T.WtYRDAT JLY 23r, 1~UT CAMANAI( STATESBL«. EOIVIANVffLE& COITAMI A ~ WELDON * TRAVELL illusion, and she carrîed a cas- Stanardso! witecade of Pink Delight roses with 9tanardsof witegladioli . white stephanotis. mnd chrysanthemnums with pînk Temi fhnrwsMs carnatios and fn, laned raCarol Jamieson who wore illu- withtwobrachin cadelbrasion blue over taffeta, and she formed the background for a carried a cascaded bouquet of wedding at 4 o'clock Saturday, white and tinted blue carna- afternoon July 1lth, 1959, i n, ios Miss Carol Cook and Miss Simcoe United Church, Oshawa.* Carol Parrott were bridesmaids whf1en Beth Mary' Travel was wearing petal pink over taffeta ui-ited in marriage with David, and carrying cascades o! white Earl Weldon. The bride is the and tinted pink carnations. The daugtiter of Mr. and Mrs. Irai identical street lengtih gowns, G. Travell, Oshawa, and the, worn bv ail the attendants were I oridegroom is the s~on of Mr., fashioned of silk organza eau- 1 and Mis. Clarence Weldon. Osh- broidered in white. The sliml awa. The bride is also the bodices featured scailoped neck- grand-daughter of MiS. E. C. limes and short sleeves with Ashtonx of Enniskillen, Ontario. wrist length white gloves, and Assistcd by the bride's uncle, the billowing skirts were scal- Reverend Harold Stainton oflpdath geAcumr Coutic, ntaio.th dobl- bund of taffeta with bow and ring ceremony was performed j full length sash ends to match by Reverend J. K. Moffat who their gowns highlîghted the also conducted the service of waistlines, and matched their holy communion. NIT. R. G. softîy draped brimined bats. Geen piayed the wedding mnu- Mr. Gerry Hooper perform- sic and accompanied Mi. Rose the duties of best man, and Metcalf of Bowmanville, who AeueswreM.BceTa tang Handel'ser"WeddBrngeHymn sn and es "O ere L g ove. " veil, the bride~s brother, lMe. and 0 Prfec Loe."Larny Weldon, Mi. Larry Ash- Given in marriage by her ton, cousin o! the bride, and Mr. father the bride wore a full Robent Hull of Point Anne, On- length gown of gandenia white tario. isilk faille sweeping into a cir- The reception was held In çular train. A full length priIfl. Simcoe Street United Church ceas panel of Chantilly lace en- Memorial Hall, wihere the hanced the front of the go0wn, bride's mother necived the and thxe samne lace was repeated guesta wearing delft blue Chan- in a baek panel on the bodice. tilly lace over taffeta, styled A headdress o! lace embroider- with a V neckline and a float- ed ina seed pearîs and sequins ing panel at the back, a match- held her finger tip veil o! tulle ing flower trimnxed bat and corsage of white and tinted blue carnations. Assisting was S p ciaIsthe brldegroom's mother h Speciaischose bîacken rose silk organ- za aven taffeta, a coffee beige,î in hat, and matching accessories EN 1 ihcraeo yellow roses.1 V~AÀ AhiFor the boncymoon trip the 1 PERMANENT~bride travelled in a brown and white tweed ensemble, with a cloche hat of yellow, green and W AVES brown figured silk, and corsage Wilved by: o! yellow chrysanthemurns. On MARGARET SMITB their return the couple will re- JOSIE DEMAINE ide in Oshawa. Miss Those wbo attended froni VILE RACAOWC this district were, Mr. and Mis. VIOLT ZAHANOICU, Hanold Ashton and Lois, Mn. / ormery of Miller's and Mis, O. C. Ashton, Mns. E. Beauty Salon C. Ashton, aîl o! Enniskillen; in now a member of Mn. and Mis. Bruce Ashton, F urO stafN.A 1 Miss Bernice Lainier, aIl of FROM ONDAY Burketon, Mr. and Mis. Gordon TO THURSDAY Beech and Janice, Maple Grove, 1 gs. $10.04 C795 Mn. and Mis. Wm. Bragg, Pro-i v'er $___7.95 ' vidence and Mn. andMs Han. 9,5 old Ling, Newcastle. Ret. $12.56 9 _____11.95GRAY - LANE Fer ___Baske4 o! pink and whitel IPCILCOLD WAVE 'mums, gladioli and feins: ai $595formed a pretty sctting In: ai $5.95Newtonville United Church for the manniage on Saturday, July ~fr Huok illbe ere013 luth, at 3:00 p.rn. of Gloria rues., Wed. and Fri. to do Shirley Marie Lame, daughten the tea.m and regular waves o! Mr. and Mirs. Cleland H.j Lame. Newtonville, and Mi. Phone MA 3-5703 Charles Edward Gray. Mi. Gay is the son o! Mis. Gray, New- FOR APPOINTMENT castle, and the late Mr. George Gry Rv R. C. White wasi1 th ofciating clergyman. Or-' ganist Mis. F. Gilmer occom-: H u y ck's panied the soloist Launie Sta- pleton, who sang "The Lond's Prayer"l and "Because"'. HairsylingGiven in manriage by ber - fathen the bride wone a flowing Studio gowm of lovely band-clippe i7 King St. W., flewmanvllle Chantilly lace oven taffeta with ___________________a figure molding high.-rise1 waistline, and heindine sweep- ing back into a graoeful train. The scoop necklane was etched in re-embroîdered band-clipped lace as weîe the three-quarter sleeves. Her fingentip veil was, held by a tiara of seed peanis and sequins. As the bride, carrying a cas- oade bouquet o! mcd roses and white feathered carnations, Iwalked down tbc aisie the front of thxe gowxx skirt separated to reveal a mnass of tiny tulle pîcats. Matron of hanour, Mis. Ray- mond Trim, bridesmaida Mis. Wyn Collier, sister of thel jgroom, and Miss Gall Cooper, Onono, wore chiffon over taf- feta. The junior bridesmxaid, Miss Sandra Cobbledick, who is the gnoom's niece, also wore chiffon over taffeta. Mis. Trim and Miss Cooper were in blue and Mis. Collier and Miss Cob- bledick in yellow. The identi- cally styled dresses had bigh front necklines wlxich dnopped to V-backs with twa panels o! chiffon falling to the bemlines. They wore white feather bands, white gloves and shoes, the bride's gift o! minute peanu ear- rings. Their cascade bouquets wene o! yellow and blue 'muma. Mn. Kenneth Gray, Port Hope, brother o! the groom, was beat nman and the ushers wene the bride's brother, Mn. Ted Lane,I and the gnoom'a brothcr-im-law, Mr. Wym Collier, Newcastle. For the reception held in the Church Hall the bridc's motheri chose blue organza overapn- ed silk sheath with aide bow tnim. endîng at the hipline and a jewelled meckline, white or- gandy pictune bat and accessor- les. Her corsage was o! pink roses on a white feather. To assist, Mis. Gray woie du3ty rose lace oven taffeta with niatcbing jacket, blackc and white accessories and corsage of white' roses. For travelling ta Lake Placid and the Adirondacks the bride wore blue brocaded organza over a silk sheath dress with organza bow at the meckline, white picture bat, matching ac- cessories and a pink carnation corsage. On their return Mr. and Mis. Gray vil neside at 81 Duke St., Bowmanville. The bride is a graduate of Onono High School and o! Pc- terborough Teachens' College. Mis. Gray is on the staff o! Ontario Street Sehool, Bow- manville. Mr. Gray, a graduate o! Newcastle High School, is dairyman at Power Super Mai- ket, Oshawa. Pnior to lier marni-age thel bride was feted at severail pie-1 nuptial showcrs. %fts. R. Spcn- I cen, assisted by Miss Jane Gal-1 braith, was bostess for a mis-i cellaneous abower at ber boneý on Third Street, Bowrnanville. Mis. R. Trim and Mis. W.' Bou-1 ghen weîe co-hostesses for a comanunity imiscellaneous show- ci held tan Iewtonville Unitcd Cburch Hall. Mis, W. Couch, 1 Mis. G. Garîod Jr., Mis. R.1 Cobbledick and Mis. T. Ail- dnead, ail of Newcastle, wcre hostesses when thxe bride wa5: presented with a chrome kit- chen suite. DENNIS - KAN£ Piréttily decoiated with deep' rose-coloured