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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1959, p. 17

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?URSDAY. JMTY SOttL 19M0 TEE CANADLM( STATMX, 1OWMANV!LLE. ONTAMOAG E NT In Memoriam 1Re] THOMPSON - In loving mem-! SEWING maé àr y of our brother. Pte. Norman service, parts fThompson. who was killed in makes. Phone active service, Aug. 9th. 1944: It only takes a littie space R D6U To write how rnucb we mi., RDIOmpandert But it will take the rest of j delivery. Geoi To our livesi E. Phone MA/ Tforget the day we lost Vou. GUARANTEEI -Sadly missed by Dad, bro- radio service. thers and sisters. 314'f Same day ser j Service Co. P SMITH-In loving memory of a$ dear husband and father. Georget M. Smith, who passed away on IREPAIRS anc July 28th. 1956: atures turned. God saw you getting wear>' . 1 electrie motor5 So he did what lie thoughlt 'rie. 38 King best. 3-3305. lie came and stood beside vou. RPISt And whispered. 'Corne and 1ing ahns ou isednoon a _at deivery. La ou Rsestn. oe" ls Centre. 59 Kirý farem-ell -2. Nor even said good-bye, 13-72. You had gone before we REPAIRS toe knew iti frigerators. doi And on]v God knows "Lhý. mercial: m~ikir .-Lovingly remnnbered by wile gon Electric L and family. ______ 3~jSt. E. Phone ÏM Mr. and Mri carbo, hih ful on Newcastle. wi]l service___bills__.__._.________to their friends 1 the occasion ci niversary on A »VERTISEMENT Po* 8 :3to 5 p.m. anc Fre BLACK DIAMC STAMPS with every purchase of g 1't Vigor Oil SERVICE STATII Under New Management - Don Ju& A,:qisted by "Chick" Richards of Bow 25 years' service with Imiperial1 'We Specialize in Persona] Servi CORNER Of' MANVERS BOA AND F"FT CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Day Every Tut -Corne Out and See Our Display of Compiete Lubrication ai a Reasonabl ASK ABO dU URSPE-ÈCLÉ PRIrCE Ë STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY ~ AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SU] RESTAURANT Prash Lobster Cocktafl Tomato Retish Soup du Jour or Pineapple Flyung Dutohman's Assorted Di 91 Roast Hait Sprrng Chicke Baked Virginia Ham, Pini Broiied N.Y. Cut Sirloin . Roast Prime Ribs of Red Deep Fried Sea Scallops. Broiled Loin Cut Pork Ch Roast Leg of Spring Lar Breaded MiIk-fed Veal Ct Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Assorted Cold Sea Food Choice of two Fre Oven Brown . Boiled . Rolis Muf fini Assorted Fruit Pie mint Parfait Fresh Cof tee A LA CARTE FROM Porterhouse. 1-Bone.. Filet Migi Mushroom Caps and Fri vusitied i ur .ýon-i,-aw at-d CGa] tops. Green Applesauce daughter. Mr- and Mrs. Howard J Catharirieb. war a weekeîsdil Electric Stove Television nib. Mint Sauce weekcnd. They also ealled oi011OI Mr.' anti Mrs. Bill Hawkshaw ZION- Reg. $349.00TRNF MRSE utiet, Mushroom Sauce in Kitchener.-TRNF MEST Miss Sandra Snowden s be- Ma.-er Clarke Stainton got i fnle e.