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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1959, p. 16

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-----n Births 1BROCK-Shirley and Ron wish1 to announce the birth of a son,1 Danny Lawrence, 7 lb., 12 % ozs., on Friday, July 24th, at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanv'iile. 31-1 LEWINS - Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lewins wish to announce the1 hirth of a son, George Kenneth,1 on Wednesday, July 22, 1959, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 31-1 ROBINSON-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson wish to announce the birth of a son, Michael Keith, on July 15th, 1959, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 31-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roy wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Helen, to William George Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Bowmanville. The wedding to take place at their home on Saturday, August 29, at 4 'dlock. 31-1* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bathgate announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Ann, ta Ronald Jackie Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Williams. Marriage wili take place Saturday, August 22nd, at 2:30 p.m. in Trmnity United Church. 31-1* Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden, Maple Grove, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Margaret Ethel to Mr. Leonarci Ailan Goodmurphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodmurphy of Sowerby. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August 29th, 1959, at 3 o'clock, Mapie Grove United Church. 31-1* Cards of Thanks Swish to express my deep appreciation to friends and re- latives for all the acts of in- finite kindness, floral tributes and messages of condolence during my recent bereavement. Dorothy LU Childs. 31-1 1 wish te express thanlts ta friands and naighbours who sent cards and belped with thic hay dufing my stay i hospital. Speçial tbanks ta W.A. and W.1 MS., Biackstock, for the gift ef fruit. Ray GilbanliL 91-1* We wisb ta tbank aur neigh- bours, friands and relatives for flowers, fruit and cards sent us at flic bospital in Rock Springs, Wyoming, also wbile convalasc- ing at home. MT&. and Mis. Albin Lmiens .31-1 We wauld like ta express aur thanks ta aur neighbours for their belp and kindness follow- Ing the tractor accident. Thanks te Drs. Arnold and McKenzie and the staff af Memorial Hos- pi'tal, Bowuiianviile, for their kIndess ta Ronnie. Elsie and Roy Bail. 3i1e We wish ta express aur sin- cre thanks and appraciation for kindness shown in the loss oi aur dear son and brother. Ouri special thanks ta Rav. Herbert, relatives, friands and North Ward naighbours. M. and Mrs. J. Childs and famil>'. 31-1* Our sincara and grataful thanks ta Dr. Hubbard, Dr Un- derwood and Dm. Eweýt; also nurses and staff of the Main- oial Hospital for their halp and man>' kindriesses during tie illness of the late Mm. J. R. Ewenson. Elizabeth Ewenson and famnil>'. 31-1* Our sincere and grateful thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours. especially to Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard, Mrs. Neil Spencer, Mrs. Alf. Garrod, Mrs. Doug Cunningham, Mrs. Ken Whitney who planned and participated towards thàede- lightfi:l rve-tning ta celebrate our Golden A.nnivcrsarv. Viola and Percy Brown. 