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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1959, p. 7

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?mmsDA. JUL sotb '95.T CANADIJAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVLLE ONTARIO A( SEVEIf Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, ja visiting her sister, Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mr. L. B. Nichais spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichais in Kingston. Town clerk Robert Reynolds and Mrs. Reynolds are holiday- ing in1 Haliburton this week. Dr. G. Edwin and Mrs. Mann and family have returned frain a holiday ini the New England States. Misses Elsie, Ida and Mildred Craig, Toronto, were guests last week of Miss Lilllam Hoar, Liberty Place. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Trewin have been vacationing at Mat- tabanick Inn on Lake Bash- kunk, Haliburton. Mr. Bud Pethick, Toronto, is vacationing with his father. Mr. F. C. Pethick and his sîster, Ms. Ina MeNaughton. .M-r. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hum- by at their cottage, Chandos Lake. Miss Marjorie Cunningham, who is a regular contributor of poems to The Canadian States- man, is vacationang in New- castle. Mr. C. H. Nesbitt bas return- ed from a visit with his sisters, Mrs. R. A. Doak, Orillia, and Mýrs. H. B. Morrison, Lake Cou- chiching. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Gloria and Bob, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tay- lor and family at their cottage on Pigeon River. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon spent their 47th wedding anni- versary with their son, Dr. and Mrs. Keith Slemon, at their cot- tage, Sturgeon Lake. Mr. Harold McDonalld, Ed- monton, Alta., bas been spend- ing two weeks here visiting re- latives after an absence from titis district of 38 years. Mrs. Pat Proctor and cbild- ren, Brockvifle, are visiting lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Allun, and her sister, Miss Margaret Allun, Edsall Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lunney and Mrs. Fred Tremeer were mn Stratford this week and at-1q tended the performances of "As You Like ItV and "Othello". Mrs. Charles H. Mason re- turned recently after an en- joyable visit wîth her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waldon, New Westminster, B.C. Mrs. Mabel Thickson, Mr. James Thickson and Mrs. James Hayman attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. George Car- stairs in Cobourg last Thurs- Clay. Mrs. Seward Dowson bas spent the last two weekends with ber family at their cottage, Scugog' Iand. Last Saturday they vis-j ited Miss Mabel Lytle at Lind- c say.S The namne of Miss Mary Ann Doyle was inadvertently omit- ted from tbe list of Carol's Ma- jorettes wbo won an award at the Lions Carnival for Junior Fancy Drills. St. PauI's United Church ' Ministerr Rev. H. A. Turner, ' B.A., B.D.0 Organist8 Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 11:00 a.m. -k TRJNITY and ST. PAUL'S u CONGREGATIONS h WORSIP IN ST. PAUJL'S F Soloist. e Mr. Bernard Lynch A Cordial Invitation to AU t 1 1 v; Mi. and Mis. John Carpentez John, Janet anti Daviti, Guelph are visiting Mrs. Carpenter' mother, Mis. E. Adiler, Harsel St., anti ber sister, Ms. E. Be thune. Mr. anti Mis. Ken Nîchols an( family, Second St., have re turneti fom a visit witis thg formei's sîster, Mi. anti Mis Jack Sommier anti Brent, Cal Igary, Alta. Mr. anti Mis. T. R. Widemar h ave retuineti from a campini andi iisbing trip 125 miles nrdt oi Sault Ste. Marie. Guess whc caughit tise fisis? That's