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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1959, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TM CAIiADIANS AMA. BOWMA&NVIILE.ONTAEJD THURSDAY. AUG. 2Mt Births1 In Memorian Articles for Sale j Articles for Sale 1 MAGILL.-Mildred and Wes1 CLARK-In loving memory afj PIANO, easonable. Telephone TRACTOR plougb, 3-furrow,, (nee Allin>, Woodstock, an- Aima Maud Clark who passed1 MA 3-2949. 34-1 nearly new. Phone MA 3-2661.1 nounce the birth ai a baby girl. away August 25, 1952: --34-1* Laura Jean (Laurie) an Tues- 1 Wonderful memoies ai one ýo CLEAN, empty gallon jugs, $1,00:-_______ day, August llth, 1959. A sister dear îadozen. MA 3-5655. 34-1 POTATO digger, good condition; for Janice. 34-11j Treasured stili with a love IBOY'S three-piece suit, size 9. 2. te mpe vs A34- i sincerd hn A338. 41 02 41 PRESTON-Maurice and Donna 'In aur hearts she is living Poe A3-38.4 * TWO-WHEEL Waterloo grarden (nee Martin) are happy ta an-! yet DAWBUL seed wheat from reg- trcopog1 n utvtr nounce the birth of a son! We loved ber too dearly ta istcmed seed. MA 3-2126. 34-.l* $100. 113 High St. 3- Martin Frcderick, on August, ever forget. ______________ llth at Memarial Hospital,I-Sadly misscd and ever ne- WATER for sale. Delivemed. CONNOR washiîng cahine, Bowmanville. 34- 1 imcmbered by Mother, Father, Phone Cliii Pcthick. MA 3-2736.1 large mail box, other baouse- sisters and brothers. 34-1 4 5ti hld articles in A-i condition RAHM-Allison Rabm is proudi. GOOD pine lumber, rcasonably (dlean). Mi-s. A. F. Spencer, ta annaunce the bitb ai ber McLAUGHLIN, Cam-In lovinglpriced. Phone Newcastle 3876.I Maple Grave. 34-11 bAugust lthatWMemia lem mmo fai adear husband and 134-11ONE 71/2 h.p. Scott-Atwater piu 1talow avileProud Hos- father, Carl McLaughlin, who --Iotordmtneewn 5 pita, Bwmavill. Poudpar- died August 20, 1958. FULL size crib and mattress, joor nw Oe 5 ents, Clem and Ruth. 34-V, We littie knew when we wokei $12.95. Phone Newcastle26. Peterborough cedar boat, just that morn 3- refinished, A-i condition. Bar- ROBERTS-Roger and Kevini The sormow the day'iud pps gain. Phone 2131 Newcastle. are happy ta announce the j bning,1ay ',ou FURNACE and pps good as Jack Holmes. 34-tf of a baby brother, Sidney Benja- For the caîl was sudden. the, new. Reasomiabie. 37 Prospect min, on August l3th at Memon- shack severe Street. 34-11 ANTENNAE ial Hospital, Bowmanville. The To part with anc we 1oved CUT fmesh daily, gladioli. Op-' pmaud parents arc Carnie and sa dean. posite Ceam ai Barley Park. n ald - R pi Simon Roberts. 34-1 -Ever mcmembered, Jean, Grant Phone MA 3-5026. , nsaledReaie jand Neil. 34-1----- - --- WERRY - Donald and, Dennis'; baby brother, Eldin Bruce, a- rivcd Tuesday. August 18. 1959, at Oshama General Hospital. Bill and Helen arc the happy parents. 3- Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius A. Denhcrtog announce the engage- ment ai their dauglitem Helen Clazina, ta Harry Vandebeit, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vande- beit Sr. The wedding ta take place on August 22nd at 3 p.m. in Rehobotb Christian Reformed Church. 34-1* Mr. and Mrs. Wilfmed Kitson1 announice the engagement ofj their daughtem, Shirley Joan. to L/Cpl. Leslie John Richardson, P.P.C.L.I., son of Mr. G. B. Richardson and the late Mrs. Richardson, of Vernon, B.C. The wedding wiil take place in Winnipeg, September 5th, 1959. 34-1* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kromn- mendyk of Nyverdal, Holland, are happy to announce the en- gagement af their only daught- er Ann Maria Christina, ta Mr. Rualph Rolai Vandemkooi of Guelph, Ontario, son of Mm. and Mrs. John Vanderkooi ai Bow- manville, Ontario. The marriage wîll take place early in October, 1959, in the Christian Refommed Church, Nyverdal, Holland. 