peonies, St. Paul'si United Clxuncb, Bowmanville, was the setting on Saturdsy, June 27th, when Gwendolyni Edith Kane. daughten o! Mn and MiUs. James Kane, beameé thc bride o! Mr. George Rich- aid Bnian Ucumis. The groom1 is the son o! Mr. snd Mis. George Dennis, Yarmouth, N.S. Unfontumiately, AU. snd Mis.1 Dennis were unable to be pres-1 cnt and thein proxies were Mr. and Mis. Wm. Allen, Courtice. Rev. H. Turner officiatcd and organist Mia. C. H. Dudley ac- compamied Miss Ruth .Goheen, soloist. Given lu manniage by her fathen, the bride wore a floor- lcngth govu o! white lace and net oven taffeta. The fitted bodice, the back o! which dip- ped into a full skiît, had a scal- loped neckline outlined with se- quins and the long sîceves came to a point ever thxe bands. Her bouquet vas of red roses aud white 'mxums. Maid o! honour, Miss M arilyn Flintof!, and bridesmaida Miss- es Barbais Flintoff sud Lanal Purdy woîe identically styled cotton sheath dresses withi lace overskirts: the maid o! honoun iu ycllow and the bridesmaida in green. They wone amall rnatching bats and gloves and carnied nosegays o! white anid yeflow 'munis. The groonî's brother, Mi.î Robert Dennis, was best mani and the ushers were Mr. Wil- liam Deunis, brother o! the refreshment b nover heay, nover too sweet. le refreshes without fihing. Keep plenty of Pepoi bandy fmos re informai evenings. luy it teme Idy 6-basoitea - -WI OMM M UV MAGEB LTD. AUICbuweh UL, aewummvifle, O& Wed in Trinity' United Mr. and Mrs. James Donald Harper are shown ab Grace Lois, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William K. Hou Mr. Harper is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Harpei in the picture is the bride's father, Rev. Housiander, wl niage took place in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, J~ ÇalIIe yof ft MISS M. M. VAN CAMP M. M.. Van Camp, Toronto. barrister, is one o! the young women members o! the legal profession who bas already made her mark sin>ce belng called to the bar in 1947. She la president o! the Women's Law Association o! Ontario, and a member o! the Council of the Canadian Bar Associa- tion, the goveining body o! that association. One of several organizations to whiob miembens of the Pro- fession may beiong, the Wom- cn's. Law Association, establisb- ed in 1918, bas a membeîship of more than 200. LaW is not an ovcr-crowded profession, so fan as vomen are conceined, but oVen the years it bas in- cluded some billiant successors to tbat trail blazer, Clara Brctt Martin, Toronto, !xnst woman ta thxe British Commonwealth to be called te the bar, in 1897. Her memoiy la honored by a scbiolarsbip presented annually by the association. Judge Helen Kinnear of Cav- uga is the first, and omly, von- Qfl> . fottaty 1iudgé in ' Canada. Toronto's '»argaret 1Hndrnan. Q.C., la currntly president o! the International Fedenstion of Business and Professional Wo-;' men. Object o! the Womaen's Law Association is tb encourage in- KENDAL j Mrn. Lawrence Cathcart snd daughter Pearl, o! Keene, via- G.e Sunday with Mr. and Mes. G.Cathcart. Miss Marlon McKelvey spentý the weekend with Mise- Cath- crime Stewart. W. A. Meeting The W. A. meeting and pic- uic was beld Wednesdsy after- noon, July 15 at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens. Mis. W. Merceî read froru the Scriptune the story o! Naomi and Ruth, wlhich Mis. G. Cath- caît gave a talk on. Mis. Phil- lips, oui gucat speaker from Tyrone gavea fine addness on the 23rd Psalm, speakiug par- ticularly on the first threej verses, comparing Christ's care for us to a shephend's care o! his ý,sheep. Mis. Jack Stapleton was pie- sentcd with a hymnary in sp- preciat ion of her services for .11V . L, t r.p n-QCOl CO pvOr rtenchange of ideas and c-p enation among women vith le- gal training. IU. membeeship includes vomen lawyers in ac- tive practice, those in govern- Iment and ini trust agencies. In- cluded are membens who bave îetir'cd f rom pnactioe and a lew mainied lawyeis, vith young childien, who are mot pnacticimg for thie present. 