IOMMUDAT, AtT. Zth, 1950 T CANADIAN ITATMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. flUTAWTfl 85~W.W £SZAEbA LI fi ~Recreation Department's tens 1next Sunday afternoon, when! fllessons held on Tuesday andJuve ilS Newcastle meets Cobourg i Co- £1~ crea ionThursday afterxioons through- bourg. E 9 e r atl iî w uttesumr obourg Juvenile linminated ByDogls g iren 1 Lose 7 - 6 NePiwcastle and utaredth: inl ByDui iethe lRed CroessJno CaawiU l4 mishore title, Wedneaday nightL take tertests next Monday, n Pr tii fOFOIW Theweatherman c-prted Minor Basebali right ta entr the finals against! Cream of Barley Pool, Me Olympias hope. of tak. less than 16 games were played.' f as ThrdIronn a heYnes h ht The Interniediate and Senior Ing their seriez with Port Hope Orono ha. Pee Wee, Bantarn and; ethe wind up of thle regular ache. took the game -by default when Red Cross Tests wiil be held ln two straight were dashedbyJuvenle teanis competing in;i dule for the Recreation Depart- the Senators dldn't have enougli next Thursdav and Friday, a five run Inning rally in Port inmage "'D" clana. Newcastle ment's Atom League. Uisted PlaYerts how up ,to field a Auguat 27th andi 28th, at Creamn Hope lest Thuraday evenlng. his Pee Wee, Juvenile mdi belo isthefinl stndig fr tain.of arly Pol.Hero of the game was Aus- Hope had ail teams but their the Atorn League: L The Yankeesan WhtSx Listed bclow are the results tin of Port Hope who knocked 'Intermediates put out by Bow- W LPsiwIll play on Thuraday mornlngj of the Girls Learn ta Sw m in thc tying runs with a triple manville. Cobourg hasPeW~ Crias4 O 8 for the League Championship. Test.s held last week at the ans e aehoenP ajBna ueu e, m Juio White So ___ 3 1 6 The game is scheduled for 1():0() Boys' School Pool: an thw cby ethe onr banan tam, uinMior "A"daction. Yanees2 24 emria Pak.Bowmanville John James to win the game. Bownianville will be entere<j ini Senators 2 2 4 Playgrounds 120 ft.-Louise Mann, Eileen 7-6. Austin also got a home run -B opeiin Leafs -----1 32 TComriaypAgut it wllJoes Suga Kigs hisFridy, ugut 2st %iii! the first and a single in the Sugar Knga ..1 3 2 bring tisl year's summer play- 97 ft.-Connie Brooking. fifth._______________ The first game of the play- grounds ta a close. A full week' 90 ft.--Susaii White.f Bowmanville was ahead 0.2 offs was played last Friday of events have been scheduled 70 ft.-Lynda Mutton. going into the last inning and morning wlien the league win- to bring the playground season1 60 ft.-Susan Etclîer. Karen appeared ta have the ganle in ning Cardinals faced the third ta a gala wind Up. ahlat ua ClvrEdtebgwt oeu.Sot-O C R plac Yakee in suden On Wdnedayat Mmoral;yth Thompson, Dianne McFee- stop Don Bagneli made a bad: deatil playoff. The Yankees Park a full day of playground ters, Pat Chant. Shirley Shein, throw t0 fIrst, Haskill drovej ISI handcd the Cardinals their first games have been sclieduled. Carol Beilman. Linda Maynard,1 a hard shot into rightfleld for HI - LIG HIi defeat of the season and ad. h oranet ilbgin Suzanne Mitchell, Merrlclv a single and then James over- vanced into the league finals. at 10:00 arn. and feature sucli Hately, Mary Jane Kilpatrick,ithrew tWice ta first. Austin .T'he Yankees won. the game activities as bean bags, quoits lArlene Allun, Hlda Ferbeek. i tripled ta tie the score and came1 Bowm*nanville's playoff chan- 4-0 with Dickens pitching a n0 tetherbail, fin can cricket, vol- 45 ft.-Ludy Blyleven. 1 in when the third sacker tried1 ces dinned considerably, the, bitter, and collecting a total 0f ]eyball. softball and a tug-o- i 40 ft.-Christy Tighi, Marilyn 1 to cut hlm off at the plate 'Hoopers' Jewellers dropped a 14 strike outs. The Yankees war. In the afternoon there McCullough. Gail Mamters. Larry Piper Put on a terrif1c 2-1 decision to Courtice in a collected a total of six hits off will be contests for freckIes, j 38 ft.-Sheila Shield. show as he switched froin the senior soccer contest, Wednes- of Randy Beauprie. bubble gum and widest grin. 35 ft-Judy Band, Margie catching duties ta the hurling 1 day nighit. Victory gave the The second semi.