34-1* Mr. and Mrs. Randy Van Dyke of Guelph, Ontario, are happy ta announce the engagement of their oldcst daughter leka ta Mr. John Vanderkoai of Bowman- ville, Ontario, son ai Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderkooi, of Bow- manville, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 5th, 1959, at 3:00 o'clock, in the Reformed Cburch, Speedvale Avenue, Guelph, On- tario. 34-1* Deaths IBUTCHART, Mary-At Toron- to, on Monday, August 17, 1959, Mary Butchart, native of Bow- manville and formerly of the Nursing Division, Dept. of Public Hcalth, Toronto. Resting at Bates & Maddocks Funeral Chapel, 124 Avenue Rd. (just south of DavenportU. Service in the chapel, Thursday, at 1:301 p.m. Cremation St. James Cre--1 miatorium. 34-if CREEPER, Albert B.-At bis residence, 256 Havelock St., on Monday, August 17, 1959, Albert B. Creeper, son af the late Thomas and Maria Creeper, dear brother of Alice. Rested at the Earle Eliott Funeral Home, 715 Dovercourt Rd. (just soutb of Bloor). The meinorial service was conducted ln the chapel on Tuesday. Interment Bethesda Cemetery, Durham County, Wed- nesday afternoon. 34-if McCARTER - To Mary (nec Southey) wife of John P. Mc- Carter at Toronto General Has- pital on August l6th, 1959, a son. 34-1e STEVENSON-Suddenly at hem home on August 16, 1959, Marg- aret Çhristina Stevenson, 26 Finch Ave. E.. Wil]owdale, in ber 8lst vear. Dear wife of thc late "homnas Stevenson and ibelovcd mother of Miss Alice Stevenson, Willowdale; Mrs. Clayton Yeo (Ruth) Port Lar- ing: Harold, Willowdale, and Joseph. Golden Valley. Dean sister of Mms. M. McManus, Po- wassan; Mms. G. Rutz. Restoule; Mrs. W. Rayburn, Powassan; Joseph and Jack Vanscog, Sask- atchewan. Service was hcld at the R. S. Kane Funeral Home, Willowdale, on Tuesday, August l8th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetemýy. 34-1 TORDIFF - At Memarial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, Wednesday, August 12, 1959, Grace Tordifi, widow of William Tordiff, dear mother oi Grace (Mrs. T. M. Jeminings), Toronto: David of Bowmanville; George of Toron- ta. Restcd at the Northcutt & Smith Funemal Home, 53 Div- Ision St., Bowmanvillc. Service was held Friday, Auguat 14, at 2 p.m. Interment Bowvmanville Cemetery. 34-1 Nursing Homne The South Haven Rest Home -Licensed accommodation aai_- able for up or bed patients. MeLAUGHLIN-In loving me- niory ai a dean son and brother Carl McLauglini, who dicd sud-, denly August 2th, 1958. i A sulent thougbt, a secret tear,! Keeps bis memory ever dean. Time takes away the edge ai grief But mnemory tumns back every leaf. -Sadly missed and ever me- membcred by Mother. Dad, Brother, Sisters and familles. 34-1" Cards -of Thanks, I wish to thank our neighbours and relatives for their kindness during my illness. A special thanks for the baking, fruit, etc., sent to the house. Margaret Stainton. 34-1* We wish to express our sin- cere appreciatian and thanks to ail who helped in so many ways at the time of Neil's illness andi death. Doris and David Moffat, Will and Ruth Moffat, John, Grant, and Aleck. 34-1 Two grateful people would like ta thank their neigbbours and ail those who came in re- sponse ta their cail for help in connectian with thc fire at their famm on Saturday night. Being comparatîvely new ta this cam- munity it was most gratifying to knaw that 'at a time like that anc is flot alone. Thanking you from the bottom of our hearts, Percy and Mac Drysdalc. 34-1 In the ntidst of aur sorrow in the passing oi aur dear mother, Grace Tordiff, we wish ta convey aur deep gratitude ta the Canadian Legion Ladies, Branch 178 Canadian Legion. nie Foresters, Memorial Park Fuchre Club, Dr. Ewert, the staff at the hospital, Mr. Aub- rey Smith, anid especially Rcv. Herbert, and ail aur neighbours and friends wtho helped ta case aur burden. Also for the many beautiful floral tributes. A special tlhank yau to, Mm. and Mms. C. Morris, Queen St., for the came and affection they gave aur mother wbilc she lived. David, George and Grace. 