1Miss Van Camp is a former chancellon and dean o! Alpha Mu Chapten of the K.appa Beta Pi Legal Sorority, a 50-yeai- old international association of vomen lswyens which bas cbap- ters in several countnies includ- ing China, England, West Ger- many sud France. The French chapten was stsnted by the late Gertrude Sinclair Haines o! To- ronto. On the board o! directors oi the YWCA. Miss Van Camp is also a member of the counsel- ling comnittee o! the Y. She As a member o! the Canadian Institute of International' Af- fains asud a past regent o! Fud- ger Hlouse Chapter IODE. Miss Van camp was born in Blackstock and still spends ber weekends thene with ber m-oth- ci, Mia. W. W. Van Camp. After high sehool in Blackstock, she attended Victoria University anxd took fier law course at Os- goode HaIl Even since being called to the bar she bas been assýocated with Genand Beau- dota, Q.C.. in general practice. Reading la ber greatest love next ta the law. Her favorite sport is skiing. and sbe spends much of hei witcr veekeuds on the hills snound her home. .Sh'c is one o! four sisters who «grew up and did everything togethen." Her sister Miss Helen Van Camp, la employed in Oshawa. Sister Jessie, Mis. Blake Gun- ten.' Blackstock, and Wilma, iMrs. Ronald Diinlcwater, Otta- wa, got, mannied at the same time and cacix now bas the childien. Her six nieces. and mephews provide thein lawyen aunt with a wonderful excuse for re-neading fairy talcs and children's atonies, also for brows- lng around toy dcpartments, both extnacuînièular activities Miss, Van Camp love,s-Globe and 'Mail. BETHANY dent of the W.A. . Mis. Reg. Edmunda and ber In the business session it childîcu, Bob, Joanne and Mur- wvas decided to hold an after- ray, spent the past wcek in noon tes and bake sale on Wed- St. Thomas, visiting with Mias. nesday, August 5, from 13 to 5, Elizabeth Patton. at Miss Catherine Stewart's to Mrs. Laura Spears, Toronto, assist in raising funds for the was the guest o! Mn. sud Mis. new church ceiling and rede- Walter Neals for the wcekend. corating. Neighbouring socieC Mr. and Mus. H-oward Perk- tics are also to be invited. lus sud !amily. London, havej Miss Nellie Hill îead a.po9m been visiting with Mr. and Mis. 1 entitled "Land o! Beginming Herman MeGili. jAain" and Mrs. W. Mercer held Miss Manie Carr speut the a tes contest which was wonx wcckend lu Peterborough with by Mis. Phillips and MY8.I Miss. Amy Aiken. jMoore of Tynone. Oroe Challice la reported as A fine picmic supper. buffet1 making favorable progress fol- style was eujoyed on the lawu îowing surgery lu Cic H ospi- along wîth a social heur. Some tel Peterborough. o! the more vcntu.resome climb- i3&. and Ma-a. J. Ajhren and cd Knob Hil foi a betten view Sandra Ahren, Toronto, were o! the beautîful scenery. A weekend gucats vith Mr. and hearty vote o! t'hanks vas ex- Mis. James McKinnon. teuded ta Mis. Phillips and ber Thomas Cunrie,' Midlamd, fiiends from Tynone snd also visited vith Mir. and Mis. H. ta Mus. Steveus for lien hospi- A. McMaster durlng the wcck- tallty. end. Mirs. Jack Stapleton vas pie- Mis. Eaul Argue, puesidimg sented with a hymnary in Sp- for an executive meeting o! preciation o! ber services forn Manvers Branch o! the Cana- tbc past three years as presi- dian Red Cross Society