- - PAGE SEYIYT MMWM OQA & A I A >Y RM#A WNfl i C éNUAPMf DRSDAT. mJ'y ~!4.1WTMN UaA IA.I' I . iEovii-i'. 2........Y.Ld5 ICkssified Commng Events Cards of Thanks __ M-tPicnc held on July 251staff of Memorial Hospital. also the Creamn of Bçir1ey. 1. my relatives and friends for the! -1lovely flowers. cards and gifts ýg Perguson Family Reunion. and a speciail thanks te Dr. ptofl Pazk, Saturday._ July Ewert. Ms .Rri.3- drdue t football game in; k. 30- 1 Many thanks toalal our friends hosent gifts. flowers andi N>mbers of Ladies' Auxiliary. fruit and helped in any wayt ENNISKILLEN - Over l10 the Canadian Legion parad-j during my stay in the hiospitall boys and girls of Enmiskille1 at Port Hope Sunday. July and since coming home, district are plaving new games, th, full dress nlot necessary. Mre. Russell Ormiston.i filling new scrapbooks. and de- rets essential. Bus leaves .30-11I veloping new handcraft fun. as gion Hall 7:15 arn. 30-1 j another Vacation Bible Schciol T -would like ta take this op- closes its doors. For- two weekst gBus t p Saturday. August 1 portunity to thank Dr. Ewerti the Einiskilien United Chur'-h SPeterborough, Young s Point nurses and staff ofMmra hummed with activities relat- rd Bobcaygeon. Boat t p on Hospital, friends. rltsfr ed to a study of the Bible, as tqiey Lake included. For in-! kindnesses shown during my the teaching staff of 26 bus- e.ion phone Mrs. H. T. 1 stay in hospital. women kept ail the groupe, Gfl« MA336. 30-21 Lloyd Preston. 30-11I their toes. and eager to learn. Since many children fron Woodview Community Centre' 1 would like to take ths Dp-iBurketoii. EnÏield and Hav don' Mnster Bingo. Twenty games j portunity to thank the nurses 1 were anxious to loin the school, y dollars: $150 jackpot. and; and those who telephoned, senti busv picking up carioads of e%- 0 jackpots at $250 Door cards and flowers. Special1 cited boys and --iris with their rtizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., thanks ta Dr. E. D. Hubbard; aso ryn.arn o Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf and t Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. painting. and other changirg Bell and ahl the m;embers of needs [romi da.\-toi day. Provid . Weekend bus trip te Tober- the Baptist Church for their1 ing cars were Mrs. E. A. Weri'v. ory in Bruce Peninsula. Visit,- words of kindniess and caIls toe! .S. c; tu .lr Foi e scenie caves near Colling- see mie in the hospital anti ýnce son,3 .Nl ». W 'l' ediBowm:t w( ood. Leave Saturday. Aug. mny return bhome. j Mrs. A. Turnbulil Mr. John Sie- th. For information phoieý Mrs. Lois Huber. :3_ mon. Mr.Stinson. Mrs. C. H. T. Colmer MA 3-3265.: 1Aven%. Mrs. Tony Smith. M . '-s. 30-2' My sincere and grateful thanks John'Griffin and"Mýrs. Jirn Mu(- ta Dr. K. Siemon. Dr. Rowvsell. iLug iln. The Kendal W.A. will hold a'Dr. Underwood, nurses and staff The 4 an-c1 5 'car oldýý had a arden Tea and Bake Sale at of Memorial Hospital: also special settinig foi their Kinder-i e home of Miss Catherine relatives and friends and neigh- i .arleii. Linder 0)e leadership of tewart, Sixth Lille, on August:bours who sent cards. fruit and M1_s. Roniald 0k-e f Enfielcl and th, from 3 ta i p.m. Admission: baking ta my home. Special -'%l Bert Jean of Burkeoýi. Ç-. Proceeds for the reniova-, thanks ta my husband*s famiiy Assis1er] bx Mr-. Ross Ash ton on of the church. 