31-1 We wish to express our heart- feit appreciation to our friends and relatives for the cards and letteÈrs of sympathy, the beauti- fui floral tributes and the many acts of kindness shown to us In the loss of our dear son and brother. Allan Martin. A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, to Rev. Basil Long for his words of comfort. to Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown, Mr. Harry Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bahl and Dr. Arnold for their help at the time of the accident. To Hea- ther Rebekah Lodge for their kindness and to the neighbours who sa kindly helped in our home during this time of sor- row. Clare, fla Martin, Audrey and Lorraine. Pets for Sal1e PART German Shepherd pups. MA 3-2403. 31.2 ONE purebred German Shep- berd puppy, maie, 10 weeks old, black and tan. MA 3-5058. Phil T'inney, Maple Grove. 30-2 ENGLISH Toy Terrier puppies, six weeks aid. excellent breed- ing, also six-week-ald Labrador retriever purebred pup, reason- abI& A & 4-80M8.31-1 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Help Wanted NEW %-ton trailer, $45. Phone ONE Cockshutt three-furrow YOUNG man for general officel MA 3-5212. 314if plough, nearly new; one man- wark. Apply C. J. Gartan,! SALL portable "Skill" saw.!ure spreader, used one season; Garton Caach.Lines Ltd. 31-1 Phone MA 3-3911. 31.1* ane Case tractor, needs rep airs; LCNE oo ehnc p 'o_____________ ne cultivator, used;, one new LCNE oo ehnc p EIGHT fi. Massey-Harris binder, 1 garbage disposai unit; 500 bales s ler Palmer Motor Sales, Chry- good shape. MA 3-2292. 31-1 Of year-old hay, 25e per bale-;se - Plymouth Dealer, Bow- two one-quarter horse electric manville. 31-11 NEW potatoes. Donald Lamb,! mators. Apply M. A. Pickering, I LRK - Iookkeeper for local, Ennîskillen, MAd 3-2125. 31-1 No. 2 Highway, Newcastle, Ont. business, typing necessary. Write BAE ay lvr i-Phone 3716. 30-2 Advertiser 960, c/o Canadian BAEDhaclve nd tm Statesman, P.O. Box 190. 31-1* oh.PoiMA3-2897. 31-1 ________ ______ ONE chesterfield chair, gre Save.. Save.. SaVe! SALESLADY, single, 17 to 25 velour. Phone MA 3-7097. 4 T:years af age, for steady employ- 31 40 FT.ment. Apply Stedman 5c ta WATER for sale. Del-ered TV Tower Structure $l.00 Store, Bowmanviile. 28-tf Phane Clif Pethick, DAlivere6. thCo Raoran WOMAN, ta help with bouse- 45-tf AUl Wave Antenna. work and cooking during tobac- Completely installed do harvest. Alex Joncas, % - TRAILER, 2 miles east on the Regular Value sîbo.oo mile east of Enterprise. Pleasel third lina, east of the 115 Hwy al - 11ff cal do flot phone. 30-2* 1 i-leij~jMEN OR WOMEN, ulo Dr POWER cutting box. good con- ý This offer limited ta aur dition, bargain. Phone MA, present stock. 3-2839. - - * 1- Oshawa 'TV Supp1y DOUBLE sprig mattress, $25; 361 GIBBONS STREET double spring with legs, $10).!Telephone Oshawa RA 8-8180i MA 3-5191, 31-1. Bowmanville MA 3-5522 ---- 29-4 TWO 4h -ton trailers, one boat ______________ trailer. Apply Bert Hoskin, Hampton MA 3-2849. 31-1*tin fl fff FOUR - burner electric range; double bed, mattress, spig; dresser; refrigarator. 79 Liberty St. N. 31-l* I. t SAVE on lumber, direct fron mil ta yau. Phillips Lumbe: Co., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phone 17 r 1l. 13ti FRESH raspberries daily; alsc Gladioli. Opposite Cream o. Barley Park. Phone MA 3-5026 30-t ONE chesterfield chair, greeri velour; one double- bed, spring and mattress. Phone MA 3-7097. 