PAGE TEW TEE CANAD!AN STATMAN, EOWKM~V1LLE~, O~ITAR1O TWTJRSDAY. ATI~. IOth. 155. the growers at large ini each wek Se ea h n e a e District, instead of th zo- A pe G osV t The W.A. met i the church Pu s e c cr ieteleing a Fiv Ma hall on Thursday of last week %viComm ittee n en isrctEI with a very small attendance. D r To Im rve Op rti n wic CmiteetenelcedLi ' 013 1O The Devotionals were saeP usP p e the member for that District. 9 j10Promoion PIIIa The Ontario Tender Fruit Bone. During the meeting more Fine-flavored Burbank plums,sutnta sperfe. T Growers' Marketing Board has Apple growers throughout Mir. Oughtred. W2iile apple pro- aprons and other items for the reddish colored, good eatm , ah renpppr, e OM a k t nB o r s been requested to exempt pro-t Ontario will vote August 2lst duction is increasing in Canada bazaar were handed in. The favorites, have arrived on the!mv osad ed. Co cessors from being hocensed by on a plan to improve the i- and the United States, con- roll cail was answered by re- market in good supply and will te nbiigwtrfrfv A more active interest ini the W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of it for this year and ta leave this dustry by means of promotion, sumption is decreasing as pea- peating a proverb. Plans to hold be i stores everywhere now.miuehndrn. tu!pp operation 'of the various mar- Agriculture for Ontario. function with the Farm Pro- research, and a markets infor- pie turnotoother highly adver- a bake sale at the lake on Sat- The earlier, thin-skinned peach-pecaswihcbd olga kteg a thcedudr nerreeedegis o fud s d nvstmnt incmejsec tiw on o ed ntari apitan crease consumption and to pro- business session the theme dettes, Golden Jubilee, Envoyche.Ple nsaowb- Aet ls to be undertaken by the eral revisions and changes have the license feeregulation under Vegetable Growers' Associa- tect the ir giate of aepr a y ce wa os ted heuni-n.arsnd RedHaven.xcAlenf ourigdih ddaltteh; a O)ntaro Farm Products Market- been made under agreement the Ontario Vegetabie Grow.~ tion after long study o! pro- from esino ares a AnicngA contst ondu dbooksof he B-vriltisnamedre ecen oh and bak ina mderte ve ing Board, announces the Hon. with the various local boards. rs' Marketing Plan, which left grams in other apple areas groesiwio aeadampe aini nbe wscnutd b r.fretn rs and anannuingsor for- haeifvo andhou.eSdpHravene Mr. Goodfellow said that it the amount o! the fee payable and discussions o! Ontario's ihoeouly i an da , hforesidBon oe d an igtr y f l- whilae Eoy arezn Rd aen Blltn 7 ! h Otri was his intention ta see that a by the growers to the discre- needs. phpln aî'freetinlwe Favh erehetsae g o riezi varfete.prmn o giutue e ~~~ ~ more active interest i heO'tion of the local, board, has According to Arthur Ough- ro! agrower andrecto et p bro ughtche ms eetingraos2 e. lpp's F aoite, frs ro!nh eieadfute ugsin FADN SERVICE erations of the various boards been amended to a specific Y2 tred of Cl.arkson, who is chair- ratinand irect tIi. 9Y0- unh avsiseed byMru . n rtearkgodetngpr, a eon fr tffdpepes T bti DEAD, OLD and CRTPPLED would be undertaken and every of 1%o of the gross selling price man o! the apple section, the through the sale of advertisung Mrs. Harold Larmer were Mr. Melbas, Red Astrachan, Trans- 1h nomto rnh nal FARM STOCK possible assistance given to en- of the vegetables for processing; plan is pureîy one o! promo- sapaonig t bu ndMs .LrePtrooparent and Duchess apples.DertetoAgiuueP- emove Freeof Carge sure their successful operaticui. and the license fee payable by tion and information. It does three cents a bushel for fresh Mr. Allan Larmer, Toronto. D~~5aeecletfrct imn uligTrno n Iemmeda e -r e of iCe Under the amended legisla- the grawers under the Ontarioin adfo pes ndapetr. I*meK ateOU -r.O erAT vFOioce mme of any local Soya Bean Growers' Markting lot propose any contrai over apples, which would be affixed gadfrpe an apl bS OROERTRFR toarn mno w e be a mlyePa asbe eue rr pricing on marketing. - to the container or to papers Little Janice Hubbard, Tren- sauce. Transparents also serve boardmay ow b an inplyee lan as ben rduce fro Twe ain actos mae th accmtonng