-final gai-ne On Tuesday and ThursdRy Doroman. ehores and pitched one of the î Courtice crew a piece of the' was played on Tuesday morn- afternooni there will be boys! 32 ft.- Janice Lyle. Edith, best garnes of the year. At the 1 league leadership with Zion. ing with the White Sox and and girls archerv tournamentslBentley, Cathrvn Etcher. I plate John Twist and Piper However, Zion lias onc game I Senators playlng off for the, he]d behind the Bowmanvilleï 30 ft.-Juanita Tice, Abe Ly- went two for three whilc Bag- iii. hand. Solina belted Ennis- HihSchool. Also on Tuesdav, cett, Geor-gie Mufion. elndJes er two for! killen 5-1. to nioNe ouf of the morning there wvas a golf tour.. 20 IL - Jean, Hoog. Willie! foui' with James getting VIP'cellar. while ilie lose-_rs not only Inanient for all the children tak- Blyleven, Susan Meadowc, Lin- only extra base kroc of>f' 10sf iheir last niathemiatical Rur l ea ue ing part in th(% Recreation De- da M\cFeeters, Penny Jeffery, Brown who xvas steady on the chance of imaking the p]ayoffs, Rua e gpartment's golf lessons. Gai] Kiiapp. liii] for Port Hope. i but took vrtebsmn On Tliursday evening the 18 ft.-Donna Moinntjoy. Lvn1 Final game of the series was i position as well. Sern - Fnalsplaygrounds will put on a Var'- Fair. Jeanette Jacobson. Bren- i played in Bowmanville Satuir- 11,n junior action. Thursday iety Night at the Town Hall da Thompson. Ann Reader,! day' evening. nighit, Enniskillen and Tyrone .Sart IodaNi at 7:00 parn. Each play- Bonnie Ormiston.-j batfled t a 1-i draw to remain I .7 ~~~~~~~ground will be responsible for 12 ft.-Jo-Anne Stephenson. jte tI onsaic o h oeor two acts. The Children'si Marjory Bafe. Maureen Wood. ;1 IG ii fourth and last playoff Position. The Newtonville Royals fin-, Theatre group will put on a! 10 f.-Lyn Major, Maureen ZiOalG rl on assured thiemselves of ai ished on top of the heap in the short pl ay entitled "Land of: Tiglie. Faye Myles, Margaret first place finish as the result rural league with 21 poinits. Jesters". Plummer. JojHauof a pl s rove inot 4- Kendai followed with 13 and The winne'rs of the variaus 6 ft.-Nancy McRober-tgq TV IIýin OverHmtn aIGaels - Newcastle wvas right behind crests and ribbone will receive anne Myei-s. b to Courtice to slip one point thern with 12 points. 1 their prizet on Thursdav night. Newcastle I!m illb1_9 behind a playoff berth. Solina' Kendal meets Newcastle in AIl parents and friends 'are cor- 12f t.Aic rnka datcelardeligBomn the semi-finals with the first dially invited to attend thus f.Bt ovl.Jur~î oMîbokFi ville a 5-0 loss. Naecasda, ue. 2 n arey i *t 90 ft.-Beverly Aldread. day ev~ening proved ta be a' Resuits of eGames Saturdav Necsl.Another feature of fhe even-1 60 ft.-Jackie Garrod. Judy othhletp;o'teJue-Night Schedule as follows: ing will be the presentation of; Alldread, Francis Hbar. Bren- ile Girls softbali fteani as they« Tyrone 1. Solino 0 August 20-in Newcastle. Volunfeer Leader crests ta the da Brown, Pet Belsev. Judy handed a Il -9 set-back to f*i l anipton 2, Enniskillen 1. August 25-mn Kendal. cilidren who have helped the Powell, Marianne Trendan ilro rw ________ August 27-m Newcastle. playground supervisors the JElanr MCrckn.Bomanvie sate u ts. K~U~L 29 (f neessay)-i moa thrughot th aumer 35 ft.-Margaret Zwier. gefting three runs in fthe first M T TO Rendal. ~On Friday morning a Tennis 33 ft.-Joyce Greenly, Sart-1 and four in the second. They ANVERSST IO September 1 (if necessary)- tournament will be held for thejdra Gould. added sinugles in the third and inNecatl. hidrn hoparticipated in the 30 ft.-Hilda Tendam. Ka- f t nd nia+t.i f,., in fi Mtrs. Rav McCoubray Toron-: & e_-igt.Mirokgthreifo is on vacation with her par-' 15 ft.-Ida De Jong, Glenna; the second and fiffli. one in thîe ents, Mr-. and Mrs. Alex Sin- Jolinoton.; sixtil and two in thle seventh. clair. ft.-Carol Lee. Kien De For Bowxmanville Edith, Nim- p The showes-s over the week- Jooger. ugon wvent three-for-six and 'end were very welcome, as Tyrone Eleanor Piekard and~ Sandra everything is so dry. The farm- f120 ff.