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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1959, p. 15

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Codf os 11111. es $21) a m.nth .ppIW. »on oa verage hout.. WITI JOUINS-MAN VILLE COLOMRESTOS SIDEWALLS - NE VER NEED PAINTINGI seed painting to preserve tbem. Made of asbestos and cernent, they're fireproof, rotproof, weatherproof, permanent as sone, and mainten. snffe free. They go on right over your nid sidewails. Pirst choice of I..dins builders for quality homes. For free Colorbouo brochure, showlng wide range of modern colora sSe your J-M Dealer or J-M Certified Contractor - or write so Dups. BA-Ni, Canadien Johus-Manvilie, Port Crdt, Ontario. .-.,. -. TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN. BowmANVfl.LE. ONTAMO 1ýlH7URDYJUY 3r.95 Lý Mr'. Sandy Baird. Hull, Que-1 union at Greenwood Park on jý bec; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams,1 Saturday.1V Gravenhurst, visited Mr. and!!Mr. and Mrs. George Amin- I Mns. Wm. Tomlinson. 'strong and four chiltiren. Tim- Mrs. Raymond Oberrn, Cleve-! mins, visited his mother. Mrs.!b land, Ohio, spent a fewx days John Armstrong.s last week wtth ber auntr. Dr. andi Mrs. KetTalr Luther Barrabali and Mr. Bian- IBrampton, spent the weekend rabail. Iwith her parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Mrs. M. Hicks. Foxboro; Mrs. Marshall Chatterton. P.M. Patton, Whitby; Mr. and Doretta and Donna Challice Mrs. Richard Best and thein spent a week with Mr. and1 daughten Bernice, Port Hope,I visited Mrs. Madison Hall. i Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton,Lo a Gil Enniskillen, visited Mrs. FredLo a Gil Tamblyn on Sunday. Gary, Terry and Teddle Dion-a nf, Oshawa, visiteti their grand- S lt P i aents, Mr. and Mra. Archie Lünn, La st \Veek Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Gifford, a t W eE Oshawa, have purchased Mr. Bowmanville's starry juvenilei and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn's girls softball team split a pairi farm. The Tamblyns plan to o contesta las edfatn with nthisnten n Cand frnaBethany 11-9 here Monday night withther sn Glnn nd am-anti dropping a 6-4 verdict to Mis Caherne owe Toon-Orono on Wednesday, in Orono. MissCaterie Pwen Toon- Against Bethany the locals to, visiteti hen parents, Mr. anti exploded for four runs in the Mrs. Gondon Power anti James. final farne to wipe out a two Mn. and Mrs. Orville Chatter- run deficit, and cdaim the win. ton andi Carol visitet Mr. andi A base on balis to Barbara MArs. Henry Cantreli andi Susan ahteanho rsbKrn at thein cottage View Lakeon 1Braghg andanbrans yKaen Sunday.sandwiched arounti a single by Mrs.MacGoud, Wodsüki Sandra Chaskovitch. docitiet is visiting her parents. Mr. andite o Mrs. Herb Burgess. iteise Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mn. and. After splitting a pair of firs j Mns. Carlos Tamblyn anti fam- inning runs, Bownanville edg-1I ily, Larry andi Wayne Miller ed in front 3-2 in the second, Rebut Bthany tallied thnee mark- a' ~ied he Cydcran ers in the third to regain the gamne wrapped up with a pair in the fifth. flowever, a four run splurge ln the bottom haif knotted the score a 7-7, and the last ditch stand won it, after the visitons ent ahead again ini the top of the seventh. Marg Pickard picked up the decision in relief. Bragg anti Brown were the top bitters, each with a pair o! singles to go along with their home runs. Mulligan xent four for tour for Bethany. Single runs in the fifth anti sixth frames, after Bowmnanville Algariathati fought from behind a 4-0 * Libye ifgyPt deficit to tie the score, proved The Meditrraneen, the larg- .est landlocked ses lu the worid, is the romains of a much langer body of water. A few million years ago, this greater sca, callod Tethys by geolo- giets, extentiet eastward acros southern Asie. Later the shores of Tethys werc thrust together as thie earth's crust contracted. 