30.2 and mine who helper] in every, of Havrbon and \his~Seila Co- 1 way while 1 have been con r. 0- lrc~ h~lvi Street Carnival and Dance.: valescing .at home. 'lr,.oup eîld re, onage sa- uly 24. Bingo, games. lucky: Mrs. Fran), Cook. Jr.. rooni.11,011) which vanta cn raw, round & square dancing,, 301 ont! hlde brtacs-l oldenVaIle Orcestra Cart . Ilawns. .iandbox, swings and l right Recreation Centre in' 1 wish to express my tbanksi the faciities necessary toi.:Î2 lackstack. Gaines stan atet former and] present pupils. i actve kinderarten tots." -30 p.m. Admission 75c. public and al other friends. who: Pitn.bt rs n i chool children 25c. Sponsorer]i planned and participated in the liig ohbiý n ii Y the Cartwright Agricultural dehighttul reunion at Ebenezer ger, types. andr] nodeliing. wýei-,- ciety. 3o-1; Church on July llth. It tvas a o1na)e tivte it hm great thrill ta see so many of;er he gamles. ziiging. tr. you at one time. Your very i records andr filmi strips. Wanted to Buy gerierous and beautiful gifts' Choir of 80 Voices 1-will always be treasured by' me. At the chnirch itself. Uie . MALL girl's bicycle. Phone! but even more 1 appreciate your stat ted witli an assenmbly foýr 3-2686. 301 knns n loyai support;xxorsht>o in the (bnrch sanictit- - throughi the years. t wîll be I ary. urider the leadership of tiie; OOD young boar. not over a a pleasure and a privilege tal minister andr] cdr]ai nooi ear old. Phone Clar-ke 242 1.1 return ini September to the red with another as.-er-nbly for Ži2-1 30-19, schoolhouse and my boys and i îng. Mvaiiv ~n..bath hvmn,. girls. ARM house wîth small acreage. Alice Arnold, .3_ ecessible in winter. Write Mlvr.i e.ryO'Binoa.26EdgewoodST P_ersonal i Fourteen Yc ,TPFEELING OLD! Stay L kids of live poultry ?young longer. Ostrexý Tonic I o a v anted Higesi picespaid Tablets revitaiize entire body.1 Flatt. Betharix R.R. 1. Phone Make 3-day test. Only 69c. At r 13 collect. 9-tf ail druggists. 30-11,i v S e EfIGHXST pnices paid for used HYGENIC supplies ..(Rbb..r n, , S ev furniture. appl]aflces. telev,îsion,! oods) mai]ed postpaid in plain wing machines. etc. Also sel] sealed envelope with price ist. Fourteen voung people f roini and -exchange. 39 Kinig St. W.i Six samples *25c, 24 samples 'thle .Bowinanville - Salvation Ar- MA 3-72:1. 42-tf 1$1.00. Mail Orden DepiT8. mv recently spenl seven dav: ST -ic- Ii.- r ieNov.-Rubber (Co.. Bo-À 91, Hm-RfheArmy"s ,immer camp on H Tpie ad(r[v ilton. Onil. 1-2 Rb ln Éa k e. Anieliasburg. trgoose feather'-. feather _ _ wich is ten miles south of ticks. scnap iron. rag.s, ntais' Livestock for Sale Belleville. and raw fui-s. Phone RA 3-2043 Th eeae el S stu- Osaa oleI 8~FORTY started pigs, ephn dents ta the *Mui: Camlp .--a ~HRE o fur edromh MAe 3-2169. 30-1~ week sel aside everv year ior in Bowmanville or district. CALF' for vealing. Phonie-MA msirctivocal iiitht> fheV-Oxof Priced $8,000 or less. substantial -229. 