34-1 IComing Events Supper - Cold turkcy, ham, salads, pies, cakes, at the Unit- cd Church, Blackstock, Faim Day, August 29. Adults $1.50, child- ren 50c. 34-2* Olde Tyme and Modern Danc- ing, Saturday, August 22, Cold- springs, Ont. Jim Fisher's Orch- estra. Dancing stants at 9 p.m. sharp. Admission $1.00. 34-1* Woodvîew Community Centre -Monsten Bingo. Twcnty games -twenty dollars; f ive games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., [Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Notices L. C. Mason's Law Office closed to August 25th. 32-3 Miss Hodgins' office will be closcd until Septemben 8th. 34-.3* Goodbmand Fabrics will be open Monday, August 24 aften vacation. 34-if Dm. E. L. Ewert's office will be closcd from Aug. 16 ta Sept. 7 inclusive. 33-3 As of August 8th, Dr. Sîsson's office will be closed until Sep- tember lst wbilc on holidays. 32-4 Wanted DEAD and crippled tarra stock, picked Up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. MargwiU] Fur Farni, Tyrone. 13-tf 100-200 ACRES land, prefcrably no buildings, light soil for trees. Write Advertiser 952, c/e Canadian Statesman, P. 0. Box 190, Bowmanvile. 26-9 Personal enoUeiAgJ.ewcaue 441.. z-tiHYGENIC supplies - (Rubber Roomcmd oSd goods) mailed postpald in plain Room and oard sealed envelope with price list.1 LAGESix samples 25c, 24 sai les LREroam for gentleman, $1 00.- Mail Order Dept. T-28. board if desired. 203 King St.:I ov--Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham.- MA 3-3186. 4-1ItN Ot.1 1ALSCO) alunîinum doors from iviUvea I$3 9.95 up. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince St.. Phone MA 3-3871. 34-1* Sale - Towers - Sale CORN silage. Delivered ta famm. 40' structure lnstalled wlth Apply Donald Boyington at Crown rotor and ail-channel Stokely-VanCamp, Wbitby. head. Reg. $150. Sale price 33-5* $115 TWO pair ai young men's I LEN & LOU'S TV tailor-nîade dress pants, size 32, waist. Phone MA 3-3165. 31 Waverlcy Road MA 3-3942 34-4* 33-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from ATTENTION FARMERS! mil ta you. Phillips LumberlIU E Q IM N Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Pone U E G IM N 17 r 11. 13tf~ INTERNATIONAL KEYS cut automatlcally. while GRAIN BINDER you waît,art Mason & Dale Ilard- ln good shape, make an offer wame. 36 King St. E., Boivinan-1 6-ft. CASE COMBINE ville. 46-tf with Power Take-off WATER, bard and sait, delIvIer- 6-ft. CASE COMBINE ed. Prompt service. Robent H. f with Motor Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA'Both combines ini top condition 3-5805. 31-tfi -: INTERNATIONAL MASSEY-HARRIS Pony tracter,1 FARMALL CUB TRACTOR five pieces. Phone Newcastlei with Mowcr and Plough 2163. William Kotynsky, one FAML mileeas. 332'~ SUPER "C" TRACTORt GLADIOLUS, cut flowers for. wlth 2-row Cultivator al occasions. Daily hospital SPECIAL FINANCE TERMS delivery. Mrs. Ernest Passant. Phone MA 3-3527. 2_7-10 Cowan Equipment Co. ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt i 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 service ta clectrical appliances, j 34-1 large and small. Lander Hard -j ware. Phone MA 3-5774 . 43-tf l Cars for Sale CUT flowers for sale. Gladts,;VOLKSWAGEN, 1958, deluxe; cverlasting and more. Sold for'rdo ivt.M 3315 wholesale also. C. deMooy, ai. rvte A 3-3155 RHR. 1, Orona, Ont., Phone 18rg.- 4 30-5e I 1949 INTERNATIONAL truck, INSULATIN, blowtg meth , / tons, 15 ft., 6 mns. stake body INSUATIO. blwîngmet.d, vth racks. In good condition. with rock wool. Wormnanship Phone 5r13 Clarke. 