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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1959, p. 15

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TflURSDA~'. 3ULY SOth. 1959 ~HE CANADIAZI STATESMAN. DOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE F11T Recreation__Departr Playg rc Memorial Pisi ground by Bar bara Brown Even though our special event. a hike and picnic, was called off last week because of rain, the chikiren enjoyed the who]e week. Thne girls amuïied themselves ail week by doýng place. mats and taking themn home to their mothers. Every- one liked making paper plate faces and pipe cleaner doils and animais. Friday afternoon was cliznaxed bv a candv scramble for ail the youngsters. On Thursday. JulY 30th, there will be a dol] show for the girls and a model show for the boys. Starting tirne is 2:00 Everyone is cordially invited to corne and see the show. The sasiest utartlng, simplest oporallng power mower you con buyl The Activaled Pilot Wh.el end other ex- clusive Lawn-Boy Deluxe fatures assure the imoothest cut everi Pomnous instant sterting 2 H.P. modal Iran-Horse angine. 21" DILUXE 1LAWN-SOY Palmer Motor Sales Io King st. B, MA 3-5487 the senior boys, aging from 10 mentTheprogramme consisted o: W ee k lies pickir1g a "thome" mnd theni working al of the program this year was Indiens, so e l i )und Round Up started by picking three tribes, ly De Cree, Mohawk and Stout. 1Once the chlldren were put - I Next week on ALLZusi6thh. ý1e! %we p1li.ed nianY active gan-es' into tribes they began to ul ,iPenny Fair will be held. We such as "dodge bail" and relaya a council ring, ana each trbeCry' s rnhw eeksiendth are beginning to prepare for it the chiidren like to play the picked a site and began build. Werr' uigtewknd this week. Mle;-iorial Park's ausOut of the «Treasure ing their own individual camps. Mr. Jesse Van Nest, Mrs. L. *theme this vear xiIi be St. Pa, Uhest", sueh as b'ngo, ups and These camps were inspected B. Williams, Bowmanvifle, and ricks Day. C]owns. etc. daily by the leaders, and points Miss Marion Mclbougail, Chat- Vincent Massey Thursciav was the day plan- were given to the tribe which ham, wvere guests of Mr. and 1 ned io-a our special event, "A showed progress and cleanli-! Mrs. N. Wotten. by Connie Osmnid Marnrnoth Bingo", and ail the ness ln the building of these Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten and Vinvent MasseY Playgrou.nd 1 children were verv excited as camps. Francis attended Decorati o n Chapel, decorated with carnii- each was eager to wifl one af During the course of the Day service at Ballyduff on Sun- tions, was the setting for tie' the nîany prizes. However we week there were such activi- day and also visited Mrs, J. Kerr 3 "Marriage" on Wednesday, no sooner got started when At ties as archery swimming, rac-, et Lotus. eJuly 22nd, at 2:00 p.m. of Jov startedi to rain and so the bin- ing and long àiâtance running. Mr .and Mrs. W. Parrinder Crombie (age six), daughtrer go was cancelled for that day. There were several cookouts, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank BrayZ of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crombie. Fridav morning around i0:30 and a special sleep-out for the at Enfield.1 Bownanville, to Mýr. Dan cd!ivee had a fair crowd so we older boys who bulIt a fire onl Mrs. H. Pascoe accornipanied Cowle (age five) son of '%'r. continued. but were flot finish- which 'they roasted buns, wie- Mrs. Eric Pearce of Willowd'ale and Mrs. Fred Cowle. Bowrnan- ed