$490 Plate, Cranberry Sauce gun work in the office of Mua- ilis cabt removed lait week ansd 1 Mu iteMarnuertergt i. walking again. -Sae$ 2 3 900 Rg 490 ~aId Pate CeeryJiss a eite p WaîrlooMrs. Eva Pet-kîns .haë return-- On Sale $90 Catharines, was a weekeend> ed froîn Colti Sprinsgs and isç$ 9 9 0 gises> with Mr. anti Mrs. Fs-e d tavmng at Russell Perkin's. e rg at s$390 1Wright aund accompanied them., NMLs Eva Carruthers, Cook,%- .s Vgtals oPort Hope to see the Royal ville, Spent a few days at Ray 2CBCFE or Whipped Potatoes John (eddt.;entte ek- .aond r. Rk.C. Stanton Re. $02.00On Sale$29 0 endi with Ms-. and Ms-s. Roy Col. i and Laurie visiteti at Ted Ste- $ 29 0 Beter liss, Miînden. Iphen's, Peterborough-., en Sun-____On_____Sale_____ .Maple Gi-ove Girl Guides- whco,day.OnSl aeattending camp this week! Keith Stainton liab been$29 0 Fruit Jello. Whipped Cream ai-e Anti Marie ONeill. Sharoîi walkinx with ci-utches andi off fHolm,2s, Margaret Staiker, Ru-; vork with âtrained Ii.-aments 8.2 CUBIC FEETP rt b e T Cheese Tray ~ ~ ~ ~ s i P-n.Jud4v Barrbal1 aad lin ,is ankRle.i- vr> rdRg 390 e.$1.1 e CheseTry wenDuui'.DL.trctCai sn oertister soand lsRn eg . $319 00 OR aeg . 29 missuoner, MIrs. William O'Neill, Rober-t Js-.. Long Bs-anch. is L Milk Mr-. andi Mrs. Frank Moore, 1 John Monahan. _____________________________________ Oïhawa, wvere weeketsd guesr.s Mrs. lnez Henr-y, Toronto. OUR IROLRoff Mr. andt Mrs.iit Colliss. 1 visited at Ray Cameron's. OUR BROILERLarrv Mcbea has etrsdl Ms- Ruiàeil Pes-kins and Mar- home after a weeks holiday 1 gai-et, Mr&. Eva Pes-kins, visi t-pm non. Steaks. served with it . and M i-s Wil - dghrls kichlPB is o-C o w a n E q L ip nie n t Co. ench Frieci Onions -NicLean spent he xeekend ti -. andi Mrs. Wilired Frank13KigS.EBo anleMA358 teWý!sons <otta-ze au Bracllpv anti David. Toronto, wee at13RigS.E omn leMA -68 IBay. 'Rober-t Killen's for tihe wpeek- « Mue-. l4àoèid inwdns n4 Free!1 Tea imanded ln custod,.9 until July all the anmwers. even if h. hu a, I lst nad the *breach of proba- Oeen in the country a few I- ~i t at s ~ O i Ilo will be coealt with hn nitls. ______________________________In_________________Court__i "Now 1 might point out to One nman was remnanded out Tuesay.Jul* 21t, PSObefore me todiay, if you want to and make about $700.00 resti. à Fo Re t Co ingEvens (riten b ýL Kur) sendthe rest of your life in an tution for the bad cheques he .paisFoden om n E ets(riinsyA.Krbt~ition, I su-gest tbhat an in - as passing in the town and chine repairs and APARTMENT - MA 2-3349. Decoration Day Services will "Driving like thie fts tanta- cation at a snack bar. Th, Y stitution vill be providedfo tw-hp.1e a r-resd îavallable for ail 31-1. be held at Cartwright Unionsi mrount to committing suicide", struck him in the face and'you. Tn titis countr-y we have no and txtrned oxer tô Oshawa Pol- ýe Blackstock 77. - Cemnetery, Cadmus, on Sunday. commented Magistrate R. B. mouth loosening four of his love for the person who knows ice for frauci. 31-2* LARGE apartmnent. Apply tO August 9th. 31-21 Baxter as he convicted a young teeth. Some of thern threw ston- Canadian Statesman Off ice. --______ - man of Careless Drivitsg. The es at hls car. Two of these iboys television repairs. 30-tf Decoration Day. Lakeview i driver xvas trying to make a ýU" appeared i front of Magistrale ice. Pick-up and- Cemetery. Newtionville, Sunday. turn after hie overshot No. 2f Baxter last week. One o-as or-AT E TO îr&s 8 Kngst HUS, mleeat f ap- Aug. 9th. 2:.10 p.nî. Salvation, Higbway. He drove into a par-- dered to seil his car and requeTTE TI- FARMERS' t3-,5713. 