34-1 guaranteed. F r e e estimates., Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. 2420. 39-tf Save '20%. Six months ta pay. TWO edarstnp bots, For personal service at your TWOcedr sripboasvery home eaU Oshawa RA 5-2802, safe, new, 13' 6" x 60" x 28". colleet. 2-ti Reduced prices for quick sale.____ .Phone Omono 1072J. Highway FOR NEW FORDS 115, south ai Omono. 34-1 and Guaranteed Used Cars PRE-INVENTORY C o s t u m e Cl Jewellemy Sale. Ail items Bau JOHN STUTT Price. Sec aur special table. Hooper's Jewellery & Gift Shonn SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 29 KXing St. E., Bowranvillej 34-1 DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, faonr polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo mcthod) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf R A 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 9-ti BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors HA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 I EARING aid service. Testing 1 607 King St. East service and complete stock ai (Just East of Wilson Rd.) batteries and cords at Higgon. OSHAWA Electnie Limited, 38 King St. E, 1 10-tf Bowmanviile. Telephone MA 1 O 3-3305. 7.ti CARS FO SALE AUGUST Furniture Sale - j 1959 METEOR Demonstrator 2- spmîng-filled mattresses, $19.95; Dr. Hardtop. space savers, $44.95; chrome kitchen suite, $49.50; Sealy 1955 DODGE 2-Dr. mattresses, $3995; combimntion 1 1956 PONTIAC 4-Dr. battemy and electrie portble1 Radio, îow mileage radios, complete with batteries,, $300 down. $27-95. Trade-in ockinig chair, chrome kitchen suites, electrie :1950 FORD 2-Dr. refnigerators. Murphy Fumniture E Co., King St. W., MA 3-3781. C owan uim n Co 1 134 Kn t E. Bowmanviie, Barbecue Cike-Pon A3-69 34-1 Forspeia 1,~hcke~s Live:tock for S l Forspeialorders of extra large' JERSEY cow, vemy good iamily M.'l. 1 oui Phone .MA 3-2661. I bîrds k W 34-1 YI%0-UUL Phone MA 3-5578 THIRTEEN pigs, chunks. Norm Avery, beside Salem Scbool. owmavile Frgid200 LEGHORN puilets, laying, Lockr Sytem ivemonths aid. Phone MArket LocerSyse ,3-2887. 34-2* 34-11 >sîoa--YOUR ESSO \.'LDISTRfBuTOR FUEL OlL-GASOLINL MOrTOR OIL - CR EF 4 1t 200 DeKALB pullets, just start- ig ta lay, alsa 35 yean-old WVhite Leghorn hens. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle 3856. 34-1 Repairs RADIO and television repaira. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED televîsion and radio service, toalal makes. Saine day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. j 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures tumned, toalal makes of electnic matons. Higgon Elec- trc,38Kig iitPhneMA I3-33~5 Phon REPAIRS toa al makes af sew- ing machines. Free pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAJRS toalal makes of re- frigerators, domestic and com- m ercial; milking coalers. Hig- go n lectric Llmlted, 38 King iS. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf j Work Wanted 1 Help Wcmted Recrl Estate for Sale RealI Estate for Sale rTYPING at home, reasonable RELIABLE baby sitter. MArket 1 HOUSE for sale, seven rooms, innnn 1.1rates. Phone MA& 3-3069. 32-4 3-2374. 34-11 Newtonville. Telephone Clarke ACnn & ookI * - . - ---- 1 _______ I611. 34-l* REALTORS - P'?JUMvBING. heatrng, eaves-j MIDDLE-AGED woman. Tele;FRsl rexhne oi Rpeettv Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA ALSLADY - full time. A- brick. 7-roomed house in Bow- MARVIN NESBITT 3-1240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf!pl SA peson to Mange' manville. heavy wiring, où, and Phone Blackstock 44 R il ply n pr angerof oak floors. Large lot. For 100 acre farni. full price INTERIOR and exterior paint- Walker Storesse i Bowmanville $16,000 with good buildings. ing, pper haging. all Mele -.----.