PAGE TWKLVE TEE CANADIAN STATWIAN, BOWMM<VILLU. ONTARTO fl.CYS A t~ t. t. t Juvenile Girls Win Opening Playoff Game By Narrow 3 Bowmianville edged Millbrook 3-,2 in a well-played, thrilling encounter, Friday night in Mill- brook, to take a 1-0 lead, in a best three out of five semi-final series. Te winner wili meet the wirrner of the Orono-Beth- any series, for the Durham La- dies' titie. Orono has a game lead ti the other set. Bowmanville collected three of their seven hit total in the se- TrHERE-S FUNJ FOR THE ' ENTIRE FANMY AT CREAMqo OFe BARLEY PARK With something new and different every visit! Featuring in the Zoo this week another baby de (white faliow), stili a 1tte shy but getting braver daiiy. . . Bring your camera. Good animal pictures can be worth money and there Is no better place to get them. Ask at the gate for details. -2 Score cond for two runs, and bunched three more safeties for a single marker in the fourth. After the __ Lfirst two second inning batters started the uprising with a sn , o m anville gle. Barbara Hughes walked and' Pitcher Karen MeMurter and 1 Saturday afternoon in Orono, overcome Edith Nimidgon poked run-pro- Bowmanville foliowed the saine teams wei ducing singles. script they used the night before,j McMiurter singled with one out staging a great final inning rai- runs in ti in the fourth and subsequently l odw rn -.tkn akrb scored her own winning run. ythe estof tre ries g arme, ha Nimigon hoisted to centre, butth eto hesri w g-fa ,hd Barbara Brown singled, and the! mes to one, after d'ropping the gin. run scored when Karen Bragg opener. John Ki reached base on an infield bob- Facing elimination for the 1 ng star, r ible. Brown was thrown out at second time in as many das ning catcl the plate by the centre-fi eider. the Bowrnanviiie crew expiodedî doubling attempting to score on Sandra f or four runs in the seventh to Veterans Chaskovitch's single. Millbrook scored both N ecuns A va c off Marg Pickard, who took over the mound duties in NectsieAea c sixth frame. McDowveli greated _0 the reliefer with a three-bagger and scored on a single by Haw, before Pickard settied down to retire the side. Hudson singled to open the seventh, but Bow- manvilie appeared to have the game wrapped up, wvhen the next two batters popped to the infield. However. Hughes, who had handled five previous chances, flawiessiy, from her shortstop position, booted two in a row to permit the run to score. Wlith the tying and winning talliesl on base, Cari popped to third to end the contest. McMurter gave up six bits over the first five innings to earn tihe win. and led the local girls with a pair of hits. Arm- strong and Haw each had two. safeties for the losers. STYLE COUNTS IN CARS, Bill Steven TOO The other day, 1 was stand- ing in front of the barber shop talking to a friend. Two young ladies passed. They were in the rniddle of a discussion about the new 'Sack' style. I can't say it was an argument, because they both agreed that as a style a sack is a bag and that's all there is to it. Whether you are a "sack" fan or a "sack" hater, it is a style and It seems to be here for a season anyway. Dress styles do vary a lot from year to year and from season to season. Car styles change, too. You only have to think back a few years to re- mamber how much they change over a period of years. Remember the running boards . .. the big wheels with the smail high pressure tires. Styles change slowly i cars . .. and that is one of the things that makes a used caç a good buy. Yes, a car two, three or even four years old is right in step with the tinies . especially if it has been well looked after. When you want a late model used car, corne and see us. Our volume in new cars gives us a steady supply of good cars that have been well !ooked after . . . and after we get them, we put them in tip-top shape before they go on the lot. Remember when you buy a Robson Motors Ltd. used car, you get top value in economical, trouble free driving. 