bv dinner-time. After din- ners and marshmallows. onapestmtotptoBa ville. Mr. Terry Black perforrn- ner we started again and play- Ana raatmto rp oBl ed~~~~~~~~~~ th eeoy dutl tsatdt a.rousing sing song complet- and also visited Mr. and Mrs. edthe cbrenyasgiven n mar- too s to dbt we gt ed the camp fire and then the J. Spiers at Caledon. Tage byie asnien n mar.v iiook uspeci a event andeveryboys went to bed. Most of the Mr. J. Baker visited hîs grand-i Hodgson, (five) and wore a child was happy with their g were UP akthedawn ad b-(aughtBer)s.Van reciokrad ballerina length gown of crepc mixe. Fniday. Julv,ý 31 is our ogan-i opeonktir brak soJnicePaTekea inortogad paper with a scoop necl; anci big 'lniiian Da.v'", Won't y ou 'ra pnf.snPalTeiksi oot flared skirt. She wore apn: cone and loin us. On Fniday we ran an Indian last week.1 plate tiala timmed witiî ro. IîsCete lagod f ield day and the Sioux accu- Mrs. C. Pascoe attended thei Lionascrenere per veiî. mulaled enough points to make' wedding of her niece Carol Nay- ofd ahiepc baeM vdi. stto them victorlous for the whoie ion, daughter of Mý and Mrs.1 care csaeofxil y Merrdy Mufl week's activities. Russell Naylor and Donald Scott1 bachelor buttons and red ra- Active gaines suoh as tin can Ec ebro h iu nCiao es Te ri&s took most of the time rcîe naadfrti c Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Osh- dressed in red and bliie ï..i ciuring the i ii part of thel paper street iength gowns si -i- on Wednjesda.vwe ad compishment. Members of the awa, v~isited Sund.ay evcningi ilar to the bride's, .vere YfVi'ýs aester fprs od hihwn.n nb weremStdhe with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees.i LorraineHogo.MS l' tundotbbaget Burns, *Billy Crombie, Paul Mr. J. Kiveli and Pearl Leach1 ther Moore, and Miss J l Qcess. AIl the children enjoyed' Kelly. Jimn Dilling, John Ciin- visited Mr. and Mr.Hto CoNvle. The flower gaiti i\1P dohg ten u pca vn ningharn. Dan Blake and John Bowen at Orono on Saturday.i Nancy Cowle and the rx which xvas to bc a miniature ante bearen. Master Jeff Ho f niuld da',. was iained out. Be-I As a climax to our week (age three) perforrned the'ir cau e of excessive heat, the we held a "Parents' Night"'. At j ÇTAY AT1 part of the ceremony excellent- latter part of the week was this, mnost of the parents, I ly. sprat on more quiet periods hope, had a good tfme. They M Mr. George Moore (12) was inïluding games and songs. wene very gurprised at thel best man and the guests wereî power of our Medicine Man seated by Mr. Brian QOgden i lIest Beach News - (Biily Crombie) who started (10. iy David Mimne the concil fire merely by do- The reception was lhefdin lIOn Fricîay afternoon, July iGo tedac c"he"u the Vincent Massey Playgrounud Ihal t'ne children enjoyedGd" Chapel, where cookies, cakezi a tîî'-packed thrilling field Congratulations to Wayne and Freshie wene served. dayv. To start proceedings, we Burgess, John Cunningham As everyone knows, Punny' had the littie toddlers out first. and Larry Perrîs, who were Fair is one week frorn torlay. Not onlv did the children themn- picked best campers of the If there are iny i-nothers \ho -ý;e!vvs have fun but also their week. wish to help with prepavatio1s I pare1itda. watch'ng,, keenly for A special thanks to Mr. P. for ~ ~ ~ ~ , tiocainwod hv hercidr's ability. Tien Cowling and Mr. I. Beaupnie please corne to Vincent "la,ý- xwe lati a %vhieei-barrow race who brought out ice cream for sey Park et 10:30 p.rn. oni Fri-1- i1ch got trernendous response al of the