-Oshawa or Toronto. WriteAd jRozema, MA 3-2584, R.R. 1, FEMALE help. full or part time,i vertiser 970, c/o The Canadian 100 acre farrn, $17,000 ful Bowmanville. 34-.2*I live in or out. Apply South- I Statesman, P.O. Bo 190, Bow- pie erSna Haven Rest Home, Newcastle.! manville, 34-1 100 acre farm, $7,500 ful IWHITEWASHING and disinfect-I Phone 4441. 34-1 price. in tbeetc. Free estimates,- SMALL estate, Orono - Lovely 100 acre farm, S20,000 full alwr uaranteed. Telephone REFINED, middle-aged wornan 7-room 1-floor, wide white clap- price. Clarke 1321. Bert Tompkins, for housework in small home. board. heavy insulation; garagei Body shop. garage and service R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 Work light. Wife convalescing.1 and office to match, chicken1 station; used cars. 41 - Mrs. Elgin Wight, 140 King St.! house, tool house and many, ;FOR chimney work, new or 1 East. MA 3-3823. 34-1! extras. Built 6 years, an 2 acres. M Qu repair or any brick, block o r j beside fine wooded ravine, well and f1Uid concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. DELIVERY boy, after 4 o'clockilandscaped with beautiful a- RA1O Call L. Turner, Phone MA and Saturdays. Write Advertý~-1 en and fris os utmiMm ersA OshwRnS~ src 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf er 972, c/o The Canadian States-1 built with every convenience. Real Estate Board man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman-' One block ta everything. Own- EXPERIENCED ledger clerk ville. 34-1 'rfre osi tol 1 0 125 acre farm on No. 115 would like part-time clerical WIRE Si Open for offer. Phone Orono Hgwy rc osgo work. No typing. Write Ad-wned ui ie 1191. 4 109arsjfpn verisr 91,c/OTh Caadanexperience not necessary. Tele- 3- 10arcr5es0 ofpn. trees in 971,c/oTheCazadin pone ewcstl 421, ireideClarke Township, S4,000 full Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow phockn BaNewcte 4, F side price. mavil. 4115.nextBarte i o Highwa3-2 Peter Feddema 100 acre pasture ranch wit.h --- -----REAL ESTATE BROKER stream. $6,000 with ternis.. A grConstruction Co. EXPERIENCED reliable man for 10ace -7 omhu, Beautiful 8-roorn home ln orchard and packing house 10ars-7 ombue Orono, 2 bathrooms, ail furn- LTD. Good wages and warking con-ilarge L-shape barn, hien house, ace. $2,500 down. Chimneys Rebuilt and Repaired ditions. Apply in persan if!garage, nice stream, good loca- Centrally Iocatcd brick house possible. Harold Watson, No. 2ition. Price $22,000. Ternis. i omnil,5,0 on Brick - Concrete - CarpentryiHighway, Bowmanville. MArket I 44 acres facing 401 and No. 2 l omnil,$,0 on Phone Roy Anger MA 3-'273 3-5893-. lý1Highways, small stream. good WVALTER FRANK 33-tf 1- - investmleni. Prîce $4,400.00. 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 PART or fuil-time, make extra 2 acres with new, moderni Bowmuanville ;f maney. Seil your friends and1bungalow, nice view. Priced tal 34-1 Plastering tiepairs oters in an assied district our; sell. Easy ternis. Mal rv. Jm s N QUICK SERVICE commission. Write for free Price $1,500.00. Ja esNxon STCOAND NEW WORK catalogue. Familex Dept. A.31I Small acreages between Bow- REAL ESTATE BROKER R L. TAFT 600Delorirnier Montreal. 34-1 manville and Oshawa. Priced 6acStioms, two-storey, semi-de- R L. T F at $300.00 per acre, tcle brick dwelling, bath, gas 54 King St. E. MA 3-r,030 THE Village of Newcastle re-i 2-storey semi-detached bouse, heating and cooking. oak and 16-tf quires the services of a man very central, 3 bedrooms, kitch- tile floors, many extras. This capable of handling the com- en, living-room, bath. full base- property is in immaculate con- OS A V bined positions of Clerk-Treas- ment. Price $5,500. Downi dition. Priced to seil. OS A A Turer, Assessor and Tax Collect- 1 $1,00)0. 