PAGE EXTRE, - CANADIAN STAT~MAN, BOWMANV'ff.LE. OIITAR3D rmTR~nAV~ fIT.? Ifr~. t ELLIOTT-Dan and Edna are happy ta announce the arrivai of their daughe, Edna Darlene, '7 lbs., 12 ozs., an Thursday, July 16, 1959, at the Port Hope Hospital A sister for Denise. 30-1 GREENHAM -Mr. and Mirs. Elgin Greenham (nee Shirley White) are happy ta announce the arrivai af their son, Russell Elgin Roy, on July 16, 1959, at Memnonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 30-1* LUXTON-Mr. and Mrs. Haroldlj Luxton wish to announce the! arrivai of their chosen daugh- JArticles for Sale WEDDING dress, size 14, worn once. Phone MA 3-3754.' 30-1 BABY carniage, grocery cart. Telephone MA 3-5394. 30-1* LARGE crib an d matt reas. MA 3-7056. 30-1 MASSEY-Harris grain binder, 7 ft. eut. MA 3-2124. 30-1 NEW half-ton trailer, $45.00 Phone MA 3-5215. 30-1 PIANO for sale. Telephone MA 3-2480. 30-1 RASPBERRIES. Elmer Cox. 1MbArket 3-7189. 29-2 ter, Julie Lynn. A sîster for TWO or three-pieee chester- Larny, Donnie and Bobby. field suite, $40. MA 3-3206 304* aften 6. 30-1 MN'CKNIGHT-Mr. and Mrs. Wal- NORTHERN Electnie refrigera- Aricles for Sale Help Wanted Real Estate for Sale CEDAR fence posts, and feed CLERK - Typist for general of- 100 ACRE farm for sale, good oats. MA 3-2126. 30-1* ficee ork. Apply C. J. Garton, cash crop land, and some apple Gartoxl Coach Lines Ltd. 30-1 iarchards. Telephone Oshawa ONE Massey-Harris grain bmnd.. 'ALELAD, sngl, --t- RA 8-0194. 29-2 er, 8' eut, power take-off; o n1 years of age, for steady empioy rubber, ail Alermte fittlngs, A- 1i ment. Apply Stedman 5e to ' P-STOREY brick house, six condition. Chas. Russ, Newton-1$1.00 Store, Bowmanville. 28-tf rooms, two baths, hardwaoo ville. Phone Clarke 1323 after -- ___-flo<rs. residential district, oil 6 p.m. 29-2* WOMAN, to help with house- heated. P.O. Box lai, Bow- work and cooking during tabac- manville. 29-2* HEARING aid service. Testing co« harvest. Alex Jon cas, % - service and complete stock of mile east of Enterprise. Please NEW hause, six rooms, on batteries and cords at Higgon eall, do not phone. 30-2* corner lot, paved streets, close Electric Lïmited, 38 King St. E., ----ta schools and buses. Pollard Bowmanville. Telephone MA EXPERIENCED married ma i Sub-divisian, Courtice. Phane 3-3305. 7t for dairy farm. Write Adver- IRA 8-5579. 30-21 - ______- ~ - -.tiser 963, c/o Canadian States- -____________ Iman. P.O. Box 190. Rnwman- THi P5!1 dr41n bl~r ibouse an C fESTrFL chisutetauble ville. 30-1 centraily located. Would con- be and fourinchairs, edube _____________-sider lease. Write Advertiser I bd ad srin matres, re- APPLICATIONS to f111 vacancy 960, c/o Canadian Statesman, ser, chiffonier, high chair, rol of the urban representative on P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. ~away bed, floor and table lamP,Ithe United Counties Court of 3- air foam pillows, blankets, mats, Revision will be received by the---- 43-piece dinner set, sonie tools. undersigned utitil5pn. n t; Real Estate for Sale Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE in King st IL. owanwiII. Tetephone MA 3-5868 Notices Dr. G. E. Mann will be on holidays froni July il ta July 26. 