31-1' INTERNATIONAL 7 ft. binder; also brooder house. R. Stenger & Son, Enniskillen, MA 3-2824. 31-1 KEYS eut autorpatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E, Bowman- ville. 4641i WATER, hard and soft, deliver. ed. Prompt service. Robert HL Cale. Phane MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-ti ONE Finday Oval range, ir good condition; one circulating heater; small kitchen stove. Newcastle 2201. 31-1w FARMVALL "H" tractor with 2. row cultivator attachnient; 2- furrow plough, ail ini good con- dition. MA 3-2052. 31-1* GLADIOLUS, cut flowers for ail occasions. Daily hospita] delivery. Mrs. Ernest Passant. Phane MA 3-3527. 27-10 ONE used 18 h.p. steam baller. Reasonable for quick sale. Apply ta Box 32, Campbellford or phone 540 on Saturdays. 31-2 ELECTRICAL Repars-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phane MIA 3-5774. 43-tf CUT flowers for sale, Glads, everlasting and more. Sold for wholesale also. C. deMooy, R.R. 1, Orono, Ont., Phone 18r8. 30-5* CASE combine with P.T.O.; Case VAC 14 tractor, with hy- draulics and 3-point hit. W. H. Brown, Phone MA 3-5497. 31-1 MASSEY Harris binder, 6 fi., i A-1 condition; alsa one Surge two-unit milking machine. J. Holmes, phone Newcastle 2131. 3- INSULATION, blawing mathod, with rock wool. Warkmanship, guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf 7 FT. COCKSHUTT grain bind- cm, in good working order, with tractor hitch and sheaf carrier. Harold Werry, telaphone Osh- awa RA 8-6698. FINEST qualit>' bindar twine.' 600 ft. per paund, $850 par bag., S. S. Morton & Son, Farmi Equipmnent Sales & Service, Mapla Grave, Bowmanville. DO your own floars and rugs-: Rent a sandar, floor polisher or rug cleaner shampoo mathod> &Pwuuuuu CITY 0F OSHAWA 5/2 % Debenfures Denominations $ 1,000 Price:- 100.00 and accrued tirne. No experience nedessary.i Wa train you. No investinOnt. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. G-140- NN, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 31-1 MALE or FEMALFR Nighi Maintenance Good Wages IMust be Honest and Reliable Permanent Phone MA 3-3373 J. J. Bourke, Manager. 31-1 Notices Real Estate for Sale1 Real Estate for Sale Reai Estate for Sale Stephen Fuels will be closed NEW house, six rooms, on SIX-roomed brick housa, with P re em August 3 ta August 8, inclusive, corner lot, paved streets, close garage,. centraily located, early eter Feddem for holidays. - 31-1 ta, schools and buses. Pollard possession arranged. Write Ad- ELEIAEBOE The office ai Kaith A. Biilett, RA Court.30ce.Statema , .O. Caxnad0anow- 44acrsfrontage on No. 2 ,ODwil be closed from Aug- manville. 31-1*1 and 401, small stream. Price ust 2 te August 16. 31-2'n- only $100.00 par acre. Good Leask Real Estate Q adKd natent. The office ai Dr. Allan B. M cuay an idd 100 sOacres. 4-room brick house, ,Sylvester will be closad during 5-romed sumnier cottage onaai br. rapere, 2 the month of August. 312wtrfota etBah ELOSChristmas Trees planted. Trees -$1,900 full price. Easy termis. Members af Oshawa and District have excellent colour and shape. McNulty's Sparts & Cycle 4-room cottage, winterized, Real Estate Board Price only $9,000. Ternis. store will be closed for hahidays patio, screaned porch, tiled 200-acre dairy farmi with Ta- 2%½ acres with naw bungalow, August 4th ta August l5th, in- floors. $3,900. Ternis. ronto milk contract. Excellent fully modern, good road. Price clusiva. 