30-11I instruments andr banding. down payment. Phone NIA -- 3-3644! Peter Fr'dderna, Real TWENTY Yorkshire chunks A. A fuly-coiipttenf factit' if EsaeBroker 30IL. Blanchard. Phonp MA 3-2231., Salvation Armiv officeixs a.ei Est0-t înembe-,superviser] thevu< _______________ _____ -Camip. ther, beil It ime xh ONE heifer. due soon. Aisoe was aL~o devoter] t< Bible stud,1 Lite Be v r ipigg. Austi. Wood, MA:3-2388. sWi ale eý10i iili So IKattendeci froni h i-nti Son ickairea. atîr] thcfollowin- award., LIO fS were tinade te the ebidren Iroin Can't Wrestie C vw I--- Littl Beaer vuldnt niae Farrnersva Mu a<n-n tadi um te wrest1el '65 Far"' on Tuesday. His sort took sudi- ifCoîtilmied tram tpâge oniel) denly Ml. But his replaceenit St.. Bownatiîvitte. y M t o in the midget ta- Icaîn cer- Foilowing the parade. led à t d , 4 th d tainly put on a teî'nific sbox - the Legioni Pipe Baud. wb-i Tom T1humb anr] Ski-Loxvý- o\N knowîî dancing instructor. Mý1js1I Ho e T. battler] ta a draxv vwitli Rer] Ircîtie Harvey of Oiliawa. ar]- i'eatiei- and Tiny Tim-. judicated the mi-ajorette cne. ,iDick Huttan i.s goiîîg ta lose M%/iss Harveyv attender] in a' on Fi 11da 1-Y-'î'th ai 4:30, that $1,000 aime o! these days. whecl chair duec' b an ope.,ý. ar.n. akopîoximtae> iS l65ai ets but it didii't bappen at Oshîawa L ion on bath feci a shor't tilte. met ah ite honte of Mn. Lb> chl this wcek. He took flhc fiî'st jago. Tbev'wceeinjuner] ttUlû Kello ?,. Welcotmc. anr] tout' j fail front big Yukoni Er'ic. ost v ears ago duriiîg a camping ac- i te-aron friisii h îftuL second and] bath o! theuti ciden'l. SIte ar]-,.iser] tiat sý1e . Towniship. Mtr Alfred AhIo were disqualifier] x'.eit they teft wl oe on lien [cet and dancing« Presilent of tine Soit & Crop the ring and starter] tossing cacih i ime for lier FaIl classes. i other arouud on the infiecr. -fWiînens rit the - majo'efte Mule-kickiig Pat Flanag anî a: ' canpet«ýton were: Junior Fzmî y jw usual put on a tuciieîdous scrau 'Drills: Carol's Majorettes.uî i the opener agaiimsî Doit \Mart- jclicding Niaure '.î Marilu, d tin. defcating Iini xxith a top nie Stont. Bmreîîr] Hennig antd pi-ess. -Stîiilev Slieeliîtand ur]Daxitîs Next weeks bonis sitoîtîr] Uc Majorett-es. .141 Ames anrdtti really sonething xxitl tivte., tee Black. equal. tutre attractionîs. Sec flie advr]x'c' tetmetiiate coilest n'mvwiu tisetneni bclow.- 'ox' MarY's Majoreites. Pt-tii \lcluleti LetonDawc. S.u- -atnni e .Siharon NMolhki'. JAnîî BerriattI. Lvîtr]a Bot - ý. i anr] Aimîeiiarie iiO.I PRO0FESSIONAL the 8arbr1tý. wînner- Ban NlMeri-idv' Mxttoiî. Elaine Ber W rest,.lBarar Brown. Cara Joanne Leddv- woni Uv Barba:'a Br~own a r] K insmnen Rutha-mît Debo,-ki. The s> . V a.twirl was w'on bv Bar'bar Civic Stadium i Bo' h ii va bt Mss Lions Cart-ival. Lions Pie- O sh aw a sitient Gleti Larder t oesent Il each w ,innet w.rilî a ;i1rci' 8 an anti Mli<s5Lion- Carniîxalre Tues., JuIy 28 ceiN-eci a beantîtiIh topli>% - lutin.ig thie cxciiinhg. 9:45ip i booths seltîng iieî'clanîris.e attiers %vitht gatiles ot chia oi -wcre busier thauî last vean. ac- *3fine exhibitions% of candi utg ta Carnîval Chiru I:i strengîli and skîili Jack ROcî_ghlely. eitii Cotît'I from the Crea:î' 0! B a r Nain Bout - oCtm e ai r àd he stîtu! 'waIPPER BILI' YWATSO rcsing 1busiiie:;s wxxi unb oci 1 VS. stens ;aIl evcuîlng as ddr] tt Hard-BoIled HlA(i(ERTY iiernx -go-nocîmîr] nîtil ittS uaur stopper] and rpii-er] tao opa'>', xqVecial Attraction can DICK HI'TTON Lait in thte ex.