1959 ANGLIA STATION WAGON - 6,000 original miles. Locally owned. Like new. 1959 VAUXHALL SUPER SEDAN - Two-tone paint, custom radio, rear seat speak- er, white waIl tires, very Iow mleage. One owner, locally owned. 1958 BUICK 4-DOOR HARI)TOP- Low inileage, customi radio, autoinatir trans- mission. One owner, locally owned. New car condition. This Week's Specials 1955 PLYMOUTH COACH With customi radio, locally owned car in top condition. $11915. 1953 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN Customi radio, new tires. A-1 condition. $675. 1958 BUICK 2-DOOR SEDAN - Customi radio, automatic transmission. One owner car, Iocally owned. Perfect condition. [957 PONTIAC V-8 - Automatic transmission, two-tone paint. Lo- cally owned car in top condition. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN - One owner, low mileage, 'customi radio. A-1 condition. And Remember pays b bhuy from a certiiied dealer, wkere ail lai e model cars are guaranteed. SCaptures Pee Wee Series Sa 6-5 deficit. Th-e ýre tied 4-4 after two and matched. single the fifth, but a single >y Orono in the fourth i given them the mar- lpatrick was the field- rnaking two fine run- -hes, and both times a runner off base. Guy Parks and Don iMcMurter were very strong mn the infield. Gerald Harness went the route to get credit for both Bow- manville wins in the series. Ken- nedy was subjected to his se- cond straight Ioss. Brian Forsev paced the In- cals' attack, with three safeties, while Dave McFeeters and Jeff Gilhooley each collected a pair. For Orono, the ébattery of Kennedy and Yeo equally dtv- D s in Ontario Playdownsi After having a good season in the Lakeshore group. Newcastle Pee Wees fwill now have an opportunity of showing their wares before out of the district crowds. They advance into the Ontario Pee Wee playdowns, probably against Wellington, sometime before the middle of August. From left to right, front row: Tirnmy Walton (batboy), Wayne Hancock, John Cunninghamn, Ronnie Good, Jack Chard, Dennis Rudman; second row: Peter McCullough, George Rickard, Terry Walton, Freddy 'Alldread. Peter Werry, S. Sorensen and Bill Scott; at rear, Coach Bill Brunt and Manager Doug Walton. Rapid Pro gress on Building ýWl! Have New Libert y Bowl Ready for Use in September By AI Osborne JConstruction work on the new Bowling Ailey is progress- ing rapidly and manager- Geo. Elliott hopes to be open for business eariy ini Septeinher. The bowling alley is to be known as The Liberty BowI fand is located on the Base Line, 'iMillbrook Ti By Defeatirn Millbrook combed Bowm-anl-l -villre itching for 15 hits to. Jdown the local lasses 9-5, here Monday, night. lTe win eî'en-1 ed the best of five.league senti-1 final series at onte gante apiece.i lTe visitors cowited ttre ruins in the opening frante. cap- italizing on a pair of Bowrnan-i 1ville errors. lTe hornesters( picked Up single runs in the1 first two innings ta draw close,1 but Millbrook collected a psir in the titird. off Marg Pickalrd, vho caie in ta staî-t titen- ning. McDowelI doîîbled and scored on lbase fielding. and ji singles by Gutitrie. and1 JGillis produced another mark- er. 1 Bowmanville got single runs1 f in the third, fourtit and fifth 1 frantes, but couldn't Cornea Ken's Takei just east of Liberty Street. and wifl be instaling the tule Murdock & .Welsh, welI- ceiling. known