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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1959, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CANADIMi STAT~AN.. ~flW1IAMV1TT.U (W1'PA mn T HURSDAY, JULY 30th. 1959 Orono Ne, Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Carpen- and family were weekend ter, Gananocque. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brucel guests of Mr. and Mrs. Qi-ville Mercer and family at Kushog Challice. ILake. Mi-. and Mrs. Douglas Elliott M. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and daughter Leslie, Saint ivisited Mr. and Mrs. Burns John, N. B. visited his aunt, Kittmer, St. Mary's. Mrs. R. E. Logan and Mi-. Lo- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- gan last weck. terton and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Cook, To- Ron Hancock an-d Debra, spent ronto, spent a few days last Sunday with Mi-. and Mrs. Ed. week with Mr-. and Mrs. Orville Henderson and family at their Chatterton and Carol. cottage at Lake Scugog. Mr'. and Mrs. Carman Cor- Mi-. and Mrs. A. McLaren nish, Chervi and John, were and famîly, Mr. and Mrs. A. holidaying at Kushog Lake last MeGili and Heather, Mr. and week. Mrs. Herb Duvaîl and family,l Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Atkin spent last week in Northei-n have moved into) their newOnaio house north of the Four grounds. Mr-. and Mrs. John Killeens, Mi-. and Mrs. O:'lIev Ch apman Bowmanville, were dinner are on a trip t lberta and guests of Mi-. and Mrs. Qi-ville the West Coast. Challice on Sunday. Mi'. and Mrs. Chas Airn- Mrs. M. Luxon, Mr. Roy Mer- strong and son Mr. andi Mrs. cer. Kendal, Lai-iy Luxton, Douglas Allun and sons were Bowmonville, Mi-. and Mrs. holidaying last week. Harry Mercer, spent Sunday Mi-. and Mrs. Normoan Allin with Mr-. and Mrs. Bruce Mer- and Shiaron are hoýlicda.\ing with cer. Kushog Lake. Mi-. and Mrs. E. G. Hay and Mi-. Howarci Myles bas i-e- fami]v ai their enttage, Severru turned home after severai River', Muskoka. weeks in Memorial Hospital, M rs. D. N. M\ lc.s with Mr. Bowmaniville. and Mrs. Geo. Mloiton. speuît Mrs. Alex Watson with Mr'. Sunday in theAob district. l and Mrs. Ai-chie Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wallace1 family of Waterdown ai-e vîsit- Regular Hurler Away Surplus Is Walloped By Ste phen Fuels 20 - 6 Stephen Fuels took advantage of the absence of a regular pit- cher for Surplus Sales to hand the Surplus crew a 20-6 setback, Tuesday night at the Central School diamond. "Buck" Cowle started on the rnound in fine fashion, getting lead-off botter Don Gilhooley on strikes asý setting the side down in ordei' to open the game. A triple by Jim Allin highlighted a three- i-un second fi-rne, but en-ors pernited the Fuels 10 score seven of the following eight runs off Cowle. A pair of singles and a three base en-or by centre fielder Willatts allowed two i-uns to score in the thi-d, and an erx'or by "Ai-chie" Crossey loaded the bases in the fifth frame, follow- ed by Gilhooley's grand slam home i-un. Pitchen Han-y Snow- den homered in the previous inning. Shoitstop Maxie Yourth thi-ew the last two innings, al- Iowing a singleton in the sixth and seven in the seven 1h, after two were out. Six wolks, two bits and another en-or did the damage. Stephen hurler, Han-y Sno'w den, gave up two iruns in eaci of the third, fourth and fiftl frames, allowing Il bits oveý the distance. Gilhooley . knockecd in er i-uns with o single, home i-un an( double, the last two comin with the bases loaded. Snow. den cracked a homen and 1w. singles while Launie Garbe anc Bob Abbott collected two hb apiece. Yourth, Cowle, George Jone, and Bi-uce MacDonold each haè a pair of hits for the losers Jones smashed a tremendouE homer, perhaps the longest ol the season, into the cors panked in deep right field. Pinch. hitter