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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1959, p. 2

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, PAGE TWO TEE CANADIA2< STA T~SMA7t 'RflW?~I A ?,rVTT T W £W'l' A Uri muni ths, with outstanding re- mdte oo oOtw.A ~ ~ I Association Honors lf he ene:hubBigsktceChief Four Thunder Man1rs Ede Orox IEVE co r e of ub seric RybndMaieg ftSundayj ofth men. mo~~~~~nrning for a holiday with his ACADEMY AWARD WENNEIRabu e>rphroftetr' UN ~~~~F. P. Galbrath- Was born in parents in Cache Bay.1 GIGI saebaix aceoaou 6 V eferan I'ublishers Guelph, Ont., but has lived in Mr. and Mris. George Mercer, Mon. - Wed., August 3 - Pai5iha yefrtewm IRed Deer, Alta.. since 1907. Hei Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rusk, Mviss ROYAL THEATRE e n nînimdzs o attnd ed verýeýs in oferta Peggy Enever and Frank Mid- With Leslie Caron. Maurice lf.AdLusJudneat and served over>eas in World ~~~~~~deton left Friday for a ten Ceair oi Judn th ewwoia neie A t C . l4 .A .A . C onvyentlion WrIw~h~ niversitv com- - . day's trip teNew fOreansd < ~ p erntîns REGINA- T'he highest honor nual convention of the associa-1 Canadia-iiLîblt Infantry until Mv.FncsQati. eeteare t uicalbe rem eînee tle-prfrkn i h bestowed by the Canadian We- tion in Hotel Saskatchewan here jwounded. He has- been 1On the JaniceFNancswho wer d née;th ar th and fection e. e enpa yLrnraeHr ekly Newspapers Association on jlast week. staff of the Red Deer Advocate Jain Orono, wSaturdaJl 1. al , de t.nîîeGigl.wh ie its members was given tO six 'More than 400 weekly editors 5iflce 1920 and is nowý editor and Mýîr. and Mrs. Nelson McRob- an h ehath.i t~\lilabenrrvla veteran mmes ite40ha-publisher. His commiunity ser- etAnTrotoead aserMak in usical ro- mebes t he4On n-and publîshers froni Halifax vice incîtîces two ternis as ai- Ldimancr sed a t e that bursts and flaresgrdm fGg.adIbe - ~ 10 Victoria were attendin h emrpeieu fteRLdingtnae pningte with color and iniagination lias en stewrll v ut W four-dav meeting iedrai r-iccl-ofteRdwe thM.nd rsRap to hear ex- Deer Board of Trade. presidency wecwt r n r.Rlhbeen turncd 0o11 by MGMN EaGnorî wlýcs a h péris on problems confronting ofteCN r eto ii ec n aiy uhsGigi. The storv is a dciightful gaoos~rî h.a h ofte-N i cto h Mr. and Mrs. Ray ule U-the irdusqtrv% and toD confer in- Senate of hi- Aina Mater. Mr. ; -adGoi.wr usso r confection about the maturing noitto h tr.rtts. fomah h ac thr nbet- Galbraith also is president of i n r.Jh hm sSn and romantic fulfilîment of-'a bratnin ewe or teIT mm duse eauir om MEstvaf-* and cager young girl ýn dnadaladoi ktn .i t Mrur ndo te- day.1 Paris at the turn of the century.Isreor ]cus egrc -IT TAKES AMO UNIT mnte Liver~pool Daily Po'st and Echo f..Mms. Mary Luxon. Roy Mer- - sgy ohsiae.adan Jh botlnssud ~ U7% FETU~The honorai- Life Member- 1Holdings btd. ver and Mr. and Mrs. Harry stuni gay shstagc