hasapbeen entonoys ngn a oyig a tis thisisduall urbut btRRd of aiiylocal board. lc. per bushel to 12c. per buh- Two fsntac ttors tme tfhacm anti.te pi s -with h purposets M. n &9uaith 66550 o!hmain . herfgrandparentsheMrl.andAstrachans and Meibas are bs No oliChage he ystm o elctig te i. lanessntii a ths tmesax met.Mrs. B. Hubbard. On Monday for eating. NoTl hremembers o! the Ontario Flue- Due to applications before she entertained a number of NIkPcn eebrough Cured Tobacco Growers' Mar- the Courts at the time, the On- are. littie guests, when she celebra- Peppers are both plentiful and keting Board has been changed tario Hog Producers' Marketing M*ps on .ransp laning e erffh itda ih a gd alt y nths yarketi- Board and its marketing agen- birthday party. ready they'reandthe marot in Y ouraveTreesrqa ndedShrubeS Mr and Mrs. George Allison ta arrive fresh frorn the farrns r e xtend compulsory direction o! o r e n h u er ot oahueamn till wl noSpebr st ~U . ~ I kIhogs to asscmbly points beyond party when family and rela- varieties, there are hot and T A ECO O I L the areas under compulsory di- The transplanting o! trees ening. tives gathered at their home on sweet peppers, ranging ini color rectian as of October, 1958, un- and shrubs should be more than if the soil Is heavy or espe- Saturday evening ta view the from yellow, iight and dark tii approved by the Farmn Pro- just !illing a hale in the grounid. cially wet, dig wide and dep. new addition to their home. green ta red. Sizes and shapes Die t S rvc oducts Marketing Board. jA littie extra care in this oper- Then fi back with suitable Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bone, vary from long ta short, fat ta Direc Serv ce ToThe Board is aiso consider- ation will assure home plant- mixed earth or drainage mater- Connie and Dianne, Hamilton, slim, small to large. m ~ m uing concentrating ahl the mar- ings a fair chance for solid iai and plant shaliow. calleci brîefly on Mr. andi Mrs. Choppeci peppers add bath amiamumnmu ~~~~~~~~keting pragram of each cam- grounding came next spring. Don't plant the roots too deep.R.Bn on atrdyashe favrndclraan sla. CANADIAN NA I ONIALi modity graup in anc organiza- The main prablem centres on Set them one or two inches be-R oenSaudy sth fvradclrt n aa. tian, which wauld not affect the size of the hale ta, be dug. iow their original position. peoeinotesta Caar g an iBkcsufd epr rvd any basic principles, would And no single rule can be laid A fertilizer, mixed in with the ii points ofast, w eretealn avoici duplication, and shoulci dOwn cancerning this. The soul, is helpful, but do notle EX H IBITION rn about some saving in costlength and spread of theroots, concentrated commercial et-het.LwncSaay of peaton.Asa esutth aswel s te atre f hesoil izrs om i diec cntat r.indn directyAbot Badis discussing with the can best determine the answer with the roots. andi famîly, Bowmanville, wcre F K I ' , August 26 Io September 12, excepi Sunday producer boards which have ta this question. etadhmsmx whSu ayviorwt M.ndF R T1 appointeci private or co-opera- Here are a few suggestions the soul in the hale are often Mrs. Howard Abbott.! Leave Bowmanville 10:22 arn. - 2.80 g aencesto handlethe bSi- the Ontario Departrnent of ta transplantsnfordgoaci theervice at ness side a! their activitie bth Agriculture speciaiists: The removai o! buriap from Kinsale an Sunday where he t) passibility a! combining their Be sure that hales are wide transplants is not necessary. enjoyed a very inspiring adi- Return from CNE Grounds (Bus Depot agency with the local board, and deep enough sa that roats Roats can penetrate burlap, dress by Rev. T. H. lehm il1:30 pm since amendments ta the Farin neeci not be twisted out of their which wili rat andi eventually Mr. and Mrs. Eari Wadding- p..Products Marketing Act now normai position. The sides o! disappear. Just be sure that ton visiteci relatives in Toronto NO PARKING PROBLEMS makes this arrangement pos-~ the hale shouici be perpendicu- there is no tight string or bandi- during the weekend. Ride the Bus and Save the Fuss sible. lar and the bottoin flat and le- aging around the stem o! the