'Much of the sea bottoru Wa pushed up and wrnkled to Aptçrrn sucb mountain systemes as y . M Apenuines anti Atlas. th dn aiference as LUIIU LUUk a close win in Orono Wednesday night. Both the winning and insurance runs came after two were out. The winners banged out singles by Baskerville, Reed and Forrester, and two-baggers by Found, Tennant and Myles to produce a four run lead in the second. The Bowmanville crew camne back with single runs in the third and fourth. and a pair in the fifth, but a two-out error by Chaskovitch, followed by Allin's single, produced the winner. Bathgate paced both clubs with three safeties, whlle Helen Panas collected a pair of base bits, as did Orono's Baskerville and Forrester. now! a new addition 1to the line. .. SIMCA ELYSEE New in Canadla! 7%e striking Simca Elysee 4-door family-size sedan. Plus recining seats and ail the famous Simca extras as standard equipment! See it today! High fashion neyer coet less! News Mxs. John Killpen. Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Web- ster, Scanlet Park, Orillia, and his brother. Mr. Stephen Web- ster, Kansas City, Miss., visited Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Hutton. Cogatlaions to Mr. and Mrs. Qunnli. the former Jan- ice Neal, on their marriage Saturday. July l8th, at Orono United Church. Rev. Basil E. Long officiated. Tbey will live in the Kumrite apantmeflts. Mrs. Herbent Murray was assisting in Ornfo Post Office on Tuesday. Miss Marion McKelvey. Ton- onto, spent the weekend wlth Mrs. Fred Brimacombe. Mr. Wm. Glanville bas return- ed home from taklng a thie weeks special course in Mont- real. Mrs. Fred Bowen visited ber niece, Miss Doris Stockdale,, Toronto. Legionnaires Také One Game Lead in Ban tam Playoffs Paul Mutton's two-ou.t single 8coriiIg another pair in the1 in the final inning of regulation1 fourth, wben Ted Brown, Ken play,,plated Ted Brown from iVeitch and i MUe Johnson puti third with the wlnnlng manken together singles. iu a Bantam playoff encounter,lTelcae o1t he hore Tuesday nlght. The 8-7 iheblo next fred ne ie win, ~~i toheowng a tret ge. uewith the gave theleoigioa irs ane 'elbenefit o! a sin gle bit by Jim egave lthe est o! tbne seris, Coyle. The Leglonnaines filleti edg i th bstof hre sristhe bases in the sixth, but wltb the next game in Cobourg Weeks fanned Bill Emburg te Monday nigbt. end the threat. Foflowing Coboung pitchon Weoks' three- Brown'a lead-off walk lu the baggen, with the sacks fillot in seventh, Veltcb bounceti back the finat inning gave the visit- otepthr and plnch-hltter ors a 3-0 leati. They added totbe,,.oplnrln. ,btMt four more lu the third ona tD ae oe ued ut Mut-gl walk, Mitchell's double and o fton ca enthg lt ssig singies by Weeks, Thomas andit ett n h ae Coutes. That was all, as Log- Hancokgv pfu ae ionnaire hurler Jon Hancockities, walked two, andi fannoti settieti down to throw bitlesthree ta rogister the wlu. John- bail oven the next four framos, son was the only playor ta get faclng only 13 battons, anti set-Imore than one hit, going tbnee ting the final ton down ln order.1 for threo against Weeks, who Bowmanville notcheti a pairigave up sovon*bits, whlle issu- in the finst on Ted Bate's single,1 ing six bases on balis anti set- Iand cut the deficit to three,1 ting down svon on stikos. PAGE Fprmn The Mrs. m. Carleton and Mrs. A. grni 51 eIuJJ' L, r anIIIb Pîgott are enjoying a motor trip I-.~mua Jack RaIston, Moorefiolti. in Norlien nus M tOntarsto.ee1K Mr. antir.BllHwsa Mrn. Mrs. HnyJne.T n i a c a t W e andi family, Kitchener, epent Preston, visiteti Miss Aima Cut- last week with Mni. ant i Mrs. tell and attendeti the manni1age Ends W IEfl ie Score MnSodn of Miss Munetta Hull in Lake- Mn. anti Mrs. Bob Bothwell field on Saturday Ladiies' Doubles-Doris Snoyd' Men's Doubles-Sberlock anti and boyseoyta eksh- Mr. and Mns. Bruce Mercer, and Doris Jennings (PH-Cob), Gumnmer (PH-Cob), def. Arnolti day at a cottage at Young's Valenie anti Bruce Jr. are sperid-. dcl. Marlon James anti Carol Lobb anti Buti Moses (B) 7-5. Point. ing twý%o weeks at a cottage at 1 Birtw,ýistle <B) 6-1, 6-2. 