-Y BIr Ah&W.Uo Plan Big Si Tlewcast/e With Two E [,Soci'a/ andi [ersonal i Ending wif I Mis. Raymond Rogers of Ot-1 village thîs weekend to take NWATE h ecs tawa, and dau.ghter Pauliz, updresidence with her husband; NWASL-Te ec! vioited Mrà. W. P. Rogesdran son Neil in theix new hone tCe Merchants' Basebali Club ing fie weekend. at Concord. Mrs. Carl GouJId have planned a big sports day Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.! and 1ts Wm. McCracken on and carnival for Civic Holiday, Frank Parker on Sunday were behaîf of the neighbours made Maflday, August 3rd, when two Mr. and Mis. Bailey, Erooklin, the presentation of two beau-' baseball games are planned for and Mrs. Alma Watson and son tiful table lamps to Mrs. Vout the afternoon and a big carni- from Toronto, who also visited who responded very touclîîng- val and draw in the evening. Harold Brown at Bowmanville lYv Miss Nancy McDuff favour- The big prograrn will get WHospitaL ed with several sangs p1aying~ under way et 1 o'clock an Mon- Miss Beryl Brown of Toron- her own accompeniment q»n the da ernoon when the Orono to, visited wlth Mr. and Mns. guitar and the evening was Intermediate bail team wili D. E. Bernard and Terry last spent pleying cards and crock- meet the Newcastle Merchants week. iole. The serving of delicious Junior club in a regular Lake- Mrw ndeekAb Pac. refreshments brought a most shore league gamoe, followed by adfmr. and M issler Parice' enjoyeble evening ta a close. a gamne in which the Newcastle Rickard spent a week's holidays1 Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare have MrhnsIiemdae cu on Palmerston Lake at Onipah. returned home foîîowing a n will meet the crack Newton- Mr. nd Ms. . E.Bernr 1enjoyable week's holiday spent ville Rayais Intermediates. This Mr. ad Mrs D. E Ber aet Huron Lodgie, South Bay and Mrs. A. R. Spencer were 1 Mouth, Manitoulin Island. Sunday guest.s with Mr'. and M.edMs Jc rg n Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. 1B. r. andc Wick CvraoSund N'ew Sw im m Thomas in Toronto. B'M.EiIicswr ud guests with Mr. and Mýrs. Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and grave Clemnence in Wbitby'.Be farnily were weekend guests Being Buit wilh Mr'. and Mrs. J. Lawrence, Mr. and Mis. A. Redknap, it Elmvale. SPent a few days visiting withý The bulldozer went to work Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wi- 1nensinNajr ais N o n Saturday rmorning in Weltona liams of Bowmanville, and Mrs. Friends and relatives from Park excavating a hale for the Caries D. Cole, Jimmnie and Part Hope, Bawmanville, Prov- new swimming lool near the Nancy af Toronto visited with idence, Downsview and New- booth i n the park which is ex- 34r.and iém Goron Anewcastle gethered et the home aof pected to became Newcastle's onMiad rvenis. Gro nwMr'. and Mrs. Jack Crago oni swimming hale. on ridy eenig.Thursday evening, July 23rd The Port Hope Ready-Mix ofMor. a Mrs An enr h occasion being their lOth iCompany have the contract for o!Motralviitd nThurs- wedding anniversary. After a1 the Cconstrution of the pool and day with Mr. and Mis. D. M. social hour, the happy cOuP(Cý started ta build the forma On Bernard and Erie. were presented with a TV stool, Tuesday. According to George A number ot neiglibours ga- a step on can and a serving Walton, owner aI the park the thered at the home of Mrs. Sid- tray with neediepoint desig~n, pool will lie 40 feet wide and ney Hutchinson on Tuesday with the sincere wish that the, 75 feet long and will be fiiled evenlng Iast ta honour Mrs. future years would have a 1 with filtered water fram the John Voutt who is leaving the greet deal of pleasure and hep- creek. piness for them.1 The pool which is expected Recreation ~Speeches were then made by at1 esys Recre tionMr .and Mrs. Crago expressing Judy and Terry were Sundey ent surprise and the wishes for A pprovestheir future happiness as voie- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pavlow, ed by ail present. The deliglit-1 (nee Helen Virtue. formerly af ful evenirlg wes concluded by HmtnsoChsad re, Lo s Pa sthieserving of dainty refresh- HaToroto, ) seon a ubro Lion Pla s mets amptnalleds on a neraI NEWCASTLE -At its regu- Mirs. Peter Bradley of Osh- They we're accompanied by Mr. lai' meeting in the Council awa is spending a few days and Mrs. George Pellerin. Chamberg lest Tuesday evening visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A.; Master Douglas Ashton, En- the Newcastle Recreetion Com- Redknap. niskillen, is