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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1959, p. 5

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TNUESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. EO'WMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAGE FIVE W.A. Summer Con Plans Large Fait I Planning for the autumn-S1 dent,. Mrs. G. E. Do-obs. ini the work was the orcler of the da, chair when the executive membersiFI al nPtroog of the Bay of Quinte Confer- FaiRIyi Ptroog ence of the Woman's Associa- 0f first importance was the tion of the United Churclu of planning for the Faîl Rally to Canada met recentlv for their be held in Trinity United aummer executive meeting in Church. Peterborough, on Mon- Bridge Street United Churchri day, September "28th, with Cali parlours, Belleville. the presi-! to Worship at 9:30 a.m. It was planned to turn the morning session over to the Conference Secretaries. who would take advaniage of the well-pl:innecl facilities of Trinityý Chunch Hall to prepare individual con- ference period.s with the var- ious related secretaries of Pres- bvtenies and Local Womans - Associations. to give practical -assistance and inspiration in the carrying out Of their work for the autumn months, and to discuss their problems. Ail gruswould then report bac-k This rocket ship isn't the onti thai Chances a.1 neve TV turc iir, zt %s home. Your biy doesn't value of yoil bc cau-hi tion you ne Lup -to-datei STUAR' INSURANCI Office MIA 3-5681 King St. E. Recently Wed y thing 1.15 new! re vou ve bought a -i-Fi set or furni- ot Iatt i r' nred >o111 r old policy proba- t over thz preset r ros.essionN. ID)ont wthouî the pre- ieed. Caili us for Un insurance cht-ckup. Mn. and Mrs. George Richard T R. JAMES ýBrian Dennis are shown foilow- ESAEiîg their wedding recently i E REAL ETT St. Paul's United Church. Mrs. Denîuis was formely'Gwendolynt Residence Edith Kane, daughter of Mr. MA 3-5493 and Mrs. James Kane of Bow- Bowmanville inanville. The groom is the sonl of Mn. and Mrs. George Deni, Yarmouth, N.S. WE STILL HAVE IN STOCK A GOOD SELECTION 0F WHITE AND BEIGE PUMPS Illusion and High Heels - Reg. $6.95 te $8.95 NOW $495 & $5.95. NATURALIZERS Reg. $14.95 - NOW $'10.9#5 WONEN'S SANDALS Reg. $2.98 to $3.98 OTHER SANDALS Reg. $3.95 ---------- NOW $198 Now $124 9 Woinen's - Washable Types Included CANVAS CASUALS < 9 Reg. $2.95 to $445 --- ----- NOW $1 9 CLEAR ING LINES OF WOMEN'S SUMMER PUMPS $14 9 to $ 3.95 CHILDEENS SANDALS For Play or Dress $1.19 $249 Savage White DRESS SHOES Were $4.45 to $5.95 NOW $3.95 NEN'S SUMMER SHOES$59 Were $7.95 ----- - NOW $5. 5 CANVAS OXFORDS Were $3.95 - SANDALS Were $4.95 NOW $195 No$3.9 5 THESE ARE ONLY A FEW 0F THE MANY BARGAINS AVAILABLE AT rLloyd Ellis Shoes 09 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE ference' Wed in ~rogram to the general assembly on thein discussions. Mrs. Ralph Hill, Programme Planning secretary, was asked to conduct a programme plan-: ning session, using a skit as a demonstration of live prograin. lt&ls. Hill urges ail W.A.'s' to use the new study packet at their meetings, especially coin- menting on the use of the pro- . grammes "Inside Northern Rho- desia" and "Women in Chang- ing Afnica" for joint meetings with W.M.S. groups. Such meetings would be preparation for the new woman 's organiza- tion which will get under way on Januany lst. 1962. An invitation xvas to be is- sued to Mrs. J. L. Halpenny,. past president of the Dominion Council. and now Secretary of! the Senior Aduit Committee of the Board of Christian Educa- tion of the United Church, IL be the special guest speaker for the Rally. 0f great interest, was the careful review by Mrs. A. A. Crowle of the evaluation sheets from members attending the leadership training course at ~ Five Oaks. Comments rang.ucl fî-om "A înountai:n-top expe- ' - ence", to the urging for more trne to be given to Bible stud'-, practical pr&ograming, leader- kl ship training, worship. To Arrange Courses Mrs. W. C. Iv'es was appoint- ed to consuit with Rev. Bever- ly Oaten with. a view to, arrang- ing courses for the enstern and western sections of t.he Confer- ence Branch this corning year, .