right- Mis. Wicteman. Mr. andi Mra. Wilfred Car. ruthers bave returneti from2 boat trip te Fart William. Or tise retuin route they rataîeé thiaugistise Unitedi States, cros. sing at Sarnia, Ont. Mr. anti Mis. A. E. Coverly Sheila anti Mr. Greg Stepisens, Mr. anti Mis. Gardon Kilpatrick anti Mn. anti Mis. Robeit Stocke: are vacationing at Etige Hil cottage, Wasaga Beach. Mr. Rae Hopkins, Bowman. ville representative af Tis Oshawa Times, is a patient i Oshsawa General Hospital. H( will be untier observation therE for several tiays for a stomaci ailment. Mr. anti Mis. Bruce Wesley, Davidi anti Stephen, Peterbor. ougis, anti Mis. Grant Coutiy- man, Hanilton, weie with Mis, Wesley's mother, Mifs. J. Hý Johnston, Horsey Street, one tiay last week. Mi. anti Mis. Cedric Neetiham, Alan anti Rager, Syracuse, N.Y., andi Mr. anti Mis. Harolti Neeti ham, Quebec Citiy, weîe witl their mother, Mis. John Neeti hans, anti Miss Donalda Creas- ser last weekend. Mi. anti Mrs. Keitis Shackle. ton anti Barry, Mr. anti Mis Jack Brysan, Jeannette anc Linda, Mr. and Mis. Buti Mo- ses, Janice anti Kathy are bol- itiaying at Bayview Lotige, Sparrow Lakte. President Eti Runtile and Mis. Runtile, lst Vice Frank Burns anti Secretaiy Ron Richards anti Mis. Richards will repres- ent Brancis 178 ai the Canadiar Legion at tise provincial con. vention in Kitchener next week. Mr. andi Mis. Rex Walters andi fanuily spent thse lest twc weeks vacationing at hen par- ents' cottage an Balsam Lake. Mary Jane remaine t t spend tise rest ai tise sunxner with her grantipa-enits, Mr. andi Mis, N. J. Nixon, at tise lake. After a yeai's stay in England, Dr. anti Mis. J. S. Meir, Christ- ine anti Sheila have retuinedti t Canada anti will be with Mis. Moir's parents, Mi1. anti Mis. J. F. Heylandt until they move ta, Ottawa where Dr. Mour will be on tise staff ai Carleton UnIveî- sity. Mr. and Mis. A. S. Badger andi baiby diaughtei Baribara, Wootistock, bave been visiting Mi. Badnger's parents, Mr. and, Mis. Gardon Batiger, King St. East. Master Davidi Batiger, Lon- don, was also a visitor withs is grantiparents, Mi. and Mis. G. Batiger. Mr. andi Mis. Forbes Monroe and, childien, Ottawa, spent the weekend witis Mis. Monroe's parents, Mr. anti Mis. Wriguhtson Wighst, Liberty Place, on their retuin irom a matai trip ta Western Canada, includiing Van- couver Islandi, returing through thse Unitedi States- a trip oi 8,000 miles. Linda Calwell celebiated ber l8tis biithday by taking a boat trip up thiaugs the Lakes. Lin- da d!rove one boat anti Bruce took tise other boat. Tie trip up Lake Scugog, tihrougb tise locks at Lindisay, up tise river ta Sturgeon Lake andti t Fenelon F'alls anti Lake Cameron was enjoyed by eveiyone. Tarpedomnan Perenauti was theur personal guide ant idtia wondeiful job af explaining tise various points ai interest anti Trinity United Church Mmnister.-Rev. Wm. K.liousiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M3. UNION SER VICES Si. Paul's United Church A FIENDLY WELCOME TO AL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmmfvl. MORN!NG SERVICE- 10:00) a.m. . Engllsh EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.m. - Dutcb SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE ""Bk To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB. Oshawa. nt 3 p.m. every Sunday f c 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB 1959 tise backgroundi ai St. Maîk's late Uflarie Worden, for' the Anglican Churcb, Port Hope, West, anti on Tuestiay of last where Queen Elizabeth ad week two of them, "Alice"' now Prince Pbiiip attended cuc living i acue n Suntiay mornàng. One aifiche "Frances" now living in ed oldet chrchs inCanda i isDeer, Alberta, visitedthei l still CnueavrSnda. tow- home town for the first time manville residents were espec- ic levn here. hyae ially interesteti in the weil-wrît- an holiday andti vsited their ton article because tise autisor cousin, Mrs. Herbert Richards was IMis. ROY (Elsie Carruthers) anti other relatives bere anti Luniney, formerly a valueti were very impresseti with the1 mnember of Tii. Statesman staff. growtb andi many changes, in 1%&. and Mis. Herb Calmer have just returneti recently from a vacation in the U.S.A. They attendeti the Penrisyl- vania Dutch Festival at Kuiy- town, P.A., then travelleti on te Atlantic City. During thse last week oi their trip tisey stayeti at Rye Beach, New Hampshire, where tisey unfor- tunately misseti out on the Open House at tise Portsmouth Naval Base but thraugis the kintiness ai a Portsmouth Her- alti reporter they were intro- ducedt t Captain Carl Johnson, commander ai tise base, wiso welconsed tiser warmnly anti matie it passible for them to tour tise Naval base. Mr. and Mri.. ugh Anderson andi amuDouglag, MoimtrmlQuae.. I LUwIA. ±ziy ieft nere tiO iit another sister "Helen" wbo re- sides at South Bay near Pic- ton, then go on to Halifax to visit other relatives, then on for a tour of the Cabot Strait, then back to Ottawa before re- turning west. Another sister, "Marion" and ber husband,. "Alex Jobnston" who reside at Port Artbur, visted here a few weeks ago after an absence-ofI 30 years. Another sister, "'Fia- ra" naw lives at Saskatoon, and the sixth sister, "Jessie" who passed away a couple of years ago. "Jessie" was the mother of that well kown Shakespear- 4 ean actress, "Frances Hyland". No doubt their many friends and old school chums would have lii-ed te have met themn We again, but unfortunately time did Dot permit., y Lassie1 TWUMMAT, JULT Soth, il teck themi through th. Sub-J marine Haddock which is now Iove1 gbemng used as a training ship. IThtis was a very thrilling ex- Iperience and helped make their NMi. and Mrs. Herbert Brad- ley, St. Catharines, spent an Jevenmng recently with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dunn, High; rStreet. Mr. Bradley who resîd- rh' eti here many years ago, left cBBowmanville about 60 years, Lyago. This is bis first visit here e.since then, and no doubt lie saw many changes in the town. d Mr. and Mrs. George Vetzal, 2~ Courtice, Mr'. and Mrs. M. Vet- ezal andi family, O'Dell St., have - been holidaying with MTs. O. L-Meredith, Limestone Lake,1 Parry Sound district. Mr. and - un Mrs. M. Vetzal called on Mr. g9 andtiMrs. B. Murdock, Larder ' th Lake, wben they also motored 10 ta- Northern Ontario and Que- ~ -bec. We hope you didn't miss the - excellent article on the birth- a place of the famous movie ac- in tress a.nd comedienne, the late > .d Marie Dressier, whiich appeared - in tihe Globe & Mail's issue of Monday, July 27th. This fine- " 'article was written by Mis. Roy SI (Elsie Carruthers) Lunney who ýk also took the pictures appearing ýr with the story. iMiss Gloria Akiwenzie is the new Peterborough district nur-se -for tbe Ontario Society for le Crippled Obiltiren. She replaces,1 in iss Beverley Miller who is to I le be a public heaith nursing in- re structor at the University of SToronto. Residents ot this area will be meeting Miss Akiwven- zie in due course, as we are :includeti in Peterborough dis~- -trict. j~iŽ S. Several local Sea Scouts 1joineti with others from Osh- The curly-haired v ry awa and Port Hope to form a guard for Her Majesty Queen Gale Cathleen Heard who IElizabeth at Port Hope. The l6th. She is the daughtero lucky lads from here Who had Taunton. Proud grandparE :a good view of The Queen Finney, Maple Grove, and ;hwere Vincent Molloy, AdrienOsa . 