boys. day. July 31 st. It mrould be aui- (ton i1e children. Ail the kids This week there is a girls' APMASDPN preciated ver' rnuch if as miair, h owcd ability in this race day camp revolving anound the mothers as possible could tac: rii1}î the exception of a ,'few' saine Indien theme and we out, because this is the child- wiio got a mouthful of sand, hope it will be as successful ren's big event of the seasnn wheai they found themnseives as the boys'. and we wouldn't want to dis- toppling. More straight age appoint them. races verc run and also a Ontaio S. Paygrund tlre1(gged race which prov-1S LN Ontaio S. Piygrond d to bc, a big success, both by Audrey Spiceen with parent and child. di- Svrl1omSln eei The past week our plav- A toffee seramble follow PoSert H o Sdl, were ine th Hopelucky winfre ers ground has been quite active and hrcenumbersinnsid hir-, ethlPod o aveaClOs with thechildrenlearnineitorill ed to he ant withthechilrenleaninghowcovred nuber - isid thir 1vCV c Quen lizbt n l ls to play new games. Althoughij Now on display I THE NEW SIMCA ELYSEE New in Canada! The strildng Simca Elysee 4-door family-size sedan. Plus recining seats and ail the famous Simca extras as standard equipment! See it today! High fashion neyer cost less! PALMER MOTOR. SALES 20 King St. East MA 3-5487 Bowrnanville IMPORTED PRROM PARIS UY CHRYSLIER wrappers, winniflg a pnize. Tooping the afternoon, was a cestle-making contest where we picked three winners con- sidening difference in age and appearance of the castie. Al who wor, received bright rnb- bons due to their efforts. 1 wuld. lileke to. thank, parti- cularly Mrs. P. Cole and Mrs. Burton for helping me in mak- ing that day such a wonderful success. Children's Crafte by Verus Forain During the past two weeks great intenest has beeri shown in their special class. The class itself is composed of children of aIl ages. We have made a mural that shows life on Mars, wicb was quit, Successfully por tray cd. The second week we finger- painted an-d the eilîdren show- e d great Intenest In this Pro- ject. The thIrd week Linda Erooking took over this class for the time that I will be at Day Camp. She Is dolng a great job with the children. The children made castonettes out of paper meche and burat- out ight bulhs. MWe shall be atternpting many other pro- jects in future classes. Classes are held at the Lions Centre eey Tuesday morning at 10 a.11. Do you -attend these classes? We certeinly hope su. Day Camp by Murray Walkcr. Verus Foran. Bev. Cowling The Recreation Department's f irst Day Camp of the Summer was held lest week. The first g'roup to attend the camp were Prince Phllip as they journeyed fromn Batterwood House, the of - ficiai. resldeflee o! Governôr- Generai Vincent Massey, where they were hi& guests, to divine service in St. Mank's Anglican Church. S'ore were especially privileged to join In the service and to hear Prince Fhilip reed the saipture lesson. As the roy- L ai couple left the churCh tihey were greeted by throngs Of Peo- pie, saine of whom later entered tihe church whose congregation 'had the distinct h4rnor of hav- ing as guests at the service, Her Royal Mighntess d Prince Philip. Next Simday, August 2, there LIwiil be nu Sunday Schooi or Church Service. The following jSundiy, August 9, there will ho Sunday School for ail classes et 10:30 a.m. Reverend and Mrs. Recel will en'j'oy a vacation t.brough tihe month of August. Mr..and Mra. Wes Yeiiowlees and Murray enjoyed a motor trip to Ottawa last week. L Mrs. H. E. Tink accomipanied