6-2. Mn. anti Mis. Jack Hopps, Sa- Kushog Lake. Mixoti Doubles-Marg Dus- Don Manstion anti Art Hooper, cramento. Cal., U.S.A., calîcti About 20 members of OronoI an andi Colin Blirtwistie (B), def. V. Burke anti R. Thomson on Mn. anti Mrs Lou Hockin on United Church Evening Auxil- de!. Mn. anti Mrs. Jerry Poulin (PHI-Cob) 6-3,. 6-4. Friday aftennoon. iary holti their fifth annual pic- (PH-Cob) 6-1, 6-4 n niMs.Bt ety nic meeting at the Morris cot- Norah Allun anti Bill Bunges Garland and Fishwick, (PH-W'tbiseiMnati r. tage, View Lake. on Thurstiay! (B). def. Lena Torneon anti John Cob), de!. Al Loob anti Hartiey Roibn t a r and aiiilst evening. Dora anti hon son Fishwick (PH-Cob) 6-1. 6-3. Lewis 4-6, 6-1, 6-2. RSurtnd a re ndy.lyls Rose entertaineti thoir guests udy with boat rides and conteste. - Birthday greetifl8s to Mns. Mn. anti Mns. J. Berry anti Wally Bothwell, Mn. John Wha- baby, Markham, visiteti Mnantid le ( ~ * ~ in anti Peggy, Raymondi Mon- Mrs. Robent Johnson, on Sun-1 ri a s ra e iaaey and Joyce Mills. day. Mre. Johnson just return-1 n M g- a e s C u tMr. andi Mns. Delino Nicken- etild hoe1o a tpt Tuesday, July 21st, 19590 Mathers anti Bonnie Wilson, suti C.nly jîl whievsitn (Written by A. Kurb) ailI of!Oroio, calleti onlMrs. J. s. C. il Hutton wstake n Whalen and femily on Friday Toronto anti was takon to the A Newcastle man, pleadet i ng ta, write to the Ministen of eveuîng. hospital. guiity ta a change of "Wound- Highways requestlng that he Mn. and Mire. Bill Davideon, - 1ing a Peace Officer in the law- revoke your licoftse until you Tononto, Mr. anti Mrs. Harry fui execution of his duty"'. Ho are 21 ycars o! age. Thene la too Suowden anti daughters, Bow- was nenîantied until July 3lst much o! Uhic type of t*ing go- manville, Mr. anti Mrs. Sam O ly pia for sentence et Cobourg, Ont. ing on arounti bore. You tion't Snowden anti sons, Blackstock, Medical evidence was from Dr. seemn to understaud. The penal- calleti on Mr. anti Mrs. Alan ISvva m Robin Arnoldi who tolti o! treat- ties are goiuýg to bo hoavy. You Snowdeni on Fnitiay evening. Wing Prov. Const. J. Ricard for have been warned iby articles . Mn. Ross Metcaif la takIng itwa penetrating wounds under in the Statesman. Maybe you a refreshor course in music et the left arrnpit anti one wound dou't taise time 'b neati the pa- a Toronto colleglate. Newcastle In~~l the mid-abdomen. Wounde per. Do you like 'the poriy tail Pgy Wae noe The owmnvile lymiaswero %' long andi 11/2"deep you are wearing? Thon the Mag- wegg ody W h ejoeina swmp e wastle 16-1,ia and took 5 stitiches anti one istrate turneti te the boys f ather 'shldy itbecoin Juvenile encountor, aetthe Vin- s c epcieyt ls. adakdhn o omnBonnie Wilson, Orono. cent Massey Park Tueetiay P.C. Ricard tolti of investi-j the feUes' repliedi, "Thero li Congratulations to Mise Bar- night. The Olympias b ggeigtin'g e requcat for police et flot much I eau say for hlm.I bara Brown who was chosen 13 safetios, off route--oing the o! the accused's imo- Ho won't IÙy to do the rightI iaLosCria nBw inountisman B. Rowe, as Terny thon. The wife of thie eccused things." meanvilo on Saturday eveniug. Black, Don Bagnoîl, Ray Crom- was sltting in a chair, thc cou- Thon the 'Magistrate waredOthors lu the lbaton twiriing bic, Grant Wright anti John stable ask iset ot leave. The the boy hie mîgbt neceive mare contesta from Meaple Grovo were Twist loti the attack with a painr accusedi was veny obscene. Hoe consieration when he returneti Mary Axin Doyle anti Carole o! bita apiece. was angry becauso bis wife hadi ta court nekt Tueidey if bis hein Gneenhamn. Jlm Moorcraft threw a One- lost hon wallet containlflg about was eut. The Magitrate dinected Xrs. Wilf MeLean anti Lanry bitter over the first four trames,' $5000. This was the 2nd time son commonts to about a doz- wore guests