28-3 Gentleman Ieaving for Gaspe 'Peninsula Ju1y 27th, two weeks. ýPhotographie tour. room for Local Improvement Lo 317S' anYonie witn same lnterest Saes a 3-A. Bartou IPhone MA 3-3864. 30-M* Notice e rooHE VI S I1 Take Notice That: 9 Bargain.RALLVN SANTA 1. The Council of the C 9: Owner moving and insista lJUNE 19 te THANKSGIVING tion of the Town of Bowrna -that we sell this beautiful 1 % jFun For Ail The Family intends te construet as a LocalY starey home in country on bus' 1Improvement a water main m service. Oul heating, 3-piece 1 Oblidren to 14 years - FREE the followint streets betweea rbath, alumninum awnings, stonnis . the pointa mentioned: and screens. Priced ta seli with 9:30 &.m. te 6:09 P.m. HIGH STREET low down payment. Sunday 1:00 p.m. te 6:00 p.m. rm Cneso StNrio 1 4 7/10 acres of land on good jh ...Poet ro S~PU. ~-".SÀNTA'S VILLAGE and intends ta speciallyass 3à cres. ,nrhstr'nal znerland Atf4-- 0ÏL lac Mcnigt ae app taý ir aa nes oiaraer. rone1 PoneMA3-59 1 3011day, July 24, 19~59. K. Symons,: eallEtiZleuilc aniiounce the birth of a baby' MA 3-5053. 301 Clenk, Northumberland and Pedwell Rea saeatI3 OkOupen rlacre. near lakefront. Bracbrig1 Ont. aprti ecsoracin girl, Donna Jean, at Oshawa FIFTY-galnon aquarium, kitchen THRESHING machine, Favour- Durham. 29-2 50 acres farni with 2 houses. 2- .Teetnae oto h Geer] ositl n ul 1 and binet. M. Bengsma. 28 Vie- ite, 28" cylinden, good asnwB~-- ------ . C. PEDWF'LIL. BROKER Suitable for 1 familip-. Only- --___- - or %,40 fwhc 1959. A sister for Karen an toria St. 30.1* Used on one farta only. Avail- OVER 40? Make a good revenue Newcastle Phone 3S 3,500 do-wn.Lst1,1.0itobpadyth Ronnie. 30-1l! _-- - ___ - able with conventional feed or weekly. ,Ioin our staff of pros- Saleme New bungalowvs with low' - - ~BABY buggy and aluminum with cyclone for blower feed. peosdMes eligordîy- -taurice H. Pedwell down pàymenf-. availableien, Corpmration.gneetstinaedlawk ciaughters of Mn. and Mrs. Billïcasters. Phone MA 3-7283. take-off, igood working order. min andotecte .terntry an. Com-,n nCooato Cf. elehn Slaght, Jr., are happy to an-, 30-1 Write Ken Russell, UnionvillemsinadBnu.DtisaPhone12,Brookîlu ooainCf.Teebn ab adii wny(0 ___________ctalogu__t onil x'Dnto1.1MA '3-5564. 30-1 nulisaîet n h nounce the arrivai of their baby - or Phon Unionville 45. 30-1 ctlge'E lfe!__________-etnae wes aeprfj sister, Dawn Marie, at Memonial BABY carniage, like new, white- 16, 1600 Deloriniier, Montre' *ý. _E.____________ Hospital, Bowmanville, on Wed- 'and green. Phone MA 3-7209. JULY SAFste beds, $1495; _____ ____- 30-1: Phone 2M8, <loloorne Charles Rankine - -i nesday, July 15, 1959. 30-1i 30.1 * Continental beIs, $4495; Ar- YO3- REAL ESTATE BROKER FrRn .Apiainwl enae WATR or al. elierd.bonite coffee and end tables, Yong an Over 2 lots left Rehder Ave., 72'AP TMN. A 34byhe orrtinathOn STUTT-Mr. and Mns. John Stutt ý Phone Cliff Pethick. MA 323.