?RURSDAY, JULY SOth, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BOWMANVULE. OUTAEIO PAGE T SM1TH - LOIWERY loist. Mr. Delbert Cowar<q of;' Keene, who sang "Oh Perfect1 St. Paul's Anglican Church, Love" as the bridaI party en- Bethany, wus the setting onl tered the cburch and "The Saturday when Nancy Adele Wedding Prayer" during the Lowery was united in marriage signing of the register. with Beverley Ray Smith of Lindsay.Given in marriage by her The rideis he dughtr ~father, the bride wore a floor Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson, length gown of white nylon ndjchiffon over satin, with a short', Lowery, R. R. 2 Bethany,an train. The fitted bodice was 1 the groom is the son of Mr. ai-d Mrs. Orvilie Smith, Lindîsav. offset with a round neckline The Rev. G. E. Meades per- i and short sleeves, witb which formed the double ring cere- she wore long white gauntlets iilnonv. Miss Jeann~e Coulter. to points over the b ands. music and accompariied the so- .Aedical Mirror Vaccinations for Foreign Travel 10 Work After 60 Q. U"hore mue I obeaun mior. Motion on vaccination requie.. mes.e. for eesgn raod? A. FrM your doctor or by writ- Mg for Public Health Service Publication No. 348 (30et per copy). Diect your request te the $Mpt of Documents, U. S. Gov. PrianmgOfice, Wasbington, D. C. Q.De.. wf. .aer 60 ehos- A. There aeema to bc no scientific a'*tueon wich to basc an an- swa.. Meaningful information of gde sort would bha bard to ob- tain. FSrmea thing, people do lot redfre "at random." Lufe ex- dpoehm ofau poplWho o la wcdtk, sMply bemunse many or 68s S' m hem reudred due Io Fme k ! ad U~ ~ai b -0" ro*"" qIeMsRolh.owmeNvit.E A Queen Anne headpiece of sequins and pearîs beld ber veil of tulle and illusion and! she carried a cascade of red roses and white stephanotis. The bride was attended by ' Mrs. Kennetb Sinclair of Pc- terborougb as matron of honor; Miss Ruth Kingsborougb, and Miss Barbara Mann of Peter- borug a bidsni~d1\1e r. and Mrs. Donald Bruce Leask are shown; gownls iere identical, of tur -1 quoise crystallete, ballerina; following their marriage in Zion United Church on length. fashioned with fittedISaturday, June 27th. The bride, former Winona Dianne bodice, round neckline dropplnigj Thompson, is the daughter of MVr. and Mis. Allan Edgarj to a V in the back and three- Thompson* Taunton. Mr. Leask is the son of Mis. Wm quarter length sleeves. They Jae Lk B 't i 1'f Ti wore, white feather bats with Jae eas, owmanville, anu th~e late M~r. LJeasft. matching white accessories and -Photo by Irelund Studio, Oshawa carried cascades of white shas- ~ ta munis. tndwt rseut taind wih a rouseautea or ICKS - FISHER Little Patsy Jewell of Whit-ao ao by. cousin of the groom, wore1 ber daughter Nancy, prior to Before a background of white white nylon over taffeta, with her wedding te Beverley Smith, standards of pink and wbite full skirt, the bodice trimmed'oSardy gladioli interspersed with ferns,, with a bertha collar, tiny tu1le' Pouring tea in the afternoon Melveen Joy Fisher, daughter bat trimmed with white flow- were Mrs. Edgar Ray of Lind-!i of Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Fisher, ers muchig witeaccssoiessay and Mrs. Leonard AtweIl, * Newcastle, becume the bride of and she carried a nosegay of Omnemee, graudmnothers of the! Mr. Barry Emmett Hicks in pink roses, bride a.nd groom, assisted by Newcastle United C'burch on; Everett Smith of Kitcbener, Mrs. Elmner Rowan and Mrs. July 23th at 3 p.m. Mr. Hicks wvas groomsman for his brother' perc Sarginson. In the even- is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.! and the ushers were Thomas'ing, Mrs. Cephas Staples and Hicks, St. Catharines. Lowery, brother of the bride,1 Mrs. Arthur MeQuade, aunts of" Rev. H. A. Meliow, Oshawa, and William Meath of Ottawa. 