Ted Dadson of the Fueh smashed a drive, which waç foul by inches, over the left field fence, before drawing a base on bouls. The defeat ended Surplus Sales chances of ending ir either fii-st or second, while victony enabled the Fuels bo tie Ken's Men's Wear for the lea- gue leadenship, although Ken's have one game in bond, GRADE .1 HIGH PERFORMANCE BONDED BRAKE SHOIS " Impregricted with thousands cf brase end resin particles for maximum effi. ciency. " Designed especially for Canadion driv- ing. Same high performance in qcli weother. " Exceeds S.A.E. specification. Similar te ining used by Supersonic Jet Planes. " YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER LINING ANYWHERE! $3,98 Plus $4.00 Installation TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED MA 3-3134 SPECIALS IN CARS $350 $295 --495 1950 CIIEV. COUPE 5-Passeiîger. Very good nîechanicallv _ 1950 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN Onîe ownier. 53,000 original inileage 1952 DODGE 2-DR. Very Good Car Special This Week! 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN SACRIFICE........$99090 USED GARDEN MQIPMENT MAXWELL POWER UOIVER, Deluxe, 18" cut, stand-up start, Practically new - - ______ $ 75.00) GRAHAM'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE (2 miles east of Enniskillen) MA 3-2730 The bMrs. Lloyd Curnie, David and anld kfckey, Toronto, weremwith 0'Barba-a, Willowdale, and Mrs. hier parents, W. H. Moores via Irene Paisley, Toronto, visited to their cottage on_ Satuiy. Mrs. T. M. Siemon) and John A good number-of childi-en and .family on Sunday. from here ai-e picking beans at V_ Jim Kinsmrain, Courtice: Mr. Mn. J. Liptay's, Hoydon. ch and Mrs. Roy MeGili. Miss Revu,, th MeGill, Mr. and Mrs. Keith M-I" er Gilond Dale attended the Mc Ce-ip n Peterborough. JcsnsPi g Mi-. Albert Oî'chord, Mr-. and' July is the traditional cherryl Mns. Joe UkI. Lois, Lloyd and month and with the height of io Linda. Detroit, Michigan, Miss the seasion in Ontario fast ap- id Shirley Bothwell, Maple Gi-ove; proaching, cherries con make ts Mi-. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey and an inexpensive as well as deli- Velma, Bowm-anville, were vis- îclous contribution to your cs itors of Mn. and Mrs. M. Stain- menus. Since most of the sour td ton and Clarence. cherry crop goes to commercial '. Mr-. and Mrs. Clifford Hertz freezi ng and canning compan- is and family." Faii-view, Penn., ies, the fresh cherries now on )f were visitons of Mn. and Mrs. .1 the mar-ket are largely sweet Id Loi-ne Lamib. î ones. «Ontario Department of Mrs.Robrt Brges, Tnon; Agriculture Fi-uit Branch per- SMrs. RGertu ss jroe sonnel stress the point that con- o'to;i. G anrde Stephens, Toi'- sumners should look foi- thei is oto;Mr.andMns. Bei-t Stev- grade mark (Select, No. 1, No. fens, Hampton, were Monday 2 or Domestic) on the basket atea guests with their 11brother ofcerea1ela .enm Mi.[ w Steve nanMns. and address of the packer or, n tves growei-. If the buyer finds any-i e Mi'. and Mrs. Adaom Sharp 'thing wrong with the pack, he ývisited Mr. and Mrs. A., Robin- the.n hos the opportunity of son, Port Hope. Iwiing or phoning the grower M\1r. Russel Coates of Shirley, or packer. Mn. William Coates. Manritoba, WhWt en choosing cherries, pick wene visitons with Mr. an-d Mrs. out those that are tiirn, plumn Fred Toms. and shiny. Avoid cherries that MVr. Herbert Wright, son Ro. are blçmished and bave brown bei-t anid a friend, Newmarket, spots. were colle-s\ at N. E. Wright's. Cherries piroVide a colourful, Misses Janice and Linda Wright addition, to summer fi-uit salads, returned home from holidays one especially tempting com- with their cousins, the E. Wright binotion being melon halls, family. peaches and cherries with a bit Mrs. 