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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1959, p. 2

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t-. - -. - - - . -- - - .........q ~ -- .-...........-. PAGE T» -r Oé.IÇAMAiK STATESUM, EOWXMNVflE. OTARI TMSDAIL TTY 23rb. 19M eand always had been. They liv-J - £ ~ ed in Australia and had a1way I Religion for To a ihved there, and he s4èdom saw ___ __ ithem. Ontario 1 - 1 ~patience sil e4etn sinof anyppoiG ettinglwr The Grace of ~ourselves t o become irritatedi etn P ~~tience ,~/ and annoyed b smaland tr Mtrs a bte Pàten e lewhen .thing'. do fot go our VbtOkorist-h a d beteld and iVay norwhen ourir wlilm. or Jud tcko h10wnsied n A Weeklv TaIk grnent is tru.;trated. the other windows of their cars Joh Cavi sad-. -Ihaý-ebecaus.- of new legîiation By Rev. R.R. Nicholson nJ on Cat in sagld ,ithave whieh weni imb effeçti n On- fltSOg'<a tr0gi it ytario,abu %omrtsg- vices. great and nurle rous as N abou5t o oexat. sag. We have a xerv fam:liar atid patience xa.c n-' er -,o tried itheY are. as 1 have with im . Tay 25 10M.albe e It.ý; practicai suoject to taik aboi, îai! In;. 1. ~ h ad nmoie impatience. M ffr1 - nti er car0 n oý,thc pa this 'Torning. il it.-.Patieru'-' ple i ~ i orilhe pa1itent-P touehtees:Yt a er ari-n . ! wisth atis-c,,l Patience' Patie.- ce""Ptei o Joti.* neyer been able to conquier tiis 1ig sgi rOrrtpbIct iis the cr'owiiing grane of C:s o.wet' oie Ile2u \-O n~uswidbei."tnkers.Tf ion lenc 'epo tian ch araný ter. We ail admire hum î '-4) îîiVrnaV ou -;j Sonie vears ago a mari dols a g1 ne di s- k'otewpîe ît and long to w'xis-e.'.n t0 a lt1ien 'îî:î'o: flerreîît meantngs travelling 1in a sleeping ar, csf0111- rero a greater cdegrec. 1 t ýi:î.k uf:n P~eîe il,-i ao Iotv .0a_- hen a baby began Io crix bi i-V e%1 riîrror. Eciîîl\ sQ. il 1. i5 a grace fori- - e '.O.iw ii.*ar, [. * -u t.r -am. ferly. Tisiresof tIl ei1pi no 1e iO f' i pray. We are- ooni Il l Ii d u: I l 1 h . Forbear- 1eýF 11un ttannoYed filte que t' slielf of the r car windoN, vij sclous of our lick o thr~i11- îîîeox, ardý le tdttýi- or ;1-' iQUF pas.snger. ancd lie rolm .1assorted ibin-a-brac. A ipw portanI virtuen arr :'o-,e î iî' t i e *Ah v I>0 pi îed in a loild voice. sax ilg. pace 'iilhave to be lotiýd (-,ei-e that i alI thui1itr- ni a aA"Ih-i~ ou1 t petu- Whet-e îs that ;riild's nîfore I - inevilabie bOX OQi papei, ,dajix luie. uv.e "d nmore âaid ,bal.oni 1 he nnnuiati e ~cho'ked ~t îîî~îhandlkernhiefs. more of th s ro-al atîci polent tî;w enîîa, (i f 'rioîiiation.: epiied. NIv îriend. il -OU! qualit îcty. s ne ii, g Ilerani.i iiiitk nov.. 111: thiIds niother t Thi!s legîsiation W h b That the stuîlýoî i a:r- e ~icer a'î iid ýco(raged in is tyitlgin lie nasket in tic ennetii" nýo\riie pracica atd t"ci .- -a. neuim iiiw bggae-na . Oh ci Circles for- sevéra' veuars îs note fromn hue tant titJi I:S '- mi Pro ,S. Z. Hal' te î i v noniplailn ng trévxýe. , ..I Wei:1 l inbecause thle p.rone(srz of fin fl tl o tOn [ctIe ')f lmtt ý a ith., oa i - uell f';1:zi v e to le co n and bel» '- ou ta re women. We heur ilwitsa, -- iilni"iPa! r lie îe lle te- toriîIbe littie oî e*' have ori o 'atîe Ce n t i l < . <i)lii'ttl iii )i utor tit' s if-![ Hoiv i tîtie do wie teaii /e the mran." 71 iii :i'etpý t . i 1L i5 [pif' :rs genit :e- sroo. piin arid dso o pateic :' 'v' a e * . 'e. .'11 f re g\ . il iý fO' w-e -a-e ni be, DOopie b.