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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1959, p. 5

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THU1~SDAY, JULY 3Oth, 1959 STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE~ ONTARIO PAGE FIYl Werry»-Wr! ghtm-Philj HoId 86th Pîcnic at The Wer - Wright - Phiip' ces, contests and awards. The famiies gathered at Hampton oldest member present, James on the third Saturday in July, Arthur Werry, 86 years, Ennis- this year the l8th, for thein an- killen, who later was seen fluai reunion. The day was fine, playind goal, ini the hectic foot- weatherwise, ideal for the 86th bail game; the youngest, the picnic cf the clan, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. The main meal was at noon! Keith Van Camp. The largest and most arrived in time for a family present., Mm. and Mrs. hot dinner. One hundred and Ross Lane and Mr. and Mrs. fifty enjoyed this repast. Miss Fred Wright tie). Those pres- Florence Ferry was in charge ent from the farthest distance, of registration and members Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Hull, weme present from Richmond Que The newest marmîed cou- Hill, Sunderland, Toronto, Can- ple, *Dr. and Mms. Clark Werry, nington, Cedarville, Nestieton,1 Toronto. The winners in races Hull, Que.; Blackstock, Oshawa and contests were: Girls 4 and and Bowmanvile district. under: Heather Donreli; Boys, Mr. Bert Luke, praident, pai I Stanley Lane; Girls 5, 6, 7: Le- tribute to the memory of those anne Dorreil; Boys, John Lane;, who bad passed away during Girls 8, 9, 10: Elizabeth Thomp- the year. There was some dis- son; Boys, Wayne Gibson; Girls cussion concerninrg the continu- 11-14: Ruth Werry, Boys, Doug- ance cf the family tree and fur- las Lane; Single girls 15 and ther plans were made. Mrs. over: Aileen Van Camp, Boys, Ralph Vitue, treasurer, pre- David Wenry: Married women, snted hem report and the min- Mms. Ralph Larmer, men, Keith utes of - a previaus executive Van Camp; Girls' Shoe Scram- meeting at the home of Mrs. B. ble, 9 and under, Janîce Wright, Starr, Kedron. were read. boys, Donald Werry; Girls' Dr. and Mrs. John Werry three legged race ..over 9, Mur- headed the nominating commit- iel Lane, Ruth Wenry, Bcys, tee and the following officers for 1960 were accepted: Past president, Bert Luke, Toronto; President, Dr. George Werry, Larmer, Blackstock; Recording Secretany, Mrs. Harvey McGill, Enniskillen; Corresponding Se- RODMAN - WILSON cretary, Mrs. Elton .Werry, R.AHet edigwssl R. 2, Bowmanville; Treasuren A priettyn weddien wasbso- Mrs Raph irte, nnikilenterian Church on Satumday, July The committee of managemenlt 25th, at 2:30 o'clock when, be- -Mr. and Mrs. Percy Swain, fore a lovely setting of femns and Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Allan bseso ht yTne n Werry, Enniskillen; Mr. and bseo white hyd!oiRav nalad vill eorge.WnitMrs. Willam- Campbell of Elliot Lake offic- vill: Mr and Mrs.Willamîated at the marriage cf Eunice Werry, Kedron. Mae Wilson, daugbter cf Mr. The sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlowe, Mr. and Herman Russell Thomas Rod-1 Mrs. Dalton Doreli and Roy man. Mn. Rodman is the son of Werry, ail of Blackstock, pre- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rodman, sented a fine programme cf ra- LileBitin Specia is in PERMANENT WAVES Wived by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE MISS VIOLET ZACHANOWICH formerly of Mille'a Beauty Salon le now a member of eut staff. FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $75 For -__$_7.95 Rleg. $12.5095 Fer 9.95____ Reg. $15.01.9 Fer 11.95___ SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. Huyck wiIl b. ber. o Tues., Wed. and Fr1. te do the team and regular