PAGE arn TEE CANADIAY STAmMAN. DOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. J~ULY 3Oth. 1959 with Mr. and Mni. Bowen of Bronte. Excerptsfrom "T e Clan"Miàs Heather Marie Lane, in-G a a a k fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane of Halifax, was chris. tened at the regular church pator, Rev. R. C. White. Mr. ye~OThadGo dye r ideig fsfax but Mrs. Lanety aJghtrBy Ed. Youi EdtrRusell Oke of Good- 25 year service pins at a special Town Clerk's staff. started in are remnaining for a time.y yersWngfoot Clan for Bow- ceremony presided oven by the Goodyear office June 1Sth Miss Dorella Lancaster is hol- manvllehadplenty of mater- Plant Manager Charlie Cattran.. as stenognapher, teletype andl idaying at a Girl Guide Camp Meixbers of the Ganarska laitowok n or icJuy s-An unusual family tie-up saw part tume switchboard openator. near Bobcaygeon. River Conservation Authority su ftefcoyogn eSandra Heal, nee Coole, Carole The local plant is wonking M.a1 r.Ro imu eetke natu fDr puue of e ffltorth n e-ga dLn. We, ag- he adahatml n nandjson Michael of Toronto and ham Forest recently by E fuito seciers fo teobne- trsok h te Pryciug- itre ad hItmie order Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephenson, Youngman, the forest caretak- futo!thoe itien wh d no trs f hre a tn rcîpensof convevor belting for Can- Debbie and Jill, Clankson, were er, andi ended the day inspect- work in Goodyear, but have an present for the event. They tee ada's largest grain elevator now necent visitons with Mrs. Geo. ing the construction ofa dam interest In mafly o! the people are Goodyear employees. adr cntrcin a who do. Jc . atv fCb ur. oeauconstubctin t aie ( Ovens. 'at Garden Hill where the au- Jackis anatieoCoburg,___________c. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White, thorlty will operate a park with Bill Nichols Retire& George hails froni Bobcaygeon Mr. andi Mrs. Melville Samis andi a 30-acre pond. Bill Nichais of Dept. 274 Ieft and Morley is a Bowmanville- Mr. andi Mrs. Don Stapleton at- The meeting conveneti ati the conipaniv on retirement. te. Howard was born in Dal- North Nesilelon tendeti a silven wedding celebra- Durhami Forest heatiquarters stan. Ontario. June 3th, after over 37 yeartz tion helti at the home 0 n and a business meeting waý with the companyv. He was Other service pin presenta- Wlo rus o r bor inCautic. bt XI tidens in June went te Frank Mrs. Herb Taylor. Blackstock. imtPos o n held in the open air. Bowmanville at an early ae. Hooper with 30 yeans, William Msettheweekendlwctlm. a ThFed mpToddf.te ommn. Durhami Forest, owned by the He started with Goodye anrin Bates and Eddie Clapp with 25 M s arneMlcl..Tesmatyo h omn United Counities, and planted 191 ard hs ben hen siceyears: Lanry Hardcastle, Austin; Mr. and Mns. Edgar Emer- i ity Io exten'ded ta Mn. Wm. Hal- and managed by the Ontario 1911 an has ben ther since Steplins and Jim Graam sonand fowell DonMthe pas1 lingl o! he sabingoof eparti-entpaofen LaodLands dndFor- excePt for sickness-enfarced ab- Sehn n i rhm snadfmlDnMls vis- ther, Mr. Jake Hallowell, who ct a treiaot1 en sences on three different occe- with 15 years and Georgedhi M s 94. The funeral service w zs w aore tGaraskaabouthonitvr abus. ~~ ih 10geeVin-Malcot mEmerson, during the hî ttueUiei hrh eW-wform ted, sud cse utyit Flow eprtenalWalter Goode andi Murray week. Christophen remaining ,wltte oniMteday. l Nw wgfom ddcneutl Flo eatetl safTighe toak a gaod-nature d rlb- Iwith bis grandparenfs. t n. ae n iMrs asKend e tresare oer aud more members presenteti him ithMrbad r. gs - di mature than those in the au- a chaisette lounge and lawn f lu i The "Ramblin' Round" Mn. sud Mrs. Kenneth Sami- andi family a! Toronto visited thority's own fonest. char. onean li! Saîs unin. Walter took his beagle elîs and Auna, spent Monday Mrs. Ralph Boughen on Suuday. conucair. thoersentCi ati sd ho und fishing and founti if was with Mr. andi Mrs. Melville Sami- Messrs. Tupper Johnstou, Roy 12 Years Ago aise took Bil] ou'. to lunch in a real retniever, When Walter elîs and girls, who werc in a, Smith, Dave Denault, Willis The finst plantings were th raiina aner cast his hune into the waten, the cottage at Fenelon Falls. i Jones, Willis Farrow and Frank madie in the Gananaska Fonest, thesta ithe c man. Biî as beagle toak off anti caught the Church Service was well at- Gilmer wene weekend guests o! much of which is adjacent ta nihave laads of time ta de- ho nhsmuh twssnetueio udywe Mr. M.Wilbert Hancock at his cot- Durham Forest holdings, about vlot î eae the hoak cauld be gar Robert Werrv, Kedron was nh tage at Lalze Chemong. 12 years aga. Mn. Youngman is vot t hs elvedflwe gr-exfnicated and thcu it caughit 1 speaker. Miss Gloria and Janice The sympathy o! the commun- caretaker of the west half of den. -fin Walter's trousers. lf's almost Sadier tavotîreci the cangrega- ity is exteuded ta Mns. Ennest the Ganaraska Fore.sit, as weil Four complete 25 Years tiaken for granted that next tion with a fine diiet. Eley on the passiug of her mo- as of the Durhamn Forest. Jack Coale, Howvard Jefferv, tie the dag wih] stay home. oe Morton, Oshawa. andthnMs.SdeDrro!T- The tour iucludcd parts of George Pundy and Morley Oke Murray Tighe. a would-be Miss Sandra Fergusan, B3lack- onto an Tuesday. The flawers the Dunhani Forest where red reccived their diamond stude golfe'-, tried out Bowmanville's, norcurhfnly onn -- - -- - ewstock, visited Miss Gloria Sadi- ,in aurliahurch Sundut imornin nwcourse necently. On tee lr.were in îoviug memoîr of Msg painhnigfi aea up I j ~~nuruber 3, hie took a hefty 1r Drury. placed there by her Mndaee u-ofi pai FOR THE BES? [y 1 f l and s. e n d a.f ain hnin o' aeasp swing. dubbed the bail and it Rxa-dM~ evo av ghter, Mrs. Eley. MGeo - IIIHowevcr, the club slip peti ouf M ns. Mackie on Sunday. anto is spending.a few days with i KEDRON1 AMERICAN of bis hands anti went flying Cards are caming fram the, her sisten Mrs. Raymond Bruce. l' STANAyDdsl beyand the bail anti land- Victar Malcolnm family vvho are -Mrs. Albert Wood entertained STN ADe nthe water hale. on a motar trip ta the westI friends aof her daughter Marlene BATHROOMS Shawers and presentations coast, visiting frientis and ne- Business Directory were held for thnee staffers, latives, alang the way. onbithd asiowof a arbecedin- DURO fMary Lee, Paf Stocker aud AI- Mrs. Herb Vine has netunnet edbr. Guesfswere Joanr Hmueli- WATER Ilan Wray who wene about-to- home affer spending a week A OUf tancY ton. Yvonne Hicks, Janice Cnaig SYSTE Sor had alneady been married. with her daughter Mrs. Reg. and Karen Pascoe. SYSTEMS F~rank Williams of Dept. 218 Middlefon and family in a cot- RAY J. DILLINGMrad s.WleDvi B. had a thriiling experience at tage at Port Elgin.CetfeiPbcAconnt ud'adMr. rarDvi FAIRBANKS-MORSE icotg.H a prtn etfePulcAcutn an anl nydahldy c iotbae. He as oph.eatn 93 Chunch Street at a cottage on Lake Simoe HEATING i1 oubaar laI 3f-ig8t1He1 stooti up tf give the matar cord fT~mNMne -81Mn. andi Mrs. James Peigîy a pull. If starfed easier thanflL U WM. J. H. COGGINS Mutenhel Anein . e aiid Cail Colleet he expected anti he feli ouf of HoCbantered Accauntant Perhaetkrupesdnei 1the boat. The boat circled hlm Mn.Ro Ashton spent the Second Floor Kin-g City,. foliowing ai- exten- . L 1 two or thrce