-iiiig tih tiv V'S. stili cloudeci bu'.no tai la:I- D)ON LEO JONATHAN ing, Miss Brown dipped into the~ large drum anr] selected tn'e - ' First Boui winners to ed thecarnival for i n fth otP WALLY SFflER janother vear. îe ftemsi. WALLY SiEBE îîîîe \'here barbecucd chic'- '-'S KE o es u's'x' Jim Abernethv holdin- hiý KNEHthat iocinu have 'ieL Hetheritigton looks on anc ýhàr& h a. 0 un h a no &bout fno& wsnn AM@ a chi g 1bined voi gwir oni cd C:y ce para ts; iod. foi. I tiarched Rowxan, L la Cox,U of Rua rector n0f uster nI tional un( drillioi uàa..M%%d -luiI Vac< 0:4 A u lofie OId Cemetery Found in New bntario Park 1 RxPjhtlp, Port Hope: Eclw i ~m n i t er and Sarah. 1111&Go-doti WVilson. Garden H i l A.M N ul y Edge S r l s I The Department of Lands and p.41y re p ie aur]\'fr Mifoî'l Whe. l d ' rFore'îts is reporter] ta be plan- bc' eo le i dhW.Nilfe * T. m esda ED44I- ning a niuseum at the site of soine leatures lt ie tocurl u sd y N ight Ba t the Bunk's plot. The specific f101) A r tri elet tileictnspect ton O01 dri iiinature af the nmuseum has nat f xvAr y 1 \7dibhoat plots xxitî i'lo et been decided. However. if rate: of' .eeclirtt andi ferfiliza- Ted Birs irstiinig home coud and third with twao (uiln r thon: 1Plot, of> Empir~e Bi'i-stoolt riim gave McN lty iM-Stars a the fifth, but Burges5 ianei willl ikely combine natural and 5~ U V t G fll fl t-,()l wo ariris'.hiub lr iO wn vn su-l- ae, the loop«s top itter Dan Gir- pineer histoy. f ~ U . bI)en palanier b\ te Depart - Tuesr]ay iha le eta ri In the top of the seventh, j-saaTm% rien 0f oil- Ontnli>AgritI- ho lia. he Cntgae Ted* Hoar was nailed at the thettl )' - tiraiColle," anci Sxvere u iî"-teA-Samos nd. Tîhe ali plate for tihe gamne's final 0ou1. IL IPE VR I t'e theivat un'; pavrf chnce:aiwhen iecond sacken "Peanut' He brusher] his teeth twice roanvilie w cilinecl thuiI - 'trip t cipiti: A Hav Pas,-tu t bot Sîcidfeywn n S)1 o ou qioidtbywn n f Jackman coverer]- up en an SveX*-i daily wbth the right kind nhi qutired p'u'it e t.ý t xîi .ptcil I lleic' thlicnext. two games. M\cNulty Sth-oa frst. and threw home ttoothpaste. oit:Thex - , ~ > &Cro ln,ùve'iet A-ssocia- w-ut be admitteci ta the playofÉfs. as Hoar attempted f orefo H a>a onltepyîal '. Biblte: (G iýý ol. t " în iiI -as'ut s exc' i Mel Burgess thriew a sîi second. examination every thnee monthý. - p* Battli D t ilpi He alwoy stavuns' n ris.e Roit ~ ~ ~ ~ !i Gavulbk\îîîDixe FI!wtîgtt oih da itter f0 mnake the onie run stand Hoaî: permit-ted the Al-Stars eawvssae]iniewe Cour ru> FOI t. tn -"as helcng l leb>-tout Ct uý p. Thec Sales threateneci once only four base knocks, in heing if rainer]. tai 'l VnitIlu'.lî-,-mxTttîh tc iigBts hnte a tnesa se-- saddled wi*l the defeal.. He slepl vit.h the windowvv mieîîtt C': 1Br'ýan Fo' > b n\ý !I-',lot >> Trefoil. sufî trient to s> - opeit. stniîît'tt a B' (lx PîL- uvtares caco ýn 1960. \ iJn erslie stlck ta is det-w'tti TI)et)r% B:[Il lW1»»'. 1", o przest . -v entplenty of proteinsanaid (resh sCo:' itîu 'nîîL' "No..lî1-. su otit .ve7eIrei o i ru.. ClaL OI W*, *vegetables. six:B' e i . i> . No 1. -Iaipton liI He player] 20i1. but nevev 1 1-lemore thap 18 bles ai. a tirn. cf ocu Ttiiikl. N.o. haCobiort e d ut C reani of Barley He took ocean trips. but anlv piestne,>t.n ii.ltiî ' (>f luonts ,'oIke b ,Ic i -len the weatbcn was good. Chor xxi> able 'Ic] fleXla -exresed h..ph-astre a . T he b Griffir anmî-ual picrn wae retary Mrs Fi ed Gri i nrear] the - - - - i tition Cair t) (~n.gaîttci st ~ 1(t arge iti-titio the ficfarniers Ir iCn o4 le ak