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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1959, p. 1

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Port Hope, Ontario I TRAFFIC ROUTrE TRAFFIC WILL BE CLOSED OFF AT WELCOME CORNERS FROM 9:45 ar. to 11:15 a.m, SUNDAY JULY 26 1EASTBOUND traffic wvil1 proceed via Highway 106 to Dale, south on Highway 28 to Rose Glen Road, south on Rose Glen Road to Highway 2 (at AMF Atornies). WESTBOUND traffic wili proceed £rom Rose Glen Road to Highvay 28 to Dale to 106 Wvest. SOUTHBOULND trom Dale. There will be no traffic southbound from Dale from 11:45 ar. to 12:30 p.rn. PARKING FACILITIES i the town of PORT HOPE: Town Park - Port Hope Sanitary Parking Lot - Dr. Powers' School - Dr. Hawkins' School - Loblaws - Bus Stop - Town Works. Mill Street. NO PARKING ON THE ROYAL ROUTE, SUNDAY MORNING NO PARKING on the Royal Route Saturday Evening, July 25th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.- ROYAL ROUTE Batterxvood Ilouse south on Canton Rd. to Welcome - south on No. 2 to Walton (Ridout) down Walton south on Queen to Peter Street - east on Peter Street to King Street - North on King to St. MaÉk's. RETURN ROUTE Leax'irg ~~ak north on King to Ward - East dnMa5d to Hope - North on Hope to No. 28 Highway to Dale - west on 106 to Welcome - right on Canton Road to Batterwood House. COME EARLY TO VISIT OR SHOP - Chief C. W. Graham, MM. T reasures Unique Chain ~br VOLUME 105 18 Pages Diurhamn County's Great Farnily Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1959 10e Per Copy NUMIBER 30> THOUSANDS FROM 1H15 DISTRI CT EXPECI TO SEE Legion Members Man Guord Pipe Bond WiI Leod Parade Durîng' Her Mol«estfy' sVisit --kThousanids from the distrj*cl, the United Staies anci 1'na1x' * wiIl be ilocking to.Port Hope' parts af Oîîtario asking for in- C~ai hose DDM y rorning to see' formation an.the 'Jisit. Cho eaDD M derMajesty Queen Elizabeth; The Royal Party xiia x~ iadthe Prince Philip durin- ini Port 17 .ope froii Trenton axr- th oyal Visit to the coin-1,Sprturdave-i-b- ~//i prt n eyni Yb Bowmanville Branchi of The Lween 6:30) andi 8:,30 p.nx. and Canadian Legion will be assist-!will drJve along the main street, ing ivit theguar dut wa on Jl hei'- 'vx-tcBatterwooad. ing rit th gurd uty nd ~tesiv î'î"nt, nts ha..,e Stheir Pipe Band will join with en aet certe -iir ,*..., the Port Hope Legion band Wabe nd a"crteetr heI ighw-a--No. '2 f rorn Trenton to, para e Port Hope thai ex-ening. Evei As detailed in the advertise- ý ideroad entra'îces a]or.g the mnent concerning route and awilbo-kd off bv un- arig arrangements, those wh.plan te see the Royal cou- taforie polie ýwlio xvilcaire . .... tOh area tea undertake tixc -~ Pie should leave their haones teeiospicn ak very early in the rnorning or thex niay net be ablfè t enter: If. you are planning ta sev «mPort Hope. -er ais-.YOLn would be' Police Chief Charlee welladvisecl te check the înf 'n C~4 ~L scurl ao.i Siruio kns 1ihonaughi J> dma4 iwL-o are'-arr'anging accommoda- tea a'id disappirantmnent., tion for cars and people estihn- This will Lie a great occasion ate the crowd at between 7î5,- for Durhanî (ounty residensz 000 and 100.000. Phone calis ta sec aui- own hbeloved Queen have ben poring nt Prti d lier consort driving alang HaLpe al wneek frain points in; the streets ai otir courîty. E. F. Russell Osborne New Storage Warehouse ROYAL COUPLE Wins Lions Majorette Contest Eretedbv PrestonTt nM municatian of the Grand Lodge: *' ' tof Canada, A.F&A.M., iin Toronto las wekit as nnuncd tat An advertisem-ent in thi' The new xx arebIouse i large lastwee, itwasannolic week's Stitesrman announces a and drx .ani) leal place ta, have E. F. Russell Osborne, former wide extension in the services:,haiu'ehold efiets _,tored wlhen Master of Durhanm Lodgre No. provided by Preýiton Trans~port']leaving ojie home anîd Mwaiing i 66,Ne~~a~leha ben apoit- Just conmpleted at their pre-' Prestonî Transpor t hLve buili. ed District Deputy Grand Mas- mises, a mile and a hait xxest up an envxiable reutation for* ter for Ontario District. Mr. af Eownian'ille is a largereliable. prompt siervice sînce Osborne has been very active % art bouse and office. which xiii heir beginniiîg 10 1 cars ago. On Saturda v nmght. i\iss B3arbara Brown, dat' î,.iiki -of l -r and