Mxs. Rilda Stevenson andi _______________ vel. Spread ahrmoats sa that plant. granddaughter Anne, Toronto, cach is ini contact with the new A few words about watering. spent Sunday with her daugh- Contct our oloial oac Lins A entsoul without the formation o! neyer floodi a hale with water ter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ar- DIAL MA 3-3811 BO WNAN VILL stony, allowfo enaugh new fullio earth that has been suit- The W.A. o! Burketon Unit- i ]sou to give the roats room ta ably compacteci about the eci Church, have planned ta Iniurecj i advance freely. mic~terots. Let the water soak in hold their bake sale on the Save the tapsail dgfo h before the addition o! extra lawn at the home o! Mrs Cat.. hale for use arounci the roots. carth. Do not pound down wet ton, Caesarea. Accident Either disoard the poorer soil soul. F111 in the last layer o! Mr. andi Mrs. Stan Paine, LO O Kç A N D > LEA K N below, or mix it with better earth with just average firm- Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Art Fritz Marti, R. R. 4, Bawman-! material. Use the poorer mix- ness. Glen, Toranto, were Sunday 10 Y U CA G TseNU H MO E ville, was injured in a motor ture abave and put a layer on In your fali planting, it's a guests of M.r. and 3iVrs. Thos. NOW OU AN ET O M CE ORE accden onTuesday, Aug.. top that will remain porous andi good idea ta leave a muich Hacige. Mr. Marti's 1956 Valkswagen resistant ta sun-bake and hard- arounci the transplant. FOR UCE LESS IN e0 0and a truck belanging to Stur- rock and Sons, Bowmanville, The essence o! snobbery is ta .o calided an Lamb's Road just I . r J assess value according toaa north o! No. 2 Highway at 2.05 iih -i-eediInges wrong type o! scale; the snob BERNINA, the completeiy auti e reamswn p.m. Gary Hancock, Newcastle, Ii l i Snobbery is pride i status machine for '59 eliminates ail ad!nslg was the driver o! the truck. *r, without pride in function.- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, S e i.,us G rd nest The word that is overbcaring rlght in by Swiss Craftsmen. T Sca IJE REhad NO W ! Me.w r. Martiwas t nt a Mcm- du a Dr.d e n Lanel uT sril i . -E e y pat n ccs r f r a y edg oareii n u The carthat hd to hppen!ohn erew a ate re- lugs can reduce many gar- and you have evidence of that isasuEnostie-vdrerything from zig-zag to btohls elgo leased. He suffereci a cut high den plants ta mere shreds in a slimy little creature, the slug....... -.i. buttons, darning, mcnding, 1otoadtrenel on hîs nase, also a laceration night's work-if they get the Practically ail classes o! gar............. embroidering in uniimitcd dsgsisdnéomltl M. C. Joynt, OPP, investigateci Look for those silvery trails the night-feeding slug. Being the accident. along the ground andi those tat- very hardy creature, it can sur-,Cvu *a Ask your NEOCHI-BERNINA Dne o rehm Four people were injureci on tercd leaves ini their wake- vive conditions o! heat, drought 1 demonstration on the FIRST RTDBRIAtdy Tuesday morning at 1:45 o'clock adcl."ti u otds e a b T D ]A E hna15 ecrCovr-tructive garden pest," says Lifetime Guarantee Bond! ible went out o! contrai andi ran Provincial Entomoiogist H. W.a Models start at rington eT onhi. hdi- KeeP turCoble f ,uelphn the fgirst- "«You can own a brandnwBENN Daligtn owshp.Th di-for as littie as $2.OOprwe! ver o! the car, Paul S. Maffat, O fI f laifa a cniation s fornsu o n trai age 17, Walmer Road, Oshawa, cnieain o lgcnrl andi his passenger, DonaldN- LSnce slugs hide under ail kincis g' ' chois, age 20, 165 Ritson Road, s 'emr !bi shdnn h dy t A ings to Oshawa, Miss Betty Shears, 16, In Se t Der is important ta remove all such Flint, Michigan, andi Miss Judy material from the garden area. Cgfl\DO yours Winistor, also o! Flint, were Keep next month in minc Any brush piles, weed beds or î\a ' taken to Oshawa General Hos- when you're running cows on untnimmed fence rows are pital where they are undergo- pasture tis August. It might equally «oaci hiding places for L ing treatment for their injun- make the difference between a slugs. Try ta dlean these areas ies. Constable W. J. Reimer, heavy or iight alfalfa crop next Up.WA ficer s the