local contractors. have Selby Grant wili be finished ereced te wals ad ar no titis week wîth the bonded ereced tte wlls nd ae Iroof. lTe oil furnace is already pouring the cernent floor. Work 1 been placed into Position and 'n the floor is expected to be this had ta be done before the finished titis wveek. lTe Pierson roof was installed as the fur- Building Co., of Peterborought, f ace had to be raised and low- Ont., have erected lte trusses Iered over the watts due to its Jack 13Brough is doing the ies Serm e-%s plunibing and H-lggonEeti ware Co. are ýupplying the G irls 9 -5 mtirial to finish the interior. flTe lunch counter is neariy finished and this is being built titrougit wit1. runners on base, hy Alex Mairs and is being b an extent. Typical Of titis donated bv Stepiter Fuel. was in te second. when thev Manager Ellioti is busy at filled the sacks with nonot, ite present turne rnaking ar- but scored onlv0onc, as tiw()rangemtents to haîndle thte leu- runners were forced ut lite gues .Anv organizatian wishing plate." ta bowl itis season should con- Millbrook picked up a single tact Mr. Elliott imnediateiy to narkcr in thte foîtrthIo 1 lead assure titenîselves ailey space. 6-4, and blew it wide open. wi'it îe ieLbryBw p titree în te fift.Back Io back iit. boyig ùne wl. benso hoiners b-y Gillis and Hudson 2nnutimdngteh Glid mnast o the tmrnae day and you wiil be able to Gilis pngace l it mer-,have a snack at the new lunch titrow:ing a sue hittut omm1dbar whicit will serve light homier. Hudson smacked a home I Blingeslat ectnn run and a pair of single-. 1Bwigi atbcmn Editit Nirnigon, Sandra Cba,- Caniada's leading participant kovîtcha and Marie Coonev ol sport and the people of Bow- leceda pir f sfetes *p,ý Irn anville are indeed fortunate with ane on Nirnigori's being lies ofthenwiLibaethefcl a -haine run. teoftenwLbry Bowl. Big Game Now Have Stranglehold' On Firs! Place Position Ken's iMens Wear broke loase score. for five sixtit inning runs to Te winners tied the score in Idefeat Stepiten Fuels 8-4, in a the fifti, on a pair of walks. and battie for first. place, at the Ceni- Chant's bobbie, but Stephils tral Scitool diamond. last Thurs- came back in lte bottom haîf day nigitt. Both clubs were, to edge out inl front again. A deadlocked prior ta the game, wal, and Garbe's wrong-field with six wis and three defeats. two-bagger put runners on se- Now with two gaines rernaining; cond and tird. Williams got in thte regular scitedule, tite Dadson on strikes for the third jMens Wear Club have a virtuai straigitt time, ýbut when Tigite strangle itold on lte pennant. drew his titird base on halls, Te Fuels jumped mbt a 3-O manager AI Osborne summonc-d lead in te first frante with the "Ace" Richards in froi lte bull- benefit of a bane bit. Starting pen. Richards walked Abbott to Ipitcher Jim Clarke was relieved force inte third Fuel's run of b y Bob Williams, after facing' the game, but pincit-hitter Har- onby the first three bolIers. A ry Snowden grounded intoa pair of walks, ai-d a long itoist force at the plate and pitcher by' Don Masters, which was mis- George Stephen fanned. played ino a double bx' beft- A wvalk. a hard-itit double by fielder Ted Fairey. accounted Mason, off Chant's glove and an- for a i-un. Wiliamns got Laurie other walk ioaded the bases with 1 Garbe on a short fI3' to centre, orne out. Snowden camne on in and fanned Ted Dadson, but relief and got the second out, as Gai-v Tighe and Bob Albott; Masters made a fine catch on walked to farce in a pair of i-uns.i Lloyd Hamilton's pop-up. *Butch' Kens got a couple hack in te drew a hase on hballs to force third. John 'Mason led off with