-Wendy Partner. Ma-' hsoic atwo-for tliree ers had a wonderful opportunify ryL0tavren For Millbrook, Guthrie wvasto harvesf the grain under hot. 1It.Krr Spenser. i three-for-five and Carl had Isinny skies. The tobacco and 68 ft. - Heafher Brinwinde. two-for-four. Gutbrie poundedi potato growers need flhe rain 'Janice Taylor. a double and triple and Carl very badly. 15 ft.-Gail Scott, Annr Skin- clouted a boner. IMr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilder, 'nen. Irene Keyenga.I The best four-aut-oi' seven Peterborotugli, aftended the dec- 6 ft.-Irene Kreay. 'plavoff with Orono begins this!orafion service et Pontypool on jAny children swimming for-I FriÏday' in Orono. Sunday and wvere supper guests ty feet or mare in the above j with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boggs. tests will advance into the Red iMr. and Mirs. W. Hensby and Cross Beginners' class nexf I famly, Roblin, and Mr. a»d year.I reeW ees G oon Mrs. Perey Aasand Ssn fThe results of the Boys' Red jTQronwthoMn.and rs. Frknkd-- et-' iCross Beginners' test% are as w B. n rs rnkD- follos' WI.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Argue are fBowmanvllle holidaying in Western and jKent Cleland. Jim Maguire, Bow~manvfie acored the Northern Ontario. Obie Rypstra. Tracy Osmnondf inies in the fifth te break a, Mrs. Wilmot Horner was Paul Parker, Doug. Hayes, John five ail deadlock, and go onjhastess te a group of ladies on Lockharf, Paul Charbonneau, tie 1-MwnernllParkHoletThunsay nigit, when Mrs. Tauno Baxter, Gordon Janczyn, atteMmra ak atDowneèr, Peterboroughl held a Jini Colwill, Allan Andres, Ian thrdynilf Tewn aedemonstretion. Several games McQuarrle, Doug. Sleep, Bob-1fu locals the best of fhree were played, the winners ne- by Welsb, Dennis McDonald, O.B.A. Pee Wee series i l fW ceiving gifts. Mrs. Horner and Peter Holmes, George Holmes j straiglit garnes. and Bowman- ie assistants servcd a deliciaus' DnyHoaper, John Bimi: . ville thus advances iuto the lunch. toma ,Gonoy oley next round. The 14 girls from Bowmanville combewGardn toleyI John Kilpafrsck paced thle1 Public Sehools are ta be con- I Nceasle homesters' 12 Mrt assault On gratuiafed on their very fine Hans DeGooyer, Gnrdon AI-: noute-going pitcher Austin, singing on Thursday affernoon lin, Hugi Allin, John Lees, wvifh three safefies, lncluding over CHEX-TV, Channel 12, Grant Williams, George .Lees. two home runs. GuY Park also Peterborough. We enjoyed it I Hampton ' had tliree base knocks, whileI very much. iHenneth Rice. JDave McFeeters aud Don Mce. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crowley, tets l oifh3 28 ridth Murter cach collected a pair. Millbrook, were Monday even- test wit 28being successful For Port Hope the bettery of ing dhiner guesfs with Mr. and in passing their tests. Austin and Baxter was the pick, Mrs. N. Porter. D APi equally dividing haîf a dozen I-______________ DAY CAMP1 bingles. M1%cMurter gave up feu Iby Bey Cowllng, Murray- j its over thle distance, te regis- ~ IWalker, Vernis Foran, and fer the win. Doris Martin A- tIN jOur Junior Day Camp was very successful as our Indian!L k-,I EI fotsweeerected by the van- akesnore loua tibes the first day. WeiPa o f R p r O Ir, Lakeshore Besebaîl action ail Bowmanville teanis enter' O.B.A. playdowus (Pee Wee,I Bantarn, and Juvenile>. The new Junior trophy donated by iSmith's Beverages bas rie and wil be presented. probably buit our bridge ounflhe'River, Kwai and decorated totem poles, hatchefs, council ring and' fhemselves in giaily coloured j Pae Plyd fla'gs, had a paper chase and a supervised wàr. sang numerous songs and en-. joyed swimnîing tlioroughly. uIn our arts and cnafts peniods we made plaster paris molds which i turued out excellently. On Wednesdiay night, sleep, ouf was held and a great deal 1 of fun was had by all,- with' staying up late and bcd timef stories. Thursdey noon found thle starvig sav'ages, 28 of! tbem, eating their dinners, with the supervisons as chief coak, and bottle washers. 