31-2 3-apartinent house i Hamp- buildings, straam. Only $28.000() $12,500. Termis. Dr. Ferguso' ffice Ili be ton, could be one more apart-; with excellent termis. 2%~ acres with siall barni, close du n g Jo4y. ugu an ment, 2 new ail furnaces, new, 25 acres garden land with orchard. Price $1.500. cloed urig Jly.Augst ndwell and septic tank. Good i- trout stream, corner location. We have several parcels of ta, Sept. 4th, except the first come property. Easy ternis. Only $5,500. Terms. land etween Oshawa and Bow- week of August. 31-4* 5-roomn new brick bungalow. 4 apartmient building, central dbtvle.Seu orifra 1Gentleman leavig .for Gaspe just off 401 ai Pickering, land-, location. $5.000 down. tion. Pennsua uly27h, wowees.scaped, extras. $13,950. Rea- Modern bungalow, large gar- WNE Photographic tour, roomn for sonable ternis. age. $10.500. Ternis.1 House with acreage. or smafl anyone wvith trne întereqt. 100-acre farmi near Kendal;- WALTFR F'RANK farni. List with us for quick Phone MA13-3864. 3() i10-roorn house iiexce"llent . Cuc 't.cci-3331 euls ditiai', barn with certient stable. i 181.4urcli St. MAlit.393 resuits. I driving shed, lien hontse. $10fl0.t ownîvîA 89Suo t.ABo3-3644 V I SI T furi-ce. Ternis. .31-1 M 3-64 THE REAL LIVING SANTA JUNE 19 to TH '%NKSGIV1NG Fun For Ali Thre Famil>' Children ta 14 yearq FREE 9:30 a.m. ta 6:00 P.m. Sunday 1.00 pjn. ta 6:00 p.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE Bracebridge, Ont.1 25-7 f iterstAre You The Man ? d To mature April 15, 1968 ta 1979'! a ldanhnsan f These Debentures are available' bitiaus manl, 20 ta 50 with a for immediate delivery so tirat car 1 will train him fully and îyour money can go to work naw.! set hlm up ln his own business g. without investment. This is part Contact* R. H. Canning or full turne and wiii give mucb Bell, Gouinlock & S i r avegraeyenng. Local I mprovement Company, Limiied Auus 3dfrm 2:0 900Notice P.m., or Tuesday, August 4th,l 1 25 King Street, West from 9:00 - 9:00 p.m. TORONTO 31-11aeN tc hl EMpire 4-2236 ______________ Tke otie Tai Ch-1 OPPRTUNITY1 1. Tire Council of tire Corpora- ChaleningPositions are avail- i tion af the Town of Bowmanvllle Cars f or Sale able If you are ready for re-: lntends to construet as a Local 1956 ~~~~~sponsibiiity knowlng it leadi Ipoemn wtrmano 196PONTIAC Hardtop Coach, Ipromotional opportunities. t imroe olng treewt etweeinou 1actual mileage 13,900. Appi>' THIS OPPORTUNITI' the Points mentioned: fRobert Mutton, 45 Concession OFFERS YOUHGHSRE St .31-1 A practical training Programme, t ram Concession St. North toi gALLSTATE Auto Insurance. A future dependlng upon your tire C.P.R. Property Save 20%. Six months ta pay. ability and irow yon use It. aditedtapcilyaes For eranal srvice t u Rewarding management oppor- la part of thre cost of the ladj home eaUl Oshawa RA 5-2802, tunities wlth an ever-expanding 'aiutting dlrectiy on the work.1 colleet. 2-12 Company. 1 Security wlth Canada'. largest 1. The stimate40.o0tof wire FOR NEW FORDS Sales Finance Company. wok13,4.0 fwii antIGuaanted saiCar Aplicntssiruîd1>.22-28 $1,141.80 is ta be paid by thre an Ga ail sd as Apicnssoudb Corporation. Tire estimateil own- r Callenjoy meeting tire public, ibears' cost par foot frantage is aiert, aggressive andI wiiUIIE t i$2.43. The spacial assessmant là; JO N S U T travai. tabhe paidIntey (20) qa SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. Banking, credit, Insurance, sales! annual Installments andth ie RA 3-4683 Oshawa or unverslty backgrounds are estinated