of Mr., anti Mna. wbile fanning sevon. Larryi lu 3 monts this bati occuneti. on young girls who had. corne Gerry Wilsoi, Peterborough, Piper, catcher turneti pitchon, This was "fa.mily business ta view the proccedings. Que at their cottage, Bradley Bey, fluisheti up allowing two safe- andi not the affair ofthtAe police" girl wes ordered tram the court- ovor the weekend. Lanry stay- ties, anti giving up the lone the accuseti was quotet. Thon nom because she thought the ed, fan a week's holiday. Newcastle run, when Brown ho requested Ricardti t "Corne proceedings wene furasy andi ho Mn. anti Mns. Robent Sheaner doubleti in tbe seventh. on lu bore, III tako yau on, I told, thc athers that it was a flne anti Danny, visiteti relatives lu. Bowmanville tallieti six runs bave a kuilo." Ricard beeketi stete of affaira when ail tbey Belleville oven the weekenti. in the second, atitedi e pair lu thie man down the hallway with could findi to do witb their timne 1Mia. William O'Neill, An eac o!thethinti anti fountb the man fIlailing eway with the was to wastel ese ortMai edConsntat innîngs anti finisheti ut with five kuýife. Thon lho realizoti bis took until 6.00 p.m. It hati been week et a cottage et Minden. ln thc sixth. clothing was damp and ho was in session slnce 10.00 ar1n. on a Mrs. James Allen, Oshawa, ___________ bleetiing. hot humd day. They had wited ,Ricard pulleti bis revolver, but ail day. ST R VL Erather ta shoot the man, le t A an was committeti for u the bouse andi phoneti to P.C. tial on a Charge of Breaki UE VI Drytien for belp. Drydenn e -Enteringadteft ofther Toronrto, recently.i anti James. Ricarti altbough FeiatLu enC.Hwill go Mise Gwen Stark, Toronto, stabbed lu three places, stayed tried inluthe fall by a Judge in L spet heweokend aethome., on te* ob nilrlive jutendicourtofcope A m ii-r"--n. ijryQenm--+" n e, --idcio,& i - Mr. iRoy r¶cray, BruIw spent e few tiays with Mn.An thur McKay. Mrs. Ait Dabson la spending e few days with hen sister, Mrs. E. Forresten. Westp.ont. Mns. Clarence Gîlmen visiteti ber mother, Mrs. Cecil Bunloy, Newtonvllle. Misses Helen anti Amy Car- son, Oshawa, visiteti their panr- enta. Mn. anti Mrs. Warren Car-I son. The July meeting of Shilob was helti et the home o! Mro. Ai! Dobson with 20 menibei'sI present. Mrs. Hon, Reid' reati the ecipture leeson and Mrs. Ewert Robinson gave tbc comrnentary Some plane wene matie for a pic- nie for Shilob. The ladies on- joyed visiting after thc meeting anti lunch was senvoti, Mrs. Jim Stark thanketi Mns. Dobson for tho evening et bon homo. Mr. anti Mrs. Llew Hellowel are cujoying a holiday iu thie Western provinces. M. anti Mrs. Gardon Tim and femily visitedi thein coittage jand Ted' Stark was a gucat wt thern. You Neyer Saw Your HOME TOWN. PAPER Throwr ntut he gutter or waste basket bel ore th was read, did Yeu? But waste baskets aud gutters are coustautly being filled with umopened expeusive direct advertising, sales ammunition shot iuto the air. A n.wspapr always commandsana audience with prospective customers. It tin neyer tbrown aside without first b.iug read from cover te eovex. Then it is borrowed by the ueighbors. ?bat's why intelligent, attractive newspaper advertlsing ina aeoptedm the. moat effective fonai of advertising your business. Au advertlsement iu this papr wil reacb over 90 per cent of the bu"er la the local trade territory. The. cost la very smail and basides we do the m aln d Pop thepotam.. Durhamn Coutys Gmst Fainiy Journal in civilian clothes, entereti the bouse alone. The man was at the kibchen table armeti with tbree knivos whieb wero entered as eduibita, a jack knife, a paning kuife anti e breatikuife with a 12" blatie. The mian was abusive. Ho recognized Dryden, thon set ck>wn et ho table. Ho was agi- tateti. Drydien taîkoti te hlm about 15 minutes anti the man agreeti t» go with Dryden. Ho bat' been dninking. Alter registering the conviction. Magistrato R. 1B. Baxter commentedtot the man that ho was liable