___ of three days' duration rather than two, in order to accoramo- Mr. and Mrs. Charle date more of those desiring to on July llth, 1959, are shc avail themselves of the coursein ewnile nidChr for their area, and to broaden SirlNey Maie Lanedis her the programme. SilyMreLni h Order Prayer Cards Cleland H. Lane, Newtonvi' Funther discussion took place Mns. Gray, Newcastle, and t ini regard to the printing and use of prayer cards. The great power of prayen and what it can do was considered, and it was decided ta order sufficient e cards for the use of each mem- ber in the Confenence Branch, to be used at 9 a.,m each morn-j BENNETT - BLACK ing, with headings, 1. Ta give The manriage of Jean Black thanks ta God for Ris bless- Iai-d Lawrence Bennett, both of ings; 2. To confess wnongs and Oshawa, was solemnized on ask for pardon; 3. To pnay fon Saturday. July 18, at Holy Cross others; 4. To renew readiness 'Roman Catholic Church. to serve God and to listen for thebiei h agt o His ordens; 5. To pnay fori1Tebiei h agtro Church and Five Oaks; 6. ToIMr. and Mrs. Daniel Black of askguianc fo woldleaders. Courtice and the bridegroom is These cards would be distnibu- ite sono r nd-s lo ted ta the Presbyterias at the Bennett of'Oshawià. autua Raly.The Revenend Philp Coffey aTom StaMebesh rie officiated. The wedding rmusic It was pointed out by the odziePlYdb is enK president, 1&s. Dobbs, that 700,- Given in marinage by her 000 wornen are neported mem- father the bride wore a baller- bers of W. A. while only 200,- ina gown of white nylon chiffon 000 are an record. Every W. A. over satin enhanced with blue should begin a membership lace flowens appliqued anound campaign, calling on every wo- th necidine and a blue satin man ini the church to enroil as cuminerbumd. She wone a blue a member. Such action in one church resulted in an increase from 60 ta 300 members. The renovation and o1pen.ing1 of the John Knox Chapel in 1 Geneva was bnought befone the! ~ N exeýcive as -a hei-tag-e of aour i chunch. John Knox had ta fiee bis native land, thus establish- ed his church in Geneva; its re- storation was undertaken by the World Council of Church- es, and the United C'hurch of. Canada assumcd 10,000.' Each1 of the 6,000 W.A. groups is given oppontunity to contnibute $1. or more toward this praject. Conference executive voted $251 ta thîs fund, and requte Pnesbyteries ta bning it before1 their executives, also Christian Stcwandship secretanies. Reports wene given by presi- dents of the cight Presbyteries, and autumn plans discussed. Mns. Ralph Hill conducted a stinnlng devotional, as she urg- ed, "Be what thou seemest,' Live thy creed." She said we canj choose ta be a pyramid, or a frustnuîn-the pynainid, a su- preme divine trusting faith, can be lost by those too afraid of losing earthly camfort-losing the pyraxnid top - fnustnated, useless, confused, no point in life. W. A. members rnay be- come frustratars of those look- ing ta us for exaniples. WESLEY VILLE Thene were 59 present at Sun- day School on the 19th of July, with Murray Payne in charge. Ail regular teachers were pi-e- sent and sciipture was rend by Ms. Harold Best. On Wcdnesday aiternioon Meb-1 dames A. Austin, H. Barrow- clough and H. Reeve visited at the county home, Cobourg, as repncsent.atives ai the Woman's Association. Miss Stelia Bennett who suin- mers at Willow Beach was in Belleville on Wedinesday alter- noon attending an executive meeting ai Bay of Quinte Con- ference W.A. Mn. and Mrs. Carr-ail Nichais and family returned on Mon- day froni a trip ta Fillmore, New York, where they attended a fanuly neunion. Thcy had been accompanied by Carroll's mother, Mrs. W. Nichels af Port HMiss Minke Offers of AiphenI Aan Den Rljn, Holland, is vis-j iting with her sisten .Mrs. John Groeneveld, and is spending this week wit.h a cousin in Peter- borough. group of local young pol enjoyed a party at Austin's