tumes befone head- weekeudi with fnientis at Coe Cr New Library Building ded visit with Mrs. Pengellv's ing for shore andi ippiug quite Hil . King anti Tempenance Sts. parents. Mn. and Mis. Fosten a hale in thé hull when it stnuck Mn. anti Mrs. Wytze Vaudrn Phone MA.rket 3-3612 , orden a-c hrsSte HNewcastIN4G1 ashore, unhut but soaking wet. this week with fricds in the YALE. FR1EDLANDER.1c.Fakmngeit wmhysdfaiyae sedn holidayed with Mrs. Sutter's Newaste 43Attnactive Laina Pundy, un- U.S.A. HUNTER & CO. . brofhei- and fainily lu Pittsburg, til recentlv a member o! the. Ncxt Suuday, Aug. 2, will be 1 Accouritants an.d Auditors IU.S. Air travel was au addedf SUN NEEDS Tangel for . burns 5 Nupercainal 1.0 Noxzema - 73c-$1.25-$1.79 Nivez, Cream -69c-$1.25 Bronztan _____85-SI.50 SPECIALS $1.75 Breck Shampoo -------1.49 HALO SHAMPOO 65e size 2 l'or 98C 65e HINDS CREAM 2 Botties 98C $1.0 rnze Suave --- 79e Vaeuum Bottles- 79e 100 A.B.A. Tabs . 9e 89e Colgate'. Tooth Pasto Lady's Hair Bruali Both for 89c 98c sise Lustre Creme __ 79e 5-Day Rail-on ______89C Ban Deodorant- $1.25 Cleen Shanipoo 85e $2.50 Lustre Creme - 31.98 COWLI NG'S IWA 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES ]R OY A L a i589 THURS. - SAT. - JULY 30 - AUG. 1 MATINEE SAT. AT 2 P.M.' "ItHappened toiane" Entertairiing family comedy in color DORIS DAY, JACK LEMMON, ERNIE KOVACS Extra: "Nervous Shakedown" (Short) Coniplete shows at 7 and 9:10 SUN. NID-NITE ONLY - AUG. 2 "Love Slaves of the Amazon" Color - starring DON TAYLOR also "The Mole People" MON. -WED.--AUG. 3. S Adulte - se students -36e Eblidrea * 35 1Il the last Suntiay thene will be services in Bunketon Unitedi Church unt il affen Rev. andi Mrs. W. Logan return fromi thein holidays. Mn. anti M.s. Earl Oliver anti famihy, took up resicisuce lu Biackstock on Satiuiday. They will ibe gncajJy misset in ithe community. Mn. aud Mrs. John Wotton calleti on Mn. andi Mrs. Charles Graham ne ncday hast week. Mn. andi Mrs. Norman Phil- hip andi Mrs. MeLean, Whithy, wene receut visitons o! Mr&. John Carter. Mrs. Thorn and family, Tor- onto, were weekend guests of Mr. aud Mns. Leslie Taylor. Mrs. Pearl Avery visiteti with her sister, Mrs. A. Mullon, Part Penny, for a fcw days last wcek.. Mn. Doug Hill, Havelock, was a recent caîher with M&. Altien jHubbard.. Mn. anti Mrs. G. Stinson, Col- Iumbus, werc Wetinestiay even- ing visitons witlh Mn. and Mn.. Leslie Argue sat week. M. andi Mns. James Trick, Oshawa, wcne Suntiay visitons with Mns. Esthen Carnochan. Mr. anti Mns. George Aiison visited, relatives in Port Hope on Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. P. W. Davitison, IZion, anti Mr. andi Mrs. A. Bry- an, Courtice, were Sunday guests Jof Mn. anti Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mn. andi Mm. Frank Aiison, Mn. and Mns. Robt. Bell, Ms.. Ethel Wilson, Oshawa, wene Sunday visitons with Mrs. Pearl Avery. Mrs. Georgena Johnston, Mn. M. Schacfer. Montreal. wcre weekend guests aof Mn. and Mrs. R. Boue. On Saturday afternaou. Mr Mn.ud Mns. Bone accompanicti thi fast t Mankham and! Stoffvilewhene they were the supper guests o! Mn. anti Mrs. George Wallen, and later jvis ifed with Mn. and Mrs. Geo- r ge Lawvsou. On Sunday the IBanes, sud their guests enjayeti Ia mofor trip ta Hoiland, Lantiing. Mn. Wm. Henderson sud Miss IMary Roy, Bowuanville, were Sunday visitons with Mn. andi Mns. Harny Grace. Mr. Dan McTaggart, Port Penny. visiteti fnientis in the vil- flage anc day hast wcek. Mrs. Earl Edwaî-ds. Milverton. Mns. Lamne Ritdile, Mar~y and John, Newton. Ont., speuf a few I tiys last wcek visiting Mrs. R. Davey. Mns. Graves, Toonoo spent a few deys visiting