holidaying with his mittee approved plans of the Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew Of cousin Johnny Lyon. Newcastle Lions Club tu add Peterborough, visited with Mr. Clare Ashton Is spendàng a smal ,swings ta the playground and Mra. Gordon Agnew on week with his grandperents Mr. equipnent st the park and Tuesday. and M1&s. S. Kersey. Fred Couch was appointed ta Miss Mary Peters, Bowmnan - convey: ths decision to the ville, visited the Salteirs on Sun- Lions Club. TA Pfh day. Mrs. Stan Brown was ap- . HAMrMadMi.PTseOSmt poînted ta contact Mr. Jack Ei-Mran g.HseSmt beck ci the Recreetion Branch Mrs. Hilton Peters and Ralph, accompanied Mi'. ai-d Mrs. Don- of the Departnient of Education TOronfto, visited the Salters on;aid Prescott, Eafield, on, a. tnp. ýwho in vecationing i the vil- Seturday. jta the United States, going tiro- lagetoask hi, toattnd he ohny. Lon pen lat W ugh the States cf Michigen and lag toaskhimta tted he ohny Lon pen let eek Ohio and returning through next meeting of the committee. with his cousins, Clare end West Virginia, Pennslei n Reports were rèad from the Douglas Ashton, Enniskillen. New York Stete. vaiaan directoru of the playground Mir. end Mrs. Gardon Sieman,> h Frute.miyReno showing a very active prograin. Don Milîs; Mr. and, Mis. Don T asheld iun a paR a tur- The Recreetion Committee lin White, Oakvulle; Miss Nany day naf r.rko at disussg te wimingclaa-Johns and Mrs. J. A. Warrack, uda onn hrhsr es in Bowmanville fond that Toronto, were weekend guesta vice as quite well attener-n n a number of cases oilidren of ivi. W. G. Wihite.viewsqt elatndad who were nat able ta attend ~ n i.R .Hdga our pestai' presented en inspir-1 on a certain day did not notify M.adMs .J o9ýo ing message. He and Mis. Reed theur driver thua ceusing un- were Sunday visitons with Mr. wiîî lie an holidays duning the necessary incanvenience ta the and Mrs. Raymond Clapp, 'y' ot f uut driver. It was stted that the rone. n d Mr ugs. Hse m parents cf e child takîng in Miss LouiseGMra.I pel and Mis. HasknnSmih these swimming classes should ding a few days with Mr. and were amnong the many specta- see that the driver la infarm- Mrs. Tom Westleke, Millbrook. tors who were privileged ta sec ed when the child Iun nt able Mr. and Mis. Harold Ashton, Qucen Elizabeth and Prince ta attend classes for any rea- Clare and Douglas.M.Aa hli nSnly son. Either the driver or some Stainton, Enniskillen: Mn. and. eecdadMs .J ed znember of the Rec-reetion Cora- Mrs. Ken Player, Bowman-viille; eerpeasand.ysurrsJ.edls mitee boud b inormd. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyon, Johnny, week when they receîved a -rtelephane call froni their son SMalcolm Who is in England. PIRO0 CLàIfAATI 0ON 1Malcolm for the past few months County Council. During the last y ~two weeks cf July he is on hol- iday and visiting some of thc Cuvic__HOLIDAY Cterl fEgad nldn Anumber frmm er. werc at Il is hereby Proclaimed by the iPart Hope oni Sunday ta sce the j WWIf , 9IM %v %M e@ ffl-vuRoyal Couple. e -YILLAGE UF NEWC~ASTLE that MONDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 1959 wiil be observed as Civic Holiday and citizens are requested to govern themselvcs accordingly. D. J. CUNNINGHAM. Reeve. Newcastle's Annual SPORTS DAY Civic* Holiday Aug. 3 -1:00 P.M~. - Orao ao rmodiales nswcutlie Nerchants Jrx. (League Game) - 3:00 P.M. - Nsewcasile Nerchaiszlui. Newlouvilie Royal: Ini. CARNIVAL at COMMUNITY HALL GROUNDS Bingo . . . Games of Chance . .. Etc. DkAW fer MOVIE CAMERA nt 1&.30 p.m. YOUR SUPPORT' 15 APPRECIATED (In case cf rain cannival will be held in Community Hall basernent) ports Day ?aII Games 4 Carnival promises ta be an exciting a'- tennoon for basebaîl fans who make their way down ta the cammninty park. In the cvening there will be bingoaend other games of chance getting underway et the camimunity hall grounds at 7:30 climnaxing with the big draw for a mavie camera about 10:30 The carnival and draw will go on rein or ahine as arrange- ments have been made ta mave the carnival into tic basement of the commnunity hall in case cf rein so it looks like a big tume et the community hall on .Monday evening rein or shine. ing Pool ~UX vçIU.