29-tf Iton. Telephone MA 3-5243. Army Band in attpndance. ed car.then backed up into the ed ito get a haircut if he \vanted :D television ind______ -__ 1 patuh of an oncoming \reruùcle. the court to give him any con-q to ail makes. THREE rooms, bath, self con- The aninual Cowling family His car :;ta1]ed. he explained sideration. '"Conduct of this kind ýrvice. Television tained. aduits. 205 King St.. picnic wiUl be held at Creaini and ie lhad neyer bothered to is newv to our area. It is new to Phone MA 3-3883. MA 3-3186. -1-:of Barley Park August 8th: get a driver's license. Penalties our province. There îs a grow-UE 49t Gme a . upershrpa totalled $64.00. or 13 days. ing-attitude arnong a smi-all min- S E 49-t SECUDE cotage.BigBob ame at . Supersh3r a1 A seizure of 348 piafs of beer: ority of you young people to J rewinding. arm- Lake, five miles from Mnden. 6. at a golf club from a cooler. cosdt ake law- in your own hands. 1 to ail makes of Cail MA 3-3259. 31 -1 Decoration Day will be held; a total of $53.00. If there is a suppose the autos might be to ast Hion e M prtet imd at dy Area's Cemetery on Sun- repitition, tihe fine will likelyi blame for &orne of this conduct U IMN possesson. resonabl . Appv .ug. 2. Service at i p.. be $1,000. and perhaps contributed to sorne rear 10bleKing Si Rev,. Victor Bowims %wiIl speak. 1.4 parts off alcohiol per 1000) of il. You acted like HIGHWAY- ii mke o sw-E Bethany Band in attendance. partsý of iblood was the resuit MN I must deteris type0o Free________and o f a blooci test a driver had re- conduct. T1rnight also suggest if . MALfie-om ouegod ete t roe ewa ntyou want to xvear your hair in 1 nento a GainBide averty's Bargain SMAL fio ve-room houe, d'iy oodîiew Connuriîty Centre~ impaired. This was the resuit pony tails. that you go ail the îg W. hone Apl loctin.aLilbleîedty th. -ose ig. wnygreof an accident in which a local way and put on skirts."ingo hp 44tf Appy 147Libety, Sutin ---twenty dollars. five gaesý car was sideswiped and1 One. who hadn't beeî, in goorsap al mnakes of re- t1NiIiE-r_____ dollars: $150 jackpot. and~ anoher man was forced into the uble in over twvo yea]-s, was' 6f Cae om iew hpw rtkoi 'rnestic and corn:- ETNVIL apartinent, 1. t-O iackpots zail 2~ Door diteh. The nman was convicted 1 iledj$2>30.00 and costs and thel i aeCm iewt o e aef ing coolers. Hig- roorns and bath. Private el,-; rizes. Next Monda ', 8, off Irnpaired Driving and for 1miagistrate admonished, "I think .imited, 38 King trance, heavy wiring. phouae Red Barn, O'shawa 4 6- t. fIlF'ailure to Stop after an acci- 1o r elo.I oucrei LA 3-3305. 741i Clarke 5ro3. 31-r . -l W..-----hold-a-dent Penalty tot.ailed $89-00- front off me for any reasün ht 28 fi.GanA gr$50 TOapartments, three rooni t (,arderz Tea and Bake Sale at foroeaiga mtrccw oxe g i lvi reconnîend i eption ý3-piece bath. Available imniecd the home of Miss Catherine l'itho<ut a license to do so. was tihai the Minister take awa ne ' ~ iately in Victor Manor. 82 Kin- Stewar t, Sxth Lille. on AugIust j wortifi $17.00. The magisti-ate vot rvrslcnsao -ayoa Kraa~ u aair s. Williani Lake. Street W., phone MA 3-7035. Jth, h mn 3 to 5 p.rn. Admission con1lmel,:ted thli there h'aVx e een lefinite period. If the fine isu 't Il be "At Home"i1 t rcesfrlernv-isevèu-al conîplaints of' moto"- paid within two weeks,.\.-ou %vil]î i m w radpog and relatives o _n_ - ltu-c.o ceofi the churh. 