WW *â taé Tt CNADAN TAT3M,. RWMAVILE. NTAIO AGET-R--1 -- -- -- 0 00 Klohus j TOWN LEAGUE SOmTALL >c1 JMA 373 bord w L T Pt$. ' Ken'& Men's Wemr _________7 2I 6 141 Stephen Fuels__________ 6 4 B 121 Surplus Sales _______A___loi O 1 McNulty's Ail-Stars 2 ô 41 Wlth only four gamet remalnlng in the regular schedule thrce after tht Stephen -Surplus gaine Tuesday), the playoff picture stili remains unaettled. Althaugli MeNulty con't get enough pointa ta get inta the. third and lait playofi spot, a special lcague ruling, made five gaines back, allowed theni ta be. tlegible, shauld they win thre af the last five gaines. With two left, against Ken*s and Stephens. cone win wil) put the Ail-Stars in. Should tht cellar-dwellers make it. the tirat place fin- ishérs would have their chalet as ta whlch teani they meeti #4#la the semi-finals. [f McNulty's lase out, second and tbird will ateet, with the league-leaders rcceivlng a bye into the finals.1 .. Kcn's win aver Stephcns last Thursday niglit, gave, thei a stranglehold on the pennant. but with McNultym serambi- irlg for a playoff position, and Surplus Sales, and Stephens still having a chance to catch tht leaders. anyrthing tan happen, although only a week remains after tanight's contest. Tht playoffs should in all probsballty get underway en Tuesday, Aug. llth. Tht reguler league gaines have been real crowd-pleasers, and when tht playaffc aet under\vay. the fans should be ini for even better sottball.1 SPORTS THIS WEEK - Saturday - Maple Grove at Courtice. Enniskillen et Tyrone. Wednesday - Hampton at Saline. Courtice at Moan. juaiar - To-night - Hampton at Maple Groeé Courtice at Ennisklllen. Tirene teDwuianville (Nemeneal). Mion et SaUina. Softbafl Men's Town League - Tonlght - McNulty's n. Ken'&. Tuesday - Surplus va. !Cen's. Durham Ladies League - Friday - Millbrook at Eowmsnville. (Playoff 4th game if necessary> Ahll ames st Central Publie School. Pe Wtt. -ondar - Cobourg st BEwiinvglt Memornal) (2nd Iame of league fînalo> PLAYOFF PICTURE GIPJLS' SOFTBALL - Jim Richards' wefl-coached juvenille girls' teamn pulled off a 3-2 upset wln over Mllbrook te grab a, 1-0 edgeein the best af five league semià-final sent.. Restalta of the second game, played here Monday nlght, appear elsewh.re on the sports page. PEZ WEE BASEBALL - Ater ousting Orone two gamet tb onc in a thrilling series, tht e oal, once mare ini the noie ai underdogs, wll meet Cobourg, in a bet o three set for thtl league titît. The firat gamne wos last nlght irn Cobourg, with the retura here on Monday. BANTAM BASEBALL - Tht Legionrasares hare a one gamc i edge over Cobourg in their beat ci thie emi-final serles, after tht teanis battled ta a tic ln the opener. The remnainder of the ,-stries wil go in Cobourg, wlth Mondap contest, report.d elsewhemt con the sports page. ZAN TURNER Thanks ta Pat Tec for thé foflowung information which1 we had. promiscd in lust wcek's paper, *bout Mr. Ilm Turner. The Scottish profemsional got li&a tart et the Duflatur Club, as assistant greenkeeper, asafilnding time to play golf hIhis sprt tinte.. InAugut af blet urne year, at the *ge of 15, 1Mr. Turner started as assistant pro at thte astwood Cours.. Ht spent tht neit full ycar at Buchanan Castle, G.C., and then noved to Old Troap, G.C., In 1952. Me uerved untll 1955 in tht National Service. Prior ta entening the service, Mr'. Turner won tht Assistant Scottish, Professlanal Chamnplonuhip, and took the runner-up position in tht British Youth Champion- ahip. In '55 he won tht North Wales Pro.ý-Am%. Alliance, in '571 the West Scotland Police title, and then emigrated te Canada last autumfl.1 We expect Ian to be at the Southview Golf Course this 1 Saturday, ta give professonal advice ta the Bowmanville golfers. t t , + LAWN BOWLING Entries arc coming in fast for tht Mixed Doubles Optn Tournament, ta be held Wedntsday of next week, at the Bow-i manville Lawn Bowling Club. The wunnlng entny wlll receive1 tht Carter Trophy. Anyonc wishing ta watch lawn bowling at 1 ïts best, will be quite welcome ta drap down ta the Club, during the afternoon. I'Town League RecordsI Battn 1 làTii..,AB ie ta» leJ.1 340 Dan Girardi (Surplus) Dan Gilhooley (Stephen) Maxie Yourth (Surplus) Laurie Garbe (Stephen) Harry Snowden (Stephen) <I'Archie" Crossey (Surplus) John Mason (Ken'a) O'Butch" Colt (Ken's> "IPeanut" Jacknîan (McNulty) Ted Bird (McNulty) -_____ Pltehlnt -basei es 1l 'P 1 Bob Wllhîams (Ken'@) 18_ i Harry Snowden (Stephen> 51 "IAce" Richards (Ken'&) -29 Tred Hoar (Surplus) 54 Jim Clarke (Kcn's) _____12 Pet CornPJI (McNulty) 28 George Stephen (Stephen)- 21 Mel Burgess (McNulty) - 38 14 il 39 46 U3 48 le 12 25 28 25 20 39 36 or Ime go BU 4 14 25 22 vr 2 34 38 3 21 20 20 18 20 25534 Avg. .420 .382 .381 .355 .348 .348 .344 .304 .281 .280, Wt Pet. 1-0-1000 5-1- .83 4-1-.800 4-4- .5W0 2-2- .500 1-2- .333 (R ecreatlon Çkevîews. Penny Fai' theme for this year's parade Tht Fifth Annual Penny will be "Hoidays of the Year". Fair sponsored by -the Recrea-ý Tht parade route will be frmi Aton Department wîi b. held1 tht Lion& Centre ta Division .5ý next Thursday, August 6th, t'Street wcst along !King Street the Lions Conmuniity Cetre. 1 itjTl Sloe mmback te the This ycar's Penny' Fai wl Cetre.I feature several new activitie.! Eacii Pie round w'tl1 lur.. including the children's parade.',pnsibe for a number of midwav and refreshrnents. events including sucli tliings &à 1 Starting at 6:3u ipan. there House of Horrors. Rocket R:de. w:lI be the children's parade Fortune Telllg, Shoetlii Gal- with each of the playgrounds lery and mnany more. aàmpeting lu 'top honora. The 1OU ofttàma" 2htuus hi'a Intermediate antd Senior Boys and Girls. Aug-ust 27th. Cream of Barlev Pool. Anyone leavitng towels. swirn suits and clothing at thie Swirn- ming lessons may pick thiem Up at the Recreation Office in the Lions Communitv Centre. Midget Girls Win Slug -fest ln Newcastle Bowmanvifle led for ail but one inning, in Newcastle Wed- nesday night. to take a wild-i scorlng 30-25 win over the home- town Newcastle nine. The mid- get girls' softbail attraction, saw thie losers outhit the local 38-33. Each player collected at least ont safety, and all but one, had a minimum of three hits. New- castle pitcher Darrach went six for six, while centre-fielder Chard was five for six. - Donna Cowan of the Bowman- vtille club, smacked out five hits, including a pair of home-1 runs, Elaine Biggs also bagged five base knocks. Nesfleion Siafion Mr'. and Mrs. Hender Trick, Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong on Sunday. ?&. and Mrs. Cecil Marshal of Brockvile called on her un- cle, Kitchener Burton. Oliver Rohier went on Sun- day ta Tillsonburg and Mrs. Rohrer, Warren and Douglas, returned home with him after holidaying for a week with her parents. MEr. and Mrs. Car] Elliot and David were Sunday dinner Mir. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip called on Mr. 'and Mrs. Mar- wood McKee on Sunday even- Lynda, David and Gail Fallis visited Mr'. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. 11ev. and 1&rs. Ronald Camp- bell of Elliot Lake, were over- night guests with Mrs. Her- man Samelîs and called on several other friends. Mr. and M&s. Mike Boychyn, Garry and Nancy, Toronto, were aso gutats with Mrs. Samells. Mrs. Wm. Wîlis, Mr. John IMeGarry and Lorraine, of To- ronto, visited this week with Mr,. and Mrs. Jas.Hri. Recent guests with the Grant1 Thompsons were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Corner of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Milard of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen and Car]. o! Ballyduff and M r. and Mrs. Maurice Sarnelis and Sharon of Peterboro, visitedl Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland. j Mi-. and Mrs. Clifford Hetz,, Garth, Janice, Faith and Chris-j tint, of Erie, Penn., were visit- or& with Mr. and Mrs. Cecili Wilso-t, and attended the Rod-I man-Wilson wedding in Nestie-1 ton Presbyterian church on Sat- urday, July 25th. Mr&. Samn McKee returnedi a-o mmrwm o ut BOAT &MM CYOUU bOAT 00 bUMM lght greet $00-Mors.s for '59- m.w i"eand out. This is powr u apm..We - su..th4unoir.