Mr'. and Mrs. Pency Deweli on a rnotor trip ta Haliburton. Mn. and Mirs. Bruce Tink with Mr. nd Ms. BuceOrmiston, through Quebec and Noothern Ontario. Mir&. T. Goyne , Prestonvale, is visiting Mr. and Mirs. C. Lang- maid andl family. The Thnee M's had a bowling party at the Shopping Centre and afterwarda returned ta Bru- ce and Jean~ Taylor's for refresh- ments. Mr. andl Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons atltended the Ferguson fa-mily picnic et Hampton on Saturday. Mr. and Mms. E. R. Taylor and Mr. andelr. Bruce Taylor and sons attended the Hoair picnic at Waltona Park, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Marshall, Victoria, B.C., and Mn. and Mrs. N. Wotten, Mrs. J. Westlake, Mr. Bill Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Westlake, Penny and Ron- nie, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and Douglas, Tau-n- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore, Heathen and George, Bowman- ville, visitedl Mr. and Mirs. Frank Westlake Snr. Penn y Westllake, Bowmanvilie, holidayed with Joan Westlake. Joan Westlake had holidays with Bowm-uanville relatives. Mn. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taun- ton, visited Mr. and Mr$. D. Fiett and fainily. Mrs. Rae Pascoe and children attended a birthday party for Stewart and Wesley Glaspeil, Taunton. Mn. and Mira. Rae Pascoe ac- companied. by Mr. and Mns. George Gilroy and sons, Colum- bus, enjoyed a pleasant motos' trip ta Baie over the weekend. Joanne, Janet and Brenda Anderson o! Zephyr are holi- <Iaing et John Knaox's. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Crawford and sons, WhItby; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gloven and family, Ked- ron, visited at John Knox's. Pat Kn.ox anad Juapfte Frazer' are ahi Camp Pretoria as coun- sellors. Helen Knox, with- girl friends, la vacationing et Port Boister. Flight Sergeant A. R. Baker, Mms Baker and children, St Huber-t, Quebec, visited et Tom and J. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Hardy and Stanley visited et Lloyd Glas- peUl's at Lindsay. Mn. and Mira. Harry Grooms, Mr. John Grooms, Toronto; Mr. and Mirs. N. Metcalf, Dr. and Mm. G«rge Werry. Jaum anmd Still Report News : ently, Reflectively Can&kda'a weekly newspapei are more prosperoua and stabl than they have ever been. Thi "trend away from the fanrm bas not dulled the vitalityc the small town weekly. So said Leslie E. Barber, Chi] liwack (B.C.) publisher wii was elected president of th' Canadien Weekly Newspaper Association at Regina July E Asked how the trend towar urbanization was affecting th~ weekly newspapers, Mr. Bar ber said weeklies are growin and changing with their con munities. I'Towns that slept for 10 years are suddenly bursting i activity. New factories, oi fields, new minerai dîscovenie and the general trend towar urbanization in Canada ai turning smnail towns into iang ones,"I he said. The result is a new genera tion of publishers, nianyc whom are skilled in certain a: pects of the business far be yond what their fathers thougi was necessary. "lWe have larger plants whigc are better equipped, faster an more efficient, We have hig wages and unions. Like mo5 businesses we are faced wit the awful specter of costs near ing our dollar volume. ra "But there is this difference. le No matter how large our busi- Le nesses are becoming, most of us I are stili close to our coinmuni- of ties and our people. We are perhaps more conscious than ýl big-city businessmen are about 10 inflation and are more relu,.