owners' rate Par foot Residence MArket 3-3-174 assets, but not a requirement. frontage is 22.05e. 9-tf WRITE BOX 205, OSHAWA 292 3. Application wiil be madIe BUYIN OR 29-IN by tire Corporation ta tire On-' BUYIG ORSELLNG tario Municipal Board for its So nofB w anil appraval of tire undartaking et row oftire said work and any owner Ted ampn Moorsmay witirin twenty-one days RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 :'ater tire f irst publication of 807 ingSt. asttins notice, file wlth tire Board, 607Kinstt East aiWlobd>iis objections ta tire salid workj (J aofHAWilo d) A belng undertaken. 10-tf 4. Tire said Board may ap- APPLICATIONS are now being'prove af tire said work belng received for tire position ofg undartaken but before daing sol, CARS F R SALEIt may appoint a time and place« Assistantwiren any objection ta tire gait I1959 METEOR Demonstrator 2- wr lib osdrd Dr. Hardtop. If, Dated at Bowmanville tis I1956 PONTIAC 4-dr. Stn. Wagon JAAU JLaA 23d ayoJuy19. Radio, windsirield wasirars, for tire Bowmanville-Darlilnton R. S. REYNOLDS. 1 back-up lights, low mile- are&. Clerk-Treasurer. $500A down. r wgo. Apply la wrltingt tirte under- 30-2 $500 own. slgned on or before Radia, law mileage Tuesday, AuNanted, 159 O down.stating aga andI saiary expected. HOME for a gaod dog. New- 1956 FORD 2-Dr. Ail equipmant wili be sup-,csl 21 l1 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. plled by tire municlpaiity. I DEAD and cripplad tarin stock, Ver>' dean, For additional Informaton in pickcd up promTptiy. Phone iu one ownar car.uiea sofc. 3-2679. Margwil Fur Parin, Spacial - $75.00 down. qreatsofc. Tyrone. 13-tf R. B. REYNOLDS, WET-wl u n un Clerk-Treasurer,WHA -wilb>anqu- 'Cowan Equipment Co.' iy ilstrukinfeda Town Hall, tt' ilsttuk nfeda 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Bowmanvile. cMbines57. Pon0A-2 J W cm Phrone MA 3-5689 31-2 t A327.3- 3-i oui 100-200 ACRES land, preierabl>' tondn buildings, light soil for Notice to treas. Write Advertisar 952, AND OTHERS FOUNU Sunda>' evenig, Cour-: c/o Canadian Statasînan, P. O. - - --tica Rd. S., Young miale boxer Box 190, Bowmanville. 26-9 IN TE ESATE F WATERdog. sandy brown. Phone RA -. - IN THE STATE O WALT I 3-9914.11 WESLEY OKE. laté ai the 1 Auction Saler froï-in Laer Hardware, 7 -King Township ai Darlington, -inth oi cm B ar St., E.. Bowinanville. Phoneaout of Durhamn, ________________ MA___3-5774. ______ _______armer, decaased,an IN THE ESTATE 0F PHOEBE SUS- LARGE room, gentleman, board HEARING aid service, Testing ANNA OKE, late of the said if dasired. 205 King St., MA service and completa stock ai Township of Darligton, Wîdow, 3-3186. 31-1 batteries and cords at Higgon daceased, wbo died at the Town- ONE or two girls, share raam, Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., ship of Damlington aforasaid, f uu l board, in private home. Bowmanvilla. Telephone MA and at the Town ai Bowman- tphone A 337.3 3-3305. 7-tf. ville respectival>' on or about MA397.3- thei twenty-sacond day ai June, - COMBINATION battery and 1959, and bath af whom wara Livestock for Sale electric radios, $27.95; vacuum intestate. 0 HT ehrs hn cleaners, $49.50; 6' x9' Axinin- THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O IîuWHT agon. hn star rugs, $39.50. Trada-in mc- 1950, Ch. 400, Sac. 51. MA I1~ 3-3644. 31-1 frigarators, ail burning cook Creditors and others baving'-COEhieadas e stove: dining room suite. Mur- dlaims against ftic aboya estates straw. Austin Wood, phone MA' ph>' Ca., King St. W., MIA 3-3781. or aithar ai thein are requirad' 3-2388. 