in the tying marker, and then a base on balîs, and Bud Per- the roof fell in, Cox, Williams fect tripled off Dadson's glove. and Bob Marjei-iison smashedj After the next two batters boun- soiid singles, to plate four more1 ced to the infield, first sacker runs before Richards, up for thei Tighe's error on lin Cox's second time in t.he inning, groun-1 ground b&ailUiowed Perfect to ded t. &Shot. Legionnaires Down Cobourg After 5 Innings Traîlîng 1 1-5 inilte fiflth with daricness coming on, Bowrnan- ville Legionnaires broke baose for nine runs to defeat Cobourg 14-1 1, Monday night in Co- bourg..lThe gaine xas called at the cnd of the inning. After the series opener ended in a tic, Bowrnanville took the next two games to sweep the series. Thte locals will now meet the winner between Port Hope and Cobourg for the league chanpion.ship. The homesters four times in the first, added three in the second, and appeared to have the gaine ail wrapped up with four in lte fourtit, a.fter Bow- manville had narrowed the lead to 7-5 with a single taily in the top of lthe inning. Ii) the fiflth, reliefer Harp, Who camne on in the second. hit three batters and walked a pair, as the Cobourg crew fell apart. Paul Mutton's two-bag- ger was lte big biow, and Mike .Johnson, Bob Sieep and Jon H-ancock addeà singles. Jim. Covle and Johnson pac- cd the Legionnaire attack with a pair of bits apiece, Vo back tmp Hancock's seven hit pitch- ing effort. Muskpluk was co- bourg's top hitter with a dou- ble and triple. Pee Wees Tie Orono in Second Playoff Game Co ming from Rear 10 -9 IBovmanville, trailing throu- ghout the contest, rallied for three runs in the final inning, with elirnination staring them in the face. to edge Orono 10-9, league serni-final sertes at one idied half a dozen bingles, and win apiece. Read added a pair. ThW aie played Friday night The win iby Bowmanville was gie an upset, and now the locals will attempt to stage an even greater one when they meet the starry Cobourg club in a best of three series for the league S C E championship. The first gaineS C E was piayed in Cobourg last niglit 1 wit te etrncontest slated Hi - LIGHTS ial Park. Hampton, off ta a finestart, have been having their trou- Tennis Club llaeywh o. f orie ope with Ma- Be t in s y pie Grove's 1-0O i vrBw Beais illn dsapy ngtheHap Tenni Clubton crew back to fourth. The Bowmanviile Tnis Cu Grove's wmn over Hooper's Jew- defeated Lindsay 4-2 recentiy.i ellers, moved Maple Grove into Resuits were as foiiows:i third. after a bad start, eariy in Marg Dustan anci Nora AI-* the Schedule. lin, Bow.. won over Liz Fulim and Edna Ainsworth 6-8, 6--i. On1 Saturdav night, Tyrone 6-3. downed Hampton, 4 to 2, to send First mixed doubles tearn. thie osers to fifth position, Annýa tr,,,iend ý' BiLcw Rundll whi leZon 2tou-0.skl efeated LindsFulsoni2-6,l6-,lIn jnirac-n0.s hus 6-2. day night, Tyrone edged Maple Cy Ainsworth and Edna Ain- Grove 2-1, and Enniskillen sworth of Lincisav defeate-d handed Bowmanville a 2-0 Betty Lobb and Ai Strike of1 shutout, to keep the winners' Bow., 6-2, 6-2. pI.avoff chances alive. Solina Colin Birtwistle and Arnoidi sent Hampton down to their Lobb won te firsi rnen's DY tenth consecutive loss. by a 8-0 upsettig the Lindsay team uof cou nt. At the ooposite end of Rev. Hart and Chas. RichmondJ the standing. ieague-leading 6-1, and 6-2. Zion suffered their first defeat Cliff Trewin and Don Mars,- of the season. dropping a 2-1 den dropped the 2nd rnen's doit- decisio n Vo Courtice.j bies to Lindsay's Phi] Siddail ___________ and Cec. Reynolds 6-1 and 6-1. John Thissen and HartieN- Water-borne cargo through Lewis of Bow.. won the men's Canada's