\ o: î-nrnpictev <-<iiir,."l..U ilia: le. t CU Oi î-<ii]- ' à ftetilîîInta:in n -..on:i:>s L00.- on stu> i) C Rem' miybei te %vords of St. .-nat d t e!liotu Jme -Be i e ai-o patuitl« 4~ P te nO-tdtftt'>Sandersons or aut"lie i i iriîîes. i hac obe cal n ail tii-onljl e ýa'îî;i Ie ' b e:î iiioant Haid Rseun ion ~ ~-c. of f l;sîideed. difficuit ot beýaieIwiliIlesfpi. oAt no Park spile of aU o iepitaîo- i alid 1 l1:n't ui < ' attitoltitn- rTe fiusi atial Sancierso,, . er-taid. If e- ý r-e noYing that reumoýn _as Ileld Saturda<. -. ie pi.rlers.hio'e to knocsiîîg11p11V-110nt for9ci Oti)Pgartk thl lccra. ogetiiet'. wit an eî e pree 'e, . bardc 10 *be Patient wi!li lion of Ille Satiderson clan, be-_ ~er xc v. ui Id îi te ;o notnpel ..hein-tgel lier.I in do t.p\lonto 0s'e lhi.s Anl entoyabie duinîer waî liad w or] d happier and better. and &v !al al noon. îollowed by- the tno0o11, imDralieine n-e would business m reeting. Officers elec- A DURO pUMgp hx-ng aboult>hi, desîrabie etîd ted for the following vear were: by compulsioni. But God iiever. President. Adam Sharp: Secre- Mean Be#er Living l ises t-oercion. -The trouble i. ar-rare. Helen Schick: said Theodore Parker. "God it5 Sp'r. omlc.RlhVr lm XDURO Wa<er $y@- not in a hiurry. but 1 amr."tue, rav Sande.Rouî. Dorisa 0 Jtean gvus fregL . e T> is hard ho lie patient wtth Ray Sandersoîî. _____ hm w whert w r thos-e who do notl agree wiftn Lett ers welle t-ead front ueed àt . .. adds %0 our coo- ius. We are suie '.se atre tighij Gladys Hems. Silidburx-. and " Mdea e onmSorci dmir but in spite of aiour effOrtsr -Mariette Lickley. Vancouver, i we canriot miake others See as: expressing their regrets flot be- Swe see. and oft.en they thwart ing able to be present and DU0potr pans. ing to be remnembered to ail. M au u Io MeurCt V*-' Il is hard Io be patient with ; Upon closing of t.he business, 4widd n.ed&s- ; o r ou enemîes. who hate us, op- meeting. ffound a programme of Plober -DURO dealer pose uis, and persecute us. Tt lslIsport.' confronting ail. which ibr fifi iniorwAtion or wri*e bard bo be cairn and to love> consisted of t'arqg for the al- îw FE 1oder, -9 y ithem end pray for them,, »& jIr. mal, WiM . F9 Pemi ..n Jesus ha" tauglit ur. Three leggeù race found Ma- lt f hard t.o be patient with rie and Dorothv Sharp at the oui' ioved oneun. Il if, much fintsh Une finit. easier to be patient wit-h strait-, Ladies' shoe kicking rae as gers. The chljdren are âo pro-wo byIiaoreHgn. vokig' ometims w caifl tMens' shoe kicking racýe prîze lielp slaking them. and even went to Jimmiie Hîggins. slapping them. and olten wei Supper was served at 5-30, speak 4iharp. unkind words. The after which ail agreed that ît wife ùinds if hard* Io be patient had been a mosi- pleasant dav wjth lier hus'oand. aîlâ the hus-, and gaid a fond tarew,41l »ntil iband with lis wife. Nlàry vtàinks the toming vear. John is the nîost provoking per.son in ail th.e worl4. and sitel wonders i£ lie trulyv vs ir.1Memoriai Hospitalf fAnd John; weil. lhe bas i r 1 builations too. Marv's conduct R pr discovers that a wife ran try:ý teptience evetu more fthan a l or the W44h of JIf ir ,-19 PIJMPS & SOFTEMERÇý,li V ary puzzles hlm insu, ,ve hat hie ionders if if fis po.qsible 4 Ï,ouî ý Tbtl 0 PP for a mati eîer ho underqtane d m issi-ome.4fml itPCD09 - CN A D Ja woitan.Uchge ' s a îrui-m nof ite liat te D- -- ---s52 neurr