5 room frame house, bath, TELVIIO AEIAoSLE Applicants should apply in 189 Scugog St. Bowrmanville1 furnace, rnany extras. TLVSO EILSLSwriting, onor bfr etmPhnMA3645room insul brick house, close M INSTLLATIO and RPAIRSber l4th, stating qualifications, 3_1t omrvle INSTL PAoNnd RPAIS eferences and salary expected, 4 room cottage. heavy wir- Bownianville Oshawa ta 0.. Box 130, Newcastle, Ont. ig furniture, etc., $1,000 down. MA 3-5522 RA 8-81801332 Lak Rel E ae 54 acres with twenty thousand 25-t f Christmas trees, creek, cedar 1For Rent 6ro ranch brick bungalow, trees. Priced ta seil. i______ ______ li, attached garage,4-i 20 acres, new bungalow, good Save ivoney ai AATVET A. piece tîled bath, 3 bedrooms, ail depth of coarse and fine gravel. - ..T1 FT i Pone MA3-furnace with hot water heatîng, 7 Queen St. Box 941 Vave's Shoe Îiepair 54._________ aluminum storms and screens, Bowmanville MA 3-5682 FOUR-roomed apartment, hea- landscaped. This is an extra FAST, PROMPT SERVICE e.PoeMre -72at fine home on Frederick Ave. 3-- 126 Ontario St., Bowmanville 6 p.m. 34-I Ternis armaýnged. -CORNER KING and ONTARIO - 100 acre farm near Blackstock.AM~ L~ALIAL 24-tf APARTMENT, heated, 3 roomns Bank barn with water in stable:1 200 acres, close ta Lindsay, i - an bath. Apply Apt. 4. 63 hog pen, hien bouse, 8 room on Highway 35, so]id brick >iPLUMBING HEATING 1 King St. W. 34-1 modern brick bouse, 80 acres: bouse, ail con veniences, large EAVETROGHIG ITHREroms uie, slf-on-workable, creek, 2 %vells on, L-shaped barn. al] workable, proprty Paed rad y dor.level square fîelds well[n~ TONY BAARS taedktenteheeho $16.000,00 or best offer. Ternms.'Ths s neof^hebet arrnsiý MorSun Poermtic Morisn ate, auit prfered. MA 4 recmn.bungalow, trout creek Lthe township. $9 5,000, terni Mo-uPwrate orsn3-3973. 34- * .,0OO Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - Oil-- by door, fireplace. 2-piece bath.ý Immediate possession. 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 I THREE rooms, modemn. private 2 extra lots could be sold, cedar 200 acres of good level land, BOWMANVILLE i entrance and bath at four corn- woods at back. heavy wired. bankbarn 38' x 70' insul brick 20-tf ers, Bowmanville. Apply Ap3t. 5. $5,700.00. Termis. bouse, 125 acres workab]e, 75 23 Temperance. 34-tf 4 room bungalow at lake, tiled acres bush and pasture, nea THRE ooedhete floors, water insîde, parch, 2 bcd- stones; corner lot. on Highwav Harr Le Landr THRE-rome hetedapart-, rooms, lake front, $4,000 wtih 5 miles east of Lindsay. For Har LeLunr ment, heavy wired, separate $500,00 cash. Easy teýrîns on quick sale, $15.000, good ternis. f 19 TEMPEIIANCE ST. entrance and bath. Immediate balance. Less for cash. 100 acres. l'mile frorn Oak-. Phoe A -721 possession. Phone MA 3-.2436. We have houses. cottages, wood on gooci road. Brick hou.e PoneMAL3 7NT02r1-ooe 17-tf farms. Cali at office. emodelled, bankbarni 40' x 60%, BOW ANVLL, OT. HEATPD, he-ond dow .i- M. E. LEASE ilice leXTel land, 25 acres buslà Also do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. stairs apartment, kitchenette Real Estate Broker and pasture. balance workable-. Pc T? adand bathl-, centrally located, 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville $ 5 $50 ars cHihav i o PikUp and uelvery iwasher service. Phone MA 3- MArket 3-5919 ing Sare o H ingv on MOND~A1 TO SATURDAY 5277. 34-tf 34-l! ver 2,000 ft.,beode'ing onri-il QUICK SERVICE TRE-Imd ptir p--I _____________40'___x_60r'odeled arne 1 1tfment with heat and water ni-D ih elEtfe eýsri and some machin. jplied, separate bot water and yicue ,il amo,ý jhydro, sink, range and cup- ~0Ar am ag for best offer, writh easy ternis. j Wanted ta Buy boards in kitchen. Piaebath, baîik ban with running wat 6rNewcatle incrize8,0home1,5t j kndsof ive poutryseparate entrance, on gha drive shed, silo, etc.:8 roomed down. bah 800$,O ALL nd oflv olr No. 2. Phone MA 3-2248. homne with ail modemn con- 1wanted. Highest prices paid.j 34-1 veîniencs isptescodto. 