maj0or seaports ini- doubles from the Lindsay team creased bYý more than 400,000 of Art Eisden and Garnet Stewv- tons in 1958, totailing more art 6-2 and 6-3. I th an 47,000,000 tons. at the Memorial Park heme, »w Orono score six Urnes in the second to iead 6-0. As late au the sixth frame, the visitors had a four rufl bulge, but the locais drew close with a pair, in the bottom haif, and pulied out the wmn in the seventh. Gerald Harness got the win, after pitching a scoreless final inziing in relief. Starter Gary Akey h*ad to be remnoved when he was in-jured sliding Inte third. Kennedy went the dis. tance, in absorbing the setback. Orono's Lycett, had a perfect four for four record at the plate, with two hits. each goang te Rogerson and Kennedy. Don McMurt>er with four saf. eties, and Dave McFeeters witit three, were Bowmanville's best Newcomer Tom Veitch walkett ail four times he came to bat. Go By Train t. th. OTTAWA EXHIBITION AUG. 21 TO 29 Low Rail Fareg $11-80 $14.05 Coach Sleeping and Parlour Cars* Parlour Car or Berth Fare Extra. Good going Tuesday, Aug. 18 to Saturday, Aug. S9 inclusive. Return Limit - Sept. 1 Full information from any agent. e New Raleigh Bicycle and 50 Rooket Radios Every Week. Grand Priz-A Trip te Oauada's Wet SPONSOREO SY RALEIGH CYCLE INDUSTRIES <CANId~ I LID. IN THE INTIRE99T OF GHILW SAPMT BOYS AND GIRLS--THIS IS YOUR CONTEST Hi Kide, tHows' te .sixtl, part OF émy Li.dck Contait, and be. my dxffi naiwu«Y le 'WHIRE THERE ARE No SIDEWALKS, WALK ON LEUT SIDE OF ROÂDWAY AND WEAR OR CARRY SOMETHING WHITE AT NIGHT" jNew hore's the contest and her's whaf you con wint l'il gph. Yen the fit ef«? #rom of a limerick about my sixth safory rule. Just f111l i te.fait lino, and l.s sure it thym.. with $the fit lino. Afiter you've made up te.lasttfine, fili in the entry blank and mail it te me. G" mother and dad te help you if you like. Maybe you'll wmn on. of te. prises for te. week. Next week we'il have a special limerick covering aIl six rules. The grand prise for this «0 h a -trip for you mancn parent, guardian, toacher or any aduit of your choice, te Canada@. veffi Io tusd te ruiez. put on yoar thinking cap and gt bwey. Oued lucki RULE N. HOW TO WIN 1. Te enter, Mite up the last in. ofthmi i limeri k ahown. Entriez wiII bc judgon Cthyihm and rhym.e, and how their Id... fitinwlfh th. first tour fines. Lat lino îhould rhyme with f irst line.. IL Amay studant who ettended on Ontaro public. porochioi, or privat ementay .*P achool during 1959 May enter. . . ~ ~ a Ch-d.en f empioyes of this nc.spaper, -J- Oyi ntri SfeC,oonea)nd Raleigh - CycleIndusriesLtd, connut ~. 4. This entry must bepostmrgdmot tre anod mai.d ta thead'drest on the entry f IL Loch ver»s. uhmollcd iii o. c,,y * blonk or reatonobla focsimile. AHil riec * bicornth. property of Ejme? the Iofety EIOPhont, and connuti bc retu,,wd î6 Judget oft h. contest are. icachers, *,îter. 4md trofic uofefy outhorities. Th. Iudqte' Where thoreaore no sidewalka, walit on loft aide doclîlows or. final. * of roadway facinq traffic and wer eto carry j sormethinq white at nilhe. - - - - - - -l - - - - - - ,- - - -MR ----« -M 2sl OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (Plaes.pdtfut c/o Ontario Safety Leagaie ADOREU ...................... e 1170 Bay Street PHN............... . . ONE......... SHnni.... .. . .;... Toronto AGi .... GRADE........... LIMERICK NUMBER SIX When you are out walking at night If you keep to the left side you're right. lYs better by far To walk facing the car- Sponsored by Bowmanville Kinsmen Club and The Canadian Staitesman Me«. mam" PAGE TWILVB TM CAMADIM STAT23UM, BOIV&LWVnl& ONTAMO irTTTIM IbA&&. son& iii