1 Ricky Samis was the chief on' Fridey ev e n ing (Parent's nigbf). Doug Firthl presieda medicine man for thcevnige with opening exercises sucli as J leg wnestling. hand wnestling, and a noni-supervised war, in which they wrecked their forts, a lire-lighting ceremouy when i thue Thunder Bird lit Uic fine for us. and a tug of wan. We congratulate the Chey-J enne who came first wlth se- coud goiug to the Mohawkand third ta Uic Apache tribe. Thef beat campera were Mlike Bcd-I ford, Ron Thentell, and Pauli Charbon.nea.u. Honourable men- 1 tion goes ta Gerry Etcher, Doug, Firth, Allen Fonan, Mike Bath- 1 well, John Sturrock and Greg; Conden. We heartily thank Mwr. Coi bes for kindly giving un fleuse of bis tarin for our Day CampI programme, on behaîf of the' Feecreat ion Depart ruent. Wc hope that nexf year's sumnmer programme willI be as aucceul- Lui as I"iS&oe Country CLub' BOWMANVILLE 1 a 9U MR. IAN TURNER CLUB PRO.' formerly of Buchanan Castle Golf Club, Scotland Assf. Pro., Mr. Stan Nicks A ppointments available Phone MArket 3-2670 Good News for Bowmanville! ROBSON MOTORS LTD. OPENS SPECIAL TUNE Up SECTION la your car motor giving peak performance? Doosa it knoeck wheeze or groan when you tramp on the gas pedal? Is it slow starting? Does it chug and die when you stop at a light? How about nileage are you getting as much as you shouid? JIM HAYMAN on. of the best motor men in the business, is heading up a brand new section in our shop, devoted entirely to tuning up motors to make thern operate to customers' satisfaction. Ris wide experience can help you! Drop in to-day - You'l be glad you did Robson Motors Limmted PONTIAC - BUICK - VAUXHAIL CARS - GMC TRUCKS NI 3-3321 &'-3-3322 Tickets - $1.00 each FRIDAY, QUA"T A42 CG".LON 1*~~ .4, QUART QUART .28 GALLON There's FREE PARK ING when you shop at your local . COlIODTIREI 160 CHURCI STRET 50 WMAN VILLE AUG. ý the world's Finest Moto, Oil! P2 . . With nature's "extra' buit- in for peppy, trouble-fr.. driving Fi wp wth Moto-Master V. I.100+ Heavy OIjty Motor Oit, refined with the utmost skil (rom, the finest Pennsylvania oit stocks to gis'e ail ai'ound protection ta vour engine. Moto- Master Vi .100+ prolongs trouble-f ree per- formance for thousands of extra miles plus erigine clean and f ree f rom wear to gis'e vour car %mooth, full power. Your car automatically delivers top performance anid econorny at ail speeds and temperature, mile after mile. Moto-Master V. 1 + is the oit for your engine . . . for A iknds of driving and speeds. leps reduce eicpensive 14)aire--cAIJSclown, en ed Niil,, too. msO] 3 Grades in one cou seabonol changeoves Refined *specially for today's high speed, high compression engines to give rlch, Mil- time lubrication at cvery speed and temperà- fljre. It's a year 'round ail that pravides maximumn protection against sludge, rust wid corrosion ta keeP your engine at Peak effkci- erucy. FuIiy dtergent-keeps new engine« clean, restores power ta aider cars. Privent, engine knock, stops valve Ilfters stlcking, lowers cil consumrption, pralongs engin@ 11f., steps up horsepower, and boasts gasalire mile- age. Save monev and engine wear with SUPEROYL - .ef%éd frornMU O9puu Por.w4tvanra. Prof essiona I Golf Lessons Icc-\Sout/iew Ç01 i LEGION *Mttm 'uW89 Save 1/2 on NUGOLD NON-DETERGENT-NATURAL OIL * iLTrEED-. re.uee c"»êe.Fom wogi kupurW«ae t Cause poeralesi. *DEWAàXED--for fl-ffew Iub4icat"o. Té». pedfect lubrication for every car and truck (e>cepting those requiring Moto-Master Heavy Duty Motor 011).- It'i. pure "Gulf 011". free of "slow-down" wax and filtered ta refflove carbora deposits. Rates high î, "Flash", "Pour"' and "lnclex"--the "yardstick" of the oit industry i determdning vigc<xity and hbricting qualitiet; Worth 50c Io 55c a qusart. IDER...a FMANVI LLE CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS Children's Parade starts 6:30 21 166 King si. E. - 7Classes Bowmanvmle FREE ATTENDANCE DRAWS A $20.00 BILL WILL BE DIAWN FOI AT 10 P.N. AND Il PA( Yom mii ho on the groumds le win I DRAW FOR 1959 OldsmobïIe "88" Holiday Sceni Hardtop Proceeda for Legion Communiiy Work OmJY 6,Mw Tickets --,à TM CANADUS STATUBUM. now?&ANvn.L& CMAMO . .96 . 9