'Venna Fonsyth, Tor'onto, of lime bo accent the fi-uit fia- is spending a week's holiday vours. Cherries provide a de- with the R. J. Onmistons and 1ightful garnish for cottage Ronald Forsyth is remaining for cheese salad, too. the rest of his summen holidoys. Cherries con do woriders for Miss Judy Piper. Maple Gi-ove, summentimne desserts such as spent a few dlays with Master pies, cobblers, puddings and Bale McGill. jupside-down cakes and even Misses Mary Jones, Doneen lrf tebakstalewn McLean of Bowmanville and added th brekfsttable whe Mary Griffin have returned cake botter. Serve the pancakes home fnom spending o week's hot,. with plenty of butter andj vacation at Milford Manor. :a si-up mode of cherry juice M r. and Mrs. Donald Lamb,! and sugar. Mi'. and Mns. Stewart Lamb, M.and Mns. Loi-ne Lamib at- teddthe Wilson-Rodman wed ding at Nestieton Churchi, Sot- A P O urday. Rv PO is aI Stoney l is holiday- Mrs. C. M. Love of Hamilton igaStnyLake. j wos a weekend guest of Mrs.. jMn. and Mi-s. Jack MUlligon, i Rilda Mountjoy. an-d Frankie, Kinsdale: Mi-. and Mrs. Jean Watison of Aii-dtrea, Mns. Howar'd Bowens, Oshawa, Scotiandi, spent a few days with were Sunday visitai-s at Mi-. and hen brother, Mr. A. Carnick and Mis. C. Pethîck's and Mrs. E. Mrs. Carrick. St-utt. IMr. and Mis. K. Caverly, Ms-s. Mn. and Mns. Walter Cole- W. B. Soi-bis, Roddy, Barry and nutt, Leamington; Mi-. and Mrs. Cindy were Sunday guests of Harold Hudson. Essex, .wr r.aand Mrs. Bruce Caverly, Satunday tea guests with M4r. Osh wa.I and Mrs. Eai'l Trewin. Mr'. and Mu-s. Fred Toms wvereI among the many who went 10 o Pont Hope to see the Queen on S . LJ.VILJJaJ Sunday. They visited Mi-. and Mns. Ambrose Robinson. Many from here avoiled them- Miss Ruth Pethick has netuî'n- selves by the opportunity of ed home f rom h olidays with Mrs.1 seeing Queen Elizabeth and T. Clark. Newcastle., Prince Phîlip dui-ing thein visit' Mi'. and Mis. Aif Brown., b Port Hope. Bowmanville, weî'e Mondav, din Miss Dorothy Falls, Toronto, ner guests of Mr,î' and Mrs, RO5S vSied Mi-. and Mrs. Orme Sharp. jFalls. Master Dean leard h --e- f Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd turned bock to Orillia H-ospital with Mr-. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly,i fnom holidays with his parents Bowmanville, visited Ottawa, Mn. and Mrs. M. Heard. Cornwall and the Seaway lasti Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton week.j and thei- families, I-aydon. Mi-r i.,n r. osteSof and Mi's. R. J. Oî'miston weî'e vleatM DlbrH bo Pont Hope to see the Queen fvîlle, oa e Mn.dlbr allo- and were dinen and tea guests wl' otg udy of Mns. S. R. Caldwell. jMi-. Maurice Hallowell, Toi- Mi-s. Geo. White, Hampton' onto. spent the weekend at Mn. and Mx's. Har Strutt, Osh- j home. awa, wei'e Monday visitors at C.; Carl and Gerald Rogers, Osh- I Pethîck's and with Mns. E. Strutt awa, spent a few days with Mi-. Who is improving. and Mns. M. Shutka.I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, Tor- Tyrone. were tea gîlests of Mr.' onto. spent the weekend at Mr-. and Mns. N. E. Wright. ' Lloyd Hallowell's. Mn. and Mns. Albert Wright, 1Matrda evening Mn. and ________________ s. Fred Todd efltertained for: FINE QUALITY In the evening Mr. and. Mrs. MONUMENTS AND Todd were given a surpieb their many friends attehoe MARKERSof Mrs. W. Prouse, Osaca, inl 4fi et wedding anniversary and were' 49 lI recepients of several gifts andi à riF STAFFORD j some pieces of silver along with'i % ROS. imony congratulatory messages. On Monday afternoon many. .:~ friends and relatives attended luth the funeral fon Mn. Jake Hall- owell at Newtonville United j Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Wright. Lloyd and Eaîrle, Blackstock, wit.h Mr'. and Mrs. Bari Trewin. kw s Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGll, Miss Reva McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Keith MeGilI and Dale, Enniskillen; Mr. Jim