3-2 cycles in thîs area IateIy. They s erve six rn4nu;hîs in Refoîna ihm w radpog of thieir 25th an- THREE-rootni heatleci apati xxeeke-d- bu- tnp.- Tobe-i are a nuisance i0 the first place 'to.iv. ~ tStl ht~Spr ~ aair àugust 22nd frorn ment. heairy wîreci. eparaie Weedbstrpt oet and they are noisy' and infringe Élje secondi h Farmali upr'C' Tacor 7:30 to 9:30«p.m,. entrance and bath. Inimediate mot'> ns Bruce Peninsula. Boat! on the riglits off other. Movern ,Ilad had his cacbut F- po .esin. Phone MAN -2 ,cruuse to Floweî- Pot Island. * yourseif accordingly. afacFrnesd lu. 20>wih 2rw cliao 17-ti Visit the scenic caves near Col-' Anotiher motor cylus. tthan ndcos.s r urnnthfo- bun linwoo. Lave~atrda. Ag; inadequate mnuffier andi faiiing a minor and o'btaining liquor M SIX roomed bouse. 2 bedroorts, 8. Foir information phonte Mrs.ý to produce bis operators license pilus $100.00 and costs 01 the P CA IA C E M * Iplus den, oil heated, water soft- H. T. Coirner, MA 3-3:n5. cost $19.00. charge off illegal possession ofl - AL FN NC E N l ener. modern kitchen, ample 3- Two 16 year old boys elected liquor or 3 montbs, plups 1000 stoag space. double garage ITial bh- Magistrate on two' and costs or five days on the SPhone NMA 3-.3682. 31-1; Tenders Wanted Icharges off stealing miotor VL'-l Intoxication Charge. Th.lese char- -____________________________ - ~ . hicles and two charges off theï!ge w. b adiina t1 Wcmated to Buy FOR SALE BV TENDER o1 bi Fe Eidne vstisal rnonths for tl)is assow n Euipent ythe two had escapeci froni theJ The t1-ird boy ivas deait with )N y~ _____________ Tenders wiii be received by B.T.S.. walked to Orono where 'in the sanie ni anner. Tot^ý i tisCo p n GUITAR amplifier, interned- the undersigned Solicitor up tl ahsoeabccl.ue hyijionh n as h iate range, in good condition. 12:00 o'clock noon on Fuicla> a stole aicye. Twen t34eKing and daMAs3-The JohnJams, 5 Chrchst. the3]s da ofJuly195 fo the tuoiea ca latheTowship of1 iourth boy was on probation forj 3KigS.. Bomnle MA368 BJownamevie h urch ae o the .3rperty of l 9qfo the jClarke. Abondoned it wluen they f ive charges of thef t. He was i-e- late Mr. Alfred H. Littie on Ille' .aplc cusradrn _____ ALL kinds o? ire poultry atit side ofGot into Millbrook andi stole thse______________________________________ Highst rice pati Min tree. Oono second car. This car-%vas dam- wanted. igaged when-mpthey 'rannSitroverroa M. Flatt. Betl-any R,R. 1. Phone 1ae hn hi a toe 13colet.9-f.Thie property i ,a t ae stone at Garden Hill. They ____________________- ouse. 8 roomns, witb sinali bar entered a bouse are atole somne HIGHEST prices paid for usec i antd garden. food, while thse owners o! the furniture. appliances. television. Terins: 10% of price with j housse were in fiheir backyardP UL CNTE 'and exchange. 59 King SI . W cash on closing-, losiag date tO1 a third car iCobourg, ai-d were1, Phone MA 3-7231. 42-if he arranged. i apprehended after a chase near 9 O N__i-ighest or any tender lot: Brigi-iton. 'nie tire star-ted to go1 O N lf[(HST pice paid for live aecessarily accepted . soit adi they held to slow up. One The Bow iT anviIIe a s l u ad rp poultry. goose feathers. ealiter R. R. WADDEI..L..Q.C., be M ausoleum o heTrin ird, rop. ticks scrp iro. ras. meals' Otono. Ont. a eund ueTan ýtick. scap ion, rge. netas, ir9 Scool.The second boy. -with ÏIo p n wmavi l ad awfurs. Phone RA -1-2043 Solicital- for th Vendora bad record thet was read to o931 riceW 1Oshawa. coilect. 