Mrs. W. Fr. in Masonic affairs fori- e nable them fo take care of This new.wareliouse places thein, ;yersandha alo layd vialthe storagc needs of the district. in a position %viei-e theV cali Brown. R.R. . Bowmanville, was av-arded the tit1e is Lionis Carnival" follour- rol i chrciacholandoterRecently, the3T have added-compete ini the iioving une- ing an interesting display of bkoon twirling liv majorettes. iMiss Bromwn is shown rommincumt ars. ulan. t s cxlarge maving vans to their withfthe Iargest comnpanies in',here wih er ti oph,,..presenited by acljudIicato '_is s Irenie Hairvey and Lions Pres- reglarcaragetruksso hattheregon.ident Gien Lancier. Later, she drew the xinning ticket for the Lions car. pectecl that lie will annaunce they are now completely equip-' For long- distance liauling. they . his supparting officers in the ped ta handle regular producti are also the local agents lor îneaar future. According ta MNr.'sliipmei-ts or furniture. Their;lAlliedi\ot. who operate a Osborne, this is ane year when staff lias also been trained inifleet of truckhs froni coasitat lus apple crop xvon't interfere the delicate art of packing ai-d coasi.. This tic-ia h a valuable. oe C hilds 1, C/ His orchards suffered severe the most ca-reful househiolder; it, they aire able ta service uanY * 2_3(J s a damage during a recent hi need have no qualms about tak- persan wiîo xishes ta inove their is S d e l st.orm.1 ing advantage of their serv-ices. 1 effects anywhVlere in the country.CO PO AA Toeo swolk Mondaysteaks oi- a xide assorîrnent of other fat-rich' foods Solution Seems To Be Neorer Port Hope Gives Approvol to Construction of Two Schools John Tabb, 87-vear-old Bowmanville resident and man of many arts. bas a most unusual chain which he inherited t-arn bis father, Isaac Tabb. It is a cow tic. carved froni a piece of basswood 2" thick,.5" wide and 3' lonig. . Tabb estinated ils age at about 45 years and rýecalis Nvien bis father did the intricate job. lu~Jt was in the wiiîteî- and took about two weeks to com- ,,-'plete, including te gold paint whicb covers the unique piece. The Tabbs at that time Iivcd on 'a-verley Rd., where they had about 96 acres of land. Part of their property is now owned hy Wes. Fice, Art Martin, W. Cedrie Parsons, C. G. MUorris and Jack Meachin. The wood was pti-cliased [nom MýcClellan & Co. lumber yard. Isaac Tabb's skili bas been banded down not oniy ta his son John. but aise ta grandson, Elford Cox, who is a prominent scuiptor in Toronto. Ï (Gradual1v, thue Dur-lam 1ih selhaol butilding fi problem appear-s'ta be approachin 1g the point where a solution could be fortlicoming eanly in August. At R i the moment, indications are that a majority of the municipalities ivili appt-ove only a two-school con- struction program this year, one irx IMillbrook and IViain one in the Darigton-Bowvmanville as-ca. - ~ ~On Mondayv eveniîig, Parti Hope tawn coutucil endorsedý M a Cotra the two-school plan. Bowman- Go TO M ay Contract villeDarlington and Nwate For P a Cr p 1,sanction. Hope council have mnade no definite statement, ex- P cept that they feit the arca aso ' Hiere Next Year shoud remain as it waCavaflW. Fa-emers in this area ~il I the three-school pr2gram, but W s C ho happy to learu that next sanie of the wý-el-inWrmecl xvho 1 i year, they may again be jare close tathie picture, beliex-e F able to plant a lucrati-e :they mnay revise theli- stand at F rCA i C pea crop. the nexi. meeting of their coun- i Word was receiv'ed thi.s cil, once they have been as- 1 Ouîr BeLhavx: week that weII-known sured of having a school ex-oct-ý dent, Mrs. Ros c a n er sStokeley- Van îed in thieir locality. This xx.-ould ta Ms Camp who have a plant at1 leave Clarke township the cnlyivse htM. Whitby are movlng elght imunicîpality sticking to thel steel, wife et binders onto Norm Brown's three-school proposai.; R. Bonsteel, Un farm, WVa ve rlIey Road Should this situation develap.; MNiblter in tha South. These were formerli' the Durham District High Sehool 1 won a Caaa at Lucust Hill. Board would fir.d itself in al contest. It Is expected that the isituation where it would have conîpany wiIl contraci for :ta compromise on its original;h Previouslh, N- at least 450 acres of peas programn and proceed with the! ail won the( here next year wlth the two-school building details as' test sponsored1 tbreshing beint done on the lquickly as possible. The onlyl erated Womezî': Brown farm and the peas iother altetnative would be toi Ontario. Her est trucked te the Whltby i stage a mass resignation as thev i "How 1 Can plant. indicated mîght happen shouldj Child to Be a C Growlng peag locally has the municipalities not approvel oj d" been somewhat ot a lost the three-school proposal. Their l er most rec4 eause ln recent years silice -meeting will be held on Augusti ment wsin% fo Canadian Caniers closed î th. Senator Calrine their plant in Bowmau.