1 be bride poured tea. Assisting assisted by the bride's futher, The reception was beld in 1ti serving the guests were Miss officiated. Two duets, "Love Yelverton hall wbere the bride's Helen Strong, Miss Janice, Divine" and "Ill Walk Beside, mother receivd in a beige Timms, Miss Judy DeGeer, You", were sung by Miss Lor- lace beie accdesoriacha- Mrs. Morgan Crough. Miss Ca-, een Stanton,. Brooklin, and Mr. ingbeie ccesoiesan wer-rolyn Shier and Mrs. Frank Jack Allun, Newcastle. accon-' ing la corsage of yellow roses. Murphy. panied by organist, Mr. Nor- The groom's mother also receiv-maWilms ed, wearing a gown of powder Show ing the trousseau and Than bide, iamsi.mrrag blue lace with matcbing hat, the many lovely gifts were bv ridate, give a l-ra white accessories and crag Mrs. Kenneth Sinclair, Miss,- of~c psagross. Rutbi Kinsborough and Miss ed gown of "I Do" silk tuffeta.' .t1Barbara Mann, ai] of Peterbor- Th -ekie ftebdc For the boneyrnoon tripto and the inverted V design of Winnipeg and through the, ougb. the empiré waistline were both, southcrn United States the The Lifford Community ar- embroidered with seed pearîs bride donned a beige and orange ranged a deligbtful miscellan- and mather-of-peari sequins. 1 printed dress, with matcbing, eous sbower and the pupils of The bride's fingertip veil was beige duster, orange and brown King St. Schooi in Osbawa, beld by a crown of matching accessories and corsage of or- wbere Miss Lowery taught! pearis and sequins. She carried chids. On returu they wîl:. me- school duning the past year, a cascade bouquet of pink roises side at 55 Central Blvd. S., i held an afternoon party for and white stephanotis. Oshawa. her and presented ber with ai Miss Veldu Fisher, the bride's Mxs. Gibson Lowery enter- Carafe. -i sister, was muid of honor and 1*Uthe haut 6è" mu« P~~ S~ C0~ a$~& wwvf0 SMITH BEVERAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont.1 Celebrate Anniversariesf Baby Bond C W, En ni ski lien IA - An enjoyabie atternoon was -- spent Tuesday, July 21, at thei Shome of Mrs. H. McGil, when the W. A. and W. M. S. enter-1 tained the Baby Band members and mothers. The B. B. Lead-i ers, Ivfrs. R. Sharp and Mrs. R.1 -* Virtue reported 22 members enrolled and four graduatingq this year. Mrs. L. Ashton, President of' W.M.S., welcomecl the guests! and opened the meeting with the children's hymns and also, read an interesting letter from1 Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Angola,1 Africa. Mxs. E. A. Werry had charge of the worship, and the theme of the devotional was "Forgiveness". The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R. Vir- On te ocasin o his65t bfrhda andthetue. On t e o c so f h s 6 t it d y a d t e I en ei a i e w 45th anniversary as a chem ist with the same company, It e ing asd h da vie ea Mr. nd rs. . Reggr ofZurchSwiterlnd. guests pr esent. The one from Mr.andMrs H.Ruegerof urih, witerlnd paid the farthest distance was Mrs. a visit to their son and daughter-i-n-law, Ulrich and R~uth R. Stenger's six-year-oid grand- Ruegerandthei tw grnddaghtrs orneliaandson from Switzeriand, who; Rueger an thir wo raddaghtrs ornilaman e bv himself tn spend vaca- 1j Veronica, ail of R.R. 3, Newcastle. They were accomi- tion with his grandparents. 1 panied by their daughter Silvia. HA E OU H A the bridesmaids were Miss Mar- cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks garet Anglin, Owen Sound, and wîll reside at 155 Balmoral "«Life ls Just too much for' me," M.rs. Arthur Hewîtt, Chatham, Ave., Apt. 308, Toronto 7., the patient explained to the N.J. Their identical gowns were The* bride. who attended psychiatrist, relating a long tale of turquoise nylon sheer overBroin Pbcad W'tb of woe. "I need a solution." sils taffetargwith hare hem- High Sehools. received ber B.A. ,weil, we al have our prob- ba ntedrg.Tev bo reating- degree from Victoria Univer- lems," said the doctor. "«It will backintres. Tevwrhe- sity, Toronto. 