îut~"* ,~"~ w" wîîî iiiiik', sfoi. lle. t3>lit.il > >0" tt'I-I pe area anr] heit'le: -*1OnSunlday, JuIx' l9th. .The following officers we>'e »-Do3 ow a'ofPercy WE 'and \")'aii1.1ttttiltiit'-i ini the Croo lînprov't-tent Relatives friont fanraur] nearý electer] for 1960-:- Pres. Fred ~ mnilwe Dr'w J tm t.rtlll Rt lAýýsocialioni. He e.x,îressecI hope ga7theî'ed iii the afterrîoon and Samis. Vice Pres. Don Carn . - £ e the farin is ui flofutttt. nie 1 trg ttii >'> ' iaitt' ueietxvuc cn isie anr] retmitised. then ai Sec. Tree. Mrs. Fred Griffin and -À-? 1ý«cl ai special inti trtî Pturu:.tiOne loir] thaf nc a Crop i--1- .5 o'clock chnt8.5 etiîoyed a sports comnmittee Mr'. aud Mi.s. de ai fanm plani I)I3Cp\oveitîcol 'loiti' xvîîîld beromie deIirjous, picilic supper. Follow- Wallace Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. I'r £ CJ15& be cash pr - itattmalevni ing te meal, the presidlent. Harold Moore and Mr. an iidMts. .10 ta $2, for lîîpîî>îteîtA-satan ~'~"tThis bL"ai wa 1 ini ile di-ý Gordon Beech coîîducted. a short Leiz Wottefl. 'il Junior Fo hc tlit, fn rniti s tandi i - 'ucttitli'of iM tA. 0.Dalî-x nmOp.. h siissineetitîg an-cdlite - ISports, coniducter] byMi'.and n___________pete in plcu-.t t i li" nîtdti îtui t A~rîc I tîta Rt'nî'cntthixe ati - -- .. ~Don Canr. Mr. an.d Nrs. IM h t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K B\tU .iI.st~:.sc~Sc . Bit rnizidic. A.5siih A,-;j1Alf Garrard and Fred Saii&. - ý ýtwa cia! - u ~lil toitl.t..'avc 1 :Itonîr u'roPitiV Diii-- myOOeirei- enjoy by bath Young and '5 %Will lîto] iiai-x e' t11t' ,1111 S chiiit1j aid. The oldest member presenit Busec ian to all' , -u i and vwh'nin-g the prize waq Mrs. BO Y S-se 11ilu ýd)Mý U te a ýiitnleitâ M S Jas. Henry. Blackstock and the t Fij.01aî l li-' F(ti-1-- i' tir wiobtxp-tte ~yougest. Frank Reddings. I Braneti t n ou tii o. 'xiii> i . ~The family fi-rn f arthest ANE briet1 î.( ]-uittî t \> s uu-cisattt ont cud fî'ou page one) away was Mrs. Laura Wald- For Summer "l !oiîP: wuut e,;i " itil 1d 4kniutîx'. -t l gel thiiî-,s done. om lMonciay night wa Reeve bauer, Buffalo, and the largest hboliday Work (Steady) aîi tht' vai l i -ti i-Fu i s ai ntI xviii> t<t gelt t do it. Read Biidgc. x,'1o led opposition family was a tie between Mi. t-,- \'7n il:, ea't nie is xvî lte ktd-. tgainisi approval o! ail three aund Mrs. Don Canr aur] Mr. and BROOKDALL. of ' Ni. \ iov.t>n t -.l dctxxî u cîîiit-i -leil t'at. suboots- The reexe expressed Mr's. Vincenut Reddings. Afteri \r.Fred I.;xit Itttt'1 ft the opîiion that thinpe schooils farewel]s and a lovely afternoon IIGSWl .-'. t . ev-en3one left for home ndr]tle NN S A H-is suggestion that a CIarz etfmlgaein %vDb - towishîîpIlîgh school mîghl ntat the samne place, the thirdi Sun- NURSERIES B ooth- W ins A.4 pprovali be neuessuîry was followed by day in July. 1960.___________ if a tVillbrook subool \vas also nicessu> iy Reeve Bucîge saîr] thai Milii - IIfI n n brook, feit thal South Cava n was ALWAYS à BE LUTIFUL uISPLAz goili" f0 groxx - A bigit chool wLl l-oadd prestige ta the Io R Tht' i'uec ader] "'Unle-..s we aeeai'lrci'ti ho boy .thb,'votes of li M lbruuik anr]Caxai nsemsj oftt'i'nise imîpossible 10 havet fli c suool pi-ograîn passer]." F.1 N E S T 1Qiîestiinîd, tie sair]. "411,B i less wi'oîig l buiir] a subool at' MiIIbi'ook than to say ta west AUTOM OB ~ ILES <Darl inîgtoîî anr] Bowmauville) ",Yoi1cati bave nun school." Cooicllo Eeron skd.PICKED FOR INTELLIGENT i "Wbv r] coesn«t the Unitedi Caunt- esoie oiiiOîîtetig?" tJîCeigbt îîtuiuipalities are BUYERS AT S ont>' in hironfae. xvootligion anr] Bowmnanville DIîh co.:llsi Mayor -À MARKET f "y liii titi front h1 othie press.