to 14 years imprisonmient for tliis charge. Ho was remandîng him. until July 3lst for a mental examin- ation. Ono youth ageti 17, anothier ageti 18, wene c<fiarged with (1) Being under the age of 21 years dit obtain licjuon. (2) Illegal Possession of Liquon (3) Was intoxicateti in a public place. They wene convicted as chargeti. They ciareti Police te take thora 'and they wene obliged, the Mag- !!strate nemantiet them a week 1 for sentence anti wanned the 17 1yoar oit boy to sel bis car duri- ing this penioti. "Whore a car la usoti ta convey liquor for il- legal purposes, I cen orten the Icar seized andi solti witb tbc pro- 1 ceetis going to tbc Queon,.in the r ighit of OntaTla. I amnalso go- Oei mntxiaecche antih peingititota te$28.00. ithcran pi aitota oef$28.00.unt ora paid te ae in bi car tta Late ofte cin iecar, o aith thet was a dean bottile of been. Evidence was heard about a local man who was couvioteti o! passiug choques without the necesary funtsisnl the bank tbe ciheques wcre made out on. Two lu Bowmanvllo, two ln Darling- ton andi onc in Whitby. A war- rnfor this man la boit by OsaaPolice anti Belleville Police want hlm for questloning. One truck driver was fineti $50.00 andi costs for ovenlo.ating, enother $20,00 anti coïts for op- enetiug his truck with the wroug oporating license. Three con- victions for Careless Drivlng resuitetinl fines o! $15,00 anai coets, $25.00 and, coats totalling $70.80 and $M.00 anti costs to- talling $52.20. Two were accident repercussions. No liquor invol- yod, bothi rear cuti collisions lu- volving impatient drivons who failedti t take necessary pro- cautions when traffic slowed eut stoppeti aheati, althougb other witneafes tati taken the precautions. The Magitrate comnrentet "Wheu you corne upon a lin. of traffie, you mnuet slow do>wn tbteec w'het lago- ing on."p 1nTt' Snowden spent laut week wlth MAPLE GROVE their aister, Mnr. Howard Ha- gedorn, Petersburg. Diane Hoar and David Barra- Many from Maple Grov~e et- bail were each presented with tended the Salvation Army pic- Bibles for attendance and good nic at Waltona Park, Newcas- work at Suriday achool. tle. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen- Mr. and Mns. Tony rabSine son and family accompanied and family, Oshawa, were Sun- lvfr. and Mns. Bert Sparrow to day guesta of Mr. and NMca Don Pembroke lait Saturday. Larums. Mrs. John Morrow. Mr. and The Country Couples Club Mrs. James Geddes and family, wiUl hold their plcnic at Eben- enjoyed a plenic at Canton on ezer this Saturday. Couples arm Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ver- asked to meet at the Chiarch non McKenzie and family 0f at 6:30 p.m. Port Hope. sunday dinner guests wlth Misa Mauree3x Whalen bas re- Mr. and Mr&. Robert Shearer turned home atter holidaying were her parents, Mc. and Mis. with bar uncle and aunt, Mr. Tucker of Whltby. and Mrs. Jack MéLellan, Ajax. Dr. and Mr&.. L. Hl. Coates, Ms'r. and Mns. Milton Pater- Mr. and Mma. D. H. Coat.., 811 son and family were Sunday of! Brantford, were weekend guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Max guests of Mrs. L. C. Snowden Morrissey. and farnily, recently. j&. and Mms Stephen Jeffery Mervin Conroy has returned and Gary vlzited relatives lu frm a holiday with hi& cousin, Woodstock and Tilbury over Russeil Morrlssey, Ennlshiflen. the weekend. Mr. and Mn. Robert Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. Elvîn Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott were anid children, Orono, called on guests at an lanniversary Party Mrs. John Whalen on Fniday for Mr. and Mrs. Howard evening. Rham, Oshawa. &cm« Mijao"t Md &"dm 1aiMm d iov cbuhsGebs- P.. Wee Batting Averages Orono Holiday Bargains NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AS W NEED USED CARS 1957 DODGE REGENT 4-Dr., V-8 Power Flite, radio. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., 6 cyl. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN, V-8 with Power Flite, radio, Sports tone. 