1Mlrs. Hicks is a take years of treatinent and the bands and mittsof self mater-teceinTrnoM.Hisraelfftdlasanhr" il ahd carried cascade bou-i.a foer pupilonof. .Hcksrtth-tydlar nhor quets of pink and w1iite carna- isa foesePublic adoHfhSCh-sTeewssiec o ties.and also-a graduate of Victoria minutes, then the patient spoke Mr. Jack Hicks, brother of where be received bis B. Comm. up: "Weil, that's your problem the groom, was best man and, degree. He will be a Cbartered solved doc. Now how about the ushers were Mr. John WII«- Accountant when he completes mine?" son, Mr. Dave Lorenzen, St. bis course this Fall. Iev o sluin o i Catharines, and Mr. Gilbert Guests attended from Brook-tWe'vefo th slu tio" o i Little of Brampton. lin, Gore's Landing, Enterprise, are looking for a cleaner they For the reception in Newcas- Wbitby, Oshawa, Barrie, Wood- can put their confidence in. tle United Cburch Hall the ville, Cannington, Toronto, whether their problem is a bride's mother chose dusty rose Parry Sound, Sault Ste. Marie, soiled tie or their best evening organza over taffeta with Chatham, N.J., Dorval, Que., gown or dress suit. That's to mutching bat and white acces- Elmvule, Lindsay, Ottawa, St. brmng them to our place. sories. She wore a cors3age of Catharines, Waterloo, Hamilton, pink carnations. Assisting, Mrs. Fenelon Falls, Owen Sound, and HA E Y U V C Hicks wore beige shantung with Norton, N. B.RA E Y U L white lace trim, white hat and During the reception several C EA E uccessories. Her corsage was ofteîegrams îrom relatives and L A E sunburst roses. friends were read by the best For travelling the bride chan- man. These were sent from At- W ged to a sheath of f]oxvered ny- lantic City, N.J., Summerside, ion over white taffeta with a P. E. I., Edinburgh, Scotland; three-quarttir length duster, Norton, N. B., and Parry Sound, W pitk picture nut and white ac- IGA Royal Gold IGA Royal Gold Cheese c Suïces s Pkg. 25o ICreamaf 3uest of VA & WMS Mrs. R. Ashton, g(roup leader, called on thxe folown pro- gram. Vocal m-usic by Cheryl, Beth and Glen Ashton. We were glad to welcome back in our midst, Mrs. F. McLaughlin, Brooklin, who spoke to the aduits. Mary said. "If mothers could or;iy realize how impor- tant th ir task in the Christian home is," and gave illustrationis of problem children who are flot loved or wanted by anyone. It was decided to accept Mrs. E. Horn's kind invitation lci have our afternoon meeting on August 25th at their summer cottage, Williams' Point, Lake Scugog. Mrs. Allan Werry entertain- ed the children on the iawri during the meeting, and ut thie close ail enjoyed sandwiches, ice-cream and cookies. Somne people think that the easiest way to make a mounitain out of a moiehill is to add a littie d"rt ,A D TH S OE .P Bd. Leonie :ATION CLOTHES 0NGW! Ont.1 I I I. P?! <'f i v Ail Food Featureu Effective July 29. 30, l August lat Hawaiian Instant Ci Entry BIanks avaffable at LETS your local IGA Store for LETS Canada Packer's Sleeping EA T O UT York - 'ZrOff 9-.om J"s THIS WEEK BUTTE Mdapte Leaf Soop - Sae.4r Punch S48-.Ti33c BA- -4 39c awel0 Hu aple Leaf -UOcOff Hoed-Save CL6eD 1-o.t coffee 1 M . ar llH: $9 xun Corned Beet 12-oL. Tin :s c York - Save 10e Cioga rett~es Carton of 200 s $3e0 5 PEANTS - -29c JUST TWO 0F OUR NANTY NEAT FEUTURES GRADE "A" OVEN READY YOUNG HEN mikAL Tu rkeys Swift's Premium Fully Cooked Smoked Homs 10 to 14 lb average IL. Shankless - Skinless Whole or Half IL 57c FRASERVILLE - . gs French Frys 2 , 2 9C JUST TWO OF OUR NANT PIODUCE FEATIJIES FLAVORFUL ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 GRADE Tomatoes 6-qt. Basket Mild Green Alive with Flavour Onions . Bunch Radish Heaplug ~1329 Quart Box 29 A Hot Weather Favourite .Cucumnbers 3 for1l9C Volume No. il Now on Sale! Check Tour ICA Sprimg and Sumoe Catalogue HOMEMAKERS ENCYCLOPEDIA I Previous editions stili available. Supplemeit For Summrtirn Ndu. SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville IGA Market wRbo 'Toms' IGA Market amwcrnm,GTAI 0 0 0 c 70 Long weekend recipe eçkv~e~3~ FREE! 1 - 6-ou. jar Reins MUSTARD wîth the purchase of one ILb pkg. Mapi. Leaf Wieners 49c "MPMAY, JULY 30th, 1959 Tm tk«ADL« STATISMAN. BOWILtNvnj..& ONTAM PAM vw-