Kinsman, Courtice were with Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Billett at their, cottage, Chan- dos Lake. tives ini the States. Mr-. an-d Mrs. Herbert Leigh- d Mrs. Robert Hancock. ton, Miss Elenor Leighton, Mrs. Peggy and John, visited J. D. Cole and Alun., Mr. Westly dI Mrs. Glen Hancock Allun, Bowmanville; Mr. and nily, Warkworth Iast Mrs. Grant Her-on4 Courtice; Mr. J. A. Wer-y. Mr. and Mrs. E. nd Mrs. Sarn Brown A. Werry. Betty Jane, Grant and returned home after Bert, Mi-. and Mrs. Allan Werry, five weeks with Mi-. Sandra and Sharon were guests -Lloyd Argue, Beth-!at a barbecued chàcken dinner on the iback lawn of Miss Win- atulations to Mr. an~d, nifi-ed Cole, Toronto. eonard David Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton )rmer Marion Arlen2 and boys, Mr. Allan Stainton, on their marriage Sat- were withi Mr. and Mrs. S. Ker- ýulv 251h, in Orono Un- sey, Hampton..i ich, Rev. Basil E. Long! Mýiss Sarah Dalton. New York d. ýCity, is visiting Miss Lois Ash-j Cla-a Barnes is speud-' ton. ust with hier niece, Mrs. Mrs. Geo. White, Hampton, Vusgrave, Toronto. was'a Monday caller at Mr-. and' nd Mrs. Don Stephens, Mrs. A. Oke's. Mrs. Earl Taylor speint Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Pederson, kend in Ki-kland Lake1 Miss Irene Ferguson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and1 md Mrs. Chas. Johns, family, Mr. Ken Herrington,I iville, Miss Marjorie Oshawa; Mr'. and Mrs. Keithi Toronto, Mi-. and Mrs. Ferguson and family, Bowman- ood, enjoved a trip to! ville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bayes in Park this week. and Jim, Blackstock; Mrs. Ri- id Mis, C. V. Wilson chard Griffin, Union; Mr'. and the funeral of lier ne- Mrs. Carl Ferguson were visitors Ir. Frederick Cann ;ýt; with Mi-. and M'rs. Walter Fer- Hlill United Church on; guson. lay, Julv 22nd. Inter- 1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, i-t Hope Cemetery. Lois and Char-les, Miss Sarah loy Patton, Kingston. Dalton, spent Sunday with Mr'. hi1s father. Mr. Perc and Mrs. D. J. Napier, Toronto. Mi-. Everett Strutt, Burketon, who has been ilI was a Saturday 1visitor aI Mr-. and Mrs. E. A. NISKILEN uMr. ad Mrs. R. J. Weaving In lkeeping with high ideals Bownian- ville's new Mausoleum where you con have burial in o dlean dry crypt above ground at a cost of no more thon the average ground burial. The new Outdoor Garden type Maus- oleum which has become nationally popular in recent yeax-s, is based on the sentiment that the final resting place of our loved ones should be of quiet beauty ... a beautiful garden spot that Prepare Today SAVE YOUR LOVED ONES the ordeal of having to complete the many lost minute details on the saddest day of their lives. The selection of your famiiy's final resting place is a wise, considerate and thoughtful provision. Lt cails for sound judgxnent ai-d calm deliberation such as is impossible in time of grief. It is so easy to discharge Ibis solemn obligation, NOW, Farm Union A gricuIfural At Guelph The main job of the Inter- provincial Farm Union Coun- cil is to build and maintain an adequate union 'structure for farmers so that they can main- tain agriculture as a healthy industrv, said A. P. Gleave, In- terprovincial Farm Union Council Chai-man, at the 4th Annual Joint Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Farm unions of British Colum- bia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Ontario held in the Souls Build- n1g t Ontario Agriculture Col- lege, July 14, 15. 