?HURSDAY, AUG. l3th, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BO'WMANVILLK OUTAWTn s-J~~zm ~ a v~ ~A p..w - Early Statesman Edition Found in Burketon Home We are grateful to Mr. Geo. K. Galbraith, Barrister; firm Downey, R. R. 1, Burketon, for of Loscombe, Cameron & Los- bringing into the office an earlv combe. Barristers, Robert Ar- edition of The Canadian States- mour, Registrar: C. G. Hanning, man. ?&. Downev is in the pro- Surveyor: Mayers Hat, Cap and cess of remodeiling his home Fur Store:, John MeLeod, Iran- and found the issue in a door- monger; Treleven's Boots and frame. Apparently the previous Shoes; T. Paterson, Dry Goods; owner, or builder, hoped that Aaron Buckler; Jeweller; Mur- aomeone at a later date wouid dock Bros.;, John McMurtry, corne across it. GrocervY and Wm. McMurtlry, Several names. "John L.,jDryGoods. Power. Charlotte Power, Emiiy Ann Power and Margaret Gaines Power" and the datel YELVERTON the paper was placed in its resting place. "Dec. 4th 1866", "Pre-dawn conflagration com- are written across the top ofpety wpsou lineto the front page. Along the side i lton" wipout aketrton of the page the words "Placed headline ol ae trln here hen his huse a in if one failed to take built" are very decipherable. let consitdration n that sid m The actual dateline of the issue costeofneuouie reads. "Bowmanville. C. W store and bouse combined. Fire Thursday Morning, No-,;. 2ý j of unknown origin completely 1866." destroyed said structure eariy Readng te ad we ere'Saturday amx., as the fire was Readng te as wewe I already out of control when amazed at the number of mer-j first noticed by Mr. Reg Sutton, chants and professional men overnite guest at the neigh-I who carried on businesses here bouring Ken Grays, around 93 years ago. Some names are! 4:45 a.m. Beirton, in deys Of quite familiar-either because yore, once boasted a hotel, a we know their descendants or store and post office combined. have heard our grandparents One of the first owners was and venerable citizens speak 01 a Mr. Ceci Staiker followed 'them when remniniscing. bv others including Mr. and Mrs. Soi-ne adverfi'tos wreJoii Ceci] Ferguson who possibly ±4ggustSpecials We are offering many items loo numerous Io itemize, ai a sacralice price. See soine of themn in our window Nany New Lines of Wallpaper are in stock Try a roll of aur "CEDAR" WALLPAPER. >The Cedar Aronia is designed for use ini clothes closets, ta contrai maths, etc. $ 1.99 for a double rol ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE I 18 VR DIA MOND SKCURE? WARIMSTYLE DTANM#fN I CAN BE MADE BEAUTJJUL AND NEW W#Aà4&1 » r er ca-a. Ladmw gRùM -S- 711l"S RIDDECN 2'RRSU.ÊE INf voua .eM SM Out of date jewefry you don'% wear han littie practical value. Yet the gem can be beautifully reset. Let us show you the many modem and striking mountings which are wqWckly and economicaily availabW. HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. B3owrnanvifle Corne i and mse us tc>day 1 NOTICE Fai Term Classes wiIi commence on Tues., Sept. 8 BUSINESS COLLEGE Last year 135 young people registered and were able ta secure positions in Local Business Offices. Dernand for Business College Graduates increases each year. REGISTER NOW! Enrolmeni is Limiled. FREE BULLETIN Available.- --- CLIP AND MAIL COUP3ON Please send FREE BULLETIN and all particulars regarding Business Training ta: Name Address Telephone Grade Attained in High School_________ Hearty Welcome ta the First Boy Mrs. Mary Lewins of Blavdon-on-Tyne, England, is, proudly holding ber first great-grandson on the Lewins side of the family, while the father, George Kenneth Lewins and bis father George Lewins, also look on with admiration. This unusual four generation photo was taken at the Lewins' hbme, Jackman Road, 12 days after the new arrivai, George Kenný-th Lewvins, was born. Mrs. Lewins arrived from England for a visit in June, ber first trip to Canada since 1936. Bapt ist Minister Resigns Post In order to create a vacancy for' a fuil-time minister' here, Pastor Alfred C. Bell of Bowmanville Baptist Church resigned his charge recently. He has been doing double duty during the fail and winter, looking after bis pastor- age while attending the Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto. He bas two years schooling before receiving bis B.Th. degree. The church bas grown considerably under bis guidance until be feels it bas reached the point wbere a fuli-tÜme iminister is required. The congregation is expected to caîl one in the near future. Mr. Bell, bis wife and three-months-old daugbter plan to move to Torônto in September, prior to the opening of the scbool year. Their many friends wil be sorry to see. themn leave tbe