- Chief spokesman at Port Hope; phy. CongratuL vile. (<Qotinued on page seventeen) BonsteeL. ff s ii;l.'- îrieid. in this ç-u '- nr:lîvxeri' sàocked lmue ixnntlîy learrted Ihle ta< nlews 6at JO(,Chlid-. wxvii xi i hlis 'vue 'lias ouc(raI cd Sltica aven HRtst Iim ei-e. riled 5:10i- drytrom a hieart attack. AIt- Chd'5t-nerff ai ix-tis b x-eserrva: e:: lotroxtl> Good to Lions'as Carnival Prizes- Port Arthur Men Wife zontest :anada ky correspon - s ('arr. ad - i Susan Bon- the Rev. R. oited Church at area, han l-wide essay rirs. Bonsteel Ontario con- by the Fed- i là Institute of 1 ssay titie was 9 i Train Myi' Citizen of the 1 went achieve- for her the eWilson Tro- dations, M. For the pa,ýt se,, eral yeurs Boxxrmaî vil]e L,ýins lîý -e had iifctvwith thel'- ainnual c' niv-al because a!i , .This ve.îr. thic Late. were ,;oo(l to thî î,i. During'- the eveat an Siî-a down-iail]arould îthe Ccii: ni Pubjic School g- f(5b- ito. ae fe.mîosltI un t.etl Thîvce maio, îîxîtoj tured diîe carnivaln. There -..i, a c.nîtest, for bt:-wîgî mnajor-ettes Iliat cIrew quite a few enitries froin î-î e s cûmuâ- itv and otheî-s îearby. Theie was a draxv for a 1959 Oldsmo- bile and antither for a mcx le camera, prajv-cto- and scîeezi. Miss Barbara Bon 6icr old daugrîter aù M as:d M WV. H. n~:k~Bror.. orna. ville, was chosceii n\S ULon, Carnival" and gixen tne hon-ir, of drawing the lucky ticket cn the car. The car was won by L.; Milani af Port Arthur. wxîh ticket A3017. The $500 seller's prize went ta A. W. Wallac e, also of Port Arthur. The cainera outtit was iveýn by J. Elwyn Dickcy, 123 High (Continued orf page seventeen) slîoulc liel-p out thie vegetable growcrs this week by eating saliids. .Juilv, 24th ta )Ist lias been officially dcclared "Salad Vùe1k" i Ontario. A cool, crisp 011a o a 11ot summer-s day' is re freshing. non-fat- lenin g ancd nourishingÎ. Sa, filutp on lettuce, carrots and lother %veigetables aor fruils. heexperts say you'tl STILI. NEI) A NULRSE - Txxeît\-eiuht girls are al] readv to attend a vc-o' camp at Pigeon Lake. siarftina AItl.'ust li , but mavavve tu stay bomne unless ilîcre is a 11LIVSe Wllo iVili xroIltiiteei- lier services. The Gii-l Guide camp director, 'Mrs. Victoria Frank, is do- Abing lier i- mrost ta locate one. so if vou know of a frieîîd, a registeî-ed nurse. who wouid like ta go along. miake c-ontact witliAirs. Franký quickly. There isn't niu÷ + -e ef. 310MlIAS IIER TROUBLES- Mom Wbyte and her more than 100 faster chidren at Wliytehaven Mission have been' experiencing a rougli week. Sickness in ilhe fori moa infectious hepatitis hias liospitalized sev- eî-a] of the children. iLisi, when a group of fifteen yoUti <gsters xxas -abouit to leave for Winnipeg ta see fliMajestY. Latest infrmat ion is that the triplhas liec ancelled. NEIN' ClLIRM~AN - Stdiiley Smnith of R.R. 2, Port Stanlev, lias been elected chairmani of the Ontario Flie-Cuîi-ed Tobacco Growei-s Marketing Board, He lias l)en a membeî- of the Board since its inception in 1957 and hefore that was an active campaigner for an aIl-g-ower oî-anizatlon. He deleated former chair- mai- Jesse F. Gray- of Otterville by a vote of 8 to 7. STARTS NEWV TRIý,ND - Counties Warden Garnet B. Richard may have staî-ted a new trend for Warden's Pkicis yesteî-day afteiniooni. In recent years. since the traditiona] trip by lake ferry Io Rochester' from Cobourg bad to be abandoned, attendance ha$ been falling off.. Warden Riekard, in traditional fashion, decided to do something about it. He arranged wltb. the management of The Acres Restaurant at Happy VTalley ta nig up a huge outdoor barbecue for the eventi ibis year. Nexi. week's Statesman wilI advi.¶ on the outcome. e 4<

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