$10.95; Trade-in rug, 6' x 9',T an1 frontage. Act, quickly.0-îtai MucplBorfri. are happy to announce the birth i -tf36 $29.00; chrome kitchen suite' Eastern Ontario Distributor en- J. Vanars hic arense,-- proa o3ttiidrtkngo of a son, Darren Walter, on Fnl- like new, $29.50; Electrie refrig:qiariigsales ganiforteron- RA $ TFBOE beuil3bdrohne itLRG aptet.Al o day, Juiy 10, 1959, at Memonial!QUANTITY of Tîmothy or eraton, freezer across top, guar- entipsition.g ma nifo p ran- 1 E8EKAing E.R be-,qoihrddantifl 3 edr loo home. wth ARGaar ttemnAOfftiee.dwokan ayowe Hospital, Bowmanville. A bro- 'Alfalfa hay, baled. Phone Orono anteed, $98.00. Murphy Co.,tnt dpoition. Caprtuit fr 18KiigE.Ma33d0 ar badathtl. foosGaur-angieSatsanOfic. ny ithi tttyon dy then for David, Dougie and 36rl9 aften 5:30 p.m. 30-1 King St. W., MA 3-3781. 30-1* apdrotin rneesry.'i 5-noom, 3 bedroom brick, i;ace andbt.Grgrew3-fferheir plcaon f _________aveage________________coditon.onOreh- right across Lake -Ohntnoiciflewit tt Rar GEORGE White threshing mill, MASSEY Harris self-propelled programme. Write ard View. This is a good ont.e gS200wt dtem. tained. adulta. 205 King St.,benudrten __________________- INo. 6, like new. Phone New- used combines, one 8' eut, No. Advertiser 961, c/o Canadian 5-roomn bungalow on one-acre 9 acres garden sil, landscap- MA 3-3186. 30-O. h si oadma p D eats catie 137.30.1 26, omplte; ne 1, eu, NoStatesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- near Maple Grove. ed, 3 bedrooin frame home, .- 26, complete; ont 10' eut, No: manville. 30-1; We have others. bathroom, laundry rooni, base- FOUR rooms. bath, heated; ira- -poeo h adwr e CARSSudny th radio, eight tube Philco, 80, complete. Also new mach- W aeln nqatt o ment, very attractive. Only mediate posqession. Phone MAunetknbtbfrdig , CHIDS-uddnlyathishme six ush buttons. W. Goode, mes n dipaayeDonanave-nSA ES yo.r ispe'ion.$8,50Ô with $1.500 down or wiU 3-7247. 27-tfitaypontaim nple 26 in t.EBomn ile MA 3-3868. 30.1* ok ~ tee b seil through V.L.A. --__-- -'heanobctntaheal on Sunday, July 19, 1959. Joseph'__look_______________combines. iCalR in and talk kt vr flD over.s gd yas PoeLiteBrti 3,Ms-3- 10 acres market gai-den, new LARGE cottage, Lake Scugog, Iwr iIb osdrd Frdeic Cilsagd 3 eas 700 BALES of hay, clover and Phn itî ntin3,MsPORTUNITY 3- modern brick home. Asking ail conveniences. and boat. beloved husband of Donothy timothy. Phone MA 3-2897. sey-~Fergu.son dealer- 30-1 $4,0f . -l 3,0 dw. Phone Dora Morris 180 Orono. - ae tBwavleti Brand and dean son of Mn. and, 29-2 30-1 wt ny 3OlOdw. wa hldinth Mrrs unra TWLV are sanin wntr FOR THE BEST BUT IN Weetequir a t'aa well located i tovin, hot waterH SE6rom,3-.2ddaofJuy19. Mrs. J. inChe Mrs, Sr. S TELEacessanig tevi . REENTTIE Pte .uumaInemehoe,76oo brck: _____bath. hydro. ~ B ENLS Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wed-iwheat. Telephone MA 3-2897. ALUMINUM SALES REPRESENTATIV heating, Oiù fired, an exception- insuîated, hardwood and tilt lr-remrr nesday, July 22, at il o'clock 30-2 to caver the Bowmanville acta.; RA STT 0 ally well kept home. A very floors, garage. Milton T'amblyn, 3- Cremation Tononto Cremator. - - D OORS - WINDOWS AND This Isaua excellent opportunity 100 acres, 7-roomn fully modern small down payment will give, Phone 22219 Orono. 30-tf î]r.30-1i MASSEY-Hani-is 6 f. Binder, AWNINGS buglwagebr,__ti o ossin n etfo _____eceln.cnito.fA3252orOE .HaBR f maan a ae ih uglolag bri tot o pseeo ndrntfoi .___- uecelntodtLon. MA3202.