& - e"14"-. iodre ifvdM NOW$ Palmer Motor Sales le King st. E MA 3-5487 i Ail- Stars Lawn Umbrella Set MANY NEW BQOTHiS MERRY - GO - ROUND Portable Barbecue ...FOR YOUk ENTERTAINMENT 0 .RIDES e e s FOR THE KIDDIES id ieL Thuns., 3u1 Soccer Senior DO WMAN VILLE' KINSMEN featuring SOF'TBALL GAME« STARTING 6:30 -P.M. "TURK" BRODA'S N.H.Le vs. Bowmanvi*lle Al-»Stars .Corne and see your favorite N.H.L player in, action. SOUVENIR HOCKEY STICKS TO BE ON SALE! TH. MEMORIA L PARK Liberty Street, South LUCKY TICKET DRAWS 1959 Bui*ck 2 Dr. LaSabre Hardtop AND AN EVENUNG 0F FUN FOR THE FAMILY PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND tht Reretin eprtmeflt's exttndtd visit wlth Mit ad botom half to take a 13-12 thril- th ycreatPenny Farwl tPirh~ls '~aia eew ee s Surfer ' ' ourl"es rsn th Bingo which was scheduled t Mrs. Orville McKee and fam- ler in ro mt1uea b edon Dominion Day but ily in Calgary, Alta. Shi was l f s ni'ht waa ralned out. There will also met st the airport by her fam- la oV L ssBowrnaville manager-coach, be a ammaldispla-y of fireworks. 1i ly and David McKee reniwned Mra aianucd fl 'for a visit with his grandinoth-MuryBtanne fl Mfinai Basebail er.. With darkness closing in. lowing tht gante that lie would Due o te lck f iterstMr.andMxs Jon LwreceiBowmanville scored three times j odge a protest, because it was Dut a tt lck i iterst, rvl' an Mr. Jhn awrncein the top of the seventih ta1 too derk to set well enough to thown by tht boys in the Pee' and family !Osaa are1 break a 9-9 tie, buat Orono CamepaybtthveenPeWe Wtt - Bantam basebaîl league building a home on the souith ___ ________ official has since reconsidered. It ha& been decided to cancel of tht W. Lawrence fart at Tht win gave Orono a 1-0 edge this activity for the remainder the Bleckstock road and will Mrs. E. Stewart. Karen camne in the beat of three .playoff ser- aof this summer. move in soor. home with them after holiday- ita. Swlmmlng Mr. and MuIrs. Zack Adams, ing with bier grandparents. Bead and Kennedy shartd Tht dates for the swimrnîng Bowrnanvilt, visltedi with Mr. Mrs. J. Forder is spending a the mound duties for Orono test have been set and are as and Mrs. Allen Beacock and 1 ew davs, at Caesarea with lier; while Gerald Harness was ne- foflows: familv. sister. MNrs. J. Watson. lieved by Don McMurter, ini the Learn to Swlm-Boys, Aug. Mr. and Mrs. Cias. Gist wvtre Recent visitors with Mr. and iscventh, for tht Bowmanville ust lth. Boys' Training sehool. inh Port Hope on Sunday whenj Mrs. George Goodson were: erew. Girls, August 12th. Boys' Train- Quten Elizabeth and Prince Mrs. Wilbert Clarke. Ornmete,! ht locais, paced 1qy John Kil- angSehol.Phllip atterided chu.rch there. for the past two weeks, Mr. and patnlck's four for four effor. Beginners - Boys. August Tht Glt visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alton Clarke and family outhit Orono 16-9. McMurter l7th Bos' raiing Schol.Staples and allier relatives o Sunclay, Mr. Harry Chamt- and Irwin Colweil each chlipped Girls. Augutt 9th, Boys' Train- trseightRylpt. berlain of Colborne on tht; n i wth a pair of base knocks ing School. Mrs. W. Campbell accornpan- wekn iMs ols. M '.Kennedy helped bis own cuse Junior - Boys. August 24th. ied the Grant Campbell fatrn- Hedge and Mrs. Jensen callers with three safeties, and catcher 1Cream o! Barley' Pool. Girls. iîy ta Toronto to visitMr. and on Thtirsday-. Yeo added two. Augu8t 26th, Creani of Barlev Pool, Intermediate - Boys and Girls, August 26t.h. Cr eam of Barlev Pool. PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN ARTIFICI PAGS TXC CANADIAN STATICIBUAN. BOWIIANVU4L& ONTARW UtRv%àv IMTTý,v W" lama ISoftbaill Star of WeekI MEL BURGESS After knocking on the door on a couple of occasions, Mel Burgess tinally made the grade last week. when a fine pitching performance, earned him the Surplus Sales' Star of the Week Award. The wind-milling moundsnian threw the loop's second shutout. making a single run in the tirst trame stand up for the margin of victorv. Mel spaced tîve hits, allowing no more than one in any inning. %vhile issuing a pair of free passes and fanning three. A shutout ini itself is worthy of star selection, but when :la pitcher mnakes a single run stand up for seven innunga, the 1choice nmust be unanimous. Rival hurler Ted Hoar gave up but four bits in taking the loss. to rate the runner-up position. Honourable mention goes to Ted Bird and Tim Cox. IAL- ICE FUNDi Mon