16. This is the first time this important conference has been held in Ontario. The purpose of the meeting was to co-ordinate the activities of the five Unions. Durham's director Lewis J. Wood attended the entire ses- sion. Featured speakers were A. H. Turner, Vice-Chai-man of breathes happy niemories and reminds one of lie, flot death. Here sorrow finds peace and content- ment in the serene beauty of the new Mausolcum; evei-y effort was made by the buildeî's bu create eriduring grace and loveliness to lift bhe beart of every visitor above the contemplation of soir- row and fix il upon the faith in immortality that reaches beyond the grave. togetber and when the need cornes, il will really comforting thought, that the mne passed on, had a voice in complebing these linmediate action is essential hec'ause of the liinited numiber of crypts avoulable. For full particulans call William Avres, collect, aI Toronto AM 7-4324 or mail the coupon below. hi' a final IOWMANVILLE MAUSOLEUN CGMPANY 54 Glenshepherd Drive, Scarborough, Ont. I would be interested in securing further information regarding the Bowmanville Mausoleum. NAME _________ ADDRESS ________________ ___ It l b-etter te own burial space and flot need it - than to need it and flot have It; ask anyone who knewi. pressed concei-n over leaders of some foi-m organizations op- is'Discuss iposing deficiency poyments, when only o few months ago r ~ ithey said h fvue dei rroo lem s cJnames Patterson, Intenprov- presentative in Ottawa, said the C onfflfl e Interprovincial Fori-m Union W W D~~ED~~ Council have built a reputable organization and had convinced the Agricultural Stabiiizatia)n not only foi-mers but people a11 IBoard, G. F. Perkjns. Chair- cross Canada. foi-m union poi- mon of the Ontaio Foi-m Pro- îcies ai-e sound and sensible. 1 ducts Marketing Boaand J. Ed. Nelson, President of the! B. Lemoine, President of the Fornîers' Union of Alberta and L'Union Catholique des Culti- representative to the N.A.T.O. vote uns.I conference, said, foi-mers con Mi-. F. Perkins soid the Foi-m no longer aftord to be indivi- Products Marketing Board lias duals, xve must be port of in- the authority to impose pro-1 ternational society. duction quotas if necessory, at, Thi-ce delegates fi-om the the present lime tobacco is the conference were elected to at- only crop under production tend a meeting held in Ottawoa quota. He also stated that Mai-- July 151h with the Meat Pack- keting Boards cannot ronitrol *ei-sý Council and foi oî'goni- imponts os that is a federal zations to discuss proposed hog motter. grading changes, price differen- "Recommendations frorn this tials and hog premniuns. The meeting could be very valuable delegotesontereunn- to the Agiicultural Stabiizo- ported there is much to be de- tion Board in forming the Gov- sired in obtaining moi-e sup- ennment's proposed legislotion1 port trom some Co-operotive on deficiency payments," said; organizotions for the produ- Mi-. A. H. Turner. cers< couse. The Interprovincial Gordon L. Hill, President of IFoîrm Union Council delegates Ontario Foi-mers' Union ex- mode some very important ne- A Sanctuary of Memories Dedicaled Io the spirit af imiuortality Photo shows Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Orangeville, identical to the one erected in Bowmanville Cemetery. Serenely Beautiful 85 King St. W. ASSOcZATE sTOmE F. A. Boyd, Prop. USED INVITATION The public ai Bawmanville and district are cordially invited Ia inspect his new Mausoleum on1 Saturday, August lst, 1959 or Sunday, August nd, 1959 Belween the hours ai 12:00 noan and 6 pa. HAYDON commendations ta this heai-ing which will benefit the Aiog in- dustry. Foi-rn or-ganîzatioiis jointly agreed » to accept tjie present,price differentials if the premîium on Gradie A hogs wvas incrased substantiallv.* .Defîciency payments, cnop insurance, credIts. unemploy. ment insuronce for foi-rn la boui-, vertical integration, gi-o- ding, marketing boards and Na- tional Farm Uî on Week wer.?xi somne of the topics sporkzi'lq lIvelv dî'sclission. FAST RELIEF FOR ACHINO MUSCLES .-..i PAGE IPOURTEM THE CANADME STeTESUM. BOWMANVnJýM ONTAWD

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