waveu Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairsiyling Studio a7 KIng St. W., Blowmanvlfle The Wedding Prayer andi Lord's Prayer were sung iby soloist Mn. Ernest Herron, and Mrs. David Wilson was organist. The bride, given i. mamiage by hem father, wore a faonr- length gown of white silk or- gana aven net and taffeta de- signed with a chapel train. The short-sleeved bodIce featured a sweetheart neckline and she wore a single strand peani neck- lace. On ber bouffant skirt were tiny appliques of petit point lace. With ber gawn tihe bride wome matching elbow-length gloves ooming to a point over the hand. A raised bandeau headdress of sequins and seedi pearls held a softly caught f in- ger-tip veil of tulle illusion tnimmedi with lace. She carried a white Bible and a cascade of white stephanotis and pink sweetheart roses. Maid of honor was Miss Gwen- dolyn Wilson, only sister of the bride, wearing a ballonina iength gown cf pale pink nylon cov- ered with pink hand embroider- ed flowers over darker pinic net and taffeta underskiints. It was fasbioned with a sweetbeamt neckline and tbe full skirt was emphasized witb a cummerbund andI bustie of pink taffeta. Tht flowem girl, Miss Nancy Boy- chyn, Toronto, wes adorable in a paie pink nylon dress with a full skirt and deeper pink sash. Bath attendants wore matching pmnk gloves and flowemed band- eau headdresses. Mie maid of honor carried a basket cf paie blue and pink carnations while thie flower girl carried a petite basket of baby 'muras and carn- ations. Mr. Norman Lyons, Uxbridge, wes best man and the ushers were Mr. Ronald Brooks, Bow- maniville, and M. Garth Hetz, Fairview, Pa. Tbey were smart- Anniversary Sale SIKGRTS __$9 Regular $3.98 --------- OnSale -----$1-------- 98 BARGAIN TABLES 79C and 98C CORDUROY JACKETS Sizes 1, 2 and 3 years Regular $2.98 -----$ , John & Judy Shoppe Ti King St. E. Bowmanvile G;UARANTEED HEAJRINO, OUR SPECIAL GUARANTEEI Ocaen mthe uet ftott&W hearing instrument for tbf..montha, wMthàaspeccil mony-back suaratm .Hm i n bow. the M&Sc uante works Aflet wçarmg th. instument fer tbres mnths according to oui hut"ons, bave your mwn cr specmalst mr phyui ch eck its upmaico If ho k net compleWcy aatfled witheh renutsye haveg buaind, amdwo amn" abto adM t <o met bisrequireumt, ve wM t"nmratye .fûB urcmeaprie, kleS. ly thé orinal *of fthi.e «rinffl madce spedagly forjeu At vuau typmset borasim unzfts Oued amn baud ona 'FREE' audlometratust amade bjedlad hb&agad audiosts.. Au appadaimMtm'y bemade withoot aujobbsiatioce jour put. pFamiIies uClebrale -5Oth Anniversary Hampton Douglas Lane, David Werry; Marmied couples' three legged race, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dom- reli; Sack Race 10 and under, Girls, Heather Dorrel Boys, Ewart Werry; Ladies shoe kick, May Werry, Men, Harvey Mc-i Gi; Hula Hoop Ladies, Aileenl Van Camp, Men, Bud Montgom- ery. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton prepared a special orange and lime drnX for everyone in the aftemnoon and Eskimo pies were given t ail. A hearty vote of thanks was *# , extended to the retiring pre- kt sident, Bert Luke, Toronto. The same date, the thîrd Saturday W.~ in JuIy, and the same place, +* U ,5" Hampton Park,was chosen for the 1960 picnic. Among those missing this 4 #- yeam were the Elford family, ~'. , Islay, some of whom are usual- iy present each year. A base- 'Y~ b. Ibail game and a football game *. was enjoyed by players and!~ spectators. About ninety-five! 4î down to supper, bringing toaa close a memorable day for the Wemry families. 