31-1* ____________ 3-1.1I*!ta sand particulars and full - proof thareof ta the undersigned 200 DEKALB pulaets, just start- NEW Massey-Harris combines, on or before the 31st day ai ing ta la>'; aiso 35 year-old self propelad and pull type. August, 1959, aiter whicb data White Leghorn hans. Newcastle used 'Massey-Haî-ris combine, the assets oi bath astates will 3856. 31-1 self propelaed, Super 26 with be distributed having regard 10 fi. cut; used Coçkshutt self ta thc Laws ai Succession and SPRINGING grade Jersey hait- poplled, 12 it. eut. S. S. Mor-t the claims that have than been crs, froinBrampton blood liriez, ton & Son. Farin Equipinent received.1 bred ta Maple sires, due August Sales & Service, Maple Grave, DATED at Bowmanvile, and September. Talmaga Doble Bowmanville. 31-1 Ontario, this 24th day & Sons, R.P. 3. Sunder-land, - -r,- -ai Juiy, 1959. Ontario. 31-2 FORt THE BEST BUY IN Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister and Solicitor, Wcmted to Rent ALUMINUM Box 29, 30 Kig St. W, rtre-erom ios DOORS - WDOWS AN»D Solicitor for the Ad- or apartrnent, for couple with AWNINGS ininistratar of Walter two sebool agad children. Avail- PHONE- M. HUBBARD WeslvOk. andrui able en.or n ri o imlar MA 3-2415 the Hairs at Law ai the lat. Write Advertiser 965, C said Phoebe Susanna 'Canadian Statesinan, P.0. Box Oh..93 1i100, Bowrmnvill.9140 Fifth Aninual Production Sale of large white Yorkshires at Inverawe Yorkshire Farin, one mile south of No. 2 Highway, Colborne, on Saturday, August 8th, at 1 p.m. - 50 head large white Yorkshires, also Landrace boars and gilts. Lunch served. 31-2 There will be a public auction Satarday, August lst, at 1 p.m. It will be held at the farm of Andy Sutch, 1 mile east of McCrae's Church. A farm trac- tor, one hall-ton Chev. pick-up truck, furniture, same store equipment and gods, etc. 31-1 NursingHome ACCOMMODATION for ladies and gentlemen. $90 per month and up. Phone Orono 1771. 30u-2 The South Haven Rest Home -Lcensed accommodation avail- able for up or bcd patients. Phone Newcastlo 4441, 29-tf Lost. PERSON wbo remoived racer bicycle froin 99 Qucen St. last Friday evcning please phone ILA 3-M».0 U-1 Caesarea. etc.; alto too Char les B.ankie Work Wanted numerous ta lis-t. l1 FI ETATE BROKEB - M. E. LEASK GCvanîteed Business, $100.000CULTIVATING, scuffling and Real Estate BroLer per year. S25.000 full price in row crop work. Phone MArket 65 Ontario St. BOWn'anville cludes stock. anyutphi? 34. 28-4 MArket 3-5919 Grocerv store affiliated %vith a ITRO niepitn n _________ 31-1 large ciiain. fully equipped, self MNTEleR.Enti epitigad - ~serve: large beautifu]. living paper hanging.MalRoea i Pdwel eal Esite quarers. building 3-storey soid R.R. 1. Bowranville, MA 3-2584, 230 cre. moem ut aonethriving tow n. Excellent terms. PJMIG etn, evs 230 cres moern ut 5one Grocery store, ice creain bar, nMIG hetg, avs t bungalow, double garage, ail living quarters. Must be sold. traughing; free e s t i a t . convaniances, large barn, Beatty Asking only $4.500 for building Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MIA equipped and air condition. 2 and fi xtures, stock at inventomy. 3-1~240 or Orona 1782. 