4-room house, between Osh- M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1.Poecei stesndio. awa and Bownîanville. $6,00() 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf IA LOVELY bungalow, ail heat- -sii 2,00 wt 500 $800 clown. ______________________ Ied, toaà meliable couple. No rent! down. 2 acres at Newtonville. 6. HIGHEST prîces paîd for used ta pay but' must pay for lights! 100 Acre farm near Rice Lake,' moom bouse, g-arage and chicken fumniture, appliances, television, and ail and give a retired 75 acres workable. bank barnil godgren 500- ,0 sewing machines, etc. Also seli gentleman bis meals who bas 'with running water, drive shed, doýn. and exchange. 59 King St. W. own separate quarters, is no ' etc.; 8 roomed home with 4- Large and sinall tarins, flou- Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf trouble. No children. Phone piece bath, running bot and cold ses, s "\':,ce stations, general MA 3-5744 or write P.O. Box water. Asking $15,000 with low soeee HIGHEST prîces paid for litre 245. 34-1* down payment. soeec poultry, goose feathers, fea ther- 100 Acre farm, 65 acres work- Moiiyte to an. ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals 4-ROOMED SELF-CONTAINED able, L-shaped bank bari, drive' H. C. I>EDWELL, BROKER and raw fuma. Phone RA 3-2043 shed, garage, etc.; 7 roomed iNewcastle Phone 3856 Oshawa, coileet. 48-tf APARTMENT bouse with bathroom, running; Salesmen : WIT GAAGEwater. Asking $12.500 with easy Maurice IL Iedweil j WITH GARAGE Phone Newcastle 3851 I 821/2 CHURCH ST. dw arnnjWin. A. Heron I100 Acre farni, close ta New- Phone 12. Brooklij Phn MA 339 tonville, 90 acres workable, large E. .efferv ÎE sprîng. U-shaped barn, machine Phone 238, Coiborme >, ONTARIO34-tfished, etc.; 6 oomed home with 3- DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS runninig water. Asking $16,800________34 J '4 fr ae ît $,00don.Unetan y n xpcttij LOI offilce. school and 401 Higbway. Ask- I- ______6_____bunglowo_____12,00._Teras_____ged Display Classified at $1.50 per Lovey 6roo bugalo oning$12000.Tems araned. i cwith a minimum ai on.inchi. A SMALL black note book, large lot. Extremely well built I 5 Romed bungalow with al Additional insertions at the marnae containî.ng business data. Vic- and imnîaculately kept. 2-car modemn conveniences, garage, rts inity Concession and Elgin St. garage. Pitre nmnutes from double lot. Nice private loca- JW a<assified Ads must b. ln Small reward. Write Adrver- town. $12,900.00. Terrms ar-ition. Price $9,000 with terms. ts office flot luter thon tiser 973, c/o Canadian States- ranged. Contact 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday man, P.O. Box 190. 34-1 We have sold sývera1 proper-i S.nd cash, starnps or money orch ___________________tics reccntly and require goodi Jh .D ihCi thi» out for hany.rao Pesnlhomes for waiting clients:! Jh .DeW l U nyrfrn Pesn l"Cash for an extra good home."j Realtor and General Insurance OFFICE ROUES 34-1 e~.î n 81 Mondauy îhrough Fridoey CHESTERFIELDS and odd I :0ar. a Spm chairs re-upholstered to look Salesmen: 8:0a tr12dNo better than new. Go where you Sticcess ini life depends upon' Donald MountJoY, BowmnVlile 53 ..1 2No get the best for less. For free persistent effort, upon the im-' MA 3-3950 The Canadian Statesman estimates, free pick-up and de- provement of moments more RossDavldson, Bethany D.Casiad MAServ330 livery, cail Modern Upholster- than upon mny other one thing. J Phone 21 r 6 fier1 __________Ad________ Ing, RA 8-6451, Oshawa. 33-16 -Mary Baker Eddy. 414-1____________ I i. 1959 VIE CONGRATULATE!!! CALL05 NOW FOR TE CDIL -YOULLRAT! 1 i

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