* - ô -. ~ Tgv-v Farm Forum Planning New Radio Series on A djustment Problem *Adiustmnt .the key tothe future? If thers are too mmny tarin ers, a many People say, ther what s tb beconue of those mer and womnen who must move. off thie farm and earn their living elsewhere? Wihat new policiez and Programmes are needed right now to help ta make this change lni our soclety take place smocthly and as palnleasly as possible. These are just twc of the Vital questions whlch Farm Forum across Canada wlll dis- cuss this faiX and winter. The themne IAdjuating Farin- Ing ta Modern Times" will fea- ture a special seriez durlng the V:aonth of January, ini which the Émall farin wAIl be examIned carefully undr4th lieadings- olw j SOFIENEJACK DIGUGH FLUMBING and REATINO DMslon Street South MIA 3-5613 BOWMANVILLE i i f T7%e Problem of Adi ust -in Number of Farmi. The Problein of AdJust -in Prie. Supports. Thue Problem of AdJust -in Credit Programmies. Another highllght of the son will b. a group of grammnes on the subject of Corn-on -Cob True Native 0f America nent nent sca- pro. The muweet cern that provides us wîth butter-dripping corn- on-the cab, jchnny cake, corn syrup, or just plain canned corn là a truc native of America, with a long Canadian "itory. Corn ranks hig lnI popular- lty. While lbi flot caten raw, ib occasionally adds ite distinc- Uive qualities ta fresh salads, cither boiled or pickled intoa deliclous chutney, It developed long &go An Cen- tral and North Arnerica and is known throughoub the rest of the world as maize. Thie word "icorn" actually nieans grain of any klnd, except here and in, thie United States. Indlan corn, or maize, wasi eultlvated in Canada and nom- thern New York State by the Iroquois. Even today, those who follow the old tribal "Long House"l religion stili use corn diahes n their traditionai feasts. There waa little Interest in corn among the non-Indian leopulation until about a hun- red years ago. A few varieties were known and farmed by the tfne of the American Civil War, and from then on its pop- ularity has lncreased steadiiy. By now, corn las eaten with relish everywhere en the con- tinent. Large quantities of can- ned and frozen corn are con- aumied ail year round and there ls an enthusiastie buying splurge whenever freshly-rip- ened ears of corn appear on bthe market. AUTO INSURANCE FOR PEEFEIEED MIES SAVE WITH SAFECO Reprosenfing Canadian - British and American Companys. ALL KINDS O0F INSUDANCE IC. H. Dudley & Son HA 54243 Court ico I I a I I G i cý G m QI Pl ai A] Ci i mi an là tii Bhi t u -Jar For today's farming you need the new features of Massey-Ferguson machines Today new farxing methods; new technical developments and new engineering advances bring con- stant change and improvement ini tractors, combines and other farm machine&. Old style machines can't give you the case of handling and upeed you want, they don't have the labour savîng features you need and they don't give you the moacy-making Mas8ey- ability to help you farm profitably. Obsolete equipment doesn't have what is needed 10 meet thc demanda of farming today. Move ahead with 1he latcst Massey-Ferguson machines and free yourself of thc handicap of trying to farin modern with out of date equipment. Ask your local Massey-Ferguson dealer for ful particulaus about thc latest modela. --Ferguson Limffed TO0RO0NT 0 vis rel ai ATESULB J BWIU&A VLL. U'4APBOPAGE In"' ATTENTION LADIES HEADBUAITEES FOI AU. TOUE BUILDING NEEDS 1 *DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. )AT. JULY Zola, IS w 1 1 lti [ti etr ' Marketplace. Faim Forums wIl try to decide where goods are evaluated; whether thie fariner has anything to do wlth this evaluation and whether the. fariner has anythlng to du with this evaluation and whether ho can influence price in any way. Finally next season wM fl 1- ture at leaut ane hour and a hait hroadcast. amir 10 the histary-nuaklng show from Saskatoon last January. Tis year the special production wfll originate at the Annual Meet- ing cf bthe Ontario Federation of Agriculture at the Royal York Hotel, in Toronto. It will be broadeast on November 2nd and will be devoted to the sub- ject of bthe SinailFarmner. Agamn, this yeax, three Re- gional Broadcasts wil b. Pro- duced acrosa the country by the. provinces theielve.One of these wili use a National Tarin Forum Guide; in the cthers, the Guides will aloo be produced by the regional producers. The Farin Forum Guide thus year will continue to use thle new format created lust, season and approved by the groups. Fourteen isses wifl b. pub- lhed <turing the regular sea. son. For information regarding any part of the Forum season and the programme for 1959- 60, write ta 113 St. George St, Toronto 5, Ontario. Sheep Club Achievement Day at Orono On Tuesday evenlng, July 2lsb, the mernbers of thie Dur- ham 4-H Sheep Club held their Achievement Day, in the main Agricultural Building of the Central Durham Agricultural Society Grounds at Orono. j Mr. Boyd Ayre, R. R. No. 1, Hfampton, was thie judge cf the mnarket lambis exhibibed by the rnembers. Bach member was placed firstly on the lamb I wrhieh he exhlbited at the achievement day, seoondly on the manner in which. he brought out the lamb to the show and (Ada showmnanship whie An bie ring. The wInner An the market amb class was Glenn Quinney, B. R. No, 4, Bowmanville, with Grant Glaspeil, No. 4, Bowman- ville as runner up and EDavld a Brent, No. 6, Bwman'ville, d placing third. i In thie ahowmanahlp clama, Grant Glaupel, No. 4, Bcw- rianville, placcd tArat, Glen C QuAnney, No. 4, Bowmanville, placed second, Edward Ste. Riensé Bowmmnville, plam t4 aiird.P Membera *xhibitIng In the %chievement day were, John D.n Lîli1n, Bowmnanviilc, David S Brenb, No. 51 Bowmanvllle h rntGlaspeil, No. 4, Bow-a nanville, Glenn Quinney, No. ýBowananville, Donald Rlck- 91 rd No. 4,Bowrnnle' James B *îciard, No. 4, Bowmanvillc, id Edward Stephen. ' The D>uham 4-H Sheep Club tc s ponsored by tile Durham to 5ounty Junior Farinerg' Asso- PJ lan and the club leader wua rines Combes, No. 5, Bow- a, nanvilie. g Bach member cf the club la g ob. ccngratulated on hus fa hawlng and we do hope that L, ho club will b. blggea, andM etter lI 1960.M The Achievement Day waBa-a4 mder the direction of E. B. M lrnside, Assistant AgrIcul.1t i r a i Representative, and I ta ames combes, Club Leader. ti 9 fi ti ti p fi ti q di kt ar G bo Pa rn m st ic in 91, vi 01 0 ai 0. Cr Ir w Cr le )r