- ,i tant to participate in the spiral. rs Mr. Barber urged the pub- 7. lishers to continue the tradi- d tional attitude of the weekIy ie newspaperman's approach to-1 ,r ward news. He suggested they g keep these questions in mind: "Have we stili the same kIndly, understandîng and coin- 0 petent approach to news . . . or toare we falling into the sicknick il or beatnik senLsationalism of es~ some of our city journals and rdother media? re "Do we stili report the news >e fuliy, decently, reflective]y and with a measure of human un- derstanding?" It was his view thRt week lies have been able to carry out their function ln kreping witli the high ideals and fine tradi- tions estabiished hy pioneer publishers. "This is what mnales us dif- ferent," he said. "This ls what inakes us clean. decent and an asset to the country. This is why 1 know we can be proud of the Canadian Weeklv News- papers Association and ali it stands for." dUtN:ar ~. LZ2'7'~-------- Super-Right Quulity Meut Specluls! COOKED, READT iM SERVE SMOKED HAMS NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED SHANK ABUTT 5g PORTIO lb 9 yc PORTION ro Ouen PI*led, BN" M Me&%, Vae P», COTTAGE ROLLS r,49c Smoked WIENERS BA KER Y FA TOJRES BAKED SUd A&Ps OWN BAKERY UV MASTER SAIKERS Conned Meat Jane Parker R«> 49.-BSAVE 10c KAM APPLE PIE A T»SeCh 39e Se Off Deal S O Chef Boy-Ar-De. Jane Parker' Reg. 59o-SAVE «W SPAGHETTI & MEAT ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE .eei' 49< Ann Page Jan* Parker', Apple Raisin Re* ê-SOAVE lk KETCHUP COFFEE CAKE -ci 3 3<ccrack.' Jane Parker Reg. luef 283-SAVE 7o RITZ RAISIN BREAD 2 1&-owaovms39< A... Page d - n B -j.à a -MAYONNAISE Fruit & Vege table teutures VeIlow Flesh, No. 1 Grade, Freestont PEACHES qt box 2 5c Clifornia, No. 1 Grade, M"w Crop, Sweet J'mhi BARILETI PEARS &z45 c 6 fol3 c California, Fancy Grade VALENCIA ORANGES 5f California No. i SEEDLESS GRAPES Tender, Swe.t, Ontario Grown, Kiy"raC.Ie CORN FANty R Fan.y Quality GLADIOLI b Co b"e59< 2au3 3c doS =tu3 9c WE CARRY A COMPLETE LMIE 0Fr SALAD ITEMS SGJCH AS FRE8H LETI'UCE, STAKED TOMATOES, CUCUMSERS. RADISHES GREEN ONIONS, ET. Crescent SMALL SHRIMP Blue Package NUCOA MARGARINE McLaren'* Lau.. Pack Stuffed MANZANILLA OLIVES 1-i'c cello 1*5g3 9 P.ty 8h.f MaWhle CANNED CHICKEN 3-L, 4'ozugoi,009 Lake Erie PERCH FILLETS Banquet Brand - Tasrkey, Chiokeoi or Be MEAT PIES 1,9>;g 3 5 c 3fr 69( Reg. tin 43c-SAVE 4 12-oz fin 3 9 Reg. pkg Ble-SAVE 4c glant size pkg 7 7£ Reg. tini 67e.-BAVE &e BALLS 40 oz fin 5 9c Reg. 2 btle 37e>-BAVE Oc 211i-oz bts 31< Reg. pkg 21c-SAVE 3c 2 8-or pkgs 3 9c Roi;. jar 3?c-SAVE 4o 16-oz or 33< Reg, tin 39c-'-SAVE 2c 4'h2-oz fin 3 7( Reg. 2-lb. Yc5-'SAVE lc 4 i-lb pkgs 99C 8-oz ter 29C Aff Prace, in Thie AMGuaa'ate.d Througl% Sort- Aug. lt,ý N Get Cash To-day For OId Appliances throtmgh STATESMAN tSERVICE co. C LA SSI'FIE DS Phone MArket 3-3303 MA 3RR'8 IIOWMANYIL. OPEN .FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. CLOSID WEDNUSDAYS AT 12.30 PAL A NNI VERSA R Y SPECIAL1S' Coing On A Pi'cnic? 0. don't forget to kske dlong a cart on of refreshing Smtith Bever gos. Mode a., BoftEd by ... SMITH EVERAGES LTus BOWMANVILLE A&P INSTANT (OFFEE 2oz v 35C 6-oz ïar 8 5 C AVAILABLE ONLýY AI A&P FROIEN FOOD FEA TIRES Fmmon Quality Reg. 2 Wo 37eý-SAVE "o. A&P PEAS 6 12-oz t*g1 0 Southlend Fr.nch Cas Reg. pkg 23o-SAVE bc -Green Beans 2 1ooz pgs 41 - Iw ~A U fa mm mcoat aID. - t', M CANADMS STAIIMMAS. BOlritAlqVrLLIL 019TAMO PAGE rLETJM 1959

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