in Betb- dent o! thc W.A. amy, rcad a letten fnom Mis. J. e P. Ray o! Peterborough in con- groom, and Mrn. Harold Bain. nection with the uecd for more For the reception bcld in bbc blood douons fuom outlying Legion Hall, Bowmanville, the arcas te augment thc blood bridc's mother chose a street- transfusion services o! the Pc-. lemgth browu silk jersey gowu terborough hospitals. with beige hat and accessories. Miss Laura Morton, Bethany, Her corsage was o! yellew was appoizxtcd area chairman, 'munis. mis. Wm. Allen, taking with Mis. Cliffard Curtis, Pou- the place o! the gioom's moth- typool, Mra. John Burns, Jan- er, assisted ta receive. etvilllc, Mrs. Clarence Page, For a boncynacon trip te Yclventon sud Mis. Noel Wood, Crystal Beach, Laike Erie, the Bethany, as assistants to make bride voue a black and white a survey o! thc ares, ariangimgI check sheath vith white acces- for voluntary blood donois and sories. transportation ta thc blood Priai to ber marriage thxe tranfusgion Ciinics vhich will bride vas ententained at sev- be heM ,nonthly in Peterbor- eral niscellaneous shovers. ough. Hautesses were Mis. W. Allen, The service As operated sole- Courtice; Mrs. D. SudsburY, Iy by the camadian Red Cross Wellington Street; Mrs. M. Society to supply whole blood Tabb and Mis. M. Westover, and blood products free o! High Street; and Misses Mar- chareteany patient in all ilyn enxd Barbara Flin±oU, R.IL om in ra e arcs served.j E, . Z. owmaîwWuo..AIbiod in1roviW b v vlum.. 1 Church ]HÀYDON Plan to attend thxe Sunday School picnic b be held on the churdx lawn on this Saturday. Sup¶aer at 6 o'clock. M.r. amd.Mms Stan Moffatt, Oshawa, Mi. George Bertrim M« and Georgie, Taunton, at Mr. M. Bertrixns. Mr. and Mis. Rusasell Gil-j bert, Bowmanville, were Sun-1 day supper guests at Mr. and ~ '~ Mis. Lloyd Slemon's. ~. Mis. T. Greer. Brooklin and - daughter, Evelyn, Toronto, 4called on Mrs. W. 'Thompson. Mifs. Sleightholm, Mr. H. W.1j McDonald, Edmonton, Mr. B. '~McDonald, Bownmanville, called on Mrs. W. Thompson. Donald SThompson, Jennie Osmond and SPatsy Thompson, Bowmanville,' îare holidaying with their grand- fnother.1 S Mrs. Ross Ashton and family! and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, attend-i ed the Werry picnic at Hamp- ton Park on Saturday. 1 Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda,1 Enniskiflen. spent Monday withi Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Ashton. 1 Mr. and Mis. Alfred Garrar Sattended the Grif fin picnic at iCream of Barlev Camp on Sun- IMr. and Mis. J. Jones andi family and Miss Cora Degeer, visited Mis. Kellar, Oshawa, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard, Sgt. and Mis. Bernard Houseman and tamily, visited Mrs. Harold bove as Mrs. Harper, former Gay, Oshawa.1 uslander, signs the register. Mrs. W. Martin visited Mis., r. Prt redi. Aso sown G. Ferguson, Oshawa, and spent ýr, ort redt. Aso sown a few days with i. and Mrs. 'ho officiated when the mar- Max Johnson at their cottage, on July 4th, 1959. Kennamac Lake. - Photo. by Ireland Studio Mrs. A. Read, Ina Beryl and Lynne, are spending a few days: with Mrs. Bert Ashton and family at their cottage, Lakei Simcoe. V o en Mrs. Wm. Thiesburger, Ty-1 rone, Mis. Lloyd Ashton, Hay- don, Mis. H. MeGili, Mis. A. Brunt, Mrs. M. Hobbs, Mis. _________________Theo Siemon, Enniskillen, en-: joyed a trip to Stratford, on teer dnors.the bus chartered by the Sauina' teerssdonrs. rwh hsWomen's Institute, where theyi MisN tany Loeiy, wh assaw the play, "As You Lîke IV.' beenteahin scoolin sh-which ail enjoyed. awa for the past year was hon- Mrs. W. Thompson and Gail oned with a miscellaneous show- Thompson spent Sunday withi er from friendts in her home relatives at Bowmanville. 