n e na c ptastevlt Tc0 T4r iTships were conferred at the an- HuihE. Mu(Coniick- Was Mecer spnt undy ith M . d ta-ed in-\u CinFiéma-ta nual dinner on: F. P. Galbraith. born and educated in Montréal and lms. Bruce Mercer tM s.IcoDe andiefacolor and rank - î ý ra 0' Editor and Publisher of the Recd -and -tarted bis u.cwspaper car- on akeK-i ax-previous îMGi\Il iii a ai rç ifmvoetla JLuxon's cottage o ae- muia.beîcuh bv lrctrV- Deer. Alta.. Advocate. Hugh E. e er as a stfdent corrîespondent 1I shog. micl «M McCormick. Chairman of thei for the Montreal Standard. He Congratulations to M-T. a-,-d This Arthtir Frecd productioncetMieli.-dstso . MO E i 1Board, Moçnitor Publishing Co.i also servcd as assistant sports Mrs. Ray Martineil on the birth marks the first collaboration of uec n naiito on HEM ,Q Lt.. Montréal. Dr. S. N. W'yiin. editor of the Slandard anîd the ofterAna Pr oehs Alan Jas' Lerner and Frederick axetruhtecmrso Publisher and Managing Direc- Montu-cal FIeî-ald befou-e foîind- -ptl Loewe since their Broadwav.porrah dieorJsh LESU tor. Yorktown, Sask., Enterprise. nig the Moitlor Publislîiiig Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. Short, ad ht vFi ax.adrpe-Rtebr.Cnrbtn lr David Raymond,.Wilson. Editor Ltd. Il. now publisiies the Mon- aml, rntodae iti ' ents their first original musical iui 0teucu& lcn Honoî-arytne tiBeanrtfoMd . ev iinZsoefra Hollywood film. syeaentrlx h oght and -- .nIan . z-ubisuuer, The Shawinigan,, itor.The Xerdlun uî (rddn ani ,Mvadîe Hnrr he i of te aulteïaux tiehrmother, Mm ,E oser Lsi1aoipastctii yLriradLee Que. tanar. drw Kng lte West!iiotiiiExanminer. Mr. j at Indiaiî Head, Sask., Jul-v 16. were Leslie E. Barber,; and her brothers. ,oe th usoan aeltile_____________ fome onrno EioralMc1 -nic has always bec'uîef t, Cil.liwacký (B.C.) Pro-ress publisher, and Hugh E.i Mr. and Mrs. Jolînny Sar- liike moveunent. In the stou-î- Writer. The Estevan. Sask..î keenix- inte-ested i n sports and b ' ehuk and family. Toronto. aLad based onteovlbClt' ______________________Meî-ctry. Cameron Ross McIn- 1 plaved senior lcus.poio McCorn-uick of the Montreal Monitor ai an imnpressive; Mr. and MTfs. Bob Stainton an dnthnoebvClte. rRilrStahî tosh, MN.P.. President and Dire- ckc'v vith Les Canadiens andpo-n during the tortieth annual convention of the, farnily, Bowmanville, we Gigi i brotîght up by lier TI('KE theMoni~al Laoors.foobal Cnadaî Asocatin.Mr. Barber holidaying in their traier on grandmother. who. with an, tor North Battleford. Sask.. te oielfotalIaainWeekly Newspapers AsscTaton. FRYIdVHERRtli Newý Among theni the and on the Montre-aI untîr se-edsiIr cCoi-inick as presidient of the 725-member the lot besiie R. L. Hox- ut gvstî youngstei- the .Ciiî PLU~ING newv-iortoured rmembers hav e Ath:etic .w-zti ixxcierploas -&dlt nu bstwe ùf-eenîvo ar&it -lrg aodndtndd secssre ndsoneiie nît 1 RV aOV tt e~~a N ATINGniore than 275 ye ors experience teaini x-h n-lu xxon tht- cDom liil;n )d l. An onor bsoe nrq . tyo "k"ebarn dance in Allen Fosteî*ï-" ; esn nte r fcu 5Kng~.W A357 2Oi * n the -eekly newspaper field. Cliai-pionisliilp. fler-sne d nîei'liýv thii s priu branch of the Cree Nation. this barn on Saturday niglit.Teýtrn an h ellv aSERVCE Al] of thein aiso have -become the CWNA Il lite Conînin.