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., 6 cyl. Automatic, windshield washeri, directional signais, Very dlean. 1953 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. Autometie, radio. 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-Dr. 1952 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UIr 1950 CHEV. 2-Dr., radio FARGO TRUCK, 3-ton Stake Palmer Motor Sales MlA 3-5487 CHRYS SIMCAPLYMAUTHS 20 King St. East Bowmanville I HOME L00K NEW! Ernest Young, Eastleigh, Eng- land, spent a few days lait week at Ottawa and Cornwall am enjoyed a boat crwi on the new St. Lawrence Lake and alonf the Seaway. Mr. and I(rs. Bruce Stephen- son, Paul and Glenh . Detroit, Midi., spent a holiday with her parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Met- èa1t. Joyce St. Pierre has return- ed home from Sick Childrens' Hoaipital, Toronto, where she underwent surgery on ber foot lait Wednesday. David and Barry ConroY, Gary Neil and Ronnie Morris- sey attended the music camp of the Salvation Army Sunday Schol at Roblin Lake lait week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White, Harwood, were Sunday visitOrs wlth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenharu. M.r. and Mrs. Wrav Hinan and boys, Unionville, were Sun- day dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty. and Mr. Mac Laverty and son Martin, Duzrn- ville, were weekend guest. Mrs. Roy Metcalf and Mr. Ross Meteaif visited Miss Ar- :nold in Brooklin on Sunday. Sandra Raiston bas returned home from a holiday with hon santly surprised whon her baby, Paul. was chosen the Swift Baby of thie month for May. She receiveti a silvor cup with the baby's initial& 'and a choque for $100.00. Misses Rita May and Cindy Lou Stephenson, Bowmanvillo, calleti on I',rs. J. WIialon anti famnily last week. Ivan andi Billy Mille have ne- turneti homne from a week's holiday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mifs. Gordon Shuuk, Port Perry. Mr. anti Mrs. Milo Suther-1 land and ramily, Tr ito vere1 Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs.! Cecil Mille. About 25 ladies from the Women's Institute enjoy"eti bus trip to, Toronto one day lat %woek. They touned the Tip Top Tailon plant anti had dinner at tbe lovely High Park restaurant. Later thev went thnough Casa Lomna. Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 King St. East Phone MA 2-i487 Bowmauville iMP»ORTroO PROM PARIS DY CHRYSL.ER $ET IOHNS-MANVDLLI COLORBESTOS SIDEWALLS FROM Orono Fuel & Lumber Co. PHONE 14816 ORfl'«> JOHS-MNVILE UILINGMATRIAS. AB Hits Avg. Irwin ColwelI 28 19 .679 Guy Parks --- 26 16 .615 John Kilpatrick 14 7 .500 Gary Akey 10 5 . 500 Charles Ewert- 8 4 .500 Rick Lucas --- 29 13 .448 David McFeetes- 18 7 .389 Bob James - 29 10 .345 Sheve Burns - 12 4 .333 Ken Miller 12 4 .333 Gerald Harness 9 3 .333 George Bail 25 8 .320 Jes Gilhooley 18 4 .222 and i. harea aviion Ca anour vlaesPr.adsoMi..o brgcquied Mn.Sandrda.Bb Mar. ae. nd Msack Elio at Mr. ad teMriackellf their coundPtericiagKeloftirs cosiertrciain orotolmtosa- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparrow and Donny Whalen, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sparrow, Pickering Beach. 1 1 FARGO Fuels Meet Port Perry Stephen Fuels. ln name only, wvill play Port Penny this Sat- urday night at 6:30, in Port Penny, in a return exhibition match. The double P's wore easy victors in the firt meet- ing. However, the Fuels only have two membens o! the nogular team who xiii probably be in action Saturday. The squad, choson by Jim Coyie. former Stephen manager, consista of Ted Bird, Doug Jackman, Clint Ferguson, Ace"~ Richard, Vince Vanstone, Bill Nicholson, Harry Snowden, Stan Couch (must be a ringer). coaches George Ste- phen andi Muray Tighe anti Coyle. A couple of Bowmanville softbaliors, Jack Parker anti John Mason are playing for Port Penny.

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