beach on Friday night, piaymng ball an dothen gainesane- joving the usual fine anets Sunday Schoal will be with-! drawn next Sunday monning that evenyone may have the op- portunity of seeing aur Qucen. Mi-. and Mrs. E. Karvonen of Toronto, visited with the Ough- tneds an Friday evening; Mr., and Mrs. Jens Jensen with E. IBarrowcloughs Sunday evenlng; i Mn. and Mrs. Ken Langinan anid Douglas af Toronto, spent tthe fii-st part af last week with IMr. and Mrt. Perey Snell and Mrs. S. Jillibrand af Sinica. es at the same home receti.y. VELVA SMOOTH LOTION keeps summer skins radi- antly fresh . .. makes no dif- ference whether it's the heat ar the humiclity. Make-up goes on s0 smoothly; facial perspiration 18 controlled perfectly with this fra- grant lotion witb antiseptici properties. YOURS, A SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY GIFTI With each bottie of Velva' Smooth Lotion you buy, Miss Arden gireq you a de- lightful purse -sized plastie bottie of Velva Smooth Lo- tion w-ith black satin case holding cotton squares to apply this iefreshing beau- tifying lotion. Stay tresh ail day, wherever you are! VELVA SMOOTH LOTION 4 oz., 3.W0-8 os.. 6.50 Jury and Loveil qewtonvi île other cities by diallng in tjhe Inear future. Deinonstrations and slides at IMacdonald Institute were en- joyed by ail. On Thursday they had a picnic at Stratford Festi- val Park a tour was conducte Sby the stage. theatre wa;rb Iand scenery directors thi-ough the Shakespearean Theatre;bi fore the show. After the pci lunch they saw "As You Like, 't,,. Interest groups spent thie fore- noons either making mioccasins or weaving dish clothes or dra- mna and reading These classes, were conducted by Miss Leslie. Mrs. Bleacher and Mrs. Hamil- ton. About 165 attended the hol- iday. Mrs. Bonnett of Fort Wil- liarn acted as president as Mrs. IHaggerty our president wvas ab- sent for most of the holidlay. Mrs. Haggerty.ý has been elected to go to Scotland later to the A.W.I.W. Mr. and Mrs. H. Holden, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Quantrili and at- tended the wedding of Francis Quantrili at Orono on Saturday. Misses Donna and Ruth Mer- cer, Toronto, were home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler and Orvilie Kennedy are on a motor trip north through Sault Ste. Marie and down the American side and then home. Mrs. Geo. Fowler, Oshawa, arrived Sunday to heip look after the children at home.- 'Truil .Famlly - '< AHolds Picnic iA Orono Park - The annual Truil famiàly pic- newas held at Orono Park, Saturday, July 18, 1959, with esE Gray who were married a good attenidance. An interesting program of own following their wedding'sports, was ari-anged by Mr. Ed- ,h. The bride, former Gloria gar Horn, Oshawa, Ontario. edaughter of Mr. and Mrs. At 5:30 p.nî. ail enjoyed a Lle. Mr. Gray is the son of i bountiful suppen includîng ice telate Mr. George Gray. creain, the gift of Mn. Eari Truil, ,heCourtice, Ontario. IA short business period fol- id lowed when oun president Mr-. jFranklin Truil, Scaî'borough, Ont., in a few well chosen words s welomedail. The executive for 190 Peidn i .r. Franklin nylon picture hat with white Trull, ScarboroughYl, Ont., Sec- accessonies and cari-ned red retary- Mrs llarland Truli, roses and white carnations. Ha to:SrsConte- IMr-. and Mrs. Ailari Werny, En- Mrs. Robent Youngrnan was niskillen; Mr. Brian Lee, Ked- matron-of-honon in a short ron; Mis Lyn Farrow, Port dness of white chiffon oven blue, Cred-it; Table Conmittee- Mrs. taffeta with a sinaîl blue flow- Percy Allun, Bowmanville; Mrs. ened hat and càrried a bouýquet i-_EdrPice, Bownianville; Spec- 0f~~~~~~ wht n îk antos al pnizes- Mrs. G. Wilkinson, Mn. Walter Boucher acted-as Toronto, Ont. Members werc best man~f. Hl present froin Browings Island, A reception was held in HlyPeterborough, Toronto, Scan- Cross hall. For the occasion the: borough, Port Credit, Garden bride's mothen wone pink taf-: Hill, Osh.awa. Orono, Courtice, feta with white accessonies. The Bowxnanvîlle and Hampton. bridegrooni's