1 community of Lifford, prior to Mif. and Mirs. Ross Ashtonl ber marniage to Beverley R. Snmith, which will take place on July 25 at Bethany. The social event was beld in AV Y U ES Lifford Sehool on Saturday evenîng with Mrs. Kenneth Sinclair directing the prograin and Miss Doris Timms reading "But 1 can't marry You, honey, the address of congratulations lem anemic," apologtacd t and good wishes. Miss Lowery thanked every- Yongmani. one for the înany gifts receiv- ed and Invited ail to her trous- "That's ail right, dear.' ishietl seau tea on Saturday afternoon replied. 4"Yoga go to your cbureh and evening. Lunch was senved >by thxe ladies of the commun- and l'Il go to mine.» ity and znany friends fromn Omnemee, Lindsay and Beth- One thing we don't have te any were also present. make apologies for is the out- This spring the Federated sadn oknnhpadsr Women's Institutes of Ontario svi aurkhop i faousefr. sponsored a con test for the best ic u shpifao or essay on "How I Can Train My aur courteous driver wxll call Child To Be a Citizen of The if you can't drop in to the store World". The first pnize for the at your door. Eitber way. we'l best essay was awanded to Mrs. do our best to keep you as a Susan Bonsteel, wife o! the United Church minister at customer for life. Bethany. Her entny, along 'wit nine others from acrosa Canada was entered in a national1 con- HAVE YGUI VAâCI teand word was received here on Friday that Mrs. Bon, L A E steel had again received first L A E prize and will receive a trophy donated by Senator Cairine Wilson. The prize winning es- say appeared in the April 2nd E issue of the Canadian States- ' Carl Lemle éATION CLOTHES P NOW! $5.00 down - balance over 30 months YOU CAN" GET, AýPPLIA-NC-E BARGAINS LIKE THESE KELVINATOR WASHER 12-Year Warranty Punip - Timer - Filter Reg. $199.00 On Sale.$149-00, ______________________________________________________ à GUERNEY El1ectric Stove Reg. $349.00 OnSae$13 900 Refrig erators 12 CUBIC FEET Reg. $329.00 On Sale $14900C 8.2 CUBIC FEET Reg. $319-00 Cowan Equipment Co. 134 KngSL L Anniversary Sale SHEO0ITS Regular $3.98-----$19 SHORTY PYJAMAS14 Regular $2.98 -----__---------- BLOUSES $4 Regular $2.98 ------------------ ALL DATHINC SUITS - REDUCED John & Judy Shoppe TS King St. E. Bowmanville .RIGHT HERE' KELVINATOR DRYER Automatie Reg. $269.00 79 5 PHILIFS Trelevision TRANSFORMER SET Reg. Un2."0 OnSae$199.00 Reg. $329.0 On Sale $149.00 Portable TV Reg. $2119.00 690 MA 3-M8 Iowmanvilhs and imilgy. attuided the Mo- Laughlin picnie at 'Cream ce Barley Camp on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. J. Potts and faxnily were supper guests of Mr. and Mmea Arthur Trewin, Sunday. ?&. and Mrs. Abmer Herrîng, Oshawa, were recent callers of Mrs. R. MeNeiL Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie and famidly, Toronto, at Mrs. A. MJcNeil's. Ae(rtica if)rr DRY ICE WARNIN T«v"DAlý MLY - 23r& 1959 Q. ~ ~ ié #o.b. . ive off wwf.1bos uige? I~u.or i.~~~~~ . odtou .,< boa ACaryimg &y lm m a m ar potcntially dangeSuls. Dry ice ut solid carbon dioxde. Wben dkv im eks" onverted 10 the "mm eisform.Carbon dioxide is odareus and it takes vesy bli to cause unconsciousness. A doc- ow recently reporied, a case %à= e o people voie overcomeo Lw carbon &diocdewhlle drfrn M a car With the Windows cloe&d Oni lac back mma authoritieq fiamd uliatwu s bt etOtS pounds of dry iS- AU dealersim dry aoe slaould bc alired to this danger and sbotbd vain ceston:. en Io provide adequate verftila- tio when dry iau is carried M the buuIorwmmofthe car- rnen*mm r~Ied &W us~* -iD THIS ONE PAIM TIMM