w ar to rteanoheri Major operations____ J A K R OU G llte more patience we need. IlMior ope'atons 14 - taici lie had one sel of ' rela- VLsitinig hours 2:30 >0 4:310 PLUIN ad EAI\ .ti%-es %v.'iîh whom he hiad neyer p.m. and 'ý0o to 8:3o Divisiràn Street South quarreiied. Nol onre cross word : -- - - -I ILA -~65 BWMA~VII ~or "glance llad ever passed be--' tween- themn. Theyi were on th~ei ZIO N(Hope Township) -- hest of termns with each other. e The Zion W.A. June meeting was hield ai, the home o! Mrfs. PL'L'!Robert Morton. there were 12 C iembers and two visitors pre- SNEWAS FROM E*FC:i sent. Meeting opened with a hymn, fo]lo-,ved by prayer. Min- utes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. R. Gerow. Mrs. Mortoni tiorrow up to $2500 and take up to 36 months to repay Compare HFC's service with that of other Iending Institutions SURPRISINGLY LOW INTEREST RATES. 1ITF(s char'ges on boanq over S1500 -) aîe eqUîi .îh'illtP) letsth lii"Sf. peu' veau' dis-oint (in 30 antd36 itotut m jehul uiet lttiis. LOWER MONTIILY PAYMENTS. nI'istew iouug-terniu bans rîieaî sitxiler Iutiutàtutîs 1ha> fit vt)Lit-Lîudgr-t. hetter. SANK<ABLE SECURITY i oi -tqured - INCOME INTERRUPTED? if ou -an't uuake a uaynietit promnpt- iv \wheit due. 'voti get aep u ici .iid ndrst.-nding in rcaýu-ranging x otur Iîîa'Vllkinet uud e SACKED BY 8 1 VEARS' EXPERIENCE. Utiilike ruost lending insti- tutuotuS. I-lEGs outl\is uuus s tmkiag iuitalment rash loans. 1'iat*i wYuvI I["Cs î's (qîp;e o serve votir Mrnmedial.e v.alîitg antd tueedus. AMOUNT* MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 0F 36 30 20 12 LOAN i MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS $ 100 ~> s > $ 6Hil s9.45 50 > 30.01 46.72 100 *. 41.45 58.10 91.55 1600 *. > 66ý62 93 19 14668 2000 72-10 83.27 11&49 183.35 2200 79.53 91.60 128.14 201.69 2500 9038 104.09 145ý61 229 19 Above arm-ents iniclude erîncipat and interest. ancd are based ort normai rePavnent. bu' do flot #nclude cost of fie insturance. How much do you need? Phone or drap in st an>' HFC office ioda>'. H1OUSEHOLO 1)FINANCE '64 King Strm Eauo .. à; ; . Telephon. RA 5-6526' Oshawc Shopping Contre -ii; *-a ;Telophen. RA S-1 139 OSHAWA peated this year. Tt was also Idecided -to havý,e a- co-nmmunity supper Saturclay exening. Julyl Ath. The cottîmittee for this beiuug: Nirs. E. Caswei]. Mrs. ,Douglas Whitney and Mrs. Del Whitney. Mrs. Har-old Cas\ve>l assisted i by ot bers. cave a ioveiy des'o- rionai peî'îoc. Pcogî-am arrang-~ ed b.y Mrs. C. Raby and Mrs. Domglas Wliitiey c oîsisied of readîigs and a contest. Mrs. George MIcCullough waq theI wvinning lady.Rll cal] and collection wîas followved by the X.A. benedicatiouî after Nhich the hostess. Mrs. Morton and conmn-ittee Mrs. H. Rab" and Mrs. W. Meneulle'vy, servedi lunchr The math Iriends of MN'rs. Ada Mares of Oshiawa are sorry to hiear sfie is confined to Oshawa ýGet-eral Hospital and according ta raeports wiTI be there for sev- erlweeks. H-er nîany friends iv.'tsh heu' a speedy recovery. NIMr. and Mrs. Frances Tuf- ï ord. Auîdrey Tufford and John t MeneilleY took ini the stock car races at Oshawva Saturday, July NIr. and Mrs. Norm-an Gerow. David and Mrs. A. Gerow had' a enjoyable mnotor trib to Sar- anac Lake and Lake Placid over the îseekenci.i The coimunit.,v supper held July 4th proved x'cry enjoy- able, A bounteous and delicious fmeai îvas enjoyed by rnost o the community and afterwards, 1 wihilst the men discussed hyn, and other problems the ladies îîashed dishes. The basement 1 n'as lett in order and everyone home in good trne. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley xisited relatives and friends in Orillia and Waubaushene lasti ~j\en dis-ride Pontia sh Owning a Pontiac ie like keeping ail the fun o-C the fair in the garage ...there'8 neyer been a car that's so inuch pleasure. Behid te waheeI, you can't seem to stop smiling. l-Iow does this haMp-v state of affairs corne about? Perhaps Tontaée ;Ieek ityling has, sonething to do with il . . or maybe ~i' rbe. îuuerb u'pno or the sounrd engineering. Whatever it is. (flfv Poutac,.eems- to hare it to n uch a happy dcgree. fiid osi b.' youràiei ... taiwàPontiac for a joy ride tomorrow!1 Have youtrseJf a, happier ridle i n Pontiac! 0-O9 PONTIAC 166 King St. E. - BUICK MOTORS CARS - VAUXHALI Bowmanville LiMlITED *GMC TRUCKS MA 3-3321 - 3-3322 rearview mirror glare. 'M-hiswlI Mraffic Act pol s»me of t1ke careles sd- Home o& SchooIl regard for the 'omfort of other 1 1 drivérs al night. Betweeri Tougherroadgide neon dispiays. dual i /At itcheII"s headiajnpýsadkngsid a The regular meeting of t aMPS the nodern car driver:i Mitchell' Corner"s Home ald! law-mfaking are slow. The need '-; in almosî, constant glare. Thus ScoL-0 Association was heid e for such legisaton, arose be- illiscriîm ate us e 0f 1igh cently with M. Williamn Ne_ caue .hee a.ý aSieale um beams, bv trading veiîe is presiding. of Ona"10 notoi.ýts who Arthur Peelînlg record- I ber ofOntarou mo orît no wulrbn t1 oo. for 0-,- iînrg secretary, read the inutes; for t h ae eofuh ner1 arlo rmotorisýts 10 renmember tiie or the previous ,meeting. for hesafecltx ftemselup vs r rle tne road ha.s ainended is.HrxDNler gave t.4i ohelds anîitter'nd up xvîîThis î.lîrespect to passing on the Iteasurer's report. 1 sivldsaiO WIIQWS Ts i rgiiit Now-ou cati only payýs \re. Guiv Chianîber-lîn's ca onie tmiie w hen the abuses of. Or tne rtght C (1)t when vou won the bann'ixr lor havîîî, driving privîieoe nece.ssitated. are ovmrta-idng a vehlicie thatl niosi oirents reesen1.1 laws *whWch would protent such , iy nîakîng a Pt ltîrn or whicil Miss Brenda 'Stewart Pt- peolefrot hu on ooI~l-a signailing for a leli iurn: (2) 1 ained with sefeciong on thîe lîes.if on streets hax'ing two or mnore gultar. Anotier nu ra flic d\& thaï Jattes in carhdirectiton and C m(3ms>ne b r hian bugî'ben, nîeeded Ys ht n. m n ml u' e î$p!. qca[Nei.i ad elon- if becoines an ioien,.e i i l'ile Oui ario Ttaifc iAct> mflee. d:m» hcadlight.s mn a de-atne al gettung og ai] the li1e- less tha n 500tt ee> of an > becunîe or thîe laik QI ones-1 proma cagr 'ai 'ighi. eration unthe oar1 or 5011e lo: Sit-erjty '!s Io speak a.' .we il. ýs al,;() antuflence now ',o0others ..îîdi lhe part MWa bitn lb nk. lu do am we prelend and dr:ve wih h ith beani head- i s t bal lot oniv are fines Sei profes. to oerform n bat wa Iights %- itiîin 200 0t0e of anS- oo.a bie bol tiere is hM'nmw pronièLe. antd reallv :o be wha; o' ici venu-le gong inthle sanai gtnnîi nkknowîî as tUe poim.we wou id eenland a pea r 1 dircoeil o. Tls s0 Io n"don n 1ieîne:il Si-len. ' be. John Tillolson. ROBSON ELECTRIC LTD. ( CONTE ACTING REpMiR REFRIGERATION - ELECTRIC MOTOit - SALES - SERVICE Tlv- RADIO - APPLIANCES Mmý

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