* PHONE carnînga streams. Suitable for pony portion will carry your paY- ý THREE-roomned heated ,ipant- Tnes W ne EWENSON, John Robent - At:________ i- Â1 am e sfo nomto.mns ment. heavy wired. separate MA 3-2a4o1l5eidntan 50 acres, 7-room. house., large An exeeptional buy i a busi- entmance and bath. Immediate FRSL YTNE M~emorial Hospital, Bowmanville, 1MASSEY Harris combine, 6 i own a a lcar.sdn n ba. odsU agi t es' hsgoeysoe as to'possession. Phone MA 3-~2436. Tedrwilbrcivdb Monday, Juîy 20,r an1959,r dean, fnacr $9,500. Easy termis. ternis, price and tu.rnoveré f 7t h nesge oiio pt Rbnt fEizt Ewens eoe d u- godcodiion PoNEM Cockshutt three-furrow 30 acres, fully modern bung- filiated with a well known chain,; __________ beand trof Rzath Een sonad -08.1- plough, nearîy new; ont man- AL alow, nice barn. neyer failing !turnover is guaranteed oer SMALL apartment, living-roomn, doen fa tof Ruth Elle (MrsE. wo- n badmnton-r-ket lreFr nrederused on e * rn nan;Istream. Priced ta seli. $100,000.00 per year. Brick !kitchenette and bedroom, mod- h 1fdyo uy15 oh Roen lta MutoBwm.Lgn avidressNE woe neadminto n rc e ae tr, nes easn T r rouucis 14 acres at Maple Grave, soil building, with excellent living trn pnivate bath with shower, ~ucaeo h pryo h -NagraFll, nt); ar 1 Bow t. Bwmni ppyont cultivator, used; ont new et Oshawa - RA 8-0141 suitable for raspberries and quarters, ail modern equipment, 'one or two pensons only. Apply lt n lndH iteo h Nliagrzabet s, nt.);ugi Marig,15 3-1nown StispoBowuna;v500le.strawberrien. Price $300 per' tht pnice is* only $25,000.00 with î at No. 5 Apartment. 23 Teni- tS ue London). and John E. Ewen- 1 - of a year-old hay, 25e pe baie, for au appointmtnt acre. 'erst ut h we h:eac tFu onrBw son, Toronto. Rested- at Jennett FORD-Ferguson Tractor, with two one-quarter horste1tlctric 9 a.m. ta 6 p. 2kare.ih an sm ruit is retiring wil take suitable i manville. 28-tf Ti rpryi pxe~ Funeral Chapel, 1141 St, Clair1 manure and bale-stook loader, motors. Apply M. A. Pickering, ____________301jres. Pnice $1,500. . house i trade. LARGhouse, 8 roonis, withsnal Ave. West, Toronto, until Wed- i good condition. Neil Malcolm, No. 2 Highway, Newcastle, Ont. OPPORTUNITY - Building lot 90 x 380. Price: Highway farn, 96 acres, an onLArGE, nigfuorishetd enroa dgdn _________________________ - --- Ehallenging positions are avail-1 w storey, eidtcd cooler, 495 pound contract., containing new breakfast suite, tne:blnet eoî ! Htdatl10or serv he a SaeiBaktk664301Poe31.02Toem-tchxelnt 1:i30 arrn. ulk mu k hgo nd loo hate, cri- es 0 fpiewU Hallmn f or sectete0 .m.SAVE an lumnber, direct frarn able If yen are ready for ce- house, central, 3 bedroorns. Price $16,00O.00 with good t' s tot and rold w ater lc aho lsig lsn aet Inenen ropetCeet . millta you. Phillips Lumber TIÇPT sponsibility knowing i, leads teI Pnice $5,500. Terras. tennis. trise stopoe and pefnigso, bed arngd 30,.1*un.Otai. hn promotional opportunitits. 6-roomn bungalow in Newcastle. The above are only samples ishs osadpns e ihs naytne KAMToma -17 r 11. l3tf THIS OPPORTUNITY Wi1I trade for house in Bow- of sorne of our chace buys :ceserield. warrobe.neesiyacptd Kacidet h Cas ke Townhip on1 ALC aaasattnigTJ1ACUTORSOFFERS rOU manville aor sedifor $8.000.; e ni and, ste us. We wilï Available August 1sf. Tele- R .WDEL .. Monday, July 20, 1959, Toomas 1 convertible storm-scneen v,'m- A practîcal training programme. Tra r ehlpyu hn A3721 rnOt Karnni aged 20 yeans, beloved dows and doors, railings. Lamne 1 VAC TftACTIO A future depening upn ou: 189 Seuog t. ewmn.vîîî :52 King SL W. Bowmanvillej SlctrfrttVnos son of Mn. and Mrs. Albent Irs, Allin, 1 Prince Street. 