'dinqShown above are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brooking. Jng54 Liber "y St. North, who on July l3th last celebmated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. In the background ly attired in white jackets and i a glimpse may be seen of a garden umnbrella and table, dark trousers. Ring bearer was a gift from their children and families. Master Kevin Herron, Nestie- ton. At the reception held in the A Sudy coo omte rd'Many CashPrizes Are coming dress of pale blue Chan 'A accessories anid a corsage of pinkaiin at he C N.E carnations. To assist Mrs. R orC ok nd C nn r man chose a lovely gown of mint F r C o c n a n r green shantung with matching accessories and corsage of yelîow The uncrowned queen of the gories as well. carnations. aven cornes into hem own at the Junior ' chefs share in Homne For the honeymnoon ta CNE on Wednesday, Septem- Bakîng and Canning Day too. EasemnCandaandtheUntd ber 9-Home Baking and Can- Satesrtheabrde adnne asmtdning Day. If you have a magi- Boys and girls under sixteen poatswderie nn enasemble cal touch with pastry or are can enter the speciai juniorl pwh matchin acesembale a whizz with preserves y'ou can contests with cakes. cookies and pink mcrs age. sOhi etuan win a prize with youm special- muffins. Entry forms must be Mm. cndorsg.ROdn ti rmte ty. Should your piece de esist- received at the Canadian Na- thMr. hodme inrodmnto, Ont. ance bé sponge cake or cherry tional Exhibition by August 3rd. thei hom inToroto, nt. jamn you might win first prize So write immediately to -Mrs. The bride, a graduate of Pet- of $50.00 in these special coin- Elsa Jenkins, Manager of Worn- erborough Teachers' College is petitions, and, of course, cash en's Activities, Canadian Na- on the teadihing staff of Buchan- prizes are awamded for ail the tional Exhibition, Toronto for an. Public Sehool, Scarborough. other baking and canning cate- , ules and entry forms. The groom attended Little Bri-- ain High School and. is an em- ployee of General Motors of Canada, Oshawa. Changing of Guard Many cards and letters of con- gratulations weme received by the hap'py couple, also a tele- l f who is holidaying ini Kingston, l rf i C r m n gamfo Ms Jye riim D 'he Ladies' Aid of thie Nes- On ariament Hill tieton Pesbyterîan. Church cat- ered for the reception. The wed. OTTAWA-A new kind of tradition that la poving to be ding supper was capably served red coat is attmacting the atten- a popular tourist attraction. by several f'rîends of the bride, tion of visitors ta Canada's Cap- Eahm nngtesepiad Mrs. Stuart Dorrell, Mms. Rossi ital this summer. Eing tor Peace stoe ad Ricaly r s.NeilBle, MsD rs. Red coated RCMP officers parapet ovem-looking the greenî- RhdVanCamp, Miss Dce oeen have long been a tradition on carpeted iawns in front of the anCa Miss Jorl yce Hooey. Parliament Hill. Now a daily Parliament Buildings are lined andiMis ShileyGilbnk. haîf-hour ceremony-the Chan- with visitors as the colorful g-ng-0 4.e- -a,,- eire eeoytkspae Family Picnic Celebrates 5Oth Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Emnest Brook- ing, 54 Liberty Street North, were pleasantly surprised on Sunday, July 12tb, when their family took tbem on a picnic party at Cedar Park. The x- casion was in celebration cf Mr. and Mrs. Brooking's Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mm. and Mrs. Bmookin.g, whose maiden name was Rosalie Has- kil, were married 50 years ago by scarlet-uniformed meinhers of the ist Battalion, Canadia'i Sbartly after 10 a.m. more Guards is establishing a newV than 40 members of the unit, ________________________i. full ceremoniai dmess, and accompanied by thein bands, are very very tired. march on to Parliament Hil. There was a splendlid attend- The ceremony takes about 301 ance at the United Chumch Sun- minutes ta complete and in-1 day morning when the following cludes a mamch-past with the babies received the sacrament salute taken by a senior officer. of infant baptsn- Blair Ho- ward, son of Mn. and Mns. Han- The Ist Battalion, Canadian vey Grahanm; Douglas