mother was in blue crepe and lace with blue accessories. Both wore cor-! Air, Rail or Steamship sages of carnations. T 1 C K E T S Later the couple left for a. TO EVERYWHERE wedding trip to the Niagara! Consult district. For travelling the bride',JU R & L OV EL L 1wone a mocha sheath shantung 15Kn t-W A357 dness with a matching jacket 5 in S.W. MA3-577 and white accessonies. Mr. and Bwmnil Mns. Bennett will live in Osh- awa. j #"GLD COUNTE DOCTO " There was something of value that's lost to-day, By'somfe, its remembered stili, Just the sight of the "doc's" old buggy, Coming over the brow of the hill. How the riight f led, dway at his coming! He stayed tili the shadows were gone, Then. shouldering rnost of our heavy loaci, He headed the old horse home. Oh! wonderful hands that brought hea]4ng, Valient spirit, that 'orought repose, Self denied, Ioving service revealing, Just, "old doc, whom everyone knows." Marjorie Cunningham Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Dry Cleaning Storage - Shirts - Repairs CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS JULY 271h TO AUGUST 3rd PHONE NA 3-7061I PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE MeQUARRIE, Prop. SUMMER SPECIALS 4-SEASON BOUSE PAINT White Only ___ $ 4 j SPECIAL -Gallon __ FULL LINE 0F KEN PRODUCTS and LUXOR ENANELS Canada Paint Ca. House Paint AT REGULAR PuICES Clearing Remuants ai WALLPAPERS AS 1960 PATTERNS COMING IN S00W j. H. ABERNETHY'FS 33 King St. WV. Phone MA 3-5431 QUANTRILL - NEAL At Qi-oua United Chunch oni Saturday, July 18, Janice Karen Neal became the bride of Fi-an-1 cis Quantnili. The bride is the daughter af Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Neal and Uic bridegroînis thc son af Mr. and Mns. Evan Quantrill, ail oai Qi-o. The Rcvenend Basil Long of- ficiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Ernest Bryson and Mrs. Everett Brown was the soloist. Given in mariage hy her father Uic bride wone a long lace bridai gown. Lily point sîceves and a square ncckline cdged with sequins and pearis styled the iitted bodice and the bouffant skirt featured Écal- loped rows of ruffled net and a bonder oi nylon net at the heinline. A peal-studded crown held ber fingertip veil and shel cannicd a cascade af rcd roses and white carnations. The bridai attendants, ail from, Onono, wene Miss Anlene Neal, maid-of-honoun, in pink and bridesmaids, Mis s Mariiyn Quantrill ln blue, and Miss Grace Bruce in ycllow. All wore short dresses of nylon tricot with dnaped necklincs and flowing back panels. They wone feath- ered hats, and cariled bouquets ai rnixed carnations. Mi-. Allan Quantill acted as best man,. Ushering wene Messrs Jack Neal and William Moffatt. A neception was held in the Odd Feliows Hall, Orono. To receive, the bnide's mothen wore pink bnocadcd tafieta with matching accessonies. The bride- groom's mothen assisting was in blue chiffon with white accessonies. Both wore corsages oi pink and white carnations. As Uic couple let for the weddiug trip Uic bride was weaning a white pique cotton dness with white accessories and red rose corsage. Mn. and Mrs. Quantrill wîll live ti Onono. ELIZABETH VILLE Sunday Sehool was heid as usual with most of the teach- ens present. Cnunch services were conducted by the young people. Miss Sybol Sheppard accupied the chair. Misses Don- othy Muldrew Shirley Muldrew and Danlene Thickson rend Uic story, gave the prayen and rend the scriptune lesson respectiveiy. Miss Benyl Thickson gave thc talk or sermon on "Faith". Mrs. H. Thickson retunned home fram Guelph Friday night, wheî-e she spent a few days at Uic Institute holiday at the On- 1 tario Agricultural College. The holiday iucluded a tour of Gue- lph and a personal tour through the néw Bell Telephone build- ing whene calls were demonstra- ted ta New York whlch ouly took 10 seconds. They expiained how they hope ta, make direct i cails from homes ta homes in 1 TRMMAY, JULY 23rd, 1959 TRE CANADIAN STATESBL4JR.- BOIFIgANVnàý& ONTAIM PAGI FIL

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