1- Deman, Arnoldi Deman, GordieOha . 3- Runtile, Ron MeDonalti, Bill MeLean, Bill Brown anti Cary Vermeulen. W ru n S. Mr. anti Mis. Leon Connors ýd accompanied by tiaughter Mar - garet, Miss Eileen Rahm and -Mrs. Connors' aunt, Mrs. H. Heny f lbquequ, ewPi <flC Mexico, were in Montreal re- centiy wîbere they visited Mrs. ( Continueti frorn cage one) *Elater Ott, Mirs. Connors' cou- ITo get the event underway, isin, Mr. andi Mis. Normany Ca- a softball gamle was started in ls sey andi other relatives. Before the south endi of the groundis. ;returning borne tbey went on As cars arriveti, and the occu- nto Terrebonne, Que. pants met friends and exchang- tt On Saturday, July 25th, Mrs eigetns e eeldt Rita Potier, Ham-Iton anti Mi. the bail fielti. Many of the ar- Duncan R. Phillips, Toronto, rivais took up position on the 'Swon the Charity Pairs E ventI playing fielti. Others stoot ini 0of Tbe American Contract groups cheering the players on. Bridge League's national sum- Hoid Many Races *mer tournament helti in Chica- Aiter supper, races were held dgo. Thse winners' score of 214', for children and aduits alike. points was the best total among Earl Nelson, reeve of Percy the 676 pairs com.peting. Mr. towvnship andi Doug Johnston, Phillips is thse son of Mr. anti reeve af Haldimanti township, Mis. F. S. Pbillips, Providence. superviseti the races and Dr. and Mars. Sisson hbave game adult contest the wmn- been bolitiaying with Rev. S.ners were as follows: auto- R., Mrs. Henderson andi iarily gah rno ikr;plo atCta3pigLk re case reîay, tise group led by Mr. anti Mis. Fred Smith, Mi. and Mrs. Tom Jones; the Gloria and Bob bave returned ladies shoe kick, Mrs. J. Stark, »from a pleasant holiday v4isit- ,necktetigcnsMrad anti Ms. .S.Mit' rt M. Mrs. Mervin Grieve, men's r andMrs. . M.Woodward, walking contest, Brenton Rick- Deep River, then going on te ard, anti the fast change relav YSault Ste. Marie, into tise State ~ W ytegopldb of Michigan, U.S.A., andi home Mr. andi Mrs. J. Stark. via Port Huron. In the childien contests. ra- Two more winners have been ces were held for groups of declared locally in the Elmner1 boys and girls ini the age Safety Li.merick contest spon-1 groups fromn six ta eight, with sored here by the Kinsmenj ail participants getting the saine Club andi The Canadian States-i prize. man in cooperation with the 1 Beverly Rickard won the Ontario Safety League. Patti Poole of 2 Etisali Avenue, Bow- manill, wn aroket rdio are with lier parents Mr. endi frhr entry in contest nur-1Ms .E refed nSn ber two anti Judy Scott of 128 day afternoon, July I 9th, Rev. Liberty St. won a similar prize, Haroldi Turner officiateti at the for contest number three. christening of littie Douglas at the borne of bis grantiparents, Mr. anti Mrs. Francis tee, i Mr. anti Mis. Greenifielti, il Lib- Larry, David and Sandra. Miss erty Place. Present on th is; oc- Beverley Goulti, Bowmanlville, casion weîe grantiparents, Mr. Mr'. anti Mrs. Alex Norwick anti Mrs. H. C. Anderson Sr., anti Tetity, Wlhitby, spent the Mr. and Mirs. George Anderson: weekend with Mr. anti Mrs. ail] of Toronto, Mis. Arthur Haroldi Behm and. famiiy. Port Glanville, Gait. Mr. and Mrs. Hope. They saw Rer Majesty D. G. B. Anderson.. Oakville; Queen Elizabeth and Prince Miss Nncy snd-,. Wes- SERVICE roptE¶ 'aIS WEEK (Continueti fromn page one) 9 t as indicateti, but graciaus anti genuinely lovely. Prince Phip was hantisonse, weIl-tanned anti genial. Bath appeareti very happy with thse reception they were receîving ind were gen- eous t teracknawletig- -. ments ai.,tise crawd's obviaus loyalty anti warmth towaiti From tise outskirts af Port Hope. nîght ta Caniton anti Bat- w'ee lassie pictured above is tcrwood. there were people in xvas just a yeaî oîd oni July clusters along thse Royal route, of Mr. 