6-tf loaiing barns, large pond with Don't ii-uss seeing this! HTWSIGadisnet island in centra, well ienced. On Tired of paying rent? Sea usWinstaesHINGc.aFdedsimaet- highway 121 adjoining, good We can save you money by put- ing stkuaabl tee. etimates town. Being offered only 011 ting you in a home of your own.ailClark 1uarant.Telephone accounit of aged owner. $70,000. You wiil be surpmised how little ire131 at opis Good terins, cash you need. R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 200 acres close ta Lindsay on Farrns, businesses and homes FR cînywrnw o Hwy. 35, large brick house. ah aof ail kinds. FRepai r ney wbrk, bloc or conveniences, painted L-shaped, 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle crete ork. P.rickbock083 fields, well fenced. $35,uO. 111 alL Turner, Phone MA Terins. Immediate possession. 1 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf 100 acres good soil. insul- . - brick house, convenaences, largeme - barni Beatty equipinent. On aý James Nixon i Plastering nepairs good raad. $15,000. Terms. REAL ESTATE BROKER t UC SEVC 8-room, brick bouse, 2 apart- i ments, double garage. Close ta, Orono - 8-room solid brick, STUCCO AND NEW WORK Flying Dutchinan Motel. $ý11.5(0 4 bedrooms, Ya-acre, furnace, R. L. ?AFT frquick sale. hydro, hard and soit water,..5J t are, -rom inulbrckfloor coverings, blinda, etc. 4Kn . MA 2-50U0 hause on Hwy. No. 2, near $8.500. $2.000 down. 1 6-ti Newtonville. $5.000. Easy tarins. 5-room insul-brick bungalow, 4-room bouse on Hwy. 2, well, .aae adn 100 near Maple Grave nice giroun ds. down. Close ta Bowmanviile. OS A A T $6.000 ~th $800 i2 cottages in Pontypool. 4 OS WA T $600wit 80 own. n aj TELE VISION AERIAL SALES 4-room house, east of New- rooma neah castle on No. 2 Hwy. $4.000ý 5-rcom frame house in Mill. INSTALLATION and IEPAIR8 wih$500 down. ýbrook, bath, furnace, alumiumi May or fria ndhase.dooirs and screens. . Phone Maymoney amian. ose.i Approximataly 54 acres, 20,000 Bowmanville Oshawa Moe t oa.1Christmnas Trees, some ready for MA 3-5-U2RA S-8180 H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER i sala, nice creek, hemlock, large 25.12 Newcastle Phone 3856. and small cedar treas, suitable ae s j for hedge planting, $9.000, hallI n Marc H. Pedwell cash. Save Mvoney ait Phone Newcastle 3851 20 acres with a naw 6-room Wns. A. Heron bungalow, haavy wiring, bas- Dave's Shoe Repair Phone 12, Brooklin ment, garage, tile floors and E, Jeferycoverîngs, close ta lake, lots ai FAST, PROMPT SERVICE Poe , Jetfer gravel, coarse and fine, goad 26 Ontario -St., Bowmanville Phoe 28, oiorn deth maketfo ta fr1,CORNER KING and ONTARIO 311$15,000. -35,000 down. -t 47 Queen St- Box 94124t MA 3-5682 De Wifi Real Esiate!Bwavle3-ePI»N ETN ~~ PLUMBING HEINO 100-acre farta, north Bowman- --- ---- ---- EVSRUHN 1villa, 98 acres workabla, pond,'T N A R L-shaped bank barni, drive shed,L.S nlrv CoLfd new grage 8-romedbric Mor-Sun, Powermatie, MorrIson home wîth ail modern conven-I 43 Park Rd. S., Oshawa Wese-taieae a i iances, new ail fumnace. No' RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 WbtrAlsDne a 1 reasonable offar refused. Value Plus, Edsal Ave. spac-166 King St. W. MA 3-7127 100-acre farmi, 90 acres work- ious 6-room ranch style brick BOWMANVILLE able, crack, L-shaped bank barn, bungalow featuring family size 20-tf cament silo, etc.; 7-roomed home, kitchen, modern, full size din- haavy duty wired. Askig îng room, modern.size living $15,500 with $5,500 down. room, 3 good size bedrooms with Harry Lee Laundry 135-acre farta, 100 acres work- extra closats, fu11 size high 19TMEAC S. able, streain, 100' x 36' bank divided basement, forced air by 19EM RAC ST barni, pig pans, garage; 8-room- ail heating, aluminum. stoms Po M " ed brick home, newly wired. and screens, double drive on Phne MA -7021 Down $6,000. Takas any rea- large well landscaped lot. Pas- BOWMANVILLE, ONT. sortable offar. session October 3 lI.t, with oaly Also do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. 