mr. sud Lins. John Giffin chatered a bus foastrip ta thc aud famlly, Mr. sud Mrs. Rus- Agricultunal Callege at Guelph. sel] Gnif f l attendcd the Gif- A suggestion wss made that ail fin pienic ou Sunday at Cream visit the Lily Gardens near ai Barle-v Park. Georgetown, but duc ta difi- Miss Winniimed Cale, Mr. cuit country oads under ne- Wsrd Gilbert, Tomanto, Mr.insd construction this was abandon- Lire. Russell Bragg, Bowmaa- cd. ville, Mn. sud Mm.. Stanley Ater a pleasaut aiternoon at Chapruan sud Clae, Klrby, Uic college durlng which a tour' were necent visitons aI E. A. af Uic Macdonald Institute was Werry's. enjoyed, Uic bus driver gave Miss Alice sud -Harolc Se- ail a trip home thraugh Uic veuson, Willowdale, WM n udInortheru outskirts ai Mamilton Lire. Allan Wray, Bowman- ansd Toronto sud mast ai the ville, weme Sunday visitors atiladies were amszcd at the a- Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb's. mount ai new roadsansd bridges PAGE ELEVECN under construction and the in- Wednesday evening dinner 8 mense sub-divisions of new guests of Mr. and Mns. Will What is homes. I.Farder and Joyce. 'i h The Girl Guides and leaders! Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy 'i I who apent two weeks at Doe i and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- Echoedt Lake, Provincial Guide Cmjy enjoyed a motor trip ta Soit as arrived home Wednesday even-, Minden Thifrsday. What is ing tlred and happy ater an1 Paul Rahmi l holidaying with Seems Phia. xa enjoyable holiday. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'i h The ON.O.Club et a the . Rain, Ttone home oi Norma VanCamp on M.SeatMleWibWkn w ednesday night. Presiderin M, twr lr htby Wa is 1 Shirley Turner and Mlaine Bai-! was Saturday guest of Mr. andWati testa just as soon as the com- ley who had just arnîved home r.WAchradM.VnMke ri mson can let the contract. from camp came ln their Guide cent Archer, Bowmanville, Sun- 'Tis the1 /1 ç r o 'aBeach Improvements uniforms and meeting was calday. As it c( A p p r va l!Work has already started on ed to order by Guide Whistle. 'Mr. and Mrs. Freeman He improvements to te local beach Final arrangements were made burn, Oshawa, called on.?Mm. iland will probably be completed for the picnîc JuIv 28th at Com- Darcy Sunday evening. rf~y A r1 I/C before this goes to press. El- t munity Park, Uaesarea. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffin, Larmer and childr IIII rIVV rIE liatt's bulldozer is open-ing the1 Turner and Dorothy Forder are Mr. Melville Griffin and Miss and Mr&. Ernest Li creek channel in its proper place refinishing the Sifls at each end Doris, Mrs. Jas. Henry and Miss Recent visitors system for the village. ofn eeliga-dclaîg a the village. lub was asked Gertrude attended the Griffin Wesley Beacock an lvelic ndclann T'he iby-law authonizes the the beadh frcom there to the glen* o ater ta a wedd1nq in Sepem-, cnic at Cream ai Barley were: Mr. and Mi spending af up to $10.000 ta. and filling in the stagnant pools, ber. Roll caîl was 'my favour- Park Sunday. derson, Cameron, lacte wtersuplyaf uf-Th had wntr Ift helak- te picnic spot." Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Henry, Mr. and Hrs. Ho~ ficient volume to supply tesoei a hp n h Norma Van Camp now pre- Toronto, and granddaughter, and family, Perth,g need ai he illae. te-shunor ei ed ta have anproper sided and handed ecd lady a Sharon Henry, Belleville, visit- Mrs. Edith Beac<l pecedorkhewill ant a ise-cjob ne idcetheanigi prop piece 0f red paper and a crayon ed the Henrys and Gniffins on Mr. Oldstein, Miai -______________and asked them to draw a par- Sunday. Mns. T. Cale and itrait of sameone in the roam. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rustin and Beacock, Oshawa, This finighed, the pictures wenelchildren, Port Credit, spent thelMiss Elizabeth Hc IV i rri ci iff Y e rshelci up and guessed as ta, who weekend wlth Mrs. Rabt Ford.1 cardine, at _resent M arrie Fifty Yearsvas repnesented. The girls' Mr. and Mns. Ennest Larmerl Mrs. A. Ritchie, frmcamp tauglit several camp 'are visitlng Constable and Mrs. Ritchie, Mr. and sangs ta the others. This was J. K. Strang and Tom, Ottawa. Motton and three 111 . n i Vis. P. B r followed by lunch and social Mr. and Mrs. Graham Hudson, ta, spent the ek cr n r . P B o n .i-ht Kimburn, vste nFriday and ai-d Mrs. Lloyd1 There was a fairly gaod at- Mr. and Mrs. W. Bain on Sun-.boys. tendance at the United Church day wlth Mr. and Mme. Glenn A great many Feted on /4nniversary - bert Werry gave a fine message Mrs. Gea. Fowler vislted unday. on "Chnristian Love.*' r. jr. friends ln Woodvllle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.1 NEWCASTLE --- More than1 tian address ta the happy col,- bert Cobbledick, Lenam-ington, Attending the Wenry picnic lin and family; M one hunclred friends of Mr. and 1pie and presentation af a re- fav oured with the fine solo, at Hampton on Saturday froni Roy McLaughlinE Mrs. Percy Browvn from near1 clining chair, budgie with cage "My Taskz."ý Cartwright were: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carl McLa and far gathered in the base-laiud standard and wvallets con- The Anglican W .A. held a Melville Werry, May and June; boys; Mr. ai-id Mrs ment af the Newcastle Cornî- taining a sum afi money w.2re ýsuccessful bake sale an Dr. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wenry and Laughlin and Laui munity hall on Saturday even- presented ta the honoured Athiir's lawn Saturday morn- family; Mr. and Mrs. Merriii Farder. Mr. and Mi ing to honour them aon the oc- guests by Mrs. D. Cunningham, ing. VanCamp and fainily; Mr. and ley; Mns. F. Bai] casion of their Golden Wedding Mrs. A. Garrad, and Mrs. Ken; Mrs. John Scott is spending Mrs. Keth VanCamp and fam- Mrs. Murray Malco' Anniversary. Whitney an behaif af their a cauple of weeks in Ottawa. ily; Mn. and Mrs. Percy Van- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ta the strains af the wedding fiends. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johuston Camp and Aileen; Mm.,and Mns. Vernu Harris,m March played by Mirs. John returned home fram Belleville Lewis Swain; Mrs. Perey Swain those attending t] Garrod the bride and groom of Duing the orogmamn which Thursday. and children; Mr. and Mrs. D. lin picnic at Creai 50 veams were escoted ta the foliowed apprapriate readings' Mr. Roy Bradburn. Detroit; Darreli and chiidren; Mn. and Camp, Surnday. platform by their daughter, were given by Mrs. David Gray Mr..and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Mrs. Jim Marlow; Mr. Carl Mr. Hubert Cobi Mrs. Mîke Gogerty and their and Bill and Jim Scott present- Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. Maur- Wright; Elizabeth Thampsan; mingtan, spent th grand-daughter, Miasa Sheila ed two musical numbers and ice Bradburn and daughter, To- Mr. snd Mrs. Harold Swain with Mr. and Gagerty and seated at a pret- coniplimentarv addresses were ronta: h'ar]. Donald and Ivan, and family; Cheryl and Elaine Thompson. tily decorated table on which given by local and distant Ray and Ronald Bradburn wvere Metcalf; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Lira. Li was placed a three-tier wedding friends of the couple. cake. The platform was decor- A, iovely lunch was served ated with baskets of gladioli, by the members af the commit- carnations and les and the tee in charge which includedi table cloth bore the wards, a plece of wedding cake and "Happy Fiftieth Weddmng An-. everyaiie enjoyed a social time niversary" printed with pan- tagether. Mres Bntn icad as0Mrs. Mike Gogerty on behiaif Mr. renon Rckad wa ofher parents. expressed ap-i master af ceremonies fan the preciation t alah who had con- evening and aiter welcoming tributed in anv way ta make those present cailed on Mns. the evening the happy turne Rickamd ta ead the presenta-j that it was. O.BA. Executive Meeting. Horn Siunrlnv J.ulv 2-6thl A GOOD NEIGHBOUR-A GOOD FRIEND Your local IGA Food Store is owned by a man in your neighbourhood. He supplies bis own capital.. . he pays local taxes.. . he employs local people. Fie