her daughfen, Mrs. F. Hohroyti hast week, ne-. turning home an Friday. NE WTON VILLE Miss Joan Stephens of Toron- ta is holidaying with Miss Dan- othy Ellioft. jMns. Frank Gilmen is under ithe Dr.'s cau-e. The Rabbs afi' Montreal are spending a fcw days at their cottage here. Miss Donna Ponter speuf the past week with Mr. anti Mr. Stan Brown of Oshawa. Mrs. Grace Ellicock of Ton- onto spent the weekeuti with jMiss Bertha Thomp6on. MisAnne Nesbitt was calleti to Toronto on Satunday awiug fto the iliness of hen aistcr Miss Alice Nesbitt. Miss Judiith Canlaw of Warý:- -worfh anti Master John ofai Orano spent a week with Mrs. jWillis Joncs. Mn.. Etta Clarke o! Buffalo' bas arnivedti t spenti some time at her cottage here. Mns. Clarkef has as bher guest Mrs. Philipzi of Toronto. Mn. Alf Graham o! Toronto bas ibeen calling ou aid frierdsz fin the community. Mn. sud Mrs. Clinton Brown£ aniMn. andi Mrs. Fred Hentier- s'mon. M iaaniypent thea weekend ~L~ie dTteinU UL~U dL1ikLuptcytra~Iction fl theLtripj. 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Carolyn. and Gordon Jibson, Oshawa, Ontario 1 Beaverton. with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Yale, C.A. 1 Clarence Werry, while their par- F. Friedlander, B. Com.. C.P.A. ents Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jib- MONEIT - ONTI 1 son enjoy a holiday motor trip. RIEIIL & CO. Bettilyn Osborne, Karen and, Chartered Accountants Laurel Edgar, Oshawa, have; 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa been, guests of their cousin Mrs. RA 5-3527 R. E. Lee.1 iBowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750I Stanley Ogle has been con-i iPartners: Jflned in Oshawa General Hos-1 Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. pital for reatrnent on, his knee. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. Mrs. Harry Lind'berg and son G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. I.A. aKpuksghvspna (LicnsedTrusee) few weeks with her parents, G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Mr. and Mrs. P. Short, and other R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. relatives in the :area. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Francis C hiropr acii c weeweekend guests o r n ____________________Mrs Robent Humphries at Mor- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. rison Lake. ChiropractorI Mr. and Mrs. Harey Cross- Office: man enjoyed a visit with rel- 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. atives in Chicago and were Phone MA 3-5509 guests at the Scott-Naylor wed- Office Hours: By Appointment ding and reception. ____________________Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton, DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. at their summer home, Brown- Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. ing Island, Muskoka. 40 King St. W. Bowmnanvulle Mrs. Fred Rahme is a patient Office Hours: Iin Oshawa General Hospital. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Final service before tlhe two Closed Saturday and Sunday holiday Sundiays was conducted jOffice Phone- MA 3-5790 at Kedron by Rev. R. H. Love House Phone - Newcastle 3551 with Jeanine Werry, organiist. DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S., D.D.S. Jack Francis was Sunday School i Office in his home superintendënt witih Eleanor 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville I Moufltjoy pianist, andi Howard iOffice Hours: Farndale as teacher of the Adult 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dailly Bible Class. Phone MA 3-5604 1 The next Sundey, when regu-. Closed Wednesdays and Sundays lar services