'and Mis. Laine Heard. cheening anti waving as tise -ents are Mr. and Mrs. Phil ciamn opl ast y Mi. and Mis. Albert Blatch, Tisey restedth ie rest af Sun- day andi ail day Montiay on Mr. Massey's lovely estate, - Photo by Irelanti Studio leaving Tuesday morning for Trenton wisere they boartietia girls' rine ta 10 contest anti plane for tise Maritimes andtihie John Haynes toppedth ie boys end ai their tour ai Canada. in tise saine age group. Win,-,r Port Hope.,nseanwhile. is oftise boys' 11-12 class wvas1 slowly îecavering its tranquil- Pisillip Elli. No race vvas heldl ity, thsetiecorations soon wil for girls af tise sarne age due ta! be removed anti only tise won- mis ufficient girls to stage a denful recallections. ai tise race. Alfredi AlIdreti won the! Royal visit will1 recail tise cam- boys 13-15 heat and 'once agair munity's "iinest isour". COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS, FOR 1 IBRYLCREEM THE PIERFECT I.D.A. Brand Embossed - V HAR RESIGPAPER NAPKINS ~' :I.D.A. Brand - 100's, 3001 1,it~ tuée-, Milk of Magnesia T Fast relief from pain - Dee Tee Brand, 100's, 300's A.S.AS TABLETS - - - - 19c, 49c iWilliams - 1*10 Value WHITE LATHER SHAVE 2 tubes 98c Cream Deodorant $1.25 size 'ODO-10-NO ---79c 69e Âdorn - pusj Hair Spray TrialSTYLING COMB Trig Deodorant$.1Vau 69c $1.75 Colgale Dental Cream - plus 2 cakes Palmolive Soap 63c VE! PN DREWS SPARICLING EFFERVESCENT SALT Richard Hudnut Lighi and Bright $1.25 -plus 2-oz. Creme Rinse $1.65 Value $1.25 I.D.A. Brands at P English Style Healih Salis- - For Surnmer Compiaint- Idasorb - - - - 100's, 300's Idasal Tablets - e Pink, Yelia w and White Toilet Tissue - - 100 ft. roil - 12 in. wide Wax Paper - - n White Embrocation Evelyn Howard Hand and Body Lotion Wild Sirawberry Uoni PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Ulex. McGregor, C: Deliver Vour Local I.D.A Drug Stre Special Offeri delicately scented vaniBhing ream deodorant. Stays creamy ..hariniesa ta akin andi lthing . . . Try VITA RAY )EODORANT CREAM and >u'll neyer use another! EGULARLY $1.25 lIAL LIMITED 0F FER .95Ç ReguIar Prices - - - Lb, Tin 59c 4-oz. * - - - 75c - - 39c, 89c 2 Fo2r27c - - - m 31c - - 39c, 69c - - - $1.00 Lpound - - 50c Irugs ne MA 3-5792 - .. -.,:15 '~' -- f ' i 4-H Swine CI Tour -Large1 there was flot a sufficient num- ber of girls in attendance ta hold a race in this class. 1 Warden Rickard awardedi two special prizes, one to Norin Braithwaite. of the counties' roads department for being the person at the picnic with the longest service as a couflty em- ployee. He has been an em- ployee of counties council for the past 35 years. Th e second special prize awarded by Warden Rickard went to W. Frank Rickard, for being the oldest ex-warden in attendance. The recipient serv- ed as warden of the United Counties council in 1933. To round out the evening,! the children participated in aý peanut acramble. RoycuI Visitors White 70's reg. 18c, 2 for 35e 16c, 2 F-r 31c 's, reg. 39c, 89e 7ablels - 29c, 59c andi ber nuttens were ofth I uMvembers "'" c ou« same lace material. A cap style flnS crown wit.h pearl trim caught H og _Farm ber shoulder length vei anti she carrieti a cascade ai red roses SOn Montiay evening, Juîy and white carnations. 