30.1* 1 MASSEY HARRIS TRACTOB. ability and how yen use 1tL Phone MA 2-2644 MA 3-2453 or %1-2762 Work Wanted 125 Varsity Rd., Toronto. Resf- - - -01 ing at the Morris Funeral Chap-' CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, 1 CASE TRACTOR Rewarding management oppor- ___ 0 30____________-lBY'5 eiesfi rpr i lodnn om utgt-tunities with an ever-txpanding BOY.. 15, de---- s. Cars forpaat el, Bowmanville, until Thurs- a1odiigromsitSte TRACTOR opay ni rai,~tinme ork during the holidays.~ -- day noon, then at tht Trullileg table, 6 chairs and buffet. ~SCmpaty-.t aaaslags uua wnna ct Dial Newca.stle 4164. 30-1*FODdmtrcigodon Funeral Home, 2704 Yonge St.,,PaeM -24 01 DlI? r Sales Finance Company. DeC TVANG sufigaddtinhih ox utalfr Toront1o, fo evce on tun- FRESH raspberries daiîy; also .I.J.U IJ1 Applicants should be 22-28, MmbrEAof Oshaa ad00 acriabe f anm, 50 acres nwr- row crop wonk. Phone MAnket -ri.PoeBaktc 62 dYr aeterocl. In0e-enGladioli. Opposite Cream of CASE DEALER 'tnjoy meeting the publie, b embr Y; ~ Oi tn,' ars~ 3-3548. 28-4______31 YorkCemter, 3-i BaleyPar.a PoneMAPh506.e MAi 3t..5,026.1ws 9a1rtKaingsiStandWi.,ng e Ral stae Bardseeed,10 cre îvod, - v aîand andALLTAT Auo Isurnce !$ 10,500 buys modern bunga- L-shaped bank barn, cernent jITRO 30-tf Phone MAtr-5491 îow in residential am-a large i silo, etc.; 7-roomed frame horne,! papen hanging. Melle Rozema, ae2% î.mnh apy In MemorîIam KEYS cut automaticafly, while 30n-1 Banking, credit, insurance, sales logaae.Tr:s heavy wired. Aking $15,500i R.R. 1, B,,, vle A3254,Fo esna evc Iyu - ____---- -Iyou wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- or unversity backgrounds are: $6,900-brick house, central. -wîth $5.500 down, 29-tf Jhm o saaR -82 CROWTHER-ln loving mnemoryi ware, 36 King St E., Bowtnan.. assets. but not a. requirement.: $2 000 down. 114 acre dairy farm wîth 4___________- -coit.-t of William George Crowther ville. 46-tf Save Sv ae WRITE BOX 205, OSHAWA $ 5,000 down boy., brick 4_ caii& quota, aUl workable. 2 P'LUMBING. heating, eaves- w-ho passed away July 26 ' 956- -Save_- Save-' 29-3 apartment building, centrai- miles from a town, 100,X 32, troughing; freet at ..s. FRNW OD --- Ever remembered by his wife UPRIGHT Domiinion piano, ini te FT. $,600-full Prime for buýnga- bakbri1diese, e avy ateTyoe A mn urnee sdC Hazel and sons Charles and'excellent condition. Mrs. Geo. Stucur enir ow, 2 acres land and strearn,<coe ntld;8i3-20rOon17.6tfCi Jamie. 30-1 E. Allun, Phone 2841 Newcastle. LV .LOWer Structure__ near Hampton. Terins. romd rik om wthru- -- --- ---andTm 30.1* with Crown Rotator, and RADIO and television repairs. $4,000 down buys farm of, 30 nng water, kitchen cupboands.. WIEASIGadldsinfeef- FOWLER-In loving memoi'y of WATER, hard and sot, deliver- All Wave Antenna. Prompt service. Pick-up and acres near Bowrnanville. $;14,000 )Pricet $16,500. Terras.i ing stables, etc. Fret estimates.. SAAOOSL» flw dean brother. Hugh Fowler',edPrmtsvi.R rtH Competfîy îInstalled i vr. eres,8 ig t ul c.100 acre farm.. 75 acres work- jail work guaranteed. TelephoneRA348 sa who passed away this life on - Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA Regular Value $150.00 E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf i $4,500 full prive. 