- sair] Reeve Budge, 5 xvbho lîader] a couutties council u:'ùîtiiittee wxc binvestigatier]the priiîomn 'bithtat's my think- 411'The "-e\eis>) aid te re 14 196 Church Street, sett -ci er fi-it>tht hord ie ar]senedBowmanville, rn. xith a tex'.' i-can ago. although fe\,, meiibers have chaîîged. À I-e;sir] that in three and a lia If boucs itriwwt h Where low, low down payments, easy bohard. thie conîniffttee har] leann- ed 'totiîiiig. The board thoughtI anr] acter] unanimnously. As in- lerms and service'are iailored dividuals. he sair]. sex'enal pen- baropdiffons.tfor your convenience. I."I'nî sorry ta see the board populair biollis ai. the bonsimarinîia n Satut ddy mas the rin tItis position. I'm soi-ny ta kens \V 'e xiib\ c , ccutorners. This photo showsi sec flic board try' ta te!l the-06 lis w nîl: IL tek c" .îtri t"bit dIl(, %vtiti while Lion 1-1cm peopie tlicy msisi an doing it PHONE 1NA 356 iBill anîd ti t î'~iinthiebackgî'cmî)ind don t'Ct' ie to " Resîanations wan't hoelp theÇ _____________________________ nouno starf lrry. ýre a inde?, Li-est ming. rizej lai-- sep- higli aSSe3, 11 be id t(> le or soils Over 100 Enloy Program MW a& 1 1 baarpu %M &&We I I ~ WlLII M VU~ WAn old United Empire Loyal- E I ist Cemetery. found in the new \provincial park just east of Osh- awa. has caused saine excite- 0 ment among the historians of the district. ati*o B*i le S h 01 In the early days. settlers ~ti n ib e S ho l ved miles apart. As a eùt eahfamily was very clannish. 1 lev and Misis Linda Staintion as burial plot generally ltheian *Ihelpers.a field on a tise of lrocatd i The Intermediate Éils taI Such was the situation when died their Bible Lesson, w!fi the family of John Burk came SMrs. O. C. Ashton. and their and settled on the shore of Lake Scorresiponding handcrafts werej Ontario in 1792. The Burk plot directed by Mrs. Ivan Sharp was found an a rise, overlook- Sand Mrs. Ross Sharp. ing the bay. at the third marsh. Contribute to Bible Society 1 As fan as can be determined Froin Monday. July 6. ta Frî- there are at least seven mem- day, July 17. the Vacation Bi- bers of the family buried ini the - ~ bie School ran tith increasing, iron-fenced enclosure.- enthilsiasm and a înoufltingi Family Hitory Hazy daily atteflancecor . ur Where did the Burks coin@ Sing the worshito peniod on Fr-fr? Th faiv ito s S dav, 3uly 10. an offering of overi hazy because of the irrespons- S$18 was given ta the British ible way in wh ich the family and Foreignl Bible Society eOr lived. their work ai oroviding Bibles According to Robertson*s. ta children in other lands. This "Landmarks of Tononito." John project was encouraged by PIC- Biirk used ta trade furs at tures and stanies in the pupils j York. Other stonies are toîd of - Bible xorkbooksF. the Bunrks being a shiftless« Open flojîse f'or Parents grouip xho dicln't take rnuch "Openci Hois,< loi- pai'eîit. pnide in their land. This tact ta capacity on Friday niglit. that ealy in the 9th centur-y tireh %vith Soin(- of the over 100 boys and girls 1Juilv17. There. evenyone had a they lost thein propenty ta Jesse whotoo pat i th ~'caton chol.chance ta appreciate the dail.v Truil. %vhotoo pat i th Vaatin schol.1activities of the school. through Tlie Bunks came from the n, acerick-< i .