conxmunity. held the longest tenancy. Beir-' ton is (or was) situated two PIlan Sch nte Mot-esCtwrighetôo- h o onte soth-est of evt on nday in, ive miles east of For Leaders af! Blakstck.Property was owned by the Wm. MeCabes. Caesarea l ire brigade appeared, belatedly I hitb O.LC on the scene ta exercise a canine perogative putting out the fire T e 2t n ul S h o D onenajangt tphoerpunleI Leaders arranged by the W.lIË.' Mr. and Mwth her.Frnk I S. of the United Church w il and aunt, M.mndeetFrn Glasberger are Mr. and Mrs.'me at the Ontario LadîiesI Bill Viiet an dJeanne and Carol Co1 ege, Whitby, August 17 ta o f Stoney Creek: Miss Corrne 9. This is a school for leade~rs rGlasbergen recently attended a and young women, 16 years of two-week summer course near age and over, to get inspiration, I Toronto. leadership, training, a betýFer The Art Rowans motored to understanding of the work lof Quin-Mo-Lac Camp near Madocdeer Sdcevtio nd tahetia on Saturday to deliver daughter eprdvto ta] Linda for a weeks' vacation at Mission of the Church. camp.an Registration wiIl be at 3 rx.m. Mr.an Mrs. Bill Werry of Monday, Aug. 17, with ail dayI Kdro were Sunday visitors ati 5ssion1s until Friday noon. Thel th ns. Dennis new dean of the School is Mrs.1 Donald and Dni Werry arýe A. M. Stewart and the rEýcep- cur.;ently vacationing at the A- 'tionist is Mrs. Lincoln Ellf.ott. t asur owans Bible Study for womei i on hLest weekeýnd the Claren.e-"The Life and Work of J4isus" Pages, Ian, and Adele enjoyed wil be in charge of Mrs. V'. W. a mot or trip along the St. Law- K. Harris and the study, for rence Seaway, Cornwall, Mess- girls with Mrs. W. F. YDung. ena, Ogdensburg etc. Special speaker on Tuesday Miss Barbara Wilson is enjoy- evening will be Mrs. Ernuet E. i mg a weeks' holiday with the 1 Long, D.D., President of Dom- CaÇ aS miths of Bethany. inion Board, W.M.S. On Wed- fMr. and Mrs. G. E. Wilson ac- nesday, 2 to 3 p.m., a pante] on companied Mr. and Mrs. David New Wornens Organization IWilson and Lloyd ta visit the will be in charge of Miss Anne IVance Wilsons in Toronto last Ward and will be o! inte'rest toa Sunday. both W.M.S. and W.A. mem- tMrs. Jean McCabe ai-d Eleanor bers. Jean on Sunday with the Wm. Other speakers will i'nclude McCabes. Rev. W. F. Banisteî- and Miss Master Dale Stinson is spend- liies M. Morrison and guests, ing a weeks' holidays with Mas- Mis Aiko Chaijo, schcdarship ter G. Page of Peterborough. student frcom Nagasaki, Japan, Mr. W. H. Stinson had the an miinaesM.A.R- mxsfrtue tis eekta ailoffsel] Graham, Central Invila, and a truck-load of bales. Fortunat- Miss Bessie French, MVÇontreal, ely be feIl Lil-Abner style on Canada. bis head- paiful bruises al ________ shook up and possible cracked ribs, but stiil navigating. unr 1 Harvesting is ini the final' HAMPTON7LJI stages o! operation around Yel-.ý verton. Some farmer are already1 Miss Helen Allun is bhddaying finished and most expecting ta1 with ber aunt and uî icle Mr. do sa this week. Crops mostlv! and Mrs. Gardon Welkely and average- Some poor and very 1 familv in Toronto and at Lake fweceptional y!elds. 'Simncoe. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright Rev. Ted Kersev Scariborough, of Blackstock and girls spent was a visitor with bis. parents, Sunday with the W. H. Stinsons.i Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey~ on Sun- fCongratulations ta Mr. Geo. day. ,Page of Bethany who is cele- F/L Reg Kersey. Nirs. Kersty brating his 80th birthday on Ronnie. Ricky and BnbinOt Tuesday, Aug. 11. tawa, are spending a few dys jwith bis parents. IMrs. L~. B. Williams and Miss IApha 'Hodgins. Bowmnanville, were reýcent visitons with Mr. and Mas. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caveriv. *Mrs. W. B. Sarvis an dfami]y spent the weekencî at Bala. with Mr. antd Mrs. Eilwood Fennell of Toonito. Mrs,. Jack Lyon, Johnny Judy and Terry visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken P'ooler and famiy, Oshawa, on Siqturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and Miss Nancy Kelly, Oakville- have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mlrs. F. Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gaud, Mr. and1 Mrs. Roy Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, Mrs. El- mer Wilbur and Mrs. Wilfred Smale enjoyed the weekend Garton Bus trip ta Tobenmory in the Bruce Peninsula and S.au- ble Beach on Lake Huron. Congratulations to Mn. and rMrs. W. D. Nash (nee Iris Ax- ford) vho were-married in aur church on Saturday aftern-oon. jMr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens ac- campanied Mr. and Mrs. Wes' Taylor and two sons and Mrs. R. Burgess of Tyrone. to* Pal- Smerston last week where they jvisited Mrs. Stevens' sister and h usband Mr. and Mrs. Will Hart. Mns. J. R. Campbell. daugh- ter Connie and son Johnny. New IToronto, spent last ,veek with her parents Mr. and Mns. John Rogers Sr. A happy gathering w2s held on Tuesday evening af last week at the home o! Mrs. Luther Allin ýWhen members of the Bowman- ville Salvation Armny and Home League came out to visit Mrs. Sarah Allin on the occasion of ber ibirthday. Mrs. Merle Henry and Miss Ruth Mutton were in charge of the arrangements. She was the recipient of many lovely gneeting cards, flowers and gifts includling a Salvation Armry Hym-n Book from the group. The even.ing passed plea- santly with music and friendly &lit chîit. Refreshimtents were served. -- lire we- e ý:-y ir sent. "Congratu1ationý- a ii c "Best Wishes" ta M-s. Allun from ber Hampton friends. jMr. and Mrs. Raymond Far-! row and bilîdren accompanied IMr. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow, IWelcomne. ta Algonquin Park lest week. Miss Gloria Farrow ententain- ed a few girl friends August j5. on the occasion of ber seventh Mir. d Mrs. Don Saunders, jDouglas. Keith and. Dawn, Tor- onto were Sunday guests a! Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow. Gel Cash To-day For Oli Appliances through STA TES M A C L AS SIFIE DS Phone MArket 3-3303 Clusters of Cool, Juicy Flavour, U.S. No. 1 Grade Seedless Grapes 3 Ibs. 3 9c .HICKENS Radios for Shut -Ins (The Telegram) When Wçss Hicks started his appeal last Christmas, through his column in The Telegram, to encourage readers to donate unused and discarded radios to the people who need them, he could hardIv have imagined where it would ail end. As a matter of fact, the idea stili goes marching on, right across Ontario. This nonth tiie Federated Wornen's Institutes of Ontario are giving the campai.gn a bi!gý boost and, at the moment, it seems likely that almost every shut-in person in the province will be able to get a radio if they need it. The Women's In- stitutes have 1,500 branches throughout Ontario, and the members are combing through their communities to see whe- ther ans' needv invalid or el- derly person or deserving case of any kind reciuires a radio. A radio, of course, has be- corne a commonplace thing in most homes and most lives. It is taken for granted. But to shut-ins il is something ,pecial a magic contact with thewoi outside, with music, with church services, with -enter- Il tainment, with sports event&. Our Mr. Hicks and his Christ. mas campaign put about 2,000 radios, donated by Telegramn readers, into sick rooms, or- phanages, hospital wards, in- stitutions and homes for the aged. The project had a strong assist from the Guaranteed Auto Radio Company, which repaireti the used radios. The deluge of contrîbuted radios wvas far beyond expectations. yet Guaranteed Radio handled them ail without demur. In distributing radios ta shut- ins throughout Ontario, the question of transportation has been solved neatly by the Au« tomotive Transport Association. whose members will forward radios ta Women's Tnstitute branches as required. As Wess Hicks observed, "there are still many, many people of good heart in this; topsy -t urvy world.Y Solitude shows us what we shouid be; society shows us what we are.-Riechard Cecil. 1 had three chairs in myv bouse: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.- Henry David Thoreau. Name kSTING or FRYING Fresh Grade "A" 2'/i ta 3 lb. average lb. 3 >r*Cooked H 6 oz. pkg. 39c FROZEN FOOD FEATURE 5 oi. B.C. Chipsteaks pkg. 29c SHOP AND SAVE AT000 Bowmnvile IG Maret DWNANVfLLE Toms" IGA'Market NEWCAksTLEPoqrm Age- Street Address What Church do you I AUGUST US lIME" Save on These Sandwich Item ... Featured ai Solid White Meat - Save 6c Gold Seal Tuna IGA Peanut ButterSae8 Rase Brand Mixed - Save 4c Sweet Pickles Appleford's Food Saver - Save 4c Wax Paper Save 9c IGA Boneless C hi cke n 2 IGA Strawberry Jam Kraft Cheese S lices 0 a 0 6e9 4 ~ti 2.9C 16 oz. 'O'.9 100' Rail 29 C Tins 69c luxe f . pkg.29 Dell % lb. attend?________ ___ Ail Advertised Features Effective August 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 IGA Royal Guest BREA 24o2 Loaf 1 ATTENTION! BOYS & GIRLS CorneIo Uncle Erl' s Daily Vacation Bible School » at - Bowmanville Baplist Church, Aug. 24 - 28 Nelson Street near Liberty 9:30 to 11:30 each morning PARENTS' NIGHT, FRIDAY, AUG. 28.- 7:30 p.m. He is bringing bis talking parrat, flying squirrel and "Goldie the Hainpster". There will be movies, stides, blackboard pictures and games. COME WITH THIS COUPON ALL FILLED IN WATERMELONS Fiery Red 18 Mb. average Each -TRUFMAY, AUG. 13th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAW. BOWMANVnl.& ONTARIO 1»&P-qw iprvm 9 1 B.C. Chip.steaks