i.s bringing you fine quality foods at com- petitive prices. He is proud of his independence. He is proud too of his association with more than 7,000 local businp smen in Canada and the United States who are members of the IGA Family. Above ail, he prides himself ini his personal relationship with bis friends and neighbours eager to help build the community in which you and both he live. Just Two of Our Nany PRODUCE FEATURES Clusters of Juicy Flavour SEEDLESS GRAPES IN o. 1 Grade Ibs. for 33c No. 1 Grade Imported - Size 150's Ba rtlett Peurs 6 for 29c FROZEN FOOD FEATURE 6-o:. Tins 3 Old South Orange Juice and 46-oz. Tins Lemonade AI] 7 Tins ini$1o Poly Bag - OnIy -- 10 DAIRY FEATURE Kraft Ail Flavours Haàndi ~s-oz. Pg. Snacks, for 257c Volume 10 Now on Sale! Hiomemakers Encyclopedia VOLUME 1 TO 9 ARE STILL AVALALE AT YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE! SHOP AND SAVE AT FREE! 1 Pint Brick 'IGA Royal Gold Ice Cream wlth the purchase of 1 15-oz. Package of Pillsbury Pineapple Lemon Angel Food Cake Mix For 55C FIE E!1 Head of New Cabbage With the purchase of 1 12-oz. Jar Pfeiffers Cole Slaw Drezzing l'or 39C Ca Chef Boy-Ar-De. fialian Food Festival. With Meat Bails Spaghetti 15%/-o:. Tins 2for 49 B3eefaronil ins z. 2for 49C RavWioli 15%-os. Tin 29c Spaghetti Dinner Pkg. 47c With Meat - 19-oz. pkg. Spaghetti Sauce With Meat - 15-os. Tin Pizza Pie Mix Tin 29c 15-oz.51 pkg.51 a-- .. Jusl Three ai Our Many Table lite Neat Features Meaty Hait or Whole LEGO0'c LAMB3 419b. Whole Flank On Loin O' Lamb 29c pound Lamb la the Basket ,b. 19c -~FREE COPY 0F THE Spring and Summer ataIogue -Supplemnent of Free Gifts! 6 0 0 Bowmanville IGA Market OWNTARIO Toms' IGA Market NEWCASTLE# ONTAIO i 'I SP1UNG'S AWAKCENNG that sweet sound of music? he voice of countless Springs, by the southwlnd'a whisper, m rushing of bird's wings. sthat most poignant sweetnu sto hover ail around? scene of myriad flowers .g 'neath the cold dark ground. that strange sense of gladness? sme feel as one apart, beauty of the Springtime, ornes into my heart. -M. Cunningham. i ~ Il I *1 > Il F RE E! 1 pkg. Sherriffs JeIIy Powder with the purchase of 1 27-oz. Fruit Cocktail ~r47c F I E E! 16.oz. Pkg. Pan Cake Mix Butterrnilk or Buckwheat wlth the purchase of 1 IL. Pkg. Table Rite Small Link Purs Pork Sausage #,-r 59c w - moen: snd LMr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haskln Larmer. and Miss Pat Hoskln, Mn.. aud with Mrs. ins. Harvey Grahamn attended and family1 the wedding af Allan Haskin nrs. Sam An- and Miss Beverley Wraight. in on Tuesday: Oshawa aud neceptian in Hamp- ýarc1 Dawner ton Saturday. a n Thursday; IMr. and Mms. Jack Webb snd >ck, Toranto:IflDavi d, Cooksvillc, spent the ami; Mr. and weekend with Mn. and Mns. Id Miss Olive Lewis Henry. Donald wha has a n Sunday; becu twa weeks with his grand- -lalmes, Kin- parents returned home with t. them. At present Isabel Heu- cMiss Penne ry, Bowmanvillc, is holidaying Mrs. Fred with Mr. and Mrs. Henry. boys, Toron- 1Mms. W. W. Van Camp spent .end with Mn. a couple ai days last week with Beacack and lier daughter, Miss Mable, ln .Toronto. attended the' Donnia and Billy Pargeten, Oshawa Sat,- Port Penny, are holidaying with thein grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. H. McLaugh-1 Mervyn Graham. Mrn. and Mms.1 Miss Jean Wilson, Toranto, and family;! spent the weekeud with hier ,aughiin and parents, Mn. and Mrs. Charles s. Hamry Me-. Wilsan. rence; Mrs. J. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Charles Venning nrs. A. L. Bai-1 and Linda spent the weekend ley; Mr. and" with Mr. sud Mrs. Russel Wil- uilm snd girls; lau, Bracebridge. STaylor; Miss Miss Joyce Venuing, Oshawa, Arere amang speut the weekend at home. rie McLaugh- Fifteen cubs and thmee lead- am af Barley ers. Harold Mantyn, Laurence McLaughlin aud Gerald Assel- bbledick. Lea- stine. spent two days, Wcdnes- Le weekend day ta Fniday, at camp and now Mrs. Lamne Sunday p.rn. ta Tuesday au- other graup are thene. Mare Lorne HaskinjIdetails next week. m ad ), m i výi mai