70- able spaninegshedsloped baonk Cirke 321or H. Bn opis eiec Ak 37 -, 3 156 Christmas Treet rm.18,die0h00sl;81omd ..3,Pr Hp.16-2794 j350.31-tf Sl nc 11.5 GAATE eeiinadipue cth Pn.Oniv ýhome with furnace, nunning FRcinywrnwo Just a sweet remem-brance. iaePie$1.5 GURNEDtl-ïinan rnd Soc ie Just a memory sad and true, HOT water tank, No. 3o, used This offer limlted te our rdasevc,2aa00ae. 150 on aterPe f$rl0,00nearnthis. BUVorING ORikSELLkNO Just the love and sweet only 4 yeans. 65 Scugog Stpeetsok Saine day service. Television - Cottage at Cedar Crest Beach, 20ar an enBtany, icreir ork. P.O.Brcbock devotion Bowmanvifle. Phone MA 3re3nt6toc Service Ca. Phone MA 3-388.3. fully furnished, fireplace,bah 175 acres workable, 5acecoctewk.P.Bx 1083., E OIf the ones who think of you. 30-1* T 49-tf room. Make an offer wit wood, spnings, L-shaped bank3Ca5820. rner,Ph5ne MA!T edCm nM tn (-Fverreimerdby his sis- ______________Ohw ~uqu -----$1.500 down. W barn, drive shed, silo, hien house,3580o350.30fRA3-94-R. A-54 t'1,(Vrge)Mns. Frederick GLADIOLUS, eut flowens.for 361 GIBBONS STREET !REPAIRS and rewinding, ari-, 7-rooin frame house iiig etc, 9-roomned brick home with I E.-ans, also bis brother-in-law h cain.Diyhsia eehn saaRA 8-8180 i atures turned. ta alniakes Of condition in Orono!$4.pu irwn1xeibgahot eand coîdst er, latnngRpîr 0 Kn i.E 'Ltderick Evans of R.R. No.1 deliveny. Mns. Ernest Passant. Bownanville MA 3-552Z i electrie matons. Higgon Ele- I1$2,000 do n ,$40 iec ah ec ut os 7-room incui-brick hanse with i ta close estafe. ' QIKSRIE(nq ato isnR. Foiitypool; also bis niece, Miss Phone MA 3-3527. 27-10 2S-4 trie, 38 King East, Phone MA, ' - OSSERVIA Aima Conini. 30-P --3-3305. 7-t'oile furnace in Orono. $6,000 200 acre tai-m. [40 acres' STUCCO AN» NEW WORK - ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt P t i ae iif ~~warkable, .50 acres woodi, creek, R L T F service ta electnical applances, es frSale ing ainS es. F rne f ebank barni with rutinin&water,, .L T F GREEN-In loving mnemory Of large and smali. Lander Hard- ing de ies. Fe pickup and; WALTER FRANK ilhen bouse, pig pens, silo, etc.; 54 King 9f . MA 3-50301CA S FR AL a dean wife and mother, Pat,'va ne. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf PART German Shepherd pups. jCnte yLve~'s Bhone MA bu hStnM 3333 eroredbonewih imoem___k______--- --196 ONIA 4drrSu.Wao whlo passed away July 28, 1958::- - ---- - MA 3-2403. 29-2 37231 , 9 King W. Phne1 convenience . A1n nc _______ 6t Deep in the heant lies a picture INSULATION, blowing niethod, i_3-7231.__ -- . ..