125-acre farin. 85 acres work- $3.000 down. able, 18 acres maple bush, 94' Hunt St. casy' bungalow with P'ick pan elv x45' bank.barri, driva shed, han family size modern kitchen, Up y O AURA bouse, sprigs; 8-roomed brick living room, 2 bedrooms, 4.. MNA'TOSTRA home with furnace, running piece bath, f ull siza basement, QIJICK SERVICE watar. Askig $16,500 with ail furnace, large iandscaped ¶6-ff $6,200 down. and hedged lot, full price only'P ro a 100-acre farm near Miilbrook, $7.600 with tarins. esni 65 acres workabla, 10 acres $ 1,500 down, 5-roomn, 3 bed -_______________ maple bush, sprigs, L-shaped mont bungalow, large kitcheri bank barn, drive shed, haniwith cupboards, faim size living HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber bouse, garage; 7-roomed homeroom, 3.pieca bath, electric botgod) aidpstidipln with bathroom, runnig hot and water heater, coal. fumnace, full Sxseam nple 5ch24 sin p ls cold water. Asking $12.500) with basement, bah acre lot with $Six0. ai] Or25dr4 DeptT28 tarins arranged. variety oi fruit tracs, located $1o00-RubbeOdr C, Bx 1 aT-8 6-roomed home, centre 0f: west Of [-ampton. tn n.15 Bowmanviile with 3-piace fiâth, Farina ttn n.i kitchan cupboamds, laundry tubs. 50 acres near Pontypool gocid______________ Double garage, storms and buildings, $8.500 with easy screens. Price $8.500. teniis. 5-roomad bungalow in Bow- 60 acres south thora of Lake 1 C A SFE manville with ail furnace,' 4- SCUgog, large and modern build- D E TSN piace bath. hardwood and tile ings, open ta offer.A VE TS G floors modem kitche ,- 100 acres, beautiful fam nearRA E Attcha gaage Prce 10.000. Blackstock. $22.000. Terras. 154 acres, good land, and ARILSFRSL 5-roomad, aimost new home: bouse, faim barnis, 12 miles north ARETCE FOR SALE with ail furnace, kitchen cup- east ai Oshawa, $17,500, with FORos n-zUP WAwrgr boards, running watar, garage. SterroraC..Lt. 108? FOR SALET Asking $9,500 with $1,000 down. Call L. S. SegI Fo Ld OS ORSALE 9-roomad brick bouse in New- RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 Cmiii a . M'. O e castie with 2-piece bath, running __1_1____________pald by date of Insartice hot and cold water, hardwood U h ged an addittonai 25c ,wifll 1»added. flos ieprivate spot. Ask- Ti K a A charge of 25c will b. made JaS ing $7,500. Peter Kail Tu*»P 1 drected ta hsofie 7-roomed, almoist new home RALETT BOK OIC -C0UGENS iiiNec~tl wthai fmnce GENERAL INSIJSANCE AN» CARIS or MuSnS tiardwood and tile floors, rua- 4a a Word wth a minimum d riing bot and cold watar, 4-piecel 3 bedroom bungalow, wlth $1.00 for 25 words or e. bath, modern kitchan. Asking, garage, on nice lot, aIl conven- $13,000. Teas es. Only $1,500 down. u«T~u UI0AE31 5-roomed bungalow with ali 50-acre farta within 5 min- $1.0ar etinemumo modem convenaences, locatad in utes ai Bowmanville, 2 bouse, Bowmianville. Garage and dou- 1al onvetains pl2 lcaarn. ac .. ble lot., Price $9,000. E ail onvtenins, 28ca00gragl.usI ecOIaU»in w f- 1 ~6-room bhunglow -.vtnae uilît PAM m Mg 1 1 SE)AT, JULT 3004 »M

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