l'IVIANIAMIZ NVAM TI- Good Housekeeping- Contributes To Efficient, Economical Operatio Says Oshawa Wood Products Story Editor's note: The foliowing tien of trade magazine I'Lum- , equipment and if necesmi most interesting article, con- ber and Building Materials even a long load of lumber( cernng OhawaWoodPridc Merchandising", published by a trailer truck could be mevi ca ergOsa Wod PofteJn dct the Weston Publishing Com- through the wide, clear aisl wasa fatue o th Jue ~ pany Limited, Toronto. Sever- easily and safely. al descriptive photos accompan- Legs. ire Rhsk led the story. Should fire ever break oi * IGood Housekeeping Contribuý1es the saine wide aisles Wou] I te Efficient, Economical provide. one of the greatest aic Operattons te the firefighter inselution. At First impressions are inipor- cess for fixe trucks too wot.l 8 àS tant te the retail lumber deal- be better than in many flot-sc er just as they are te anyone neat yards. else dealing with that flighty With the stress laid s0efleaN pair, Mr. and Mrs. Custemner.iy on good housekeeping itj 1Oshawa Wood Products, unlikely that fire wouid eve -'serving the Oshawa and Bow- start but if It should the cor *~mxanville area about 30 miles pany has a guaranteed plentifu east of Toronto, greets the supply o! water. Within 50 fee prospective client with a park- of the closest stack ls a corn like layout of well kept lawns pletely fenced, especially exca and flower gardens surround- vated, deep hale in the sm~al j.ing the parking lot and fronting creek at the east end of ti * the auxiliary buildings and thej yard. lumber yard itself.I Bulk handling methodsara The impression created is one employed whenever possibl af neatness and effîciency and and almost everything lis palle' the view over the fence at the i sed. Several years. ago an ez CANADA%3 LARGES T SEL LINO yard stacks enly emphasibes the perimental crate-type of palle VITAMIN-MINERAL PRODUCT feeling. was built te hold 200 weeping. While the cempany realises tule sections. This proved suc. $m. M th this effect on the customer is cessful in eliminating break. ommuSitea positive advantage to them ages and speeding counting and 14$'. 7-m95 they maintain the reason 'for loading of orders for delivery (Me daily tlet gives yod &H t h the neatness and order is se op-, Ail hIe is now tliandled this tvay vtamins normally needed.. erations may proceed quickly and is transferred ta the pal« 9 vitamins, 12 minerais. and efficientlv with the min- lets immediately it is received NAUMOALLY ADV«n»SU imum o! wasted effort and in 1 at the yard. safety. With such extensive use of * III la * S Many strangers caîl on them, bulk handling methods the lift- sanie, visitors freni distant trucks are kept busy and are in points of the continent, te comi- fact the key te economical op. Jury fld plimnent the cornpany on the eration o! the yard. Ju y unlyotand otnt say they "Once, neot long ago," said had heard about. the yard back manager Bill 1Henry, *'We had Lov liin their own cities. one lift truck down at the sid- Loveil It is claimed that the neat ing uniloading some boxcar. MA 3-5778 Bowmanvfile yard stacks, for example, are when the other machine hada _________1 I asier to handle with fork-lift fiat tire at the yard. Then we t aonnd pmý Mt e Lfl.'-.*4 Five or ~ laundry were rt>,. ed up by the cleaÉi'ef.. Wlîyte says are benr capacify try,.ing te keII TZhe province is pavir extra leaning as an cx-, beipful îîeasune the rerent ouîbreak' at Wbyt'claven. the buncîles. t were loadeci wî says the you' thev rcan. six hundri plus làiP tow-els s some plain talk about- the, inexpen sive sensible way et he hingsyou want Wliat does a persronal bank lban mean go you? You can borrow direct from The Bank, at a reasonable Cosi, money for any worthwhile purpose such as that new car ... for your vacation and for household furnishings and appliances. Up go 30 months go puy. The Toronto-Dominion Bank can arrange easy monthly payments spread over as long as 30 months, depending on the arnount of the loan. Ali loanas inaasred. Life insurance coverage for the unpaid balance cf the loan is autornatically provided. & W'ho can borrow thimr money? If you are steadily employed and have. a satisfactory credit rating, then you can apply for a low-cost personal loan frein The Toronto-Dominion Bank. See yoaar T-D Bank Manager. Our managers want te make Personal Loans. We invite you te sec the manager at any branch cf "The Bank." He wiII be pleased to discuss your borrowing requirements with you. i I -t Modern Equipment Helps to Keep Plant Neat is-y really had a bad haîf-hour, Ma-~ on teriais were arrivin.g by the ed truckload at the yard from the les siding and fromn our suppliers and we couldn't unload them fast eneu.gh by hand. If we ut ever ne 1eded a demonstration o! Ldthe value of the lift trucks ta ds ur business we had it that c- d a y ," hie c o n tin u e d . .