- --- - $20,000. Terra>. TVRdowndhed ahes Os a loved one laid to rest; with rock wool. Wonkmanship PRED'.ck Lardo-EPIR-a i1mke f1e 50 acre farn. near Kenidal,' i OSHAWAckupliht. oTVie [n meinory's frame we zhall guaranteed. F r e eestimates. . . lak LaraoSEAIStT fi ks fre 30 acre-, workable,100, x 30'ag.Anishr go keep it. an L ae.Poe -lrc Retriever, maie. 4 nionths old.!tnugeratars, domestie and CoinkEta-bn1~ rv hd;7roe TELEVISION AERIAL SALES i 30 an Becusesh wa oe o te bst 240.96r3 Blackstock after 6 p.m. meril;mlking coolers. Hg- Leask [Real Etl Becus sh ws ot ! tt esf 220.39tf30- gon Eîectric Limited, 38 Kig i :frame home with 3-piece bath, INSTALLATION and REPAIRS; --Sadly missed by Ernie. Alex, - 1956lPONTIAC 4-Dr. Nobby and Brenda. 30-1 * CUT flowers fan sale, Glads, --- St E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7- i -oom house, 4 bedroonis, runni*ng hot and cold water. Phone ailo îeg everlastmng and more. Sold for ONE purebred Gerinan Shep- - entral location, aiouùcPnc 750wth$,0 on.Bwavl.Oshawa $0 on herd pupy maie, 10 wteks ald j 1 beautifully landscaped lot. $9,500' 5-roarned, almost new home,, MA -155%22 RA 8-8180 PROUSE-In loving memnory af whalesale also. C. deMooy, pp,~~cne with easy ternis. 'with ail furnace, kitchenl cup- 25t196FR 2-. a dean husband and father. R .R. 1, Onono, Ont., Phone 18r8. black and tan. MA 3-5058. W Mtd33 acenic acres, suitabie for boards, running waten, garage. L 95 or Cah $1 aWayly 23.Prs, w954: 'DO or w 30r ndr - *Pi iny al rv.30-2 DEAD and crippled faministock, pony ranh, toa ream, sarnie A îng $9.500 with $1,000 down.$5den awayJuly23, 954 1 D you ownflors ad rus.-picked Up proniptiy. Phone MAj woods, 4 miles froni Bowrnan- 6-roorn, airnost new, bungalowl Sv Money a O happy hours we once enjoyed,: Rent a sander, floor palisuier or TWO short haired colle pup 3-2679. Margwill Fur Fari ville an paved highway; 4-roornin iNewcastle on large lot, file 18 LMOT -m Haw~~~~~lde' swe hi eovsil '13-t.fnew bungalow, 4-piece bath, ail iloors, kitchen cupboards. Askic- Dave': Shoe RUair eyttn But defh heft a * til;rug cleaner (shampoa niethod) plesuitable for chil:enspets..Tyrone. unc e eetbi<gj~so ~t aytr~ LkULotanrec But eat ha let alaneliness froni Lander Hardware, 7 King I arvey Malcolmi, Janetville. unc.Nw emtbilngn $,0wthastra. The world can neyer fill. St., E., Bownianville. Phone Phone Blackstock 83r1-1. i WHEAT - will buy any quan- with washroomn, picture window.! 9-roorned brick bouse in New-; FAST, PROMPT SERVICE Seil-$5Mdwm -Lovingly remembened by bis MA15 i2-f 3- tity, wiil set trucks in field at Low taxes. Easy ternis. catt ih2-eebtru- 6OnreStBwavl wîfe andfaniîly 30..1écombines. Phone Allan J. Werry 5-room cottage on Lake K. 'nmg hot and cold water, bard- 'CORNER KING end ONTAIOCoa Eq pm n C, STONE-I lovingmemary i NEW E UIPMENTMA 3-2570. 30-2 near Minden. Good road todoor, wood floors. NiS private spot. PUBN 24-tf Kn t .foua'U dear husband and father,iRO ndbadng wiring, 250 ft. frontage an lake, 5-roorned brick veneer bung- j AINpP-onqNA3-18 Frank Stone, who departed thisi ouesconstruction good beach. Weil furnished. mI- alow in Bowrnanville with ail i EVSR RN lii e July 21sf, 1948:"6"ALRP AVETR workers on 401 Highway, New-i macmlate pnivate lawn. WiUl modern conveniences. Garage,; Tu aesaa hteieai 5f. u.Picda nu-_____________1.7 catîptntaPart Ho nea à.q-Phe1 --- -n1 W;-&8ta&;.__latti1-an oube-lo.. nic n9.0 ith41TONY BFW% alaWRS usngH m -ru u LSDAT. XMT 23r& UM i ý-ý ýw"&& apffl«Uu% qmfflfflmqm@6 Mbe MM CAMADL43 STATESUAN, BOWUANVnL& ONTAMO PACM SIXTMM