Glenn, Guards, which perfonnis this son of Ms. and Mss. Glenn Lar- Ceremony on Parliament Hill mer; Ruby Louise, daughtem cf is poviding the Govemnor Gen- Ms. and Mns. Richard VanCamp; eral's Household Guard at Ri- Barry Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. deau Hall. This unit is station-~ Keith VanCamp; Timothy «Victor ed at Petawawa Military Camp Howard, son of Mn. and Mrs.. and is commanded by Lt. Col. Bob Whaler. Rev Romnide livened a fine sermon fmom the subi ect, "Whet is the Business of Business." in Winnipeg, Man., on July-1 i3tb., 1909. Their three child- Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dommeli ren, Marjorie (Mms. C. Brani- and girls are holidaying at Lakel gan), Lloyd and Allan tagether Placid, N.Y, and other points with their families, were ail enroute. present for this happy family Gordie Malcolmi spent iast gathering. Ms. and Mss. Brook- week with the Laurence Mal- ing 'have ten grandchildren and coIrn's, Nestieton. eight great-grandchildren. Misses Jean and Joan Wood- Upon returning t hi week with their aunt Mns. Stan- home n LiertyStreet, their ford VanCamp. family pesented the honomed Smah setný_ r n couple with a beautiful garden Syptyi xede m n tableand mbrela. ad a'Mns. Wes Pearce in the deatb of tabl an umrell, ad ahis father Mn. John Pearce, Scu- loveiy bouquet of red roses. gog on Friday evening. Foiiowmng the presentation a. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- tasty lunch of delicious anni- ville, spent Saturday at Mr. and versary cake and tea was sorv- Mss. Ernest Larmers after tbey ed.- three arrived iback fom a weeks trip ta Ottawa, Thousand Islands etc. BLACKSTOiULf Guests from Blackstack at- tending the wedding of Mr. Hon- 7 he finst Blackstock Cub Pack main Rodman and Miss Eunice went ta camp recently, B pracki Wilson in Nestleton Preshyter- going from Wednesday to Frîday 1 an Chut-ch Satumday were:- and A pack frorn Sunday to 1Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli, Mn. Tuesday. and Mrs. Richard VanCamp, Mr. They were under tbe leader-! and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Miss D. ship of Lawrence McLaugblin, i VanCamp andi Miss Joyce Hooey. Harold Martyn and Gerald As- Miss Hilda Bennett, Tomanto; seîstine with assistance fom Miss Mytirle Bennett,' Midland; Roy Graham and Dlton Fisher Mrs. Arnold McGee and Mns. muchthesam actvites ereJim Hilligan, Fenelon Falls, carried on at botli camps. B John McKee. uetsof rs pack built a dam which enabled Mmon M its.Heb inDo the Cubs te, swim in thle creek. . and Ms ebSan o adRalph, Mm. and Mrs. Clar- Games were piayed wbich ence Manlow spent Sunday with weme both lots of fun and in- Rev. and Mns. Milton Sander- structivo and trought .good son* at Kawatha Park, Stony spotsmansbip ta the fore. Bath Lake. packs went to View Lake for!Mn. and Mins. Earl Oliver and swim parade andI the followng. family moved into the Frank Cubs received tiheir swimming!1 Stinson home in the village badge - Dennis McLaughlin,' Saturday. Douglas Metcalf, Bonald Min- Mr. and Mss. Perey Burton, shail and David Mackie. Mms. Albert Mason anid Mirs. D. Two mothers each time tookj Burton, Toronto, called on Mrs. cane of two meals a day, which Norman Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. was very much appreciated by Wili Taylor and Mss. Gea. Craw- the boys and leaders. ford Sunday. One of the highlights of A Messrs. Earl Donnell and Har- pack was the making and erec- aiod MicQuade spent Sunday with tion of a sign calling the camp, i Mr. andi Mrs. Roger Domeil and î 'Camp Trewanda." family at Presquile Paint near Every year the new cvubs con- Brighton. Matin Domnel e- sider this camping adventume tunned with his grandfather for agreat exponionco as many have a holiday. nover camped out