investigating of- year. S n e a d ne s u e p nc E C H E W N A C I E ( A A A) L D fie.If you've «et the pasture, save barriers ta edue sug am Carlyle Kenneaily, age 39, fieldis that are ail-grass or low age. The best trap is a piece o! 3445 Park Ave., MonraQe see and drive your new dimension Pantypoal, is a patient in Lind- in alfalfa for September grazing bark, at ieast 6 inches square. A ALBEA say osptalwhene he is being andi keep your cows on ai! alfa It shoulci be thick enough ta re- VIA in motoring at treated by Dr. Peter Gi. Mn. till the endi o! this month. Then tain moisture for some period O Carlyle was injuned in an ac- shift them aver ta the grass andi o! time. Place it in the area ta *cident on Friday evening at claver pastures in September 'be protecteci. Collars o! wireJA K B OH G ra h arns G a rage 11:40 o'clock when he was a andi leave the alfalfa alone. screening, pl.aced around plants, K D O G H iggon E lec rc L d passenger in a 1949 Packard PLUMBING and HEATING awedan nienbyFedrik Sa says Dr. Bill Tosseil, for- will offer «oaci protection. Use Swdan r lo nty pol. e esanheraite .ACwidths o! about 2 inches, andi Divisioni Street South 38 King St. E. hn A330 The VILL a ccird, 7 e f oeihn alalf rots re jt,,ngsink toa adepth o! 1 inch. MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE i______________________________ BOWMANVILLE foouci «'dhr-ng Sep mtembeqr.T istTymtieyeho.Sus_________________________________________ doMks.ta, manufacture more foodi than end family visited with Mn. andi d.uom. is needeci for that top growth. Mrs. Earl Oliver, Blackstock, That extra food is moveci down Saturday evenling. inta the roats and stareci. Once Mn. Chester Hoskins la visit- the foodi is in the roots it will ing relatives at Niagara Fails for o n N U, develop buds through Septem- a few days. ber andi October," he acics. Quite a number fnom here "When you have the food ne- attendeci the baen dance helc C OM PL E T ELT G RAMNULA R ~N j cessany for bucis, overwintcr- in the new barn o! Mx. Jaque ing, andi napid growth in the Van Dam on Saturday evening. NEW DRILLING PRECISION ALWAYS FLOWS FIEL spring, yau can take of! the Miss Linda Siingerland anci foodi produeing factory at the fnienci, Oshawa,wee una The controlled particle size of SUPER Completely granulri vndîdt c top andi turn it into milk or visitons with Mr. and Mis. B. LOno dueto vriegaue- ioeecs sturSPRFO bec!," says the Ontario Depert- Hubbard. gives you new accuracy and ease o! contatins n utt adnut uis ment o! Agriculture researcher. Mxr. and Mis. R. J. Harvey, application. SUPER FL OW runs evenly "The bucis that are laid down Oshawa, visited with MJx. and and freeiy-no drill clogging and skip- early in feul will start growth Mrs. J. A. Turnbuli on Sunday, pn.Ti mditiuino e-S U P ERFLO next spring," he explains. "The aftcr returning from Graven- tilizer gives you more even crops-Sp ph pht ______immature buds are reserve hurst, where bath famiies had highr yeld bucis, andi many of them will enjayeci a week's holidays. hge il.Sprhshf replace stems lost ta cutting. Mr., Alden Hubbard left on N U SUPERphLOWpaei o aalbe If you haven't got a gond num- Sunday evening fon Carnduf! ODUTSUE litprciioSganlae ber o! fairly weil developeci Saskatchewan, where he will SUPER FLOW je completely dustiesa qualify. Smiooth lown a Moude ud Rofttd by.. crown bucis, then you cen be visit relatives for a couple of e.. asier to hande .. . epecially on spreoding easieoe oviet sure the numben o! stems per weeks. _______________________ plant will be law next year. Mr. and Mis. Cyrus Ashton wnydy W wAndi if yau cut on Pasture low spent the weekend un Tweed SIV III ~I~IIIU~jright through next yean, you visiting relatives., haven't gat the store o! buds." ta Virginia, U.S.A., where she Anothen interesting point: ta will visit her son for a couple 'I U I boost top growth andi buci de- of weeks. BOWYVMNVILLE velopment ini Septemben, Tas- Mn. Alden Hubband was the--* -- - àeUsuggests fertilizing alfalfa guest o! 'his cousins, Mr. andci orjo y u dn ywt \a August Mmra Bruce Ashton, Blackstock. PACM TEff TM CANADL« STATISBRR. BOYrMAIfVff.ýLU ONTAMO THUPMAY, AUG. 20tb. IM