-.ng ',w carre<u)onr]il-g Crafs C1ass w Illte imeior.- verzes 7recited. e UitrStesi 172nth t e)i \VtcLiiiî Scîloilworlcboo'î :ber] bv 1r.s. Wlr Bowiivin Iplays puit onaini costume. file company of the Conants and alf t We'slnin-w._r Pîes.s. whi .1 anid \'Jolin Seotgtbrsnigan hIpnl fehl rlis (wvell known district arc hll reco!)iivîeiided bv bft, with file 8 yeai' olci Prima.v anation that vas -'o abvioius in pioneens). In October. 1792. they UnteciChu itrch of Caiial. Tht stlcleiiîs. andi belpeî-s xveîle 1the pîîpils. i1ariver]at the imouth of the îc~ason fie Bible wùeu ipt- Chieryl Rowvan, Doris Wrigit' Many p~eople confributer]in Niagana River and cnossed on a ctaib ol t.ed.Plen te and 'Lois Asthfoii The 8 « tear other wavs ta the success of jfiat bottorned scow ta Newark. iti>.ulttcl cii boîiiuîaç-i iv- old Bible Class 'vas ltug 1 bthe sehlool. Sex'eral teachers de-thncpaloUprCnd. tii.s skiech as drriiul.tixcttiott. pîîp- Mî's. Francis W;.rrv and imns. edrntîîigadcoe He and his family met Gov- etplas pi'~ u/0.sctaîiboo{-ý Floý r]Beckett. f ative busonds. mothersan. g-or- ernar irSmJohn Graves Simcop anci mias as \e as the mot01 e Ylrs. Lawrence WVeatn coni- iothers, etc.. foi- their bille a'ndj at New~ark. then capital af Up- , 1il nmr ec.s1oFies dcuter] tle Bible Class foir Juii- energies ta be available toatbe per Canada, before making thpir Bible aliîs. Vln of 01lit or boys 9. l0, Il years, and school. The saxvdust floor of thie way fa Darlingiton. hIM cicrf wÉe<hrufviCi-Ms alIph Virtule itght the1 church shed wxas spninkled and] Fallen Into Dlsrepair ted to Illec da i. essons. lc, lesson to the Interinediate Boyvs. kept dust-free by M.r. Clif What is to became of the area" ruescarelin on Bilblical c05.tiie(,S, 12 years and] up. These twoý Pet.hick; many helped in carry-ILike inany other old cemetenieS ;.x MIoiisnîl. etc.. made hiaad-ý grouLps. comprising- soînle 201i ing fui'nitui-e. running errandsîit has fallen inta a state af dis- ci :lts extcîî-iOn Of es1sns -:Io,\-s. comibiner] for Crafts un- I and giving donations a! tirai. According ta W. Piekeil, NlOses. jilcol). Patil ot Barris- der the direction af Mrs. Han-1 an-d money ta inake the schaol!on whose fanm the plot used ta bus. olci Ashtoni. n'il Mrs. A. Turn- a. success. The minister and thelIlie. soine members of the famil>, M An 'dults lake Part buill and Mî's. R. A:.;hton asFist- whole congregation t&ish tocame up from the United States Tht (i and j y'ut old P1m'ig thank the community for i,ýs and buiit the imon fence around C1na. vaks ted bY Mrs. Harvc'vý The ftunior is bar] tieirl support. and cati Point ta the tîTe plot. A sione malcker walq Mc \I vttbMi-*. A. Leadbeàt-, Bible Lesson uinder Mrs.. Geai geî lives aof 100 boys and gir-Ls aýtpae i h îidebann1h er. Mrs. E. Trexvîn alir] Miss' Bowers. andr Crafts ,wIth MIrs. the result of the labors of ail nines of sarie of the Burks .Ca roi Writgbb as helper~s. T'p!V. Logan. xith Mns. Lioniel T1i- these people. hurier] thene. -- -- ~-..- --..-- -- The inames which appear to- i ..î.,are-nSa.muepl.Mary. Sylvei-