will be held, will b I - on August 16, when Donald At- DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. kinson, of Emmnanuel College Office will be g.uest preacher at the 23 _ing St. E. - BowmanvUlle 10 o'clock service. Sunday Sehool -Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily wiUl follow at 11 A.M.j IClosed Saturday and Sunday Ked School Pienie __________Ofice_ MA3-5459____o Sunday School picnic wasatenddby 140 on Tuesday1 L enngg ily21. Appreciation1 STRIKE and STRIKE of the Mountjoy picnic grove. Barristens, Solicitors Eleanon Mountjoy and Jack Notaries Public Francis conducted a varied pro- A. A. H. Strike, B.A. paddled in the creek. Treats of .0King St. W. - Bownanville ice cream and, chooolate mil k, -Telephone MA 3-5791 and a peanut scramble were in- - ----cluded. LJAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. ' High-light of the evening Barnister, Solicitor levents was the bal] garne bet- Notary Public ween single and mrnied men, Kig St. W. - Bowrnanville.wt the single men top scorers. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 1 Lîne-ups were- Marrieci team; Residence MA 3-5553 Captain Grant Glover, Walter1 MISSAPH 1. ODGNFDavis, Murray Mountjoy. Ted BaIS SteAP SoAi orGN Maidman, Derek Barnett, B.! BartruSlicto Starr, G. Stinson, J. Françis, Ro-i Temperance St. - Bowmanville 1. bent Wenny; Single men'g team- ___________________ Iincludeti Captain, Ron Wenny, . RICHARD LOVEKIN Brian Lee, Douglas Scott, Keith; U.E., B.An LL.B. 1 and Rae Tregunna, John Davis, î Box 9, Newcastle 1 Wayne Cookson, Gordion An-;i Phone Newcastle 2246 'gus andi Bill Angus. Consultation by appointment Prizes were awarded to al: only. pre-school children, and to other winners as folloivs: Girls (6 and W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. 7), Donna Glover; Boys (6 and Barrister and Solicitor 7), Harley Davis. John Ogle; In the offices of Girls (8-10), Rosemary Greer, R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Nancy Stinson; Boys (8-10),! Main Street, Oronü, Ontania Donald Werry, Tommy Ogle: Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Girls (11-13), Lynda Hopkins;! Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Boys (11-13), Wayne Cookson,: John Davis, Tommy Ogle; Girls~ M o r g a ge (11-11), Carolyn Spencer June, Married Women's Relay (3 to: SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO a team), Mrs. Edythe Lindberg, Phone 1 r 16 Mrs. Ruth Hitchens. MrVs. Lois First Motgage Funds Tregunna: Wheelbarrow race. Residences - Farms John Davis with Wayne Cook- Business Properties son, Nancy Stinson with Betty- Lou Stinson; Partner Race, Mrs. O Pt M efr y Rt ice ihBtiy s born; Balloon Race (ladies),' KEITH A. BILLETT Lois Tregunna, Lynda Hopkins; 3ptometrist Bafloon Race (mien), Bill Snow- 141 Kîm St. E. - Bowmanville den. Sebastian Hohmanm. Office 1~urs: By appointmt Other features were a fashion Telephone MArket 3-32,52 show with the men modelling. Monday ta Saturday ard a lnig of arev. R. 1i. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Love led in the singing of a Wednesdays: 9 to 12 j new grace before the bountiful Thuraday eveninus picnic aupper was cooeumed. A ut horit y orest Tour rîgman he ci du ti bo Cc PC 01 de wooti, sud a trip to the top o! Towcr ill, 1,200 feet above sea level for a panoramnac vicw o!f the Ganaraska watenshed slop- fing to Lake Ontario. Notable ainang the spots vis- iteti was a gully lu the Ganar- aska Foi-est which was banc o! vegetation il years ago, aud where ail buît the steepest parts of the batiks are naw support- uug paplans, xvîllows sud lac- usts, some of' thero 30 feet tail. New Road, lu