- - ' *' ' . ild Materiats handling as a sci- ;o- ence is foilowed as dlosely as .,4:- possible by the Oshawa execu- L.tives who are always on the lookout for new methods wor 4 ,er thy of application in their bus- Miness. ,ul Bulk storage sheds are of pole . econstruction and were design-. ut do! oife tgetthe mest !a- autaon the pallet method. Once - L1îl ai wide aisles are used to îgive the lift trucks freedoni. heand materials are stacked on .._ ~ re special shelves built up to the .. maxîium working height o!f ", 4 Even relatively mixed loads are assembled quickly and eas- . ... *. e f,'M..ily by one man. Standard........u, 5 mu m 1 -. in tisiecion epe. e These modern lf t trucks net only sax'e a tre- iently and in presenting a neat, attractive appearance to ~jVersatility tin application !s mendous amotint of back-breaking hand labour, thley lsshawa Wood Products customers when they visit the ad ne of the features o! ail lift! play a major part ini handling lumber quickly n'fi-yrsaCotce y*trucks and Oshawa Wood Pro----adefi- arstCotie ý ducts have developed two uses cei aiç sge n eFudwosatdtebs-TPOJBon] voyage te the Victor for theirs which may be un-' have a reputatjon foi- qunlitývi nessinl 1931 and bas %vatched 1 E T E O Malcoini family who left via car iqe and fair deallng in this di- 1 " 00 35O' anid rabi trailer for a six-week )f Most spectacular 15 the 'lamp' triet," Mr. Flenry expiai ned, j ýg~rwit h OiL>ver $350, Miss Evel3rn Seagrove return-;tnip te Saskatchewan and the chaerplteyete speed out "For smaller ainouints we use caegoy d te Woodstock after spendinglwest coast. th eplacemtent oardbrndiet oe f better known build- i Though he actualhr laid eut tw-o weeks with hersiter, MI's. Mrs. Frank Symons and girls, -Prevîously this, was a risky un- mng credit coni pan ies and find the gardens bis active interest! T. G. Langfeld. i Bowmianville, visited her meth- Sdertaking due teo the heiglit of, this no-mo.ney-cIOwj]i plan ofteli in the business forced hlim toi Mr. and Mrs. Stanley An- cm, Mrs. Nelson Marlow. tlamps and the awkward! swings the deal foi us, i said. hand 'Over the maintenance ef; drews, Woodstock; Mrs. D. A. Sunday visitons with Mr. and the1, -size and shape of the breàk- 1C-eod bousekeep* n pLt - s ofil it te a gardening contracter-Shea ai-d Miss Paulet Shieat MIrs. Cecil Wilson and Misses able parts of the covers. Tools j at Os'hawa in thflic ekuiî~,,jfi who takes an enthusiasti ini- Woodstock. ,vith Mr. and Mrs. T:. Gwein and Eunice Wilson were: were net easy to work with customners' acr4îunts regulariv.! terest iin its welfare. G.lnàl hi ek r and Mrs. Loi-ne Lamb, Mr. ta o !alde. , f Cn o t eea pntos Mn. and Mrs. P. A. SeagreeJand Mns. Donald Lamb, Mr. when the man was balanced at Good hiousekeernin- aysu iiav of4nea oeatoi spent the weekend with his and Mrs. Ralph Lamib, Mn. and _e th top f a ldder.in another way Oi. shaw-a tee. is in the hands ef Bill Henîry Isister, Mrs. T. G. Langfeld. Mrs. Stewart Lamb, al ef En- The 'changer' is really a part-j Alîrcustimers' accoutits arc re- whe 'bas been in the business, Mn. and Mns. Jas. Harris and' niskillen, Mn. and Mrs. Allen able tower with a safe, walled viewed regular-< by the mni -fer the past 20 years. He is the! Mr. WVî. Potter, Pontiac, Mich., Wray, . Bowmanville; Mr. Scott working space on top and a, ager and wlien niecessary a peŽr. representative elccted tiiihl ' is itdMns. T. M. Nicol and Hutchison and sons Tom and built-in toolbox and shelves for sonal approarli .s niade to the by the Central District of the other relatives and friends in Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mc- spane parts,. client by Mr. lenry. O.R.L.D.A. te the Board ef Di-i Madoc. Nielly and Mr. and M1rs. Jack Once the man has climbed "We find the personl ap- rectors. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley,McKeown, Fennley, al of Toronto; Mns. H-. the permanent ladder te, the preacui is mostim1rportant in our Il Pays Dividends" Mono Road, were guests this Sameils, Mrs. Richard Van top of the twrtelf rckae, ilHny ttd a ýwcek oetlher sister. Mns. Heaslip Camp and bay Louise. Messrs operator raises hlm te the de-anea, ll Hnvsttd "n e have proved that good ad r Bueieslp y wok er trta h n M.BueHal Herman Rodnman of Little Bn-. sired height te complete the job. hoKunoe omioeurac~i~ sekeeping pays dividendsJ Mrs. Grant Thonipson and tain and N. Lyons of Uxbridge. Besides being quick and easy letten." *!ln the lumber biness just as Jolinston. Mr. Sinith returned Mns. W. Campbell spent Sun. the presence o! the second man it does for other romnpanies in te bis home in Tornto atter day with Mr. and îUrs. Grant would be of great 'advantage A machine bookkeeping sy. h manu!acturing and mer-.holidayîng for two weeks with Campbell and faniily. in the case of accident, elec- tein makes it easier for the roin- therandsingfields. Once the the Thonipsons. Friends are wishing ased tnical or otherwise. pany acreuntant and 'lis two habits