- w-aýs xie'.x eciby the 400 dellegates to the convention as a dance was put on by thé baIl].Muie Ce:le rne -Australia in 19t553 and the toi- CL l.Nex* Sundai- church ser\vi -e lowing veau r aidand head- vouil ediours towai-d Caîîadian Indians. 'Mr. Barber wiîî be resumed at 11:15 a.mi. ed a tourt --l meîiasmsthe naine of a 90-vear-old Indian. Wagiah Doupe, with Mr. Hempstead of Co- and theïrii ve5t) -uu-ope, Ws: and becornes Chief Four Thunder. Mr. McCormnick, as bourg as guesi speaker. Rcv. i19o otiier business hiterests include Chief Eatile Bain. js now knot\n to the tribe as Chief 'R. C. White spoke on Sunday iheg aîîdencv f Granby- Print- LeîîO Khiovkt on the timely topir. "God Savel ngadPubli'slîiu eCo. and pres- i______ ____________ our Queen". E MA R U N H I0 BS idency o Hulou-n Ser-vice Ld. Mrs. W. Mercer. 'Mrs. PW.L Dr- S. N. Wyn-S a dhus _ Couroux and Mrs. Vance Al- nes caret-t. a ineuYdvil ~ len accompanied Mrs. C. on the ld Wes Torono Week Roachand family oterhm FO C EN II v and lheadcidw-estas àa 'a g 1C . P u l shr n Lakeiew endaev- FOniEN II an ta Youkîown wxve i estar-lAI1D1A -ng.FIS SHP E T 0 190 AP S ted xit.h the FEntcî-prise ni th- Some from here aItended FB T M M N City a s printe-. 'File fol1mIo V1/ VA1,' es cin the funeral services in Garden yearW.1.0A .lie xx s a poj Hili church Wednesdlay, Julv editran ubihe nc aQ,22nd for Fred Cann. who pasý- 1 HAS AiR E A PPETITE CONTROL semadito pblihe- a-i R NA-Le'lie E. Barber, towr Dormùnion, and John!ed away at his home Sunday Wt oeEpce al (Under bis directiton the En-pul;ke of the Chilhwacki Marsh ,Arnherstlourg Echo. evening fromn a heart attack. terprise bas heen cosistentlv <B.C..î P-rogress. succeeds Hugih Québec: Ives Gagnon. St. I 1&. and Mrs. borne Paeden Wt ATPTN N)NRO (WRUNERrecogiiized as one of tbf îo, E MCor-nijck of the Montreal John&andJeannvisi.d M. an Mr: sevn oReOh:ive(Wes iiCon Moitr a pesideni Of the Johns News. G.Gage, SI.,adJnvst M.nd r. svno il- -e-leinan iiîi ,a PIBert Thom pson Sunday. ada. He baýs liad i, oi xc-eptioli - cCauiaclhiitn Wecklv NewNspapers NwBusikJ oi c The sudden passing of James aIlyvigo-ou crer un comîmunî- Association. Mr. Barbers fath- enKigContR<d Sabckwsagathc WH~LER~T>ItNG iy serice ii bishometom, i, er. Chîarles A. Barber. was pre- 1 to bis relatives and friends Sar-asetndRgla ye srngon Ihe Cty- niiussex.ltin195.urday evening. He was walking ServinBord.Bûtît-i f ti. i esnt i heii Nova Scotia. George C. Mur-' across the road, at Kirby and the Hospital Boaud andi sex-era] ruail mept'ng af tbe 725-me-a- ray. Pictou Ai-ocate. and Fred while watching the car ap- tvolulnta-x-heali ogaî-aio bt-r asmýc;iatiouîelected Werden.