the late affennoon auth- arity members xvent to Garden Hill whene the Dcpantmenf of Highiways is building a dam in conjunctian wifh a ncw bridge for the provincial dcveiopment road which will eventually un from Kinby. nonth of' Onono, to Highwav 28 just south of Bewdley. The authority bas acquireti the aid pond battam at Garden Hill, as well as a substantial anea an the saufh shore, sud wheu the bridge aud damý are campleted lhere will be- acre pônd on the old iiion necreatian. vwith swirminng baating and fishing available,i and xviii alsa be a resenvoir ta 9 Bananas 2 lbs. 25c Refresbing, Sunkist - 48 size GRAPEFRUIT - 5 For 39c Ontario Yellow Cooking ONIONS - - - 3 Lb@. 23c Mild thick-walled GREEN PEPPERS .4For 19C Quality Meats swift's Premium FULLY COKED HAN Whole or Shank Portion -- Lb. But! Portion ....... ..._Lb. Swift's Sliced Side EVERSWEET BACON I-1b. Sealeti Package Swift's -Meaty SPARE RIBS 49c 59C ll59C - Lh. 49C Swift's OId Fashioned SmaIl Links Brookfield Sausage - Lb. 49c Swift's - Sliced or Piece. Oriole Bologna - . Lb. 33c FROZEN FOODS Sunkist - 6-oz. tin LEMONADE - 4 For 49C THERE'S xp retard spring flow. Con-1 perty in connlu on with tâe wete ha& been poured for the 1 <construction of a Highway 40>1 ridge structure, bridge over the' Ganaraska. A. C. Morris, secretary-trias-j Publie Pond irer of the authority, reporttd1 The aiuthority pianq to use lurlng the business meeting 'the ares as a public park and .at thie authority*s adiviso'y! picnic site if the purchase gos >oard had offcred ta huv the' 1 throigh. orbett's pond area north of Thi. duthoritv made a $50 ýot Hope from the Depa rtmnent grant 10 the Durhaum Couniy YI Highways for one dollar. The lan-d jîargîng camipetition to b* lepantmnent acquined the pro- held Sat Orono in August. Clif fcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Dry Cleaning Storage . Shirts - Repairs CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS JULY 271h TO AUGUST 3rd PHONE NA -3-7061 for PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE MeQUARRIE. Prop. BEST BUY - Rose Brandi - 1 lb. Pkg. MARGARINE - - - 2 ',b8 49C BEST BUY - Regular or Chubby ]KLEENEX TISSUE - 3 Pkg. 49C BEST BUY - Chickcn NoQdle or Tomato Vegetable LIPTON SOUPS --4 Pkg. 49C BEST BUY - Ken-L-Ration- 15-oz. Tin DOG FOOD - - - - 4 For 49C Featu res York Brand Choice - 20-oz. Tin GREEN PEAS - - - 3 Lib1by's - 15-oz. Tin DEEP BROWN BEANS - SFor 49c 3For 49C. Heinz Baby or Junior FOODS- 5 -ri- 49c Kellogg's Speciul "K" CEREAL 2 ri<g. 49c Red & White Homogenized- 9-oz. Tumnbler PEANUT BUTTER - 2 Fur 49C Paramount Fancy PINK SALMON - h. Tin 49C "Cancly Features" Golden Hour - 1-1b. Cello Sali Waler Tai fy - - - fli. 29c Golden Hour -h Cello Panned Coloured Minis -'..29c "FRESH FROM THE OVENS"o KINGSDALE BISCUITS Choice of Assorted Cremes- Cocoant Cremes - Two Tone Crenies Club Mix- Water Ice Wafers 3 Pkg. 85C A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU Tate Groceteria eria irket I iUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUMUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUMUb Adorn flair Spray $1.75 Tempo flair Spray 31.50 Spray Only 98e Raid Bomb 81.69 Fly Tox Bomb 89C - 81.39 saflex Bomb $1.69 a m _ __ _ One a Day Multiple Vilamin Tablets $1.49 - $2.75 - $4.49 0 $8.75 1 BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. 1 MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET l. KIG ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UINE ORONO - Cornish MarketE BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Mai PAGE Mx Tim CANADUN STATESMAN. bowiLANVU£a ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 30th. 1959 5