are established it is Mrs. Perce Phiilp, H-igiland recovery te Ray Gil baiik who Ingenlous Platform girl asistants to keep track of! much easier andi less nerve Creek, and Mrs. Fester Fergu- is still a ,ictim of laundice la accounts and te lîve the cxc- iwracking te eperate a tidyl The other home gnown design cutives up to tlic minute busi uiesadsi'eeeyhn son, Oshawa, were callers in the Port Penny Hospital. is a platforn enclosed by rails ness farts, i uiesadsneeeyhn village. Mî's. Oliver Robirer. Warren which when raised by the lift Te is kept organized lesses cati be Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Douglas arcexisiting this truck allows a man to slide e man responsible fer the reduccd and profits increased," I visited Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Law- -tfeek with Mrs. Rohrer's par- sheets of plywood or other nia- pank-like atmosoheme is J. C. concludcd Mr. Henry. son, Janetville, on Sunday. ents in Tillsonburg. tenial into the shed racks with- out effort. On the platform a rack has been built at abou knee height to hold he nia- terial being put away and wit, the truck in poeition the sheets are only inâhes away fom the rack and at the correct heght W NU RDCS In addition to the labour sav- in feature of the platfornm the safety angle is important team ___om since this work is mestly done -- muM b1ythe night man who works 5 enough ta, be handled by the F» I bulk methods already discussed, a broken lot store lu attached te, the rear o! the combin2d office-showroom building. Most orderg still reach the yard byb'- delivery quickly and efficient- Special Truck Ddy Smalier orders for 1umber are drawn from the roofed ium-. ber 'trees' directly into the cli- ent's vehicle or the company trucks. The racks are arranged so they May be easily refilled by lift trucks when necessary. They are convenient to use and it is claimed offer g-ood wea- ther protection. An interesting truck is used ta handle many of the deliver- les on the smaller scale and can carry 16 foot lengths of lumber cornpletely under the cover of isi ItarPaulin. Reason la, the iniail offset cab frees the whole length and nMore than haif the width for useful load. Corn-- partments built into the body~ under the lumber deck are' used for such items as nails, tiles or other hardware and paints. This truck is particular-: 1Y useful for moving trim and other materials for immediate! interior use where weather protection is vital. Sa far the yard has kept out Of the manufacturing business. though they do assemble a linei of windows for their contrac-' tor and home improvement, customers. This assembly area is kept ini as clean and tidy a condition as work permits to eliminate possible damage to finished windows. Instal DriIlnir Machine Recently a glass drilling nia- chine was installed to stream- Uine the glass stocks and to save the time wasting and expensive trips to the glazier. "'It was costing us 23 cents! per drilled hole,"I Mr. Henry explained, "and at that rate it won't take us long to pay for: the drill. The reduction in the glass stocks will help to cdean up this section considerably," lie added. A good balanced trade keeps the business volume relatively even throughout the year and the company feels that while details differ their clier*t, from do-lt-yourselfers to manufac- turersalal like the one thing,, service. Housekeeping Lialde, Too Their home improvement business has grown lately to' increasing importance and a, great deal of this it is believed! is. due ta the williigness of the cOMPany to help with the busi-, ness of borrowing xnaney. "The average home builder. Or iniproper often does not un- derstand the mortgage process- es and in dellghted when we; offer to help him through whati seeniz ta hlm to be a maze of! paper work. We find it easieri ta persuade the bankssme tixnes because they know u c round when it cornes to giving the customers of Oshawa Wood Products the best gosh darned service that can be had any- where . . . . Because wvhen we give service .... '«WE MEAN BUSINESS." Here are just a few of the F R E E services that are offered te Our customers: .b An unsurpassable F R E 11 HOME PLANNING and ESTIMATING SERVICE. *At your convenience . ... TWO MODERN SHO W- ROOMS TO SERVE YOU. .Available at ail times QUALITY MATERIALS AT REASONABLE PRICES. *HOME CONSTRUCTION DIVISION .. .. Complete home reniodelling, additions and repairs including al sub-trades. Headquarters For Ai! Your Building Needs )SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTSr Downtown Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. S.-RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE-NA 3-2130 LIMITED *Downtown Showroom Open Friday 'tii 9 Yard, Main Office and Showroom COURTICE-RA 8-1611 AJAX-ZENITII 2-9600 i p.m. * - .-'. *~ *% -. .. -. . . - * . 9% - -. - 9 PAGZE XGETEM - I TORONTO - DOMINION B.L BUEK, Manager. BowrnanvMfl Brauch TRE'Ir-AmAntAle qgmAqml-Q"Ar b