-Bate na lsRylS~-proaching from one way mav Je H . B E -~ Pie degree of Doî toi of Lawxs Leax lis. Boit-on 'Ont.) Enter- ao.- not have noticeci the one com- i ~ot's- _____y5 Wascoîiferred on Iii in o 97î5 lpi-e. t vce-president and' Corninîttee chairman and'ing from the other direction,! Pa'nt and W Sor $ 3r.9ii5o icg--tco--.. îtdeWlLcln.Vre n etiberï of the board unludeiwhieh hit him killing hlm In-:i trbt x leveceklx- pi-c.eS hit xln.Erpire-Adv-ance. sec~- Chiarles H. Nolan. Stouffvilleijstantly. Our sympathv i x 3Kn t .Pxn A353 made in tlhe bidn1fCo ndv-ep-sdî: (Ont..) Tribune: C- lrwin McIn- i tended te bis family arld rela- ada's politica] c onsciaîîsness aund Naiimed dîuectors for British tosh. North Battieford <Sask. I,5. I ini moiuldiuig puiblic opinion. New-pinsjn Jms; - Hd1Columiba \vere G. Cecil Hack- s-tint; oh Jae. - David Ra\-monit Wilson ý- ftdexbtttcdNxs n rn Bowmanvilie (Ont.) Canadian! J u y a d L v i a successful ti-uu-cr for '22 i-cars ýR. Rai-ris, Ver-uon News. Roatston .John Pnckney, in bankîîîg before he hi-came a cpeeitigAbrt:tstw (Sask.) Eagle; Fred! Your Rexati Drug Store inwPae'an n t %was hus1Ptig.ëniOi aain tand its people thai.t per.suiodei'tl ai wrig ibune.aàStr MBONT. NIA 3-5778 8 W AVJI~Ihim to exilianige the leitgtr and taktiîwn vdSeeý Chronicle, Arthur Stanley. Na- the acounig mahinefoi. l î usp t B.C.) Arro-w lAkeïs News:t ______________ pd'ldei Shaunavouî Standaîdà: Kenri ý - G. Cjcil Day. Liverpool (N.S.t T ' e t t e I dummy priii A. Vo- be . ioneaer. JonAdx'ance. and Rusgell G. Shear- A. an: Daîdsn Lade. fer. Blenlheim (Ont.j) Newsç-Tri- I Se-1- Ente-priseanîd Harvey buil F rieseen. Winkler Peinbîna Tri- Give te J bgg~ :ELIZABETHVILLE - path: arrý engerWingharn n un -a nîrnii.g moigt of cnîuitx-weftaCatoifor serviceg at the parsonage. -- kin les.1H iengd field which cent Massey i Just north of the ~U fnu-ouI niovîu.g fromi his favor-* parsonage Most afi the congre- MmUe L- s i t ndr 1igedhpstgation of the iThree charges ofaW __ Il ri anayeî- ,oîci thie Canton circuit were able te l'le Standard w-lich serves the sec omîr Queen- and' Prince Philip St Maurice Volley cities of wh en they Ieft Hon. Massey's Shawinigan FaIls Gr-and 'Merer home on tlieir waý, ta ehurch in and La Tuque. He toi). has bail Port Hope. Writ2i microphones anartîtie <--cc(I- iico11) ut and radio the crowd wa.q able sevc va one ai tie found- to hear the serice that was 'gi- er o heSawga al l jflnS. Mark's Church, Port Cîiamîber of Comimierce. ati ser- ope. Thet w'hen the Queen i vd iii a leadiîîg capacity ii and Prince Philip returned to Guaranteed Lower raies for womenl j uePotestant School Board.- Hon. Masàey's most of the con. Rotav Clb. S. J he t Ev- rgatian had anotiter good view me oa uuerqieet'Wt epbwt h ais irelist Aniglican ChlîWch, ttue of thein. Due to the narrow road À A uw Mutual Life option guarantees - Mutual Lifeno povd yuwt ISIierhi-ooke Ilaspitai and the up from -the Highway 2 to the îsrnea fScwr'anCrigClub. 