-.DuLu to ibe ready for use in two to three weeks wiil add the finish- ing touch to an already beau- tâful picnic park and will be a real asset to the village which. lias no suitable bathing facilities. Located in a vailey where it la protected from strong, winds ùi its original niaturel beauty with iovely shade trees the park with its picnic tables, swings, teeter-totters, bail diamond har- se-shoe pitching etc., and now, with the additdon of an up-to- date swimrning pool will be one of the fin.est picnlc places in the district. Newcastle î Playground Report by Susan Gray Thtis the second, week of our srmner programme wvas de- signa-ted Indian Week. The chl- dren were divided into two tribes, the Sioux and the Black Feet. Indian stories were told and Indien games were played ail week. Ilhe children made Indian ýhats and small tee pees a-long with singin;g Indian sangs. The week wàg'èUnmaxed on Friday by the choosig of the Chiefs. T. Wallace was chosen Chief of the Sioux and Kathy Lovekin Chief of the B-lack Feet They donned their bonnets while the otiher children danced a war dance around them. This was followed~ by a re- view of the Indian dances, gam- es and songs they had learned the previaus week. The attend- ance stil held steady with an average of 70% for the week. NO )T PARE~NTS- The playground suipervisors have de- cided to hold an Open flouse on Saturday morning, from 10:30 to 11:30 when there will lie a display of tihe children's Arts and Cralts, a Sing Song and a small prog'ramn when par- ents and their frierâdl will be welcome to attend. Let's Look Back 10 years ago lu Newcastle Thursday, JuIy 28, 1949 An editorial appearing in T'he News warned of the dangers of _________________ UUjJVIAUULg<on privaste weîîs for aur water supply and told cf 1 he dysentry epidemic in the E NFIELD Mefttawa district caused by im- jMi. and Mrs. R. S. Nichai'ý T. Kelly provincial minîister cf Por Calin, M. ad Mra.~'heathi was quated as saying, PortCarlngMr. nd rs. . .any community which depend Jackman, Bowmanville, were onwel for its weter supply f~~~~~ ~~ viitr e Miemnjlu danger cf such an epidemie Mr. and Mis. Rowland Smith,, and i hudntb ae o Misses Myrtie Smith, Myrtle git oldntbetke a Tamblvn and Marie Pansons, A full page advertisement ap- Toronto, visited at W. Bow-j peaned edvcrtisng the mam- men's.math Sparts Day and Cernival Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson cf the Newcastle Basebail Club and cnildren, Toronto, are hol- with two basebali games a la- idaying with Mirs. T. Taylor;i dies' softhaîl gamne, carnival, and Allan.i dance with Red Creightan's Mr. and Mifs. Donald Pres. Band and a memmoth dmrw cott eccampenied by Mr. and with 37 prizes. Mrs Hoskin Smith of Hamp- Congratulations were cxterid- ton, were an a five day mator ed ta, the Rcv. end Mrs. W. W. trip lest week. Thcy went via Patterson on the birth of their Detroit, thraugh Ohio into son Robert Stephen in the Bow- West Virginia and home malnviVlle Hospital on July l8th. 'thraugh Pennsylvania and Buf- A report appeared of tie wed- fli. ding cf Miss Hazel Elizabeth Mis. Russell Bea, Hamilton; Powell to, Mr. Jack Eber Craga Mýi. and Mrs. J. H. Pascoe at Sunnea Lea Lodge on Satur- Taunton, visited at G . w' day July 23. man 's. Miss Menlene Hanris. South' rTt1I-I~~ Moneghan, is holidaying with1 I LJ.VLRI . 1 the Prescatt fan-ilies. Mrn. and Mrs. Harold Ommis- The Arthur Rowans recently tan accompenied by Mi. and enjo>yed e matai'ttip vie Algon- Mrs. Irvin Pucknin of VWhitby, quin Park ta Sudbury and other wcre et Part Hope and saw the Points of inftercst. Queen, Sunday. Guests thus past week at the fMisa Laure Bowman ilaet- home of the. Arthur Rowanseand tending the C.G.I.T. camp et Cherloana'MsssMr Camp Pretoria. eilyn and D nd Yiosle Mcf Miss Mary Hcien Bowman Enniskilicn. held a kitchen shower for her Master Kenny Wilson enjoycd fni;end and ca-worker, Miss holidays with the Jim Taylor& Betty Thompson of Whitby. of London thus past week. About twenty girls were pres- Mrs. M. Marrow and son Ross, an nd ail belonge<t on the Lindsay, wcrc recent callers .at i staff cf thc Bank cf Commerce, the Hugh McGiIs; Mr. and Mm. Oshawa. Roy MeGil and Arnold, Bow- The August meeting cf aur mnanville, were aise, Sundey cal- W.A. will be hcld on the lers. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh MeGil sechooi gnou nds in tie form of a enjoyed a fcw days in Peterbor- Baby Band picnie on Wednes- ough'as guests cf Mis. Bert Ar. day, August 5th. Mothers and nott. ail chiidren cf school age as Ini the ballfield- Janetvile weii as B. B. members are wel- C.O.F. were auccessful in theirj oome. au» vrsw Lindm C.O.F. but Idue in ra.rt tii the abence f tVT -1 . I - - - -- - I F INT HY EN RAE DU.41AR *1'EUESAT. JUL? 300h. 1950 TECANADJAN STATESMAX!. BOWMANVfl4LN ONTABIO PACiE ELZ'VIM