27th members of the Durhsam Mis. Ruths Caniielti was mat- 4-H Swine Club met at the ron oi honour for ber sister, farm af Mi. Floyd Stinson, No. wearing a princess line waltz- 2, Janetville, at 8:00 p.m.MM. lengtis water green silk organza I Sinsn sowei tem hroghdress. The bodice, fashioned, his hog barns anti explaineti his with short puifeti sleeves, bad breetiing anti feetiing program. a deep V-back neckline with He markets aver 500 isogs each bow anti sreamers ta the hemn- year. ne. Her crown type heaidress Aiter touring tise barrns the veil andi she caîried a cascade members placeti a class ai ma- ai white carnations. ture brooti sows anti then mov- Little Miss Santira Lee, tbe eti an ta thse faim ai Mr. How- britie's niece, was flower girl. aid Malcolm oi Janetville. Mr. Her short full-skirted tiress was jMalcolm markets arounti 800 af white nylon lace over mauve. ta 900 isogs per year anti show- She wore a white ilowered head eti us through bis establishment. bandi anti carried a basket af It is worthy ai note that both yellow cbrysan'themums. ai these commercial bog breeti- Thse groom's brother, Mr. Jus- ers bave between 60 anti 65 per tin Rashotte, Peterborough, was cent grade A hogs, while the best man andth ie ushers vkb.,e county average is only 35 per Mr. John Rashotte, Tweed, brd;k cn.Tey feel that tise mai- tiser of tise groom anti Mr. Fran- Iketing ai bogs at the correct cis Lee, thee britie's brother. Iweîght is the answer ta this For the reception helti in St. I iigher percentage ai gratie As, Joseph's Parisis Hall, the bride's since ahi ai their hogs are mar- mother chose a pale blue em- keteti between tise weights ai broitiered sîlk oîganza sheatis 188 anti 190 lbs. witis matching bolero, white ac- Members thanke th ie breeti- cessories anti red rose corsage, ers for their coaperatian witb Assisting, Mis. Rashotte ware a Ulis pragram. flowereti turquoise tiress with -. white accessanies anti a corsage ai yellow roses. W EDDING, For the wedding trip t ast ern Ontario andi the United RAHTE-LEE States the bride chagedti t an RASHOTE -empire-line blue paisley lace Bouquets ai whsite anti yellow tiress featuring a large bow ai chrysanthiemurns formeti a pret- tbe front with matcising nylon ty setting in St. Joseph's Cisurcis coat, white accessories and cor. an Saturday, July 18tis., at 10:00 sage of pink roses. a.m. when Mary Evelyn Lee, They will resitie at 24 Liberty daughter ai Mr. and Miols. George Street Norths. Wesley Lee, became the ibride ai Prior ta ber marriage tise Mr. Ernest Josephs Rashotte. bride was the bonoreti guest al Thse groom is Vthe son ai Mr. several prenuptial parties. Mis Joseph Rashotte. Tweed, and Peggy Frank helti a miscellan. tise late Mis. Rashotte. eaus sbower at ber home wber Father F. K. Malane officiateti the Goodyear office girls were andi soloist was Mi. Josephs Wesenlt. Mis. Hawes anti Mis Cooper, who sang "Ini This Sac- Montgomery weîe bostesses foi rament Sweet Jesus", "Oh Wbat a party at tise home ai thse brîie Couiti My Jesus Do More" anti when tise presentatian ai a tele "Ave Maria", was accompanieti phone desk anti chair was matie by Mis. Cooper. Mirs. Cooper Neigihours andtihie groom'a was organist for thse occasion. two sisters from Toronto weîe Tise bride, given in mairiage present at a miscellaneous show- by her father. wore a gown ai er hostessedi by Mis. Elains pure silk organza aver taffeta. Hoopeir. Lace appliques on tise bouffant Hydro employees helti a stag flooî-iength skirt, centreti witb -for thse groom when he was seeti pearls, matcbed tise short- presensteti with a barbecue set. PAGE ý 'l

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