béfome. The, Mn. andI Mms. Fred Dayes, Lor- leaders would like to, thanik ail raine and Jim saw the Queen the friends wbo supplied tents-, and Prince in Port Hope, Sun-_ helped with thie camp befone day and enjoyed a trip around the boys moved in, and the nia- Rice Lake. thers Auxiliary for their wil- Forty-two membens of the ling belp with the food. VanCamp familles enjoyed aj The mathers report since, the picnic at the cottage of Mm. and1 boys came home happy but very Mss. Stephen Saywell Sunev Uuod an the. leders report they atternooni. Ton were absent .1 R. S. Graham., C. D. of Winni- peg. Another feature of interest to Ottawa visitors during the surn- mer months is the band con- certs that are being held twice weekly. The band concerts which are also held on Parlia- ment Hill, take place on Mon- day and Friday evenings and are under the direction cf Capt. J. M. Gayfer. These ceremonies were au- thorized by the Governiment as a result of a brief submitted ta the Prime Minister by The Ot- tawa Board cf Trade. BLACKSTOCK Miss Marion Kaumeyem, Nia- gara Falls, is visiting Miss Ca- therine Bailey. Rev and Mrs. Merrill Fergu- son, Miriam, Pauline and Jaye. Toronto, spent Friday evening and Saturday forenoon with Mr. and Mns. Ceci Hill. This week they move ta Stratfomd where he bas accepted a charge at Parkview Church. Mr. and Mrs. Granit Ferguson Ian and Mary spent the weekend with the Roy Femguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain and family spent the weekend with the Roy Turners at Co Hill. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Hoskin visited friends in Fenelon Falls, Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Carl Wrighit at- tended a wedding in Coe Hill Saturday then visited friends in Bancroft for a few days. Mms. Jas. Henry, Miss Ger- trude Henry and Doris Griffîn spent Monday with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Hobbs, Oshawa, visited Su'nday with Mn. and Mrs. Bob Wheelem and family. Mrs. Frank Butt, Linda and Lawrence, are spending a hol- iday camping in the Madoc dis- trict. Mr. and Mrs. Orm Venning, Blowmanvile, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venn4ing and family, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morow, Hilton, were Sunday guests of Mrn. andi Mrs. Richard VanCamp and Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Rudi Heaslip and gnanddaughters, Toronto, who are holidaying at Williams Point were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp. Mr. and Mss. Frank Cook, Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tyler, Dauphin, Manitoba, weme Saturday dinner guests of Mr. andI Mrs. W. Archer and Mn. De- ver and Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Miller, Whitby, were supper guests. Mrs. A. C. McDougald, Sharon and Tony Knott, Marion Ross and Mrs. A. Hodgins, St. Mary's wene Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. Glenn Larmen. Miss Elaine Shenson, Scarborough, visited the Larmers durin~g the week. Misses Nana Vennlng and Dot Imery, Lindsay, are holidaying with the Chas. Vennings this week then ta a cottage at Trent River. Mn. and Mrs. Ed Harris, Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham called on Mrs. B. Ruthenford, Peterbor- ough, on Sunday. Gant-y and Linda Venning went ta Port Hope Sunday and saw Queen and Prince. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Powems, Lindsay, were Wednesday guests andi Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Wat- kins andi Garry, Tomanto, were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain. and family. lTravel expenditumes cf Cana- dians visiting other countries during 1958 wene 3.6 per cent higber in 1959 than in 1958. The 1959 figure., $544,000,000. Nearly 2,000 plants are en- gaged ini fumniture making in Canada. ýOVI' Cryderman and Ruse' Familles Hoid Reun ion Cryderman-Ruse familles was held at Greenwood Park oni Sat- urday, July 18. About 57 gath- ered to enjoy the bot noon meal and 45 more came during the afternoon to join in the sports, swimming, supper, and to re- new acquaintances.' The sports were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Merv. Cry- derman and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith of Oshawa. The contests were enjoyed by those taking part, as weli as those watching. Ail were delighted with the prizes and treats provided by the committee. Although the weather was warm and threatening rain clouds appeared, ail enjoyed theniselves very rnuch. Rain came during the supper hour, but ail were under shelter and visited ail the more to drown the noise of the rain on the metal room. We were ail very sorry to learn that our Pre- sident, Frank Ruse, Long Branch, had to return to his home before supper due to ill- ness. The business meeting was capably conducted by Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, between showers. The chairman of the nomin- ating committee, Russell Van Horne, Whitby, brought in the new siate of officers for 1960 which was unanimously adopt- ed as follows: President, Mrs. Chas. Wrightman, Newmarket; Vice-President, Don Ruse, Eg- bert; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. E. Cry- dernian, Enniskillen. The following committees were to choose their own as- sistants: - Reception Comm., Mrs. Tyne Cryderman, New- market; Sports Comm. - Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cryderman, Newmarket; Table Comm. - Mrs. John Hopkins, Mrs. Or-' land Elford, both of Newmar-' ket, and Mrs. Don Crydernian,ý Toronto. Discussion followed as ta lo- cation of next year's picnic, but was voted to be left with the incoming executive, the date to be the same, if possible, 1. - the third Saturday cf July. Af- ter discussion it was moved. seconded and carried that we cail the picnic next year for 2 p.m.; sports ta be at 3:00 p.m. and supper at 5:00 pa. Mr. M. Cryderman, Osbawa, convenor of sports committee, then gave special prizes to the following: Eldest lady, Mms. Beecher Cryderman, 83, Isiing- ton; Eldest gentleman, Mr. Ai- ian Cryderman, 80, Sutton; Couple who came the farthest, Mm. and Mnr. Ray Bielby, De- troit, U.S.A. Our new president was then called upon for a few words. Several others who have not been with us for a number of years also expressed their plea- sure at being able ta meet with. ail again. Ail hoped ta meet again next year and promised ta help bring others with then.. ELECTRIC LTrD.~ CONTRACTING REPAIRS« REFRIGERATION- ELECTRIC' MOTS -SALES -SEIRVICE .V.- RADIO - APPT] ANCES Fi'Iý 911311E " 'b0 * 44 Denhertog 's Clothing BOWMANVILLE BARGA&IN TABLES 25SC 50C 75c $1.o0 Example: CAPS NEN'S SOCKS GIRLS' SHORTS BATH TOWELS SOCKS GIRLS' COTTON .T - SHIRTS PANTIES BLOUSES BOYS' SHIRTS Girls' Dresses --1.2à5 - 1.50 -m 1.98 - 2.98 rAil Ladies' Dresses - Blouses Skirts 20% OFF1 Men 's Work Shirts m m -m-2Ifor $2198 2 Heavy Bath Towels m m m-mI for $1129 MOVING TO 43 KING ST. W. (FORNERLY MARIS JEWELLERT) DON T READ THIS if you're not lnterested ln saving on Summer Footwear. We are Clearing AUl Summer Footwear. Making Room for Faîl Stock We still have on hand many shoe bargains Women's Pumps and Wedges- $1.49 - $5.99 Women's Naturalizers $10.95 Good Variety on Our, Bargi Tables 99e te $3.95 Men's Summer Shoes, reg. $7.95 $5.95 Men's Summer Canvas Shees, reg. $3.95 - $2.98 Still Many Children's Shoes for Playtinie--- $1.19 te $2.49 These are just a sample of aur sale shoes. Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE SALE TRURSDAT, JULT 30th, 1959 PAGE TM ,,,, -,-STATESM«. BOV;MANVUlj& ONTARIO lu 'e *e%7

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