1-e! gateway the motorcycle gurd you the right te obtain extraolife insur- nuncaflerpniustnfo t lobs cuxe iia xCUIiewr nbel owt ie ance later on-up ta $90.000 additionaJ men - andreonzsta uar LO GAwAE ereg ir-Ra o untu-etable exper ince wé bui nurn l uua Lf u .ua ùîougivs Winnipeg City Bond j-una.Lifes newautomatic plan takes over. A expenses and icm hl adu anîd oi-gauiized the RoLileaul La- ar aiga oia Mutual Life extra! Your monthly pre- plus healtb insrneadmtri~ j ~~~~~ar aigahoia ihtri- mu sls hni oipymnhybnft (lies Cou-iert Band which won fends and relativey. sirrounding m»m i u ha n wua y oy. eofMfor dpnat-I nga,~ sex-eral îniliiary band camipet- Cobourg. I - wy.with governmen ln hr ntfer ilions iin Saskatchewan. ,M.Vr. and Mrs. K. Fowler re- N a u r i a al eiicRstId i nh ortd Artra a tnp Lae T alk it over wiy our Mutual man. A MutualLi inoxing tao QuiAppelle iii 1881. g e between Lake Mich., and joatemsmdrnevisheotataci W AE E T Rle is o graduate of Queen s Uni- Lake Huron. down throughanoatemtmde srvctematatatieavnsnle W A T R E A E Rty anedews techeand Miedi., 1 Dtrit ndWiidrà uretoday. Get protection at Iow net cau4 fronsTh principal in Outtax-to schools e thenhoe fore becoming a uewsman and hm. Lite of Canada- --tle company with the outatanding dvdn eod 73 o.tipoliticiait. Mr . Mc Iîtosh bougt t onlrte auzefd Nwsin 91 nit d K1A SM n~ty yeurs of ted4-rthip in mutual t14e £sra& -l Sm nhyCommuaos. fle wkis re-elected inJuci v Ssa a d J n;fland1ilt. 10W COST OPERA TION the geîîeral electiouis on 1926, their dog. spent the past twal 1930 ai-d 1935 and was one of glorious weeks camping a: Vaut' Gas company ce not *mpl0y door-tcdoor salesmeiu noir telephone the cariv propouîeuts of a naf- Sauble Beach- Provincial Park canvassers. For information about dealers ficensed by the Ontario Fuet Board tonial flag tor Canada.I-He was on Brucee Penînsula. to sel and istali aturalgas eqiPmentcati o writethe saes oeprtmenthe aInternationalh InThrrtionasThnoeSus n doyii SciSxool ta ou ndansal nauri gi quîmas clior rie te ale Dparmet a Iirî n enva;nhere Suiinaa. Many fram thîs » 1937 and ilu, a,,np of MP's cmmnt,,- , aog thse U w-ho atteîided tue Empire-Par- lining the route from Canton* -' l laî-nenari- Couference in Ber-1 to the Anglican church in Port niuda. Ris newspaper Jintereçs Hope to see the Queen andI ress, bîîught in 1949. the Op- Miss Catherine Stewart ana 'You'U ofways b. gid you cime.Noturai Gos» ',-.i îuist. houeht in 1953 anid the Mrs. A. Dobson motore east FLOYD H. MICKINLEY St. Walburg Enterprise and the to vi;ý1 tr5. sDobson's sîster. Mer Ave. Bowmanville. Ontario hn ~ .Paradim aHI Beacon. I luus. E. For resew, au. Westport TffE CANADI" STATESMAN. BO'ÇnIANVILI.Z. PPTXTTDQ1»% A AYý JULY 30th- 1959 -

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