48-tf 29-. the Court. was sentenced le 12 pesd b anuc h o pein o h e months definite ansd 6 inontns vice~~Iirr r indetermirsate on eaoh- car theft 1 ipesdt noneth o peino h e LYAPJL UflLIVE charge. six months addit: UTOOnGRDN TYE1AUOLU on thse charge of iheft 1 h U B O A D N T P A S L U Mr-. Hart-y Row bas ret&rn-j bicycle. Sentence-q were to -un BO Y S eti to Mon treal aîtrs a two week ooilcUrrenItly. i h o m nil e eey esday Y V WuN TE V onn !nsNo.Mi-.Ja01Se ina 60 milePan hourThe public of Bowrnanville and district are cordially 'invited to inspert About 60 attendt-d the Cou- zone rosi $10.00 ani $2,00> cost.s. this new Mausoleumi,astutrofw ch eae utlprdn de Pi'c. lFor 'Summer pies Club pienie i On Lt was dark ansd. raining. TroLfit tutr fwicweaejsl ru,.o ON TIRES lulday Work <Steady> Satu.rday evenirîg. SirnPein- o.d hav wt w Jfounti offereti -, ndaferea.tbuî dwas etywhto QUANTI" IOOIKDALE- a pîciulc mupper iiith~e -ehurci e s of am<st ýolid tafj<c.Sat r o ,ug' l, 19 5 TITY shed, the an ~~Thie accuxed pleuded Not Guilty. t r a , A g s t shed thesport% eveits took but he admritted that "The speed ]RINGS WAY place un Fbenezer park. Those. ac stonewhîat excessive forth or - I ~~~f romn Maplp Gi-ove were Mr, cnitos anNDAYJakS - ean. on. vater ante afccniin. )MRS RIES Mir.andMrs.Howad B al i: staeBaxter poiated oui NUSEIE -ýi k wath1-eer n, Ffigha N.Su nday, August 2.nd, 19,59 andBrin: -.andMrs See 401 sead "'Maximum Speed 60 Doyle andi farnily; Mr. and Mrts. M.P.H." No leeway mwill be gi- aL L£Iftl oo Stephien Jef fery; Mr. and Ms-s. ven. "YoIJ were pa&ssing evvery- UeweeI the uours of 12:00 eonand u6lisE. iHoward Cyetnnadfm BOWM NVILR uv Crderuan ati [rn-body tisat nîght and by your own Picircnrmttecw~e.evidence today you passect ev- MR. WM. AYRES, President of Ontario Mausoleum Co. Ltd.. will b. ~~ Mr. an-d Ms-s. Steve Doyle. Mr. erybocly comirng clown here to aes ndmiwilI be available to ansiver any questions and Mrs. WiIf Brown, Msa-. andi court. i think you had betterpe Situated »Il Mu-s. M. Vetzai. get your epeedometer éhecked concerliing the new, Mausoleuin. ffighway 401 -- Akella Ber>, Snowden and B a- by a copee tfirrm." _______________________________________ loo Bob Barraball took two. Four young mnen pleaclet gui]- --- Cn-of -~ ~packs of Maple Grove Cubu on ç yt asaaulth-g a fiftiî Young I a weekend camping trip to thec mant because lie wouIdn't drive Provincial Park 8t Presqu'ilei the other tour aroundth ie court Point near Brighton. Cubs Pln-- try. 'Te-y lad ehac;ed him home sent were Davidi Barraiil. AI-' wjjen 1w trieci to avaid. an alter- $5.00 down - balance over 30 months bert Lebel, Peter anti George t- . .-______________________________________ f r ~~iHolmes. .Randv nodeBob at ss tn ?et-d , lintoff ad Ricky Mayberry. adwtty Lovurnd pent Iast week back the crowds wb.o assembleti' ley Snowden M thair cot±agè,; Io see te Queen and Prince Baptise Lake. 'VO U C A Nd G E T Philip when thiey passed tht-ougn3 Chat-lie }lester. Jr.. liaýq ne- ~~ Rrighton, so had a good chance turneci home aiter hi& stay in to see the Royal vixitors thern-! Batiff. Alberta, waere Her Ma-,: tf)ee n 42 r 1

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